This isn’t a prompt unless you want it to be, just wanted to say how much I loved the latest bit of Secret We Carry! Obi-Wan just seems so fragile and I love it — and I love how everyone’s taking care of him. The details of how his hands were shaking were awesome. What’s in the blue bottle?? Maybe we’ll find out soon! Anyway, thanks for writing!!

Pulling out his pad and powering it without looking up, Helix let out a low hum as he settled behind his desk in the medbay office. “Its a concentrated mix of painkillers along with a multi vitamin mix, in particular iron and vitamin C.” He stated quietly as he looked over the General’s blood test once more in case he missed something.

He’d hate to have to put in another IV after promising Obi-Wan that once the bottle was done, they could remove the needle and all.

Apparently it made the Jedi faintly ill sometimes to look at, which was why he had taped the thing to prevent him from staring at it.

“I see.” Came the softer than expected reply, prompting Helix to look up at his commander and vod.

Cody was staring at a spot above Helix head with his arms crossed over his chest, eyes rather glazed though seemingly calm.

Appearances could be deceptive though, as Helix well knew from treating patients, especially Jedi but most clones also learned to hide their emotions most of the time, especially if they disliked being fussed over or were vaguely Force sensitive.

It had honestly taken the medic a shockingly long time, mixed with frustration, as to why Jedi often tried to avoid or leave the med stations so quickly.

The hurt, pain and sickness lingered in the Force apparently, even in the Jedi temple from what his General had confessed, though the healers there did their best to dispel that for the patients as they could.

But normal clinics couldn’t, normal medics weren’t able.

That’s why his General was so quick to leave or wanted to treat his own injuries.

And why Helix, if he could, instead went to his General ever since the man confessed to him.

He had also shared that news with Kix at the first opportunity, the other’s eyes flashing with sudden understanding as to why even his General avoided the medbay, despite clearly loving the troopers as Skywalker did, his heart on his sleeve at all times.

Cody however was not among the Force sensitive clones and he accepted being treated, which was why Helix watched him closely for a sign of anything out of the normal. Him coming to the office to ask about the General was quite normal though, so that wasn’t something Helix even thought long about.

He didn’t find anything but that didn’t mean there wasn’t something. “…Are you alright commander?” Helix finally ventured.

Cody’s eyes fell to Helix and he stared for several long seconds before slumping. “Are any of us?” He questioned right back. “Could any of us be alright right now?” He tightened his arms, almost wrapping them around himself instead of simply crossing his arms over his chest.

Slumping too at the response, Helix gave a small nod as he leaned back in his office chair, ignoring the creak of the thing. “No, no you’re right. I wouldn’t expect any of us to really be alright.” He agreed quietly, swallowing thickly as he glanced to the terminal, relaxing when the recorder still showed Obi-Wan laid out in bed, the vitals still steady.

Helix hadn’t been able to work in peace without keeping an eye on his General but he knew he couldn’t constantly observe him without Obi-Wan becoming uncomfortable and uneasy, something the man didn’t need.

So he compromised, going to his office but pulling up the security recording for the medbay on his terminal along with Obi-Wan’s vitals.

It allowed Helix peace of mind and Obi-Wan to feel he wasn’t under scrutiny. “Its understandable if we’re shaken.” He almost whispered.

He knew the constant need to know where and how the Jedi was doing wasn’t healthy for Helix own sake, sitting in the office just watching Obi-Wan as the man slept or read or talked with others but…

Helix needed the reassurance.

Wasn’t he owed just a little peace of mind?

He was the one that had been there and seen everything.

He was the one that had been there to put bacta in places, to hook Obi-Wan to wires and take his blood test and know just how badly his General had been hurt when away from them.

And he was the one that had to save the General when he didn’t do the full blood tests to ensure Obi-Wan’s safety.

He had Obi-Wan’s blood on his hands and he had been the one that had to take care of the fetus, his hands trembling as he held the bloody little thing in his hands, unable to think of anything but the tiniest of vode back on Kamino.

A hand touched his cheek, bringing him back from his thoughts and Helix blinked, feeling tears slip down his face as he looked up at Cody as the older clone stared back at him, his lips twisted into a grimace.

“I…” Helix hiccuped and Cody leaned down as Helix reached up, the two hugging each other tightly.

He felt his hair bun be undone, the curls coming down only for Cody to run one hand through his hair. “Its alright to cry brother, its alright. We’re not okay. And its okay if we’re not okay. So you can cry.” Cody whispered, his voice choked as Helix sobbed into the commander’s pauldron, ignoring how hard it was as the hand continued rubbing his scalp and hair.

Oof, Obi-Wan’s really not doing so hot in lightthroughcracks. How hard is this going to affect him? Thanks for writing!!

Blinking slowly as his door opened, Obi-Wan resisted the urge to wrap his arms around himself as he instead just continued laying there, the soft sweeps of the person entering coming closer to him until Obi-Wan could see who it was.

Master Windu, it seemed it was the Korun master’s turn today.

He smiled gently at Obi-Wan and sat down on the bed. “Good morning Obi-Wan, have you slept well?” He murmured quietly, reaching out and resting his palm on the Stewjoni’s temple, his fingers gently threading through the greasy hair.

Obi-Wan simply shrugged, uncertain if he had or not.

Not that the council masters or the healers taking care of him the last week cared that his answers were verbal.

As long as Obi-Wan answered in some manner, they didn’t force him to do it in another. A part of Obi-Wan recognized that they didn’t want to push him too hard in case it made him withdraw but he just felt so tired most of the time.

Especially since the bond between himself and Anakin had been closed down.

He knew it was a good reason for it but Anakin pretty much bleed energy and comfort through their bond and to feel the consequences of not having it… well, it was hard.

At least the Jedi helping him were trying their best.

“Good, good,” Mace murmured, fingers gently teasing Obi-Wan’s hair before he let a small frown cross his dark face, brown eyes flickering up to Obi-Wan’s hair and then back down. “You hair seems greasy. How does a proper water bath sound today?” He stated quietly.

An offer, not a demand or an order or a judgment really, despite bringing up Obi-Wan’s greasy hair.

Slowly, Mace fingers still in his hair, Obi-Wan reached up to his chin and ran his fingers along his jaw and chin.

He could feel the stubbles and suddenly Obi-Wan felt unbearably filthy, giving a small nod and a low noise that prompted Mace to remove his hand only to shift them under Obi-Wan and help him sit up, quietly ordering the light up to fifty percent.

Finally Obi-Wan’s semi permanent room was lit up for the first time that day, the calming blue shades of the healing room comforting him along with the sight of a dresser with his lightsaber sitting in full view should he need it.

Not that he would but it was a safety thing, the healers stressing to the masters helping Obi-Wan that he required his lightsaber in view due to the situation that lead to him loosing his master.

Carefully, Mace got him up and lead him out to the fresher, setting him on the loo lid.

Quietly, Obi-Wan started with faintly trembling hands to undo his tunic layers as Mace instead turned to the tub to start the water and add bubble bath to it, the scent of some kind of wood filling the room the moment hot water hit it.

Several scents had been banned, due to Obi-Wan associating it with Qui-Gon, not until the broken bond that continued to cause Obi-Wan’s mind to become infected was properly laced for the poison that was putting Obi-Wan into a permanent state of pain and depression.

And even then the healers had cautioned that Obi-Wan would likely never be fully rid his depression, that he had gone through one of several traumatic events and the last straw was the loss of his master in front of him.

Pausing, Obi-Wan stared at his hands before looking up, finding Mace watching him in return. The man raised his brow when he saw Obi-Wan pausing. “Yes?”

Licking his lips, Obi-Wan continued unwrapping himself. “Ani?” He finally murmured, shrugging off his tunic as he saw the master of the order’s eyes soften with understanding.

“Currently with Master Ti, she’s guiding him through some moving meditation,” He murmured quietly, coming over to help pull Obi-Wan to his feet. “He asks for you everyday. Hopes that you return soon.” Mace stated.

Warmth bloomed inside of Obi-Wan, bringing a sense of calmness that felt very similar to the relief Obi-Wan found when he leaned on the bond between himself and Anakin. It was a good feeling but he said nothing, only nodded and stepped out of his pants and underwear.

He had long ago lost any sense of shame for his body thanks to the communal way Jedi were raised, not to mention missions out in the field with his master and other Jedi.

And it helped that Mace wasn’t staring, only gently fussed him into the warm bath and rolled up his sleeves as he sat down on the rim of the tub.

‘I’ll get better… for Ani. I’m coming back… soon. Just wait for me Anakin…’ Obi-Wan mentally promised, shivering slightly as he let himself sunk down into the warm water, a small noise escaping him as Mace took the small bowl and started to wet Obi-Wan’s hair.

Oh my god I was so pleased to see an update to Lightthroughcracks, because I also have been looking through your archive and it was one of my favorites! Can we please see more of that?

The smell of dorin gas and tea was rather soothing Obi-Wan had to admit, as was the darkness with his face in Plo’s neck.

Now, dorin gas was kinda poisonus to humans but Obi-Wan couldn’t directly find it in himself to care at this moment as Plo’s steady gait swayed him, the council master taking him… somewhere. Obi-Wan wasn’t quite sure where, not willing to lift his head.

He was just so exhausted and the rocking gait was lulling him even more.

It wasn’t directly sending him to sleep but it was making him drowsy for sure.

He could hear people, quiet voices, the scant sound of whispers.


Obi-Wan still couldn’t find it in himself to care.

And then he heard Master Che, alerting him to the fact that he was in the Halls of Healing.

Okay, now he cared.

He let out a low noise, shifting but Plo only quietly shushed him, adjusting his hold on Obi-Wan as he continued walking. “It is alright Obi-Wan, trust me.” The council master murmured quietly, his warm voice steady and soothing.

“I don’t like the Halls.” Obi-Wan choked out into the others robe.

“I know,” Plo chuckled faintly. “Unfortunately, you need it. Trust me.” He repeated.

Reluctantly stilling, the block between himself and Anakin reminding him that they wouldn’t give his padawan back until this was resolved, Obi-Wan dredged up a silver of resentment.

But mostly he just felt ashamed.

Ashamed for being weak, ashamed for leaning on Anakin and more than likely harming the boy.

Force, what if he had done proper damage to him for life?

Obi-Wan stifled a hiccup into Plo’s chest, too tired to really cry again as his eyes burned.

Plo pauses for a moment, there is a murmur of voices but Obi-Wan can’t get himself to focus on them beyond the fact that one is feminine and the other male.

The voices stop and then Plo moves again, his gait still steady and calm, the sound of a door opening and the smell of sterility giving way to… incense?

The scent was slightly sweet, alerting Obi-Wan to the fact as it managed to press its way through Plo’s scent.

Before he could puzzle it out however, he was set down and Obi-Wan let out a tired, questioning sound before huffing in surprise as he was carefully encouraging him to let go.

The room was surprisingly dark was the thing Obi-Wan noted, the room mimicking wood like walls and floor, as Plo slowly, steadily pressed him back and down until Obi-Wan rested on his back on a soft surface, a pillow behind his head.

A bed Obi-Wan’s mind supplied as he took in the almost candle like light of the rooms.

Plo gently stroked his temple, smiling at him before raising his head. “Now then, Healer Turma, if you please?” The kel dor murmured, a human with dark hair and slanted eyes stepping into Obi-Wan’s side, the man smiling emphatically at Obi-Wan.

It was enough to make Obi-Wan tense, having someone seen him like this, regardless of the entire council already had, made him feel ill.

The man didn’t seem to notice though, only bowed his head. “Greetings Knight Kenobi, I am going to give you an examination on the councils request. Please try to remain relaxed.” The unfamiliar man stated.

It left Obi-Wan tensing up, though the healer didn’t call him out on it as he instead just reached out and rested his hand on Obi-Wan’s temple, slipping past Obi-Wan’s shoddy shields now that he could no longer lean on Anakin.

His hand was warm, his hand smelled of hand lotion, a flower Obi-Wan was faintly familiar with as Qui-Gon used to grow them in their quarters.

The thought of his master send a spike of pain through Obi-Wan.

The man went from smiling to frowning fast, Obi-Wan wincing as he felt the probing touch and he almost pulled away when Healer Turma finally reached the fading master and apprentice bond.

He would have if Plo hadn’t taken that moment to grasp his hand, his clawed thumb stroking over Obi-Wan’s knuckles in a soothing motion.

If Obi-Wan had bothered to look around or stretch his Force senses, he would have noticed that Master Mace, Adi and Yoda were in the room too, due to the severity of Obi-Wan’s decline and his expertly managing to hide it.

“Oh dear,” Turma murmured, his frown growing even darker before he caught Obi-Wan’s eyes. “I don’t know how you’ve managed to keep yourself this stable Knight Kenobi, but your head is day six of a nine days hurricane. Any longer and permanent damage would have been in your future.” He stated worriedly.

Beyond exhausted, Obi-Wan just blinked slowly at the man.

A smile lit up on Turma’s face. “However, there is help here for those who seek it. We can help you Knight Kenobi.” He stated quietly.

Obi-Wan just closed his eyes, wishing the day was over.

Could it please be over?