Severed stomach: Dumping is pretty common when it comes to gastric sleeve, especially in the start. One of the things you get is tiredness, does Din experiance it?

Struggling not to let his head drop against Boba’s knee, Din blinked heavily at the blathering fool standing in front of the others dais.

The other had asked him to sit or stand on the dais in armor today, along with Paz, to make an impact as they had a war lord from another planet incoming to make deals and likely to scout out Boba’s operation.

Considering he was finally doing better, Din had jumped on the chance for some work and yet…

For some karking reason he was so tired, struggling not to slump against Boba’s knee. He had gone from standing at the throne side to settling down on the dais by the arm of the throne and the longer he sat there, the more tempting Boba’s knee looked as the conversation washed over him.

It didn’t make sense, Din shouldn’t be this tired.

He’d slept fine this night, he was taking his medication and he had a great lunch with Boba, Fennec and Paz, even if the latter hadn’t removed his helmet, still not at peace with the idea and had eaten behind a curtain. Hell, Paz had gone so far as to make uj cake for them to celebrate Din’s recovery.

The Vizsla clan recipe Paz had proudly boasted, telling all of them that the Vizsla one was better than both clan Wren and clan Rook recipes.

It had been deliciously sweet and spicy, sticky and slightly gooey on the top due to the alcohol syrup drizzle and moist and soft inside with chewy nuts and fruits.

Paz hadn’t often made it in the covert, special days only and sometimes for the younglings, so to get a whole tray of it. So even though Din could only eat some of it had been one hell of a treat and he had felt happy to do as Boba asked, his stomach a tad fuller than it should be due to him overeating cake.

Now he was just… so tired.


He couldn’t understand why and he didn’t want to embarrass Boba by jus-

A strong pull suddenly had Din’s head resting against Boba’s knee and before he could make much more than an aborted noise that his helmet didn’t pickup on, he felt a familiar and strong hand wrap around the back of his neck, bare, warm fingers pressing between his kute and cape.


Boba had pulled Din’s head to his knee, was telling him to remain and Din slumped a bit with relief.

He of course didn’t realize how it looked as he let his eyes close, resting against Boba until he fell asleep. Din had slept worse places after all and with his helmet on, the feeling of people looking at him was familiar due to the beskar.

Now though… now they were looking because of Boba.

On the throne, his legs sprawled obscenely, Boba watched them with a grim gaze, his hand settled on the back of the neck of his shiny mando. On the left arm, Fennec sat, drinking spotchka as she leered at the court with lidded eyes. Behind the throne, leaning on the throne with his elbows was Paz, the cold black visor staring at the court unwaveringly.

It was a terrifying sight, especially with the sight of the gadaffi stick resting against the throne, Paz blaster canon on his back, Din’s beskar spear at his side and Fennec’s sniper rifle over her lap.

All of them looked armed to the teeth, dangerous and yet utterly relaxed, especially with Din sleeping against Boba’s leg.

Were they that confidant they could handle anything the rest of Tatooine or any rivals around the planet could throw at them that they could afford to be asleep or drunk?

The message it sent was terrifying.

Of course, the rest of the court didn’t need to know that three of them were worried about the fourth, Boba, Paz and Fennec all recognizing that something was up with Din.

Gingerly, Boba pressed his index finger to Din’s pulse point, inwardly frowning as he just found a steady, slow pulse and heartbeat.

Nothing seemed wrong beyond Din being so damn tired he actually fell asleep on the dais of all things, even as he quietly finger spelled to both Paz and Fennec that Din was simply asleep and not sick.

After all, his skin wasn’t clam, his breathing was steady and his heartbeat normal.

He was just exhausted.

But why…

If Boba was going to take a guess, he would imagine it had something to do with the others stomach, as many of the changes in Din’s behavior lead back to it. Though how it could be making him so tired, Boba wasn’t sure.

He couldn’t remember reading anything about sleepiness in relation to the gastric sleeve thing but maybe he hadn’t read it properly?

If it wasn’t for how important this meeting was, he would have stormed of with Din to figure it out now but seeing as beyond just sleeping, Din was fine, Boba was going to put a lid on his own nerves and coldly continue to observe the blubbering messenger in front of him with a stoic face.

Behind him, he could feel Paz shift, clearly the big mando itching to get to Din and either put him to bed properly or get him to the medbay, not that Boba blamed him. The King of Tatooine after all wanted to do the same.

Have Russal give him a scan and check his blood sugars. ‘Just get this over with and then I’ll take a break, take Din to the medbay.’ He promised himself mentally as he growled at the messenger, smirking humorlessly when the brat almost pissed himself in fear.

How the warlord thought to send this spineless brat to Boba, he’d never know, but the sooner he got his master’s demands out, the sooner Boba could reject them and send the messenger back packing.

Actually, maybe he’d send the messenger back, tarred and feathered, just for a point. ‘Or tied up like a hog and covered in graffiti?’ Boba mused to himself with humor. He knew that Yuna and Irv would be more than happy to deliver the little messenger back to his warlord if he did that.

Din let out a low noise in his sleep, nuzzling Boba’s thigh with his helmet, distracting Boba from his rather amusing thoughts.

Swiping his thumb soothingly over the nape, Boba couldn’t help but smile at the trust given to him, despite his own worry. ‘Rest well Din. Your trust isn’t misplaced.’

For Dangerous Galaxy, could we possibly get some POV from a few of the farther flung Jedi and Clones? Once the coup is complete? Like Depa and Grey and Caleb, and Aayla and Bly? Just like, the full realization that the senates control of both the Jedi and the Clones is DONE. (Depa will never have to see her Caleb walk to his own assault, like Made had to watch her,,, the sheer grief and relief that kind of revelation will have,,,)

Arm wrapped around her padawan and son, Depa hardly blinked as she watched Commander Cody, as the Vod’alor of the Republic, spoke to the Republic and the Separatist, reaffirming that the GAR was now in control of not only the Senate but the Republic as a whole and that they now answered to them.

Not only that, the Vod’alor was also showing the proof of the Senate’s corruption, of Palpatine’s manipulating both sides of the war, of rampart embezzling of credits, of deals made in the shadows…

But nothing about what the Jedi had been going through at the hands of the Senate and Depa couldn’t help but feel tears building at the corners of her eyes, filled with relief as she clung to Caleb.

She’d never have to send Caleb to the Senate.

The realization hit her heavily, sent her stomach flipping as the realization sunk in with surety that the troopers now had the power to protect them from the abuse Jedi had gone through for centuries. She would never have to sit up in their quarters, waiting on her padawan, her son, her boy, to come back.  Never have to watch his back as he left for a Senator’s pleasure only to come back maimed and depressed.

Depa would never have to patch Caleb up like Mace had to do for her after suffering abuse at senators hands.

The realization had her pulling Caleb tighter to him as he stared at the holo of Vod’alor Cody, listening intently, knowing that things had changed, feeling Depa’s relief.

A warm blanket dropped around the two of them and Depa flinched, finally dragging her eyes away from Cody to look up at her own Commander Grey smiling humorlessly but comfortingly down at her.

They must have known.

Staring back up at Grey, Depa blinked slowly before smiling back in return, relief in her heart as she held her padawan to her side, feeling Caleb slowly cuddle into his side. She knew the war wasn’t done, there would still be battles but…

There was hope now, hope that Depa had never considered before, hope she knew no Jedi that remained in the order had considered.

As the report finished and then looped, Depa let her chin rest on top of Caleb’s head, wondering… what came next?


Plo had known what was going to happen on Coruscant.

His boys, his sons, couldn’t keep a secret from him, as much as they tried after all and he knew that several other Jedi must have caught on too. Obi-Wan at the very least must have known, seeing who had taken over the reigns and was now technically Chancellor, even if Commander Cody sported the title Vod’alor.

But Wolffe and the others couldn’t keep a secret from Plo.

It was why he had quietly agreed when the boys had requested they remain in the airspace above Coruscant for a few days, not making a fuss.

Ever since Wolffe and the boys learned that his arm had been broken by a Senator, by no means the worst injury he had received really, he had known that something was up. The way the boys had burned with rage…

Oh, Plo knew that the former Senator in question’s days were numbered.

He should regret that.

He should have stopped the coup of the Senate.

He didn’t.

Instead he was just so tired, so weary that when Wolffe, gruffly but with concern had suggested he go rest for a while, he had taken his commander on the offer with a smile and a gentle shoulder pat as he saw a bright red orange spot bloom on the surface of Coruscant.

Ignoring it, knowing it was fire and likely the troopers on Coruscant doing, Plo bid his boys a good watch and told them to get their own rest when it was time before quietly making his way to his quarters to remove his mask and googles.

His boys and their vode would take care of things and Plo couldn’t be prouder of them.

Couldn’t be prouder of these traumatized and yet compassionate boys he had the honor of getting to know, the honor of caring for him in return. Who, when they learned about what was happening to the Jedi, had turned around and decided enough was enough.

Would they have done so for themselves?

Plo wasn’t sure, he hoped they would, but he also knew how far the Kaminoans had gone to ensure obedience and therefore he was left in the dark if they would have.

So he was thankful, even if it was for the Jedi, that the troopers had ripped themselves free.

He couldn’t be prouder of them and resolved himself to tell them tomorrow, to make sure they knew just how much Plo thought of them…and how grateful he was.

Plo knew he wouldn’t be the only Jedi grateful, though he wondered how long it would take for many to realize just how free they now were. The thought was almost alarming as Plo changed into his sleeping clothes and crawled into his narrow ship bunk, exhausted to the bone and yet relief in his mind.

His dreams were, for the first time in many months, free of nightmares.

No visit to the Senate in his dreams, no dreams of his boys getting gunned down, no sight of trembling padawans first visit to the Senate or limping knights.

Just a deep, dreamless sleep with his covers wrapped around him and the Force lulling him to sleep in its safe embrace with quiet whispers, the signatures of his sons wrapped around him all over his flag ship, the Mercy. He would never again loose his boys the Force whispered in his sleep, as he had lost them on the Triumphant before when his sons had called themselves expendable, the sensation of the war ebbing in his dreamless sleep.

He wouldn’t remember it in the morning, but a sense of utter peace filled Plo for the first time in years as he looked forward to the future.

For youngandfresh, I’m really looking forward to Boba finally explaining what happened. But I also want Obi-wan to sort of bond with Din. The leg hug was adorable and Obi-wan can’t help that it melted his heart.

Pulling Din up onto the couch beside him, helping him suit Grogu in his lap with one arm wrapped around the little boy and then lacing their fingers together on the other hand, Boba settled as best he could as Din slowly rubbed his thumb on the back of Boba’s hand.

His face still felt oddly sticky and ruddy from crying, his eyes sore and he bet if he could see them in a mirror, they’d be reddish. Boba actually felt a bit awkward looking between his father, who was standing behind the couch with his eyes flickering between looking questioningly at the kids to glowering silently at the Jedi.

Kenobi meanwhile had settled down in the armchair to the left of the couch, his hands settled on his knees as he relaxed back in the arm chair. His brows were raised at the kids and for a moment, Boba wondered how they must look to the Jedi in that hoodoo Force stuff the Jedi had.

Then he disregarded it and instead looked to Din, raising his brow at the other, silently asking what he thought they should tell the other two.

Din simply shrugged, swinging his legs absently.

Honestly, Din didn’t really know much about this time period, Din came from the outer Rims, he hadn’t had the need to know about any of this and hadn’t even encountered a clone before he meet Boba, at least as far as Din knew.

There were many things that hadn’t been vital for Din to know and therefore he hadn’t learned in his and his coverts bid for survival.

So it was up to Boba to decide what to tell the others and how much.

Some things, he wouldn’t be telling Kenobi after all, some things were personal and to be kept between him and his buir and Din. Other things were vitally important for the Jedi to know, to start  change.

Small boulders starts the avalanche after all as they said on Datooine.

So Boba started with the fact that Grogu was Force sensitive, as Kenobi clearly knew, seeing as he had recognized the kid and that he and Din had touched an artifact that had pulled them back in time.

Not only pulled them back in time but also put them in their child bodies.

For the most part, both his buir and Kenobi let Boba talk but occasionally they interrupted.

Asking about the relic in question, to which Boba could only offer vague description. How many years into the past they had gone, which would be about thirty one years old since Boba was now ten. About how he and Din had meet and what he was to Boba, though Boba had promised his buir to explain that later.

Then came the difficult part.

The clone wars and the Empire.

Both his buir and Kenobi listened with the mouths steadily dropping wider and wider in shock and horror as everything was described to them, in gruesome details. Boba didn’t spare them, he had worked for the Empire and he had seen things up close and personal even if he at the time had been cold to it.

Looking back at it… Boba had not been a good person. Oh, he had his own moral code at the time of course, had been surviving with the jobs Vader and the Empire gave him but… no, he had not been a good person.

It also made him realize that his father hadn’t been a good person either. The scars of his past didn’t justify what happened to the clones, they shared their blood too and Boba hoped…

Well, he hoped.

Sometimes that was all he had.


‘Well, and Din.’ He thought with a small smile as Din squeezed his hand gently, recognizing that Boba was falling into a mood despite how different he looked without his scars and fluffy hair. Din had spent a long hour just playing with Boba’s hair, familiarizing himself with it with delighted eyes as Grogu snored on Boba’s chest.

“I… see,” Kenobi finally settled on, frowning deeply as he rubbed at his chin, clearly thinking things over. “It would explain the strange… sensation in the Force around all three of you but I have never heard of time travel through the Force, but…” A wry, almost depreciating smile crossed the redhead’s lips. “As many masters like to say, all is possible in the Force.”

Boba just grimaced at that then shrugged.

“What I’m curious about, for now, is why Din here is trying his best to hide his face. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.” Jango stated in a cool tone. If he wasn’t so familiar with himself, Boba might think his father was angry.

But he could tell the other was uneasy more than anything.

Glancing at Din, finding him tugging his hood down again with wide, anxious eyes. Boba squeezed his hand gently. “Din is from a… insular section of Mandalorians in the future,” Boba tried to be kind to Din and the way his covert had been but he could see Din pull his shoulders up around his ears despite how gentle Boba was being. “He was taught to wear his helmet in front of anyone not his aliit or riduur.” He looked back to the adults.

Both Kenobi and Jango frowned at that but it was the former that spoke first. “The splinter group to the Way of the Mandalorian, Watch Children?” He questioned, a tad worried clearly.

Din, Jango and Boba stared at the Jedi in surprise.

The man in question raised his brows in return. “I spent a year on Mandalore, I am quite familiar with the culture, the language and the weapons,” He stated a tad dryly. “I have my own beskar’gam in the temple, though I haven’t worn it since I was seventeen.” Kenobi shrugged.

Jango shifted and whelp, Boba would have to ignore that flash of interest in the man’s eyes. There was no way Jango was going to imagine his own dad kriffing the Jedi with how Jango was literally eye fucking the man right there in front of his own child, yikes.

Then there was the fact that a Jedi had beskar’gam, proper mandalorian armor from Mandalore and apparently was also familiar with Mandalorian culture and language, despite Jedi not being welcome on Mandalore prior to Duchess Satine…

Well, Boba had no idea what to make of that, even less that it was Obi-Wan Kenobi. Maybe that explained why his men loved him so much?

If he was familiar with mando’a, he might have communicated and fit in with them better.

But still, the very idea of all of it went over Boba’s damn head.

Still, he nodded slowly. “That would be…right. Din is… well, Din is learning to be without his helmet but…” He trailed off.

“A lifetime of habits do not disappear overnight,” Jango rumbled, crossing his arms over his chest with a thoughtful grimace before nodding seriously. “I’ll go find one of the cadet helmets for him, if you’re amendable to that verd’ika?” He offered Din, smiling gently when he got a painfully hopeful stare and nod from Din.

Clearly, despite knowing that both Boba and Din were adults where they came from, neither Kenobi or Jango could see them as anything but children.

Which might be for the best actually Boba mused as he pulled Din closer to his side and had the other rest his head on his shoulder, Grogu cooing in Din’s lap. They weren’t reacting as their older selves would, their reactions weren’t as disciplined, their emotions not under as good control and the less said about their bodies the better.

Clearly, for all intents and purposes, they were now children again, just… precocious children with knowledge they shouldn’t have.

…Karking Osik.

Aliit = Family

Riduur = Spouse

Verd’ika = little soldier (often used affectionately, especially with children)

Beskar’gam = armor

Osik = Shit

I love your stories so much! Can we get a continuation of Sweetheart Hungry? How is the 212th going to take care of Obi-Wan now that they’ve escaped?

Smiling slightly against the warm skin as the Jedi let out a soft sigh of pleasure while digging his fingers into Cody’s side, the clone continued pressing soft kisses to the incubus sensitive neck.

Getting out of their captivity and back to safety had finally left them a chance to feed Obi-Wan properly, Cody quickly stripping out of his armor to crawl into bed with the Jedi, blanketing the other’s warm body with his own as the rest of the vode steered them home.

Hands dug in under fabric to pet and carcass and warm kisses were exchanged, Obi-Wan slowly becoming more aware as the hunger for skin and desire became sated until he was simply enjoying it for the leisure.

Obi-Wan was skin starved for normal affection, it was something the troopers had quickly figured out when the Jedi’s true being had been revealed to them. It had turned a few stomachs as they realized that Obi-Wan had resorted to sex because that was the easiest way to get what he required.

Quickly, they had set up a system, to cuddle Obi-Wan, to let him realize that he did not need to proposition them for what he needed and instead they were quite willing to hold him and press kisses to exposed skin with as much affection as they could.

It made Cody wonder if the other Jedi were aware that Obi-Wan didn’t need sex but intimate touch worked just as well to sate his hunger. He couldn’t see Obi-Wan’s friends taking advantage of him or allowing him to become starved on purpose if they knew it.

Or the Jedi council, Mace Windu and the other were kind, tried their best to save their troopers and be compassionate to those around them.

Cody knew that General Skywalker at least just held the man and petted his hair to feed him, there wasn’t sex involved with those two even when Skywalker was too rough for hte trooper’s taste but maybe the amount of emotions involved didn’t feed him enough when it came to Skywalker?

Had Obi-Wan simply never corrected them and felt desperate with hunger that he just accepted it?

“Better?” He whispered quietly, letting his thoughts rest as he spoke against Obi-Wan’s skin.

“Mhmm,” Obi-Wan sighed quietly with pleasure. “Quite Cody, thank you.” He murmured drowsily, fingertips slowly teasing Cody’s skin in return.

It actually made goosebumps appear on Cody’s own skin and he shivered happily. “Waxer is getting us back to the Negotiator.” He murmured, chuckling slightly as Obi-Wan tucked his leg up around Cody’s hips.

“Mmmn, Helix mandated someone cuddle me the entire way then?” Obi-Wan questioned quietly, tone soft and warm.

Lifting his head enough, Cody raised his brows. “Even if he hadn’t, someone would have. You were starved for days Obi-Wan.” He stated sternly.

In moments like this, it was only Obi-Wan and not General.

To get the other to understand that the troopers were more than willing to be here, to hold their Jedi, to feed him in any way he required. Cody had feed him more sensually honestly, quite a few of the 212th had and calling the other ‘General’ in bed was…

No, titles had nothing to do in bed and certainly not in the kind of relationship Obi-Wan and his troopers were developing.

Obi-Wan grimaced slightly then chuckled, lifting his head enough to peck a teasing kiss to the tip of Cody’s neck. “Might have asked if no one volunteered.” He confessed, yawning slightly before he closed his eyes with a content little hum.

The confession had Cody smiling softly, stroking over Obi-Wan’s furry cheek.

In the beginning, Obi-Wan admitted nothing beyond ‘I’m hungry, I need assistance.’, a life of being either shunned or used the troopers theorized making him cautious. Now Obi-Wan willingly if a tad shyly confessed when his hunger got the better of him and asked them for what he needed.

The trust always humbled Cody.

He never wanted to loose it. “Sleep now, you’re safe. We’re safe. We’re on route to the Negotiator. It will all be alright ner jetii.” Cody whispered, smile growing at the sweet hum he got in reply before he shifted forward and pressed his face back into Obi-Wan’s neck.

how is palps dealing with all the love being directed towards the gar and jedi in jedi are cats???

Owlishly blinking at the green thing on the ground as the troopers remained in a startled circle where Obi-Wan had been moments before, Obi-Wan shifted slowly before looking at the others with a chagrined look on his face. “I… apologize. I thought it was a snake.” He stated before slowly climbing down as carefully as he could, the bell around his neck chiming softly.

“You thought it was…” Cody started incredulously before sighing deeply, dropping his face in his head with a tired noise. “Alright, that’s it, we’re done. You need rest General, we all do if you’re starting to behave like this.” He stated sternly, without lifting his face from his hands.

“Cody, we really need to finish-”

Lifting his head from his hands to look up, finding the General still two meter up from jumping up a karking twenty meter tall tree, Cody levered a finger at his General. “Someone, and I will find out who once I’ve had a nap and give them latrine duty, just threw a karking zucchini at your feet and you thought it was a snake and proceeded to jump the full length of a tree to get away from it. We are all going to bed, we are going to sleep for at least four hours and so help me, I will have Helix drug each of us if need be.” He hissed, not unlike how a tired Jedi would.

Obi-Wan paused on the last branch before sighing deeply and dropping down the last meter, grunting as he hit the ground and brushing out his tunic. “I… see your point, but Cody, we do need to finish up.” He ventured cautiously, pointedly not looking at the innocent zucchini on the ground.

Glaring at the Jedi, Cody pinched the bridge of his nose. “…Three hours of sleep.” He stated sternly, staring at the other man over his hand, knowing he wouldn’t be winning the fight but knowing he had to try.

“One. One is enough for a nap.” Obi-Wan shot back at the other.

Struggling not to smirk, Cody shook his head as he finally got what he wanted, Obi-Wan into a negotiation. “We need more rest,” He countered sternly before gesturing to the rest of the camp. “Several of the troopers need more than an hour but they will not rest easy if their General doesn’t too.” He tacked on.

It was a tad in bad taste, using his vode in such a way against the General when he knew how much Obi-Wan cared. Thankfully, the others didn’t seem to blame him and instead quite a few of them made themselves look as pathetic as possible, giving Obi-Wan hopeful, almost doe eyed look of tiredness when he glanced towards them with a hesitant look on his face.

“…Hour and a half?” He tried slowly, frowning.

“Two,” Cody countered. “No less than two sir. We can manage better on two hours.” He argued.

Shifting slightly, glancing around the camp again, Obi-Wan opened his mouth again, clearly ready to argue some more.

“In the sun,” Cody interrupted, seeing Obi-Wan freeze. ‘Gotcha…’ He inwardly crooned even as he tilted his head. “Resting in the sun together?” He offered slyly, knowing that his troopers would get the message and already seeing a few run of to find blanket.

“…Sleeping pile?” Oh, Obi-Wan was clearly tired, to reveal how painfully hopeful his voice was as he stared at Cody with wide eyes.

Cody couldn’t help himself and just smiled softly as he nodded. “Sleeping pile, together.” He agreed quietly, knowing he had won as Obi-Wan stepped closer, letting Cody gently guide him towards a still grassy area with sun, a gaggle of of duty troopers following with blankets and a tired sort of cheer.


Glaring darkly at the terminal, his fingers stapled under his chin, Sidious felt a headache from the tenseness of his own jaw grinding his teeth together.

Ever since the damn maggots had started uploading the Jedi’s ‘endearing’ feline behavior, the galaxy had been turning on its axis for favor of the Jedi. They found them interesting, cute or even fascinating as the comment section had more than a few scientists that wanted to study the Jedi.

Hell, they were even donations to the Jedi, getting them tea and snacks and gifts sent to the Jedi temple itself, though the Jedi had swiftly made it clear that they wouldn’t accept extravagant gifts, that they wanted the civilians to take care of themselves and not the Jedi.

That had won them more favor.

This was against Sidious plans, he had made the clones the front figures of the war, the face of posters with just a few faces, like Skywalker, being on posters. He needed Skywalker to be known, as he was to be his apprentice.

But this… this had not been in the plan and Sidious wasn’t sure what to do about it.

He couldn’t get the site taken down, no, he had tried that already and it was clear there were backups, the damn clones having it up again in hours on new servers with better protection.

Nothing in the Jedi’s feline behavior would put the Jedi in a bad light either, so he couldn’t use it either.

“Blast it all,” He snarled, eyes flickering yellow. “They’re becoming bothersome.”

Excellent new bit for Dangerous Galaxy!!!Ooooh, hope the eye and ear damage is temporary. Or I guess Cody and Wolffe will match a bit more?

Tired and slightly numb with his feet feeling weirdly warm, Cody decided that being in the medics hands wasn’t so bad as he rested among the pillows under his warm, thick blanket.

At least when he was actually in a bad state and was drugged to the gills that was.

It was decent, warm, he wasn’t in a hella lot of pain and despite his face feeling weird, mix of bacta, bandages and whatever else Helix had put there, he was actually fairly content as it was even with the Iv in his hand.

Despite all the fires raging over Coruscant and who knew what else, he felt like going to sleep actually, able to trust his vode to take care of everything. ‘I wonder how many coup leaders can think that?’ Cody wondered in a bit of bemusement.

But sleeping did not occur as suddenly the doors opened to the medbay along with swift steps.

Not plastoid boots, not the vode armored boots.

Soft leather, hard soles…heel.

‘Obi-Wan.’ Cody thought, moments before a soft cry of his name reached him, Cody opening his eyes to find Obi-Wan hovering over him, Helix coming panting after the Jedi.

“Oh Cody,” Obi-Wan breathed out, reaching out to brush his fingertips beneath the bandage covered eye. “What… what happened?” He whispered.

Leaning into the hand, Cody let out a small hum. “Blew up, Palpatine’s corps.” He slurred a tad, tired and drugged as he was.

“It blew up?” Obi-Wan questioned incredulously, eyes wide. “Are you alright?” He tacked on, eyes worriedly glancing over him, taking in all he could.

Cody grimaced but nodded into the others hand, smiling slightly as Obi-Wan fully cupped his cheeks with both hands, thumbs carefully prodding.

Oh, that was nice. No, that was beyond nice and Cody wanted to have Obi-Wan’s hands remain on him forev- ‘Woooah there Kot’ika, pack that in.’ Cody’s thoughts, sounding like Alpha-17 growling, went a full three hundred and sixty in its process even as he continued leaning into the careful hands.

While Cody had long been aware just how far his feelings for his General went, with what the vode had discovered… a lot were more careful about their feelings when it came to their Jedi, a lot more careful. And Cody had to be doubly so now, now that he was in a position of power.

The last thing he wanted was for Obi-Wan to catch wind and feel… obligated.

With the decades… no, centuries really, of abuse the Jedi order had been exposed to by their government, all the vode had figured that they didn’t have what would constitute as a ‘normal’ view on such things.

Or at least what the vode understood as normal, seeing as the government had also engaged in a system wide slavery for their army but the kind of abuse the Jedi had been under, that they were looking into their own now for, that had been going on for generations.

So Cody had to be careful, even as he let those hands comfort him.

There was no way Cody was going to put his General, his Jedi, into a situation remotely like what the man had experienced for decades now. Obi-Wan had to have a warped view on personal relationship with the people in power, many Jedi would likely have a warped view honestly, after so much abuse from the powers that be.

That power was now Cody.

There was no way in hell Cody was going to have Obi-Wan think he was obligated to do anything of that nature for Cody.

So, he tampered down on his feelings and settled back in the bed, smiling a tad meekly at the worried looking Jedi as the redhead’s hands faltered a bit in the air. “Some eye and ear damage. Helix says that my left ear is likely permanently effected but my eye should be fine.” Cody answered quietly, blinking slowly and a tad sleepily.

From the way Obi-Wan was looking at him, Cody felt pretty sure he hadn’t projected his feelings out on him, despite how out of it Cody felt. “Maybe one of the healers from the temple could take a look at your ear?” He offered a tad quietly, licking his lips worriedly, hand moving down to capture one of Cody’s own, seemingly needing the reassurance of touch.

Stepping in, Helix spoke up. “We would appreciate that, as our Vod’alor, Cody should be in the best shape possible,” He stated a tad gratefully, Cody snorting softly only to turn wary when the medic turned mischievous. “And our Supreme Chancellor.”

That got a deep groan from Cody as Helix laughed, the evil bastard. “Ugh, don’t remind me. I have to deal with the karking Senate.” He huffed out, grouching a tad.

The reaction had Obi-Wan’s lips twitching, squeezing his hand gently. “But you don’t have to listen to them.” He pointed out a tad slyly, smiling abashedly at both troopers giving him a surprised look.

Shaking himself, Cody couldn’t help but smirk wryly. “True, I don’t have to. But I don’t intend for this to be a tyrannical reign, so some concessions will have to be made.” He mulled over it before grunting and rubbing at his temple with his free hand.

“But not right now,” Helix stated firmly, lips pursed before turning to Obi-Wan. “Apologies General, but Vod’alor needs rest.” He stated calmly if a tad regretfully.

However, Obi-Wan simply shook his head. “No, you warned me Helix. Just a few minutes,” He smiled slightly, turning back to Cody to squeeze his hand carefully. “Please get ample rest Cody. You certainly deserve it.” He stated softly.

‘I don’t want you to go, please stay, just until I’m asleep…’ Cody didn’t voice his thought, just smiled as rakishly as he could as he settled back, his hand almost feeling cold as Obi-Wan drew back. “Aye, aye sir.” He chuckled.

Yikes, is Din on any kind of medication? Vitamins? With a stomach like that, you’re suppose to be taking multivitamines at least, cause your body is taking up less food, so there’s less of what you need like iron and calsium.

“Medication?” Din mumbled, shifting slightly on Boba’s couch, enough so he could look at the other. Earlier, Din had a dizzy spell and when he had almost fainted in full armor, Boba had sent everyone out of the throne room and pulled Din, Fennec and Paz to his office.

Fennec had stayed long enough to listen to Boba’s marching orders, assure herself that Din was fine and then she had set of with a harsh look in her eyes.

In the meantime, Boba had settled his arse in front of the terminal and Paz had simply settled on the couch and dragged Din down with him, carefully helping his dizzy covert member out of his armor, stacking the pile carefully on the caff table stationed in front of the L shaped sectional couch.

Then he had removed his own thigh armor.

Honestly, Din felt a bit stupid for not realizing what Paz was up to until his head was laying on the others lap, Paz slowly rubbing at his back and side with gloveless hands.

It had been tense at first, the sensation of being touched always feeling so startling but seconds after, he relaxed into it, the sensation of warm, comforting hands making him melt into the couch and Paz lap despite feeling a tad stupid wearing only his helmet.

He was actually drowsing when Boba spoke.

The King of Tatooine nodded slowly, frowning slightly at the terminal before looking at Din. “Technically, vitamins but yes, also medication. I noticed you have issues eating if something too spicy or greasy gets put in front of you. Acid reflux being common then but even on days you take it easy, you seem to have it a lot, right?” He raised his brows, corners of his mouth turned down in displeasure.

Din wanted to whine at the sight, he hated disappointing Boba and he knew the other was disappointed that Din hadn’t told him this himself. “I mean… yeah, I just… I didn’t want to be a-”

“If you call yourself a burden, I will literally bury you in sand,” Boba threatened with a small growl and Paz squeezed Din’s neck in slight warning, likely agreeing with Boba’s assessment. Then the man sighed deeply. “Din, we want to help you, but to help you, we need to know when something is wrong.” Boba stated more calmly.

Din knew the other two felt responsible for Din’s stomach issues, since they sat the bacta that severed his stomach to pieces.

But they had saved his life, he couldn’t see it that way, as blame.

But guilt never was logical, that much even Din could agree with.

So he sighed and nodded slowly. “Okay so… there are medications that help?” He stated a tad uncertainly, wondering why Boba had also mentioned vitamins. Was he suppose to take that too?

Jutting his head towards the terminal, Boba leaned back in his chair. “According to the holonet on those cosmetic places on the core elite, those that take gastric procedures for reasons often end up taking a drug called pantoprazol, which reduces the acids in their stomach. It helps you basically be able to eat mostly a normal diet.” He explained carefully.

Blinking, Din sat up at that. “A… normal?” He carefully but hopefully voiced. “Normal by core standards or…” Din licked his dry lips.

Tapping his fingers on the desk, Boba shrugged. “Not wholly sure here but what I can dig up seems to indicate that there are some pretty spicy meals you can eat while taking this drug. And that sometimes your body has to go through a first time dumping syndrome, whatever that is, for it to get used to certain dishes.” He glanced at the terminal screen, eyes flickering over the text before nodding, as if to confirm what he just said.

Din swallowed thickly at that, the idea of being able to eat tiingilar without feeling like crap making his mouth watering. “…Okay, where do we get that? The pantos thing?” Din rasped out, leaning into Paz hand when it came up to squeeze his shoulder.

Boba just waved his hand. “I’ll have it shipped in, get Russal to ensure its safe. But another thing is that you need vitamins Din,” Boba stared at him. “You fainted today and the blood sample I sent Russal says your anemic and you are in severe deficiency of several key vitamins. Its why you’re having dizzy spells and today you almost fainted. I imagine you’re having other symptoms of those vitamin deficiency that you just haven’t told us.” He growled slightly.

Din hunched in before turning and hiding in Paz, letting out a small, unhappy whine when he heard Boba sigh loudly. “You’ll be going onto both the pantoprazol and the vitamins as soon as we get it Din, this isn’t punishment but please, we can’t stand to see you like this.” Boba’s voice was gentle but Din still felt the need to hide as he clenched his burning eyes shut.

“It will be alright verd’ika. We’ll help you. You just have to let us help…” Paz murmured, his arms wrapped tightly around Din’s body. “Just… please let us help Din.” He tacked on, even through the modulator his voice sounded a tad desperate.

Din wished he could take of his helmet, press his face to Paz chest or neck and just disappear for a bit.

Still, he nodded, the metal scraping against each other, not wanting to disappoint his friends.

Verd’ika = Little soldier

Major stars- How does Obi-Wan handle hearing that Anakin knows? Is anyone else going to figure it out? Anakin isn’t really the best at keeping secrets…

His son knew him.

That was a… novel thought.

Even more novel was the sensation of having his son in his lap, his good arm wrapped around Anakin as the kid quietly read his homework. Occasionally, he’d stop and ask for Obi-Wan’s help for either words he didn’t understand or concepts that went a bit above his head.

The task of ones master really.

Yet, by the fond, soft look Qui-Gon was sporting as he watched the two interact as the man himself was tending to his plants, Qui-Gon didn’t mind that Anakin had gone to Obi-Wan for the help.

It was enough to make Obi-Wan smile shyly back at the man, watching Qui-Gon carefully clip his Kashyyyk climbing flowering vine into a manageable lengths, to prevent it from spreading out of its pot.

On the floor, Qui-Gon’s bright pink watering can, the flower nutrients pellets and a bin for the plant waste was stationed, in easy reach for the tall man to use on his hobby.

It was domestic and Obi-Wan couldn’t say he didn’t like it.

When Qui-Gon had told him, Obi-Wan hadn’t been sure what to feel.

A tad panicked, the sensation of fear and hope building so fast it made Obi-Wan dizzy.

The fact that Anakin had known for so long and yet not said anything did put some of Obi-Wan’s fear to the side though, the worry that someone would learn that Anakin knew and would inform the council, that Anakin would be reassigned by the council of reassignment.

Their son himself had put the other worries to rest.

Obi-Wan had worried Anakin would think they had abandoned him, had thought the boy might resent them a tad.

He hadn’t.

He still curled into Obi-Wan with eagerness, pressing his nose to Obi-Wan’s tunic, hugging him as tightly as he dared with Obi-Wan injured from his mission. No, Anakin loved them with all his heart.

Still, some fears remained.

He wanted Anakin to become a good knight, well, as long as that was what Anakin wanted. If their son wanted to join one of the corps or even leave, then Obi-Wan would support him. But those options were easier, Anakin had the skills to become quite the pilot, mechanic or any number of things.

But to become a Jedi knight, a certain… demeanor was required.

Obi-Wan worried the wouldn’t be able to teach Anakin that, that the love they had for their boy would lead to attachment.

Would lead to Anakin developing his own attachment.

Jedi were to love, to be compassionate… but love and attachment were different things.

To love with all their heart and yet to be able to let go, grieve but don’t let death or loss destroy you or your rage control you due to said love.

There were the healthy kind of love and the unhealthy kind and overwhelming emotions were not good for a Jedi. It could lead to a darker path, to the dark side whispering in your ear.

It could lead you to taking the wrong choice.

‘But we have to do our best, don’t we? We love our boy… and… and I don’t know if I’m strong enough now to walk away. I don’t think I’m strong enough to let him go either…’ Obi-Wan mulled over that.

He was worried, Obi-Wan didn’t want his love to turn selfish and problematic.

The only thing he wanted was for Anakin to become the best person he could be, to be happy with who he was, regardless what path he chose.

Pressing a soft kiss to the crown of Anakin’s head, he smiled a tad shakily as their boy made a happy noise and burrowed into Obi-Wan, ignoring Qui-Gon’s now slightly worried glance at him.

All Obi-Wan could do, was to be as good as possible, to make the decisions that seemed right and believe in the Force.

That was all he could do.

Can we see what happens next in SecretWeCarry? Do the clones ever figure out the prisoners responsible?

Letting out a deep sigh as he eyed the report Fox had sent him, Cody rubbed at his stubbled jaw. He finally had the name of the prisoners that had jumped ‘Hardeen’ in the showers, but the only thing was…

Two of them were already dead, had been killed in a riot in the prison and could not be touched much to Cody’s consternation.

The other three involved however were still alive and still in prison, though there had been a few attempted escapes on the three’s attempt, enough to bring them up to the high security levels to prevent them from getting out.

After what had happened to ‘Hardeen’, Fox had also transferred more guards to keep an eye on them and had isolated them from the general population.

Violent prisoners such as these couldn’t be allowed among the general population after all.

‘Five people, five people jumped and assaulted my General…’ Cody stared at the images, two humans and three aliens. ‘He would have tried to fight them but without his Force powers against an overwhelming number…’ Cody’s wanted to put his fist in their face that moment.

The three survivors were one human, one zabrak and a twi’lek and all of them had a long rep, the human actually already had rape on his record and the longer Cody stared at their mugshots, the more his stomach curled with disgust.

‘…Death is too good for them.’ His lips pulled into a snarl before he let out a deep breath, sitting back in the chair of his office. It was practically a small storage but it was okay enough to do the requisition and other paperwork a commander had to fill in for the GAR without input.

The other times he would work with Obi-Wan in his quarters, for things the other had to sign of on and such. Obi-Wan’s office wasn’t much larger but the desk was good to sit at and Obi-Wan had a water boiler to make tea in his office.

He often actually made enough hot water so Cody could have caff, having a jar of instant caff stashed with his tea. It never failed to warm Cody and he suddenly wanted to go see his General.

‘But Obi-Wan is resting and that’s how its going to stay, resting, recovering.’ Cody reminded himself sternly.

Obi-Wan was actually doing somewhat better these days, despite the loss of the fetus and the attack by the CIS. If Cody was to take a guess, the constant attention from not only the medics but also General Skywalker was doing him a galaxy of good.

Along with the troopers own brand of care.

Helix, as the CMO, had sent out a priority message for most of the higher level command to read, to arrange for someone to visit Obi-Wan for an hour every five hour throughout the day cycle and evening cycle, to keep him occupied if he needed conversation.

Always a different clone, always for different reasons.

Obi-Wan needed human interaction and he had always been happy to speak with his troopers since the get go, happy to learn what he could of the troopers unique sign language or about the things they learned, even if some of it made him sad. Or he liked to teach them the things he knew.

He knew that both Waxer and Boil visited him and got language lessons, their visits often lasting longer than the hour the medics had asked for.

No one had the heart to send them away though and when Obi-Wan showed signs of tiredness, the two would make themselves scarce with believable white lies.

Cody too visited for more than the required hour, sometimes not talking at all and simply sitting at Obi-Wan’s side, holding his hand as the two read novels from a pad each. Sometimes that was all Obi-Wan needed, human contact but not a lot of talking.

After everything Obi-Wan had gone through, he needed positive, reinforced contact.

That was why Cody often held the others hand or let Obi-Wan rest his head on his shoulder.

‘But he has to rest now, Band-aid sent out a ship wide message about him being asleep.’ Cody reminded himself, focusing back on the mugshots, narrowing his eyes faintly.

Fox had promised to keep them alive… for now.

‘Your days are numbered… just you wait. You live for now.’ Cody bared his teeth in vicious smile, knowing the prisoners days were numbered.

He’d make SURE of that.

Its been a hot minute, but for Jedi are Cats (something like that) do the clones have their own version of YouTube to put their videos of their generals being funny?

To the delight of the entire galaxy, the GAR clones had started their own holopage for their Jedi General’s shenanigans.

With weekly donations, it was running smoothly, updated by several battalions daily to make it worth the credits. Most of the donations were used to the upkeep of the page of course but some of it went into the GAR.

There had been quite a few thank you on the page from each battalion, investing in better caff or tea or treats.

It was rather adorable and had racked up a tad more donations, just to see them enjoy themselves and share with their Jedi.

Then there were the delightful videos themselves, all of them arranged Jedi by Jedi, so one could find their favorite Jedi. There was also the option to cross search for certain feline behavior, just so the viewer could find their favorite hilarity.


The angle of the camera was shaky and low, alerting the viewer to the fact that it was a helmet camera once more and that it was suited on the trooper’s hip. Finally though, the shaky angle became clear and allowed the viewer to see…

Plo Koon, curled up in an ammo crate, looking for all the world like there was nowhere else the kel dor would want to be with a blanket beneath himself. The man looked to be half asleep from what they could tell with the googles and breathing mask and he was actually purring faintly.

“…General, what in the world are you doing?” A gruff voice questioned.

The Jedi shifted inside the crate, lifting his head slightly from his own head to look up before huffing a tad in amusement. “Ah, Wolffe, I’m merely taking a nap.” The Jedi stated cheerfully.

“…In an ammo crate?” The same voice repeated, sounding merely resigned instead of incredulous.

Considering that the entire galaxy was now aware of the Jedi’s feline traits, no one was shocked by it at all and most were giggling at how adorable the kel dor was behaving.

“Indeed, its comfortable and safe. Would you like to join me?” Brows creased and cheeks shifted in a clear smile.

“…Thank you for the offer sir, but no thank you. Please enjoy your nap.” Came a low, drawn out sigh.


“Doooooon’t.” A blond trooper, Captain Rex, stated seriously, eyes narrowed in the video as he stood in front of his General at the mess table. This video was taken from a distance in a command room, clearly by another trooper watching the exchange of their General and their Captain.

Seated at said table, Anakin Skywalker sat, staring up at his captain with wide, mock innocent eyes, the back of his mech hand placed against a cup.

What was in the cup was hard to tell, but what was clear, was that this was a cup shoving behavior of a feline.

Or a Force sensitive being.

The stare-off continued, the General slowly moving the cup another inch and the captain growling deeply. “General… I swear…” He raised a finger at the other man. “Don’t you dare… I brought you that so you could hydrate…” The captain wagged it.

The human in front of him watched the finger wag, tilted his head, as if debating his option and then gave a grin so wide it looked loopy before he sent the cup flying into the air.



Another shot, this time in what looked like a camp on some planet or moon, General Kenobi practically strutting across the camp towards his Commander with a wide smile on his lips. “Cody!” He called out.

The man in question, Commander Cody as his scar made him very unique among his peer, lifted his head from the pad he was looking over, the man sitting outside at a rickety table. “General?” The man greeted with a small smile, blinking when the man placed something on the table. “General, what is this?” He questioned curiously, setting his pad aside to pickup a leaf, the tips of it colored a light blue like a sky, while the bottom turned almost black.

Chuckling, General Kenobi rubbed awkwardly at the back of his neck, his ears turning a tad red. “Its a Yuran tree leaf, they’re unique for their blue, gradient color and this in particular was beautiful. I wanted you to have it.” He informed him with a wry twist of his lips.

It was rather funny, to see all the feline behavior the Jedi had and more, it was adorable.

How odd, they went from being mysterious to adorable beings.