Hey Moddy, love your writing! If you’re taking prompts what about clones being LITERALLY made for the Jedi like some sort of force sensitive catnip that Jedi can’t resist? Poor Obi-wan would be even more out of his depth when he arrives on Kamino and the Force hits him in the face with how irresistible the millions of clones are.

Stepping onto Kamino with rain dripping from his hair and robe, Obi-Wan hardly hears the kaminoans talk, speaking about the literal army supposedly made for them.

Not because he’s not trying, no, he really is.

However, the moment steps onto the platform, honestly the moment his ship breaks through the atmosphere really, he feels it.

Feels them.

It feels like some forgotten part of his soul suddenly lights up, like something lost has been returned.

It feels like when he came back to the temple, all those years ago, from Bandomeer, a stubby braid beneath his ear and the knowledge that he was a padawan.

It feels like homecoming.

A homecoming a decade in the making.

The warmth of a hundred hands, waiting to wrap him up in arms. The sensation of a thousand smiles meant for him. The gaze of so many eyes that would never judge. The sensation of sun on his face after days of darkness.

From the open glass hallways of Kamino, he stares out at thousands of identical faces and feels his breath catch as golden orange flares up in small groups or alone, all bright and unique and his as they catch his eyes, like a splash of vivid color in a landscape of white and black.

One of the clones, so close Obi-Wan could almost taste the flavor of his colors, as if prompted by the Force, looks up and Obi-Wan stares into the sunshine-gold determination and sharpness so strong it bursts like lemon on his tongue.

Stares into what slots into his own soul, like a puzzle piece, vital to the picture and yet somehow, impossibly somehow, forgotten by the Jedi and Obi-Wan can hardly breath. ‘Hello, can you see me? Can you hear me? I’m here. I’m here! Don’t go. Don’t leave me again. I don’t want to leave.’ He wants to call out, does call out in the Force but doesn’t know if he gets a reply, can’t tell if the clone sees him in any way as he’s bid to follow by the kaminoans and he can do nothing else.

Can simply follow Lama Su, with great reluctance, tearing his eyes away only to glance back once more and find more orange grouped together, sunshine-goldenin the middle of it all, hands moving, signs Obi-Wan does not know and yet somehow feels he should.

Only the prompting of the kaminoans moves him along, to see the ‘greater’ picture of all the troopers and still he sees orange dots here and there.

In the mass of soldiers, of clones marching along, he sees part of his soul, as golden orange as the first ones he saw but shaded differently to the others and he burns, as he does his duty, follows to speak to Jango Fett.

He knows what he should ask, he knows what he should comment, but the flavor sunshine is still on his tongue, the warmth of hands on his back, of smiles in his eyes.

The words he should ask fades to ash, burned beneath sunshine and instead he asks, his voice feeling small. “How could you make them part of our soul and then keep them away?”

If his voice wavers as he asks, that only for the people in the room to know.

If Fett’s eyes widen in shock, if Taun We’s head tilts in confusion as she blinks her large, luminous eyes and if Boba’s hands laces into his father’s shirt while shining slightly with sunshine, that’s for them to know.


The Jedi.

He’s here, CC-2224 knows it, can feel it.

He can close his eyes and still turn in the same direction the Jedi is, could walk towards him if he wanted to. Can see him behind closed eyelids, the sight of the a rare sunset on Kamino instead of its rainy biology.

It beacons CC-2224 with its warmth, never flickers, only grows stronger, calls out to him with the certainty that they belong.

He’s not the only one.

CT-3402 was sitting with his eyes closed but facing the same direction as the glowing beacon of warmth, smiling faintly and he can spot several other vode, vode he knows are going to follow him to the Jedi, basking in the warmth that’s now so close it feels like it could burn them.

Their Jedi is here.

They’ve waited so long for him, just like everyone else, waited so long just to have him close. Always aware of him at the edges of their world. Always there and yet so far away, moving around and yet never coming closer.

Until now.

He’s here now, his soul welcoming them, singing for them.

Even if he went deaf, CC-2224 feels as if he could hear this song, that this song would always lead him to his Jedi.

He wants to go to him now, put his head in his Jedi’s lap, wrap his arms around his legs and hold on. He knows the other would let him, can almost feel the phantom brush of fingers stroking his short hair, caress the still healing wound on the side of his head that almost got him decommissioned.

CC-2224 has never been happier than now to avoid it, so happy that Prime himself stepped in, arguing that a scar wouldn’t mar the ‘wares’ if he continued his excellent record. He’d never thank the Prime… but he was here now and so was his Jedi, he could be grateful for that.

He could wait, just a bit more, for their Jedi. ‘Ours, ours, ours, ours!

Hi, Moddy! Awol Jedi…how does Cody react to seeing the decanted baby Obi-Wan clones?

Being told they were out and actually seeing them is wholly different and Cody can’t stop staring at the little cribs of sleeping babies.

He’s seen it before and yet somehow he feels like he’s never seen it at the same time.

He’s seen vode decanted before, has actually helped when one tube had an emergency fault and the shiny came out earlier than it should have but still ‘viable’ as the longnecks had said. He never found out what happened to that particular vode, if they survived, if they grew up, if they became another trooper.

But somehow… somehow its different, when the little heads contain fuzzy red hairs.

Somehow, seeing their tiny little hands are different when its Obi-Wan’s clones and Cody doesn’t know why.

Just that it is.

Five little heads, four pairs of green eyes with the last one having blue eyes and Cody can’t stop staring at them, his hand pressed to the glass keeping the rest of the temple from the little cadets.

The Jedi had set up this place for the troopers decanted vode to begin with, something about keeping the babies safe from the environment and immunity.

The troopers didn’t have the heart to tell their Jedi that they had stronger immunity from the get go, engineered by the longnecks and had been more flattered by the amount of care the Jedi were showing their youngest.

Now there’s little clone Jedi in there too and Cody knows he’s not the only one that’s come by to see the little Skywalker, Kenobi and Yoda clones.

He knows the others will come to see the Secura clones once they come too, knows the entire 327th will come to see them along with curious Jedi and other curious vode.

But Cody had been shyly invited.

Obi-Wan had arrived at their quarters, startling a barely awake Cody as he had thought the man still asleep in the temp quarters he had to move into for a week. Obi-Wan’s room had a leak spring into it, so it had required some repairs to ensure it was still a viable living space, the sealant needed time to harden without someone walking over it.

Two days after the first leak, Cody and the guest bedroom had also sprung leaks, informing the repair team that it was under the entire floor in that section and they had gotten to work with Cody too now relegated to a temporary bedroom.

Thankfully, their living quarter and kitchen was fine, the water line went under their bedrooms and the neighboring quarters, but Master Windu had been unfortunate enough that it was his entire quarters instead of just the bedrooms.

Cody had thought he’d be nice, since Obi-Wan had yet to wake up and arrive, usually the first of the two, had started on breakfast for the two and was halfway into the pancake batter thinking Obi-Wan was asleep.

Instead of sleeping though, Obi-Wan had apparently been awake all night and looked it too when he suddenly slammed into the quarters, frazzled and disheveled but before Cody could make more than a concerned noise, Obi-Wan had grabbed Cody’s hand and pulled him along, eyes wide.

“The babies are decanted.”

The sentence had Cody silenced and following, suddenly nervous and eager and now fully awake for sure, despite not having his caff.

That was it, he’d been there ever since.

It might have been a minute, an hour, a karking day but Cody couldn’t bring himself from moving, could simply stand there, staring at the little heads. Only when a warm hand wraps around the one hanging limp at his side does Cody manage to force his eyes away, turning his head to meet Obi-Wan’s hesitant, shy smile.

Without words, he laces their fingers and holds on tightly, wondering if all the hints he had carefully been dropping had finally gotten through, wondering if Obi-Wan had finally realized that Cody had been following all those little courting traditions Jedi seemed to have.

He didn’t ask, instead he simply squeezed Obi-Wan’s hand with his, watching as Obi-Wan shifted closer, leaned his head on Cody’s shoulder and went back to watching the little redheads.

Slowly, Cody turned his head back, wondering… well… what if one of those little redhead’s had amber eyes… would that be so bad?

‘…No, I don’t think that would be so bad,’ He thought airily, feeling like he could take on Grievous alone if the bastard cyborg suddenly rose from the dead again. ‘Not bad at all.’

In Dangerous Galaxy, does Cody and Obi ever get to relax in those floating gardens that were outside his office?

There aren’t many times Cody has felt greedy.

Living a life as a clone and military man, there just aren’t a lot of chances to feel greedy without disrupting the chain of command and supply lines and the times he has felt greedy are… vivid.

The time Ponds had burst into their room on Kamino, wild eyed with a large box of ice cream, given to him by one of the trainers that favored him. That time he had felt greedy for keeping it between himself and the rest of his vode in the room, telling no one about the ice cream.

The time a sneaky looking Rex had dragged Cody of for a night of drinking with his own General and Obi-Wan.

That time Senator Organa had gifted Cody with a bottle of fine whiskey from his planet, he still actually had half of it hidden in the bottom of his locker, the bottle covered by a broken helmet.

The incident that left the 212th stranded for a full week on a remote jungle planet, the only danger being the predators around them as they all frolicked in a damn lake and forgot about the war just for a while, Obi-Wan laughing as he joined in on some water fun.

That one time the scouting party had come over a whole orchard of wild apples and they had raided the entire orchard to bring back to the 212th a sweet treat for everyone, Longshot sneakily producing sugar from somewhere and the General had handed over cinnamon from his tea stock with a wink. They had baked the apples and… well, Cody had felt really greedy after eating two of those baked apples because his General had, smilingly, given over his portion with another wink.

Then there was that time his General, sick as could be, fevered and shaky, had curled up in the same bed as Cody to keep warm, his form warm and comforting for all that he was sick.

But today…

Today Cody feels greedy.

Because today he’s in one of the floating gardens, completely cleared for civilians with only a few vode around. And Obi-Wan.

Just them.

On a karking picnic cloth, a basket between them full of foods Cody has never tasted but the besalisk at the diner Obi-Wan enjoyed had piled on him when he had come into the diner.

Of course, the moment he entered, even in incognito as he wore a shiny armor, the entire diner had frozen as Cody along with Boil and Waxer for inconspicuous guards, approached the owner.

Somehow, Dex had realized in under a minute that it was Vod’alor Kote under the blank bucket and had instantly started plying him with Obi-Wan’s favorites and asking for a few of Cody’s preferences to pile in a few he thought Cody would like.

Maybe it was Boil and Waxer that clued him in, maybe it was Cody asking for General Kenobi’s favorites to cheer him up or hell, maybe the besalisk was Force sensitive?

Who knew, not Cody.

But he was grateful for the amount of food and the variation, delighting in trying different dishes and watching Obi-Wan dig in, laughing happily as he sat with Cody on the blue and white patterned cloth on the green grass.

There was even an illusion of privacy from his vode due to the bushes and trees around them, and Cody knew that Obi-Wan most likely felt them all around them but having them out of sight seemed to relax the Jedi too.

He looked… happy.

It made Cody happy.

And so did the little ice cream tart thingy that had been in a temperature proof container. It had only started melting slightly in the edges and it tasted delicious.

Or as Obi-Wan said, simply sublime while licking blue creamy niceness of his spoon.

“Will the GAR demobilize the natborn officers?” Obi-Wan curious voice cut through the calm, Cody choking slightly on a piece of tart before swallowing thickly, turning his head to look at the Jedi.

He meet the eyes of a slightly concerned Obi-Wan, the concern ebbing away when Cody looked fine to turn into a slight smile instead. “I… we really haven’t gotten that far honestly.” Cody cleared his throat, rubbing slightly at it. Kark, he hated coughing, always left his throat sore and his chest feeling like someone had inserted a tube to drain fluids and yes, he had that done once when the whole of 212th came down with some kind of karked CIS virus.

Nodding, as if he already suspected the answer, Obi-Wan ran his spoon through the tart on his plate and ate chewed slowly, enjoying his treat. “Understandable, but you should consider keeping some of them that aren’t as… antagonistic towards the vode, some of them made for good military leaders… if they can be trusted that is.” He tacked on thoughtfully.

Putting the thought into his memory back, Cody grimaced slightly. “Honestly General, I’d rather not think about work right now. I just want to enjoy the gardens,” He sighed deeply, looking around. “First time I’ve been to one of these you know.” Cody added a tad wistfully.

There was a pause then warmth pressed up against his side, Cody turning his head to find Obi-Wan having shifted close enough to press their shoulders together. The redhead was smiling slightly. “Then we won’t talk about work, though, I have to ask, do you intend to keep the mandate that has Jedi as Generals?” He tilted his head.

He didn’t look judging or angry, just curious even as Cody instantly shook his head, eyes wide. “Of course not, why would you think that Gene-oh…” He smiled a tad sheepishly.

Chuckling faintly, Obi-Wan shook his head and smiled warmly. “Then I think you should just call me Obi-Wan, Vod’alor.” He stated fondly, gently.

“…Only if you call me Cody,” Cody shot back. “At least in private.” He tacked on when Obi-Wan opened his mouth to protest.

Mulling on that, finishing of the last of his tart, Obi-Wan nodded, his eyes creasing with his smile. “Cody.” He agreed and stars, Cody wished the sound of his name in the Jedi’s mouth didn’t sound so natural, his heart throbbing hard as he focused on his own tart piece before it could melt away.

Hello! I love your stories so much and I’m so glad I stumbled upon your page! If you are still doing Trauma Breaks All, I’d love to see Obi-wan healing/being comforted by his battalion (cuddle pile!) or whatever you have planned next

Grunting slightly as a wet nose brushed against his face, Cody opened his eyes to a squint to be faced with the black menace Obi-Wan had apparently named Jinn, the dog staring at him in return before laying back down in the same position he had been in last night when they had gone to sleep.

Still staring.

‘I swear, if it wasn’t the General’s, I would have drop kicked that thing ages ago.’ Cody mused to himself as he tightened his grip on Obi-Wan, pulling the man more firmly against his chest.

Don’t get him wrong, he loved animals for the most sake, especially dogs.

But Jinn was uncanny at times, staring people down from the moment Obi-Wan had introduced the dog to him at the temple, sitting silently at Obi-Wan’s side with its head leaned on the Jedi’s leg.

Obi-Wan had explained that it had something to do with his training, the way Jinn was made to adapt to a persons mood, judge them if they needed help and blah blah blah.

Still didn’t make the dog less creepy to Cody.

Even if it did wake him from a nightmare.

Settling his face in Obi-Wan’s hair, Cody pushed away the faint memories of a crying, bloody Obi-Wan in his dream and settled with the warmth of his vode all around him along with his General at his chest.

The man had come late last night, shyly requesting if he could stay over at the 212th assigned bunks.

To stay in the troopers cuddle puddle if they were willing.

It had been such a shy request Cody had almost melted out of his boots while hastily assuring Obi-Wan that he was more than welcome and that the entire 212th would be happy to have him in their cuddle puddle.

Really, he should be thankful to Jinn, he knew the creepy little bugger was the only reason Obi-Wan was comfortable finally leaving the temple. And he was honored that the first place outside of the temple Obi-Wan choose to go was to the barracks, to see the 212th, to get comfort from his battalion.

He had of course been aware that Obi-Wan was leaving the temple, General Skywalker had been quick to inform the entire GAR, the Coruscant Guard in particular, that Obi-Wan was leaving, through some of the less used and almost secret tunnels of the temple that lead into the lower levels of Coruscant to avoid the press still camping on the temple’s doorstep.

It was so that the clone troopers could be on a lookout for the Jedi in case he needed help, if leaving the temple proved to be too much for Obi-Wan and he ended up needing someone to guide him back to the temple or a ride home.

But he hadn’t been aware that it was them Obi-Wan would go to.

It was apparently on the encouragement of the healers, that Obi-Wan try on his own to leave, to go somewhere he was familiar with and felt somewhat safe.

The healers orders were also the only reason Skywalker had remained behind as this was a trial test to see how far Obi-Wan had come in his healing process.

Though when he learned where Obi-Wan had gone, Cody contacting the other Jedi while searching out extra blankets and pillows for their additional member, the blond had gone from tense even in holo form to visibly relaxed, trusting his master into the troopers hands.

So Obi-Wan had stayed the night with them, curled up in the large hall they used for cuddle puddles with mattresses all over the floors and all the blankets and pillows they needed, curled into Cody’s chest with Longshot at his back under a mass of covers, leeching the heat of the people around him with Jinn settled at their heads.

Cuddle puddles were something all troopers cherished, a way to relax and decompress with their vode, to know they were safe and to find comfort in each other. To have their General in their pile…

Well, Cody was beyond thrilled.

Even if he had a nightmare with Obi-Wan in his arms, that familiar nightmare of troopers gunning down their Generals but so much worse with Obi-Wan’s face covered in tears and blood.

Glancing at Jinn, Cody grimaced at the dog. “Thanks.” He muttered.

Tilting his head, Jinn stumpy tail wagged, giving that demented, weird grin french bulldogs seemed to have.

“…You’re still creepy.” He huffed, quieting down as several vode and Obi-Wan shuffled or grunted in response to Cody talking, both dog and human deciding mutually it was quiet time for a while longer.

I want to know what’s going on with Dooku in Dangerous Galaxy!

Fixing his clothes first as he was watched by the room, Cody finally nodded to the trooper on the comm terminal, taking a deep breath as he focused on the platform, watching as Count Dooku came into view.

The man looked… calm, at ease, wearing his normal clothes, standing in a relaxed position with sharp eyes focused on Cody. “Ah, Vod’alor Kote. I must commend you on your… revolution. I did not see this coming,” The man smirked at him, seemingly impressed with what he saw. “Neither did I expect you to present an image fit to rule, your last display left a little to be desired.”

Honestly, if it wasn’t for his men, Cody wouldn’t have dressed up but this was good, even if it had taken Cody a while to get dressed as Tracker and Switch had insisted he couldn’t show to the meeting in just armor.

Something about playing the part as Vod’alor and honestly, Cody got it…but he didn’t have to like it.

So, he had waited until the two showed up with an outfit that didn’t make him look like just a common soldier among all his vode or like he was mimicking the Mandalorians. For all that they were based on one, they didn’t want to be Mandalorians, not anymore.

So, Cody had reluctantly dressed in the tight leather pants with matching black boots so polished they shone along with the tight long sleeved shirt. Thankfully though, there was armor to go with it, black greaves with silver designs and a good chestplate with the same black and silver details artistically painted in swirls and geometric designs and to cap it of, a blood red cape with silver fastenings.

It made him look dangerous, his belt containing obvious blasters and viroblades along with the hidden ones filling in that image.

Raising a brow, grateful the others had insisted he dress well, Cody crossed his arms slowly over his chest. “No, I imagine you didn’t… neither did Palpatine.” He drawled, trying to emulate the way he had seen Obi-Wan act when conversing with an enemy that wanted to negotiate.

Because that was what he suspected the other wanted, to negotiate.

Dooku paused, tilting his head before inclining it slowly. “Then you know.” He stated calmly.

“There was a reason we exposed him working with the CIS, we know.” Cody returned a tad dryly.

Honestly, not even half of Palpatine’s crimes had been aired to the public, if they had, there might have been calls for blood in the street for the Senate for not realizing it. And Cody would rather not have people like Bail and Padme in danger for being fooled by a man like Palpatine.

Letting out a low hum, Dooku stared at him, as if indecisive. “…Will the Jedi order’s service to the Senate continue? Will the clones be taking those services?” The man suddenly asked and if Cody had been holding anything at that moment, it would have gotten thrown at him.

As it was, Cody gritted his teeth so hard there was an audible click and he saw Helix wince on the other side of the room.

Dooku however, only cocked his head. “You must understand, I have to ask… there was after all, many reasons for me to leave the order…and not all of them had with disagreements for the future and the state of the order.” He continued, folding his hands in front of him and lacing his fingers.

Cody took a deep breath through his nose before shaking his head hard. “No. Those will not continue and if any of the Senators are discovered to be requesting them… they will be executed.” He stated sharply.

Dooku’s brows rose in surprise and slight disbelief.

“They have been warned. The Jedi council has been told to relay to all of their members to report any Senators that requests their services,” Cody continued darkly. “This has ended and anyone discovered to try and pressure the Jedi… will meet their end.”

Count Dooku gained an odd look, staring at Cody as if he couldn’t quite understand what was going on. “…Shockingly… I believe you, Vod’alor Kote, it is… good to know,” The man said slowly, a tad dazed sounding and Cody mentally sighed as he was reminded that this man was once part of the Jedi order, would have gone through the same thing Obi-Wan had at some point. Hell, Cody had discovered by looking at records that Palpatine himself had requested Dooku many times prior to his departure. “It also makes my job a tad easier.” The Count continued, oblivious to Cody’s knowledge and thoughts.

Rocking on his heels, Cody frowned slightly. “Your job?” He queried, mentally wishing for a large cup of caff, the kind with frothy blue milk in it and caramel syrup that Obi-Wan had given him on late night report work.

“Several leading members of the CIS wishes to speak with the new leadership of the Republic,” Dooku waved a hand. “They see the chance for more… equitable treatment now than before under new leadership.” He explained steadily, as if he moments before hadn’t been indicating the generational long abuse of the entire Jedi order, himself included.

This should surprise Cody but somehow… it didn’t.

Dooku had always been a calculated man in public from what Cody could tell, so that he could shuttle his emotions… well, it made sense.

But the CIS leadership wanting to talk to Cody… now there was a surprise.

Frowning faintly, he nodded slowly. “I see…” In a way, it made sense, new leadership, new chances after all and the CIS wanted equality for the outer and mid rim planets from the start. Unconsciously, Cody’s hand rose to rub his chin, Dooku watching him with curious eyes as the trooper, the leader in front of him, mimicked the gesture of his grandpadawan. If he had watched Dooku instead of thoughtfully staring slightly down, he would have seen the older man’s lips twitch in a faint smile at the gesture.

“I feel it fair to warn you, Vod’alor,” Dooku suddenly interrupted the others thought process, Cody’s head jerking up to look at him. “Not all wish to, they will continue to fight and Grievous… he listens to no one. He wants to maim and he still wants to bring down Jedi.” Count Dooku stated seroiusly.

Okay, that did not surprise him but… “Why are you informing us?” Cody frowned at him.

Holding out his hands as if in surrender, Count Dooku gracefully shrugged. “To show my sincerity with this offer. I am merely the messenger for the other planets that do wish to speak with you. And Grievous is a lose canon… I worry for what he might do to certain… members of my lineage.” The words were uttered steadily in a cold tone, as if unconcerned.

But Cody got it.


Grievous always tried to murder Obi-Wan and the realization hit deep and hard as he stared at Dooku. “…You do realize that if any of the Senators of the CIS were involved wi-”

“If you think I let them live long,” Cody was interrupted, Dooku’s lips twisting. “Then you’re more foolish than even Skywalker.” He drawled arrogantly, cocking his head.

For a moment, Cody wondered how much of that arrogance was a cover, a protection from the old hurts of the past.

Then he discarded the thought and nodded slowly. “I did notice there was some… missing members.” He smirked.

Cody got a smirk in return, Count Dooku shrugging slightly. “…They shouldn’t have touched the Order.” Was all Dooku said. The unsaid ‘they shouldn’t have touched my linage.’ Was in there somewhere.

To that, Cody had nothing to say. The two leaders of each factions continuing to make arrangement for later discussions, involving the leaders of the planets under the CIS that wished to speak.

Highasakite: How is Obi-Wan doing, once he’s no longer high?

Regardless how everyone around him is acting, its unfortunately not the first time someone has drugged him and then undressed him for nefarious purposes. Obi-Wan is unfortunately used to such treatment he must sadly profess to.

Though, thankfully, Anakin has never asked about anyone actually getting too far nor did Cody ask this time.

At least this time they didn’t succeed in actually doing anything to Obi-Wan beyond some bruising and the drugs.

Admittedly, that doesn’t mean he’s fine with what happened but it could always have been worse and once the bruises heals and he’s meditated enough, the memories will fade too. Especially in the wake of the protective feelings rising around him.

Having the men look out for his well being and Anakin Force aura curled into his is doing wonderful for the shivers that occasionally travels down Obi-Wan’s spine.

Still, being stuck in the medbay is the last thing Obi-Wan wants and he would have escaped ages ago if it wasn’t for one thing and only one thing…

Or rather one person.

Anakin is currently holding tightly onto him, Obi-Wan stuck on the others chest with their legs tangled quite heavily and there is no way Obi-Wan can untangle himself from the legs and arms without waking the younger Jedi.

Sulking a tad into the others warm neck, Obi-Wan let out a small sigh and decided to just endure it for now. Eventually Anakin would wake up and Obi-Wan could hopefully make his escape from the medbay before Helix, Potion, Bandaid or any of the other medics managed to shanghai him and keephim in medbay.

Its not that he hates the people in it of course, its just… medbays always linger with the feeling of pain and discomfort and Obi-Wan himself has never been quite good at filtering that out. Even the Halls are bit difficult for him and he never rests well when he’s in any medical facility, not even a Jedi run one.

He can only blame the drugs and Anakin as the reason for why he has actually slept well this time.

Its one of the reasons Anakin impresses him, Anakin, with all his power, is able to filter out the sensation of lingering pain, unease, sickness and the general miasma a medical facility has and Obi-Wan can’t help but wonder if its due to Anakin having gotten used to staying at Obi-Wan’s side when injured.

Its a plausible explanation, Anakin building his shields and resistance as he sat at an injured master’s bedside, doing his homework with Obi-Wan’s help or quietly playing with his latest project as he waited for Obi-Wan to wake from yet another drug induced coma.

Feeling eyes on him, Obi-Wan raised his head enough to find Cody in the bed across from them, the commander watching with intent eyes.

When Obi-Wan meet the amber eyes, Cody quickly scanned him before smiling and relaxing into his bed, clearly relieved to see the other in a sober state.

Quietly, Obi-Wan finger spelled a greeting, smiling in return as he got a finger spelled greeting back. It was clear that no one else was awake in the medbay however and therefore they restrained themselves from talking.

Obi-Wan could however feel the others eyes on him still, Cody’s emotions having gone almost soft and warm in the Force, directed at him and Obi-Wan couldn’t help but hide in Anakin’s shoulder at the feelings, unable to distinguish them with Cody’s shields and yet still feeling warm at them.

The care his men and Anakin had for him ever since discovering the truth of his heritage and what it could mean for him… well, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but feel awed and honored at the protection and concern extended to him.

He wasn’t sure what he had done to deserve it all… but he would forever be grateful.

For DangerousGalaxy, how do the meeting with the Council go? And do Cody and Obi-wan get a chanse to talk about, well, them?

Feeling himself flush as the entire council stood and bowed to him, Cody cleared his throat a tad nervously and lifted his hands. “Please, you don’t have to…” He trailed of, uncertain how to word himself only to relax when the Jedi exchanged quick looks and sat down in their chairs.

“Thank you for agreeing to see us, Vod’alor Kote, we understand your time must be… limited and that you were injured in the coup and therefore recovering.” Master Windu started, watching Cody with clear, brown eyes.

He looked rested.

They all did, slightly concerned but actually rested, the dark circles around the eyes many of them had sported easing with General Koon looking so relaxed in his holo from the ship above Coruscant. If Cody was to take a guess, Wolffe and the boys were taking good care of their buir.

Not that Cody was surprised really, Wolffe had practically been foaming around the mouth for a month now, after finding out how Plo had been hurt by Senators and Cody was willing to bet there were injuries and incidents the other wasn’t aware of… yet.

They would try to dig, so they knew how to help.

“Of course, Obi-Wan said that there were…concerns among the Jedi. I was more than willing to lay those to rest if I can,” Cody raised a hand to his chest, bowing slightly. “And I am in debt to the order for sending a healer my way, my CMO was quite insistent in drilling in that if it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be seeing or hearing so well.” He smiled reassuringly.

He got a small, pleased smile from a few of them and Cody had to tell his heart to still at the sight of Obi-Wan’s soft smile at him.

“Right you are, concerned some of our members are,” Yoda finally croaked, sitting up a bit in his chair. Stars, the old man looked his age and yet somehow like the burdens of several lifetimes had been taken of his shoulders today and Cody felt his heart go out to him. “Hoping to lay them to rest we are, with your answers.” He continued, unaware of Cody’s thoughts.

It can’t have been easy for the old man, being unable to protect generation after generation of Jedi, to see his own padawans walk into the Senate, to know the younglings he was teaching might one day be in the Senate at the mercy of a Senator.

If he could lay the fears of the Order to rest, then by the Prime’s bones, Cody would. “Please, ask me anything that concerns you and the Order. I will answer.” He promised quietly, hoping his sincerity reached them despite the shields he knew to keep in place.

Wouldn’t do for Obi-Wan to realize his feelings after all.

Several council members traded glances but Cody kept his eyes on Yoda and Windu, focusing on the latter when he leaned forward.

He was honestly a bit grateful the master of the Order would stand for the talking. Yoda’s way of speaking was sometimes confusing and always headache inducing for Cody. “There has been questions raised about our… service to the Senate, now that you and the vode are in charge.” The man slowly stated and Cody had to fight not to curse or clench his hands. This was the council yes but the last thing he wanted was to scare these people, especially when he took note of Billaba’s robe being pressed in even if he couldn’t spot anything that should be doing it.

He imagined her young padawan, her son, was pressed to her side and listening, being edited out of the holo, likely by her own men.

Cody didn’t want to scare the youngling at all and he could understand that the order was leery and confused.

“Discontinued, any Senator that tries to request any of you are to be denied and reported to either a liason of the vode or directly to me.” He answered swiftly and grimly.

Instantly, several council members eased up, looking at Cody with undisguised hope. “Reported?” Windu continued, his hands clenched between his knees. He looked like a man that didn’t want to dare hope.

“The Senators have been told, in no uncertain terms, that any requests for…” Cody had to clench his teeth together for a moment, his fists gripping so hard they could all hear the plastoid creak before he managed to calm himself. “Personal meetings with any Jedi are to be preformed with at least two vode in the room and any found to be requesting… service, will find themselves put on a closed trial.” He stated darkly.

Actually, most of that was true, except for the closed trial part. Cody had made it clear to anyone with a history of requesting Jedi, that he would have them executed for rape, coercion and for the worst of them, torture.

That’s what Cody saw some of these karking kinks as, torture.

If you had consensual agreed to it, then sure, that was up to you and your lover but the Jedi had never consented to any of this. So yeah, Cody had made that clear.

Several Jedi slumped, Cody pretended not to see Ti desperately wipe at her face or how Fisto’s tentacles were quivering quite obviously as he stared at his own hands in his lap.

He did take the chance to glance at Obi-Wan, finding him smiling at Cody with wet eyes, full of gratitude and relief.

Moreover, looking at Yoda, the man slumped into his chair with his clawed hands pressed to his chest… well, Cody could only imagine the relief the Jedi council were feeling.

So he took a step forward, standing in the middle of the room, making sure he had their attention as he spoke again. “They will never again touch any of you, no one on Coruscant will. The vode won’t allow, I won’t allow it. You will never be subservient to the Senate in such a manner, ever again.” He promised fervently.

Never again, so Cody swore on his own life and the lives of his brothers.


Vod’alor = Brother’s captain (Siblings captain doesn’t roll quite as nicely. That’s the only reason its brothers)

Kote = Glory (many think this is suppose to be Cody’s name, felt appropriate to use here, as a ruler lol)

Buir = Parent

I just finished the most recent update to dangerous galaxy (I’m late, I know) and wow. The Jedi are finally safe, no one is going to hurt them again. But there’s probably still so much that they’re dealing with. The commanders and Rex still have to make sure their commanders are safe, and they may have taken out the worst of the senators, but there’s still the rest of the senate to handle and the new dynamic that exists between the Jedi and the clones. How are the Jedi and their now, I guess former, commanders handling all that aftermath and cody’s injuries/new status

Grumbling tiredly as he surveyed the administration work, Cody rubbed at his temples gingerly even as Helix gave him a warning look. The medic, Helix in particular, had been on him like a burr on a bantha since the conquering of Coruscant, due to him becoming as injured as he did.

Nothing too straining or physical, which meant that Cody was left with a lot of paperwork.

So much.

He could delegate it of course, there were lots of troopers around, Fox was always willing to lend a hand and the mix of vode on Coruscant kept everything running and everyone at ease.

Seeing as outside of the Senators, no one got targeted and after Cody had literally gone on holo tv to show the proof of the Senate’s corruption and especially their Chancellor… well, people were quiet.

There were a few riots of course, a few less than flattering news reports and grumblings but Cody would take that.

The Coruscant Guards knew how to handle the people here and right now they also had the help of 212th and 501st, keeping everything at ease and orderly.

No major burning fires.

There were of course a few natborn officers that didn’t… listen, but those had also been taken care of.

The Venator had a brig for a reason after all, for those that didn’t get shoved out airlocks after a blast in the head.

Not all the natborns were terrible, they were just against clones and didn’t see them as people. ‘…Maybe I should just tell them to release them into the airlocks anyhow.’ Cody mentally grumbled to himself.

Thankfully, the vode outnumbered any natborn officers on any ship and the Jedi always sided with the troopers. Or that was the reports Cody had gotten from various factions keeping their foothold to keep the CIS from taking over.

So far, things were… well, not easy but going according to plan.

An unexpected thing had been a message directly from Dooku, a request to talk.

Cody was leery about that but he was also interested.

Now that the truth of Palpatine had come out and the fact that the entire war had been engineered by the man…

Well, Cody wasn’t the Senate, mid-rims and outer-rims planet would have a better chance with the vode than with the Senate as it was before. But they’d have to see where that went, if the planets reached out at all.

So much work to do and Cody was bored out of his mind by all of it.

Damn, if he could just get one of those giant iced latte things that Skywalker occasionally had…

“Sir, there’s a guest for you here.” Cody looked up from the terminal, blinking blearily at a smiling Waxer as the trooper stood in the door of the office they had picked out for work, one perfectly suited close to the Coruscant Guards but still in the Senate.

“A guest, who the kar-” Cody felt the words die in his mouth as a brown robed man stepped past Waxer and into the temporary office of the head of the Republic.

It was Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan had come to see him.

A smiling Obi-Wan, a happy Obi-Wan, an Obi-Wan without bruises and dark circles beneath his eyes. Hell, Obi-Wan was almost glowing in the apricot colored light coming in through the window, the sinking sun coloring the sky with its rays.

He was beautiful, standing there and Cody felt himself stand automatically, despite his loss for words. He hadn’t expected to see any Jedi, seeing as he was in the Senate.

He had thought, now that they were free, that they’d avoid this place like it was hell on earth as it had been to many of the Jedi.

But here Obi-Wan was, looking healthy for once in the three years they had been at all this and he was right in front of Cody. “Commander Cody,” Obi-Wan greeted fondly, smiling playfully as bowed lightly in greeting. “Or is it Vod’alor Kote now?” He teased gently as he straightened.

“For you,” Cody rasped, limping slightly towards Obi-Wan, noting those green eyes turn worried as the Jedi quickly moved towards him to meet him in the middle. “For you General Kenobi, its always Cody.” He stated, clearing his throat slightly as Obi-Wan gingerly touched his elbow.

He still smiled. “Then I’m Obi-Wan for you. Are you better? Your eye doesn’t seem to have retained damage…” Obi-Wan glanced worriedly over him.

“Healer Che is a damn miracle worker,” Helix spoke up from the couch he was sitting at, Obi-Wan turning to him instantly to pay attention. “Our Vod’alor is gonna need rest, his leg will most likely hurt on bad days and he’ll most likely have tinnitus his life out, but he can see and hear properly. Something I was sure he wouldn’t be able to.” Helix shook his head.

The answer had Obi-Wan’s shoulder sinking, relaxing as he turned back to Cody with a relieved smile on his lips. “Oh, that’s good to hear. I wasn’t certain when I asked the Halls to send a healer for you but… I’m glad it worked out.” He stated softly.

Cody swallowed thickly, staring at how the sun shone in Obi-Wan’s hair.

Kark, why did his General have to be so good.

Compassionate and kind.

If it was just simple lust, then at least Cody could shove it where the light didn’t shine but this emotion… deep and profound…

He mentally shook it of and instead smiled. “I’m glad to see you Gen-Obi-Wan,” He amended at the others quick look. “But something tells me that you’re not here just to see me.” He limped back to the desk, settling down heavily with Obi-Wan sitting down on the office desk edge.

There were no additional chairs in this office, so Cody made no mention of him sitting on the desk. “Actually, for the most part, I just wanted to see you. But you are also right,” Obi-Wan confessed quietly, hands in his lap. “The council has requested I ask you for a meeting, Vod’alor Kote. The Jedi Order is a bit… uncertain, in the face of new leadership and would like some… clarity. Coming from you, it would be the most assuring.” He stated softly.

Cody peered up at the other before reaching out and resting his hand on Obi-Wan’s wrist, squeezing it carefully. He could read between the lines.

Not all Jedi were used to the vode, not everyone had been in their care and some of them… well, not everyone was Obi-Wan, who trusted the vode with all he was.

They needed reassurance.

Cody was willing to provide that. “Of course, what time would be best?” He stated quietly, swallowing thickly when Obi-Wan turned his hand to hold Cody’s.

“Any time at your leisure, Vod’alor Kote, the council will see you at any time today.” Obi-Wan stated, voice low and gentle, his eyes full of warmth as he peered at Cody.

in ‘jedi are cats’, could we get some 212th and 501st specific videos or scenes, please? :pleading: i love it when jedi just. do the things and get loved by clones

“Where the hell is Waxer!?” The video started of with what was clearly Commander Cody on a warpath, the man looking incensed as he spun around the camp while looking around for said trooper.

The local fauna looked like one of the more tropical planets, lush green around the camp in all directions they could see and blue sky above with just a few scattered clouds about.

The focus however remained on the incensed Commander as he glared at those around him. “Damn di’kut isn’t answering his comms!” He snarled out, clearly threading a very fine line with his patience at that moment.

It was rather surprising honestly, Marshal Commander Cody was always one of the most level headed commanders the public got to see but today was clearly an off day and not finding this Waxer had pushed him over the edge.

“He said can’t move sir and to tell you he won’t be available for a while.” A shiny, as the public had managed to learn that unmarked troopers were called due to how new they were to the battalions they served, not having earned their paint yet as the others, dared to answer.

Instantly the commander whirled on the man, fire in his eyes. “What?” He snarled out, the shiny backing up in fear.

Thankfully though, for the shiny’s sake, someone intervened on their behalf.

A pair of medics went by, one of them stopping and by the red hair and smily on the chestplate, everyone could tell it was CMO Helix that answered Commander Cody, with medic Potion by his side. “What Trupper here means sir, is that Waxer is currently covered by Jedi and therefore can’t move.” He stated a tad wryly, gesturing towards something in the distance with one hand.

The one filming focused on Cody’s surprised face for a moment before following the line of Helix hand point to a point outside the camp, a bald clone with his helmet beside him and his legs stretched out sitting under a tree some distance from the camp. Beside him, another trooper with a mustache was sitting with his head on the bald ones shoulder.

But the most important part was that General Kenobi was also there, his head and upper body laying out across the bald clones, Waxer’s, lap.

Waxer’s hand was slowly petting the Jedi’s hair, his head tilted to peer up at the clear sky with every line of his body indicating relaxation.

So did Kenobi’s body too.

The man was asleep, settled over one of his trooper’s lap like a giant tooka, the shiny glitter of the bell of his collar barely seen at the distance along with a peek of purple.

A loud sigh echoed and the camera returned to the commander, Cody rubbing at the scar on his temple. “Why didn’t you just say Waxer was covered in Jedi, Trupper?” He questioned in a resigned tone before shaking his head when the trooper in question stammered. “If a Jedi is sleeping on you, unless its an emergency, you don’t move. No one’s gonna blame you for it.” Cody stated wryly.

Moving with Potion, Helix let out a loud snort. “Considering how hard it is to get the General to sleep properly some days, I will shank the first one to wake him.” The CMO growled before disappearing from view.

“Tooka rules apply to Jedi,” The commander continued, as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “If they choose you, you stay still, you let them sleep and you better hope you went to the latrines right before.” Cody grumbled before turning and muttering to himself about who the hell he was going to get to replace Waxer, wandering out of frame.

The trooper filming returned to zoom in on the General and his troopers, giving the public one last view of three content souls relaxing in the shade of a large tree.

Di’kut = Idiot

how is palps dealing with all the love being directed towards the gar and jedi in jedi are cats???

Owlishly blinking at the green thing on the ground as the troopers remained in a startled circle where Obi-Wan had been moments before, Obi-Wan shifted slowly before looking at the others with a chagrined look on his face. “I… apologize. I thought it was a snake.” He stated before slowly climbing down as carefully as he could, the bell around his neck chiming softly.

“You thought it was…” Cody started incredulously before sighing deeply, dropping his face in his head with a tired noise. “Alright, that’s it, we’re done. You need rest General, we all do if you’re starting to behave like this.” He stated sternly, without lifting his face from his hands.

“Cody, we really need to finish-”

Lifting his head from his hands to look up, finding the General still two meter up from jumping up a karking twenty meter tall tree, Cody levered a finger at his General. “Someone, and I will find out who once I’ve had a nap and give them latrine duty, just threw a karking zucchini at your feet and you thought it was a snake and proceeded to jump the full length of a tree to get away from it. We are all going to bed, we are going to sleep for at least four hours and so help me, I will have Helix drug each of us if need be.” He hissed, not unlike how a tired Jedi would.

Obi-Wan paused on the last branch before sighing deeply and dropping down the last meter, grunting as he hit the ground and brushing out his tunic. “I… see your point, but Cody, we do need to finish up.” He ventured cautiously, pointedly not looking at the innocent zucchini on the ground.

Glaring at the Jedi, Cody pinched the bridge of his nose. “…Three hours of sleep.” He stated sternly, staring at the other man over his hand, knowing he wouldn’t be winning the fight but knowing he had to try.

“One. One is enough for a nap.” Obi-Wan shot back at the other.

Struggling not to smirk, Cody shook his head as he finally got what he wanted, Obi-Wan into a negotiation. “We need more rest,” He countered sternly before gesturing to the rest of the camp. “Several of the troopers need more than an hour but they will not rest easy if their General doesn’t too.” He tacked on.

It was a tad in bad taste, using his vode in such a way against the General when he knew how much Obi-Wan cared. Thankfully, the others didn’t seem to blame him and instead quite a few of them made themselves look as pathetic as possible, giving Obi-Wan hopeful, almost doe eyed look of tiredness when he glanced towards them with a hesitant look on his face.

“…Hour and a half?” He tried slowly, frowning.

“Two,” Cody countered. “No less than two sir. We can manage better on two hours.” He argued.

Shifting slightly, glancing around the camp again, Obi-Wan opened his mouth again, clearly ready to argue some more.

“In the sun,” Cody interrupted, seeing Obi-Wan freeze. ‘Gotcha…’ He inwardly crooned even as he tilted his head. “Resting in the sun together?” He offered slyly, knowing that his troopers would get the message and already seeing a few run of to find blanket.

“…Sleeping pile?” Oh, Obi-Wan was clearly tired, to reveal how painfully hopeful his voice was as he stared at Cody with wide eyes.

Cody couldn’t help himself and just smiled softly as he nodded. “Sleeping pile, together.” He agreed quietly, knowing he had won as Obi-Wan stepped closer, letting Cody gently guide him towards a still grassy area with sun, a gaggle of of duty troopers following with blankets and a tired sort of cheer.


Glaring darkly at the terminal, his fingers stapled under his chin, Sidious felt a headache from the tenseness of his own jaw grinding his teeth together.

Ever since the damn maggots had started uploading the Jedi’s ‘endearing’ feline behavior, the galaxy had been turning on its axis for favor of the Jedi. They found them interesting, cute or even fascinating as the comment section had more than a few scientists that wanted to study the Jedi.

Hell, they were even donations to the Jedi, getting them tea and snacks and gifts sent to the Jedi temple itself, though the Jedi had swiftly made it clear that they wouldn’t accept extravagant gifts, that they wanted the civilians to take care of themselves and not the Jedi.

That had won them more favor.

This was against Sidious plans, he had made the clones the front figures of the war, the face of posters with just a few faces, like Skywalker, being on posters. He needed Skywalker to be known, as he was to be his apprentice.

But this… this had not been in the plan and Sidious wasn’t sure what to do about it.

He couldn’t get the site taken down, no, he had tried that already and it was clear there were backups, the damn clones having it up again in hours on new servers with better protection.

Nothing in the Jedi’s feline behavior would put the Jedi in a bad light either, so he couldn’t use it either.

“Blast it all,” He snarled, eyes flickering yellow. “They’re becoming bothersome.”