Can we see what happens next in SecretWeCarry? Do the clones ever figure out the prisoners responsible?

Letting out a deep sigh as he eyed the report Fox had sent him, Cody rubbed at his stubbled jaw. He finally had the name of the prisoners that had jumped ‘Hardeen’ in the showers, but the only thing was…

Two of them were already dead, had been killed in a riot in the prison and could not be touched much to Cody’s consternation.

The other three involved however were still alive and still in prison, though there had been a few attempted escapes on the three’s attempt, enough to bring them up to the high security levels to prevent them from getting out.

After what had happened to ‘Hardeen’, Fox had also transferred more guards to keep an eye on them and had isolated them from the general population.

Violent prisoners such as these couldn’t be allowed among the general population after all.

‘Five people, five people jumped and assaulted my General…’ Cody stared at the images, two humans and three aliens. ‘He would have tried to fight them but without his Force powers against an overwhelming number…’ Cody’s wanted to put his fist in their face that moment.

The three survivors were one human, one zabrak and a twi’lek and all of them had a long rep, the human actually already had rape on his record and the longer Cody stared at their mugshots, the more his stomach curled with disgust.

‘…Death is too good for them.’ His lips pulled into a snarl before he let out a deep breath, sitting back in the chair of his office. It was practically a small storage but it was okay enough to do the requisition and other paperwork a commander had to fill in for the GAR without input.

The other times he would work with Obi-Wan in his quarters, for things the other had to sign of on and such. Obi-Wan’s office wasn’t much larger but the desk was good to sit at and Obi-Wan had a water boiler to make tea in his office.

He often actually made enough hot water so Cody could have caff, having a jar of instant caff stashed with his tea. It never failed to warm Cody and he suddenly wanted to go see his General.

‘But Obi-Wan is resting and that’s how its going to stay, resting, recovering.’ Cody reminded himself sternly.

Obi-Wan was actually doing somewhat better these days, despite the loss of the fetus and the attack by the CIS. If Cody was to take a guess, the constant attention from not only the medics but also General Skywalker was doing him a galaxy of good.

Along with the troopers own brand of care.

Helix, as the CMO, had sent out a priority message for most of the higher level command to read, to arrange for someone to visit Obi-Wan for an hour every five hour throughout the day cycle and evening cycle, to keep him occupied if he needed conversation.

Always a different clone, always for different reasons.

Obi-Wan needed human interaction and he had always been happy to speak with his troopers since the get go, happy to learn what he could of the troopers unique sign language or about the things they learned, even if some of it made him sad. Or he liked to teach them the things he knew.

He knew that both Waxer and Boil visited him and got language lessons, their visits often lasting longer than the hour the medics had asked for.

No one had the heart to send them away though and when Obi-Wan showed signs of tiredness, the two would make themselves scarce with believable white lies.

Cody too visited for more than the required hour, sometimes not talking at all and simply sitting at Obi-Wan’s side, holding his hand as the two read novels from a pad each. Sometimes that was all Obi-Wan needed, human contact but not a lot of talking.

After everything Obi-Wan had gone through, he needed positive, reinforced contact.

That was why Cody often held the others hand or let Obi-Wan rest his head on his shoulder.

‘But he has to rest now, Band-aid sent out a ship wide message about him being asleep.’ Cody reminded himself, focusing back on the mugshots, narrowing his eyes faintly.

Fox had promised to keep them alive… for now.

‘Your days are numbered… just you wait. You live for now.’ Cody bared his teeth in vicious smile, knowing the prisoners days were numbered.

He’d make SURE of that.

DangerousGalaxy- please tell me obi gets a hug or at elast some comfort after what happened. How does Anakin reatc to seeing his best friend beaten to a litteral pulp?

Pressing their foreheads together, Anakin wished he knew what to say, what to do as Obi-Wan shivered against him despite the warmth of their quarters wrapping around them.

Their quarters were always kept slightly warmer than the average temperature of the temple, Anakin’s desert upbringing leaving its mark to the point he preferred it warmer. Obi-Wan had never had an issue with it, wearing less layers inside their quarters if it got hot and therefore their quarters were kept nice and toasty for Anakin’s sake.

But now he was shivering, the two standing in the brightly lit living room together by the couch, pressed together for comfort since he was delivered to the temple by the commander.

You’d think after all these years, first as a padawan and then later as a knight and fellow victim, Anakin would know what to say to the other when things got bad.

But then again, no one really knew how to cope with how badly the Senators treated them, the truth of what was going on behind closed doors.

The Jedi order tried of course, they had healers and mind healers specializing in the trauma and aftermath of what was happening to them and continued happening and some Jedi saw those healers in particular more often than others.

There was a time period that Obi-Wan saw those healers in particular almost once a week, at the height of his popularity.

He didn’t see them now, mostly due to the war making it hard on Obi-Wan to keep appointments and talking through the issues.

Which was why Anakin simply kept his arms loosely wrapped around his master’s shoulders, their foreheads pressed together. Obi-Wan’s arms on the other hand was tightly wrapped around Anakin’s body, his fists clenched into the back of his tunic.

He hated this.

Being so helpless in the face of the pain all Jedi went through, from padawan’s to knights and to masters.

But especially Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan, who was so popular.

At the very least Ahsoka was a padawan, she couldn’t be requested, not yet and Anakin had done his best to shield her, though he had taken notice of several Senator watching her. Sentient that Anakin would make sure were gone before she became twenty.

Well, as long as the troopers didn’t beat him to the punch.

He’d been so worried when the other didn’t come home, had spent hours pacing, at his wits end when he remembered that Cody would help, Cody would be more than willing to help.

Every Jedi knew that the troopers were aware of what were going on, some less or more happy about it.

Anakin knew that many Jedi felt helpless and ashamed, weak in the eyes of those they were suppose to lead in war.

Others however were grateful as the troopers stepped in to help and protect them, telling lies to make them busy when they were requested.

It had not escaped the Order that certain Senate members were dying, some from ‘natural’ deaths seemingly and others the victim of a supposed serial killer, some of them very vicious deaths as this supposed serial killer seemed to be of a sadistic type.

The Coruscant Guards along with the Judaical were apparently investigating it but so far whoever was murdering Senate members were proving to be very clever about it.

Of course, seeing as it was murderers and not just one and they were internal to the case, it was no wonder that the Judaical weren’t making progress.

Anakin half suspected that any of the Judaical that did make progress were potentially silenced in some way.

They, the adults of the Jedi order that was, all knew the truth though, every time it got brought up, every Jedi exchanged knowing looks.

Kark, Anakin half suspected that even Ahsoka and a few of her friends had started figuring it out, mostly due to her knowing Obi-Wan’s schedule and knew he had been with some of those Senators prior to their death.

But they would never reveal the truth about what was really going on, not to the karking Senate, who sent them to Sith hells on the regular and many of them exposing them to it in their offices. No, the Jedi’s inability to say no didn’t mean that they had to be honest with the snakes in the Senate.

So, they kept the secret, leaned into the embraces of the troopers and trusted them where they couldn’t trust the majority of the Senate.

Only a few were willing to really stick up for a reformation on the way Jedi answered to the Senate and it wasn’t enough to make a true change, especially as many of those that were willing to stick up for them were often mid or outer core planets.

The core planets were unfortunately chalk full of Senators that felt quite content to abuse the Jedi’s inability to say no.

People like the one that had Obi-Wan this night.

The fact that there were still marks left on Obi-Wan, the faintest trace of swelling and a limp to his step…

It told Anakin everything he needed to know, that Obi-Wan’s night had been rough and difficult when even Helix couldn’t help him fully and Cody couldn’t deliver a wholly hale Obi-Wan back.

Rocking the two slowly from side to side, Anakin shifted his hands slowly to rub at the others back, feeling the other relax into the touch. “I-”

“No.” Obi-Wan shook his head as he interrupted, breath hitching a bit, the older man clenching his eyes shut as he tightened his grip almost painfully on Anakin.

The reaction made Anakin swallow thickly before he made a soft noise of agreement.

Obi-Wan didn’t want to talk about it, not now, maybe not in a long time and Anakin would respect that, sooner or later Obi-Wan might talk with him about it but for now, he needed more time to process what had happened.

‘My poor, poor master,’ Anakin’s eyes watered, swallowing thickly once more before closing his eyes too, simply standing with his arms around Obi-Wan, rocking slowly, the two wrapping each others in the safety of each others Force signature. ‘I can’t do this much more, please… someone, anyone… please. I can’t do this.’

Khybertears- please tell me Anakin gets to give his brother a hug

Panting heavily as he held onto the handles, arms trembling, Obi-Wan looked up at Anakin, the other standing in front of him with a nervous smile, arms at the ready to catch him. “This… karking… sucks.” Obi-Wan hissed, shuddering at a spasm of pain up his thighs.

“You are allowed to stop Master Kenobi,” The healer observing suddenly spoke up, watching from the side, her lekku’s curling nervously for all the serenity in her voice.

Clearly she expected Obi-Wan to push further than he should and frankly, that wasn’t a faulty estimation of his character if you asked Anakin.

Grunting, a bead of sweat rolling down his temple and down into his lose tunic, Obi-Wan paused when Anakin touched his shoulder. “Obi-Wan, you only just got your legs attached less than a week ago. This is progress, extreme progress, don’t give yourself a setback because you’re pushing yourself too hard.”

Obi-Wan stared at him and for a minute, Anakin wondered if he had offended his old master.

Then Obi-Wan head dropped a bit, the man letting out a tired sigh as he straightened as best he could. “Help me into my chair Anakin, please?” He whispered.

Relieved, Anakin stepped closer and aided the older man into holding onto him instead, Obi-Wan’s arm up over his shoulder and Anakin’s down around his waist.

Over his head, he and the healer exchanged relieved glances even as Obi-Wan was slowly helped into the chair by Anakin, the redhead letting out a tired and pained grunt as he sat down heavily. “Fucking…” He cursed quietly, the words trailing off as he just let his head tilt back, closing his glowing eyes, his mech feet thumping into the.

Peering down at the other, Anakin smiled sadly before shaking his head when the healer reached for the hypo full of painkiller.

She paused, her lips pursing but she waited.

The healer stopped in her tracks, Anakin knelt down, touching the top of Obi-Wan’s thighs in a gentle motion, smiling up at the other.

He got a smile in return, Obi-Wan’s freckles brightening in with genuine happiness. “I know they make you feel fussy but how about you have some painkillers?” Anakin questioned quietly, inwardly mourning at the dimming of the others freckles but knowing it was coming all the same.

Glancing towards the healer, Obi-Wan frowned as he wiped away the sweat on his face, the dark rings around his armpits clearly visible in his beige tunic. “…I…” He hesitated.

Rubbing slowly at the others thighs with his flesh hand, Anakin raised his mech arm. “There’s no shame in admitting you need them.” He stated seriously, watching Obi-Wan’s glowing eyes flicker to the visible mecho arm.

Anakin had done it on purpose.

Since Obi-Wan had decided to accept new legs, since he had started therapy to learn walking with them, Anakin had started wearing his glove less. Because he knew his old master, how stubborn he could be, how far he’d push himself, how little he wanted to be a ‘burden.’

Yes, Anakin Skywalker knew this part of Obi-Wan Kenobi quite well and he despised it, having often come home from lessons to find a sick Obi-Wan collapsed on the couch.

So he wore his glove less as a point, to force Obi-Wan to confront that Anakin at least knew some of the pain and some of the struggles.

Just so he could make sure Obi-Wan took care of himself, took his painkillers, reminded him that not going forward speedily wasn’t a failure. All the things Obi-Wan had reminded Anakin when he got his arm.

“There’s no shame in it Obi-Wan,” Anakin reiterated. “No shame for me and no shame for you.” He whispered softly as he squeezed the top of the others thigh.

“No fair, using my own words against me.” Obi-Wan whispered back, but he was smiling faintly.

Snorting softly, Anakin shifted up on one knee, leaning up to hug the other, ignoring the wetness and the sour smell of sweat on the others skin. “I think you’re rather proud of me doing it.” He teased softly, smiling when he felt a soft chuckle against his shoulder, felt the crystal of his lightsaber vibrate with its creator’s amusement.

“Maybe. But then again,” Obi-Wan’s hand came up to cup the back of Anakin’s head and Anakin felt a lump in his throat at the next words, his heart fluttering in quiet joy. “I’m always proud of you my dear.”

Dangerousgalaxy: I don’t know about Obi-wan but I’d be totally shaken after that. Please tell me Anakin gives him a hug or something. How do the clones react to all this now?

Taking a deep breath as he rested his hand on the door, Anakin glanced behind him once more for strength before he left the room, the image of a sleeping and comfortable Obi-Wan helping him step outside into the dim hallway.

Just as he had expected since sensing their unique auras, Cody and Rex were waiting for him, both sitting on a crate with their knees knocking together, Rex with his head tilted back against the wall and Cody with his elbows on his knees, head low.

The noise of the door opening however had them both sitting straight, looking at Anakin with searching, worried eyes and in Cody’s case, raw anger.

But Anakin had expected that ever since they returned to the mansion they had been given for the karking charity ball, since hearing Cody’s short, angry little orders to his men, getting the guards set up around the mansion they were using so no one but Jedi or troopers could get in, Anakin’s arm wrapped around Obi-Wan’s slumped shoulders.

He was just grateful both commander and captain had understood that the Jedi needed time to themselves, that they had waited out here as Anakin had sat with Obi-Wan and held the other, as much for his own sake as Obi-Wan.

Able to feel both troopers outside as he pressed his face to Obi-Wan’s neck and rocked the slightly shaking Jedi master.

He had honestly known the moment he told Cody to stop Obi-Wan from going with the Senator that the troopers would want answers, answers to one of the most well kept secrets of the Jedi order that only members knew.

Knew and swore each others to secret on, for their own comfort and sanity.

If the entire galaxy had known just how little control the Jedi had when it came to the government they served…

Anakin knew that there would be even less respect, even in places where Jedi weren’t actively despised or watched with wary interest.

And yet Anakin didn’t know how to start as he stared at the two men, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot as he peered at the troopers.

Finally, Cody got to his feet, glancing to the closed door first then up to Anakin. “There’s a room down the hall, its sound proof, looks like a meeting room.” He informed Anakin quietly.

Swallowing thickly, unbidden memories rising, Anakin gave a short nod and marched down the hall, Cody and Rex catching up quickly with the former moving into the lead.

It was a nice enough office, dimly lit with a couch against the corner, an imitation wooden desk in the middle with a fancy looking chair behind it, paintings on the wall of landscapes and fake bookshelves that were suppose to give the impression of being real and therefore expensive, the air slightly stale but Anakin didn’t mind, it made him relax.

Rex instantly moved to the bookshelf, likely noticing something not quite right, tapping his gloved fingertips against the fake book spines before turning with a bewildered look on his face.

Anakin shrugged, moving to sit down on the desk while crossing his arm over his chest. He didn’t get it either.

Real books were worth a ton, the temple had a few and so did Obi-Wan actually, gifts throughout his life, it was why Anakin identified them as fake instantly. Real books had a… smell to them, it would have been in the office along with the staleness.

It was a smell he associated with Obi-Wan by now, the safety of their quarters and the quiet knowledge that no one would get them in their temple. The books and his teas.

Cody, clearly restless, was pacing back and forth, his helmet thumping quietly against his thigh from his belt as he glanced to Anakin, waiting but not asking outright.

Letting Anakin find the words to explain the things he doesn’t want to, what feels like a betrayal to the other Jedi if he speaks about it.

But this is their troopers, troopers who fought with them and not against them.

Who might be able to help them, just like Cody did tonight.

Running his flesh fingers through his hair, Anakin let out a shuddering breath as he let that thought power him through. “…We can’t say no,” He finally stated quietly, feeling Rex’s full attention turn to him and Cody pause, the man staring at the floor but no longer moving. “I don’t know how it came to be, I’m no history buff but Jedi can’t say no to a Senator of the Republic, somehow, our servitude to the Republic has been… twisted into a place where we aren’t allowed to say no.” Anakin is grateful that he can’t see Rex face in that moment, that Cody isn’t looking at him.

But the feel of the troopers horror and the burning rage that is building in them is enough, their anger shouldn’t make him relax and yet…

“We… there’s so few rules in place and we can’t fight either, the Senate has too much power over the Jedi, can take away so much from us,” Anakin admitted, shame and tiredness rising in him, memories flashing. “Nothing permanent and no one under the age of twenty, its to give Jedi padawans time to find… someone, to avoid a Senator being their first and all padawans are warned at sixteen, its why some leave then.”

Anakin, due to the war, had rarely been called to the temple due to that, having turned twenty the year of the war.

But Obi-Wan?

Obi-Wan had been so popular, well known and beautiful as a young man, the young Jedi becoming defined and well known after the Naboo invasion. Normally Senators only came over Jedi occasionally and learned the names of certain ones, so they weren’t called too often.

But if they got famous in the Senate, if they were council members…

Hell, even Mace Windu was called often, though a tired Obi-Wan had once explained that it was a power move for most Senators that called on Mace, a powerful man like Mace Windu, having him on his knees in front of them, degrading him in some manner.

There were quite a few Senators that got off on power apparently.

He remembered bitterly how happy Obi-Wan was to find out the Chancellor was on ‘their’ side, that he spoke to Anakin like a person, spoke to him with warmth and treated Obi-Wan kindly.

Only for both of their hearts to burn when Anakin recognized grooming tactics from his lessons by Master Luminara in the temple, her quiet, steady words in his mind as Palpatine hand rested chillingly on Anakin’s shoulder, his words praising and yet isolating at the same time.

He remembered the look of utter defeat on Obi-Wan’s face after that, Obi-Wan returning from Senator Faraway, the collar of his tunic pulled up high and yet Anakin still able to spot the darkening redness on the pale skin.

That day, something in Anakin had broken, seeing the expression on his mentors face too alike something he had seen on his mother’s face.

He just hoped that he wasn’t making a mistake in informing the commander and captain, Cody once more pacing, his heels pounding the duracrete as Anakin wrapped his arms tightly around himself once more.

Highasakite- oh my god! When Anakin finds out his brother has been captured by slavers he’s going to go absolutely apeshit. I’d hate to be the one to tell him

Tucking the robe tenderly around his docile Jedi, Cody smiled shakily at the man as yells and blaster sounds continued to echo through the cave.

But even more reassuring than the familiar voices of his own vode was the steady hum and thrum of a lightsaber, the sound echoing along with the angry growls of a man on a mission.

Anakin Skywalker would always come for his master, at the slightest suspicion that something had gone wrong.

And by Jango’s hairy balls, was Cody more than relieved at this moment even as he drew the now covered up Jedi into his lap, brushing Obi-Wan’s hair out of the way as it had flopped down in his face.

The drugs had kicked in so fast, a Force inhibitor and a sedative if Cody was right though he had no diagnostic tool, Obi-Wan’s stewjoni particulars carrying it through his systems with every heartbeat and by the tenth minute, Obi-Wan was as docile as a trained canine, blinking owlishly between the slavers.

His reaction of course caught the captain’s attention, the man grabbing Obi-Wan by the chin as he tilted the Jedi’s chin back and forth as Obi-Wan uselessly whined and batted at the man’s chest, overly large pupils clear for everyone to see along with the lassitude of his body.

The demagolka had figured it out, laughing loudly as he held onto Obi-Wan’s chin in a mockingly tender touch. “Well would you look at that, we got a Stewjon native boys, a Force sensitive one to booth!” He crooned, Obi-Wan making a low noise and then reaching out to cover his ears when there was a rush of loud noise.

Cody and the rest of the troopers had been spewing insults mixed in with the jeers and hollers of the slavers only to freeze when the captain suddenly shoved Obi-Wan towards a rock wall, the Jedi letting out a pained noise before yelping shakily as he scrambled at the rocks when the captain jerked one leg up and around his waist.

Cody’s ears had been filled with the roaring of his own blood, the Ghosts of the 212th trying desperately to get their chains off, Waxer of all people roaring insults in a desperate attempt to get the captains attention off their Jedi.

“We’re keeping this one,” The captain leered, Obi-Wan batting at his chest, the drugs and inhibitor making his hands uncoordinated and powerless, his captured leg kicking out before yelling out when the captain’s other hand slid behind his back. “A stewjon Force sensitive is worth a mint but they’re even more useful if you get them trained, pretty little weapons they are.” He laughed cruelly as he grabbed his fly and pulled it down, the sound of the zipper eerily loud despite every other noise.

Cody might have done something stupid if it wasn’t for a warning cry from the front of the cave accompanied by a blaster that second, the captain jerking back before barking orders, grabbing Obi-Wan cruelly by the arm, shoving him into the cell with the others.

Cody had quickly pulled their Jedi in close, pulling him back into the protective hold of the vode as slavers rushed to the cave entrance.

Killer had, moments later, thrown the Jedi robe he had managed to grab through the bars around their General before moving in front of him, the man now firmly hidden between troopers when Cody sunk down, becoming a barrier between the cold rock floor and Obi-Wan’s body.

Rubbing the others back slowly, Cody glanced through the gap of Boil and Killer, baring his teeth in a snarl when he saw the captain hiding behind some crates, his face full of panic with a blaster in hand.

Clearly he hadn’t expected this.

‘Where Kenobi goes, Skywalker follows asshole.’ Cody viciously wished he could get his hands around the man’s throat or remove his hands.

A low noise from his Jedi had Cody’s focus shifting, looking into eyes with pupils so large they almost eclipsed the green of the others eyes. “Cody?” The man mumbled, voice slurred, a far cry from his usual Coruscantian high accent.

Tenderly, Cody continued rubbing the Jedi’s back, easing up now that at least Skywalker and the 501st were there, knowing that not only were they safe but so was Obi-Wan and the slavers wouldn’t be going anywhere.

A threat to the Jedi were something clones handled with prejudice and Anakin Skywalker in particular handled it even harder when it was related to his padawan or his former master. “It’s alright General, General Skywalker is on his way.” He murmured quietly, chuckling faintly when the others face perked up in glee.

Much better, Cody liked it when Obi-Wan smiled, even if it was a drugged smile and he couldn’t resist pressing their foreheads together for just a moment.

Just for a little moment, Cody allowed himself to be selfish after the scare they all just had.

Can we see Anakin’s reaction to WereObi? Is he scared or does he find this the coolest thing ever? Or does he get supper protective of his new brother?

Staring up at the other in shock, Anakin wondered if he had heard right or had sand stuck in his ears, again, as the redhead in front of him stared warily back.

When Mr Qui-Gon had stated that he wanted to speak with Anakin along with his padawan privately.

He had thought it had to do with becoming a Jedi maybe, so he had happily of a bit nervously agreed, following them to a small room that the Naboo staff had cleared out of, some kind of office maybe with how there was a desk and chairs in the room.

Padme had smiled at him gently as they left, Anakin’s nerves seemingly flying out the portholes at the sight.

It was not about becoming a Jedi or explaining anything of that nature though.

It was because Mr Obi-Wan was a werewolf, his shifting period was coming up and Mr Qui-Gon needed Anakin to not tell anyone since the three of them shared the minor space they had been given.

Well, Anakin mostly slept out in one of the chairs since there was better space there but Mr Qui-Gon was teaching him about the Force along with Mr Obi-Wan in the room the two Jedi slept in.

“You’re a werewolf?” He questioned, his legs starting to sway back and forth as Mr Obi-Wan gave a short, choppy nod.

Anakin had meet werewolves before, there were a few slaves that were and they were always, always kept away from the general population, kept in cages, treated as if they were about to go rampaging and slaughtering people.

Slave masters used them to hunt slaves sometimes, used them in fighting rings in both forms and used them as incentive to make people obey if they were slaves that weren’t equipped with shock collars or they weren’t suppose to be marked in any way as they were to be ‘clean’ slaves or bed slaves.

Maybe, in a different world, in a different place, Anakin would have shied away from Mr Obi-Wan.

But that would have to be in a world his mother hadn’t raised him.

Because his mother had taken Anakin by the hand one night and quietly lead him to the cages of one of those supposed ‘monsters’, a girl that couldn’t have been much older than Anakin at the time.

She had sky blue eyes and long dirty blond hair that hung in a mess over her back, her figure had been emaciated and she had scars all over from the fighting rings. But she had smiled at Shmi and Anakin, uncertain but not scary. Her teeth had been normal and while her voice had been low and rusty from lack of use.

Her hands had been gentle when Anakin shook it.

The girl hadn’t been a monster, just another unfortunate soul in the hands of those that would abuse them.

And Mr Obi-Wan wasn’t a monster either, there was a wolf hiding under his skin but that didn’t mean a monster. No, Obi-Wan was just scared and nervous if the way he kept shifting and the feeling Anakin could get of him was accurate.

Jumping off his chair, Anakin moved forward before either Jedi could stop him, wrapping his arms around Mr Obi-Wan’s chest while staring up at him with wide eyes. “That’s wizard! Can you show me your form? Is it big? Can you control how big it is? Is your hair the same as your fur?” Anakin shot of as many questions as he could think of as Obi-Wan stared back at him with wide eyes.

He looked bewildered and overwhelmed even as he automatically started patting at Anakin’s hair, the older Jedi lost as Obi-Wan tried to answer the deluge of questions.

Therefore they missed Qui-Gon smiling at them, relief echoing in the man’s eyes at the open acceptance Anakin was showing Obi-Wan.

In Lightthroughcracks since Anakin saw how skinny Obi-wan is does he try to convince him to eat more? And please tell me there’ll be more brotherly snuggles

Skipping in once he heard Obi-Wan’s voice, Anakin beamed at his master as the man put aside his pad on his bed, full attention on Anakin and Anakin alone as always with a small smile on his own lips.

It seemed that Obi-Wan preferred sitting on the bed instead of using the desk chair, though considering Obi-Wan preferred sitting in lotus style for the most part, that wasn’t really all that shocking to Anakin.

Ever since he came to surprise Obi-Wan, Anakin had gotten a bit more cautious, he saw a bit too much that day and wouldn’t like to repeat that experience, so he had started knocking on the door to make sure Obi-Wan was presentable.

“Hello there Anakin,” Obi-Wan greeted, eyes falling to the cloth in Anakin’s hands, the man blinking slowly with curiosity.

“Master!” Anakin chirped back, skipping over to the bed to flop down beside the man and lean in when the other wrapped his arm around his padawan’s shoulder in a welcoming embrace. This was one of few things Anakin had come to love ever since Obi-Wan needed healing.

How tactile Obi-Wan was with him.

Oh, Obi-Wan hadn’t been adverse to touching before but it had seemed… stiffer.

Now Obi-Wan easily would wrap his arm around Anakin and hold him or ruffle his hair or even just pet it.

It was nice and Anakin loved it, it reminded him of his mom’s touches sometimes in a way.

That said, it didn’t mean Anakin forgot what he had seen.

Obi-Wan was too skinny and an old fear had swept through Anakin each time the flash of Obi-Wan’s body came through his mind.

Of his mother, whispering about how the most waif like of servants and slaves were swept away by the winds, by the demons just waiting on them to become alone in the sand dunes.

Of demons burying them in the sand and killing them, easy targets, swept away.

Children and old and sick.

Sick like Obi-Wan.

Which was why he had begged Master Depa if one of the master’s could bake.

Shockingly, Master Mace apparently could and Depa begged herself away because she burned water, somehow?

He didn’t really understand that, how did you burn water?

Anyhow, Mace had listened to his request quietly before smiling and ruffling Anakin’s hair, agreeing that instead of sparring or katas, they’d bake during his period for a few days.

“Master, I bought you cookies!” He beamed, dropping the amber colored cloth to his lap and opening it to show Obi-Wan the slightly crumbly yellow cookies with glaze on them, beaming when Obi-Wan gave a surprised but pleased noise.

“Sugar cookies?” Obi-Wan questioned, carefully picking one up to sniff at.

“Honey and oat crisps, or that’s what Master Mace said.” Anakin corrected, wiggling slightly in excitement as Obi-Wan took a small nibble of the one he had picked up.

They were easy to make and since they were oats and honey, somewhat healthy even while being high in sugar and fat. “Oh, these are good. Well done padawan.” Obi-Wan grinned, taking a slightly bigger bite.

Beaming in return. “Good, cause all of these are for you. I already asked the healers and they said they were fine,” He chirped contently, flushing slightly at the indulgent, proud smile that appeared on Obi-Wan’s face. “Um, your hair is getting long master, do you want me to brush it?” He squeaked, feeling a bit embarrassed for some reason.

Chuckling, Obi-Wan gave a small nod, watching as Anakin set the cloth covered cookies on Obi-Wan’s lap and then move to collect the hairbrush. “I don’t have a hair tie though, Anakin, how are you going to ti-oh.” He let out a small snort when Anakin triumphantly pulled out a piece of string from his belt pocket.

Grinning brightly, Anakin shuffled out of his boots and fully climbed onto the bed, wiggling slightly as he happily crawled behind Obi-Wan, standing up to get to work on the others hair. “I used to do this all the time for mom, though her brush was made of wood and had animal hairs bristle.” He chirped happily.

“Well, as long as you want to do it, I don’t mind Anakin.” Obi-Wan hummed.

“I don’t! I like playing with hair. Master Depa let me braid her hair in two braids that she looped on each side.” Anakin cheerfully stated, wiggling happily as he worked the tangles out of his hair, humming softly.

He could feel Obi-Wan relax, slowly nibbling on the cookies and likely getting crumbs in the bed, yet he didn’t say anything, just happy to have his master feeling relaxed and content, his head tilted back into Anakin’s hands.

That was all he had wanted from the day.

A happy Obi-Wan.

With everything going on in Tramua Breaks All, the council decide to give obi-wan a soft, fluffy, emotinal support/therapy animal

Pausing with the teacup to his lips, Obi-Wan slowly lowered his cup to stare at his hopeful former padawan before looking to Adi and Plo on the other couch across the caff table. “I’m… I’m sorry, what?” He stated unsurely. He certainly hadn’t heard what he thought he heard.

“A therapy animal,” Adi murmured, smiling faintly at him with her hands settled in her lap, having rejected the offer of tea earlier. “The healers and the council has considered the impact it would have and if you are open to it, it would be beneficial for your further healing.” She explained.

Glancing between the two fellow council members, Obi-Wan eventually turned his head to look at Anakin.

Instantly, the blond shifted out of the armchair to sit beside Obi-Wan on the couch. “I was looking over it too, there’s lots of different therapy animals, they help people cope,” Anakin explained, showing the had he had brought with him. On the pad, there were different animals from akk dogs, normal dogs to felines and even a rat. “Master Plo and Gallia approached me since I was already researching it.” He explained.

“You… were?” Obi-Wan blinked.

Smiling sheepishly, Anakin lifted the pad a bit before dropping it back on his lap. “They help with anxiety, depression and so many other things. And there are some that help you keep to routines or even seizures and honestly, those that have them only have praise for their therapy animals.” He explained.

Shifting a closer to Anakin, Obi-Wan peered down at the pad to take in all the animals, holding his cup tightly.

It was a bit… overwhelming.

The idea of having an animal, something he’d have to take care of and Obi-Wan swallowed thickly. What if he couldn’t, what if they got sick or injured or… or even died!?

A flesh hand gently covered his wrist and Obi-Wan looked up quickly, swallowing as he found Anakin staring at him sympathetically. “You don’t have to pick right now. Or even decide that you want one. You can say no.” Anakin stated quietly.

“Yes, as Knight Skywalker says, you do not have to agree to this,” Plo leaned forward. “We want your best Obi-Wan and your well being and health is our primary concern. So do not rush.” the kel dor stated quietly.

Adi nodded seriously, watching him with a small furrow between her brow, clearly worried about him.

He was making his issues other people’s burden once more and Obi-Wan glanced down at his now chilled cup of tea. “…I’m just not certain I… that I have the headspace to care for an animal.” He quietly admitted, rubbing at the rim of his cup with his thumb.

Anakin squeezed his wrist gently. “And you don’t have to decide for one right now. However, if you do decide to get one, I’m right here to help you,” He stated seriously and squeezed his hand with care before lifting the pad once more. “And there’s a lot of options that could help you. Animal’s don’t care or judge Obi-Wan, they love without compromise or judgment.” He murmured.

‘Without… judgment…’ Obi-Wan slowly lowered his eyes to the pad once more, setting his cup on the table to take the pad while nibbling his lips slowly.

There were a lot of animals just as Anakin said, fuzzy, scaled, hairless and so on.

‘I don’t have to decide now, I can think it over and… and maybe read a few articles too about it… if I give it serious consideration then Anakin won’t be on my case.’ Obi-Wan scrolled slowly, missing the pleased looks the three other Jedi exchanged over his head.

SecretWeCarry- let Obi-wan have a goddamn hug where nothing goes wrong, you absolute monster

Opening his eyes slowly, Obi-Wan simply stared at the white ceiling for long minutes without a conscious or coherent thought passing through his mind, the only sounds being the quiet and steady beep of the machine monitoring his heart rate.

As he laid there, he became aware of a few things.

One, he felt dreadful, his entire body a point of discomfort and filth. Two, he was somewhat floaty at the same time that indicated he was hella high on painkillers and three, the entire room was dimmed down, indicating that it was most likely night time and four… someone was holding his hand.

Someone very familiar.

Turning his head slowly, his body feeling sluggish and horrible, he peered at the person holding his hand.


Anakin was holding the hand without the Iv attached, watching him with a fatigued look on his face.

Seeing he had Obi-Wan’s attention, Anakin raised the other Jedi’s hand and rested it to his cheek, pressing it down carefully against the warmth.

It was comforting, the feel of warm skin beneath his palm and Obi-Wan stroked his thumb slowly under Anakin’s eye, squinting faintly at the dark smudges beneath them. “…When was the last time you slept?” He rasped out, his mouth and throat dry as a desert.

Speaking made him cough and that made him ache only for Anakin to draw the pain away with the Force, the blond using the hand on his cheek as a focus point. “A while ago. Its alright though.” Anakin murmured, raising the head of the bed with the controls until Obi-Wan’s head was raised up enough that he wouldn’t choke if he drank.

He put a cup with a small spout to Obi-Wan’s lips and despite the water being lukewarm, it was one of the best things Obi-Wan could remember drinking in a long while.

All the while, Anakin kept Obi-Wan’s hand on his cheek with his own flesh hand, using the mech hand to hold the cup.

A part of Obi-Wan suspected the other was monitoring him, the major part was just grateful for the touch, gentle as it was.

The cup finally empty, Anakin sat it aside, leaving the two staring at each other again.

Slowly, Obi-Wan glanced down towards his stomach, staring at the slight bulge before looking at Anakin again as the grip on his hand tightened slightly. “I… its gone… isn’t it?” He whispered, almost completely depleted for emotions as Anakin gave a slow, hesitant nod.

Not quite blank, certainly not serene but just as if he was a cloth that had been washed out of most of its colors.

Maybe it was the drugs that were doing it or just how emotional everything had been lately but Obi-Wan Kenobi was tired and the loss of the fetus was maybe the straw that broke the taun-taun’s back.

And somehow, that was worse.

It had been a fetus, a baby.

Blameless, guiltless.

Unwanted but a life nonetheless and yet Obi-Wan couldn’t even manage to summon sadness at its passing.

Hell, he even felt a small measure relief and Obi-Wan let out a small noise of denial as the emotion registered fully to him.

Wasn’t he suppose to feel sorrow, maybe some form for guilt?

It had been a baby.

Was Obi-Wan really that monster- warm arms wrapped around him, the scent of Anakin’s preferred if faded cologne reaching him along with the undertone of body sweat blotting out the grisly thoughts Obi-Wan was harboring.

Faintly, he could also hear the heart rate monitor, its beeping fast but slowing down as Anakin held onto him as tightly as the blond could in the awkward position, Anakin trying to avoid jostling Obi-Wan as best he could.

Obi-Wan had been panicking, his breathing speeding up along with his heart rate as he was slipping quickly towards a panic attack. And Anakin, realizing what was happening, had stepped in, cutting off the incoming panic attack that would do Obi-Wan no favor in his current condition.

He felt the mech hand slide under his head, cupping it as Anakin drew his head up against his shoulder and neck. “No one blames you,” Anakin whispered quietly, rubbing lightly as he held on.

“I-It wasn’t at fault though, it was a life and now its gone. But I don’t feel anything.” Obi-Wan whispered shakily, shaky hands as he clung to Anakin’s tunic.

He felt monstrous as he admitted that, how could Anakin stand to touch him, let alone hug him as kindly as he was.

What else could Obi-Wan be than a monster?

“Human,” Anakin whispered and Obi-Wan whined as he realized he must be broadcasting, his shields in pandemonium in his current condition. “It makes you human Obi-Wan, a very human, very complex person.” Anakin continued, still stroking his head.

“If this is to be human, I-I’m not sure I like it Anakin.” Obi-Wan hiccuped, pressing his face to the darkness of Anakin’s shoulder.

A faint, humorless laugh escaped the other at that and Obi-Wan could feel Anakin tighten the hug. “No one really likes it Obi-Wan,” He pressed a kiss to Obi-Wan’s forehead, the touch a comfort that Obi-Wan wasn’t sure he deserved. “But…” Anakin hesitated, his mech fingers rubbing through Obi-Wan’s hair. “If we’re human together, maybe that makes it a little easier?”

Too tired to cry, too tired to laugh Obi-Wan only let out a small noise as he clung to Anakin. “Maybe. Maybe being human together makes it a bit easier,” He quietly agreed. “As long as you’re here, maybe being human isn’t so bad.”

He wasn’t entirely sure of that but if Anakin was with him, perhaps Obi-Wan could at least exist.

If Anakin still wanted him around, if he was willing to hold his old master as tightly and protectively as he was, perhaps Obi-Wan wasn’t so abominable after all?

And maybe, once he had rested and wasn’t all numb, Obi-Wan might possibly believe such a thing.

Can we see more Trauma breaks all? More hugs for Obi, please, because boy needs one

When Ahsoka had been assigned to Skyguy, she hadn’t known what to expect.

She had known that Yoda was honestly tricking the two Jedi, that Master Obi-Wan had been the one that expected to gain a padawan and Anakin hadn’t been prepared at all. She knew that things weren’t going to be easy.

But they had figured it out, found a rhythm and she had come to adore both of her masters.

Even if it was unofficial, everyone knew that Obi-Wan was her master almost as much as Anakin was.

And while in the start she had wondered if she’d ever get as close to her masters as Skyguy and master Obi-Wan was…

Well, she had never wished it as much as now as she watched master Obi-Wan slowly make himself a cup of tea, his entire demeanor seeming fatigued and overburdened, as if he had finally hit some invisible wall and could no longer pick himself up. ‘Or maybe… maybe its that he’s not hiding it anymore.’ Ahsoka’s mind piped up.

Both thoughts were depressing and Ahsoka wished she could do something, anything.

Anything but watching her grandmaster standing in the kitchen in his pj’s alone, his hair clearly bed ruffled and his hands shaking despite it being two pm, looking like he had just woken up and was only now getting out of bed.

She knew why of course. Anakin had spoken with her on the list of symptoms Obi-Wan had and she could recognize some of it from her classes.

He had depression at the very least and PTSD and it wouldn’t shock her if he also had anxiety and maybe even a touch of agoraphobia, seeing as Obi-Wan looked nervous anytime anyone spoke about leaving the quarters and even the temple at all.

The latter had actually been Barris who suggested, Ahsoka choosing to vent a bit to her friend on her own worries about master Obi-Wan.

And if Ahsoka was to speak bluntly, it wouldn’t shock her if he was worried about going outside of the temple, considering the war was outside of the temple. He would have to leave it to come face to face with it.

If he stayed in his quarters, then he could… well not ignore it but he wouldn’t have to be face to face with it.

Ahsoka understood that, even as it made her worried about him.

What could she do to help him though?

She wanted to help, but she was just… wait…

Blinking, a thought struck Ahsoka and before she could think too deeply about it, she crossed the floor quickly until she was beside the other, watching him pull his tea infuser out of the cup to place in the sink.

He jumped a bit when he noticed her beside him. “Ahsoka?” He murmured, a tad confused as he glanced to the couch. Obi-Wan hadn’t noticed her come over, clearly focused on his task. “Is there somethi-” Obi-Wan’s words cut off as she wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her head to his shoulder.

He was stiff in her arms, and she wondered if she had made a mistake, panic growing only to breath out when he suddenly went lax, turning slightly in her grasp to hug her in return. “Just… thought you needed a hug master Obi-Wan.” Ahsoka whispered, deciding to be honest. “You just looked like you could do with a hug.” She peered up at him, noting that she didn’t have to look up as far as she had when she first became a padawan.

To her relief, Obi-Wan’s eyes turned from confused and worn to something softer and even better, a genuine if tiny smile crossed his face. “That so… well then, thank you Ahsoka. A hug is very nice, especially from you, dearest ‘Soka.” He murmured.

Ducking her head and hiding her face against his shoulder, Ahsoka made a low, relieved noise, clinging to the human.

She didn’t think hugs could save him or heal him, but maybe they could help him?

She hoped so.

She really did want to help her grandmaster so if this was all she could do, then she’d hug him every day as long as he wanted it.

Ahsoka would help him get better if it was the last thing she did in this galaxy.