In Dangerous Galaxy, does Cody and Obi ever get to relax in those floating gardens that were outside his office?

There aren’t many times Cody has felt greedy.

Living a life as a clone and military man, there just aren’t a lot of chances to feel greedy without disrupting the chain of command and supply lines and the times he has felt greedy are… vivid.

The time Ponds had burst into their room on Kamino, wild eyed with a large box of ice cream, given to him by one of the trainers that favored him. That time he had felt greedy for keeping it between himself and the rest of his vode in the room, telling no one about the ice cream.

The time a sneaky looking Rex had dragged Cody of for a night of drinking with his own General and Obi-Wan.

That time Senator Organa had gifted Cody with a bottle of fine whiskey from his planet, he still actually had half of it hidden in the bottom of his locker, the bottle covered by a broken helmet.

The incident that left the 212th stranded for a full week on a remote jungle planet, the only danger being the predators around them as they all frolicked in a damn lake and forgot about the war just for a while, Obi-Wan laughing as he joined in on some water fun.

That one time the scouting party had come over a whole orchard of wild apples and they had raided the entire orchard to bring back to the 212th a sweet treat for everyone, Longshot sneakily producing sugar from somewhere and the General had handed over cinnamon from his tea stock with a wink. They had baked the apples and… well, Cody had felt really greedy after eating two of those baked apples because his General had, smilingly, given over his portion with another wink.

Then there was that time his General, sick as could be, fevered and shaky, had curled up in the same bed as Cody to keep warm, his form warm and comforting for all that he was sick.

But today…

Today Cody feels greedy.

Because today he’s in one of the floating gardens, completely cleared for civilians with only a few vode around. And Obi-Wan.

Just them.

On a karking picnic cloth, a basket between them full of foods Cody has never tasted but the besalisk at the diner Obi-Wan enjoyed had piled on him when he had come into the diner.

Of course, the moment he entered, even in incognito as he wore a shiny armor, the entire diner had frozen as Cody along with Boil and Waxer for inconspicuous guards, approached the owner.

Somehow, Dex had realized in under a minute that it was Vod’alor Kote under the blank bucket and had instantly started plying him with Obi-Wan’s favorites and asking for a few of Cody’s preferences to pile in a few he thought Cody would like.

Maybe it was Boil and Waxer that clued him in, maybe it was Cody asking for General Kenobi’s favorites to cheer him up or hell, maybe the besalisk was Force sensitive?

Who knew, not Cody.

But he was grateful for the amount of food and the variation, delighting in trying different dishes and watching Obi-Wan dig in, laughing happily as he sat with Cody on the blue and white patterned cloth on the green grass.

There was even an illusion of privacy from his vode due to the bushes and trees around them, and Cody knew that Obi-Wan most likely felt them all around them but having them out of sight seemed to relax the Jedi too.

He looked… happy.

It made Cody happy.

And so did the little ice cream tart thingy that had been in a temperature proof container. It had only started melting slightly in the edges and it tasted delicious.

Or as Obi-Wan said, simply sublime while licking blue creamy niceness of his spoon.

“Will the GAR demobilize the natborn officers?” Obi-Wan curious voice cut through the calm, Cody choking slightly on a piece of tart before swallowing thickly, turning his head to look at the Jedi.

He meet the eyes of a slightly concerned Obi-Wan, the concern ebbing away when Cody looked fine to turn into a slight smile instead. “I… we really haven’t gotten that far honestly.” Cody cleared his throat, rubbing slightly at it. Kark, he hated coughing, always left his throat sore and his chest feeling like someone had inserted a tube to drain fluids and yes, he had that done once when the whole of 212th came down with some kind of karked CIS virus.

Nodding, as if he already suspected the answer, Obi-Wan ran his spoon through the tart on his plate and ate chewed slowly, enjoying his treat. “Understandable, but you should consider keeping some of them that aren’t as… antagonistic towards the vode, some of them made for good military leaders… if they can be trusted that is.” He tacked on thoughtfully.

Putting the thought into his memory back, Cody grimaced slightly. “Honestly General, I’d rather not think about work right now. I just want to enjoy the gardens,” He sighed deeply, looking around. “First time I’ve been to one of these you know.” Cody added a tad wistfully.

There was a pause then warmth pressed up against his side, Cody turning his head to find Obi-Wan having shifted close enough to press their shoulders together. The redhead was smiling slightly. “Then we won’t talk about work, though, I have to ask, do you intend to keep the mandate that has Jedi as Generals?” He tilted his head.

He didn’t look judging or angry, just curious even as Cody instantly shook his head, eyes wide. “Of course not, why would you think that Gene-oh…” He smiled a tad sheepishly.

Chuckling faintly, Obi-Wan shook his head and smiled warmly. “Then I think you should just call me Obi-Wan, Vod’alor.” He stated fondly, gently.

“…Only if you call me Cody,” Cody shot back. “At least in private.” He tacked on when Obi-Wan opened his mouth to protest.

Mulling on that, finishing of the last of his tart, Obi-Wan nodded, his eyes creasing with his smile. “Cody.” He agreed and stars, Cody wished the sound of his name in the Jedi’s mouth didn’t sound so natural, his heart throbbing hard as he focused on his own tart piece before it could melt away.


This is inspired by all the lovely fics that had Cody using Obi-Wan’s cloak as a blanket (hc that poor Cody was too jittery after a campaign and Obi-Wan as the designated Cody-whisperer bundled the poor man in his cloak and by the power of tea and Jedi-calm vibes managed to have a lapful of sleeping commander). I’m on a marshmallow kick T v T


Cody & his General, just doing reports



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awolJedi is the clone babies going to come out of the pods soon? It sounded like they were soon ready

Sitting up sharply in bed, Obi-Wan stared blankly at the wall for several seconds before throwing the covers of himself and sliding his feet into his slippers, hurrying out of his temporary bedroom by touch alone.

In the darkness, he fumbled for his robe on the hook by the doorway, throwing it on as he made his way through the halls.

On the way, an anxious Anakin appeared from his temporary room, looking just as sleep disheveled as Obi-Wan felt, the blond looking at him with wide eyes as he scratched nervously at his bare stomach.

The other had clearly not thought to throw on a robe like Obi-Wan had but had at least put on slippers and together, the two made their way to the Halls of healing, the insistent tugging of the Force pulling them along.

The Halls, due to the likelihood of injuries being high during the initial construction, had been one of the first places on the schedule to be built of the temple, along with temporary shelters, the creche, kitchens and of course the archives.

The temporary shelters, creche and halls had been the highest priority though and still bore signs of a rush job that Obi-Wan knew that would be worked on better now that things were settling.

But that was not why he and Anakin were in the Halls.

Because they could feel them, a tugging in their very souls and likely something the kaminoans had thought of when they cloned the Jedi.

The children were ready.

The clones of him and Anakin.

And Yoda, as when they arrived, the old man was already there, leaning on his cane as he stared into the Halls with an unfamiliar senior healer at his side and Master Che. When Anakin and he arrived, all three gave them looks of realization before Che started barking more orders. “All three of yours in the same night?” She finally turned back to them, cursing slightly. “This wasn’t going to be easy just with one of you.” She complained, huffing loudly before sighing and gesturing to her side for the unfamiliar healer at her side, causing the yellow zabrak to step forward.

“I’m healer Zora, they and them,” The zabrak smiled at them before lifting a pad to show them the readouts of the clones pods. “I’ve been in charge of the tubes for a while now, researching them and ensuring things proceed as they should. They’re all healthy,” They reassured at Anakin’s face turning slightly alarmed. “We just don’t… we’re not certain what to expect, with the children all being Force sensitive. Cloned Force sensitive are… difficult.” They finished with.

Now that, was an understatement if Obi-Wan knew something.

Scientists, both scrupulous and unscrupulous, had for decades tried to figure out Force sensitivity, simply cloning a Force sensitive didn’t always track and some of the experiments he knew had happened had actually leveled entire research facilities.

Maybe that’s why the Force has them there, maybe the clones know them in some way. Because as the tubes get drained, the babies in them simply squirm and wiggle, cry out with strong lungs that makes Obi-Wan’s breath hitch in return, Anakin shift forward and Yoda straighten from where he’s leaning on his cane.

Carefully, each of the bright little lights are placed into the arm of a waiting padawan healer, carefully cleaned and swaddled and when there aren’t enough, Obi-Wan steps forward and takes one of the babies that has been made of him, blinking down at eyes as green as his own.

“…Hello there, welcome to the galaxy little one.” He whispered, smiling slightly as the child squirmed in his arms.

For a moment, he couldn’t help but wonder how he’d feel if this baby had darker skin and green eyes, for a moment he wondered how Cody would have felt to be here with him.

Then he put that thought aside, grateful his beard hid the evidence of his blush as he moved to hand the child over to healer Zora for a weighing and measuring, the baby whimpering at the loss of Obi-Wan’s body warmth.

Oh, FertileWar is both intriguing and wonderfully amusing! I love how balanced and in control everyone is about the whole thing, at this time (and it does make sense, considering the main players are a grown Jedi Knight, and men raised from the cradle to have the ridged self-discipline of soldiers). It makes, as Obi-Wan noted, seeing the affection THROUGH the biology much easier! How well CAN Anakin read his former Padawan, though? Is he aware of the attractions, after seeing things in person?

There was something going on with his padawan and his men.

Of that Anakin was certain and he didn’t know better, it almost felt like Obi-Wan was… well, for the lack of a better word, crushing on his own men.

All of them.

Now, Anakin wasn’t stupid. His padawan was a young man, young men had urges most of the time unless they were asexual and even they occasionally felt lust. Obi-Wan, he knew was not asexual and had actually caught the other in a tryst or two.

He may also have scared at least one fellow padawan of his padawan out of their quarters by glowering.

Regardless how much Obi-Wan had been angry at the time, Anakin still kept his opinion about padawan Dilero-Dan, at twenty four, him paying that much attention to Obi-Wan at sixteen was not acceptable.

Now though, now Obi-Wan was an adult, if he wanted to shack up with someone, Anakin wasn’t about to stop his padawan, hell, depending on the person, he might even encourage the other. Release was healthy and despite how embarrassed it made both Anakin and Obi-Wan, Anakin had made sure to have a throughout sex talk with the other.

So, having a crush or two on some of his men wouldn’t have shocked Anakin, they were capable and Anakin, for all that he didn’t like the man himself, could tell that Jango Fett was objectively handsome.

But this wasn’t just one crush or even just a handful of the troopers.

It was all of them and that just…

It boggled Anakin’s mind and that wasn’t the only thing. The other thing was that the troopers themselves also seemed to have their own crush on their General.

It was the 501st that clued him in that something was up honestly, the way they seemed to both want to drift closer to Obi-Wan and yet firmly tried to keep professional. And Anakin had caught Rex quietly dressing down a shiny that had seemed to follow Obi-Wan around for a day.

Something was up and he’d have to ask Obi-Wan about why every clone around them seemed to find themselves attracted to Obi-Wan.

Shockingly, Anakin’s usual protective instincts weren’t surfacing at the thought.

Normally, uncut attention to Obi-Wan had Anakin’s instincts rearing to go and he had often cut of those that had less than stellar intentions with his former padawan, even if Obi-Wan at the time hadn’t realized it.

Maybe some would see it as him being overprotective but… well, Anakin was to teach and guide, that was his job and he wanted the other to be healthy.


The troopers didn’t initiate that feeling, Cody standing so close that his hip brushed against Obi-Wan’s didn’t make Anakin’s skin crawl as they went over the battle prep and strategy. The sight of Cody’s gloved and armored arm bumping against Obi-Wan didn’t make Anakin want to break the commander’s arm.

It was the strangest sensation, Anakin didn’t trust a lot of those that expressed interest in Obi-Wan, outside of a few of the Jedi back at the temple that Obi-Wan had cautiously explored with as a youth.

It made Anakin mull over the reason.

They were men after all, human men and Anakin had always dealt with those with extreme prejudice when it came to his padawan due to his body being slightly different and his gender having been difficult at times, even if Obi-Wan comfortably called himself male now.

That had taken a few years though, before Obi-Wan was certain.

So Anakin had protected him through those years as Obi-Wan figured himself out as his body changed and developed.

So, why wasn’t Anakin reacting to the troopers how he normally reacted?

He should be throwing a fit, throwing Cody as far away from Obi-Wan as he could, barring any of the troopers access to Obi-Wan by contacting the council to alert them to the strangeness of the troopers reaction to Obi-Wan.

True, there were some of the troopers, his own that was, that made his teeth itch if they got too close to Obi-Wan but…

“Master?” Obi-Wan’s voice broke through his thoughts and Anakin looked up in surprise, finding Obi-Wan, Cody, Rex and lieutenant Waxer looking to him along with Echo and Fives from the recon team.

He winced. “Apologies, could you repeat that? I was deep in thought.” Echo and Fives traded quick looks before the latter reiterated the information he and Echo had found on their scouting mission.

As he did, Anakin couldn’t help but glance at Cody, finding the man intently focused on Fives, eyes never wavering with his helmet beneath his other arm.

Not distracted, not leering, not making a big fuss of it all…

‘Oh,’ Anakin blinked in sudden realization. ‘I trust them. I trust them to remain professional and I trust them not to harm Obi-Wan, I trust them not to take advantage of him or him of them… that’s why.’ Anakin tilted his head, looking at Cody and Obi-Wan, standing so close and yet obviously paying attention to the report.

Anakin Skywalker trusted the 212th with Obi-Wan’s health and comfort.

I just finished the most recent update to dangerous galaxy (I’m late, I know) and wow. The Jedi are finally safe, no one is going to hurt them again. But there’s probably still so much that they’re dealing with. The commanders and Rex still have to make sure their commanders are safe, and they may have taken out the worst of the senators, but there’s still the rest of the senate to handle and the new dynamic that exists between the Jedi and the clones. How are the Jedi and their now, I guess former, commanders handling all that aftermath and cody’s injuries/new status

Grumbling tiredly as he surveyed the administration work, Cody rubbed at his temples gingerly even as Helix gave him a warning look. The medic, Helix in particular, had been on him like a burr on a bantha since the conquering of Coruscant, due to him becoming as injured as he did.

Nothing too straining or physical, which meant that Cody was left with a lot of paperwork.

So much.

He could delegate it of course, there were lots of troopers around, Fox was always willing to lend a hand and the mix of vode on Coruscant kept everything running and everyone at ease.

Seeing as outside of the Senators, no one got targeted and after Cody had literally gone on holo tv to show the proof of the Senate’s corruption and especially their Chancellor… well, people were quiet.

There were a few riots of course, a few less than flattering news reports and grumblings but Cody would take that.

The Coruscant Guards knew how to handle the people here and right now they also had the help of 212th and 501st, keeping everything at ease and orderly.

No major burning fires.

There were of course a few natborn officers that didn’t… listen, but those had also been taken care of.

The Venator had a brig for a reason after all, for those that didn’t get shoved out airlocks after a blast in the head.

Not all the natborns were terrible, they were just against clones and didn’t see them as people. ‘…Maybe I should just tell them to release them into the airlocks anyhow.’ Cody mentally grumbled to himself.

Thankfully, the vode outnumbered any natborn officers on any ship and the Jedi always sided with the troopers. Or that was the reports Cody had gotten from various factions keeping their foothold to keep the CIS from taking over.

So far, things were… well, not easy but going according to plan.

An unexpected thing had been a message directly from Dooku, a request to talk.

Cody was leery about that but he was also interested.

Now that the truth of Palpatine had come out and the fact that the entire war had been engineered by the man…

Well, Cody wasn’t the Senate, mid-rims and outer-rims planet would have a better chance with the vode than with the Senate as it was before. But they’d have to see where that went, if the planets reached out at all.

So much work to do and Cody was bored out of his mind by all of it.

Damn, if he could just get one of those giant iced latte things that Skywalker occasionally had…

“Sir, there’s a guest for you here.” Cody looked up from the terminal, blinking blearily at a smiling Waxer as the trooper stood in the door of the office they had picked out for work, one perfectly suited close to the Coruscant Guards but still in the Senate.

“A guest, who the kar-” Cody felt the words die in his mouth as a brown robed man stepped past Waxer and into the temporary office of the head of the Republic.

It was Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan had come to see him.

A smiling Obi-Wan, a happy Obi-Wan, an Obi-Wan without bruises and dark circles beneath his eyes. Hell, Obi-Wan was almost glowing in the apricot colored light coming in through the window, the sinking sun coloring the sky with its rays.

He was beautiful, standing there and Cody felt himself stand automatically, despite his loss for words. He hadn’t expected to see any Jedi, seeing as he was in the Senate.

He had thought, now that they were free, that they’d avoid this place like it was hell on earth as it had been to many of the Jedi.

But here Obi-Wan was, looking healthy for once in the three years they had been at all this and he was right in front of Cody. “Commander Cody,” Obi-Wan greeted fondly, smiling playfully as bowed lightly in greeting. “Or is it Vod’alor Kote now?” He teased gently as he straightened.

“For you,” Cody rasped, limping slightly towards Obi-Wan, noting those green eyes turn worried as the Jedi quickly moved towards him to meet him in the middle. “For you General Kenobi, its always Cody.” He stated, clearing his throat slightly as Obi-Wan gingerly touched his elbow.

He still smiled. “Then I’m Obi-Wan for you. Are you better? Your eye doesn’t seem to have retained damage…” Obi-Wan glanced worriedly over him.

“Healer Che is a damn miracle worker,” Helix spoke up from the couch he was sitting at, Obi-Wan turning to him instantly to pay attention. “Our Vod’alor is gonna need rest, his leg will most likely hurt on bad days and he’ll most likely have tinnitus his life out, but he can see and hear properly. Something I was sure he wouldn’t be able to.” Helix shook his head.

The answer had Obi-Wan’s shoulder sinking, relaxing as he turned back to Cody with a relieved smile on his lips. “Oh, that’s good to hear. I wasn’t certain when I asked the Halls to send a healer for you but… I’m glad it worked out.” He stated softly.

Cody swallowed thickly, staring at how the sun shone in Obi-Wan’s hair.

Kark, why did his General have to be so good.

Compassionate and kind.

If it was just simple lust, then at least Cody could shove it where the light didn’t shine but this emotion… deep and profound…

He mentally shook it of and instead smiled. “I’m glad to see you Gen-Obi-Wan,” He amended at the others quick look. “But something tells me that you’re not here just to see me.” He limped back to the desk, settling down heavily with Obi-Wan sitting down on the office desk edge.

There were no additional chairs in this office, so Cody made no mention of him sitting on the desk. “Actually, for the most part, I just wanted to see you. But you are also right,” Obi-Wan confessed quietly, hands in his lap. “The council has requested I ask you for a meeting, Vod’alor Kote. The Jedi Order is a bit… uncertain, in the face of new leadership and would like some… clarity. Coming from you, it would be the most assuring.” He stated softly.

Cody peered up at the other before reaching out and resting his hand on Obi-Wan’s wrist, squeezing it carefully. He could read between the lines.

Not all Jedi were used to the vode, not everyone had been in their care and some of them… well, not everyone was Obi-Wan, who trusted the vode with all he was.

They needed reassurance.

Cody was willing to provide that. “Of course, what time would be best?” He stated quietly, swallowing thickly when Obi-Wan turned his hand to hold Cody’s.

“Any time at your leisure, Vod’alor Kote, the council will see you at any time today.” Obi-Wan stated, voice low and gentle, his eyes full of warmth as he peered at Cody.

Sweetheart hungry was great. When they get to the Negotiator, Obi is going to find himself in the middle of a clone cuddle pile. I wonder how they would respond if someone tried to take advantage of Obi, thinking that some of the rumors were true.

Letting out a happy little grumble as he shifted between the mass of warmth and hardness, Obi-Wan let out a bone cracking yawn before reaching down to scratch his stomach as an itch presented itself. As his hand encountered bare skin, his memories returned to him of the last night and he smiled sleepily.

They had finally gotten back to the Negotiator, Cody barking orders left and right with Boil following behind the Commander with Obi-Wan in his arms, Helix hot on their trails with Potion dragging any injured vode with him to the medbay.

The CMO however was focused on the Jedi and since he was the one that had best…ah, control so to speak, of him, the other medics were content to leave Obi-Wan to Helix tender mercy.

Not that Obi-Wan needed much care in regards to medical attention, not this time.

What Obi-Wan had really needed was attention.

Which was why Helix had sent of a message to some of the troopers on ship prior to them docking and by the time the stolen ship finally landed, a break room had been transformed into a cuddle puddle room.

The original furniture was nowhere in sight, meanwhile mattresses from several beds were laid out over the floor along with blankets, pillows and duvets, some Obi-Wan recognized as having been unused due to the fact that they didn’t smell like any of the troopers and only of the standard issue cleaning detergent used on the GAR supplies.

But it was the content of those mattresses that had piped Obi-Wan’s attention as Boil finally set him down onto the soft surface. Troopers either dressed in only boxers or their blacks, those not on duty, all of them happy to see him and happy to help him out of his own clothes.

Helix had of course shooed them away once Obi-Wan was only in his boxers, giving him a general checkup and taken a blood test.

But then Obi-Wan had been released from medical attention with the strict order to eat.

Obi-Wan had been pulled into the middle of the pile the moment he was released, Gregor becoming an octopus as he wrapped himself up around Obi-Wan with a happy noise. Hands, warm and callused, found his skin to gently rub or pet, the sensation of affection and care in the Force almost overwhelming along with the additional skin touches.

Obi-Wan might honestly have become a tad drunk on the touches if he was honest.

Sex of course was very good to fill him up but…

So many years of empty sex had taught Obi-Wan how hollow that kind of feeding was, how the view of the person he slept with effected the way he feed. The affection the troopers held for him, the care and love…

It meant that he didn’t need sex at all really and while Obi-Wan certainly wasn’t asexual, there was relief to not having to work up someone to have sex for him to eat, to make them passionate enough that Obi-Wan wouldn’t go hungry.

Nor to pretend the sex was great when Obi-Wan didn’t get much else out of it, it was why he often had resorted to going with Quinlan before if possible.

Sex was nice but it was better with genuine emotions and Obi-Wan just… well he didn’t really have much sexual desire when the person was unfamiliar.

Bant had once stated to him that it sounded like he was pansexual, that his attraction wasn’t in looks but in personalities and emotions, that he needed a connection to feed of a person properly.


All Obi-Wan knew was that he felt better when it was a person he cared for and who cared for him in return, the sensation of a stranger leaving him strangely cold occasionally and the friendly touches of people like Anakin having a bitter edge to them at times.

But a trooper…a vode…

A warm hand traced down his side, prompting Obi-Wan to open his eyes in the dark of the rec room, blinking sleepily at the ceiling before turning his head to squint in the dark, meeting Waxer’s eyes, the bald clone smiling at him before reaching out to gently tug Obi-Wan against his chest.

Going willingly, he let out a content him as another hand stroked along his spine, a trooper at his back following when Obi-Wan moved.

Boil, of that Obi-Wan was certain and when he felt a soft kiss pressed to a bare shoulder with the telltale tickle of a mustache, he was sure.

The sensation made him smile against Waxer’s brown shoulder.

Clearly, it was still night time schedule on the ship, if Waxer and Boil were with him and stretching out his senses, Obi-Wan could feel the rest of the troopers that had come with him, Gregor somehow having moved to the outskirts without alerting Obi-Wan.

The boys were good at rotating, those who wanted to cuddle with Obi-Wan, got to cuddle and Obi-Wan couldn’t be more thrilled at it, feeding from several people left him sated.

And not just in the hunger of his body way but a hunger of his mind and skin too.

Oh, Obi-Wan wasn’t stupid, for all his incubus nature, he knew he was a tad touch starved.

The lack of friendly touch outside of sex had ensured a slight isolation when Obi-Wan wasn’t sure who to trust with his secrets as an incubus and his uncertainty to who might try to take advantage of his nature.

But the troopers…

Obi-Wan was blessed for having them and he pressed his face to the junction of Waxer’s neck, pressing a soft kiss to it, getting a soft hum in return. Yes, Obi-Wan considered himself blessed by the troopers he had in his life.

All of them gems in their own ways.

‘What would I do without them.’ Obi-Wan mused contently, letting out a soft, sleepy noise of happiness.

in ‘jedi are cats’, could we get some 212th and 501st specific videos or scenes, please? :pleading: i love it when jedi just. do the things and get loved by clones

“Where the hell is Waxer!?” The video started of with what was clearly Commander Cody on a warpath, the man looking incensed as he spun around the camp while looking around for said trooper.

The local fauna looked like one of the more tropical planets, lush green around the camp in all directions they could see and blue sky above with just a few scattered clouds about.

The focus however remained on the incensed Commander as he glared at those around him. “Damn di’kut isn’t answering his comms!” He snarled out, clearly threading a very fine line with his patience at that moment.

It was rather surprising honestly, Marshal Commander Cody was always one of the most level headed commanders the public got to see but today was clearly an off day and not finding this Waxer had pushed him over the edge.

“He said can’t move sir and to tell you he won’t be available for a while.” A shiny, as the public had managed to learn that unmarked troopers were called due to how new they were to the battalions they served, not having earned their paint yet as the others, dared to answer.

Instantly the commander whirled on the man, fire in his eyes. “What?” He snarled out, the shiny backing up in fear.

Thankfully though, for the shiny’s sake, someone intervened on their behalf.

A pair of medics went by, one of them stopping and by the red hair and smily on the chestplate, everyone could tell it was CMO Helix that answered Commander Cody, with medic Potion by his side. “What Trupper here means sir, is that Waxer is currently covered by Jedi and therefore can’t move.” He stated a tad wryly, gesturing towards something in the distance with one hand.

The one filming focused on Cody’s surprised face for a moment before following the line of Helix hand point to a point outside the camp, a bald clone with his helmet beside him and his legs stretched out sitting under a tree some distance from the camp. Beside him, another trooper with a mustache was sitting with his head on the bald ones shoulder.

But the most important part was that General Kenobi was also there, his head and upper body laying out across the bald clones, Waxer’s, lap.

Waxer’s hand was slowly petting the Jedi’s hair, his head tilted to peer up at the clear sky with every line of his body indicating relaxation.

So did Kenobi’s body too.

The man was asleep, settled over one of his trooper’s lap like a giant tooka, the shiny glitter of the bell of his collar barely seen at the distance along with a peek of purple.

A loud sigh echoed and the camera returned to the commander, Cody rubbing at the scar on his temple. “Why didn’t you just say Waxer was covered in Jedi, Trupper?” He questioned in a resigned tone before shaking his head when the trooper in question stammered. “If a Jedi is sleeping on you, unless its an emergency, you don’t move. No one’s gonna blame you for it.” Cody stated wryly.

Moving with Potion, Helix let out a loud snort. “Considering how hard it is to get the General to sleep properly some days, I will shank the first one to wake him.” The CMO growled before disappearing from view.

“Tooka rules apply to Jedi,” The commander continued, as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “If they choose you, you stay still, you let them sleep and you better hope you went to the latrines right before.” Cody grumbled before turning and muttering to himself about who the hell he was going to get to replace Waxer, wandering out of frame.

The trooper filming returned to zoom in on the General and his troopers, giving the public one last view of three content souls relaxing in the shade of a large tree.

Di’kut = Idiot