
bit of love in these trying times! 

every time i see a cold ass take about Codywan Bad directly in the codywan tag, i’m going to draw a new picture of obiwan giving cody a little forehead kiss like he deserves. you are fueling me. you are making me stronger and better at art. codywan art specifically. you have become the very thing you swore to destroy. happy revenge of the fifth, folks.

Moddy, in AWOLJedi do Cody and Obi-Wan ever talk about their feelings? Or does Rex say something to Anakin about his?

Following behind the taller blond, Rex glanced around the hall, taking in the decorations on the walls of the dormitory hall. These particular halls had decorations along the walls, tiles making a mosaic of patterns that were broken up by doors with plaques containing names of the owners.

There were several containing troopers and they always made Rex smile a bit, glancing at his Jedi’s back before going back to looking around.

“Here we are, Obi-Wan and Cody’s place.” Anakin stopped, smiling happily, setting his hand to the keypad.

“Are you sure we should just barge in?” Rex murmured, hands in his pockets. “What if they’re busy?”

Anakin just laughed at that. “I bet they’re just napping, Obi-Wan stayed up all night with the kids, much like I did.” He grinned warmly over his shoulder, waving Rex concerns away.

‘Honestly, you should be sleeping too.’ Rex thought, rolling his eyes fondly as he stepped in after the other.

Only to crash into his back with a surprised yelp.

Furthermore, his wasn’t the only yelp and Rex quickly poked his head around Anakin to blink into the room, finding… oh karking hell.

“Why Kote! I thought you were playing chicken!” He wolf whistled, laughing at his vod as the other glared at the two, flushed from where he had dragged a blanket around his and Obi-Wan’s lower halves on the couch as he was clearly resting between the Jedi’s legs.

Their clothes had been scattered around the room, a trail towards the couch and Obi-Wan had covered his face, letting out tiny noises that Rex could only call whimpers with his own blush going down his face, his collarbone and down his chest amazingly enough.

“Get out you two!” Cody hissed, his ears bright red as he tugged the blanket more up.

Anakin let out a spluttering noise. “Obi-Wan!” He gasped in outrage and Rex decided to be a good brother for once as he gave Cody a salute and then grabbed his fellow blond to drag him out of the rooms, still laughing.

Thankfully, Anakin didn’t put up much of a fight, let Rex drag him out even as he let out more spluttered, questioning noises.

Getting one last look at his vod and the General before the door shut, Rex couldn’t help but snigger at how red both of them were. Then he tugged his own General after him, keeping a hold of Anakin’s hand. “Well, at least we know where they are.” He stated a tad cheerfully.

Anakin let out an outraged squawk at that. “I walked in on my master kriffing!” He gasped and Rex glanced up at the other, snorting at the sight of a blush climbing high on his cheeks, the tips of his ears red where they stuck out from under his curls.

“I’ve walked in on so many vode at this point that I no longer have any embarrassment out of it, must be refreshing.” He teased gently, smirking slightly as he noticed the rumor mill moving.

By that he meant he could see the knights freeze at the end of the hall as Anakin had been anything but quiet, the first grabbing the second and hurrying right back out.

It would be all over the temple and the vode by the end of the day he bet.

Hearing Anakin go quieter, falling more into step with Rex, he glanced back up at the other and smirked lightly. “You didn’t think your master was an old maid now, did you?” He teased gently.

That got a loud snort out of Anakin, still a bit flushed, as he peered back at Rex. “If you think this is the first time I walked in on my master, you’re dead wrong. I just didn’t expect it here. I knew Cody was chasing his tail.” He grumbled a tad about dense masters.

Letting out a thoughtful hum, Rex frowned. “You walked in on h-”
“With Quinlan Vos, on the kitchen table of our first quarters.” Rex looked up at the other flat words, blinking heavily.

“…He could do better.” Quinlan wasn’t a bad sort, but Rex had seen how the others destructive habits feed into Obi-Wan’s own destructive habits. So, yes, he could do better, someone who didn’t feed into the habits.

That gained Rex a loud laugh and a happy nod as they continued towards the hoverlift, knowing better than to head back to Obi-Wan and Cody’s quarters for a long, long while.

Hey Moddy, love your writing! If you’re taking prompts what about clones being LITERALLY made for the Jedi like some sort of force sensitive catnip that Jedi can’t resist? Poor Obi-wan would be even more out of his depth when he arrives on Kamino and the Force hits him in the face with how irresistible the millions of clones are.

Stepping onto Kamino with rain dripping from his hair and robe, Obi-Wan hardly hears the kaminoans talk, speaking about the literal army supposedly made for them.

Not because he’s not trying, no, he really is.

However, the moment steps onto the platform, honestly the moment his ship breaks through the atmosphere really, he feels it.

Feels them.

It feels like some forgotten part of his soul suddenly lights up, like something lost has been returned.

It feels like when he came back to the temple, all those years ago, from Bandomeer, a stubby braid beneath his ear and the knowledge that he was a padawan.

It feels like homecoming.

A homecoming a decade in the making.

The warmth of a hundred hands, waiting to wrap him up in arms. The sensation of a thousand smiles meant for him. The gaze of so many eyes that would never judge. The sensation of sun on his face after days of darkness.

From the open glass hallways of Kamino, he stares out at thousands of identical faces and feels his breath catch as golden orange flares up in small groups or alone, all bright and unique and his as they catch his eyes, like a splash of vivid color in a landscape of white and black.

One of the clones, so close Obi-Wan could almost taste the flavor of his colors, as if prompted by the Force, looks up and Obi-Wan stares into the sunshine-gold determination and sharpness so strong it bursts like lemon on his tongue.

Stares into what slots into his own soul, like a puzzle piece, vital to the picture and yet somehow, impossibly somehow, forgotten by the Jedi and Obi-Wan can hardly breath. ‘Hello, can you see me? Can you hear me? I’m here. I’m here! Don’t go. Don’t leave me again. I don’t want to leave.’ He wants to call out, does call out in the Force but doesn’t know if he gets a reply, can’t tell if the clone sees him in any way as he’s bid to follow by the kaminoans and he can do nothing else.

Can simply follow Lama Su, with great reluctance, tearing his eyes away only to glance back once more and find more orange grouped together, sunshine-goldenin the middle of it all, hands moving, signs Obi-Wan does not know and yet somehow feels he should.

Only the prompting of the kaminoans moves him along, to see the ‘greater’ picture of all the troopers and still he sees orange dots here and there.

In the mass of soldiers, of clones marching along, he sees part of his soul, as golden orange as the first ones he saw but shaded differently to the others and he burns, as he does his duty, follows to speak to Jango Fett.

He knows what he should ask, he knows what he should comment, but the flavor sunshine is still on his tongue, the warmth of hands on his back, of smiles in his eyes.

The words he should ask fades to ash, burned beneath sunshine and instead he asks, his voice feeling small. “How could you make them part of our soul and then keep them away?”

If his voice wavers as he asks, that only for the people in the room to know.

If Fett’s eyes widen in shock, if Taun We’s head tilts in confusion as she blinks her large, luminous eyes and if Boba’s hands laces into his father’s shirt while shining slightly with sunshine, that’s for them to know.


The Jedi.

He’s here, CC-2224 knows it, can feel it.

He can close his eyes and still turn in the same direction the Jedi is, could walk towards him if he wanted to. Can see him behind closed eyelids, the sight of the a rare sunset on Kamino instead of its rainy biology.

It beacons CC-2224 with its warmth, never flickers, only grows stronger, calls out to him with the certainty that they belong.

He’s not the only one.

CT-3402 was sitting with his eyes closed but facing the same direction as the glowing beacon of warmth, smiling faintly and he can spot several other vode, vode he knows are going to follow him to the Jedi, basking in the warmth that’s now so close it feels like it could burn them.

Their Jedi is here.

They’ve waited so long for him, just like everyone else, waited so long just to have him close. Always aware of him at the edges of their world. Always there and yet so far away, moving around and yet never coming closer.

Until now.

He’s here now, his soul welcoming them, singing for them.

Even if he went deaf, CC-2224 feels as if he could hear this song, that this song would always lead him to his Jedi.

He wants to go to him now, put his head in his Jedi’s lap, wrap his arms around his legs and hold on. He knows the other would let him, can almost feel the phantom brush of fingers stroking his short hair, caress the still healing wound on the side of his head that almost got him decommissioned.

CC-2224 has never been happier than now to avoid it, so happy that Prime himself stepped in, arguing that a scar wouldn’t mar the ‘wares’ if he continued his excellent record. He’d never thank the Prime… but he was here now and so was his Jedi, he could be grateful for that.

He could wait, just a bit more, for their Jedi. ‘Ours, ours, ours, ours!

Hi, Moddy! Awol Jedi…how does Cody react to seeing the decanted baby Obi-Wan clones?

Being told they were out and actually seeing them is wholly different and Cody can’t stop staring at the little cribs of sleeping babies.

He’s seen it before and yet somehow he feels like he’s never seen it at the same time.

He’s seen vode decanted before, has actually helped when one tube had an emergency fault and the shiny came out earlier than it should have but still ‘viable’ as the longnecks had said. He never found out what happened to that particular vode, if they survived, if they grew up, if they became another trooper.

But somehow… somehow its different, when the little heads contain fuzzy red hairs.

Somehow, seeing their tiny little hands are different when its Obi-Wan’s clones and Cody doesn’t know why.

Just that it is.

Five little heads, four pairs of green eyes with the last one having blue eyes and Cody can’t stop staring at them, his hand pressed to the glass keeping the rest of the temple from the little cadets.

The Jedi had set up this place for the troopers decanted vode to begin with, something about keeping the babies safe from the environment and immunity.

The troopers didn’t have the heart to tell their Jedi that they had stronger immunity from the get go, engineered by the longnecks and had been more flattered by the amount of care the Jedi were showing their youngest.

Now there’s little clone Jedi in there too and Cody knows he’s not the only one that’s come by to see the little Skywalker, Kenobi and Yoda clones.

He knows the others will come to see the Secura clones once they come too, knows the entire 327th will come to see them along with curious Jedi and other curious vode.

But Cody had been shyly invited.

Obi-Wan had arrived at their quarters, startling a barely awake Cody as he had thought the man still asleep in the temp quarters he had to move into for a week. Obi-Wan’s room had a leak spring into it, so it had required some repairs to ensure it was still a viable living space, the sealant needed time to harden without someone walking over it.

Two days after the first leak, Cody and the guest bedroom had also sprung leaks, informing the repair team that it was under the entire floor in that section and they had gotten to work with Cody too now relegated to a temporary bedroom.

Thankfully, their living quarter and kitchen was fine, the water line went under their bedrooms and the neighboring quarters, but Master Windu had been unfortunate enough that it was his entire quarters instead of just the bedrooms.

Cody had thought he’d be nice, since Obi-Wan had yet to wake up and arrive, usually the first of the two, had started on breakfast for the two and was halfway into the pancake batter thinking Obi-Wan was asleep.

Instead of sleeping though, Obi-Wan had apparently been awake all night and looked it too when he suddenly slammed into the quarters, frazzled and disheveled but before Cody could make more than a concerned noise, Obi-Wan had grabbed Cody’s hand and pulled him along, eyes wide.

“The babies are decanted.”

The sentence had Cody silenced and following, suddenly nervous and eager and now fully awake for sure, despite not having his caff.

That was it, he’d been there ever since.

It might have been a minute, an hour, a karking day but Cody couldn’t bring himself from moving, could simply stand there, staring at the little heads. Only when a warm hand wraps around the one hanging limp at his side does Cody manage to force his eyes away, turning his head to meet Obi-Wan’s hesitant, shy smile.

Without words, he laces their fingers and holds on tightly, wondering if all the hints he had carefully been dropping had finally gotten through, wondering if Obi-Wan had finally realized that Cody had been following all those little courting traditions Jedi seemed to have.

He didn’t ask, instead he simply squeezed Obi-Wan’s hand with his, watching as Obi-Wan shifted closer, leaned his head on Cody’s shoulder and went back to watching the little redheads.

Slowly, Cody turned his head back, wondering… well… what if one of those little redhead’s had amber eyes… would that be so bad?

‘…No, I don’t think that would be so bad,’ He thought airily, feeling like he could take on Grievous alone if the bastard cyborg suddenly rose from the dead again. ‘Not bad at all.’