Burning bird- “hell hath no fury like a” firebird’s dominant mate.

Its Anakin everyone worries
about as they make their way to the lavish apartment that belongs to
the Chancellor, Anakin’s entire body vibrating with certainty
as he can hear Obi-Wan, his hand often finding his saber and the
Force fluctuating around him.

he is a danger, a worry for sure even
with Qui-Gon having meet up with them with four judicial
officers who get explained that they are there because of Skywalker
and his mating instincts leading him directly to his mate.

apparently softens something in the woman leading them as they watch
Anakin’s vibrating body in the elevator, blue eyes focused on a
single spot above them that must be where Obi-Wan is.

yes, fire flickers his body as they move to confront Palpatine, the
man’s grandfatherly visage turning terrifying and dark.

they’ve forgotten something.

is a starbird too and his mate is within range, breaking the bonds
that holds him captive.

sees Anakin’s head snap towards the wall, blue eyes widening before
the knight calls out. “HIT THE FLOOR!”

the closest Judaical,
Qui-Gon drags the man down to the floor while seeing Kit do the same
with the two closest to him and Stass dragging the last one with her
even as Palpatine makes his way closer to the window and balcony of
the apartment.

next moment Qui-Gon just holds his breath as heat washes over them,
the smell of burning hair and the shriek of metal confirming that
fire is indeed washing over them but not directly touching them.

pulls back finally and Qui-Gon dares to lift his head and holds his
breath once more because there’s a hole through several
walls, melting metal and burning fabric right into a bedroom where
there is a ball of fire and barely through the flames he can see a

Anakin scrambles off the floor, jumping through the holes, avoiding
dripping metal even as Qui-Gon glances towards the balcony.

is gone.

saw his chance and escaped.’ Qui-Gon lips pulled into a taunt
grimace before pulling himself up and following after Anakin quickly
but the closer he got, the warmer it got, metal dripping and running
down from ceiling and walls from Obi-Wan’s heat.

there master!” Anakin stopped, glancing back at him. “Obi-Wan
isn’t going to… he’s wrapped up in a protective fire and I need
to… I don’t think anyone else can get close to him!” He called
out over the roar of the fire before glancing at his powered down
saber and then throwing it at Qui-Gon.

he made his way through the last hole as Qui-Gon watched his two
former padawans, listening to Anakin trill and chirp at Obi-Wan.

was a shift beside him, Mace joining Qui-Gon at the fourth wall while
grimacing at the heat pouring out. “Palpatine got away, we need to
put the entire GAR and order on alert.” He murmured quietly as he
watched Anakin trying to approach the ball of fire, his tabards
already catching fire and his boots leaving behind marks as the soles

Anakin himself was fine, no fire would damage a starbird who were
reborn in novas. ‘But what about their first birth?’ Qui-Gon
glanced worriedly at Obi-Wan who had yet to respond to the chirps and
trills. ‘Does the first birth entail that same nova?’ He
swallowed nervously
even as he nodded in agreement to Mace words.

though there was an
uncertain, answering chirp from within the fire that
had Anakin moving into the fire as fast as he could.

a cue from the Force, Qui-Gon summed his fight discarded robe and
watched Mace do the same, understanding in each others eyes as the
other council members joined them in listening to the chirps and
trills that were soothing and questioning in nature from within the

the fire retreated, leaving behind two bare humanoids, Anakin wrapped
around his very pregnant mate in a tight embrace.

out, feeling exhausted as adrenaline
was finally letting go, Qui-Gon moved through the still dripping hole
in the wall towards the two before stopping as he felt his boots
stick to the floor that bore the same signs of melting as the ceiling
and walls. “…Anakin?” He called out, watching Obi-Wan jerk in
panic and look up, his face going frightened to relief when he saw
who it was. “Hello Obi-Wan.”

master.” Obi-Wan rasped out, smiling meekly before yelping when
Anakin stood with Obi-Wan in his arms, the blond quickly moving
towards them to get out of the melting room.

is going to be one hell of a report.’ Qui-Gon noted to himself even
as he wrapped his robe around Obi-Wan’s bare form.

Ani is determined to find his love and Dooku takes him right to him. As nothing can truly block a dominant firebird from its mate.

Not even Qui-Gon could have
stopped Anakin at the moment he jumped out of the ship, the ramp
barely down as he practically flew down it with his robe flaring
dramatically out behind him.

was only one person who could have stopped him at this point and that
was Obi-Wan Kenobi himself standing in his path and unfortunately
that man was the one that was missing. The council didn’t even try
to step into the man’s way as Dooku jogged to keep up with him,
causing the rest to follow.

we can-”

Mace off, Anakin continued towards the skycar portion of the hanger.
“I can hear Obi-Wan. He’s crying, he’s screaming.” The
starbird hissed out.

been like this since we entered orbit,” Yan stated, panting a bit.
“I can’t hear what he’s saying but it may be an effect of their
mating bond that allows him to hear his mate’s cries for help.”
He explained quickly, sounding a tiny bit out of breath.

a bit, Mace nodded in understanding while exchanging a worried look
with Adi.

Skywalker like this would be close to impossible, especially if he
could hear Obi-Wan crying out in pain and fear.

knew that humans could be bad about their partners but actual mating

was a whole other ballgame.

Starbirds mated for life.


if you rush in there Obi-Wan may become even more hurt.” Mace
grabbed the other by the shoulder. “The Sith lord may kill him just
out of petty revenge!” He hissed at the other, desperate for him to
slow down.

froze, his eyes wide as he focused on Mace before he let out a trill
so sharp and piercing those with sensitive ears slapped their hands
over them even in the dim noise of the hanger, Mace included.

moved forward, touching Anakin’s shoulder. “We won’t let him
stay there long, we’ll help you get him back but please Anakin, you
need to think of his and your little ones safety. If we rush in
blindly…” She trailed off before frowning. “Can you tell where
he is?” She added.

with his hands tugging at his own curls, Anakin stared at them with
wide eyes. “Hear him, feel him. He’s so scared. Not for himself
but for the little birds. I’ve never felt him like this before, I
need to… please we have to…” Anakin was clearly close to a
panic attack.

looks around, the council nodded in understanding.

they would not be able to stop Skywalker and honestly who knew how
much time they had if Obi-Wan was really as scared as the man was

come with you.” Plo rumbled deeply, moving towards another skycar
with Eeth, Kit and Stass joining him as Yan,
Mace, Depa and
Saesee stayed with

pointed his cane at Anakin. “Find your mate you will, bring my
master home you shall… different things have been, difficult to
accept the words he has said lately has but right he may be. Bring
him home?” He added in a quietly pleading tone.

nodded, practically vibrating out of his skin before jumping into the
skycar driver seat, starting it up as the others jumped in.

knew that Kit, who had taken control of the other skycar, would
follow him. But that concept was a distant one as all he could really
focus on was the sharp trilling noises in his head that was Obi-Wan,
desperate and in fear.

on, I’m coming Obi-Wan, I’m coming my mate…’ He took off as
quickly as he could with someone uttering a curse in the car and
another yelping out a prayer for safety.

hardly noticed, his mind consumed with fire and mate.

Ani is determined to find his love and Dooku takes him right to him. As nothing can truly block a dominant firebird from its mate.

Not even Qui-Gon could have
stopped Anakin at the moment he jumped out of the ship, the ramp
barely down as he practically flew down it with his robe flaring
dramatically out behind him.

was only one person who could have stopped him at this point and that
was Obi-Wan Kenobi himself standing in his path and unfortunately
that man was the one that was missing. The council didn’t even try
to step into the man’s way as Dooku jogged to keep up with him,
causing the rest to follow.

we can-”

Mace off, Anakin continued towards the skycar portion of the hanger.
“I can hear Obi-Wan. He’s crying, he’s screaming.” The
starbird hissed out.

been like this since we entered orbit,” Yan stated, panting a bit.
“I can’t hear what he’s saying but it may be an effect of their
mating bond that allows him to hear his mate’s cries for help.”
He explained quickly, sounding a tiny bit out of breath.

a bit, Mace nodded in understanding while exchanging a worried look
with Adi.

Skywalker like this would be close to impossible, especially if he
could hear Obi-Wan crying out in pain and fear.

knew that humans could be bad about their partners but actual mating

was a whole other ballgame.

Starbirds mated for life.


if you rush in there Obi-Wan may become even more hurt.” Mace
grabbed the other by the shoulder. “The Sith lord may kill him just
out of petty revenge!” He hissed at the other, desperate for him to
slow down.

froze, his eyes wide as he focused on Mace before he let out a trill
so sharp and piercing those with sensitive ears slapped their hands
over them even in the dim noise of the hanger, Mace included.

moved forward, touching Anakin’s shoulder. “We won’t let him
stay there long, we’ll help you get him back but please Anakin, you
need to think of his and your little ones safety. If we rush in
blindly…” She trailed off before frowning. “Can you tell where
he is?” She added.

with his hands tugging at his own curls, Anakin stared at them with
wide eyes. “Hear him, feel him. He’s so scared. Not for himself
but for the little birds. I’ve never felt him like this before, I
need to… please we have to…” Anakin was clearly close to a
panic attack.

looks around, the council nodded in understanding.

they would not be able to stop Skywalker and honestly who knew how
much time they had if Obi-Wan was really as scared as the man was

come with you.” Plo rumbled deeply, moving towards another skycar
with Eeth, Kit and Stass joining him as Yan,
Mace, Depa and
Saesee stayed with

pointed his cane at Anakin. “Find your mate you will, bring my
master home you shall… different things have been, difficult to
accept the words he has said lately has but right he may be. Bring
him home?” He added in a quietly pleading tone.

nodded, practically vibrating out of his skin before jumping into the
skycar driver seat, starting it up as the others jumped in.

knew that Kit, who had taken control of the other skycar, would
follow him. But that concept was a distant one as all he could really
focus on was the sharp trilling noises in his head that was Obi-Wan,
desperate and in fear.

on, I’m coming Obi-Wan, I’m coming my mate…’ He took off as
quickly as he could with someone uttering a curse in the car and
another yelping out a prayer for safety.

hardly noticed, his mind consumed with fire and mate.

Does Ani find his love? Does he use purely the light side of the Force or does he use the dark side to get his captured mate back?

his beard down, Qui-Gon stared at the bodies that the judicial
had alerted the Jedi order to. Krell and Dibs, both both decapitated
with a lightsaber with Dibs showing no defense wounds which indicated
he was attacked
first with Krell covered in various scrapes and missing an arm.

of it lightsaber related injuries.

they hadn’t already known thanks to Yan then this would really put
the nail in the coffin that the Sith lord was on Coruscant. And boy
did that stills ting deep in his heart to know that Yan had fallen so

still refused to take the man’s call.

right now he could not afford to be selfish.

had Obi-Wan and they needed proof to investigate him, needed the
judicals on their side and needed to be able to present their case to
the Senate after the fact to avoid a backlash from the public.

kidnapping of a pregnant being would do it but only if they could
prove that Palpatine had Obi-Wan.

we still can’t.’ Qui-Gon thought bitterly before looking at the
officer he had been paired with. “Anything?” He asked softly,
frowning a bit.

glanced up before nodding. “Maybe. All Jedi are equipped with the
Order’s own specialized
brand of comms right?” Minella questioned before standing up by
Krell’s body to wipe her hands on a cloth, the water from searching
his belt clinging to her hands.

Qui-Gon moved closer. “Yes, they’re boosted to provide
communication when we’re separated
during paired missions. To ensure we can contact each other to
provide aid or to find an extraction point that works for all Jedi.
Why?” He questioned in bemusement.

Krell doesn’t have a comm and yet Dibs does.” She said with some
grim satisfaction.
“So my question is this, can Jedi comm’s be tracked?” Minella
crossed her arms over her chest, her muscles pushing the uniform.

widening at the
implication, Qui-Gon
put his hand over his own comm. “…I don’t know but its no time
like the present to find that out. If you’re willing to come with
the temple with me officer?” He gestured to the car.

the way Master Jinn.” She nodded sternly.

on Obi-Wan, just a while longer. Two more days and Anakin will be on
planet too…’ Qui-Gon thought with a tinge of desperation as he
hoped by that time that they knew where Obi-Wan was being kept.


faintly as he turned his head away, Obi-Wan tried to keep still as
blood was drawn from him by the med droid that
Palpatine had called into his room and had ordered to take a full
blood work sample from Obi-Wan who had been forced still with a Force
grip as the med bot approached the bed.

actually hurt quite a bit and he figured that had more to do with his
state at the moment.

Obi-Wan had no idea how much time had gone by but so far he had been
feed eight time by a droid who would come by so if he was correct
that meant three meals a day but without a true window or a clock, it
was hard to tell.

came and went as he wanted, clearly living his life outside Obi-Wan’s
gilded cell but he came by often enough to leave Obi-Wan on edge as
he paced his room or went to the fresher as needed.

at least the blood sample was all that was going to be taken from him
in that moment.

the embryonic fluid sample.” Palpatine drawled and Obi-Wan
instantly started struggling to get off the bed only to be pulled
back with a loud yelp and kept still once more.

left Obi-Wan with only one option as the droid pulled up his tunic to
get to the swollen stomach, stretchmarks and all in display. “You
may feel a slight sting.” It droned out in a monotone and Obi-Wan
let out a cry as the needle pierced the taunt skin of his belly.

up in space another sat up rigidly in his seat, hearing his mate cry
out in pain and fear. “Obi-Wan!”

Does Ani find his love? Does he use purely the light side of the Force or does he use the dark side to get his captured mate back?

his beard down, Qui-Gon stared at the bodies that the judicial
had alerted the Jedi order to. Krell and Dibs, both both decapitated
with a lightsaber with Dibs showing no defense wounds which indicated
he was attacked
first with Krell covered in various scrapes and missing an arm.

of it lightsaber related injuries.

they hadn’t already known thanks to Yan then this would really put
the nail in the coffin that the Sith lord was on Coruscant. And boy
did that stills ting deep in his heart to know that Yan had fallen so

still refused to take the man’s call.

right now he could not afford to be selfish.

had Obi-Wan and they needed proof to investigate him, needed the
judicals on their side and needed to be able to present their case to
the Senate after the fact to avoid a backlash from the public.

kidnapping of a pregnant being would do it but only if they could
prove that Palpatine had Obi-Wan.

we still can’t.’ Qui-Gon thought bitterly before looking at the
officer he had been paired with. “Anything?” He asked softly,
frowning a bit.

glanced up before nodding. “Maybe. All Jedi are equipped with the
Order’s own specialized
brand of comms right?” Minella questioned before standing up by
Krell’s body to wipe her hands on a cloth, the water from searching
his belt clinging to her hands.

Qui-Gon moved closer. “Yes, they’re boosted to provide
communication when we’re separated
during paired missions. To ensure we can contact each other to
provide aid or to find an extraction point that works for all Jedi.
Why?” He questioned in bemusement.

Krell doesn’t have a comm and yet Dibs does.” She said with some
grim satisfaction.
“So my question is this, can Jedi comm’s be tracked?” Minella
crossed her arms over her chest, her muscles pushing the uniform.

widening at the
implication, Qui-Gon
put his hand over his own comm. “…I don’t know but its no time
like the present to find that out. If you’re willing to come with
the temple with me officer?” He gestured to the car.

the way Master Jinn.” She nodded sternly.

on Obi-Wan, just a while longer. Two more days and Anakin will be on
planet too…’ Qui-Gon thought with a tinge of desperation as he
hoped by that time that they knew where Obi-Wan was being kept.


faintly as he turned his head away, Obi-Wan tried to keep still as
blood was drawn from him by the med droid that
Palpatine had called into his room and had ordered to take a full
blood work sample from Obi-Wan who had been forced still with a Force
grip as the med bot approached the bed.

actually hurt quite a bit and he figured that had more to do with his
state at the moment.

Obi-Wan had no idea how much time had gone by but so far he had been
feed eight time by a droid who would come by so if he was correct
that meant three meals a day but without a true window or a clock, it
was hard to tell.

came and went as he wanted, clearly living his life outside Obi-Wan’s
gilded cell but he came by often enough to leave Obi-Wan on edge as
he paced his room or went to the fresher as needed.

at least the blood sample was all that was going to be taken from him
in that moment.

the embryonic fluid sample.” Palpatine drawled and Obi-Wan
instantly started struggling to get off the bed only to be pulled
back with a loud yelp and kept still once more.

left Obi-Wan with only one option as the droid pulled up his tunic to
get to the swollen stomach, stretchmarks and all in display. “You
may feel a slight sting.” It droned out in a monotone and Obi-Wan
let out a cry as the needle pierced the taunt skin of his belly.

up in space another sat up rigidly in his seat, hearing his mate cry
out in pain and fear. “Obi-Wan!”

Maybe in burning bird Palpatine’s henchman get a little greedy and it leads to Obi being able to escape?

he stood in all his hideous glory, a gloating smile on his face as he
stared at Obi-Wan.

Palpatine or Darth Sidious, whatever name you called him by it was
all the same to Obi-Wan as he huddled up against the headboard with
his arms going protectively around his middle as if he could protect
his rather large stomach.

the hip pain from his softening cartilage is ignored in this moment
as Sidious steps slowly into the room, his ostentatious robe trailing
the floor. “I was wondering if you would still would be asleep my
pretty birdie, Pong got overeager with the sedation to the point I
wondered if you would actually miscarriage.” The Sith purred as he
closed the distance between them, the
heels of his boots making no noise on the soft carpet of the room.

said nothing even as he tightened his grasp around his little birds,
safe as they were in the womb while his eyes flickering quickly to
the door that had closed behind the man and then back to Sidious,
noting with trepidation that the man settled a knee on the bed.
“…Where are they?” He rasped out.

stopped his progress, cocking his head a bit before standing and
moving over to a display he placed his hand to which brought out a
terminal that he typed. Good as his vision was, Obi-Wan could see he
was ordering beverage, water jug and an iced tea without caffeine.

hot liquids I can throw at him…’ Obi-Wan gnawed on the inside of
his cheek as the man turned back.

off, they have served their purpose as I could hardly have them
lingering around to alert the Jedi council where to find you after
all my pretty bird,” Sidious languish returned to the bed, higher
up towards the headboard and Obi-Wan inched away as best he could
without actually leaving the bed. “Krell
did go down harder than Dibs but then again, four arms does do the
trick for wielding more sabers but a burning throatsack is a
deterrent to stop a besalisk.” The man chuckled cruelly.

would be no escape for Obi-Wan but his reluctance would be apparent
still in his desire to not be close to the Sith.

then he couldn’t move at all as he was held still in a Force grip,
Sidious raising his hand to grasp the star birds chin and slowly tilt
Obi-Wan’s head back and forth, pale avaricious eyes examining him
closely before the hand settled on his cheek for a moment in a
testing touch before it slowly trailed down Obi-Wan’s neck,
lingering ever so slightly at the throat where the pulse beat a rapid
tattoo and then continuing down slowly over Obi-Wan’s chest until
it rest on Obi-Wan’s bulging stomach.

he could move he would be vomiting for sure as he stared at the pale
eyes locked on his stomach, the greed and victory in those eyes
making him sick.

star bird all for myself and soon your mate will come along to try
and free you. He’d do anything for you… and these.” Sidious
sneered, pressing his hand lightly in until Obi-Wan’s stomach hurt.

flutter of rage and fear spiked through Obi-Wan before he managed to
let go as Sidious pulled back as the door opened, a droid rolling in
with a tray of drinks and even some snacks. “Well, let not say I
starve my captives.” Sidious chortled, standing up and waving the
droid over.

helpless as he sat against the headboard with the collar shining
around his throat, Obi-Wan stared at the man before bowing his head
and begging forgiveness of his children for the danger they were now

suggest you both eat and drink,” Sidious voice, his tone oozing of
smug satisfaction. “You’ll be needing the strength for both
yourself and your little one as I have appointments for you… after
all, I know the power of a star birds blood.”

snapping up, Obi-Wan stared at the other in horror as Sidious smiled
at him with too many teeth, the disguise of grandfatherly parental
worry long abandoned with his pray captured and helpless, like a cat
playing with an overwhelmed bird between its paws, just waiting for a
little twitch for a little bit more amusement.

cruel game, that was what this was for the other man.

out slowly, Obi-Wan accepted the water of the droids tray. ‘…If I
become weak I will never escape, he’s at least right about me
needing to keep up my strength.’ Obi-Wan stared at the old man as
he drank, shivering under the gaze as it flickered yellow in the
Sith’s avarice.

Maybe in burning bird Palpatine’s henchman get a little greedy and it leads to Obi being able to escape?

he stood in all his hideous glory, a gloating smile on his face as he
stared at Obi-Wan.

Palpatine or Darth Sidious, whatever name you called him by it was
all the same to Obi-Wan as he huddled up against the headboard with
his arms going protectively around his middle as if he could protect
his rather large stomach.

the hip pain from his softening cartilage is ignored in this moment
as Sidious steps slowly into the room, his ostentatious robe trailing
the floor. “I was wondering if you would still would be asleep my
pretty birdie, Pong got overeager with the sedation to the point I
wondered if you would actually miscarriage.” The Sith purred as he
closed the distance between them, the
heels of his boots making no noise on the soft carpet of the room.

said nothing even as he tightened his grasp around his little birds,
safe as they were in the womb while his eyes flickering quickly to
the door that had closed behind the man and then back to Sidious,
noting with trepidation that the man settled a knee on the bed.
“…Where are they?” He rasped out.

stopped his progress, cocking his head a bit before standing and
moving over to a display he placed his hand to which brought out a
terminal that he typed. Good as his vision was, Obi-Wan could see he
was ordering beverage, water jug and an iced tea without caffeine.

hot liquids I can throw at him…’ Obi-Wan gnawed on the inside of
his cheek as the man turned back.

off, they have served their purpose as I could hardly have them
lingering around to alert the Jedi council where to find you after
all my pretty bird,” Sidious languish returned to the bed, higher
up towards the headboard and Obi-Wan inched away as best he could
without actually leaving the bed. “Krell
did go down harder than Dibs but then again, four arms does do the
trick for wielding more sabers but a burning throatsack is a
deterrent to stop a besalisk.” The man chuckled cruelly.

would be no escape for Obi-Wan but his reluctance would be apparent
still in his desire to not be close to the Sith.

then he couldn’t move at all as he was held still in a Force grip,
Sidious raising his hand to grasp the star birds chin and slowly tilt
Obi-Wan’s head back and forth, pale avaricious eyes examining him
closely before the hand settled on his cheek for a moment in a
testing touch before it slowly trailed down Obi-Wan’s neck,
lingering ever so slightly at the throat where the pulse beat a rapid
tattoo and then continuing down slowly over Obi-Wan’s chest until
it rest on Obi-Wan’s bulging stomach.

he could move he would be vomiting for sure as he stared at the pale
eyes locked on his stomach, the greed and victory in those eyes
making him sick.

star bird all for myself and soon your mate will come along to try
and free you. He’d do anything for you… and these.” Sidious
sneered, pressing his hand lightly in until Obi-Wan’s stomach hurt.

flutter of rage and fear spiked through Obi-Wan before he managed to
let go as Sidious pulled back as the door opened, a droid rolling in
with a tray of drinks and even some snacks. “Well, let not say I
starve my captives.” Sidious chortled, standing up and waving the
droid over.

helpless as he sat against the headboard with the collar shining
around his throat, Obi-Wan stared at the man before bowing his head
and begging forgiveness of his children for the danger they were now

suggest you both eat and drink,” Sidious voice, his tone oozing of
smug satisfaction. “You’ll be needing the strength for both
yourself and your little one as I have appointments for you… after
all, I know the power of a star birds blood.”

snapping up, Obi-Wan stared at the other in horror as Sidious smiled
at him with too many teeth, the disguise of grandfatherly parental
worry long abandoned with his pray captured and helpless, like a cat
playing with an overwhelmed bird between its paws, just waiting for a
little twitch for a little bit more amusement.

cruel game, that was what this was for the other man.

out slowly, Obi-Wan accepted the water of the droids tray. ‘…If I
become weak I will never escape, he’s at least right about me
needing to keep up my strength.’ Obi-Wan stared at the old man as
he drank, shivering under the gaze as it flickered yellow in the
Sith’s avarice.

No no no no nooooooo, just how PISSeD is Palps going to be with delivery of his ‘package’? Is the ‘package’ going to arrive or is an intercept in the cards? A rescue or a really bad wake up? Which will BurningBird result in?

knew it… I knew it, I had a bad feeling the moment they landed. But
Anakin stood like a statue as Jango fussed over the unconscious Boba,
the child sporting a bad head wound and saber injuries to his side as
the boy must have tried to protect Obi-Wan despite it all and coming
out of it worse for wear.

nothing life threatening at least.

would come out of this with scars yes but he would live, there would
be no permanent disabilities
like the loss of an arm or a leg.

spoken with the Jedi council,” Anakin jerked to at the grave voice,
turning to look at Yan as the man entered with a serious look on his
face. “They’ll be on guard but there’s not much they can really
do without alerting the chancellor. The clones will have the ship
ready in ten minutes time, are you ready?” The austere count

firmly, Anakin turned to the former Jedi. “Yes, I want my mate back
and I’ll scorch Coruscant for Obi-Wan.” Fire flickered to life
over Anakin’s body at his words before suddenly stifling and dying
when the blond took a deep, sharp breath.

watched that, blinking slowly before reaching out and cautiously
touching Anakin’s shoulder. “Easy…” He rumbled.

know, Obi-Wan would not approve if I let go.” Anakin breathed
deeply before shaking his head. “Lets go, I need to get off this
planet, I need to feel like I’m doing something or I’m going to
go nuts.” He grunted.

was a shift and they both looked over to where Jango stood, the
mando’a face the picture of rage. “I want to come with. They hurt
my son and I want revenge.” He growled ferally.

glances, Yan and Anakin hesitated before Yan moved over to the bounty
hunter. “And your son? If he wakes without you here?” He
questioned in a none-confrontational tone.

had Jango hesitating, glancing down at Boba who had yet to open his
eyes. “He…arrg…”
He growled and rubbed his face before sitting down heavily on the
bed. “…Pong Krell and Prosset Dibs huh? I’ll remember those
names.” He took Boba’s small hand in his, holding onto it with a
conflicted look on his face before he outright laid down in the bed
and wrapped himself around his son, stroking Boba’s cheek gently.

Anakin swallowed, hoping his hatchlings would be alright, that his
mate would be alright before turning sharply, hearing Yan follow

on Obi-Wan, I’m coming. Just… hold on.’


to open his eyes seems so childish but Obi-Wan will not open his


can feel a soft bed beneath him, softer than anything he’s really
comfortable with and silk all around him. And worse than that… a
weight around his neck.

and clinging, pressing into his skin.

collar that blocks him from the Force.

on Coruscant… he
has me now. Oh Anakin please come.’ Obi-Wan quivered, unable to
stop himself.

a moment of nothing happening he opened his eyes slowly to look
around the room.

fourposter bed with deep red draping canopy’s that could be pulled
down to darken and create a warm little cave, the bed covered in
black silk sheets and a ton of pillows.

than the bed though not as bad as the collar was the fact that
Obi-Wan’s clothes had also been changed, now sporting a silky almost
sheer blue robe that did nothing to hide the bulge of his pregnancy swollen stomach and Obi-Wan pushed himself up and sat back against
the headboard, staring at the door he suspected was the way out as he trembled at the thought of someone pawing all over him to change his clothes into this.

Anakin please…’ He tensed up, the door shifting open as Obi-Wan
clenched his hands into the sheets. ‘Anakin!’

No no no no nooooooo, just how PISSeD is Palps going to be with delivery of his ‘package’? Is the ‘package’ going to arrive or is an intercept in the cards? A rescue or a really bad wake up? Which will BurningBird result in?

knew it… I knew it, I had a bad feeling the moment they landed. But
Anakin stood like a statue as Jango fussed over the unconscious Boba,
the child sporting a bad head wound and saber injuries to his side as
the boy must have tried to protect Obi-Wan despite it all and coming
out of it worse for wear.

nothing life threatening at least.

would come out of this with scars yes but he would live, there would
be no permanent disabilities
like the loss of an arm or a leg.

spoken with the Jedi council,” Anakin jerked to at the grave voice,
turning to look at Yan as the man entered with a serious look on his
face. “They’ll be on guard but there’s not much they can really
do without alerting the chancellor. The clones will have the ship
ready in ten minutes time, are you ready?” The austere count

firmly, Anakin turned to the former Jedi. “Yes, I want my mate back
and I’ll scorch Coruscant for Obi-Wan.” Fire flickered to life
over Anakin’s body at his words before suddenly stifling and dying
when the blond took a deep, sharp breath.

watched that, blinking slowly before reaching out and cautiously
touching Anakin’s shoulder. “Easy…” He rumbled.

know, Obi-Wan would not approve if I let go.” Anakin breathed
deeply before shaking his head. “Lets go, I need to get off this
planet, I need to feel like I’m doing something or I’m going to
go nuts.” He grunted.

was a shift and they both looked over to where Jango stood, the
mando’a face the picture of rage. “I want to come with. They hurt
my son and I want revenge.” He growled ferally.

glances, Yan and Anakin hesitated before Yan moved over to the bounty
hunter. “And your son? If he wakes without you here?” He
questioned in a none-confrontational tone.

had Jango hesitating, glancing down at Boba who had yet to open his
eyes. “He…arrg…”
He growled and rubbed his face before sitting down heavily on the
bed. “…Pong Krell and Prosset Dibs huh? I’ll remember those
names.” He took Boba’s small hand in his, holding onto it with a
conflicted look on his face before he outright laid down in the bed
and wrapped himself around his son, stroking Boba’s cheek gently.

Anakin swallowed, hoping his hatchlings would be alright, that his
mate would be alright before turning sharply, hearing Yan follow

on Obi-Wan, I’m coming. Just… hold on.’


to open his eyes seems so childish but Obi-Wan will not open his


can feel a soft bed beneath him, softer than anything he’s really
comfortable with and silk all around him. And worse than that… a
weight around his neck.

and clinging, pressing into his skin.

collar that blocks him from the Force.

on Coruscant… he
has me now. Oh Anakin please come.’ Obi-Wan quivered, unable to
stop himself.

a moment of nothing happening he opened his eyes slowly to look
around the room.

fourposter bed with deep red draping canopy’s that could be pulled
down to darken and create a warm little cave, the bed covered in
black silk sheets and a ton of pillows.

than the bed though not as bad as the collar was the fact that
Obi-Wan’s clothes had also been changed, now sporting a silky almost
sheer blue robe that did nothing to hide the bulge of his pregnancy swollen stomach and Obi-Wan pushed himself up and sat back against
the headboard, staring at the door he suspected was the way out as he trembled at the thought of someone pawing all over him to change his clothes into this.

Anakin please…’ He tensed up, the door shifting open as Obi-Wan
clenched his hands into the sheets. ‘Anakin!’

I got a bad feeling about Krell and Dibs on Kamino in burning bird D8

drool drip from his mouth onto the floor, Obi-Wan struggled to get
his mind to function as he worked his eyes open only to meet the
darkness of a blindfold and wiggling his arms confirmed that his arms
were cuffed together with binders covering his hands and up over his
wrists. That wasn’t good, his mind knew that wasn’t good but he
was so fuzzy feeling, the strong indicator of him being drugged since
normally his mind was sharp as a tack unless he had only just woken
up or it was right after some marvelous sex with his mate.

how had this happened?

would never put him into binders and the other had been more worried
about anything hurting the baby than Obi-Wan had been since Obi-Wan
was conscious about what went into his body and had a diet plan along
with approved medications and vitamins.

couldn’t quite remember…

had been curled up with Boba in his reading nook where he had made
one of his temporary nests, reading a story to the youngling since
Jango was sparring with both Yan and Anakin, the latter having left
his mate reluctantly though he didn’t quite explain his reluctance.
They had been curled up and…

waking up, drug him again.” A voice snapped, the tone a deep
baritone that indicated someone of a larger frame and with a jolt,
Obi-Wan realized that he was on a transport, being shaken around with
the vibration of an engine below his ear.

not sure that’s healthy for the baby, he wants them both
doesn’t he? Both Kenobi and his new brat?” Another voice
responded, sounding lower pitched and Obi-Wan whined when hands
touched him, prodding at his stomach. “If we give him any more
sedation he might have a miscarriage.” The second voice mused
thoughtfully though not really concerned sounding.

thought had Obi-Wan whimpering in fear as he tried to squirm away
from the person touching him, even his dazed up brain understanding
the threat towards his and Anakin’s hatchling.  

can make more if that happens. Sidious won’t be too upset if we
lose the brat as long as we get Kenobi to him. You heard his orders
too, get Kenobi, no matter the casualties or property damage and
leave a trail for Skywalker to follow.” The first one growled out.

was a deep sigh.

Obi-Wan yelped as he was rolled onto his back and his head jerked to
the side, his neck extending painfully before there was a quick,
painful pinch at the taut skin.

at the pain, Obi-Wan winced as there was a pat on his neck. “Just
go back to sleep Kenobi, it be better for you and for us.” The
lower pitched voice said and by the touch of the hand they seemed to
be roughly humanoid sized Obi-Wan would claim.

lost his focus after that, drugs pumping through his system with the
beat of his own heart as he laid on the cold floor of a transport.

Sidious waiting, greedy hands.

Underneath the
black blindfold fat tears rolled unnoticed under the dark cloth only
to be soaked up into it.



The doors were
slammed open interrupting the fierce mock battle going on as Anakin
turned, blinking in confusion only for his blood to freeze in his
veins when the clone only stopped long enough to collect his breath
before yelling with wild eyes.

“Boba’s in the
medbay and Master Obi-Wan has disappeared!”