Sweetprincess: Din is princess, right? its not an oc?

Running his bare fingers absently through Din’s soft hair, Boba quietly contemplated the farmer standing in front of him, nervously twisting her cap in her hands as she preformed her petition, wide eyed gaze staring up at Boba.

It shouldn’t really surprise him that those in a difficult situation would try to bargain with him.

Yet somehow he hadn’t expected moisture farmers coming to him in person, trying to negotiate a trade, a mutual benefit.

He had expected traders, guilds, mercenary, spies and even New Republicans considering he knew this was the homeworld of karking Luke Skywalker.

But not a single woman with a single, if large, moisture farm.

It was almost impressive, the woman had guts to come alone to him with her petition.

And a large moisture farm, even if her tools were were failing her and she needed to repair, were actually worth something. She could be generating a lot of water… if only her gear worked.

Unbidden, Boba’s covered eyes fell to Din, watching those long lashes resting against the others cheeks, the slight quiver of eyelids each time Boba’s blunt nails dragged gently at his scalp. Din was still so sensitive to touch, something Boba had no doubt came from his long years in armor.

Yet here he was, content, resting on his knees between Boba’s legs as he accepted the touches Boba knew could undo him if the man preforming them wanted to, trusting and accepting.

Likely feeling the gaze, Din opened his eyes and raised his head from the thigh, enough to blink up at Boba.

Din had of course been paying attention, for all that he had looked half a sleep, even as Princess, that awareness never truly left him.

Even now, with sleepy lidded eyes, he could see Din’s eyes abort from looking at the woman presenting her case to the king of Tatooine.

Din and his softness and his honor code, insisting he worked alone and yet somehow surrounding himself with people at the same time.

Din, who had stumbled up the ramp of Slave 1 with a scowling Bo-Katan following and her Nite Owl pet, darksaber and spear in hand, eyes empty as the vastness of space. “…Twenty percent,” Boba finally said, the woman shutting up as she stiffened, staring at Boba hopefully even as he kept looking down at Din. “Twenty percent of your overall water for two years, with ten percent of it going to food manufacturing. And I’ll give you the trade you want.” He gestured for one of his advisors.

The twi’lek stepped forward, even as the farmer bowed and scraped and stammered out a thanks.

Boba knew that Fennec would go over the report later, ensure Virla did her due and didn’t try to book something not in the deal.

Though, Virla was a former brothel slave, her loyalty, at least for now, was to Boba, of that he was certain.

But it never hurt to check of course.

Din’s lips twitched into a small, pleased smile at Boba’s deed, the sight warming the cold concave of Boba’s heart.

The deal was very good to the farmer as much as Boba and had he been Jabba, the water payment would have been a lot higher.

But Boba, running Tatooine with an iron fist and violence, would like things to actually function. If people died from starvation and dehydration, there be nothing left, his planet would crumble like the multitude of other hutt run worlds.

And it pleased him to see Din smile even so slightly, two flies, one smack.

Boba Fett was not a soft man, but he could be gentle in occasions, when the wretched he stepped in for needed it.

And for Din, his princess, who was so lost in his own head he seemed to loose himself in the maw of a too dark space, Boba could and would be gentle.

Din needed it, too used to the harshness of everyone else, even from himself, cauterized scars telling stories of the younger man’s life easily to someone experienced.

Slipping his hand out of the hair, ignoring Din’s little half whine, Boba instead slipped two fingers under the delicate beskar collar and gave a tug. “Up Princess.” He murmured, tapping his thigh with his gloved hand.

Brown eyes lit with interest and Din settled his hands on Boba’s thighs, pulling himself up as smoothly as possible and into the others lap, nuzzling his face into the neck between helmet and armor. “Buir’ika.” He sighed happily.

Resting his hand at the base of the others spine, Boba observed the gathered crowd, lips pulling up into a smirk as the regulars tried not to look and yet seemed unable not to. Pulled up in his lap, Din’s outfits had a tendency to crawl up his body, exposing more of him to wandering eyes, not that the other cared by this point.

But they knew what would happen if they were caught staring too long at Boba’s sweet Princess.

It amused Boba honestly, how no one seemed to connect Princess to Din or visa verse, despite never seeing them in the same room together. A smirking Fennec had informed him, finding a fresh bottle of booze, that the days Din was not visible in his armor, the court thought he was out hunting.

A fair assumption, Din did occasionally go out for a hunt for Boba, simply for the pleasure of it. His beroya would always be a hunter, skills honed to a knife edge, deadly and all the more beautiful for it in the older man’s eyes.

And the separation made the reunion all the sweeter when Din shed his armor and once more knelt for Boba, being such a good princess for him, pressing needily into his touch.

But at the moment he was not needy, only clingy, touch starved as always. “Princess, helmet.” Boba murmured, lips quirking at how eagerly Din obeyed the command, sitting back on Boba’s knee to ease the helmet off the others head.

It was settled to the side, safely out of the way on the left arm of the throne by Din and then he was back, burrowing his face into Boba’s neck more properly with the helmet out of the way. It almost made him chuckle, the feel of Din’s cold nose brushing against his warm neck. “Jate Princess, always so good for me.” He rumbled, feeling the other shiver against him, pressing closer.

For all the scars and dents Boba bore and bore without shame, it never failed to amaze him how much Din seemed to crave his praise.

Boba was no fool, he knew that in terms of attractiveness, there were many who’d balk at him after his stint in the sarlacc, the scars worn openly unsettling many eyes.

But it was harder to remember that when Din pressed so sweetly into his touch and looked at him with soft, wanting eyes. “Jate.” Boba repeated, simply for the pleasure of Din shivering once more.

Boba Fett was not a soft man, but yes, he could be gentle to the ones who deserved it.

with the art you reblogged, I’m gonna take a chance. BobaxDin and some throne fun?

Only a fool would challenge Boba Fett, king of Tatooine, in his own fortress.

Well, technically the former Jabba cartel and fort, but that was now history. Jabba’s death was years past and Bib Fortuna’s short reign was a simple footnote in their history that few missed due to his incompetence. The only ones to genuinely miss him would be the ones that benefited from Fortuna’s incompetence to grease their own palms and hang onto the power.

But they knew better than to grumble too loudly.

Not with Boba on the throne, especially with his right and left hand wandering around.

Fennec Shand was a danger, the sharpshooter’s eyes never missing out and woe be you if her eyes lingered on you. You better hope it’s not because she has a grudge because Fett might as well shoot you in his lieutenant’s name, not the woman herself nursing a bottle of spotchka that never impaired her ability as she leaned against his throne.

She was Boba’s fiercest enforcer and if you wanted a quiet life, you did not cross her. Half the palace either wanted to avoid her like the plague and the rest wanted her attention in a carnal manner. The prospect of a quiet life when you were in Fett’s fortress was a contradictory notion.

Then there was the other Mandalorian in shiny beskar armor, simply called Djarin by Fett or if the man was in a bad mood, beroya. The whispers and rumors about him were many, from killing a great krayt dragon, laying claim to an ancient weapon, being a cyborg instead of being true flesh and blood. And then was the rather bizarre rumor that he raised a Jedi whelp.

Djarin never seemed to eat and rarely drank when in public and generally stood behind the throne, resting his hands on it slightly as he leaned forward with unseen eyes trained on whoever had caught his attention, beskar spear strapped to his back and blasters at his hip.

People wanted his attention even less than Fennec Shand.

With Shand, at least it was a fifty/fifty chance that her interest was good natured and could lead to some fun time in a corner, the few who she had taken a liking to saying she was a great kisser if prompted enough.

Djarin’s attention was never good.

His attention came at the price of him discovering traitors, assassins or embezzlers, the silver mando leaning down over the throne to quietly murmur to Fett, informing him of what he had seen or heard, always backed with evidence and yet the usurper king never asking to see it before acting.

One memorable event had Djarin leaning down, his voice, as always, covered by the music of the palace. What he had said, no one knew, but it was enough for Fett to jerk a viroblade out of his boot and throw it, nailing poor Yarkarta to the bar on the other side of the room.

The less said about Yarkarta, the better, but a few noted that a few days later Djarin seemed to have grown a few more pieces of shiny armor. The speculation that Yarkarta had been smuggling beskar was a shared and agreed notion.

Those two were understandable, an enforcer and a bounty hunter as fierce as Boba Fett in his youth.

The last member however…

One of the first things Fett had done when taking over was to overturn the practice of slavery all over Tatooine. If you wanted to live, you better hope no one informed Fett that you kept slaves on his planet. It had earned him many a zealot soldier and enforcer, former slaves from all over flocking to him.

And yet he owned a slave himself.

Princess was a man somewhat taller than Fett as some noted when both were standing, with high cheekbones, defined and beautifully dark brown eyes, a trimmed mustache resting over pink lips. Coupled with the dark skin and soft brown hair that curled at the nape of his neck, that alone would make him a pretty thing.

But Princess was also muscled, scars in certain places spoke of a life of fighting and someone who knew to survive, even as he had the softness of someone that ate regularly and well.

Beskar collar and chain had the man contained to a general radius around the throne, though not always chained. When unchained, Princess could still be found near Fett, maybe fetching something to drink or eat and yet somehow lost, brown eyes saddened as outside of being able to avoid people, he did not look at them. It was as if his life had recently been deprived of purpose, of goals and he was unmoored in a galaxy he didn’t quite recognize and didn’t know how he fit in.

Kneeling on the large red pillow at Fett’s feet however, Princess looked content, head resting on Fett’s knee as the man absently played with dark curls or scratched gently at the others scalp as he only was with Princess.

Either Princess was a slave who didn’t know how to survive beyond what he had been for years (unlikely by the sight of his muscled and scarred body), or he was willingly kneeling at Fett’s feet, maybe dominated by the other man at one point and therefore sworn to the others side, as some speculated.

Not too loudly though.

Speculations about Princess was another way to die. Fett didn’t tolerate anyone except maybe Fennec getting too close to Princess. If you wanted a swift death, then the easiest way was to try and touch Princess.

Especially since Princess was dressed in soft outfits of lace and silk that Fett seemed to enjoy; soft babydoll dresses in shades of pink, purple, green and blue, resting along the man’s thighs and only occasionally giving a peek at a pert bottom, the cinching of the dress waist revealing the trim waist easily.

A favored outfit was a very light green baby doll, mostly sheer with white lace details and thin straps resting over dark shoulders, the details of underwear and firm rear barely seen through the sheerness. A tease more than anything as people tried not to look and yet being unable to at least not glance.

Fett seemed to enjoy the outfit the most. When coupled with white knee stockings, Princess ended up in his lap more than on his pillow as Fett ran an ungloved hand over his slave’s body with gentle interest.

Sometimes, Fett would run his fingertips under the thin beskar collar, as if checking the skin beneath before sweeping his hand over the others spine and resting his arm around Princess waist.

No, only a fool would try to get close to Princess without good cause.

@robinasnyder was kind enough to beta this, send her some praise!

Would you ever write nsfw codywan for the jediarecats universe? I absolutely adore that series

Finally, after what felt like an eternity and a half, Obi-Wan cleared
his throat and managed to look at Cody, his hands falling behind his
back, most likely folded like he normally did. “Commander, might I
have a private word with you?” He finally settled on.

the rest of the troopers noticed something was up as several troopers
looked up in confusion before quickly returning to work.

could still feel a few second him curious looks and he could only end
up being grateful that his bucket kept even his own vode from
noticing he was turning red and slightly panicked.

Yet he
was a dutiful commander and if he was about to be reprimanded for
what he was thinking about then he was going to take it like the
clone he was. “Of course sir.” He nodded, falling into step with
the Jedi as they gave the bridge over to Gregor as the captain.

with that, Cody was going to his doom.

the cheerful jingle of Obi-Wan’s collar filling his ears as he
followed the man.

For a
moment he thought he was going to a closely located office only for
Obi-Wan to lead him further away to an elevator, not saying a thing
and Cody too worried to ask questions.

He was
however confused when he finally noticed where they were heading.


As the
General, he had his own quarters on the Negotiator.

to be fair, so did Cody and Gregor too, they used the space to hold
their paperwork, as much as he hated it, they needed space to fill
things like supply requisitions.

for a moment to let Obi-Wan open the door, Cody swallowed his nerves.
“Sir?” He finally got out, injecting as much of a questioning
tone as he could.

remove your helmet Cody.” Obi-Wan hummed, stepping in with a soft
jingle, the purple collar.

that merry sound, Cody stepped into his fate as he pulled his helmet
off, the door snapping shut behind him as the automatic lights
responded to the movement of people, turning on to show the small
room of Obi-Wan’s quarters with a bed in one corner and the desk in
another and barely any space between them.

barely had time to take in the little tea set and water boiler on the
desk before he was pushed against the door, his helmet dropping to
the ground with a dull thud in his surprise as lips pressed to his.

sweetly musky scent entered his nose as he numbly took in the fact
that Obi-Wan was pressed against his body, Obi-Wan’s lips were on
his, Obi-Wan was cupping Cody’s face with his hands and Obi-Wan had
kissed him after
hearing Cody’s desires.

one frozen moment, Cody just stood there against the door, the soft
sensation of the Jedi’s lips on his along with the pleasantly
tickling sensation of the man’s well groomed beard on Cody’s

the situation hit, just as Obi-Wan uncertainly pulled back, a look of
horror starting to grow in his eyes as he thought he had
miscalculated what Cody wanted.

Cody couldn’t have that, couldn’t have Obi-Wan withdrawing from
him when the other had kissed

a deep, reverberating growl, Cody reached out and lifted the other by
his arse, cupping the plush bottom as he turned them around, pressing
the Jedi to the door forcefully as he kissed Obi-Wan feverishly,
wondering if he had passed out and was dreaming.

muffled mewling noise escaped Obi-Wan, his hands coming up to cup
Cody’s head as he tilted his head for a deeper kiss.

tasted of sweet tea and herbs and Cody wanted more of that addicting
flavor as he pressed harshly against the other, nipping at Obi-Wan’s
lips as the bell jingled merrily at every move.

only pulled back when he realized his armor was an issue, Obi-Wan
letting out a small, pained whine. “Shit, kark, hold on General. I
need to…” He shifted his right hand off that delightful handful
of ass to try and unclip his armor.

let me.” Obi-Wan slipped his hands down, easing the pauldrons off
first, his lips shiny and cherry red from the kissing and Cody let
out a small groan at the sight, pulling the other back down into a
kiss as Obi-Wan continued to blindly unclip Cody’s armor.

meet cloth as Cody’s chest pressed against Obi-Wan’s, the heat
from under the armor clinging to the bodyglove the troopers wore
underneath and it was only then Cody pulled back enough to give the
Jedi a serious if lustful look. “I… I don’t do this easy
General, if this affects our working relationshi-” He was cut off
by Obi-Wan stealing a kiss.

changes outside of these four walls,” Obi-Wan promised. “Only
inside, only when we are alone Cody. But when we are alone… I want
you, please Cody. I love you.” He whispered, heat and yet something
fragile trapped in his voice as he stared at his commander.

something thick trapped in his throat, Cody nodded as he shifted,
moving back from the door to the bed. “I want you too… Obi-Wan.”
He whispered, dropping onto the bed on his knees to lower Obi-Wan
onto it, the room filling with stifled noises of pleasure and quiet
slick sounds.

Hi Moddy, Any prompt for Jedi are cats ? Just wondering because last I checked we left with Obi-Wan stuck in the healing bay and see, I have a cat, and whenever she’s stuck somewhere she dislikes, as soon as she’s freed she stretches in a way that shouldn’t be physically possible and makes my back hurt for her and then she runs WILD. As in she’s climbing the walls wild lol. Or she’s all sullen and moody at whoever got her stuck in the first place (me :'() so… does he have the same traits ?

around in the bed, the Jedi stared at the medic, who pretended not to
notice as he was placing a bacta bandage on another trooper with a
blank expression on his face. Obi-Wan flopped around on his bed at
that, causing the bell of his collar to jingle and then he huffed.


once more ignored him even as the shiny on the bed blinked at their

the medic raised a hypospray and sat it in the neck of the trooper,
letting out a small hum. “Well, there you go Lamb, that should do
the trick but please, no drinking the local water before you purify
it and stay away from the local fauna.” Helix warned the younger
trooper, wagging his finger in the others face.

more Obi-Wan huffed, squirming in bed as Lamb glanced between the two
with a startled look. “R-Right, um… Helix, shouldn’t… I mean…
um…” Lamb trailed off as the bell of the collar continued to

his eyes, Helix turned around and finally gave his attention to the
Jedi. “Oh fine,
yes you little baby?” He crossed his arms over his chest, raising
his brows at his Jedi even as Lamb covered his mouth in shock.

just pouted at Helix. “I am no-”

long as you behave this way, you are a baby you kitty cat,” Helix
stated, coming over and then, setting the hypospray he had used away
on a tray. “Alright, let’s give your ribs a check, I might
let you go if they have healed to my satisfaction.” He paused
talking as Obi-Wan sat up to let the man check on his chest.

Obi-Wan was in pain as he bit his bottom lip when Helix carefully
pressed his hand to the chest with Helix frowning faintly. “Yeah,
no you’re not going anywhere, General. And if you try to escape
without my say so, I’m going to tell Cody that he should get a
leash for you.” Helix threatened faintly.

faintly, Lamb slid of the bed he had been checked over, smiling at
Helix when the medic looked his way. “Am I excused?” He
questioned, beaming when the medic nodded and waving goodbye to their
General as he made his way out.

sent an
envious look after the man then gave Helix a wounded look, eyes wide.

medic looked unmoved, instead lifting his hands to remove the bandage
around the others head. “Yeah, that doesn’t work on me. You might
get one up on Commander Cody with those soft eyes but I am made of
tougher stuff than that, sir,” Helix noted dryly before pausing,
peering at him. “Seriously, I’m going to buy him a leash if you
don’t start taking better care of yourself sir, if only to make you
behave yourself.” He threatened.

that threat was kinda ruined by the smile on the others face.

a bit, Obi-Wan let out a mutter before sighing in relief when the
bandage came off. “How does it look?” He murmured, letting Helix
tilt his head, relaxing into the gentle, firm hands.

that bad, you need a shower of course but that will have to wait
until your ribs are better so you can move properly, I don’t want
you to put stress on your ribs just yet. But I can clean out your
hair a bit if you want?” Helix paused, peering at his General. When
the man hesitated, Helix gently patted his shoulder. “I have time
sir, there’s nothing going on unless a sudden battle happens, which
is unlikely, or a sudden outbreak happens.” He pointed out, smiling
when Obi-Wan nodded hesitantly.

would… appreciate that Helix.” He ventured quietly, a bit meekly.

faintly, Helix moved to get a warm bowl of water and a soap,
carefully washing out the bacta sticky and slightly bloody red hair,
using careful touches that eased Obi-Wan into relaxing and lean into
the medics touch.

then he started to purr, much to Helix utter shock and delight, the
medic quickly tapping the record button for the camera he had put up
just for instances like this.

wouldn’t put a sulky General on ‘Jedi are Cats’ but a purring
General getting his hair washed by another because his ribs were
clearly braced and bandaged?


is going to get a kick out of this.’ He grinned to himself as he
scratched the scalp of the other redhead.

So in Jedi Are Cats can we get more of Obi being a complete and total tease towards Cody and then playing dumb about it even though everyone and their mother knows that he knows exactly what he’s doing?

was going to climb up the walls very soon.

metaphorical wall that was but still a wall because for the last week
or so, his Jedi was teasing the hell out of him and Cody wasn’t
sure how to approach the man even as they engaged in another

then shit hit the fan.

you’re telling me that while Jedi aren’t responsive to catnip,
they are apparently responsive to this herb that
exploded with powder when they got close and they breathed in the
dust and
that it is
basically Jedinip?” Cody stated dryly, trying to ignore how Obi-Wan
was trying
into his neck while holding the practically boneless man in his arms.

standing at the makeshift desk full of medical analyst equipment and
a terminal, gave a sharp nod, his lips twitching every time he
glanced at the General. “To be fair, it’s more a Force sensitive
nip but yeah, lets go with Jedinip and
it’s completely harmless with the effect being temporary for now as
they just need to rest it off.”
stated professionally.

was less professional, sniggering quietly over in a corner of the
tent, standing near his own General as Skywalker continued to snuggle
up under the medbed in his little nest like creation he had made out
of sheets and pillows.

Commander Tano was mostly normal in that she had simply curled up on
the bed itself and gone to sleep from the look of it.

a deep breath, that hitched when Obi-Wan sighed dreamily into Cody’s
neck, the commander tightened his grasp on the redhead. “Alright,
then what can we expect from them breathing in this?” He got out,
his voice strained through
the vocoder.

the terminal with a finger, Helix smiled. “Well, for one, the nylla
herb functions as a sedative on Force sensitive while simultaneously
making them high,” He gestured to where Skywalker and Tano were
outright resting. “While on our General it is also doing the same,
it is also making him… cuddly.” Here Helix couldn’t hold it in
anymore and started sniggering.

hooted a bit, covering his face over in the corner.

at the two medics through
his visor,
Cody decided the better part of valor was to leave with his General.

his arms below
the rear
the murping, boneless
man, Cody lifted him.

was suddenly very grateful that his helmet was still on because
Obi-Wan responded by instantly lifting his legs up around Cody’s
waist and tightening his grasp around his neck to hold on.

going through the handbook manual, Cody started walking, since the
herb was apparently harmless and just needed to be rested off, Cody
was going to tuck him into his own bunk and let him rest it off.

Commander, he’s drugged up~” Helix shot after him as a parting
shot and Cody was tempted to give the other man the middle finger but
right now he had to focus not on how great it felt to be carrying the
weight in his arms, resist the temptation of squeezing that butt so
very close to his grasp and also not give the bell collar too much

didn’t mean he didn’t see the amount of vode suddenly turn
towards him and then basically stalk him across the camp.

outside the General’s tent, Cody turned around and growled at the
entire group. “If this clip comes out on UsTube, I will
have each and everyone of you
by court
Because the fact that there is a plant that knocks out our Jedi like
this is dangerous
information, are we clear?” He snapped out.

were a few startled affirmatives, Waxer’s guilty face as he
outright deleted the footage in front of Cody and then they all

fuck.’ Cody breathed out before ducking into the tent. “Alright
General, lets get you tucked up and to sleep huh?” He murmured,
half exasperated and half fond.

did adore his General but really, all the osik situations that
happened was too much sometimes.

the man into the bunk with a cheery chime of his bell, Cody knelt
down and undid the straps of the Jedi’s boots, glancing up only to
smile lovingly inside his helmet when he meet the affectionate eyes
of Obi-Wan, the man smiling guilelessly at him from his position on
the bunk. “Stay?” Obi-Wan questioned hopefully.

Cody set Obi-Wan’s boots to the side and reached up, removing his
helmet to smile tenderly up at the man. “…Alright, I’ll stay…
Obi-Wan.” He murmured, the breach in conduct utterly worth it when
Obi-Wan beamed lovingly at him with lidded eyes.

Does Obi-Wan fully understand the more *sexual* implications of wearing a collar in Jedi are Cats, or is he an oblivious boi who just thinks it’s a cute joke about how he’s kinda similar to a cat and he’s so quiet he needs a little bell

Negotiator himself is many things.

cruel, silver tongued, a superb duelist, a sound strategist,
compassionate, calm, steady, an animal lover…

he is not stupid and if people really think that the concept of a
collar in the more carnal aspect of the human body and mind is lost
on him, they really have no idea what Obi-Wan Kenobi got up to
despite having a padawan.

what he got up to when he was
a padawan.

he is also very good at acting like he doesn’t know something,
humming as he absently plays with the bell of his collar and scrolls
through the morning feed, ignoring the way he can actually feel
Cody staring at him with hunger.

he just absently pauses his scrolling, picks up his tea cup from the
mess table and takes a small sip to moisten his mouth, licking his
lips afterward slowly.

can hear something drop to the floor and Obi-Wan has to resist the
urge to cackle because well, if he’s walking around with a collar
thanks to Cody, even if it was justified to not startle the man every
day and even other troopers, that doesn’t mean Obi-Wan has to
suffer alone.

going to give him an aneurysm soon Obi-Wan.” Anakin announced
quietly as he sat down, tray
placed down first with his flesh hand in a white sling across his
chest from the last skirmish as Kix warned them it needed rest,
giant smile a contradiction to the words he offered up.  

Obi-Wan thought fondly, pausing his bell play to give Anakin his full
attention, Force knew that anything less made his former padawan
liable to play the staring game and go after Obi-Wan’s tea for the
millionth time in their life. “I have no idea what you’re talking
about.” He sniffed.

deeply, the chatter of the troopers around them covering for them as
usual, Anakin smirked wryly. “Huh, yeah you may get that past them,
but you don’t get that past me, not after all these years. Now go
get yourself a tray of food.” He
chided gently.

his eyes, Obi-Wan powered down his pad and got up, chuckling faintly
as he made his way to the front to get a tray of dinner and a cup of
tea for himself. Though if he was sashaying a bit more than normal to
get more and louder bell sounds while potentially prowling forward…

wasn’t telling.


his nostrils a bit to let out a sharp breath, Cody tried to tear his
eyes off his General but it was impossible.

moment he almost managed it, the sound of the bell dragged him back,
the way he was moving like the predator all Jedi were was enticing
and Cody wanted to pounce
this particular predator to show him who the superior hunter was.

hard, Cody blindly searched for the cup to get something wet down his
throat because it was very dry.

if you don’t tear your eyes off him soon, Waxer is going to start
taping you for the Jedi are cats series.” Rex
playful voice broke through the conversations and sounds of eating
around them.

out a little curse and kicking the captain under the table, Cody
glowered a bit before finally managing to drag his eyes off Obi-Wan
when he stopped at the food line, breathing out as he looked at Rex.
“…My codpiece is trying to strangle me.” He whispered in a
choked tone.

confession got a snigger as Rex started into the rather bland curry
that was their meal ration but hey, at least it was better than just
slop. “Yeah, figured as much with how hard you’re staring at the
General.” He teased, a few coughs around them ‘disguising’
their eavesdropping vode laughs.

just really, assholes.

wasn’t his fault that the collar was really
working for the Jedi and that Cody was weak for the man from before.

the fucking fact that Obi-Wan knew what he was doing.

refused to believe the other wasn’t fully aware of what he was
doing and was doing it on purpose now to get Cody’s goat.

to encourage him.

thought had Cody pausing, his fork in the curry as he stared at the
little chunks of soy protein.

me to… what? He’s my commanding office-… he has rank above me,
for him to approach me would be abuse of his position,’ He slowly
raised his eyes to watch Obi-Wan return to Skywalker with his tray
off food, both Jedi giving each other challenging looks as Obi-Wan
set his tea cup down on the table. ‘But if I
approached him…’

for thought at least, even as Rex continued to snigger at him.

For Jediarecats, please for all that is good and holy, please show us when Obi-wan recieves that collar. Please show us him wearing it. Especially if he’s all shy and kind of embarrassed?

a brow, Obi-Wan stared at the nondescript
looking box tied with a blue bow on his chamber chair and slowly
glanced towards Yoda and then towards Mace. Then he turned all the
way around to look at Kit and Yarael,
in case this was a prank of some kind, because
if it was, they were the most likely suspects.

Nautolan only shrugged, looking equally bemused at the box and
Yarael was only blinking his eyes slowly.

the most likely suspects were
not involved then.

got a gift there master?” Anakin finally asked, peeking over
Obi-Wan’s shoulder since the man hadn’t moved further into the
chamber for their report, noticing right away what was up.

that it was hard, a white package with a green bow sitting on his
gray and red cushioned chair was rather obvious, the darkness of
Coruscant at night making the white of it very obvious along with the
dark robes of the Jedi all around.

it did this morning,” Yoda answered, tapping his cane a bit with a
slight hum. “Along with the rest of the mail it came, anonymous it
is but safe the package is, scanned it has been by the guards, hmmm.”
He croaked.

leaned his elbow on his arm lean and his head on his fist. “You
might as well open it. The guards came up and delivered it here since
they knew you were shipping out immediately after the meeting and
knew you wouldn’t have time to visit your chambers when you
arrived.” He yawned, obviously exhausted.

a tired glance with his former padawan, Obi-Wan gave a shrug and
walked over to his chair, picking up the package as he moved back to
Anakin’s side, content to let him start their report as he pulled
on the bow to peek into the medium sized box.

curious,’ He mused. ‘Who would send me a gift and why? There
isn’t anything special right now. Though kudos on the guards for
figuring out I wouldn’t have time to collect anythi-’ He almost
dropped it in shock, eyes widening up as he choked on his own spit.

Anakin turned to him in worry only to freeze, his blue eyes widening
up too as he got a look into the box before a grin overtook his face
and he started laughing, ducking his face into his hands as he
cackled in delight.

up, Mace frowned. “Kenobi, what is the mean-” He choked on his
words as Obi-Wan pulled a purple leather collar out of the box, a
soft chime of a golden bell ringing in the room along with Anakin’s

the council chambers stared mutely as Anakin had to sit down to
continue laughing, a clear testament to how overtired and overworked
the young man was.

is because of those videos.’ Obi-Wan’s numb mind produced.

‘threatening’ and scolding words about getting him a collar so
that he’d stop scaring the osik out of the poor commander.

someone had taken it literally and sent Obi-Wan a collar.

soft snicker made his head snap up, staring at Yoda with wide,
betrayed eyes as the troll continued to snicker.

seemed that was the final straw for everyone else as they broke out
laughing too, Yarael going as far as wheezing and Kit hooting like a
damn desert owl in his own amusement.

you are all bastards!” Obi-Wan cried out, giving Anakin a small
kick in the thigh as he too started hooting, clearly crying with
laughter as he rolled over onto the floor. “Traitors!” He whined
and that didn’t help at all.

Depa was sliding off her chair, hiding her face in the chair cushion.

tired, Obi-Wan observed them all.

then his lips twitched a bit as he glanced at the collar, taking in
the soft black, fluff on inside, the rather polished and nice purple
leather on the outside. The bell actually looked like it might be
gold or at least some kind of precious metal.

wouldn’t chime I think?’ Obi-Wan mused thoughtfully as he let out
his own amused snort and then sighed with faux exasperation. “Well,
I guess this will be a relief to commander Cody, seeing as some souls
have been ever so kind.” He stated wryly and much to his amusement,
this time Mace buried his face in his leggings while sounding like a
dying donkey with how hard he was laughing.

do wish I was recording this. If people got to see the Jedi council
rolling around on the floor, giddy and crying with laughter, that be
effective too.’ Obi-Wan sniggered to himself, jingling the bell
merrily much to everyone’s continued amusement

Yeah, we’re gonna need more Jedi cats, more clips with clones maybe or Cody in particular?

together, the two teens booted up the video again, showing at an
awkward angle the Negotiator himself and the Hero with no Fear
engaged in a staring competition, the trooper who filmed it
whispering in narration. “As we see here, Jedi are unblinkingly
staring at each other in a minor display of dominance… or as these
two assholes sometimes do, to fuck with each other.” The trooper
summed up as Kenobi started to slowly push a multitool off the table.

eyes twitched but he didn’t look away, not even when the tool
finally fell off the table and onto the floor with a loud clang.

he didn’t take it laying down and instead started to push at the
cup on the table.

eyes widened and Skywalker got a smug grin on his face, the cup
getting closer and closer to the edge without either looking away
from each other.

cup was a moment from falling when the redhead finally lashed out,
smacking his fellow Jedi upside the head, which got a loud yelp from
Skywalker as Kenobi rescued his cup, cooing in worry before taking a
big sip of tea, sulkily glaring at his former padawan.

woot, means you’re taking the paperwork on this mission.”
Skywalker smirked.

shot, my tea…” Kenobi sulked.

are dumbass cats and Commander Cody has threatened to put a bell
collar on Kenobi at eight different instances at the current count.”
The trooper whispered gleefully.

announcement was of course followed by a montage of said instances
though there was only seven clips, apparently the first one had not
been caught on clip but the rest had and it was equally hilarious
each time, apparently Master Kenobi had an unfortunate habit of
startling people because he snuck up on them accidentally by being a
silent spook.

as Commander Cody screamed ‘you shitty Jedi ghost!’ while holding
his chest, heaving
a bit for air.

Commander Cody,” One of the teens cooed, giggling faintly as the
man raved at his amused looking Jedi about getting a bell collar on
him. “He works so hard and has to put up with so much shit.” She
giggled even

shit, oh shit, here he comes, look, look Boil, it’s happening.” A
happy gasp came on the next clip, the camera shaking a bit as whoever
was recording was watching Commander Cody go through a pad nearby
a ship window, most likely the Negotiator with
his helmet on the terminal beside him.

right behind him, Master Kenobi was indeed walking up, looking
relaxed and content and not mischievous.
That made it clear he wasn’t intending on startling anyone but he
walked silently, his boots not squeaking or making a noise on the
durasteel floor as he closed the distance towards the commander of
his men.

was right behind Cody when he spoke. “Comma-” Was as far as he
got as Cody screamed in fear and lashed out with the pad, swinging
around with the pad stretched out as a pseudo weapon and he would
have hit the Jedi if said man hadn’t dodged under said pad with his
own yelp.

stared at each other for a second before Cody let out a yell and
Kenobi straightened up. “Kark
it General!
I’ve told you to warn me when you’re coming up behind me. I
swear, that bell collar is sounding more and more appealing General!”
He snapped, looking perturbed and a bit embarrassed, the
glow of the lights overhead catching the angry red of his scar as his
pulse most likely went faster than normal.

sheepishly, Kenobi straightened up and patted the man on the shoulder
pauldron. “Apologies Cody, I didn’t mean to scare you like that.”
He consoled.

got a narrowed eyed look in return. “You never intend
to scare me but you still do it, ugh… least I didn’t throw a caff
at you this time.” Cody
sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose that wasn’t holding the pad
as muffled laughs from the rest of the clones around them sounded.

I am quite happy about that even if I did dodge it, it took some time
to clean up the caff stains.” Kenobi mused, stroking his chin.

should totally send a bell collar to the temple.” One of the duro
teens gasped while pausing the vid, the two exchanging wide eyed

doing it anonymous and getting it delivered.” The other warned
warily, yet still totally aboard with the idea.

say we go for purple collar and a big golden bell!”

Hi moddy! If #EverYours is still open. What about sub Obi falling into forced subspace by an asshole when theyre on a mission and Qui gon going ballistic someone do that to his sweetling?

are risks as a Jedi, they are all aware of it, they stories of what
can go wrong get whispered in the halls along with classes on trauma
and how to avoid situations like kidnappings to the best of their

even the best Jedi fail at times.

is why Qui-Gon is desperately trying to find his padawan, his sub
before something terrible happens to him.

seen the way the prime minister had eyed Obi-Wan, the lusty glint in
the man’s eyes and the malicious intent in the Force once Obi-Wan
had politely but firmly rebuffed the man. In the confusion of the
failed assassination attempt on the Empress he had taken his chance
to grab something else he wanted.


left Qui-Gon running through the cavernous halls beneath the palace
his saber in hand for light,
letting the Force guide him through the maze of halls and caves to
find his Obi-Wan. Yet when he finds him…

Master Jedi! I was wondering if you would catch up.” The prime
minister sneered at him, pale purple eyes wide and crazed as he held
a blaster in one hand and had Obi-Wan’s braid wrapped around his
other as Obi-Wan knelt at
the man’s feet.

being exposed as a traitor to his Empress had snapped what little
sanity the man had.

have you done to my padawan Plummer?” Qui-Gon glared as hair raised
on the back of his arms at the silence of the cave, raising his saber
high for light. Obi-Wan would never meekly kneel at the feet of an
abductor and conspirator to a governmental coup.

laughed, his voice echoing in the dusty caves. “Don’t you mean
your sub?”
The prime minister sneered, pulling on the ginger
braid that he had wrapped taunt around his fist not unlike how
Qui-Gon would occasionally.

jags through Qui-Gon’s stomach as Obi-Wan’s head is pulled back,
his eyes finally apparent, Obi-Wan’s eyes glazed and distant with a
heavy black
collar practically pulling him
down again. “What
have you done to him?” Qui-Gon whispered, his voice quiet.

first sign of doom if you knew the man.

Jinn was not a quiet man unless he was trying to be stealthy… or
when he was a rage.

the former prime minister did not know the Jedi master and only
laughed. “Do? All I had to do was wrap his braid around my fist and
force him to his knees, such a slut.” He sneered, the Force oozing
with lie.

a whole lie no but something wasn’t right about what the other had

growled and flickered his hand, a rock from the floor slamming into
Plummer’s head which had him dropping the braid. Wasting no more
time as Obi-Wan fell to the ground like a puppet cut of its strings,
Qui-Gon jumped forward and bisected the man with a deep snarl, the
cool sense of justice unleashing in his chest even as some part of him told him that vengence was not a Jedi’s way but Obi-Wan…

villain dealt with, Qui-Gon turned to his Obi-Wan and dropped to his
knees by him, desperately getting the bulky collar off him and
throwing it aside before checking over the other. “Obi-Wan,
sweetheart, can you hear me?” He spoke as he supported the other
against his chest, running his hands up and down the others body.

his padawan’s arm he found an injection mark and with a deep snarl,
Qui-Gon swept Obi-Wan into his arms and stood.

rapid descent into subspace was unnatural with someone unknown and he
was right that it wasn’t natural. Obi-Wan was drugged.

poor sub, his sweet imp.

takes hours for Obi-Wan to start surfacing, long after the medics
have checked him over and the Empress has retired for the night,
dismissing Qui-Gon in a callow manner as if his padawan is not laying
unresponsive much to the medics confusion though they confirm a drug
working away in his systems as Obi-Wan is kept under observation in
the medical rooms of the palace until Qui-Gon can retrieve him.

his love in his lap on the silken, ostentatious couch, Qui-Gon
carefully suited Obi-Wan until he’s settled in the V of the
master’s legs, his back to Qui-Gon’s chest and his head resting
on the man’s collarbone.

Obi-Wan’s comfortableness, Qui-Gon hooked his chin onto the
redhead’s shoulder and sinks himself into his meditation to help
Obi-Wan filter out the sedatives with unknown properties that’s
keeping him in subspace, trying to ignore the red marks of the heavy

had discussed collars, tentative but excited but now…

worried for what Obi-Wan would feel now.

wouldn’t blame him if he turned away from collars.

passed by until Obi-Wan finally let out a low, strained noise which
firmly yanked Qui-Gon out
of his meditation to find Obi-Wan squirming in panic. “Shh, I’m
here. I’m here my Obi-Wan.” He rumbled, turning the other until
they could see each other.

at each other for several moments, Obi-Wan let out a hitched breath
and buried himself in Qui-Gon’s shirt, tears darkening the beige
fabric. “Qui! I thought… he was going to…” Obi-Wan gasped
into his tunic, hands fisted in the fabric.

know, I know my Obi,” Qui-Gon replied heavily, cupping the back of
the others head and stroking his back. “Its okay, I came for you.
I’ll always come for you. Sweetheart, my dear imp.” He cooed
promisingly as Obi-Wan shuddered against him.

out a sharp keening noise, Obi-Wan lifted red eyes from the chest.
“And he sent me into sub
Like it was nothing!” He was shaking like a leaf.

forced you into it. There’s a difference, I will never force you
into anything sweet Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon peppered sweet, chaste kisses
all over the others face. “Never. You will always be safe with me,
it will always b-”

sane and consensual.” Obi-Wan hiccuped, his shaking subsiding a
tiny bit.

softly, cupping the others wet cheeks, Qui-Gon nodded. “Always.”
He promised.

Hi moddy! If #EverYours is still open. What about sub Obi falling into forced subspace by an asshole when theyre on a mission and Qui gon going ballistic someone do that to his sweetling?

are risks as a Jedi, they are all aware of it, they stories of what
can go wrong get whispered in the halls along with classes on trauma
and how to avoid situations like kidnappings to the best of their

even the best Jedi fail at times.

is why Qui-Gon is desperately trying to find his padawan, his sub
before something terrible happens to him.

seen the way the prime minister had eyed Obi-Wan, the lusty glint in
the man’s eyes and the malicious intent in the Force once Obi-Wan
had politely but firmly rebuffed the man. In the confusion of the
failed assassination attempt on the Empress he had taken his chance
to grab something else he wanted.


left Qui-Gon running through the cavernous halls beneath the palace
his saber in hand for light,
letting the Force guide him through the maze of halls and caves to
find his Obi-Wan. Yet when he finds him…

Master Jedi! I was wondering if you would catch up.” The prime
minister sneered at him, pale purple eyes wide and crazed as he held
a blaster in one hand and had Obi-Wan’s braid wrapped around his
other as Obi-Wan knelt at
the man’s feet.

being exposed as a traitor to his Empress had snapped what little
sanity the man had.

have you done to my padawan Plummer?” Qui-Gon glared as hair raised
on the back of his arms at the silence of the cave, raising his saber
high for light. Obi-Wan would never meekly kneel at the feet of an
abductor and conspirator to a governmental coup.

laughed, his voice echoing in the dusty caves. “Don’t you mean
your sub?”
The prime minister sneered, pulling on the ginger
braid that he had wrapped taunt around his fist not unlike how
Qui-Gon would occasionally.

jags through Qui-Gon’s stomach as Obi-Wan’s head is pulled back,
his eyes finally apparent, Obi-Wan’s eyes glazed and distant with a
heavy black
collar practically pulling him
down again. “What
have you done to him?” Qui-Gon whispered, his voice quiet.

first sign of doom if you knew the man.

Jinn was not a quiet man unless he was trying to be stealthy… or
when he was a rage.

the former prime minister did not know the Jedi master and only
laughed. “Do? All I had to do was wrap his braid around my fist and
force him to his knees, such a slut.” He sneered, the Force oozing
with lie.

a whole lie no but something wasn’t right about what the other had

growled and flickered his hand, a rock from the floor slamming into
Plummer’s head which had him dropping the braid. Wasting no more
time as Obi-Wan fell to the ground like a puppet cut of its strings,
Qui-Gon jumped forward and bisected the man with a deep snarl, the
cool sense of justice unleashing in his chest even as some part of him told him that vengence was not a Jedi’s way but Obi-Wan…

villain dealt with, Qui-Gon turned to his Obi-Wan and dropped to his
knees by him, desperately getting the bulky collar off him and
throwing it aside before checking over the other. “Obi-Wan,
sweetheart, can you hear me?” He spoke as he supported the other
against his chest, running his hands up and down the others body.

his padawan’s arm he found an injection mark and with a deep snarl,
Qui-Gon swept Obi-Wan into his arms and stood.

rapid descent into subspace was unnatural with someone unknown and he
was right that it wasn’t natural. Obi-Wan was drugged.

poor sub, his sweet imp.

takes hours for Obi-Wan to start surfacing, long after the medics
have checked him over and the Empress has retired for the night,
dismissing Qui-Gon in a callow manner as if his padawan is not laying
unresponsive much to the medics confusion though they confirm a drug
working away in his systems as Obi-Wan is kept under observation in
the medical rooms of the palace until Qui-Gon can retrieve him.

his love in his lap on the silken, ostentatious couch, Qui-Gon
carefully suited Obi-Wan until he’s settled in the V of the
master’s legs, his back to Qui-Gon’s chest and his head resting
on the man’s collarbone.

Obi-Wan’s comfortableness, Qui-Gon hooked his chin onto the
redhead’s shoulder and sinks himself into his meditation to help
Obi-Wan filter out the sedatives with unknown properties that’s
keeping him in subspace, trying to ignore the red marks of the heavy

had discussed collars, tentative but excited but now…

worried for what Obi-Wan would feel now.

wouldn’t blame him if he turned away from collars.

passed by until Obi-Wan finally let out a low, strained noise which
firmly yanked Qui-Gon out
of his meditation to find Obi-Wan squirming in panic. “Shh, I’m
here. I’m here my Obi-Wan.” He rumbled, turning the other until
they could see each other.

at each other for several moments, Obi-Wan let out a hitched breath
and buried himself in Qui-Gon’s shirt, tears darkening the beige
fabric. “Qui! I thought… he was going to…” Obi-Wan gasped
into his tunic, hands fisted in the fabric.

know, I know my Obi,” Qui-Gon replied heavily, cupping the back of
the others head and stroking his back. “Its okay, I came for you.
I’ll always come for you. Sweetheart, my dear imp.” He cooed
promisingly as Obi-Wan shuddered against him.

out a sharp keening noise, Obi-Wan lifted red eyes from the chest.
“And he sent me into sub
Like it was nothing!” He was shaking like a leaf.

forced you into it. There’s a difference, I will never force you
into anything sweet Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon peppered sweet, chaste kisses
all over the others face. “Never. You will always be safe with me,
it will always b-”

sane and consensual.” Obi-Wan hiccuped, his shaking subsiding a
tiny bit.

softly, cupping the others wet cheeks, Qui-Gon nodded. “Always.”
He promised.