Hi moddy. I got a question for a hopeful prompt. There have been a LOT of stories about modern setting Qui/obi stories. But…what about a modern reborn setting where Qui remembers his life as a Jedi and meets Obi and is determined to have him again? Force or no Force up to you.

his coffee, Qui-Gon let out a deep sigh as he wished for sapir. ‘But
maybe I should just be grateful for this second chance?’ He mused
tiredly as he lifted his cup to take a small sip of the coffee mixed
with brown sugar and cream.

he did he peered out the window, watching the cars roll past as he
tried, really tried
to enjoy the coffee.

up in the arms of a woman he later came to know was his mother was
not what Qui-Gon, or rather Quin, thought would happen when he let
himself disperse into the Force after hugging Obi-Wan one last time.

here he was, sitting in this strange world that did not yet have
space travel and was called Earth of all things and
was both less and more advanced at the same time than.
‘I wonder if there is anything out there…’ Qui-Gon
paused, staring at the blue sky, tracking a fluffy white cloud that
looked like a rabbit.

maybe not, he couldn’t yet tell, all he knew was that on this
Earth, there were only humans.

that had given him one hell of a shock when he meet Yoda
of all people, a little Asian
man who ran a car wash of all things.

Qui-Gon didn’t still have the Force, he wouldn’t have been able
to tell it was Yoda with the white, fluffy hair around his ear and
back of his head and bald shiny top, large brown eyes and liver spots
all over his no longer green but light brown skin.

had actually meet a few from his former life and some of them
remembered while others didn’t.

did not and Qui-Gon honestly thought that was a mercy, a new chance
for the old man in a new life without nine hundred
years of sorrow and loss to pull him down.

like Shaak Ti, had kept their memory and ran a very successful yoga
studio while using the Force ever so slightly to prevent injuries and
keep a tab on her students since
some of them pushed further than was healthy.

Brit, because that was what Qui-Gon apparently was now, sighed deeply
to himself. He had left England for a change of scenery
when old England had become too boring for him, packing up and
leaving a staff to take care of the house for the rest of his family
as he bought an apartment in a small town eight hours out from

was a quaint,
quiet area and it was here he had managed to find Yoda, Mace Windu
and Ti.

managed to
find so many here,
even Anakin who ran a very successful private eye company and Padme
Amidala who was cautiously approaching a relationship with the blond
all the memories of their rather disastrous former matrimony
carefully mending bridges.

had not found Obi-Wan.

all Qui-Gon’s money, money his Earth parents had given him as they
were old blood and thereby so was Qui-Gon, and all of Anakin’s
resources in the career
path he had chosen with Padme’s aid in politic, they hadn’t found
a trace of the redhead.

the former lady senator had pointed out that maybe Obi-Wan hadn’t
come with them which had left both Anakin and Qui-Gon in a sulk,
draining a bottle of expensive whiskey together in silence until they
got drunk enough to speak about Obi-Wan and all the things they
adored about him.

that was also how Anakin had discovered that Qui-Gon loved Obi-Wan,
the blond clearly recognizing the love the oldest man had for their
missing family member.

explained why the blond had used his resources to put together a
recreation of Obi-Wan, smiling up at him on a photo.

was a thoughtful, bittersweet gift that was wrapped in silk paper and
Qui-Gon’s hands had trembled as he stared at the silver framed
image of a smiling man that might not exist anymore except for in
their memories.

even if he existed, he may be different, he may not have his
memories. Mace Windu doesn’t have his memories and he breeds
puppies for a living!’ Qui-Gon sighed again, for what felt like the
thousandth time as he set down his half drunk cup to observe the
people walking past his favorite cafe.

was one of the things he enjoyed he would admit, seeing all the
different humans walking about that could be so different despite
only being one species, how many different way people expressed

flash of red and Qui-Gon stood sharply, his heart suddenly pounding
because that was… no, no it couldn’t be.

existed here more commonly than in the galaxy he had come from, even
golden copper tones li-

crowd parted slightly, allowing Obi-Wan of all people to scamper into
the cafe Qui-Gon was sitting in and the speechless man could only
watch as his former padawan, the emperor of his heart, made his way
to the counter to order himself a cup and a bagel.

the softly fluffed golden and copper toned hair, a well groomed beard
rounded around his jaw that hid the dimples and the clefted chin,
beautiful green eyes that were framed by copper and gold and a nice
blue and gray sweater vest over a white button up and black pants.

couldn’t think, he could hardly breath as he continued staring at
the smiling redhead.

a thought fluttered through his mind, only static.

Obi-Wan was here
and Qui-Gon didn’t know if he wanted to drag the man into a hug,
latch onto him with the Force to ensure he wouldn’t loose him or
just wait, to see if the other remembered.

got his bagel and tea and turned around, glancing about the cafe only
for his eyes to fall on Qui-Gon.

couldn’t breath,
in that gaze.

Eep! Babies! How do the Jedi rest of the vod react after they get over their shock? Do any of the vod go to medics to see if they are also pregnant? Does Cody have some daydreams about a family with a certain Negotiator? *wiggles eyebrows* Er, can Jedi also get pregnant?

to the deep even breaths of the other sharing the bed, Cody allowed
his hand to slowly drift down to cup the flat stomach of the nude
body pressed
tightly to his own equally bare one, the evidence of love making on
reddened skin finally calming down visible to Cody in the ever so
faint light.

his fingertips slowly traced the flat planes of lazily
cleaned muscles and
skin, curious and pondering.

mind turned back to earlier
in the day, Boil’s
shocked face and the wide eyes, several of the vode checking in with
Helix and the whispered and hurried conversations held between
brothers before they contacted their brothers elsewhere in the

news would be spreading soon
and quickly.

to mention the conversation the General had with the council, General
Rancisis had outright fallen out of his chairs with all his long
coils exposed and General Yoda dropping his cane to the floor.

they did not expect it either and Obi-Wan had to send in the medical
evidence of course but…

there was a baby. Boil was carrying a baby.

had been arguments, loud ones, Cody and the rest of the vode had
watched in surprise and shock at how the council had quickly argued
amongst themselves about what to do. Apparently somehow the pregnancy
of one clone… changed things somehow.

about the ethical position of it all and contacting the Senate and
Master Depa said something about the clone rights amendments and
contacting Senator Amidala?

that they seemed to realize the comm was still wide open and there
was a hurried rush to say goodbye before the holo was finally shut
down but with the silence after that… well now Cody had time to
think, spooning his lover and holding around him.

a clone could carry a baby and father it as the baby was clearly
Waxer’s… was it possible that… could Cody just maybe…

on birth control Cody,” Obi-Wan suddenly mumbled sleepily and Cody
jumped guiltily, his hand possessively
flattening down on Obi-Wan’s flat stomach to pull the Jedi more
firmly into his own body before relaxing. “I should have mentioned
that earlier but I forgot.” He yawned tiredly, seemingly
oblivious to the others shock.

a light kiss to the back of Obi-Wan’s neck, Cody grunted in
understanding but kept his hand on the others stomach as he felt
Obi-Wan drift off once more with a sleepy little mumble even as his
heart seemed to beat a rapid tattoo inside his chest.

that meant that Obi-Wan could

while sleepy and not really all that aware, he didn’t seem adverse
to maybe some day in the future…

made Cody feel giddy as he pressed into the others warm body, despite
the war going on, despite never having thought about a adiik, a child
of his own…

there were possibilities that had never been considered before.

it was too late right now to consider those possibilities really and
Cody eased his possessive grip into something lighter and settled,
one of his legs trapped between Obi-Wan’s and his hand loosely
resting on the stomach of his lover.

could figure things out in the morning, maybe while getting dressed
and eyeing up Obi-Wan’s rear and the play of muscles as he got
dressed heh.

perks to an easy attire that you just pulled on and then snapped on
with magnetic tech.

knew, maybe Cody could even give a helping hand here and there with a
few belts.

Eep! Babies! How do the Jedi rest of the vod react after they get over their shock? Do any of the vod go to medics to see if they are also pregnant? Does Cody have some daydreams about a family with a certain Negotiator? *wiggles eyebrows* Er, can Jedi also get pregnant?

to the deep even breaths of the other sharing the bed, Cody allowed
his hand to slowly drift down to cup the flat stomach of the nude
body pressed
tightly to his own equally bare one, the evidence of love making on
reddened skin finally calming down visible to Cody in the ever so
faint light.

his fingertips slowly traced the flat planes of lazily
cleaned muscles and
skin, curious and pondering.

mind turned back to earlier
in the day, Boil’s
shocked face and the wide eyes, several of the vode checking in with
Helix and the whispered and hurried conversations held between
brothers before they contacted their brothers elsewhere in the

news would be spreading soon
and quickly.

to mention the conversation the General had with the council, General
Rancisis had outright fallen out of his chairs with all his long
coils exposed and General Yoda dropping his cane to the floor.

they did not expect it either and Obi-Wan had to send in the medical
evidence of course but…

there was a baby. Boil was carrying a baby.

had been arguments, loud ones, Cody and the rest of the vode had
watched in surprise and shock at how the council had quickly argued
amongst themselves about what to do. Apparently somehow the pregnancy
of one clone… changed things somehow.

about the ethical position of it all and contacting the Senate and
Master Depa said something about the clone rights amendments and
contacting Senator Amidala?

that they seemed to realize the comm was still wide open and there
was a hurried rush to say goodbye before the holo was finally shut
down but with the silence after that… well now Cody had time to
think, spooning his lover and holding around him.

a clone could carry a baby and father it as the baby was clearly
Waxer’s… was it possible that… could Cody just maybe…

on birth control Cody,” Obi-Wan suddenly mumbled sleepily and Cody
jumped guiltily, his hand possessively
flattening down on Obi-Wan’s flat stomach to pull the Jedi more
firmly into his own body before relaxing. “I should have mentioned
that earlier but I forgot.” He yawned tiredly, seemingly
oblivious to the others shock.

a light kiss to the back of Obi-Wan’s neck, Cody grunted in
understanding but kept his hand on the others stomach as he felt
Obi-Wan drift off once more with a sleepy little mumble even as his
heart seemed to beat a rapid tattoo inside his chest.

that meant that Obi-Wan could

while sleepy and not really all that aware, he didn’t seem adverse
to maybe some day in the future…

made Cody feel giddy as he pressed into the others warm body, despite
the war going on, despite never having thought about a adiik, a child
of his own…

there were possibilities that had never been considered before.

it was too late right now to consider those possibilities really and
Cody eased his possessive grip into something lighter and settled,
one of his legs trapped between Obi-Wan’s and his hand loosely
resting on the stomach of his lover.

could figure things out in the morning, maybe while getting dressed
and eyeing up Obi-Wan’s rear and the play of muscles as he got
dressed heh.

perks to an easy attire that you just pulled on and then snapped on
with magnetic tech.

knew, maybe Cody could even give a helping hand here and there with a
few belts.