So I am a bad archivist who needs to get her butt moving, and I don’t know if you’ve done this before. Obi-Wan, the galaxy’s biggest flirt, says/does something outrageous on the wrong planet and winds up married. To whom (and how many) I will leave up to you, but I’m just saying I would love it if it was a load of the 212th…

out of the dried half of a fruit turned into a bowl, Obi-Wan
bemusedly wondered how he’d manage to get himself into this


wasn’t like it was uncommon honestly for Jedi to somehow get
married actually, they had to give after for certain customs after
all to be able to negotiate peace and sometimes accidents did happen
since every planet had their own rituals. It wasn’t like it was
Obi-Wan’s fault the natives weren’t clear that some site was
considered holy and if two people entered them and shared food or
water or something like that they were considered wed.

how in Force name Obi-Wan had managed to end up married to his entire

will require some explanation to the Council.’ He decided on even
as he watched in amusement as Waxer twirled Boil around, laughing and
dancing with
the locals out
on the festival plaza as
the locals
threw one hell of a wedding party.

still say they are overcompensating and they just wanted an excuse to
throw a party and
we conveniently wandered into their holy place.”
Cody muttered in an aside to Obi-Wan.

but it is still legally binding Commander.” Obi-Wan hummed at him
in return under his breath.

his brow in return, Cody stared at him. “…Really?”

yes.” Obi-Wan sipped from the dried fruit again before offering it
to his Commander with a small smile. “Its not my first wedding so
I know that most of these are legally binding.”
He winked.

the bowl fruit, Cody made a low amused noise. “So how many husbands
or wives do you have?”

a low hum, Obi-Wan leaned against the other man, relaxing. “Oh,
none, all of them were either annulled or the person in questioned
died.” Obi-Wan said lightly, his heart giving a painful throb at
Qui-Gon’s memory and amusement at the wedding.

had looked beautiful at the time too…

celebration had included a ritual facial paint along with their hands
being bound
together, a knot to
signify tying their lives eternally. He still had that ribbon stashed
in a box under his bed at the temple.

reading something of Obi-Wan’s face, Cody slipped his arm around
the Jedi’s waist while pulling him in closer, hand settled on his
hip. “Well, you have quite a few husbands now who are more then
willing to look after you.” He murmured quietly before his grin
turned mischievous.
“If you don’t have this annulled that is.”

Obi-Wan pretended to mock consider it before winking once again at
the other. “No, I think I’ll keep you all, at least on a trial
run.” Obi-Wan teased before yelping as Gregor grabbed him by the
hand and pulled him to the dance floor, laughing with the man as he
was twirled out onto it in a moving mass of bodies in motions and joy
in the Force with alcohol flowing freely. ‘Forgive me Qui-Gon but I
want to be happy again.’ Obi-Wan let himself be swept away, delight
in his heart as each trooper at some point caught him for their own
a few brief moments.

vode knew how to share and Obi-Wan couldn’t help but find joy in
being loved by so many.

So I am a bad archivist who needs to get her butt moving, and I don’t know if you’ve done this before. Obi-Wan, the galaxy’s biggest flirt, says/does something outrageous on the wrong planet and winds up married. To whom (and how many) I will leave up to you, but I’m just saying I would love it if it was a load of the 212th…

out of the dried half of a fruit turned into a bowl, Obi-Wan
bemusedly wondered how he’d manage to get himself into this


wasn’t like it was uncommon honestly for Jedi to somehow get
married actually, they had to give after for certain customs after
all to be able to negotiate peace and sometimes accidents did happen
since every planet had their own rituals. It wasn’t like it was
Obi-Wan’s fault the natives weren’t clear that some site was
considered holy and if two people entered them and shared food or
water or something like that they were considered wed.

how in Force name Obi-Wan had managed to end up married to his entire

will require some explanation to the Council.’ He decided on even
as he watched in amusement as Waxer twirled Boil around, laughing and
dancing with
the locals out
on the festival plaza as
the locals
threw one hell of a wedding party.

still say they are overcompensating and they just wanted an excuse to
throw a party and
we conveniently wandered into their holy place.”
Cody muttered in an aside to Obi-Wan.

but it is still legally binding Commander.” Obi-Wan hummed at him
in return under his breath.

his brow in return, Cody stared at him. “…Really?”

yes.” Obi-Wan sipped from the dried fruit again before offering it
to his Commander with a small smile. “Its not my first wedding so
I know that most of these are legally binding.”
He winked.

the bowl fruit, Cody made a low amused noise. “So how many husbands
or wives do you have?”

a low hum, Obi-Wan leaned against the other man, relaxing. “Oh,
none, all of them were either annulled or the person in questioned
died.” Obi-Wan said lightly, his heart giving a painful throb at
Qui-Gon’s memory and amusement at the wedding.

had looked beautiful at the time too…

celebration had included a ritual facial paint along with their hands
being bound
together, a knot to
signify tying their lives eternally. He still had that ribbon stashed
in a box under his bed at the temple.

reading something of Obi-Wan’s face, Cody slipped his arm around
the Jedi’s waist while pulling him in closer, hand settled on his
hip. “Well, you have quite a few husbands now who are more then
willing to look after you.” He murmured quietly before his grin
turned mischievous.
“If you don’t have this annulled that is.”

Obi-Wan pretended to mock consider it before winking once again at
the other. “No, I think I’ll keep you all, at least on a trial
run.” Obi-Wan teased before yelping as Gregor grabbed him by the
hand and pulled him to the dance floor, laughing with the man as he
was twirled out onto it in a moving mass of bodies in motions and joy
in the Force with alcohol flowing freely. ‘Forgive me Qui-Gon but I
want to be happy again.’ Obi-Wan let himself be swept away, delight
in his heart as each trooper at some point caught him for their own
a few brief moments.

vode knew how to share and Obi-Wan couldn’t help but find joy in
being loved by so many.

#frozentravel – poor, poor Obi-Wan. What next? Qui-Gon pining, and realising just how much he cares? Or Tahl telling him he’s an idiot because he maybe hasn’t realised why he misses Obi-Wan so much? (Please let it be that?)

“What are you doing?” Tahl raised her brows in surprise, standing
in the medical room doorway. Her intention had been to drag Qui-Gon
away to get some sunlight and meditation instead of sulking off in
Obi-Wan’s room as the other had done since darkness had invaded the
temple a month ago.

The man in question looked up from where he was sitting at the bottom
of the bed with Obi-Wan’s bare feet in his lap, a jar of something
minty smelling beside him with the blanket up to Obi-Wan’s knees.
“Healer’s said it might help and would keep his muscles simulated
and blood circulation going, try to get some heat into extremities
since his body isn’t keeping them warm. And perhaps help him
remember he’s safe.” Qui-Gon shrugged, lotion coated hands still
holding one foot while the thumbs rubbed the arches of it gently.

Humming, Tahl nodded, moving in and letting the door shut behind her.
“Well that’s better then the skulking I thought you were doing.”
She smirked a bit when Qui-Gon raised brows. “You have to admit,
you have been sulking a bit.”

To that Qui-Gon just shrugged. “I miss him, he’s alive but he’s
not speaking and the sensation he leaves behind in the bond right now
is…static at best.” He sighed, staring down at the toes before
stroking the scar tissue where the pinkie toe should be. He wondered
what had happened there, frost bite perhaps?

“Are you going to tell him what you feel if he wakes up?” Tahl
asked while peering down at them, brows raised at him when Qui-Gon
looked up at her in surprise.

“I-I have no ide-” Tahl cut in, rolling her green and yellow

“Qui-Gon, you bonded with him and its not a padawan bond. It might
have been so in the start but its clearly deeper now and I
understand.” She added gently at his panicked look, reaching out
and stroking the back of her hand over his cheek with a small smile.
“I’ll always care for you, and you for me… but love is not
about possessing as you well know you stupid beanpole.” The Jedi
knight offered her friend.

Licking his lips, Qui-Gon looked from her to Obi-Wan and then gave a
small shrug. “I don’t know… he was doing so good, what if this…
what if he goes back to hiding? I don’t want to make him worse. I
want to… look after him, be his friend and not stress him up.” He
sighed. “He’s bleed himself dry for the Republic and the Order of
the future, I can’t…let him do that here. He’s going to die on
a pedestal of sacrifice of his own making if we let him.” He looked
up desperately. “Tahl he’s going to wind up killing himself if he
gets to continue.”

Settling her hand on his shoulder, Tahl gave a strong squeeze. “Kings
and crowns and kingdoms Qui-Gon. The future took Obi-Wan’s crown
and kingdom. But he’s still king and all he needs are a few knights
to help him. Now get done and I’ll take you to the sparring halls,
you need some sunlight.” She smiled encouragingly at him.

Hesitating briefly, Qui-Gon finally nodded in return, lathering a bit
more minty cream on the scarred pink patch where a pinkie toe should
be and rubbing it in before carefully tucking Obi-Wan’s socks on
and covering him up again.

He then wiped his hands. “Alright then, spar and…some meditation
I think before I eat.” He glanced down at Obi-Wan and took a deep
breath. “Its not like he’s going to wake while I’m gone…”
He snorted before following Tahl out.

#frozentravel – poor, poor Obi-Wan. What next? Qui-Gon pining, and realising just how much he cares? Or Tahl telling him he’s an idiot because he maybe hasn’t realised why he misses Obi-Wan so much? (Please let it be that?)

“What are you doing?” Tahl raised her brows in surprise, standing
in the medical room doorway. Her intention had been to drag Qui-Gon
away to get some sunlight and meditation instead of sulking off in
Obi-Wan’s room as the other had done since darkness had invaded the
temple a month ago.

The man in question looked up from where he was sitting at the bottom
of the bed with Obi-Wan’s bare feet in his lap, a jar of something
minty smelling beside him with the blanket up to Obi-Wan’s knees.
“Healer’s said it might help and would keep his muscles simulated
and blood circulation going, try to get some heat into extremities
since his body isn’t keeping them warm. And perhaps help him
remember he’s safe.” Qui-Gon shrugged, lotion coated hands still
holding one foot while the thumbs rubbed the arches of it gently.

Humming, Tahl nodded, moving in and letting the door shut behind her.
“Well that’s better then the skulking I thought you were doing.”
She smirked a bit when Qui-Gon raised brows. “You have to admit,
you have been sulking a bit.”

To that Qui-Gon just shrugged. “I miss him, he’s alive but he’s
not speaking and the sensation he leaves behind in the bond right now
is…static at best.” He sighed, staring down at the toes before
stroking the scar tissue where the pinkie toe should be. He wondered
what had happened there, frost bite perhaps?

“Are you going to tell him what you feel if he wakes up?” Tahl
asked while peering down at them, brows raised at him when Qui-Gon
looked up at her in surprise.

“I-I have no ide-” Tahl cut in, rolling her green and yellow

“Qui-Gon, you bonded with him and its not a padawan bond. It might
have been so in the start but its clearly deeper now and I
understand.” She added gently at his panicked look, reaching out
and stroking the back of her hand over his cheek with a small smile.
“I’ll always care for you, and you for me… but love is not
about possessing as you well know you stupid beanpole.” The Jedi
knight offered her friend.

Licking his lips, Qui-Gon looked from her to Obi-Wan and then gave a
small shrug. “I don’t know… he was doing so good, what if this…
what if he goes back to hiding? I don’t want to make him worse. I
want to… look after him, be his friend and not stress him up.” He
sighed. “He’s bleed himself dry for the Republic and the Order of
the future, I can’t…let him do that here. He’s going to die on
a pedestal of sacrifice of his own making if we let him.” He looked
up desperately. “Tahl he’s going to wind up killing himself if he
gets to continue.”

Settling her hand on his shoulder, Tahl gave a strong squeeze. “Kings
and crowns and kingdoms Qui-Gon. The future took Obi-Wan’s crown
and kingdom. But he’s still king and all he needs are a few knights
to help him. Now get done and I’ll take you to the sparring halls,
you need some sunlight.” She smiled encouragingly at him.

Hesitating briefly, Qui-Gon finally nodded in return, lathering a bit
more minty cream on the scarred pink patch where a pinkie toe should
be and rubbing it in before carefully tucking Obi-Wan’s socks on
and covering him up again.

He then wiped his hands. “Alright then, spar and…some meditation
I think before I eat.” He glanced down at Obi-Wan and took a deep
breath. “Its not like he’s going to wake while I’m gone…”
He snorted before following Tahl out.

Ooh, #lenseye – what’s going to happen next? Will the fallout be as bad as they think, or will it rally the people (and the Senate) to give the vod’e their rights as sentient beings? Will Tarkin get his comeuppance?

The latest episode of Through the Lens eye hits the Republic with the
Force of a bomb, outrage, shock and despair hitting them all at the
death count that is outlined both on the side of the clones and the
side of the Jedi.

The frankly shocking number of clones that are ordered from the
Kamino’s as if they are just products and the clones own confession
that they sometimes feel like little more then tools or droids
themselves that are easily discarded.

Or slaves.

Jedi who, when asked about the comments the clones made, would stare
at their hands for long minutes before looking at the reporters and
answer that they served the Republic.

A roundabout way of saying they had no choice and Stars did they look
tired when they admitted to such a thing.

Tired and worn down.

Tarkin is suspended from the army along with several commanders with
similar high death count and the Senate rumbles beneath Chancellor
Palpatine, demanding answers.

Any planet or Senators in favor of the war still gains an unpopular
repute and quickly see how the tides are turning, quietening down as
the voices screaming for peace grow louder and louder.

The Kamino’s had no other choice but to halt the production of
clones for now, understanding that the resentment had turned from the
Jedi and the clones and onto the Senators who was profiting of the
war going on.

Padme Amidala, Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, Riyo Chuchi and several loud
voices of peace were quickly gaining popularity all over Coruscant
and the Republic with the Separatist also catching their broadcast.

Unknown to the public, the Jedi Order, Sheev Palpatine and Dooku
himself, a few of said Separatists were contacting the Senators in
hope of rejoining, weary of fighting as long as the terms would be

As for the journalists themselves?

Well they were safe, kept in the Jedi temple as they had sought
sanctuary with the Order they had been showing the humanity off to
the rest of the Galaxy with clones visiting their Jedi’s often,
ensuring that any unhappy Senators would not be able to… find them.

And tucked up in an apartment in the Senatorial district of
Coruscant, three people watched the holoscreen with a muted sort of

Anakin sat with his arms twined possessively around his wife and
husband, both curled against his chest where they provided warmth and
comfort, Padme’s hand gently petting at his knee and Obi-Wan’s
hand teasing his curls slowly.

“…Its all coming to an end isn’t it?” Obi-Wan whispered.

“Feels like it.” Anakin agreed and Padme nuzzled into the blond,
trusting their ability to sense it with the Force.

“What kind of end though?” She asked quietly.

Both Jedi quietly mulled over that.

“I don’t know Padme. But I’ll promise you both this, whatever
end it is, I’ll always belong to you two.” Obi-Wan smiled at them

Anakin made a startled noise. “Don’t say that Obi-Wan, that
doesn’t sound like a hopeful promise.” He growled quietly.

Padme beat him to the punch in action though as she leaned over his
lap and pulled the redhead into a soft kiss. “Don’t you dare do
something reckless Obi-Wan Kenobi. You two are my boys and I would be
severely cross if you did something heroic but reckless.” She
whispered, hands balancing her on Anakin’s thigh.

The older of the three stared at her for a long moment before
reaching out and gently pressing his hand to her stomach, feeling the
faint curve that would one day soon become a large swell. “Peace
for this…would be worth any price I paid Padme.” He whispered

“I have two husbands. Do not make me a widower for one of them.”
Padme scowled though her eyes were tearing from hormones.

“And I have only one husband and one wife.” Anakin chimed in,
cupping Obi-Wan’s cheek. “You better bet your last beard hair I
won’t let you be reckless.” He scowled in tandem with Padme.

Obi-Wan just closed his eyes and leaned into their touches smiling

If the price for peace would require his life as payment then Obi-Wan
would gladly pay it for Padme and Anakin to raise the babies in

But for his husband and wife sake, he held his tongue and nodded into
Anakin’s hand.

He knew they didn’t really believe him but for now they were all
willing to pretend.

For now.

Ooh, #lenseye – what’s going to happen next? Will the fallout be as bad as they think, or will it rally the people (and the Senate) to give the vod’e their rights as sentient beings? Will Tarkin get his comeuppance?

The latest episode of Through the Lens eye hits the Republic with the
Force of a bomb, outrage, shock and despair hitting them all at the
death count that is outlined both on the side of the clones and the
side of the Jedi.

The frankly shocking number of clones that are ordered from the
Kamino’s as if they are just products and the clones own confession
that they sometimes feel like little more then tools or droids
themselves that are easily discarded.

Or slaves.

Jedi who, when asked about the comments the clones made, would stare
at their hands for long minutes before looking at the reporters and
answer that they served the Republic.

A roundabout way of saying they had no choice and Stars did they look
tired when they admitted to such a thing.

Tired and worn down.

Tarkin is suspended from the army along with several commanders with
similar high death count and the Senate rumbles beneath Chancellor
Palpatine, demanding answers.

Any planet or Senators in favor of the war still gains an unpopular
repute and quickly see how the tides are turning, quietening down as
the voices screaming for peace grow louder and louder.

The Kamino’s had no other choice but to halt the production of
clones for now, understanding that the resentment had turned from the
Jedi and the clones and onto the Senators who was profiting of the
war going on.

Padme Amidala, Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, Riyo Chuchi and several loud
voices of peace were quickly gaining popularity all over Coruscant
and the Republic with the Separatist also catching their broadcast.

Unknown to the public, the Jedi Order, Sheev Palpatine and Dooku
himself, a few of said Separatists were contacting the Senators in
hope of rejoining, weary of fighting as long as the terms would be

As for the journalists themselves?

Well they were safe, kept in the Jedi temple as they had sought
sanctuary with the Order they had been showing the humanity off to
the rest of the Galaxy with clones visiting their Jedi’s often,
ensuring that any unhappy Senators would not be able to… find them.

And tucked up in an apartment in the Senatorial district of
Coruscant, three people watched the holoscreen with a muted sort of

Anakin sat with his arms twined possessively around his wife and
husband, both curled against his chest where they provided warmth and
comfort, Padme’s hand gently petting at his knee and Obi-Wan’s
hand teasing his curls slowly.

“…Its all coming to an end isn’t it?” Obi-Wan whispered.

“Feels like it.” Anakin agreed and Padme nuzzled into the blond,
trusting their ability to sense it with the Force.

“What kind of end though?” She asked quietly.

Both Jedi quietly mulled over that.

“I don’t know Padme. But I’ll promise you both this, whatever
end it is, I’ll always belong to you two.” Obi-Wan smiled at them

Anakin made a startled noise. “Don’t say that Obi-Wan, that
doesn’t sound like a hopeful promise.” He growled quietly.

Padme beat him to the punch in action though as she leaned over his
lap and pulled the redhead into a soft kiss. “Don’t you dare do
something reckless Obi-Wan Kenobi. You two are my boys and I would be
severely cross if you did something heroic but reckless.” She
whispered, hands balancing her on Anakin’s thigh.

The older of the three stared at her for a long moment before
reaching out and gently pressing his hand to her stomach, feeling the
faint curve that would one day soon become a large swell. “Peace
for this…would be worth any price I paid Padme.” He whispered

“I have two husbands. Do not make me a widower for one of them.”
Padme scowled though her eyes were tearing from hormones.

“And I have only one husband and one wife.” Anakin chimed in,
cupping Obi-Wan’s cheek. “You better bet your last beard hair I
won’t let you be reckless.” He scowled in tandem with Padme.

Obi-Wan just closed his eyes and leaned into their touches smiling

If the price for peace would require his life as payment then Obi-Wan
would gladly pay it for Padme and Anakin to raise the babies in

But for his husband and wife sake, he held his tongue and nodded into
Anakin’s hand.

He knew they didn’t really believe him but for now they were all
willing to pretend.

For now.

Oh, please, by the Force, please let Obi-Wan be disappointed in the dancing at Hondo’s because he can do better. And demonstrates it :)

He was drunk.

He was so drunk that he was
pretty sure that their drinks had been laced with something stronger
then alcohol because one and a half ale
did not cause Obi-Wan to get drunk.

have known a bunch of pirates would get you drugged…I should warn
Anakin.’ Obi-Wan sulked as he watched the dancers that were moving
around the table and…ugh they were terrible, honestly just

Obi-Wan could dance better, he
could do a much better job.

A hella good job too!

“Ah! You look pouty my friend!
The entertainment not to
your liking?” Hondo wrapped an arm around Obi-Wan’s shoulder,
grinning at him like the self satisfied
and most likely to betray them pirate he was.

Swinging slightly glassy eyes at
him, Obi-Wan gave a loud snort that seemed to echo a bit between the
laughing and hooting of the rowdy pirates drinking around them. “You
have karked dancers, I can do better.” He lifted his mug and took a
big swallow, ignoring Anakin suddenly swinging around in his chair to
stare at him.

Hondo laughed loudly and patted
him on the shoulder. “If you say so my master Jedi, how about you
prove it?” He chortled, obviously
not believing Obi-Wan would do such a thing.

Obi-Wan looked down at his mug,
raised his brows slowly…and then he shrugged. “Why

Placing his hands on the table,
Obi-Wan smoothly pulled himself up with the Force and landed on the
table on his feet in an easy jump before Anakin could stop him, the
knights hands hovering in the air with his mouth open, locked on the
word he had been about to say.

Hondo’s brows hit his forehead
in surprise and then he rocked back on his heels, arms crossing over
his chest in surprise and amusement. “So if he falls off the table,
its not my fau-” The captain choked on his word as Obi-Wan sashayed
down the table, the redhead smirking.

Now, Anakin knew his master could
be sex on legs, Anakin knew that Obi-Wan could dance like someone
raised from the cradle to do so and he knew that Obi-Wan.

But it had been some time since
he had seen his master dance with
this kriffing war.

The way he could twirl on light
steps, gracefully avoiding the cups and plates on the table, hips
undulating, hands moving along his sides with a half lidded eyes and
teeth catching his bottom lip in a highly suggestive look.

Kark, everything about Obi-Wan
was currently highly suggestive.

“My friend.” Hondo leaned his
hands on Anakin’s shoulders, eyes never leaving Obi-Wan as he
twirled with ease around one of the other dancers. “Are you sure I
could not tempt Master Kenobi into working for me?” He leered.

He wasn’t the only one.

“Try it and I’ll cut your
head off with my fancy laser sword.” Anakin growled quietly under
his breath.

The captain laughed loudly even
as Obi-Wan suddenly knelt, leaned forward and stole someones glass
with his lips and teeth, easily tipping his head back and swallowing
the content before dropping it into his hand with a happy smirk on
his face.

‘Kark, I either need to save
Obi-Wan from these pirates or just…save him.’ Anakin snorted and
then firmly snagged his master’s wrist and pulling him down into
his lap, catching him tightly. “No master.”

“Awww Anakin.”

“Boooo master Jedi!”

Anakin just flipped the laughing
and booing pirates the middle finger.

Oh, please, by the Force, please let Obi-Wan be disappointed in the dancing at Hondo’s because he can do better. And demonstrates it :)

He was drunk.

He was so drunk that he was
pretty sure that their drinks had been laced with something stronger
then alcohol because one and a half ale
did not cause Obi-Wan to get drunk.

have known a bunch of pirates would get you drugged…I should warn
Anakin.’ Obi-Wan sulked as he watched the dancers that were moving
around the table and…ugh they were terrible, honestly just

Obi-Wan could dance better, he
could do a much better job.

A hella good job too!

“Ah! You look pouty my friend!
The entertainment not to
your liking?” Hondo wrapped an arm around Obi-Wan’s shoulder,
grinning at him like the self satisfied
and most likely to betray them pirate he was.

Swinging slightly glassy eyes at
him, Obi-Wan gave a loud snort that seemed to echo a bit between the
laughing and hooting of the rowdy pirates drinking around them. “You
have karked dancers, I can do better.” He lifted his mug and took a
big swallow, ignoring Anakin suddenly swinging around in his chair to
stare at him.

Hondo laughed loudly and patted
him on the shoulder. “If you say so my master Jedi, how about you
prove it?” He chortled, obviously
not believing Obi-Wan would do such a thing.

Obi-Wan looked down at his mug,
raised his brows slowly…and then he shrugged. “Why

Placing his hands on the table,
Obi-Wan smoothly pulled himself up with the Force and landed on the
table on his feet in an easy jump before Anakin could stop him, the
knights hands hovering in the air with his mouth open, locked on the
word he had been about to say.

Hondo’s brows hit his forehead
in surprise and then he rocked back on his heels, arms crossing over
his chest in surprise and amusement. “So if he falls off the table,
its not my fau-” The captain choked on his word as Obi-Wan sashayed
down the table, the redhead smirking.

Now, Anakin knew his master could
be sex on legs, Anakin knew that Obi-Wan could dance like someone
raised from the cradle to do so and he knew that Obi-Wan.

But it had been some time since
he had seen his master dance with
this kriffing war.

The way he could twirl on light
steps, gracefully avoiding the cups and plates on the table, hips
undulating, hands moving along his sides with a half lidded eyes and
teeth catching his bottom lip in a highly suggestive look.

Kark, everything about Obi-Wan
was currently highly suggestive.

“My friend.” Hondo leaned his
hands on Anakin’s shoulders, eyes never leaving Obi-Wan as he
twirled with ease around one of the other dancers. “Are you sure I
could not tempt Master Kenobi into working for me?” He leered.

He wasn’t the only one.

“Try it and I’ll cut your
head off with my fancy laser sword.” Anakin growled quietly under
his breath.

The captain laughed loudly even
as Obi-Wan suddenly knelt, leaned forward and stole someones glass
with his lips and teeth, easily tipping his head back and swallowing
the content before dropping it into his hand with a happy smirk on
his face.

‘Kark, I either need to save
Obi-Wan from these pirates or just…save him.’ Anakin snorted and
then firmly snagged his master’s wrist and pulling him down into
his lap, catching him tightly. “No master.”

“Awww Anakin.”

“Boooo master Jedi!”

Anakin just flipped the laughing
and booing pirates the middle finger.

Ooh, #crimsonpunch – what a great addition. Will the mind healers find Sidious’ meddling in Anakin’s head? Imagine the guilt Obi-Wan will feel when he realises… *evil cackling*

Swallowing, Anakin kept his eyes on the green ones watching him,
examining him with a steady calm look.

He flinched when Obi-Wan finally spoke, his voice calm and a bit
cold. “Mace told me you’re having anger management meditations,
speaking to a mind healer.” He offered.

“Y-Yes.” Anakin got out past the lump in his throat.

“…Good.” There was more warmth in Obi-Wan’s voice and Anakin

The man stood and moved to the kitchen, pulling out a box of Anakin’s
favorite juice and pouring it into a glass that he offered to the

Numbly, staring at his former master, Anakin took it.

Wasn’t Obi-Wan angry at him?

The man stared at him for another moment then sighed. “I am not
angry no. I am disappointed.” Obi-Wan returned to his desk and sat

Oh Force.

Anakin felt ill. Disappointment was so much worse then anger and it
felt like a heavy stone in his stomach as he stared at the purple
juice in his hand.

“I’m disappointed and a bit confused. But I’ve already forgiven
you Anakin, not because I had to but because you’re actively taking
steps to prevent this from happening again.” Obi-Wan rested his
hands on the desk, watching his former padawan while opting not to
tell him he’d forgiven him even before he heard it.

The blond’s eyes went glassy with unshed tears.

“But I’m not going to forget what you did Anakin. Its going to
take me time, perhaps a long time to get over the fact that you
punched me.” Obi-Wan’s voice was heavy.

Anakin nodded, unable to get a word out, his throat feeling too tight
and his stomach heavy.

“…Take a sip of juice Anakin. You look pale.”

Anakin did.

“Good. Now please sit down, we have work to do. Or I do at least.”

Anakin once again did as told, settling on the couch.

Nodding in appeasement, Obi-Wan turned back to his pad, bending over
it while giving Anakin his back.

If he knew what that did to Anakin…

‘I still have his trust. Oh Force I still have his trust.’ The
easy surrendering of his back was all Anakin needed to know that and
he took a bigger gulp of juice only to choke on it and splutter it
out over the coffee table.

But Obi-Wan was there, patting him on the back, rubbing it with a
faintly worried expression on his face.

Staring at him, eyes wide, Anakin dropped the glass and threw his
arms around the others waist, pressing his face into Obi-Wan’s
stomach. “I’m sorry Obi-Wan! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to
hurt you!” And with that the tears came, great wails of regret and
sadness and perhaps pain.

It opened up the floodgates of three years of war, of pain, of anger
and regret.

Obi-Wan stared down at his his brother in all but blood and then
wrapped his arms around him in turn, making soft noises while running
his fingers through his hair, crooning quietly. “Its going to be
alright Anakin, we’ll make it. Its going to be alright my

For the first time in a long time, Anakin believed that.


Settling the plate of cookies on the floor between them, Mo-gan gave
a low hum. “…Forgive me if I say so Anakin but as good a friend
as the Chancellor is…he seems to make you question a lot of the
things that makes a Jedi…well a Jedi. And even what makes Master
Obi-Wan into Master Obi-Wan.” He eyed the knight on the floor.

Anakin blinked, legs raised along the wall and back on the floor, his
hands resting on his stomach. Mo-gan had told him to get comfortable
and Anakin had taken that to heart after the first two sessions with
the man. “I…I guess. I mean I don’t think he means anything by
it, he just has questions and they’re good questions.” He tried

The Miralan rubbed his tattooed chin before shrugging. “Perhaps but
a lot of the questions he asks seems rather pointed. Every
conversation you tell me you’ve had with the Chancellor seems to
make you doubt the Order, your commitment or Obi-Wan.” He reached
down and picked up a cookie. “But that’s just the appearance of
it at least. I might be taking it the wrong way.”

‘Is he thought?’ Anakin reached for one of the cookies too,
taking a small nibble, uncaring of the crumbles that got stuck in his

Frowning quietly as he thought, Anakin felt grateful that Mo-gan ate
his own cookie in silence, allowing Anakin to think undisturbed.

His friendship with Palpatine…was it…healthy?

“…Can I have some time to…meditate on this? Can we talk about
it our next session?” He finally settled on.

“Of course Anakin. How about we speak about…hmm your latest ship

The knights face perked up at that.

Ooh, #crimsonpunch – what a great addition. Will the mind healers find Sidious’ meddling in Anakin’s head? Imagine the guilt Obi-Wan will feel when he realises… *evil cackling*

Swallowing, Anakin kept his eyes on the green ones watching him,
examining him with a steady calm look.

He flinched when Obi-Wan finally spoke, his voice calm and a bit
cold. “Mace told me you’re having anger management meditations,
speaking to a mind healer.” He offered.

“Y-Yes.” Anakin got out past the lump in his throat.

“…Good.” There was more warmth in Obi-Wan’s voice and Anakin

The man stood and moved to the kitchen, pulling out a box of Anakin’s
favorite juice and pouring it into a glass that he offered to the

Numbly, staring at his former master, Anakin took it.

Wasn’t Obi-Wan angry at him?

The man stared at him for another moment then sighed. “I am not
angry no. I am disappointed.” Obi-Wan returned to his desk and sat

Oh Force.

Anakin felt ill. Disappointment was so much worse then anger and it
felt like a heavy stone in his stomach as he stared at the purple
juice in his hand.

“I’m disappointed and a bit confused. But I’ve already forgiven
you Anakin, not because I had to but because you’re actively taking
steps to prevent this from happening again.” Obi-Wan rested his
hands on the desk, watching his former padawan while opting not to
tell him he’d forgiven him even before he heard it.

The blond’s eyes went glassy with unshed tears.

“But I’m not going to forget what you did Anakin. Its going to
take me time, perhaps a long time to get over the fact that you
punched me.” Obi-Wan’s voice was heavy.

Anakin nodded, unable to get a word out, his throat feeling too tight
and his stomach heavy.

“…Take a sip of juice Anakin. You look pale.”

Anakin did.

“Good. Now please sit down, we have work to do. Or I do at least.”

Anakin once again did as told, settling on the couch.

Nodding in appeasement, Obi-Wan turned back to his pad, bending over
it while giving Anakin his back.

If he knew what that did to Anakin…

‘I still have his trust. Oh Force I still have his trust.’ The
easy surrendering of his back was all Anakin needed to know that and
he took a bigger gulp of juice only to choke on it and splutter it
out over the coffee table.

But Obi-Wan was there, patting him on the back, rubbing it with a
faintly worried expression on his face.

Staring at him, eyes wide, Anakin dropped the glass and threw his
arms around the others waist, pressing his face into Obi-Wan’s
stomach. “I’m sorry Obi-Wan! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to
hurt you!” And with that the tears came, great wails of regret and
sadness and perhaps pain.

It opened up the floodgates of three years of war, of pain, of anger
and regret.

Obi-Wan stared down at his his brother in all but blood and then
wrapped his arms around him in turn, making soft noises while running
his fingers through his hair, crooning quietly. “Its going to be
alright Anakin, we’ll make it. Its going to be alright my

For the first time in a long time, Anakin believed that.


Settling the plate of cookies on the floor between them, Mo-gan gave
a low hum. “…Forgive me if I say so Anakin but as good a friend
as the Chancellor is…he seems to make you question a lot of the
things that makes a Jedi…well a Jedi. And even what makes Master
Obi-Wan into Master Obi-Wan.” He eyed the knight on the floor.

Anakin blinked, legs raised along the wall and back on the floor, his
hands resting on his stomach. Mo-gan had told him to get comfortable
and Anakin had taken that to heart after the first two sessions with
the man. “I…I guess. I mean I don’t think he means anything by
it, he just has questions and they’re good questions.” He tried

The Miralan rubbed his tattooed chin before shrugging. “Perhaps but
a lot of the questions he asks seems rather pointed. Every
conversation you tell me you’ve had with the Chancellor seems to
make you doubt the Order, your commitment or Obi-Wan.” He reached
down and picked up a cookie. “But that’s just the appearance of
it at least. I might be taking it the wrong way.”

‘Is he thought?’ Anakin reached for one of the cookies too,
taking a small nibble, uncaring of the crumbles that got stuck in his

Frowning quietly as he thought, Anakin felt grateful that Mo-gan ate
his own cookie in silence, allowing Anakin to think undisturbed.

His friendship with Palpatine…was it…healthy?

“…Can I have some time to…meditate on this? Can we talk about
it our next session?” He finally settled on.

“Of course Anakin. How about we speak about…hmm your latest ship

The knights face perked up at that.