I don’t know if you take prompts but you’re an amazing writer! If it’s possible, could I ask for a rexwalker short where theyre cuddling in bed?!? Just some sweet fluff :):):)

Shuffling slightly as he woke, Anakin paused as he felt a heavy arm over his waist along with sweaty, thick legs between his own.

For a long moment, his head aching, Anakin struggled to remember what the hell had happened last night… and then he relaxed, grunting slightly with relief.

Rex, it was Rex in his bed, Rex, who had gone with him out bar hopping, Rex, who had his arm around Anakin’s waist, Rex who was pressed against Anakin’s body in an uncomfortable sweaty sensation and yet Anakin couldn’t bring himself to pull away from the man.

Because it was so rare they got to share a bed without having to hurry to get up and get to work.

They were finally on Coruscant, having a small amount of rest, Obi-Wan having managed to talk the council into giving Anakin and the 501stan entire week on Coruscant by taking over the system Anakin was suppose to clean up.

Force, was Anakin grateful to Obi-Wan for that.

Ahsoka finally got a full week at the temple, got to work on some of her homework, got to feel normal and Anakin’s men got to decompress and spend time with his brothers.

And Anakin?

Anakin got to spend time with Rex, his captain happily following him out into the slums to Anakin’s favorite little bar hops that never cared who he brought as long as the tabs were paid.

Oh, Anakin had noticed a few of the patrons staring at Rex but no one had approached them, all of them aware who Anakin was and aware that the owner of the cantina was fond of him.

The nightclub later on didn’t care at all, the half shadows making everyone anonymity in the throng of the crowds and the beat of music.

It had been fun, a drunken, relaxing moment, wrapped up with Rex for once, letting go of being a war General and a Jedi to spend time with the person Anakin cared the most for outside of his family.

Because Rex wasn’t… well he was family of course but he was something…more.

Curiously though, Anakin didn’t quite remember how they managed to return to the temple after their fun and he rather hoped they hadn’t made a fool of themselves in front of the sentinels and the nocturnal Jedi but knowing himself, he’d likely make a scene anyhow that Rex had dragged him from to Anakin’s quarters and bed.

“I can feel you thinking,” Rex suddenly grumbled, his hand suddenly tightening around Anakin’s stomach to pull him more tightly to his chest, the sensation almost disgusting with the amount of sweat trapped between them. “Stop it, its too early.” He huffed into Anakin’s neck, the stubble of his face rubbing the skin.

Shuffling slightly, Anakin grumbled and moved until he could face the other, finding Rex squinting slightly at him, a furrow between his brows.

Likely a hangover too from the looks of it and Anakin couldn’t help but smile fondly as he reached up to gently thumb the others temple. “Headache?” He whispered, letting the quietness of the morning linger.

He got a grunt in response but Rex frown eased when Anakin lightly brought the Force to aid. Now, healing Force wasn’t Anakin’s best trait but he could ease out a small headache and heal some injuries.

Force knew he had enough time to practice that with master ‘I am not invincible but I will use myself as bait.’ Kenobi.

Headache mostly gone, Rex pushed forward until his face was buried in Anakin’s collarbone, sighing contently as he rewrapped his arm around the Jedi’s waist, hand finding the small of his back to pet.

Deciding he might as well deal with most of his own headache, Anakin reluctantly settled in to meditate it away, settling as Rex continued absently petting.

Honestly, it was sweaty, their skin were uncomfortably sticking to each other and Anakin could faintly smell the sourness of Rex breath along with a slight undertone of stale alcohol.

Yet he didn’t find it in himself to move away, feeling content despite it all as he lingered in Rex arms.

They could take a shower later.

How often did they get to just linger in bed.

Together, the two went back to sleep, curled into each other with sweaty, sticky skin and the promise of a quiet day in Anakin’s quarters.

I was wondering about AWOL Jedi and if there will be any AniRex.

Stroking the blond curls slowly, Rex wondered if he had ever felt happier than in this very moment, a sleeping Anakin with his head in Rex lap, still on the couch of the 501st’s break house with everyone having skedaddled… somewhere.

Rex wasn’t sure where.

He just knew that they had promised to look after the twins, enthusiastically telling Anakin that the twins deserved some ‘uncle and auntie’ time before disappearing with the baby bags of items for the kids, leaving Rex and Anakin.

Initially nervous, clearly a tad overwhelmed despite leaving the twins with others before, Anakin had stared at the door they had disappeared at for a while before Rex had gently drawn the other into a conversation about speeders.

Easiest way to distract Anakin Skywalker?

Talk about tech.

Seeing as at the current moment they were having a minor issue of there not being enough speeders, it had been the right choice as Anakin was enthusiastically telling Rex all about the speeders and motors he was currently fixing.

The Jedi council had managed to find the other a job he would like, mechanic, as Anakin didn’t have an interest in rejoining the Jedi order seemingly, Ahsoka certainly did not, she spent her time generally helping out. But maybe Anakin had already joined?

Just not as a Jedi Knight?

Rex wasn’t sure and he hadn’t had time to ask before Anakin had winded down, becoming tired. Noticing, Rex had guided the other to his lap and told him to rest with a quiet voice despite Anakin apologizing.

Babies were demanding, being a single parent, even with so many people willing to babysit and help, was exhausting and Anakin deserved the rest.

Stars, he had missed his General and sitting here, playing with the man’s hair as he slept was soothing.

Seeing him safe, seemingly content and here, with them.

Though it hurt to consider just how lonely the other must have been on Coruscant. But there was nothing Rex could have done about that or about his General.

Honestly, he was rather sure that back then, had they approached Anakin, he would have blown the plan wide open and informed the Senate in a fit of thoughtlessness. He adored his General, loved him but… Anakin could sometimes be too impulsive.

It could be a boon on the battlefield, against droids that adapted to tactics and battles, it kept them from realizing what was going on and giving the GAR the upperhand. But in normal life… well, sometimes not so good.

Now they didn’t have to think of that, now Anakin was here and… single.

Rex flushed at the thought, looking away as he swallowed thickly.

Kark, just because the other was single didn’t mean he had any interest in males and certainly didn’t mean any interest in Rex.

‘Its enough to just be his friend, enough to be there for him, to hear his voice, to know he’s here… I won’t ask for more. I don’t want to loose what we have.’ Rex thought shakily. He could love the other without that kind of relationship.

As long as Anakin and his kids were happy… that was all Rex needed, to see the other blond smile.

The thought had his lips twitching, a slightly wry smile coming to life. ‘When did I get that sappy?’ He couldn’t help but wonder as he looked back down at Anakin, stroking a fingertip gently along the other’s jaw. ‘How are you able to make me turn so sappy?’ Rex thought was exasperated and yet… also fond.

Settling in, Rex simply watched Anakin sleep, content in the moment with what he had and the life he was trying to build.

Could we see more AWOL Jedi please? Maybe Anakin reconnecting with his men / Rex, and them realizing how lonely / how bad things became on Coruscant. Thank you for sharing so many wonderful stories with us! 💜

Nodding his thanks to Jinx as the vod put down a basket of fruit, Rex turned his eyes to Anakin, frowning slightly at a sudden thought that hit him. “I’m rather surprised that Senator Amidala hasn’t kicked up a bigger fuss about her kids being here.” Rex stated thoughtfully as he watched Anakin finish of the last of his water.

It had been the topic of some late bunk conversations for a few days actually and Rex knew, coming over a few gossip circles, that the Jedi too were a bit bemused by it. Everyone knew Senator Amidala after all, she was a determined and powerful woman, one you didn’t easily dismiss.

Rex had a lot of respect for her, she had always been a voice for good.

His words quieted some of the conversation of the other 501st in the house, his voice carrying enough.

Anakin however didn’t seem to realize, he only let out a bitter snort. “Maybe she would have, if she had a leg to stand on.” He stated wryly, kicking his legs out in front of him and setting his empty glass down on the caff table.

When their former Jedi had come to visit the 501st in their… well, Rex wasn’t sure what to call it but every battalion had their own headquarters or barracks so to speak now. It was generally a house, a few floors depending on how big the battalion was, a place to stretch their legs, talk, do their hobbies and have fun.

Technically a ‘break room’ situation so to speak, only it was a house instead, with rooms dedicated to rest, eating if they wanted and didn’t go to the larger cantinas to eat with other battalions or Jedi, hobby rooms and so on.

Often though, others visited them at the headquarters, trading food stuffs and so on.

It was nice, a place for the battalions to stretch their wings so to say, their own space for… well, whatever they wanted, just like the homes they had.

Anakin was the first Jedi, because he’d always be a Jedi to them, to visit the 501st and Rex couldn’t help a proud kernel in his stomach at the admiring look their Jedi threw around the first break room that meet them, filled with couches, caff table, a few fridges and lots of beanbags.

He had been even more impressed with the selection of drinks and snack foods he had been offered.

Now though, Rex regretted not offering the other something stronger as the blond gave his glass a bitter look. “…What do you mean sir?” Rex ventured carefully.

When the other just mutely stared at the glass, Rex shifted of the couch and moved around the table to sit down with Anakin instead, peering at the other man with a small frown on his face. “…Told you to call me Anakin… quite a few times actually.” He finally sighed, glancing at Rex.

Peering back steadily, Rex reached out slowly at Anakin’s slumped shape, settling his hand on the others shoulder. “Then… what did you mean Anakin?” He prompted carefully.

Settling back against the couch, Anakin tilted his head to peer up at the ceiling. “…When the Jedi left Coruscant…” He started slowly, frowning as if in pain. “I figured out just what was most important to Padme… and it wasn’t me or the kids…” He answered lowly, hands clenched into the fabric of his pants.

Slowly, with careful prompting, Rex got the story out of Anakin.

The days of isolation, of the Senator disappearing to the Senate for so long that not even Anakin saw her for days, of only the staff being around, of Anakin discovering that without the Jedi around, he was isolated to only his wife and the few friends he had managed to make among her fellow Senators.

Even then, that weren’t many, due to how Anakin had no interest for politics for one and due to the difference in life.

Anakin had been a slave and then he was a Jedi and a soldier, his life wasn’t pampered like many Senators. His life had been brutal, steady and hard, which made it difficult for him to connect to people like the soft handed senators with only a few exceptions.

It stunned Rex to the core, to realize that after they left, Anakin had been virtually friendless and he couldn’t help but reach out and pull his Jedi into a hug, clinging to the man, realizing that just like the 501st had missed Anakin… Anakin had missed them just as much.

Long arms wrapped around him in turn, the grip tight, as if Anakin couldn’t get enough of the hug and was terrified Rex was going to pull away.

He wouldn’t and Rex simply pressed his hand to the others back. “Its alright. You’re here now. We’re here. You can’t get rid of us that easily.” He whispered, looking up to find Echo and Jesse standing at their side, their hands joining Rex on Anakin’s back to gently rub, faces drawn in worry.

Their Jedi let out a soft, hiccuping noise and simply buried his head in Rex shoulder, hands fisting the back of his shirt.

“You can’t get rid of us.” Rex repeated quietly into curly blond hairs.

Docile doll, rex, cody and obi wan reunited?

Weeks of careful planning is a must, weeks of gathering intel, of resources poured into one missions, calling in favors, getting a ship that can bypass the Empire’s security, getting a basic trooper outfit, unpainted, getting falsified papers…

But they’re ready.

They’re going to do this for Obi-Wan’s sake.

To set Obi-Wan’s mind at peace, because Obi-Wan’s wide eyes is something the troopers are all too used to seeing when Vader marches in on a place that has rumored to have held Obi-Wan with Cody at his sake.

For him, they are getting Cody out.

Its not that they don’t want to, of course not, if they could, the would get all their brothers out of the hell that is the chips…

But they don’t have the resources for all of them, they can’t bring them all out, as much as they desperately wants to. To save every last one of their brothers from the Empire and the snake at the top, leading everything.

However, they can’t.

They don’t have the resources for it, they don’t have the space and they don’t have the manpower to do it.

They do bring some vod out of it, when they can, a squad they come over, knocking them out and taking them to the medbay of their ships, getting them dechipped and rescued. But not as many as they wished they could.

Cody however is bait and they all know it, he’s bait for Obi-Wan.

They had all known that from the moment they had seen the blank eyed Commander, their vod, marching beside Vader, as if he didn’t have morals anymore.

Cody had always had strong morals, had them from the moment he was decanted on Kamino and under General Kenobi, they had only been fortified as he learned and saw more of the world and of the Jedi behavior.

Cody was a man of honor, morals and justice.

The blank eyed man was not Cody.

Couldn’t be Cody.

But he would be Cody again.

That was why Rex was on Coruscant, dressed in the white of a shiny from salvaged armor, following the commander silently.

Around him, others from Homebase were following equally silent, all of them grim but determined.

The plan was simple.

Follow Cody until he was alone, hypo him, keep him in place until he was out, deprive him of armor in case of trackers and bring him to the ship they had bartered from a smuggler with the falsified papers.

Then they ran.

Cody was making it hard though, most of the day he had been with Vader, making it impossible to approach him and Rex honestly worried that if he got too close, Vader would feel that it was him.

It was one of those things, when Vader had been General Skywalker, had always been nice, that the man always knew who his troopers were and called them by name.

Now it was a nuisance.


So they had to use distance.

Only Lamb could approach without worry as Lamb was not part of the 212th or the 501st, he had been a shiny from 612th and therefore Vader had never meet him. So he had been set on trail duty for most of the day, keeping the other appraised through their private and protected comms.

They did have one scare, when one of Tarkin’s lackeys had tried to send them of to the other side of Coruscant but had managed to get out of it. By sending another team of troopers unfortunately, they didn’t like taking advantage of their own, mindwashed brothers but they didn’t have much choice.

They had to get Cody and they had to get him soon.

‘Hold on Obi-Wan… soon Cody will be home with us… just don’t do anything stupid.’ Rex bit his lips, eyes on the back of his black armored brother, wondering how many Jedi the other had murdered in his state.

Under Vader’s orders.

‘Force, I don’t ask for much, but please let it be zero.’ Rex swallowed.

In AWOL Jedi, what’s going on with Fox and the Guard? Are they staying permanently or just waiting until things settle down before they nope on out of there?

Breathing out a sigh of contentment as he stared up into the blue sky, Cody couldn’t think of any place he’d want to be at that moment.

Laying shirtless on the grass in the sun, his arms tucked beneath his head as the warmth of the climate washed over him. It was the 212th week off from work, to rest and decompress from building and rotating another battalion over onto their work.

Around him, others had taken the same opportunity for some sunbathing, most troopers enjoying sprawling in the sun due to the lack of it on Kamino.

Kamino was generally always wet and cold, the sun only occasionally peeking out from the stormy sky and to be able to enjoy it on Vercopa.

Well, at least on the southern hemisphere, where the temple and their capital city was built.

The northern part was colder and so was the eastern, while west apparently had desert climate.

Cody had only been to the east and south, so he could only rely on the reports from the other towns about how it was there.

To be honest, Cody preferred staying in the south, near the Jedi temple.

Near Obi-Wan.

Talking about Obi-Wan…

Cody lifted his head a tad, looking around, relaxing when he found the Jedi sitting under in the shade of a tree with Helix, reading a novel.

They had, gently, bullied their Jedi to put on sunscreen and join them in their little trip out of the city to a grassy area, though it hadn’t really taken much coaxing to convince Obi-Wan to join them for the break. And Helix enjoyed keeping an eye on their Jedi, especially after the Coruscant visit, since Obi-Wan contracted some lung strain due to his weakened immune system.

All in all, it was a very nice sight.

“Fox is pissy.” A warm voice came from his left, Cody dropping his head back into his head to look, smirking at Rex as the man came over to sit down.

Apparently it was the 501st week break too, if Rex was here instead of working on the vegetable patches they had been assigned this month. “Oh?” Cody raised a brow, quietly wondering what the 501st month task would be.

He knew the 212th were going to be working on the hot spring that was going to be set up near the Jedi temple.

Actually, maybe the 501st would be working on the other hot spring in the city?

He knew there were plants for two.

Humming, fiddling with some grass, Rex nodded. “He’s so done dealing with the Senate. The longnecks apparently tried to get us back as ‘products’,” Rex snorted. “Until Organa pointed out that the vode were put under the purview of the Jedi by the Senate and therefore they had the right to remove us from Kamino.” He smirked at Cody.

Cody grimaced a tad, grateful for Organa’s intervention but the reminder that to many, they were simply ‘products’… well, it was never a comforting sensation.

“I think he’s jealous that he can’t just leave Coruscant.” He laughed.

Snorting, Cody could understand that, having to deal with all the Senate assholes and those that were against clones.

The Jedi had sent in a warning that the troopers would be leaving Coruscant to the Senate though, they had two months to find replacements for the guards. After all, the clones were under the Order’s purview, given to the Order by the very Senate.

It was delightful how that decision had come back to bite not only the Senate but also the longnecks in the arse.

Fair to Fox, having to stay there with those fatcats would be annoying, particularly the arrogant would be difficult, so Fox’s mood was understandable. “Can’t say I don’t get it, I’d be pissy too if it was me,” He smirked at the man, watching Rex lay down beside him on the grass. “…Where is Skywalker?” Cody couldn’t help but ask.

Ever since he had joined them, Rex rarely let Anakin out of his sight.

“Wanted to spend some quality time with Ahsoka and the twins,” Rex shrugged. “…Jesse is keeping an eye with them.” He admitted, smirking slightly at Cody’s raised brow.

Snorting, Cody nodded with understanding.

No trooper liked leaving their Jedi fully alone, there was always someone from the old GAR battalion with them, be it the commanders, a medic or one of the higher ranking troopers.

Always someone keeping an eye on them.

Especially the younglings or the ones that found trouble the most.

Anakin, and by extension his kids, were counted in the latter.

Turning his face back up to the sun, Cody let out a small hum as Rex settled to enjoy the sun with him, a soft breeze sweeping over them. ‘…I could never have imagined this in my training days as a cadet… and now I’m here… laying in the warm sun, my vode all around me and my Jedi comfortably reading under a tree…’ He couldn’t help but smile.

How strange life could be.

How… peaceful.

Its been a hot minute, but for Jedi are Cats (something like that) do the clones have their own version of YouTube to put their videos of their generals being funny?

To the delight of the entire galaxy, the GAR clones had started their own holopage for their Jedi General’s shenanigans.

With weekly donations, it was running smoothly, updated by several battalions daily to make it worth the credits. Most of the donations were used to the upkeep of the page of course but some of it went into the GAR.

There had been quite a few thank you on the page from each battalion, investing in better caff or tea or treats.

It was rather adorable and had racked up a tad more donations, just to see them enjoy themselves and share with their Jedi.

Then there were the delightful videos themselves, all of them arranged Jedi by Jedi, so one could find their favorite Jedi. There was also the option to cross search for certain feline behavior, just so the viewer could find their favorite hilarity.


The angle of the camera was shaky and low, alerting the viewer to the fact that it was a helmet camera once more and that it was suited on the trooper’s hip. Finally though, the shaky angle became clear and allowed the viewer to see…

Plo Koon, curled up in an ammo crate, looking for all the world like there was nowhere else the kel dor would want to be with a blanket beneath himself. The man looked to be half asleep from what they could tell with the googles and breathing mask and he was actually purring faintly.

“…General, what in the world are you doing?” A gruff voice questioned.

The Jedi shifted inside the crate, lifting his head slightly from his own head to look up before huffing a tad in amusement. “Ah, Wolffe, I’m merely taking a nap.” The Jedi stated cheerfully.

“…In an ammo crate?” The same voice repeated, sounding merely resigned instead of incredulous.

Considering that the entire galaxy was now aware of the Jedi’s feline traits, no one was shocked by it at all and most were giggling at how adorable the kel dor was behaving.

“Indeed, its comfortable and safe. Would you like to join me?” Brows creased and cheeks shifted in a clear smile.

“…Thank you for the offer sir, but no thank you. Please enjoy your nap.” Came a low, drawn out sigh.


“Doooooon’t.” A blond trooper, Captain Rex, stated seriously, eyes narrowed in the video as he stood in front of his General at the mess table. This video was taken from a distance in a command room, clearly by another trooper watching the exchange of their General and their Captain.

Seated at said table, Anakin Skywalker sat, staring up at his captain with wide, mock innocent eyes, the back of his mech hand placed against a cup.

What was in the cup was hard to tell, but what was clear, was that this was a cup shoving behavior of a feline.

Or a Force sensitive being.

The stare-off continued, the General slowly moving the cup another inch and the captain growling deeply. “General… I swear…” He raised a finger at the other man. “Don’t you dare… I brought you that so you could hydrate…” The captain wagged it.

The human in front of him watched the finger wag, tilted his head, as if debating his option and then gave a grin so wide it looked loopy before he sent the cup flying into the air.



Another shot, this time in what looked like a camp on some planet or moon, General Kenobi practically strutting across the camp towards his Commander with a wide smile on his lips. “Cody!” He called out.

The man in question, Commander Cody as his scar made him very unique among his peer, lifted his head from the pad he was looking over, the man sitting outside at a rickety table. “General?” The man greeted with a small smile, blinking when the man placed something on the table. “General, what is this?” He questioned curiously, setting his pad aside to pickup a leaf, the tips of it colored a light blue like a sky, while the bottom turned almost black.

Chuckling, General Kenobi rubbed awkwardly at the back of his neck, his ears turning a tad red. “Its a Yuran tree leaf, they’re unique for their blue, gradient color and this in particular was beautiful. I wanted you to have it.” He informed him with a wry twist of his lips.

It was rather funny, to see all the feline behavior the Jedi had and more, it was adorable.

How odd, they went from being mysterious to adorable beings.

Just saw the new Fertilewar Au and like what are the thoughts of Stewjoni Obi-wan about being given an entire battalion of Mandalorians? Does he know his heritage or is he utterly confused about what his instincts are telling him and the feelings of want and hunger all the clones are projecting into the Force towards him?

Watching his master and the captain talk together, Obi-Wan fiddled awkwardly with his robe, needle held tightly between index and thumb as he sat outside his tent in lotus position.

He was going to mend a hole in his robe but had gotten… distracted if he was honest.

The clones were distracting, despite trying to modulate their thoughts a tad for the Jedi sake, it was difficult for most to ignore them when their thoughts flashed so loudly sometimes.

Especially for him.

Obi-Wan wasn’t sure why, but everything about them made his very soul seemingly sit up and take notice. Hell, even Jango Fett had produced that reaction, so maybe it was something to do with Jango, as the original template?

But so far Obi-Wan just hadn’t had time to figure it out and being around his former master made it hard too.

Don’t get him wrong, he loved Anakin but uh… Anakin could be a tad overprotective. And if he learned that Obi-Wan was attracted to basically the entire GAR and they were seemingly attracted back, then Obi-Wan would never get a moment of privacy while on campaigns.

It was just how Anakin was.

Obi-Wan couldn’t quite blame the other man really.

Anakin took on Obi-Wan on just days before he turned thirteen, his face a scowling storm, muttering something about interfering goblins and old masters before gently leading Obi-Wan away from a transport to Bandomeer.

The masters had sent Obi-Wan away.

Then Knight Skywalker had come for him, finding him on the transport bay, moments before boarding the Monument, offering him an apprenticeship with him.

It had taken… weeks, if not months, before Obi-Wan had felt secure in his position as Anakin’s padawan.

After all, he had been sent away before he turned thirteen, for reasons he at the time didn’t really understand. He had seen passionate and even angry Jedi before, so why was he so much worse?

Anakin had finally told him, years later, that it was Grandmaster Yoda’s fault, that he had intended him for his linage, but through Qui-Gon Jinn.

Obi-Wan wasn’t sure what to make of that.

He liked his grandmaster well enough, he guessed, but… the idea of being apprentice to a man that disregarded visions so obviously when Obi-Wan’s skills laid in precognition and prophecy…

It didn’t sound like a good match.

Anakin had apparently figured it out, which was why he had come for Obi-Wan on the platform. Supposedly, there had been several Knights and Masters interested in teaching Obi-Wan, who had been discouraged by Yoda since he wanted him for Qui-Gon Jinn.

Learning that had been… difficult.

Anakin knew that and due to that knowledge, had been protective from the get go, keeping his padawan close to him and stressing about every little injury and hurt.

Then Melida/Daan happened.

It was an ancient conflict, it was supposedly easing a bit when Anakin and Obi-Wan were there, mostly to refuel and get a look at the planet.

The war had been going on, only a lull between battles in a conflict that had beeing on for far too long.

Now with a plague added.

With destroyed waterlines, waste and corpses piling, disease had become a plague on the world and in just half an hour, Obi-Wan had become separated from his master after a bomb hit down too close for comfort and Anakin had been unable to land again after evacuation when he realized his padawan wasn’t on the ship, the planet put under quarantine.

Obi-Wan lowkey blamed R2 for Anakin not realizing he was there, if he was honest.

Not that Anakin didn’t try, but under the threat of being shot out of the sky due to the plague to avoid spreading it, there wasn’t much even an ace pilot like Anakin could do.

The fourteen year old still spent over a month on a plague and war infested world, fighting with the Young, who wanted the war to end.

It felt like the right thing… but everything had gone so horribly wrong so fast, just when peace seemed to be in sight.

Anakin hadn’t let his padawan out of his sight for weeks after that, growling at anyone that made a comment about Obi-Wan fighting in a war.

‘But it came in use, didn’t it?’ Obi-Wan thought a tad cynically, peering at his master and the captain again, only to look away quickly when he found amber eyes looking at him in return, his cheeks burning.

He felt hungry again and felt the same hunger reflected back at him.

‘Why… no one else reacts to them like I do… why are they making me so hungry…’ Obi-Wan swallowed thickly and glanced up through his lashes, breathing a tad out in relief that Rex was no longer looking at him. ‘I need to figure this out.’

ok i need to know if Rex can save Cody in te continuation of docile doll and some aftermats of the drug used in Obi and Vader dying of anger

There is something extremely cathartic to be able to share Obi-Wan’s bed.

To be able to watch him breath slowly and steadily, his lined face at peace and almost young looking despite the grey at his temple and in his beard as he breathes slowly and steadily, a slight snore escaping him.

When Obi-Wan, shyly and a tad uncertain, had asked if Rex wanted to share quarters…

Well, Rex had been honored and relieved.

He knew the other had nightmares often and the idea of being able to keep an eye on his boyfriend, to help him work through the nightmares…

Well, he had jumped on the offer, knowing how difficult it had been for Obi-Wan after everything he had been put through by Vader. For the other to share himself like this again, to share bed and intimate space with someone, it was a huge step and Rex knew it.

It was why he had been stunned and happy when Obi-Wan had slowly drawn him into bed and curled into him, resting his head on the blond’s collarbone while tucking his own leg between Rex’s own.

From the looks of it, he had slept well from what Rex saw, the two sleeping face to face, having shifted in the night.

Unable to resist, Rex reached out to push the others hair out of his face, teasing the strands behind his ear.

Playing slowly with the growing length of hair, Rex couldn’t help but smile at the other’s sleeping face.

Obi-Wan was so stressed or lost often, ever since order 66 and his stint as Vader’s ‘doll’ and seeing this, seeing how him relaxed, soft, warm and pliant, was a gift to be treasured.

Some days, Rex couldn’t help but wonder how he, a clone, could be granted this.

If it should have been anyone, it should have been Cody, who had worked the closest with Obi-Wan.

‘But he’s not here, not yet. And Obi-Wan…’ Rex had always harbored some feelings for the redheaded Jedi. But in the war, he had put it aside and simply kept onto his fondness for the man while being professional.

Now there was no GAR, they were no longer an army and they did not follow the Rebellion after they had tried to use Obi-Wan.

Rex would never work with someone that had been willing to trade Obi-Wan back to Vader, nor would any other clone that was free and that had ever been in contact with the Jedi.

“…I can feel you staring at me.” Obi-Wan’s sleep rasped voice brought Rex out of his thoughts and he chuckled softly, resting his hand on Obi-Wan’s cheek as green eyes flickered open to peer sleepily at him, Obi-Wan smiling softly.

“Good morning.” Rex murmured quietly, not wanting to break the soft, slow moment of the morning schedule of their ship.

“Mmmn… morning.” Obi-Wan sighed happily, shifting closer to Rex. He slid a heavy, warm arm around Rex waist, tugging him in.

Willingly, Rex went, their knees knocking together lightly as they curled up chest to chest, head on their respective pillows. They really should be getting up, they had duties to preform on Homebase and breakfast to eat before that but…

To just lay there, in their bed, sharing the warmth and comfort was a luxury Rex intended to enjoy.

“Your hair is getting long.” He noted softly, teasing his fingers through the copper lengths.

The words got a quiet laugh, Obi-Wan reaching out to tease Rex hair in return, a grin growing on his face. “So is yours… do you like it?” He wondered curiously.

“Mine or yours?” Rex hummed, smirking slightly at the wry look he got in return. “I have to say, I don’t mind it. While in the GAR, it was just easier to just buzz it but now…” Rex shrugged, smiling happily. “I do like yours too though, it suits you.” He twirled the lock of hair around his finger.

Obi-Wan sighed happily at the touch, humming happily. “Well, if you want a haircut, just tell me.” He stated a tad dreamily and Rex felt a stab in his stomach.

‘It should be Cody here, having this, getting this offer…’ Guilt and love warred in him as he pulled the other to him and held onto Obi-Wan, nuzzling slowly.

bro I love your floralskin series so much, what happens after Obi-Wan and Cody talk about it???

Breathing thickly as he woke, his chest hurting and his eyes crusty, Anakin wondered for a moment what was wrong with him as he tried to push himself up onto his elbows only to drop with a deep groan as his head throbbed.

“Anakin?” There was a muffled voice and Anakin whined, covering his eyes with a hand as light shone into the room.

There was a click, the sound of rushing water and someone spitting and then he heard steps, a door closing behind the person. The bed dipped moments later, a warm and slightly smaller hand than his wrapping around his hand, lifting it gently from his face.

Squinting, Anakin peered blearily up at a worried looking Rex, his soulmate facial flower creased by the frown he was sporting. “I’d ask how you feel but its clear you’re not well.” He murmured quietly, raising his other hand to his Jedi’s forehead, letting out a soft hiss.

Normally, Anakin would marvel at the sight of Rex wearing one of Anakin’s tunic but he honestly felt too miserable to even contemplate it.’

“You got strong fever,” Rex murmured worriedly, moving his hands slowly around the others face before huffing slightly. “Okay, you are not leaving these quarters. That meeting with the council is canceled.” He stated seriously.

“But Obi-Wan… needs me…” Anakin swallowed thickly, struggling to get up once more only to groan as Rex placed a firm hand on his chest, pushing him back into the sheets.

“General Kenobi has all the information you could give him,” Rex stated sternly before softening. “Cyare, please. You have a bad fever and you’re clearly not feeling well. Rest, I’ll call the General and inform him and IF you are needed, they’ll comm you.” He assured.

Peering blearily at the other half of his soul, Anakin hesitated before nodding, giving a small grunt at how that made his head ache.

He was honestly miserable and the idea of doing anything, even leaving the bed, sounded like a horrible action.

So he let Rex call Obi-Wan to inform him of Anakin’s condition, quietly curling up in bed instead as he rolled onto his side.

How much time had passed by the time Rex returned to him again, Anakin wasn’t sure but he let out a grateful little noise when Rex pressed a cool gel pack onto his forehead. “I cooked some plain rice, do you think you could eat that?” Rex murmured.

Squinting at the small bowl in Rex lap, Anakin paused a bit. “…Is that Ahsoka’s treat bowls?” He questioned with some amusement as he took in the size and black décore on the white bowl.

Ahsoka had a few small bowls that she would fill with treats, trying not to eat too many at a time. It generally failed because she’d refill it more than twice but hey, Anakin wasn’t about to call her on that.

Rex let out a small chuckle, nodding. “Yeah, figured you wouldn’t want a lot of rice if you ate any at all. So, what do you say?” Rex lifted a spoonful of rice from it, offering Anakin the lukewarm grains.

Peering at it for a moment, Anakin let out a small huff before opening his mouth, chewing slowly when Rex popped it in.

He knew he should eat something and some rice wasn’t the worst thing to test. Obi-Wan used to feed him puffed rice crackers when he was younger but Anakin would often forget to buy them in for himself.

The rice however was fine and while it settled a tad heavily, he did empty the bowl.

When Rex tried to leave though, Anakin let out a soft whine and wrapped his arms around his captain’s waist, giving him a doe eyed look.

Rex hummed but set the bowl on the nightstand. Then he carefully tucked himself under the blanket, pulling Anakin’s head to his chest. “Alright, just until you fall asleep runi.” He whispered.

Anakin let out an agreeable noise to that, pressing his nose to Rex chest.

The other smelled nice and listening to Rex heartbeat was always nice. Hell, just sharing the bed with him was nice, despite Anakin being ill.

‘If only every day could be like this, even though I’m sick.’ Anakin mused to himself with a smile.

Runi = Soul

What is happening in AWOL jedi?

Carefully picking up the blond haired baby, Rex let out a small coo and grinned happily as he bounced the giggling bundle, glancing over when Anakin repeated the action with his daughter.

Becoming a father, as exhausting as it was, had done the other man well.

There was a peace in the other man’s eyes that had never been there during the war, even during down times.

Though then again, they had been in war, being tranquil had never really been something people felt easy.

To relax or feel comfortable.

Just brief, stolen moments.

With a child pressed to your chest, you couldn’t help but modulate yourself, relax, feel your breath fall into an even state as your heart settled calmly.

There was also the responsibility of having someone that was totally reliant on you for even the most basic of things, to eat, clean yourself and even hold their heads that had a way of making you grow.

Feeling the gaze, Anakin looked at his former captain and smiled slightly, a tad shyly. “What? Is there something on my face?” He questioned quietly as he tucked Leia into his neck.

Shaking his head, smiling slightly in return, Rex opened his mouth to answer only for both to jump around when the door slammed open, Rex automatically reaching for a blaster he wasn’t wearing.

Thankfully, since it was only Obi-Wan, his eyes wide and excited with a big smile on his face. “Anakin! Anakin look what I found!” He held up an odd, blue plant growth.

His fellow blond quirked both his eyebrows, his shy smile turning bemused but wider, Obi-Wan’s clear excitement infectious. “A plant?” He guessed. “A very nice blue plant?” Anakin tacked on when Obi-Wan’s lips turned that familiar not pout twist.

“Its a form for citrus,” Obi-Wan squirmed a bit, his smile still wide despite the not-pout twist of his lips. “Similar to lemon but blue.” He beamed, wiggling excitedly even as the two blonds froze slightly.

Rex automatically accepted Leia when the other handed her over, settling her against the opposite shoulder to Luke. “Oh really,” Anakin said, purposely keeping his voice light. “Found today?” He cleared his throat.

“Mmhmm, I found it, an entire orchid of wild grown. I wonder if it can be peeled…” Obi-Wan was studying the fruit with his eyes, missing Rex and Anakin’s horrified expression exchange.

“You are not putting that in your tea until its been examined Obi-Wan.” Anakin stated strongly, taking a step towards his old master.

The redhead bounced back a step, moving further away. “Its just a piece of fruit Anakin, I’m sure its harmless.” He huffed, coloring a bit at the dubious look the other two exchanged.

“You mean like the poisoned grain we found last week?” Rex questioned a tad dryly, remembering Cody groaning into his shoulder about his General eating poisoned grain.

“Or that rabbit creature you found, whose fur could shift into razor like spikes while you were petting it?” Anakin tacked on just as quickly. “You are not testing that thing yourself, regardless how much you miss lemon in your teas, don’t test me Obi-Wan, I will tell Cody.” Anakin said sternly.

Cradling the blue citrus to his chest, slowly looking between the two blonds, Obi-Wan seemed to be considering his options.

Then he stuck out his tongue at them, much to Rex surprise. “You can’t stop me!” The man raced right out with Anakin on his tail.

Clearly he had expected this to happen, as he had given Leia over to Rex, the captain juggling two twins in his arms. “Obi-Wan get back here! Master Gallia! Stop him! He has an unknown and untested fruit! SOMEONE CALL CODY!” The commotion echoed across the building town.

Slowly, Rex looked between the two twins, getting sleepy blinks from both of them. “…Guess you two are with me for the time being,” He stated, a tad amused but mostly worried, glancing after the other two males. “…Lets hope your uncle doesn’t poison himself… again.” He sighed, resigning himself to calling Cody.

Di’kut Jedi.