Wow wow wow I just spent all day reading your stuff I’m so glad I found you! #obiinpain drew me in, so could we get some more of that? I want these boys to Talk About Their Feelings

Looking taken aback, Obi-Wan stared at his brother padawan while
accepting the cup of tea the other had made for him before
hesitating, glancing at their shared master before looking back at
Anakin’s earnest expression. “I’m not sure about medical weed
Anakin, I’ve trie-”

“Normal weed Obi-Wan,”
Qui-Gon injected, looking thoughtful as he settled back in his
squishy armchair, his own cup of tea in his hands. “What you had
was normal weed that made you so paranoid you ended up climbing on
top of the fridge but Anakin has a point, if you tried one with low
TCH and high CBD strain…” He developed into a low muttering to
himself, his tea forgotten in his hands.

Anakin glanced between the
two before focusing back on Obi-Wan, curiosity plain on his face.

Wincing slightly, Obi-Wan
blew on the tea and took a sip, mentally admiring that Anakin’s tea
making skills had become better. “It was a diplomatic mission, we
had to smoke a peace pipe and… well the effects were adverse on
me.” He explained quietly, colors turning ruddy as he focused on
his knees.

Anakin’s hand was on his
thigh, warm and large feeling and Obi-Wan had to force himself not to
tense up from surprise as he looked up at the other, meeting big blue
eyes full of concern. “I’m sorry, I wouldn’t have suggested
this if I had know…” He trailed off before withdrawing, seemingly

Shaking his head, Obi-Wan
smiled at the other. “You didn’t know and you couldn’t have, we
kept it out of the reports for my dignity sake but it sounds like
Qui-Gon has some suggestions.” They both looked to the older man as
he continued muttering to himself, gray blue eyes focused on the
ceiling now and his cup fully abandoned.

Both watched him with
amusement before sending each other entertained gazes and Obi-Wan
tried hard not to notice how defined Anakin’s jaw had become with

Or the rest of him

He had grown from an
adorable kid and a lanky teen into very desirable man honestly and
Obi-Wan was struggling a bit he would admit.

Especially when Anakin was
being so generous and chivalrous to him.

‘Kind… he’s always
kind to me. But he’s also crushing on me.’ Obi-Wan let his eyes
fall to his cup, stroking it with his fingertips before taking a slow

It would be foolish to
engage in anything with Anakin, Anakin had issues with separating
himself from attachment as his questions about his mother and her
safety had often proved and even once Obi-Wan had, very discreetly,
returned to Tatooine during a mission by pretending a ship breakdown,
Anakin still kept asking.

Regardless of knowing that
Shmi was no longer on Tatooine but on a core world.

To be fair, Anakin hadn’t
gotten to know that she was on Coruscant,
it just wasn’t safe to tell the attachment prone man and Obi-Wan
was walking a very fine line too should the council discover that
Obi-Wan had not only bought a sentient in hutt space but also
transported her to Coruscant where he helped her get proper
documentation and a job.

were fond of Obi-Wan, but even they couldn’t be lenient then.

Obi-Wan was already in such a fragile state, he would never become a
ma- a gentle hand covered his knee, bringing Obi-Wan out of his
thoughts to look up at Anakin, meeting worried blue eyes.

would it be so bad to indulge him, if only for a while? He’ll grow
tired of me eventually and… and aren’t I due some happiness for
all that I have sacrificed?’
Obi-Wan stared at the blond before smiling shyly at him, shifting his
right hand off the cup to hover over Anakin’s, indecision lingering
as he stared at the sun
kissed hand on his beige knee, watching how it looked beneath his own
pale, freckled one..

frowned, clearly confused, his nose scrunching endearingly and
Obi-Wan couldn’t help a soft chuckle as he finally let his hand
drop, catching Anakin’s to gently twine their fingers together.

bemused, Anakin blinked, looking between Obi-Wan’s shy smile to
their hands and back several times before his own eyes widened, his
hand tightening on Obi-Wan’s as a brilliant beam crossed his face,
Obi-Wan’s blush spreading from his cheeks to his ears and the back
of his neck as his smile grew
at that obvious delight.

all the while, an oblivious Qui-Gon muttered to himself with a
cooling tea in hand only a meter away from them, oblivious to his
former and current padawans actions as Anakin raised their hands and
pressed a lingering kiss to Obi-Wan’s freckled hand, callused
fingertips caressing each others.

Hi Lovely Moddy, what’s going on in #Obiinpain? What does Palpatine think about Anakin’s affection for his lineage brother? Does he try to plant some sort of doubt about attachment in him? Alternatively, Anakin has got this pain-release thing down to an art form. Has anyone talked to him about further training with healing? Thanks for sharing your lovely stories!

Pulling back slowly, Anakin eyed the skin critically before nodding
and looking to Healer Che. “I think that’s it master Che, I
healed the internal bleeding to the best of my ability.” He settled

Settling her hand over Knight Tatchi’s stomach, Che let out a
soft hum before nodding. “Well done padawan Skywalker, you’re
becoming quite proficient in healing, your master was right that you
would have a deft hand with healing.” She stated with satisfaction.

Grinning, Anakin opened
his mouth only to be beaten to the punch by Siri. “Not to piss on
anyone’s joy but you’re not going to induce another internal
bleeding on me for him to work on are you?” She stated warily.

The best thing for
learning to heal someone was experience, once one knew the technique
to heal them that was.

However, waiting around
for someone to get injured could take a long time, time healers
didn’t really have when they were teaching.

Cue some padawans, knights
or master volunteering to play the role of the patient at times,
getting infected with curable diseases or having injuries induced to
work on for those students to learn with a fully learned healer on
site to take over should the learner fail.

Anakin also knew that
sometimes healers took learners with them to the clinics around
Coruscant to get hands on learning from real patients but only once
those learning actually knew what to do so they wouldn’t
accidentally kill someone with Force exposure but only when the
temple didn’t have their own injured or ill to work on.

That served both as
working experience for those learning to heal but also garnered a bit
of good will to the Jedi from the local population of Coruscant since
Jedi didn’t take paid to heal.

That didn’t mean it was
pleasant for the one getting said disease or injury even if it was
fixed moments later and Siri Tatchi was not
enjoying having internal bleeding induced in her abdomen
and clearly would rather not experience it again.

Che paused, sending Siri a gimlet look. “Hmm, no, I am not but in
return you owe me a drink Siri. Padawan Skywalker here has shown
himself adequate in healing internal bleeding and therefore you can
go if you feel rested.”
She stated tartly, her
twitching lekku’s betraying her amusement to both Anakin and Siri.

thank the Force,” Siri slid off the bed, stretching before nodding
to Anakin. “Give Obi my regards and come for that drink later on
Vokara.” She stated before quite clearly beating a hasty
retreat out
of the learning hall of the Halls of Healing, clearly
regretting signing up as a guinea pig today,
clearly intending to rest in
her own bed.

about, Anakin took notice that the four padawans that were learning
with him were still at their own beds, the privacy screens pulled up
and therefore obscuring healer, student and the ‘patient’ in

know, you would make a wonderful healer.” Anakin’s attention
jerked away from the rest of the sterile room, blinking at a smiling,
actually smiling
Vokara Che as she pushed a
lekku over her shoulder.

Anakin rubbed the back of his neck as his senior padawan bead at the
end of his braid swung about. “Thank you master Che, I’m not sure
it’s for me though, I only really… that is…” He hesitated,
relaxing when she raised her hands.

simply wanted to hand you a compliment young Skywalker, I know that
you are aiming to be a knight. And I know you originally learned
healing to be of aid to Knight Kenobi to
aid his issue,” Her face
softened a bit. “How is he? He doesn’t come around the halls as
much anymore since you took over to provide relief.” Che gestured
for Anakin to follow, signaling an
end to the lessons as they headed for the same doors Siri had exited.

Glancing around the
sterile room, Anakin let out a tired little huff. “Coping, that’s
the best I can explain what he’s doing. He wants to change out his
painkillers but the healer looking over him hasn’t fount a suitable
replacement that doesn’t make Obi-Wan woozy or worsens his side
effects.” He explained quietly, not wanting to add to the temple

Obi-Wan deserved better.

“I see,” She sighed
deeply, a small frown crossing her face. “Have they looked into
cannabis?” Che questioned only to chuckle when Anakin gained a
scandalized look. “The medical variety young Skywalker, I won’t
say it’s a cure all but he may have benefits from potentially the
lotion, oils, pills, consumable or injections even if he does not
want to smoke it.” She explained.

Falling thoughtful, Anakin
rubbed his chin as he wondered if Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan had thought of
it at all and it was the first time he had heard it from a healer at

From what he understood
from Obi-Wan, his healer was thinking about opiates only that had
pretty severe side effects or not enough effect on Obi-Wan.

Patting Anakin on the
shoulder, drawing him out of his thoughts, Che gave him a small
smile. “Try mentioning it to Kenobi. Some aid would be good for him
as long as he doesn’t experience severe side effects.” She
settled on before heading towards the offices.

Mulling on his thoughts,
watching her go, Anakin nodded abruptly to himself.

He was going to find

So do Obi and Ani talk in Obi In Pain?

in bed, Obi-Wan struggled not to curse as his knee and hip just
wouldn’t give him peace.


had tried taking an extra dose of his painkiller but nothing was
working and he was so tired, his eyes were sore and he just wanted to
sleep but the damn pain wasn’t letting him and Obi-Wan could feel
his eyes tear up from sheer frustration.

rarely cried for the day to day pain anymore unless it came on
unexpected and ramped up but the despair however…

helplessness, the despair, hopelessness, frustration and even anger…
oh yes he cried for that several
times, late at night as he struggled to sleep or as he fought to do
his duty with his body being a hindrance.

Obi-Wan gave up, rolling to his side and getting up with a heavy

bothering to turn on the light, Obi-Wan padded on bare feet out into
the living room, moving as silently as he could as he picked out his
novel pad from the caff table and walked to the kitchen to make tea.

tea that was.

and Anakin would be upset if he drank anything with caffeine in it
this late and he’d rather avoid a lecture, especially from the
latter right now.

night tea it was.

along, Obi-Wan navigated the quarters with the little light that
shone in, Coruscant night life never resting and therefore there was
always some measure of light, different advertisement boards,
headlights, buildings… that kind of thing.

a padawan, his first few days had been hard because of how his room
was stationed with a billboard shining directly in even at a distance
until he finally got up a properly dark
curtain that Qui-Gon helped him attach.

right now, the light was soothing enough and aided him in his walk to
the kitchenette where he turned on the little stove fan lamp,
blinking a bit at the brightness before relaxing and moving to put on

side burned with pain, spreading to knee and hip as always as his
insides contracted with muscle pain.

more he cursed out the zabrak Sith in his mind, resting a hand on his
midsection and hissing as he felt the heat even through the thin worn
tunic he wore to bed as he set the water to boil.

at the same time he couldn’t quite bring himself to regret the

he did, that meant that Qui-Gon may have paid the price with his life
and that was…

Qui-Gon was important to him, his teacher, his master.

loose him would be a terrible blow, not only to him but to the order
and frankly, that situation with Master Dooku may have gone very
different if Qui-Gon hadn’t been there to speak with his old

over to the cupboard, a hand held to his side still, Obi-Wan stared
at the cupboard above him before drawing a fortifying breath and
reaching up slowly.

A sleep husky voice mumbled out, causing the Jedi to turn around
quickly enough that it ached along his entire side while dropping his
arms, watching a shirtless Anakin standing there while rubbing at his
eyes, his padawan braid undone over his shoulder.

He blinked in surprise, trying to hide the pain lacing his body.
“What are you doing awake?” Obi-Wan questioned, putting on a

now, Anakin stared at him before moving his eyes between Obi-Wan and
the water boiler. “I think I should be asking you that.” He
murmured slowly, narrowing his eyes.

he could stop him, Anakin was there, his hand pressed gently to
Obi-Wan’s side, his Force aura moving smoothly through Obi-Wan and
willing the pain away, releasing endorphins into Obi-Wan’s system.

the other by the elbows, Obi-Wan let out a weak, relieved whimper as
he tipped forward, his forehead resting on the others collarbone, the
skin still bed warm under his own cold sweat covered forehead.

could feel his scar suddenly cool down, as if an icing agent had been
put to it and could feel the muscles relax. Almost as if Anakin had
injected him with an opioid, instead of just putting his hand and the
Force to work.

felt Anakin’s other hand reach up and gently pet his uninjured

Obi-Wan…” Anakin whispered, his voice full of fondness and
warmth. “You know you can come to me, you silly…”

out a low noise, Obi-Wan tightened his hold on Anakin’s elbows,
shivering faintly at the closeness.

right there, right here, warm, gentle, helpful… and… and he loves
me? How. How can someone as great as him love a broken failed
Initiate like me…’ He closed his eyes tightly.

#obiinpain- Obi struggles with his emotions.

for your thought?”

up from the water, Obi-Wan let out a soft noise as Bant settled down
beside him, the mon calamarian Jedi pulling off her boots and rolling
up her leggings to dip her legs into the water with him. “Just…
life I guess.” Obi-Wan offered quietly, resting his elbows on his

faintly, Bant swished her legs about while watching her old friend.
Then she focused out over the water, one of the many bodies of water
the Gardens had.

was after all a reason for it to be named Room of a thousand

know,” Bant started slowly, tapping her fingers on her knee. “When
something is bothering a person, it helps to speak with others,”
She glanced at him, her lips twisting unhappily when Obi-Wan looked
away. “You’re making people concerned Obi-Wan, everyone has taken
notice how you’re pulling into yourself. We’re worried.” Bant
said bluntly.

deeply, Obi-Wan ran his hand over his hair, biting at his lips.
“…Anakin is in love with me.” He finally said roughly, his
voice wretched.

eyes blinked at him, the fellow Jedi knight raising her brows before
snorting. “Well yes, everyone knows that. He’s not subtle.”
Bant murmured dryly, rolling her eyes when Obi-Wan gaped at her. “Oh
come on Obi-Wan, he goes searching for your favorite dessert in the
dining hall, he goes looking for gifts for you, he makes flower
crowns to place on your head.” She chided gently.

eyes wide, Obi-Wan wondered how long this had been going on before
shaking his head and huffing. “And I think I love him?” He
stuttered out.


sat there tensely,
the sound of of
bubbling and rushing water coupled with birds and other animal life
being the only noise filling them.

then Bant snorted loudly, giving a laugh. “So that’s
what’s this is about. You’re scared of how to approach him?”
She grinned at him.

No!” Obi-Wan jerked a bit back only to hiss and settle his hand on
his hip, Bant’s eyes turning apologetic. “Force Bant! I’m too
old for him and I’m karking broken. What does he want with someone
as infirm as me!” He huffed deeply, panting a bit as he tried to
ease the pain he had accidentally triggered.

cool, scaled hand settled over his, providing healing. “Obi-Wan,”
Bant murmured, prompting him to look up to meet her sympathetic
yellow eyes. “You are not infirm nor are you old. Is that really
how you think of yourself?” She whispered worriedly.

away, uncomfortable, Obi-Wan shrugged slightly, mute as he stared at
a little rodent that was eating an insect, one of the many animals of
the gardens in the temple.

you’re a wonderfully capable knight, a compassionate and kind man
and you’re smart,
even if you’re injured,” Bant raised her hand, cupping his chin
to turn it back so they could meet eyes again. “Obi-Wan, anyone
would be lucky to have you. And he loves you, knowing all that he
does about you. Denying it won’t help either of you and he’s been
ever so worried about you.” Bant pointed out carefully.

I am broken,’ Obi-Wan didn’t say that thought, only gave his
childhood friend a small smile before pulling her into a tight hug.
‘I’m broken. Ruined. I’m never going to become a master, I
can’t, not like this. I can’t go on long missions alone anymore.
I’m reliant on others. It’s puppy love, it can’t be… Anakin
will find something better easily.’

if knowing what he was thinking, Bant let out a mournful, soul
wrenching sound and held him against her, trying to offer up the
comfort she could while Obi-Wan mentally disparaged himself.

So I’ve been in pain and unable to walk for a while now, and so it’s put me in the mood for more Obiinpain if possible?

the other sleep, Obi-Wan took in the way the others lashes fluttered
against his cheeks, the softness of Anakin’s face in their sleep
and the sight of stubble the other had yet to shave.

little dim light bar over the door gave him ample enough light to see
it and it was also what had kept him awake when both Anakin and
Qui-Gon had easily fallen asleep, the younger two opting to leave one
bunk to their tall master to enjoy for himself, Qui-Gon being both
tall and large and he clearly appreciated even as his eyes glittered
with humor at his former and current padawan.

he didn’t say anything.

a moment Obi-Wan reached out to gently run a fingertip along the
curve of the others left eye, up his nose bridge and then down to the

action had Anakin scrunch his nose up and he let out a small huff
before mumbling and then settling again.

his lips, Obi-Wan breathed out before shifting closer to the other
Jedi, seeking warmth but also companionship.

smells of sweet flowers and musk…’ The knight noted to himself,
committing the scent to memories as he closed his eyes to simply bask
in Anakin’s hazy, sleep saturated aura that seemed to naturally
want to wrap itself around the people closest to him.

Obi-Wan didn’t try to put up shields to block it out.

instead basked in it with the warmth of Anakin’s body.

made him wonder how it would feel to hold Anakin’s hand, to let the
other lead him around and not just lean on him for support when his
chronic pain was too much for him to manage even with medication.

made him wonder how it would feel to kiss Anakin.

he taste as sweet as he smelled?

sweetened flowers.

would Anakin taste of caff and the bitter treats he so enjoyed, the
bitter fruit that was coated in cooked sugar. ‘Sweet,’
Obi-Wan decided. ‘Anakin would taste sweet just as his attitude,
sweet.’ He nuzzled slowly into the others chest.

a moment he heard Anakin mumble and felt an arm wrap around him, the
sensation almost robbing Obi-Wan of his breath before he shakily
breathed out and relaxed against the man.

Anakin was a man.

was an adult who could decide what he wanted and if he really wanted
Obi-Wan… well maybe they could try it?

would admit that he was scared, what if Anakin, who knew so much
about all of Obi-Wan’s problems and issues, suddenly decided that
he wasn’t worth the effort?

wasn’t sure he could handle that from someone who knew him so well,
someone he considered a friend.

isn’t that where you’re suppose to look for love?’ He paused.
‘You’re suppose to be friends with the one you date because a
common ground and care is important. Equal partners and friends.’
Obi-Wan swallowed before breathing out.

wouldn’t know until one of them finally manned up and asked the

then he would enjoy the covert cuddling sessions and sharing of bed
as they took missions and sat on the quarters couch that they shared,
Qui-Gon watching them with knowing, bemused eyes as he sipped his tea
and reminded Obi-Wan of his medication if he was late on
one or two occasions.

falling asleep to the warmth and the comfort, Obi-Wan wondered where
he would take Anakin on a date if possible.


Ani finds out about Obi’s crush in Obi in Pain.

not to smile too brightly when the other Jedi collapsed down on the
couch beside him in his inner beige tunic and leggings only, Anakin
tilted his head in Obi-Wan’s direction as the redhead settled his
head on the blond’s shoulder. “Hey, you okay?” He questioned
worriedly at
the others slumped position against Anakin,
hand twitching in a valiant desire to grasp the others hand resting
so close to the padawan’s own
but Anakin managed to suppress that desire.

but he had enough self control to not grab it

was an answering deep sigh in response, Obi-Wan closing his eyes
while burrowing into his shoulder some more.

seemed a bit pale too and for a moment Anakin wondered if the other
had hit his knee against the sink or something while in the fresher.
what’s wrong?” Anakin frowned, raising his hand and rubbing his
fingertips against Obi-Wan’s scalp.

a long moment, Obi-Wan said nothing until finally he turned his face
away from the dark fabric to squint at Anakin. “…I need more
fiber in my diet and maybe some dairy.” He finally muttered.

Anakin stared at his crush before his eyes widened in realization.
“O-Oh! You, um… you’re…” He hesitated, coloring a bit.

turning pink under the beard, obvious to Anakin by the tips of
Obi-Wan’s ears being bright red, Obi-Wan nodded into his shoulder.
“Constipated. I hate my medication but if I don’t take it that’s
worse. The side effects are just… ugh, I’m bitching because I’m
misereble basically.” He sulked a bit before curling even more into

his racing heart, Anakin slid his arm around the other and hugged
him. “Well… fresh stuff is suppose to help I’ve heard?” He
noted quietly, glancing towards the kitchenette where Qui-Gon was
making tea and either not hearing or politely ignoring the
conversation. “We could make a fruit salad with nuts in it to help
you? Have it as dessert.” Anakin suggested, hoping that would be

curled into Anakin, Obi-Wan thought that over before nodding slowly.
“That actually sounds… good, yeah that sounds like it might help
and if not I…” Obi-Wan paused, now coloring so deeply that his
blush was obvious through the beard. “Force, this can’t be a
subject you really want to talk about, my bodily functions.” He
grumbled in annoyance.

Anakin had enough time now to realize the annoyance wasn’t aimed at
him but at Obi-Wan self, at his shame for the medication, at his pain
and at his inability to deal with it on his own as he saw it.

the other, Anakin smiled brightly. “Hey, I don’t mind. Not
really, it isn’t pleasant true but I’m here to help you. I worry
about you.” He tacked on in a softer tone, watching the other.

ducked his head at that but Anakin could spot the tiny smile curling
Obi-Wan’s lush lips, the way he shyly bit his bottom lip.


at that, Anakin felt a sudden exhilaration that had nothing to do
with how close the other was sitting but everything to do with
Obi-Wan’s reaction to the care and comfort Anakin was offering.

had no
reason to be shy with Anakin, he had been to start when the other had
still been young, just a teen really, and offered help but had slowly
gotten over both his embarrassment and his shame over that, his
emotions turning to gratefulness.

right now the knight was smiling shyly and pleased into Anakin’s
dark tunic.

he likes
that I care, he likes that I’m offering because… because he likes
me.’ Anakin could swear he heard lantern birds singing in the back
of his head with the concord of a thousand angels from Iego.

Obi-Wan liked Anakin!

is out there, the Force, Force goddesses, wind gods, tiny spirits of
nature, thank
you for giving me him!’ Anakin cheered even as he was unsure how to
progress with the information he had and fuck, did that mean more
‘how’ to search. ‘Note to self, if I do that, don’t do it in
the Archive, I don’t need to be caught again.’ Anakin thought,
elation filling him as he settled his cheek on top of Obi-Wan’s
fluffy head.

#obiinpain- so Anakin knows he has a crush. Does he act on it? How does Obi react?

slightly as he crouched down, Anakin raised his brows at the man who
was hiding beneath the lace covered purple and white umbrella in his
hands, the rod of it made of bone it looked like which had been
carved with little cute designs. “You’re sulking.” The blond
teased gently.

hot. For
once the discomfort of the heat is more than the pain inside and in
my scar.”
Obi-Wan returned in
a wretched tone
before clenching his eyes shut and shifting the umbrella a bit for
more shade, wishing a cool wind would come.

therefor did not see the others face soften in sympathy.

did however hear the crunch of sand as the other moved away again and
Obi-Wan wanted to whine in discomfort even as he just tucked himself
more under the umbrella, of
course Anakin got tired of listening to his complaints and moved on,
he had better things to do than to listen to Obi-Wan bitch about the

returning from their geological mishap Obi-Wan had been required to
stay a good week with the healers thanks to his lack of medication,
being sent through heat and weightless therapy while getting back on
the standard schedule of his medication.

after a good week and some hesitation on the part of the healers, he
was back on the roster and almost instantly shipped out with Qui-Gon
and Anakin once more and to Anakin’s great pleasure they were sent
to a warm planet this time.

was less happy when he discovered they would be on the sandy half of
the planet but still, at least Anakin was enjoying the heat as the
three Jedi were aiding and guarding the archaeologists who had found
what they thought to be an old Jedi temple, several artifacts hidden
under the sand and in the ruins of the broken temple.

days of sweltering heat however had dimmed any enthusiasm Obi-Wan had
for the potential discoveries that could be found and now he was for
the most part just hiding out in the small shades they had, curled up
in one of the large folding chairs that the head archaeologists had been
kind enough to lend along with an umbrella to the suffering Jedi.

shade was lovely even if Obi-Wan wished he could have some ice and some nice breeze instead.

had dressed down to his inner tunics, gotten Qui-Gon’s help in
rubbing in sunscreen on exposed skin and then hid out in his shade under the
umbrella, wishing desperately that the mission would be over soon
because after eight days of tepid water to drink during the day was something he was growing
very tired.

He wanted ice cream kark it!

crunching noise of someone walking over sand was back and Obi-Wan
forced his eyes open to squint in the sun as Anakin came back,
letting out a soft, protesting noise when the other took his umbrella
from him.

then he went mute in surprise as Anakin tied the umbrella to a pole
with sticky double sided tape and jabbed it down into the sand,
pressing it further and further until it was secure and was still
above Obi-Wan to provide the shade required without him having to hold it up.

then crouched down in front of him again and held out a padded and
covered mug of all things, grinning brightly as he shook it at the
redhead. “Here, I froze this last night for you, its a smoothie and
it should be drinkable right about now thanks to the heat,”
Anakin’s smile turned sheepish at the surprise on the others face.
“It was a solid block when we started working, I would have given
it to you earlier if it wasn’t for that.” He confessed with
chagrin as Obi-Wan slowly took the actually cold mug, feeling condensed water coat his skin from it.

no thank you Anakin, you didn’t have to do this for me.” Obi-Wan
murmured, unscrewing the top to peek into the purple mush.

as he did, he saw Anakin’s eyes brighten with a small flush
covering his cheeks and a pleased smile twitching his lips.

Obi-Wan could be oblivious at the best of times and Anakin was a kind person, especially to Obi-Wan with his extra needs but
even he couldn’t be stupid enough to ignore the sign when Anakin
gently brushed his fingers against Obi-Wan’s knee before returning
to work with Qui-Gon.

burning as he took a hurried gulp of the sweet smoothie, Obi-Wan
stared wide eyed out into the desert as the low murmur of the workers
behind him reached him as Anakin joined them. ‘Anakin has a crush
on me…do I have a crush on Anakin?’

how Obi-Wan’s ears burning at the moment had nothing to do with the
warmth and the sun, he was leaning towards a yes.

Obiinpain: what happens when Obi-Wan doesn’t have his painkillers? I mean I know with my chronic pain that if I miss out on a medicatino round it can bring hell to my doorstep so can we see what happens or how Anakin or Qui-Gon deals with it?

thing with Jedi missions is that sometimes they go wrong, very

when you’re stuck on a cargo ship on the way back to the core after
the survey mission went tits up because there was a geological
tectonic shift in the planets plates which made a karking volcano

because of the lava they had lost most of their supplies and Qui-Gon
had apparently managed to singe his brows and hair a bit when he went
back to rescue a lagging scientist and therefor managed to get to
close to the lava… but at least he wasn’t the scientist who
managed to burn his butt at least.

it left three exhausted Jedi who were curled up in borrowed blankets
in the cargo hull where they had managed to shove some empty crates
together to create makeshift bunks, the rest of the ship full and the
Jedi deciding to just hole up together to allow the scientists and
workers to stay together.

exhausted as he was, Anakin felt himself wake what could only be
hours later, wondering what was going on as he sat up and looked
around the hull, squinting a bit.

then he saw Obi-Wan quivering on his ‘bunk’, tucked up as best he
could while breathing harshly into his blankets.

was what had woken him.

out of his covers and walking over the cold durasteel floor to
Obi-Wan, Anakin worriedly placed his hand on the others hip as
Obi-Wan flinched. “Hey…hey Obi-Wan?” He whispered, hoping not
to wake Qui-Gon.

shook his head, teeth gritting together.

hit Anakin like a blaster to the head.

supplies were gone, their
supplies were gone, all of their things were taken away and that
meant Obi-Wan’s painkillers.

all that Obi-Wan complained about the side-effects of constipation,
dizziness, mouth dryness, headache, sweating and just so many other
things, he also mentioned the benefit of actually being able to move.

now he was laying without his medication, pressing his injured side
down to try and warm it up against the blankets with his own body
heat for some relief, trying not to wake Anakin or Qui-Gon.

down on the makeshift bunk, Anakin pressed his chest to the tightly
bundled together and heavily breathing Jedi’s back while reaching
for Obi-Wan’s hand, lacing their fingers together which prompted
Obi-Wan to grip the others hand.

know, I know you’re hurting,” Anakin whispered desperately,
pressed up against Obi-Wan’s back as the other squeezed his hand
until the joints creaked with pain. “I know its not alright, it is
never going to be alright,” He swallowed heavily as Obi-Wan let out
a stifled sob of pain. “But I’m right here,
I’m not going to leave you Obi-Wan. I’m here to help. Just let me
help you.” He held his breath as Obi-Wan shuddered and then finally
the other turned around, giving his injured side to him.

out heavily, Anakin shifted his free hand awkwardly to press it to
the scarred side, feeling heat through the wrinkled
tunic, Obi-Wan
having gone to bed in most of his clothes outside of his belt and
boots to try and keep warm.
Plunging into the Force, he started
leeching at the pain he could feel from the other,
knowing that it would only be temporarily but that was the best they
could do right now, just anything
so Obi-Wan could at least get a few hours of sleep hopefully.

felt like forever when Obi-Wan’s breath started to slow down and
Anakin pulled back, the redhead whimpering quietly with the pain but
settling against Anakin’s chest.

that came the exhaustion, not just from the pain but from the failed
mission and Obi-Wan was out, tears still gathered in his lashes.

hurt to see and Anakin slowly pulled his hand from Obi-Wan’s loose
hold to wipe them away, keeping his other over the old scar tissue.

over to Qui-Gon, he meet his master’s eyes in the dim of the cargo
hold, singed brows furrowed together with sadness and concern. “…We
need to get home.” Qui-Gon rumbled and Anakin only nodded.

was no pain relief to be found on this cargo ship for Obi-Wan, not
with their supplies burned and in that moment Anakin couldn’t bring
himself to care about his crush and being close to Obi-Wan when the
other needed help and had actually turned to Anakin when it was

don’t care if I have to be awake all night. I’ll make sure you
get a some fucking sleep Obi-Wan.’ Anakin promised the sleeping

Obiinpain: what happens when Obi-Wan doesn’t have his painkillers? I mean I know with my chronic pain that if I miss out on a medicatino round it can bring hell to my doorstep so can we see what happens or how Anakin or Qui-Gon deals with it?

thing with Jedi missions is that sometimes they go wrong, very

when you’re stuck on a cargo ship on the way back to the core after
the survey mission went tits up because there was a geological
tectonic shift in the planets plates which made a karking volcano

because of the lava they had lost most of their supplies and Qui-Gon
had apparently managed to singe his brows and hair a bit when he went
back to rescue a lagging scientist and therefor managed to get to
close to the lava… but at least he wasn’t the scientist who
managed to burn his butt at least.

it left three exhausted Jedi who were curled up in borrowed blankets
in the cargo hull where they had managed to shove some empty crates
together to create makeshift bunks, the rest of the ship full and the
Jedi deciding to just hole up together to allow the scientists and
workers to stay together.

exhausted as he was, Anakin felt himself wake what could only be
hours later, wondering what was going on as he sat up and looked
around the hull, squinting a bit.

then he saw Obi-Wan quivering on his ‘bunk’, tucked up as best he
could while breathing harshly into his blankets.

was what had woken him.

out of his covers and walking over the cold durasteel floor to
Obi-Wan, Anakin worriedly placed his hand on the others hip as
Obi-Wan flinched. “Hey…hey Obi-Wan?” He whispered, hoping not
to wake Qui-Gon.

shook his head, teeth gritting together.

hit Anakin like a blaster to the head.

supplies were gone, their
supplies were gone, all of their things were taken away and that
meant Obi-Wan’s painkillers.

all that Obi-Wan complained about the side-effects of constipation,
dizziness, mouth dryness, headache, sweating and just so many other
things, he also mentioned the benefit of actually being able to move.

now he was laying without his medication, pressing his injured side
down to try and warm it up against the blankets with his own body
heat for some relief, trying not to wake Anakin or Qui-Gon.

down on the makeshift bunk, Anakin pressed his chest to the tightly
bundled together and heavily breathing Jedi’s back while reaching
for Obi-Wan’s hand, lacing their fingers together which prompted
Obi-Wan to grip the others hand.

know, I know you’re hurting,” Anakin whispered desperately,
pressed up against Obi-Wan’s back as the other squeezed his hand
until the joints creaked with pain. “I know its not alright, it is
never going to be alright,” He swallowed heavily as Obi-Wan let out
a stifled sob of pain. “But I’m right here,
I’m not going to leave you Obi-Wan. I’m here to help. Just let me
help you.” He held his breath as Obi-Wan shuddered and then finally
the other turned around, giving his injured side to him.

out heavily, Anakin shifted his free hand awkwardly to press it to
the scarred side, feeling heat through the wrinkled
tunic, Obi-Wan
having gone to bed in most of his clothes outside of his belt and
boots to try and keep warm.
Plunging into the Force, he started
leeching at the pain he could feel from the other,
knowing that it would only be temporarily but that was the best they
could do right now, just anything
so Obi-Wan could at least get a few hours of sleep hopefully.

felt like forever when Obi-Wan’s breath started to slow down and
Anakin pulled back, the redhead whimpering quietly with the pain but
settling against Anakin’s chest.

that came the exhaustion, not just from the pain but from the failed
mission and Obi-Wan was out, tears still gathered in his lashes.

hurt to see and Anakin slowly pulled his hand from Obi-Wan’s loose
hold to wipe them away, keeping his other over the old scar tissue.

over to Qui-Gon, he meet his master’s eyes in the dim of the cargo
hold, singed brows furrowed together with sadness and concern. “…We
need to get home.” Qui-Gon rumbled and Anakin only nodded.

was no pain relief to be found on this cargo ship for Obi-Wan, not
with their supplies burned and in that moment Anakin couldn’t bring
himself to care about his crush and being close to Obi-Wan when the
other needed help and had actually turned to Anakin when it was

don’t care if I have to be awake all night. I’ll make sure you
get a some fucking sleep Obi-Wan.’ Anakin promised the sleeping

So in Obi in Pain, what happens now that Ani realizes he has a crush?

in a bit, Anakin frowned a bit at his display before scratching the
back of his neck uncertainly and
glancing around the Archives suspiciously before returning to the pad
he had stationed on the table.

all of these suggestions were pretty decent but weren’t they also
kind of obvious?

eye-contact, smiling, introducing oneself
and finding fellow ground, open body language, compliment them, break
the touch barrier? What?’ Anakin blinked in confusion while
squinting at the text to see if he was really reading right before
yelping when a shadow fell over him, turning his head and feeling his
eyes go even wider as he found Qui-Gon hanging over his shoulder to
read the pad, Windu right behind him again with a bored expression on
his face as he had clearly followed the other master for some reason.

to flirt?” The master murmured, raising his brows high even as
Master Windu coughed harshly in surprise and then turned his face

the bastard was laughing at him, Anakin just knew it as he colored
sharply, staring up at his master with wide eyes as
he turned the chair a bit to face the man.

blinked slowly, pursing his lips.

he disapproving?

Jedi was suppo-wait, was the corners of his lips twitching!?

Anakin cried in betrayal as the long haired man let out a snort of

man leaned back, waving his hand with a chortle. “Apologies Anakin
but really? A how to page on flirting my boy? It
could have been written by anyone.”
He grinned down at him, Windu’s form shaking behind the tall master
as Anakin started to sulk.

I don’t go around flirting like how Obi-Wan does now do I?” He
huffed, setting down the pad and crossing his arms over his chest.

more, Qui-Gon shrugged. “That is part of Obi-Wan’s natural charm,
comes to him like breathing.
And you don’t see him ‘breaking the touch barrier’ as they call
it here?” He grinned at the blond.

no.” Anakin licked his lips, settling in his chair. “He just…”
He shrugged a bit, feeling awkward now at his attempt at defense.

tries to distract and confuse people by being as charming as
possible… he’s basically a tease,” Qui-Gon smiled wryly with
Windu outright letting out a snort, of amusement or agreement Anakin
wasn’t sure.
“If the politician or
person he is negotiating with is
focused on him, he can slip something by in the negotiation or he can
get a favor because he’s seen in a better light. With Obi-Wan’s,”
Qui-Gon hesitated a bit and Anakin clenched his hands on his thighs.
“With his limitations, he needs other ways to try and keep things
as calm and peaceful as possible as he can’t rely on us to siphon
the pain or for his pain medication to help always.” The man
finished up.

his nose, Anakin looked down. “They
work fully anyway,” He muttered bitterly. “Obi-Wan told me that
it takes the edge off and allows him to get up and move around but
that’s all it does, he’s still in pain but not taking it makes
the difference between getting up and going to the damn fresher or
getting out of bed and not
just staying still in fetal position somewhere.”

three of them soaked in those words before Qui-Gon sighed and
crouched down, looking up into Anakin’s eyes. “…That’s why
we’re paired up with him. Obi-Wan is one of many Jedi who shouldn’t
go on singular
he has issues and needs support… so that’s what we’ll continue
to do, support him when he asks us to and tell him it is fine
to ask and get that aid he needs.” He settled a hand on Anakin’s

stared back and then looked up at Windu, the man staring at him.
“…What Qui-Gon said padawan, Knight Kenobi needs are in the hands
of those assigned with him, to aid him when his injury brings
him to a halt.
Just like every other Jedi… we protect each other.” He shrugged a
bit, arms crossing over his chest.

squeeze of his knee brought Anakin’s eyes back to Qui-Gon. “…We’ll
support him, that’s all we can do.” Qui-Gon rumbled seriously
then smiled when Anakin nodded, patting his knee before pushing
himself up with a deep grunt that had Windu laughing and calling him
out for being an old man.

just grumbled and waved his hands at the man and Anakin felt semi
relieved they’d forgotten what Anakin was originally searching and
reading. ‘Oh
thank the Force.’