Ooh Obi gets to be sneaky in ISeeLight, so is he close with Vos and the other Shadows? They’d probably have a lot of great stories to share with each other (if highly redacted). It would be cool if the Shadows and other undercover Jedi tended to be omegas (or betas, if there are any) since they’re supposed to be caring and docile arm candy. Also, I bet Anakin would adopt Obi into his mech hoard if he let him improve the cat ears ;3

you still want me when you come back… if you still want me then
Obi-Wan, come find this old broken alpha and I’ll be yours if
you’re still the omega who wants someone as broken as me for
a mate.’
The words had been whispered so sweetly against his lips, the chest
rumbling beneath his hands as Obi-Wan leaned up against the other
man, standing on his toes.

that had been when Obi-Wan himself was not broken.

he could see and did not wear the robotic cat ears that allowed him
to sense the world along with the Force, giving him a very echo
location like sight, when
his body wasn’t covered in scar like a canvas of the galaxies

was broken from his thought as an arm grabbed around him, Quinlan
letting out a loud, happy laugh as he dropped down on the couch
beside him. “I can’t believe you’re finally back you lucky
dog!” The other omega greeted happily as he tucked a cup into the
blind Jedi’s hand. “I’d ask for stories but I know it’s all
classified just like all Shadow work.” Quinlan chortled.

the man distract him as he had offered when inviting the returned
redhead to his quarters, Obi-Wan chuckled faintly. “As you well
know from being one yourself. How goes life by the way? Heard
anything from any of the others?” Asking curiously, Obi-Wan sniffed
at the cup before taking a sip.

kiffar ale, not the worst of what Quinlan offered people to drink.

you know, pretending to be arm candies, being teases and hitting when
people least expect it.” Quinlan shifted, the air shifting and
Obi-Wan could almost see the hand moving in front of him in a
swishing motion.

softly, Obi-Wan continued sipping slowly as he let the other fill his
head with chatter.

not to think too deeply on his own ruined body and eyes.

not to think of deep blue eyes and a broken nose.

you smell of distress, what’s wrong Obi-Wan?” Quinlan’s happy
voice had sobered up and Obi-Wan shook himself but remained under his
fellow omega’s arm.

with the cup, Obi-Wan opened his mouth then closed it again,
hesitating. “…Am I broken Quin?” He finally asked, trying to
sound questioning but ending up sounding small and sad.

was a long pause before Quinlan suddenly dragged him into his lap and
hugged him tight. “I’m breaking the nose of whoever said that to
you,” The other omega snarled. “No, you are not
broken Obi-Wan. You are still just as capable and just as beautiful
as you’ve always been and to kark with anyone who says that.” The
kiffar growled protectively.

harshly, his mech ears shifting to take in noises both inside and
outside of the quarters, Obi-Wan clenched his hands on the cup. “But
I can’t see and you… you saw the scars on my hands, those aren’t
the only ones.” Obi-Wan offered up shakily. Quinlan had come
barging into his quarters and Obi-Wan may have been able to throw on
clothes quickly but bandaging his own hands in seconds was a lot

Quinlan had touched his hands, had seen
with his psychometry.

his chin onto Obi-Wan’s shoulder, Quinlan let out a huffing breath.
“You listen to me and you listen well Obi-Wan Kenobi, you are not
broken, you are not chipped and you are not ruined. You are still the
bad mother fucking Jedi we were when we started out and a knight
worth your weight in solid gold and anyone who says anything else
deserves to have their noses and thigh bones broken,” Quinlan
whispered harshly. “And any alpha or omega or null would be lucky
to have your attention.” He settled on, going quiet.

you think Qui-Gon still loves me?” Obi-Wan questioned desperately
and Quinlan let out a noise so wounded and reassuring at the same
time that Obi-Wan couldn’t help but let out a sob and drop the cup
to the floor, burying himself into Quinlan’s shoulder, he’d
apologize and offer to clean it later but right now he needed

does Obi-Wan, of course he does Obi-Wan.”

Can we get more of BurnedEyes? Maybe a jump forward to Obi figuring out that Ataru no longer fits him since the leaps and attacks take a lot of hand-eye coordination? I mean, especially if you have difficulty judging footing and stable places to land. So Qui-Gon has him work with several masters to figure out a style that works best. Maybe Tahl and Micah weigh in? And while Soresu is a good fit, maybe his grandmaster Dooku works with him on Makashi too?

primary focus is to trust
in the Force as they walk forward on the path in their life and that
includes any blind Jedi, be it by birth or by time.

includes Obi-Wan now and he reminds himself to trust in the Force as
he continues to breath as deeply as he can despite already being
exhausted and feeling like his limbs will fall off at any moment as
he strains his ears.

little shuffle, one little shift, that’s all he needs as he relies
on the Force to give him impressions, to work as his ‘eyes’ in a
round about way without giving away to his opponent that he knows
where he is.


around, Obi-Wan barely blocked the powerful blow, feeling the
vibrations up his arms as his own grunt was covered by a louder growl
as he pushed back the very frustrated Master Mace.

Qui-Gon had told him that Ataru would be close to impossible to him
with the twists and turns and leaps that required a high amount of
hand to eye not to mention dept perception, he had felt his stomach

he had been informed that his master was looking into alternatives he
had been cautiously optimistic.

when he had finally informed him who
would be teaching him… well sufficient to say that Obi-Wan’s
first thought was how he was going to get his ass kicked to the mats
more than once.

it appeared that it wasn’t as bad as Obi-Wan had worried, because
Obi-Wan’s way of sensing the world acted as a natural counter
balance to Master Windu’s vaapad.

was not to say it was easy, far from it, Obi-Wan could feel the
strain in every muscle and that included the mental ones calculating
each and every move of the master and clearly Master Mace was going
gentle against him on purpose because if he truly went all out on a
padawan, especially one recovering as Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan would be flung
against the mats
ages ago.

he was doing better than expected.

Master Mace had gone from gently testing him to properly working up a
sweat from what Obi-Wan could smell every time the other came close

couldn’t bounce and jump as before no, but he could still block and
parry and even cautiously attack when he felt certain enough though
the master of the order quite easily swatted him away but maybe, just
maybe Obi-Wan could one day become as great a swordsman as his master
and the master of the order if he continued like this.

Mace seemed tired of the cat and mouse game and Obi-Wan yelped as he
felt a foot hook around his ankle while the saber was slammed out of
his grip, the blind padawan’s back hitting the floor mat’s with a
loud thump as he breathed out heavily.

was a deep silence before the master of the order spoke. “That was
quite impressive young Kenobi, your master wasn’t wrong about your
progress.” The man sounded amused to Obi-Wan and he heard the saber
power down and a shift, sensed the others hand in the air.

Obi-Wan pushed himself up and took the hand, knowing that he was
blushing but hoping that the mask he now wore covered that up. “Thank
you Master Mace, I’ve been trying my best to adapt to my new way of
sensing the world through the Force but… well I’m still younger.”
He murmured humbly, feeling the warm hand squeeze his.

have come far padawan and your mastery over sensing with the Force is
great. Just continue to work forward and you may just become our
greatest member.” Mace murmured warmly as steps came towards them.

could sense his master, glowing with pride along with another person.
Human, male and curious by what Obi-Wan could tell.

Force was a great ally to him but
it was not the same as seeing so there were some things Obi-Wan just
could no longer take in… like colors but at least he had this much
as he turned to his master and the unknown person, bowing slightly.

rung in the other person even as Qui-Gon reached out to squeeze his
shoulder. “Well done Obi-Wan, you held out much longer than I even
hoped,” The man chuckled, filling Obi-Wan with happiness at the praise even as he
tilted his head curiously in the direction of the other person.
Something Qui-Gon was quick to notice. “Ah, this is your
grandmaster Obi-Wan, Yan Dooku, I’ve asked him here to see if
makashi may be a style for you. What do you think Yan?”

heard a shift, smelled expensive cologne along with hearing a deep
hum as he imagined the person rubbing their chin in the way he had seen Qui-Gon do often. “I would say he
has the body type for it, by what I can tell, he would benefit from the
tight movements and conservation of the Force but we will have to
see. Do you have energy for another spar young padawan?” The latter
was of course directed at Obi-Wan, the voice deep, smooth and

up under what he assumed to be three gazes, Obi-Wan nodded. “Of
course master. I strive to do my best and have more than enough
energy for a trial spar.” He answered promptly, feeling Qui-Gon
squeeze his shoulder gently in assurance.

wasn’t expected to win any of these spars but Obi-Wan would
endeavor to do his best still.

to do his master proud and make his place in the order a certain

It’s been awhile since the last BurnedEyes, so is Obi doing better around his classmates? Maybe a successful mission helps to boost his confidence.

Whispering assurances as he
dripped Obi-Wan’s grit filled eyes with his eye drops, Qui-Gon held
his padawan’s head in his lap as he made sure the boy knew that he
had been doing wonderful, that Obi-Wan had managed to find the
slavers den with his own skills when Qui-Gon would have walked
totally past the secret entrance.

sensitivity to air pressure, wind direction changes and smells had
really come into use as they had been walking through the caverns so
aptly named ‘slavers caverns’. Only it had become apparent as
Obi-Wan found man made passages that they were doing their best to
hide their little slavery ring better these days.

Obi-Wan had found the pens holding the missing teenagers from the
planet along with several others.

he had also found the main bulk of the slavers who had been quite
ready to take both Jedi in or kill them.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had done their best, holding out until the local
law enforcement could join them and taking in the slavers, a few of
them had gotten the jump on Obi-Wan, his mask having clattered to the
rocky ground and exposing his pale eyes and scarred face.

some point he had also been thrown around, grit getting into those
damaged eyes but Obi-Wan hadn’t let that stop him and Qui-Gon just…

was so proud of his padawan, the young man was doing so well despite
the injuries he had suffered and the handicaps he now had thanks to
Xanatos and Qui-Gon wasn’t sure he himself would handle it so well.

Obi-Wan was thriving, getting better and doing his best.

Qui-Gon to help him now in washing out the grit of the others eyes so
the eyeballs wouldn’t become more damaged than they already were.
“I don’t think I would have found the pens if it wasn’t for you
padawan.” Qui-Gon noted out loud as the officers continued leading
chained up slavers into the transports with the medics taking care of
the slaves and a few being interviewed, leaving the two Jedi mostly

let out a tiny noise, squeezing Qui-Gon’s leg as the man sat on the
grassy ground outside the caves. “T-Thanks master but please…
please work a bit faster,” Obi-Wan grunted. “I might not be able
to see but this does not feel nice.” He got out with a shaking

know, I’m working on it, I’m trying to clean it out.” Qui-Gon
promised, licking his lips nervously while wondering if he should ask
a medic for some help. “Try blinking a bit Obi-Wan?” He asked
while lifting the right eyelid a bit up to see if that would loosen
the grit.

did as told, hissing a bit while digging his nails into the leg of
his master, blind eyes staring up at the sky past Qui-Gon.

“… I
think that’s better?” Obi-Wan whispered.

clean off your face and we’ll see,” Qui-Gon murmured, taking his
handkerchief and moistening it with some water from a bottle, washing
off Obi-Wan’s face where the cleaning solution had rolled out of
Obi-Wan’s eyes as pseudo tears. “Alright,
try blinking little one.” He asked.

as told slowly, Obi-Wan grimaced but sat up. “I think its better…
I don’t really feel like I got anything in my eyes?” He turned to
Qui-Gon to let him have a good look at the blind eyes.

the eyelids gently and pressing with his thumbs, Qui-Gon pursed his
lips. “…I don’t see anything but I would like for a medic to
take a look to be sure with some of their equipment since you don’t
have true sensation or tear ducts after the lightsaber burned them away.”
He murmured before pulling Obi-Wan into a one armed hug with a smile.

into his master, Obi-Wan chuckled a bit. “Fine by me master… but
lets just sit here for a bit right now.” He sighed, notably tired
but relieved.

we can do little one,” Qui-Gon promised quietly, watching as
Officer Wandana looked around for them. “At least for a few

It’s been awhile since the last BurnedEyes, so is Obi doing better around his classmates? Maybe a successful mission helps to boost his confidence.

Whispering assurances as he
dripped Obi-Wan’s grit filled eyes with his eye drops, Qui-Gon held
his padawan’s head in his lap as he made sure the boy knew that he
had been doing wonderful, that Obi-Wan had managed to find the
slavers den with his own skills when Qui-Gon would have walked
totally past the secret entrance.

sensitivity to air pressure, wind direction changes and smells had
really come into use as they had been walking through the caverns so
aptly named ‘slavers caverns’. Only it had become apparent as
Obi-Wan found man made passages that they were doing their best to
hide their little slavery ring better these days.

Obi-Wan had found the pens holding the missing teenagers from the
planet along with several others.

he had also found the main bulk of the slavers who had been quite
ready to take both Jedi in or kill them.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had done their best, holding out until the local
law enforcement could join them and taking in the slavers, a few of
them had gotten the jump on Obi-Wan, his mask having clattered to the
rocky ground and exposing his pale eyes and scarred face.

some point he had also been thrown around, grit getting into those
damaged eyes but Obi-Wan hadn’t let that stop him and Qui-Gon just…

was so proud of his padawan, the young man was doing so well despite
the injuries he had suffered and the handicaps he now had thanks to
Xanatos and Qui-Gon wasn’t sure he himself would handle it so well.

Obi-Wan was thriving, getting better and doing his best.

Qui-Gon to help him now in washing out the grit of the others eyes so
the eyeballs wouldn’t become more damaged than they already were.
“I don’t think I would have found the pens if it wasn’t for you
padawan.” Qui-Gon noted out loud as the officers continued leading
chained up slavers into the transports with the medics taking care of
the slaves and a few being interviewed, leaving the two Jedi mostly

let out a tiny noise, squeezing Qui-Gon’s leg as the man sat on the
grassy ground outside the caves. “T-Thanks master but please…
please work a bit faster,” Obi-Wan grunted. “I might not be able
to see but this does not feel nice.” He got out with a shaking

know, I’m working on it, I’m trying to clean it out.” Qui-Gon
promised, licking his lips nervously while wondering if he should ask
a medic for some help. “Try blinking a bit Obi-Wan?” He asked
while lifting the right eyelid a bit up to see if that would loosen
the grit.

did as told, hissing a bit while digging his nails into the leg of
his master, blind eyes staring up at the sky past Qui-Gon.

“… I
think that’s better?” Obi-Wan whispered.

clean off your face and we’ll see,” Qui-Gon murmured, taking his
handkerchief and moistening it with some water from a bottle, washing
off Obi-Wan’s face where the cleaning solution had rolled out of
Obi-Wan’s eyes as pseudo tears. “Alright,
try blinking little one.” He asked.

as told slowly, Obi-Wan grimaced but sat up. “I think its better…
I don’t really feel like I got anything in my eyes?” He turned to
Qui-Gon to let him have a good look at the blind eyes.

the eyelids gently and pressing with his thumbs, Qui-Gon pursed his
lips. “…I don’t see anything but I would like for a medic to
take a look to be sure with some of their equipment since you don’t
have true sensation or tear ducts after the lightsaber burned them away.”
He murmured before pulling Obi-Wan into a one armed hug with a smile.

into his master, Obi-Wan chuckled a bit. “Fine by me master… but
lets just sit here for a bit right now.” He sighed, notably tired
but relieved.

we can do little one,” Qui-Gon promised quietly, watching as
Officer Wandana looked around for them. “At least for a few

GoldenPetals, I know we all want comfort/angst, but who gets to tell Qui-Gon what his master’s started? That can’t be a fun conversation…

at the masters, Qui-Gon couldn’t resist the urge anymore as he sat
on the medical bed to raise his hands and put a finger in each ear,
twisting his them around to clean out his ears because…

had to have heard wrong, there was just no way…

you please repeat that?” He questioned, his voice edged with
desperation and he half noted the healer quickly scuttling out of the
door, as if the zabrak was uncomfortable with hearing more of
this personal nature
after the checkup she had given the old master come back to life and
comparing to original records.

face saddened and he shifted to perch his rear on the bed beside
Qui-Gon instead of standing at his side. “I’m sorry master but
its true, the leader of this whole madness is your old master, Yan
Dooku.” He murmured tiredly. “He joined the Sith Lord that once
controlled the one who killed you and…” Obi-Wan breathed out
heavily, his breath stirring his own hair a bit and it would have
looked pretty despite how tired Obi-Wan looked but at this moment all
Qui-Gon could feel was an icy numbness not unlike the ice of Hoth.

master leaving the order wasn’t so shocking, Qui-Gon had learned
his discontent with the council from a place after all but the idea
of him joining the very Sith lord in hiding, the one that wielded
them all like puppets and then initiate a galactic

felt so… absurd.

his face into his hands, Qui-Gon took a sharp gasping breath, a pain
not unlike the time Xanatos Fell sharpening in his chest even as a
warm hand settled on his back to rub with warmth that was penetrating
the numbness and past the pain. “Obi-Wan, breath, you need to
breath.” Obi-Wan whispered in an alarmed and concerned tone,
pressing his body closer to the man.

joined him a moment later, rubbing Qui-Gon’s back with Obi-Wan’s
they took a side each with Plo’s claws curling over his shoulders.

that moment Qui-Gon felt all three working to fortify him, to comfort
him with a small clawed hand touching his shin.


must he have felt? Yan was his pride and joy regardless of how they
clashed in the later years of my life before… oh Yoda what has
happened to our world?’ Qui-Gon managed to take a sharp, snapping
breath and dropped his hands to his knees. “Am I cursed?” He
asked with that edge of anguish still clawing inside him as he meet
the eyes of the old troll, watching the ears rise and fall with
sadness. “My first real padawan that I guide from start to finish
Falls and so does my master and I come back only to learn that my
last padawan shall die because flowers blooms in his lungs and a
galaxy wide war has embraced everything with the Jedi giving over to
the Senate and becoming war
generals?” Qui-Gon choked out. He did not mention Tahl, could not
mention her right now.

face fell even more. “Cursed you are not Qui-Gon, but much the
Force has thrown at you testing you it is… find a solution the war
we must.”
Yoda said firmly before squeezing his clawed hand on Qui-Gon’s leg
once more. “Strong we must stand.”

his head, Qui-Gon opened his mouth only to freeze at a small cough,
quickly turning his head to Obi-Wan to find the other quivering a bit
before coughing up a soft golden petal though not a flower at the

they were now watching him instead, Obi-Wan smiled weakly.
“Apologies, I did not mean to… the fits come as they want.” He
sighed, looking at the petal in his hand.

looked so innocent and Qui-Gon felt his heart wane before he slowly
reached out and wrapped his hands around the others hand, covering up
the petals. “Don’t apologies for being sick Obi-Wan.” He
whispered out, his voice still on the hoarse side from his earlier
panic and anxiety unleashed by the news. “Never apologize for that,
not to me. You have no need of that my dear padawan.” He added
quietly before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to the others

trembled before seemingly
lessening, coiling into Qui-Gon’s body with a small nod as he let
his hands be held. “Still, we have much to speak about but I think
this is enough shocking news for now,” He glanced at the other
council members who agreed with a nod, Yoda more reluctant than the
other two but still agreeing.

was grateful, he wasn’t sure how many shocks he could handle in one
day even in this new body, regardless if it felt stronger and more
limber than the day he died. “Walk me back to my room?” He
questioned quietly, smiling at the redhead who gave a little
delighted laugh before nodding and standing, regretfully pulling away
from Qui-Gon’s hands.

alright, he’s not going too far, not yet,’ Qui-Gon reminded
himself as he stood too and resisted the urge to take Obi-Wan’s
hand in his. ‘He’ll be in the rooms right next to me… and I
have yet to fill my cupboards with
food or drink…
maybe I can invite myself for tea.’ Qui-Gon rested his hand on
Obi-Wan’s upper back at that thought, smiling tiredly at the others
before following Obi-Wan out. ‘Just a little a cup of tea…’

GoldenPetals, I know we all want comfort/angst, but who gets to tell Qui-Gon what his master’s started? That can’t be a fun conversation…

at the masters, Qui-Gon couldn’t resist the urge anymore as he sat
on the medical bed to raise his hands and put a finger in each ear,
twisting his them around to clean out his ears because…

had to have heard wrong, there was just no way…

you please repeat that?” He questioned, his voice edged with
desperation and he half noted the healer quickly scuttling out of the
door, as if the zabrak was uncomfortable with hearing more of
this personal nature
after the checkup she had given the old master come back to life and
comparing to original records.

face saddened and he shifted to perch his rear on the bed beside
Qui-Gon instead of standing at his side. “I’m sorry master but
its true, the leader of this whole madness is your old master, Yan
Dooku.” He murmured tiredly. “He joined the Sith Lord that once
controlled the one who killed you and…” Obi-Wan breathed out
heavily, his breath stirring his own hair a bit and it would have
looked pretty despite how tired Obi-Wan looked but at this moment all
Qui-Gon could feel was an icy numbness not unlike the ice of Hoth.

master leaving the order wasn’t so shocking, Qui-Gon had learned
his discontent with the council from a place after all but the idea
of him joining the very Sith lord in hiding, the one that wielded
them all like puppets and then initiate a galactic

felt so… absurd.

his face into his hands, Qui-Gon took a sharp gasping breath, a pain
not unlike the time Xanatos Fell sharpening in his chest even as a
warm hand settled on his back to rub with warmth that was penetrating
the numbness and past the pain. “Obi-Wan, breath, you need to
breath.” Obi-Wan whispered in an alarmed and concerned tone,
pressing his body closer to the man.

joined him a moment later, rubbing Qui-Gon’s back with Obi-Wan’s
they took a side each with Plo’s claws curling over his shoulders.

that moment Qui-Gon felt all three working to fortify him, to comfort
him with a small clawed hand touching his shin.


must he have felt? Yan was his pride and joy regardless of how they
clashed in the later years of my life before… oh Yoda what has
happened to our world?’ Qui-Gon managed to take a sharp, snapping
breath and dropped his hands to his knees. “Am I cursed?” He
asked with that edge of anguish still clawing inside him as he meet
the eyes of the old troll, watching the ears rise and fall with
sadness. “My first real padawan that I guide from start to finish
Falls and so does my master and I come back only to learn that my
last padawan shall die because flowers blooms in his lungs and a
galaxy wide war has embraced everything with the Jedi giving over to
the Senate and becoming war
generals?” Qui-Gon choked out. He did not mention Tahl, could not
mention her right now.

face fell even more. “Cursed you are not Qui-Gon, but much the
Force has thrown at you testing you it is… find a solution the war
we must.”
Yoda said firmly before squeezing his clawed hand on Qui-Gon’s leg
once more. “Strong we must stand.”

his head, Qui-Gon opened his mouth only to freeze at a small cough,
quickly turning his head to Obi-Wan to find the other quivering a bit
before coughing up a soft golden petal though not a flower at the

they were now watching him instead, Obi-Wan smiled weakly.
“Apologies, I did not mean to… the fits come as they want.” He
sighed, looking at the petal in his hand.

looked so innocent and Qui-Gon felt his heart wane before he slowly
reached out and wrapped his hands around the others hand, covering up
the petals. “Don’t apologies for being sick Obi-Wan.” He
whispered out, his voice still on the hoarse side from his earlier
panic and anxiety unleashed by the news. “Never apologize for that,
not to me. You have no need of that my dear padawan.” He added
quietly before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to the others

trembled before seemingly
lessening, coiling into Qui-Gon’s body with a small nod as he let
his hands be held. “Still, we have much to speak about but I think
this is enough shocking news for now,” He glanced at the other
council members who agreed with a nod, Yoda more reluctant than the
other two but still agreeing.

was grateful, he wasn’t sure how many shocks he could handle in one
day even in this new body, regardless if it felt stronger and more
limber than the day he died. “Walk me back to my room?” He
questioned quietly, smiling at the redhead who gave a little
delighted laugh before nodding and standing, regretfully pulling away
from Qui-Gon’s hands.

alright, he’s not going too far, not yet,’ Qui-Gon reminded
himself as he stood too and resisted the urge to take Obi-Wan’s
hand in his. ‘He’ll be in the rooms right next to me… and I
have yet to fill my cupboards with
food or drink…
maybe I can invite myself for tea.’ Qui-Gon rested his hand on
Obi-Wan’s upper back at that thought, smiling tiredly at the others
before following Obi-Wan out. ‘Just a little a cup of tea…’

Also more ADHDObi when you get the chance? Don’t leave us on that cliffhanger!!!! (I’d apologize for all these requests except I’d be lying, zero regrets here. You’re just too good at hooking us in.)

The hole was small
but Obi-Wan didn’t have more time to cut it larger as he lounged
out of it it, feeling skin burn as wind rushed past him, his heart in
his throat as he was suddenly mid air.

Barely in time too
as what could only be a second later the elevator hit the ground with
an explosion rocking the hanger Obi-Wan had originally come from but
Obi-Wan couldn’t give that any focus as he was still falling,
bracing himself for impact with the durasteel floor of the hanger
that came ever closer with burning debris from the elevators
explosion around.

The crack as he hit
the floor feet first was as sickening as the sudden pain echoing
through his entire body and Obi-Wan yelled in pain as he folded out
over the floor, shaking and panting.

He had most
certainly broken his damn legs but considering the velocity he had
just hit the floor with from the height he had managed to get out of
the elevator he was pretty damn lucky to be alive.

It still hurt like
a karking sin though and Obi-Wan may have passed out a bit because
the next moment he gave a cry as he was rolled onto his back, one of
the pilots or maybe mechanics looking him over with wide eyes and a
stream of blood rolling down her cheek. “Master Kenobi! Hold on,
we’ve called for reinforcement.”

Head throbbing,
Obi-Wan groaned and reached up to touch his own face only for the
pilot slash maybe mechanic quickly grasping it and pulling it down.

“You shouldn’t
touch that Master, you’re in a very sore state.” She said,
holding onto the others hands to prevent him from touching any of his

And Obi-Wan felt
weak enough to allow that as he blinked up at her. “…Hurt?” He
rasped, trying to ask if anyone else were injured.

“Outside of
shrapnel damage and you there was only property damage when the
elevator came down,” The woman said before looking to the side.
“Over here! He’s over here!” She called and Obi-Wan whimpered a
bit, his head pounding harder at it.

But than everything
became a blur as healers arrived with a stretcher and after a brief
examination to ensure he could be moved they lifted him onto it which
had Obi-Wan screaming as they couldn’t wholly avoid jarring his
broken legs.

And Obi-Wan could
see why as he tilted his head enough to glance down his body.

His left tibia
poking out of his shin.

The sight left
Obi-Wan feeling violently nauseous and he tried not to throw up even
as he was being rushed towards the alternative elevator and he lost
the battle as they reached the hall, barely managing to roll onto his
side to throw up on the floor instead of on himself.

He must have passed out once more as suddenly they were in the Halls with healers shouting everywhere and Jedi rusing to and fro.

Through the fog of pain of broken legs and burns he
was so grateful that Anakin wasn’t there to see him, wasn’t there
to worry and fuss over him as Obi-Wan quivered with pain.

And then he groaned
quietly as a hand covered his eyes, blissful darkness before a chill
entered his body, slowly numbing it down until Obi-Wan felt himself
slip away into unconsciousness.

‘Thank the healer
who put me out when I come back to consciousness.’ Was the last
thought he had before he was gone, knowing he was in the good hands
of the Hall healers.

Also more ADHDObi when you get the chance? Don’t leave us on that cliffhanger!!!! (I’d apologize for all these requests except I’d be lying, zero regrets here. You’re just too good at hooking us in.)

The hole was small
but Obi-Wan didn’t have more time to cut it larger as he lounged
out of it it, feeling skin burn as wind rushed past him, his heart in
his throat as he was suddenly mid air.

Barely in time too
as what could only be a second later the elevator hit the ground with
an explosion rocking the hanger Obi-Wan had originally come from but
Obi-Wan couldn’t give that any focus as he was still falling,
bracing himself for impact with the durasteel floor of the hanger
that came ever closer with burning debris from the elevators
explosion around.

The crack as he hit
the floor feet first was as sickening as the sudden pain echoing
through his entire body and Obi-Wan yelled in pain as he folded out
over the floor, shaking and panting.

He had most
certainly broken his damn legs but considering the velocity he had
just hit the floor with from the height he had managed to get out of
the elevator he was pretty damn lucky to be alive.

It still hurt like
a karking sin though and Obi-Wan may have passed out a bit because
the next moment he gave a cry as he was rolled onto his back, one of
the pilots or maybe mechanics looking him over with wide eyes and a
stream of blood rolling down her cheek. “Master Kenobi! Hold on,
we’ve called for reinforcement.”

Head throbbing,
Obi-Wan groaned and reached up to touch his own face only for the
pilot slash maybe mechanic quickly grasping it and pulling it down.

“You shouldn’t
touch that Master, you’re in a very sore state.” She said,
holding onto the others hands to prevent him from touching any of his

And Obi-Wan felt
weak enough to allow that as he blinked up at her. “…Hurt?” He
rasped, trying to ask if anyone else were injured.

“Outside of
shrapnel damage and you there was only property damage when the
elevator came down,” The woman said before looking to the side.
“Over here! He’s over here!” She called and Obi-Wan whimpered a
bit, his head pounding harder at it.

But than everything
became a blur as healers arrived with a stretcher and after a brief
examination to ensure he could be moved they lifted him onto it which
had Obi-Wan screaming as they couldn’t wholly avoid jarring his
broken legs.

And Obi-Wan could
see why as he tilted his head enough to glance down his body.

His left tibia
poking out of his shin.

The sight left
Obi-Wan feeling violently nauseous and he tried not to throw up even
as he was being rushed towards the alternative elevator and he lost
the battle as they reached the hall, barely managing to roll onto his
side to throw up on the floor instead of on himself.

He must have passed out once more as suddenly they were in the Halls with healers shouting everywhere and Jedi rusing to and fro.

Through the fog of pain of broken legs and burns he
was so grateful that Anakin wasn’t there to see him, wasn’t there
to worry and fuss over him as Obi-Wan quivered with pain.

And then he groaned
quietly as a hand covered his eyes, blissful darkness before a chill
entered his body, slowly numbing it down until Obi-Wan felt himself
slip away into unconsciousness.

‘Thank the healer
who put me out when I come back to consciousness.’ Was the last
thought he had before he was gone, knowing he was in the good hands
of the Hall healers.

What’s the culture like for the Kenobi-clones in NoTwoAreAlike? Do they get lessons in Mando’a like Fett’s clones or does Obi-Wan teach them the way he learned in the crèche? I’m so curious about how they raise the baby clones, especially since they’re not allowed to “eliminate” clones that aren’t up to standard. And did Obi-Wan collect other former or failed Jedi to help him teach? Do any current Jedi volunteer?

It takes more than
a little maneuvering but Obi-Wan has been on Kamino for years
and the seeds of his control had been sowed ages ago to eventually
bring the brothers to safety.

It takes a bit of
trickery with the cameras, the droids all get shut down and all
alarms for the ships get shut down.

By the time the
longnecks figure it out, Obi-Wan is already in the air with all the
clones on Kamino since technically the vode are under the
jurisdiction of the Jedi and therefor the Jedi do have the legality
of moving them from Kamino.

And the Kenobi

Obi-Wan paid for

Technically they
belonged to Obi-Wan and therefor the Kamino’s had no right to them.

“All the pods are
alright?” Obi-Wan questioned, scrolling through the pad with a
small frown.

Col nodded, his
hair pulled back in a long ponytail. “Yes Al’verde. The last
batches are all safely secured and will be ready for decanting when
we reach our destination.” The one armed former trooper asked no
question of where they were going or why they were going.

They had the utter
trust in Al’verde and that he only had the best intention for all
of them and that made Obi-Wan smile faintly.

‘If I was a
lesser man I could have taken advantage of them. Its a good thing I
am me.’ Obi-Wan thought to himself as he ignored the Fett clone and
Kenobi clone sucking faces through the open door as Burnaton came in
with a new pad of information.

“We’ve managed
to set up a schedule of classes while on board via holo between the
ships sir, but I’m a bit worried about the physical activity
schedules for the younglings as I’m not sure the training rooms can
provide the level they’re used to from the facility. And the Force
lessons for the redbacks will have to be rescheduled too since we
don’t have enough teachers anymore.” Burnaton said with a furrow
on his face, scrolling through his pad.

Holding out his
hand, Obi-Wan let out a hum. “I suggest we take what we get… and
maybe take the time to allow some fun now that we’re out of the
longnecks eyes, let them play some games, play some tag, hide and
seek, let them enjoy themselves,” He chuckled quietly. “And the
Force lessons will have to wait until we land again I believe.”

Burnaton looked
unhappy. “As you say sir.”

Giving back the
pad, Obi-Wan chuckled, patting Burnaton on the shoulder. “Rest it
easy my friend. We’ll arrive in a week and than you can make them
train once more but how about you let them enjoy some fun and maybe
even give them the choice of learning optional things?” He raised a

“Sir forgive me
but considering you offer things like arts and language to the
troopers and your own clones, I don’t think they really need
alternative lessons. And the hop-outs are given lessons in whatever
may make them useful from cooking, tech and mechanic.” Burnaton
frowned at him.

“Then allow the
kids to reach for one of those too, cooking is good for after the
war.” Obi-Wan turned back to the viewscreen, watching the stars
pass them by with a small smile as he suddenly felt like the weight
of the galaxy was pulled off his shoulders for the first time in
almost a decade as he settled into a slouched parade rest.

“If I may ask
sir,” Gummer looked up from the nav computer, peering uncertainly
up at him with amber eyes flickering nervously. “Where are we going
with everyone sir?”

The bridge went
quiet and Obi-Wan smiled at Gummer to show him that he did not mind
the question. “I guess everyone can know now that we’re already
on our way,” He chuckled softly, taking note of vode and his own
clones relaxing at the noise. “We’re going to where the Jedi
order is now located. We are going to Devaron.”

A fire of whispers
filled the bridge, excited, curious and delighted in nature.

What’s the culture like for the Kenobi-clones in NoTwoAreAlike? Do they get lessons in Mando’a like Fett’s clones or does Obi-Wan teach them the way he learned in the crèche? I’m so curious about how they raise the baby clones, especially since they’re not allowed to “eliminate” clones that aren’t up to standard. And did Obi-Wan collect other former or failed Jedi to help him teach? Do any current Jedi volunteer?

It takes more than
a little maneuvering but Obi-Wan has been on Kamino for years
and the seeds of his control had been sowed ages ago to eventually
bring the brothers to safety.

It takes a bit of
trickery with the cameras, the droids all get shut down and all
alarms for the ships get shut down.

By the time the
longnecks figure it out, Obi-Wan is already in the air with all the
clones on Kamino since technically the vode are under the
jurisdiction of the Jedi and therefor the Jedi do have the legality
of moving them from Kamino.

And the Kenobi

Obi-Wan paid for

Technically they
belonged to Obi-Wan and therefor the Kamino’s had no right to them.

“All the pods are
alright?” Obi-Wan questioned, scrolling through the pad with a
small frown.

Col nodded, his
hair pulled back in a long ponytail. “Yes Al’verde. The last
batches are all safely secured and will be ready for decanting when
we reach our destination.” The one armed former trooper asked no
question of where they were going or why they were going.

They had the utter
trust in Al’verde and that he only had the best intention for all
of them and that made Obi-Wan smile faintly.

‘If I was a
lesser man I could have taken advantage of them. Its a good thing I
am me.’ Obi-Wan thought to himself as he ignored the Fett clone and
Kenobi clone sucking faces through the open door as Burnaton came in
with a new pad of information.

“We’ve managed
to set up a schedule of classes while on board via holo between the
ships sir, but I’m a bit worried about the physical activity
schedules for the younglings as I’m not sure the training rooms can
provide the level they’re used to from the facility. And the Force
lessons for the redbacks will have to be rescheduled too since we
don’t have enough teachers anymore.” Burnaton said with a furrow
on his face, scrolling through his pad.

Holding out his
hand, Obi-Wan let out a hum. “I suggest we take what we get… and
maybe take the time to allow some fun now that we’re out of the
longnecks eyes, let them play some games, play some tag, hide and
seek, let them enjoy themselves,” He chuckled quietly. “And the
Force lessons will have to wait until we land again I believe.”

Burnaton looked
unhappy. “As you say sir.”

Giving back the
pad, Obi-Wan chuckled, patting Burnaton on the shoulder. “Rest it
easy my friend. We’ll arrive in a week and than you can make them
train once more but how about you let them enjoy some fun and maybe
even give them the choice of learning optional things?” He raised a

“Sir forgive me
but considering you offer things like arts and language to the
troopers and your own clones, I don’t think they really need
alternative lessons. And the hop-outs are given lessons in whatever
may make them useful from cooking, tech and mechanic.” Burnaton
frowned at him.

“Then allow the
kids to reach for one of those too, cooking is good for after the
war.” Obi-Wan turned back to the viewscreen, watching the stars
pass them by with a small smile as he suddenly felt like the weight
of the galaxy was pulled off his shoulders for the first time in
almost a decade as he settled into a slouched parade rest.

“If I may ask
sir,” Gummer looked up from the nav computer, peering uncertainly
up at him with amber eyes flickering nervously. “Where are we going
with everyone sir?”

The bridge went
quiet and Obi-Wan smiled at Gummer to show him that he did not mind
the question. “I guess everyone can know now that we’re already
on our way,” He chuckled softly, taking note of vode and his own
clones relaxing at the noise. “We’re going to where the Jedi
order is now located. We are going to Devaron.”

A fire of whispers
filled the bridge, excited, curious and delighted in nature.