Hay; you’ve done a lot of stories and in most of them Order 66 either doesn’t happen; or is defeated before it really gets started. And of course the Clones stay loyal to their Jedi; but if Caleb is still Caleb how does he meet Ezra? He can’t NOT meet him; so could you do a story about that? Jedi Caleb Dume meeting Ezra; in the creche or finding him or something? the potential cuteness factor would be amazing. Thank’s for listening. :)

back of the child’s neck is so warm and Caleb can feel his stomach
drop to his feet as he takes a deep breath to clear his mind, needing
to remain calm and collected despite his urge to panic.

been sent to retrieve one of the late entries to the temple, one of
his first missions as a Jedi Knight and at the time he had been
glowing with pride even if the mission was a very low risk one. It
was just that he knew that not many were prompted to knighthood this
early even with the experience many padawan’s gained during the war
and becoming a knight at the tender age of nineteen was impressive
and he knew how proud Depa was of him, how proud even Mace
was of him.

knew he deserved it.

right now he was questioning if he really had been ready as he slowly
gathered the shaking child into his arms and looked around the dark

had been under the terror cells left by the old CIS regime that
didn’t want to put down arms, they had only recently managed to
break through the blockade that had been around the planet and many
were still suffering for it.

troopers Caleb had arrived with were still in full work, helping
rebuilding, aiding the hurt and doing what they did best.

with supplies as they had been doing ever since the war ended.
well the ones who opted to stay in GAR as Caleb knew that several had
joined other ventures, were farmers, were builders, were making their
own destiny and life though Caleb was happy that some of them also

on the other hand had gone to collect Ezra Bridger as
the troopers set up to aid,
the parents had agreed that Ezra was to come to the temple when the
boy was two, his strong Force presence warm and strong the seekers
had confirmed… only… that was two years ago.

the blockade had started and
they had been unable to break it for two full years to aid the planet
or retrieve the Force sensitive they may have painted a target on if
the Bridger’s didn’t hide their connection to the temple.

now Caleb was carrying a feverish, malnourished child with no parents
in sight. If Caleb was to take a guess based on the things he had
seen during the clone wars and the burned down house that had
belonged to the Bridger’s that was not too old yet not recent, than
Mira and Ephraim Bridger were dead and Ezra was the only thing to
survive the fires.

looks like he’s even younger than four…’ Caleb noted, tucking
his robe around the boy he was cradling to his chest as Ezra shook
and trembled with fever.

had been pure luck that had Caleb finding Ezra in that alley, a tug
of the Force and a recognition of that distinct hair despite it being
filthy and the face no longer having the babyfat it should have.
‘We’ll have to feed him well, clean him up… Tabs hopefully has
the immunization
he’ll need because
I think its a long time since Ezra got a medical check.’
Caleb didn’t even consider the idea that Ezra would not survive as
he held him to his chest
to keep the other comfy.


the concept of Ezra not being in the world felt gray to the Jedi
knight who was hurrying towards the camp the others had set up.

he continued walking as fast as his long legs could carry him.



what Ezra notes as he surfaces in a murky world of shadows and dull

warm and safe for the first time in so long and it feels nice.

a soothing beat close to his ear and its all he can do to press his
ear to the sound to keep hearing the steady noise. A hand brushes his
brow and Ezra has no strength to flinch away from it as he normally

this hand is gentle.

large just like daddy’s hand always was and strokes Ezra’s brow
soothingly and for a moment he wonders if daddy did come back… only
that’s not right.

Ezra saw what happened to both mommy and daddy and people don’t
come back from that.

he’s safe, right now he is safe in the arms of someone who is
cradling him, allowing Ezra to sleep
without fear as the
fever raged
his small body.

Hay; you’ve done a lot of stories and in most of them Order 66 either doesn’t happen; or is defeated before it really gets started. And of course the Clones stay loyal to their Jedi; but if Caleb is still Caleb how does he meet Ezra? He can’t NOT meet him; so could you do a story about that? Jedi Caleb Dume meeting Ezra; in the creche or finding him or something? the potential cuteness factor would be amazing. Thank’s for listening. :)

back of the child’s neck is so warm and Caleb can feel his stomach
drop to his feet as he takes a deep breath to clear his mind, needing
to remain calm and collected despite his urge to panic.

been sent to retrieve one of the late entries to the temple, one of
his first missions as a Jedi Knight and at the time he had been
glowing with pride even if the mission was a very low risk one. It
was just that he knew that not many were prompted to knighthood this
early even with the experience many padawan’s gained during the war
and becoming a knight at the tender age of nineteen was impressive
and he knew how proud Depa was of him, how proud even Mace
was of him.

knew he deserved it.

right now he was questioning if he really had been ready as he slowly
gathered the shaking child into his arms and looked around the dark

had been under the terror cells left by the old CIS regime that
didn’t want to put down arms, they had only recently managed to
break through the blockade that had been around the planet and many
were still suffering for it.

troopers Caleb had arrived with were still in full work, helping
rebuilding, aiding the hurt and doing what they did best.

with supplies as they had been doing ever since the war ended.
well the ones who opted to stay in GAR as Caleb knew that several had
joined other ventures, were farmers, were builders, were making their
own destiny and life though Caleb was happy that some of them also

on the other hand had gone to collect Ezra Bridger as
the troopers set up to aid,
the parents had agreed that Ezra was to come to the temple when the
boy was two, his strong Force presence warm and strong the seekers
had confirmed… only… that was two years ago.

the blockade had started and
they had been unable to break it for two full years to aid the planet
or retrieve the Force sensitive they may have painted a target on if
the Bridger’s didn’t hide their connection to the temple.

now Caleb was carrying a feverish, malnourished child with no parents
in sight. If Caleb was to take a guess based on the things he had
seen during the clone wars and the burned down house that had
belonged to the Bridger’s that was not too old yet not recent, than
Mira and Ephraim Bridger were dead and Ezra was the only thing to
survive the fires.

looks like he’s even younger than four…’ Caleb noted, tucking
his robe around the boy he was cradling to his chest as Ezra shook
and trembled with fever.

had been pure luck that had Caleb finding Ezra in that alley, a tug
of the Force and a recognition of that distinct hair despite it being
filthy and the face no longer having the babyfat it should have.
‘We’ll have to feed him well, clean him up… Tabs hopefully has
the immunization
he’ll need because
I think its a long time since Ezra got a medical check.’
Caleb didn’t even consider the idea that Ezra would not survive as
he held him to his chest
to keep the other comfy.


the concept of Ezra not being in the world felt gray to the Jedi
knight who was hurrying towards the camp the others had set up.

he continued walking as fast as his long legs could carry him.



what Ezra notes as he surfaces in a murky world of shadows and dull

warm and safe for the first time in so long and it feels nice.

a soothing beat close to his ear and its all he can do to press his
ear to the sound to keep hearing the steady noise. A hand brushes his
brow and Ezra has no strength to flinch away from it as he normally

this hand is gentle.

large just like daddy’s hand always was and strokes Ezra’s brow
soothingly and for a moment he wonders if daddy did come back… only
that’s not right.

Ezra saw what happened to both mommy and daddy and people don’t
come back from that.

he’s safe, right now he is safe in the arms of someone who is
cradling him, allowing Ezra to sleep
without fear as the
fever raged
his small body.

What’s the last memory Ani needs to see in Forgo the old? Will Obi remember any of this?

Rubbing his face as
he tried to figure out what to do, Anakin leaned into the touch as
the Obi-Wan in front of him was petting gently at his hair.

He knew this
Obi-Wan was a manifestation of Obi-Wan in his brain but it was still
Obi-Wan and right now that was enough for Anakin to keep onto his
calm for just a little bit longer as he tried to figure out what the
kark to do.

But Force stuff
wasn’t his strength.

Not like this,
delicate mental manipulations, like when he was young and Obi-Wan was
gently leading him into his first meditation with his hands holding
Anakin’s gently.

Warmth and light,
Obi-Wan’s serenity surrounding hi-


“The light!”
His head snapped up and turned on his knees, looking around wildly
while Obi-Wan raised a brow.

The troopers
shifted, glancing about too.

“Butterflies? The
memories?” Obi-Wan questioned, resting his hands back in his lap.

“Yes, yes they
were here. There was a flock of them, all flying together and never
going too far away.” Anakin got to his feet, trying to scout for
them before catching the mind manifestation of Obi-Wan frowning a
bit. “What?”

Looking up at him,
Obi-Wan’s frown turned into a small smile. “I have a theory. You
should find the butterflies, they may be your way out of here because
these are the last memories the artifact has lined up but because I
resisted because I did not want to show you those memories, the
artifact is now unhooked and you need to put it on the right order.”
He shrugged.

Frowning slightly,
Anakin knelt down, touching the others knee lightly. “You don’t
look so happy about that…” He pointed out slowly.

“I’m not,”
Obi-Wan said honestly, shrugging. “But there’s nothing else for
it, I suspect the memory you will see will be one of my closest
guarded secret that I did not wish you to see since you would feel
guilty about some of your… comments through the years,” The mind
Obi-Wan reached out and cupped his cheek, stroking gently. “Just
remember Anakin, I do care for you, you are my padawan and my
brother.” He smiled, a butterfly fluttering between them to
Anakin’s surprise.

And then he saw
nothing as the butterfly’s light seem to enclose them all until all
Anakin saw was the brightness of it.

And then it was dim
once more.

They were in a
cave, seemingly deep underground from what Anakin with a bright red
soil beneath them in the dim light and gray rocks closed around them.

Child Obi-Wan was
sitting quietly by a sealed blaster door, worn and tired looking with
his hands wrapped around a… oh kark that was a blaster collar!

This young Obi-Wan
was sitting with his hands around a blaster collar of all things that
was wrapped around his throat, his tunic and leggings filthy looking
with patches missing here and there as he tiredly glanced up at the
sealed door with a red light over it.

Anakin recognized
it as a detonation charge that was set to blow either with distance
or a press of a button and in panic he looked around, finding Qui-Gon
pacing back and forth, so much younger looking as he stood there
marched through troopers while running his hands through his long
dark hair.

Looking back Anakin
found Obi-Wan glancing between the door and Qui-Gon before he slowly
and unsteadily got to his feet. “Master Jinn I think I know how you
can rescue the miners and stop Xanatos.” He said, his voice a bit
raspy, as if he didn’t have enough moisture in his mouth or was
coming down with a cough.

The knight looked
up, frowning. “Initiate Kenobi as far as I’m aware we have no
too-” The Jedi shut up, staring at how Obi-Wan was pressing himself
to the door. “Kenobi get away from that door this instant.” He
said shakily, looking pale in the darkness with streaks of dirt on his robe and tunic.

“But this collar
will get the door open,” Obi-Wan tugged on it a bit, hands still
holding it tight. “If I trigger it, it will blow up and the door opens and you
can go. No one is really going to miss me Master Jinn, I got sent to
the agricore after all and if the explosives all go off than the
mines are going to come down on top of all the workers killing them,”
He said earnestly. “My life isn’t worth all of theirs if you can
get out and I’m willing.” Obi-Wan said with certainty a child should never have and
Anakin squeaked even as his mind logged in that Obi-Wan, OBI-WAN
had been sent to Agricore!

The Jedi seemed to
jump in front of Obi-Wan, catching the boy by the shoulder to give
him a shake. “Do not say such things. Your life is precious
also youngling.” Qui-Gon said sternly before hissing a bit and
easing his grip on Obi-Wan. “Oh kark, I didn’t hurt you did I? I
know slavers aren’t kind to those they keep in the mines, I didn’t
think when grabbing you.”Anakin said to the blonds confusion.


Pale but smiling,
the young Obi-Wan just gave a small shrug. “Its alright, it won’t
matter in too lo-”

“I am not
sacrificing your life to get out of here!”

The words rang in
their ears.

What’s the last memory Ani needs to see in Forgo the old? Will Obi remember any of this?

Rubbing his face as
he tried to figure out what to do, Anakin leaned into the touch as
the Obi-Wan in front of him was petting gently at his hair.

He knew this
Obi-Wan was a manifestation of Obi-Wan in his brain but it was still
Obi-Wan and right now that was enough for Anakin to keep onto his
calm for just a little bit longer as he tried to figure out what the
kark to do.

But Force stuff
wasn’t his strength.

Not like this,
delicate mental manipulations, like when he was young and Obi-Wan was
gently leading him into his first meditation with his hands holding
Anakin’s gently.

Warmth and light,
Obi-Wan’s serenity surrounding hi-


“The light!”
His head snapped up and turned on his knees, looking around wildly
while Obi-Wan raised a brow.

The troopers
shifted, glancing about too.

“Butterflies? The
memories?” Obi-Wan questioned, resting his hands back in his lap.

“Yes, yes they
were here. There was a flock of them, all flying together and never
going too far away.” Anakin got to his feet, trying to scout for
them before catching the mind manifestation of Obi-Wan frowning a
bit. “What?”

Looking up at him,
Obi-Wan’s frown turned into a small smile. “I have a theory. You
should find the butterflies, they may be your way out of here because
these are the last memories the artifact has lined up but because I
resisted because I did not want to show you those memories, the
artifact is now unhooked and you need to put it on the right order.”
He shrugged.

Frowning slightly,
Anakin knelt down, touching the others knee lightly. “You don’t
look so happy about that…” He pointed out slowly.

“I’m not,”
Obi-Wan said honestly, shrugging. “But there’s nothing else for
it, I suspect the memory you will see will be one of my closest
guarded secret that I did not wish you to see since you would feel
guilty about some of your… comments through the years,” The mind
Obi-Wan reached out and cupped his cheek, stroking gently. “Just
remember Anakin, I do care for you, you are my padawan and my
brother.” He smiled, a butterfly fluttering between them to
Anakin’s surprise.

And then he saw
nothing as the butterfly’s light seem to enclose them all until all
Anakin saw was the brightness of it.

And then it was dim
once more.

They were in a
cave, seemingly deep underground from what Anakin with a bright red
soil beneath them in the dim light and gray rocks closed around them.

Child Obi-Wan was
sitting quietly by a sealed blaster door, worn and tired looking with
his hands wrapped around a… oh kark that was a blaster collar!

This young Obi-Wan
was sitting with his hands around a blaster collar of all things that
was wrapped around his throat, his tunic and leggings filthy looking
with patches missing here and there as he tiredly glanced up at the
sealed door with a red light over it.

Anakin recognized
it as a detonation charge that was set to blow either with distance
or a press of a button and in panic he looked around, finding Qui-Gon
pacing back and forth, so much younger looking as he stood there
marched through troopers while running his hands through his long
dark hair.

Looking back Anakin
found Obi-Wan glancing between the door and Qui-Gon before he slowly
and unsteadily got to his feet. “Master Jinn I think I know how you
can rescue the miners and stop Xanatos.” He said, his voice a bit
raspy, as if he didn’t have enough moisture in his mouth or was
coming down with a cough.

The knight looked
up, frowning. “Initiate Kenobi as far as I’m aware we have no
too-” The Jedi shut up, staring at how Obi-Wan was pressing himself
to the door. “Kenobi get away from that door this instant.” He
said shakily, looking pale in the darkness with streaks of dirt on his robe and tunic.

“But this collar
will get the door open,” Obi-Wan tugged on it a bit, hands still
holding it tight. “If I trigger it, it will blow up and the door opens and you
can go. No one is really going to miss me Master Jinn, I got sent to
the agricore after all and if the explosives all go off than the
mines are going to come down on top of all the workers killing them,”
He said earnestly. “My life isn’t worth all of theirs if you can
get out and I’m willing.” Obi-Wan said with certainty a child should never have and
Anakin squeaked even as his mind logged in that Obi-Wan, OBI-WAN
had been sent to Agricore!

The Jedi seemed to
jump in front of Obi-Wan, catching the boy by the shoulder to give
him a shake. “Do not say such things. Your life is precious
also youngling.” Qui-Gon said sternly before hissing a bit and
easing his grip on Obi-Wan. “Oh kark, I didn’t hurt you did I? I
know slavers aren’t kind to those they keep in the mines, I didn’t
think when grabbing you.”Anakin said to the blonds confusion.


Pale but smiling,
the young Obi-Wan just gave a small shrug. “Its alright, it won’t
matter in too lo-”

“I am not
sacrificing your life to get out of here!”

The words rang in
their ears.

Poor omega ObiWan, RunningBack does NOT guarantee safety, even from Vader. Their dinner out turns into a assassins’ attack, and the over reaction of Sith Lord Vader might include in his rage … ObiWan? Remorse is all well and good but breakage is breakage. Terrifying consequences please? Yup, feeling eeevil.

The ship had been

The Fist had been
attacked by Saw Gerrera and his group, several shiny’s had died
along with a few officers.

And Obi-Wan had
fallen over, his pregnancy changed body unable to handle the violent
change in balance.

Anakin had not
thought about it at all.

Rage had flowed
through his veins as he attacked the rebels without mercy.

And yet…

Anakin closed his
eyes, taking a calming breath of pain before reopening his eyes once
more to stare up at Obi-Wan’s pregnancy swelled form floating in
the bacta thank of the medics, the redhead pale even through the blue
tinted bacta.

The stretchmarks
and scars of his body was obvious in this state, stripped as he was
of all but the underwear to preserve modesty and the harness to keep
him up, the oxygen mask providing him air as the bacta healed his

Obi-Wan’s body
had been sensitive to change, his poor omega missing their third
along with the multitude of shocks through the months.

Anakin’s violent
plunge into the dark so close to him not to mention being thrown
about and off his feet to hit the ground hard with his already
fragile body…

It was a damn
miracle that Obi-Wan had not had a miscarriage. And then…

Gerrera had aimed a
blaster rifle at Obi-Wan and fired.

Now Obi-Wan’s
life hung in the balance.

Both Obi-Wan and
his baby.

Anakin’s last
mate and last heir was now swinging between life and death, having
been rushed to Coruscant and if it hadn’t been for the medic of his
own team Anakin did not think both would have survived the trip.

‘I killed Padme.
I killed our children. Now I may have to watch my last mate and child
die too?’ Anakin could feel everything in him howling. He wanted to
throw the stars around, he wanted to scream until his throat turned
bloody and everyone else choked on their blood. He wanted-


‘I want him
dead.’ Anakin gritted his teeth, slowly turning his head to
look at Palpatine as the man stood there. Yet his hand remained lax
as Sidious made his way slowly towards him in a meandering style,
looking bored as he looked up at Anakin’s injured mate.

He had to resist
the urge to step in front of Obi-Wan’s tank to keep Sidious away.

“I see your pet
is still in the tank.” Sidious drawled.

“My mate
is still in the tank yes. He is injured and the child’s life is in
jeopardy.” Anakin grunted, the alpha in him raising hackles.

They were rising
higher the longer Palpatine stared at Obi-Wan and Anakin was about to
snap when the man spoke. “There is a way to save him you know.”
The man drawled.

Drained of all his
anger as it was replaced by desperate hope instead, Anakin felt his
eyes widen. “There is?” He questioned.

“Yes, I did
promise you a way to save Senator Amidala… unfortunate as that
situation was,” He smirked and Anakin had to violently bite his
tongue to avoid snarling at him. “But it will work with your pet
here too.” The Emperor finished off.

Twitching, Anakin
held his word. “And what is this… Force technique that would
allow such a gift?” He gritted out.

Sidious raised his
hand and in the bacta tank, Obi-Wan twisted a bit, his heart rate
picking up.

“What are you
doing?” Anakin questioned in alarm, feeling the dark side of the
Force move.

“To save your
omega here, one has to sacrifice the child within him. Not a major
loss I would assume.” Sidious cackled a bit. “After all, its just
a mass of cells, no living creature yet really and you can always put
another one in your little whore, that’s what he’s made for after all, breed-” The word cut off abruptly, Anakin’s saber
sliding smoothly through the air to sever head from neck where it
fell to the floor in a dull thump, the body of the head following
moments later with a louder thump.

Trembling in rage,
Anakin quickly turned to the tank to put a fresh load of medication
through the tank, Obi-Wan’s heart rate calming to his relief. And
only then did he look at the body on the floor, face twisting before
turning into a pleased smirk as he knew no one would suspect him.

No one would look
twice at Anakin, staunch defender as he had been.

Now only cold
contempt stirred in his eyes as he stared at the severed head.
“…I’ll piss on your ashes.” He sneered, already deciding to
burn the body.

Leave him no Sith
funeral for Sidious.

Slowly Anakin
looked up at Obi-Wan once more as his omega floated unconsciously in
the bacta. “…Long live Emperor Skywalker I guess. I’ll save you
yet my love. You and our child.”

Poor omega ObiWan, RunningBack does NOT guarantee safety, even from Vader. Their dinner out turns into a assassins’ attack, and the over reaction of Sith Lord Vader might include in his rage … ObiWan? Remorse is all well and good but breakage is breakage. Terrifying consequences please? Yup, feeling eeevil.

The ship had been

The Fist had been
attacked by Saw Gerrera and his group, several shiny’s had died
along with a few officers.

And Obi-Wan had
fallen over, his pregnancy changed body unable to handle the violent
change in balance.

Anakin had not
thought about it at all.

Rage had flowed
through his veins as he attacked the rebels without mercy.

And yet…

Anakin closed his
eyes, taking a calming breath of pain before reopening his eyes once
more to stare up at Obi-Wan’s pregnancy swelled form floating in
the bacta thank of the medics, the redhead pale even through the blue
tinted bacta.

The stretchmarks
and scars of his body was obvious in this state, stripped as he was
of all but the underwear to preserve modesty and the harness to keep
him up, the oxygen mask providing him air as the bacta healed his

Obi-Wan’s body
had been sensitive to change, his poor omega missing their third
along with the multitude of shocks through the months.

Anakin’s violent
plunge into the dark so close to him not to mention being thrown
about and off his feet to hit the ground hard with his already
fragile body…

It was a damn
miracle that Obi-Wan had not had a miscarriage. And then…

Gerrera had aimed a
blaster rifle at Obi-Wan and fired.

Now Obi-Wan’s
life hung in the balance.

Both Obi-Wan and
his baby.

Anakin’s last
mate and last heir was now swinging between life and death, having
been rushed to Coruscant and if it hadn’t been for the medic of his
own team Anakin did not think both would have survived the trip.

‘I killed Padme.
I killed our children. Now I may have to watch my last mate and child
die too?’ Anakin could feel everything in him howling. He wanted to
throw the stars around, he wanted to scream until his throat turned
bloody and everyone else choked on their blood. He wanted-


‘I want him
dead.’ Anakin gritted his teeth, slowly turning his head to
look at Palpatine as the man stood there. Yet his hand remained lax
as Sidious made his way slowly towards him in a meandering style,
looking bored as he looked up at Anakin’s injured mate.

He had to resist
the urge to step in front of Obi-Wan’s tank to keep Sidious away.

“I see your pet
is still in the tank.” Sidious drawled.

“My mate
is still in the tank yes. He is injured and the child’s life is in
jeopardy.” Anakin grunted, the alpha in him raising hackles.

They were rising
higher the longer Palpatine stared at Obi-Wan and Anakin was about to
snap when the man spoke. “There is a way to save him you know.”
The man drawled.

Drained of all his
anger as it was replaced by desperate hope instead, Anakin felt his
eyes widen. “There is?” He questioned.

“Yes, I did
promise you a way to save Senator Amidala… unfortunate as that
situation was,” He smirked and Anakin had to violently bite his
tongue to avoid snarling at him. “But it will work with your pet
here too.” The Emperor finished off.

Twitching, Anakin
held his word. “And what is this… Force technique that would
allow such a gift?” He gritted out.

Sidious raised his
hand and in the bacta tank, Obi-Wan twisted a bit, his heart rate
picking up.

“What are you
doing?” Anakin questioned in alarm, feeling the dark side of the
Force move.

“To save your
omega here, one has to sacrifice the child within him. Not a major
loss I would assume.” Sidious cackled a bit. “After all, its just
a mass of cells, no living creature yet really and you can always put
another one in your little whore, that’s what he’s made for after all, breed-” The word cut off abruptly, Anakin’s saber
sliding smoothly through the air to sever head from neck where it
fell to the floor in a dull thump, the body of the head following
moments later with a louder thump.

Trembling in rage,
Anakin quickly turned to the tank to put a fresh load of medication
through the tank, Obi-Wan’s heart rate calming to his relief. And
only then did he look at the body on the floor, face twisting before
turning into a pleased smirk as he knew no one would suspect him.

No one would look
twice at Anakin, staunch defender as he had been.

Now only cold
contempt stirred in his eyes as he stared at the severed head.
“…I’ll piss on your ashes.” He sneered, already deciding to
burn the body.

Leave him no Sith
funeral for Sidious.

Slowly Anakin
looked up at Obi-Wan once more as his omega floated unconsciously in
the bacta. “…Long live Emperor Skywalker I guess. I’ll save you
yet my love. You and our child.”