Aaaaah no you’re evil! Burning bird! Obi needs support!

lightly at a charred limb, Yan grimaced before nodding and looking at
Qui-Gon. “Well, I didn’t expect that darkside backlash but he’s
dead as a mummified corpse at this point,” He said in a raspy tone
to the backlash though his voice was filled
with vicious satisfaction before turning a smile on the trooper who
turned the man into cinders. “Well done… Kero
yes? A suitable name.”
He offered in a drawl, as if he hadn’t been bleeding from
nosebleed moments before, as if both him and Qui-Gon hadn’t
collapsed because of the amount of darkside energy going through them
with the trooper giving a jaunty wave now
that the two are back on their feet.

felt way too giddy for what he had done so Qui-Gon assumed he was
somewhat pyromaniac, not the first trooper Qui-Gon met with that
inclination honestly but
he was really more worried about the dark wave of energy they had

would honestly not
shock Qui-Gon to know the entire planet felt the tsunami of dark
energy and especially the temple regardless how far away it was from
these slums of Coruscant. ‘I do hope
none of the younglings were scared by it…’ Qui-Gon frowned to
himself while rubbing his beard. ‘Oh who am I kidding, we’re
going to hear from the crechemaster about this, the babies are sure
to have been woken up.’ He breathed out heavily because
if there was one thing he hated doing it was waking the babies.

the Jedi in the long term ward haven’t been effected by this,”
Yan suddenly announced as
he turned back from Kero
and Qui-Gon gaze snapped sharply to him, blinking before wincing with
guilt as he hadn’t even considered the long term patients.
“Force knows those people have it bad enough.” Yan
finished in a weary rumble.

though maybe this is for the better? If the Force clears up thanks to
this,” Qui-Gon glanced down at the dead corpse at their feet.
“Maybe the long term visions and preconception ward will have a few
empty beds because they can gather themselves a bit more…” He
trailed off thoughtfully.

Yan moved away as the Judaical finally arrived to take scope of the
scene though the troopers still ran the show with Qui-Gon only
staying to observe since the Judaical had no idea about Sith related
things, they were only there since Palpatine was convicted of other
crimes. It would honestly shock Qui-Gon if any of the law enforcement
knew what a Sith was, outside of the troopers and Jedi, no one really
cared anymore what a Sith was despite old
wars being fought by Sith on Coruscant.
“Potentially Qui-Gon,
but we can’t rely on that for sure. Coruscant’s
only life is the beings who roam it, its become a planet of metal.”
Yan stated seriously as he threw the bloody handkerchief into a
nearby trashcan with a little frivolous use of the Force.

to respond, Qui-Gon blinked as his comm started squealing only to
jerk when moments later so did Yan’s.

further from the crime scene, Qui-Gon jerked his comm off his belt as
Yan came closer to listen. “Jinn.” He greeted shortly only
to blink when there was a canopy of voices on the other side which
had him exchanging a. confused look with Yan

to repeat himself to
try and get a proper answer,
Mace finally responded on
the other end.
“JINN!” The council member roared, almost making Qui-Gon drop his
comm in
sheer surprise.
“Get your ass back in the temple! Kenobi’s giving birth!” The
man’s voice seemed to echo a bit.

wait, that was just in Qui-Gon’s mind, Mace
still speaking but Qui-Gon’s mind had kind of gone numb on him with
the information that Obi-Wan was at this moment giving birth but that
couldn’t be right because… that was too early, wasn’t it?

was still frozen when Yan snatched the comm out of his hand to reply
that they were on their way, the Serenno’s
dragging Qui-Gon to the skycar one of the troopers had jumped into to
get ready since all the troopers were kind of pinging with surprise
and some minor shock and some part of Qui-Gon imagined that Commander
Cody would get a message very quickly as
the troopers muttered between themselves.

scrambled with numb hands to get the seat belt on after being shoved
into the back, Yan in the front with the trooper who was kind enough
to drive them. “Quickly, it sounded like full panic back there,”
He urged the man before turning his head to look at Qui-Gon. “Its
too early.” He said grimly.

backlash,” Qui-Gon groaned, the wind picking up around them as they
took off. “Obi-Wan must have been exposed to it after the high
stress situation Palpatine had put him through not to mention in his
condition… Force Anakin.” He gasped in realization.

noises he had heard, that faint thrilling, shrill noise in the back
of the comm…

nodded sharply. “As the dominant and older mate, his instincts are
to protect, especially after the abduction. That the babies are
coming early will not improve anything and the healers may need to
keep him from the delivery room depending on how he’s behaving…
especially if he can’t control the Force outputs he has at this
moment.” He continued in the same grim tone.

heavily, looking towards the temple, Qui-Gon gripped his hands in his
leggings as he understood he needed to get to the temple and keep a
hold of his old padawan because Obi-Wan wasn’t able to at this

Obi-Wan… you have to make it through this.’

Burning Bird- The stress of the abduction and the energy released by the death of the extra crispy Sith Lord results in premature labor.

Obi-Wan frowned before slowly setting down his cup of freshly made
tea. “Anakin?” He called out for his mate. Today
had been a slow day, Obi-Wan had woken up and decided to just wander
about in his leggings and one of Anakin’s stolen soft tunics that
smelled of his mate but the last five minutes… something seemed to
be building in the Force.

moment love,” Anakin called back in
“Washing my hands!”

a bit, Obi-Wan nodded as he held onto the counter as the anxiety
bubbled away inside of him with the Force seemingly tugging at his
mind. ‘But why? What’s going on?’ He wondered as he wished the
Force could be a little more descriptive instead of just tugging at
his senses in a ‘danger, danger’ alert.

got his answer moments later as darkness flooded the Force, causing
Obi-Wan’s knees to buckle as he cried out in shock, hands still
gripping the countertop as his knees hit the floor. Faintly he could
hear Anakin cry out too, a flash of fire from somewhere outside of
the kitchen but Obi-Wan’s focus was on himself as pain exploded
inside of him and wetness leaked down his thighs.

down shakily, Obi-Wan stared at the puddle which
gathered around his knees that
he hoped
was piss.

wasn’t that a novel experience, hoping you had peed yourself.

considering the hip and back pain he could feel shooting through him,
Obi-Wan was feeling rather certain it was not piss.

it was too early, it was two months
and two weeks too early!

He trilled in fear, shaking.

Anakin stuttered out from the living room, sounding
bewildered and shaky.
“What the kark was that darkness?” The other said in lieu
of anything else to say even
as Obi-Wan heard him stagger to his feet somewhere inside of the

Obi-Wan trembled on his knees. “Anakin… I’m in labor!” He
cried out in desperation.

was a pause as the Force bloomed with shock and then Anakin was there suddenly, on his
knees by Obi-Wan’s side with his eyes inhumanly wide as he gathered
his mate into his arms and jerked to his feet. “Halls! Now!” He
said sharply, wanting no argument when
he used that kind of tone.

that Obi-Wan was about to offer one as he clung to his mate for the
second time in a month
to be carried
to the Halls of Healing though this time it was from his own quarters
which was much safer than where he was being kept by Palpatine and
hidden from his own mate and family.

not suppose to… Obi-Wan what the kark happened?” Anakin hissed as
he rushed towards the elevators, two knights hastily stepping aside
to let them in first as they noticed the panic in their Force auras
and Obi-Wan’s wet leggings despite Obi-Wan spotting one of them having a nosebleed. “You still have ten weeks left!” Anakin snapped out as
they entered, smacking the controls with the Force since his arms
were occupied.

a bit, Obi-Wan dug his fingertips into his mate’s shoulders. “I-I
know that, don’t you think I know that?” He panted. “That flash
of darkness came and… and…” Obi-Wan groaned at a flash of pain
going up his spine.

it triggered your labor.” Anakin finished, no small amount of
horror in his voice.

his face into his mate chest, Obi-Wan nodded with a whimper. “It
hurts Anakin.” He

sharp, predatory bird cry escaped Anakin’s throat as he turned
frustrated eyes on the floor numbers. “Come on, come on go faster.”
He hissed at the control as he held onto his mate, half contemplating
calling Qui-Gon despite the man being out there somewhere.

what if it goes all wrong? I’m not suppose to… not yet, our babies aren’t quite ready yet,” Obi-Wan shuddered, his face pressed to
Anakin’s neck. “Anakin… I’m scared.” He sobbed into the
others tunic.

arms tightened around him, Anakin’s entire body tensing before
sprinting into movement as the elevator doors pinged open. “Its
gonna be okay, you’re gonna be alright, you’re all gonna be
alright.” Anakin swore as he raced through the hall, Jedi all
jumping out of his path as Obi-Wan shook in his arms.

don’t want to loose my little birds, I don’t want to loose my
babies!’ Obi-Wan knew he must be drawing blood even through the
others tunic with how tight his grip was becoming, his nails needing
a trim and therefor pressing into skin at this point even through the
tunic but he was too tense, too in pain to stop himself.

was scared.

Burning Bird- The stress of the abduction and the energy released by the death of the extra crispy Sith Lord results in premature labor.

Obi-Wan frowned before slowly setting down his cup of freshly made
tea. “Anakin?” He called out for his mate. Today
had been a slow day, Obi-Wan had woken up and decided to just wander
about in his leggings and one of Anakin’s stolen soft tunics that
smelled of his mate but the last five minutes… something seemed to
be building in the Force.

moment love,” Anakin called back in
“Washing my hands!”

a bit, Obi-Wan nodded as he held onto the counter as the anxiety
bubbled away inside of him with the Force seemingly tugging at his
mind. ‘But why? What’s going on?’ He wondered as he wished the
Force could be a little more descriptive instead of just tugging at
his senses in a ‘danger, danger’ alert.

got his answer moments later as darkness flooded the Force, causing
Obi-Wan’s knees to buckle as he cried out in shock, hands still
gripping the countertop as his knees hit the floor. Faintly he could
hear Anakin cry out too, a flash of fire from somewhere outside of
the kitchen but Obi-Wan’s focus was on himself as pain exploded
inside of him and wetness leaked down his thighs.

down shakily, Obi-Wan stared at the puddle which
gathered around his knees that
he hoped
was piss.

wasn’t that a novel experience, hoping you had peed yourself.

considering the hip and back pain he could feel shooting through him,
Obi-Wan was feeling rather certain it was not piss.

it was too early, it was two months
and two weeks too early!

He trilled in fear, shaking.

Anakin stuttered out from the living room, sounding
bewildered and shaky.
“What the kark was that darkness?” The other said in lieu
of anything else to say even
as Obi-Wan heard him stagger to his feet somewhere inside of the

Obi-Wan trembled on his knees. “Anakin… I’m in labor!” He
cried out in desperation.

was a pause as the Force bloomed with shock and then Anakin was there suddenly, on his
knees by Obi-Wan’s side with his eyes inhumanly wide as he gathered
his mate into his arms and jerked to his feet. “Halls! Now!” He
said sharply, wanting no argument when
he used that kind of tone.

that Obi-Wan was about to offer one as he clung to his mate for the
second time in a month
to be carried
to the Halls of Healing though this time it was from his own quarters
which was much safer than where he was being kept by Palpatine and
hidden from his own mate and family.

not suppose to… Obi-Wan what the kark happened?” Anakin hissed as
he rushed towards the elevators, two knights hastily stepping aside
to let them in first as they noticed the panic in their Force auras
and Obi-Wan’s wet leggings despite Obi-Wan spotting one of them having a nosebleed. “You still have ten weeks left!” Anakin snapped out as
they entered, smacking the controls with the Force since his arms
were occupied.

a bit, Obi-Wan dug his fingertips into his mate’s shoulders. “I-I
know that, don’t you think I know that?” He panted. “That flash
of darkness came and… and…” Obi-Wan groaned at a flash of pain
going up his spine.

it triggered your labor.” Anakin finished, no small amount of
horror in his voice.

his face into his mate chest, Obi-Wan nodded with a whimper. “It
hurts Anakin.” He

sharp, predatory bird cry escaped Anakin’s throat as he turned
frustrated eyes on the floor numbers. “Come on, come on go faster.”
He hissed at the control as he held onto his mate, half contemplating
calling Qui-Gon despite the man being out there somewhere.

what if it goes all wrong? I’m not suppose to… not yet, our babies aren’t quite ready yet,” Obi-Wan shuddered, his face pressed to
Anakin’s neck. “Anakin… I’m scared.” He sobbed into the
others tunic.

arms tightened around him, Anakin’s entire body tensing before
sprinting into movement as the elevator doors pinged open. “Its
gonna be okay, you’re gonna be alright, you’re all gonna be
alright.” Anakin swore as he raced through the hall, Jedi all
jumping out of his path as Obi-Wan shook in his arms.

don’t want to loose my little birds, I don’t want to loose my
babies!’ Obi-Wan knew he must be drawing blood even through the
others tunic with how tight his grip was becoming, his nails needing
a trim and therefor pressing into skin at this point even through the
tunic but he was too tense, too in pain to stop himself.

was scared.

Okay but now give us some family time with Burningbird. Cause Obi-Wan and Anakin karking need it.

the bulging stomach gently with his fingertips, Anakin trilled softly
into his mate’s ear as Obi-Wan soaked up the comfort of being at
home. So far the other starbird had yet to leave their quarters
despite being home for a good week but Anakin didn’t blame him.

still did katas gingerly in their living room, he ate and he meet up
with those who came to see them in their quarters.

he needed to remain in their nest area to feel safe and soak in
comfort than Anakin would be more than happy to provide just that for
his mate. And honestly Anakin needed it himself, the fear of
discovering Obi-Wan missing still aching in his bones like a physical

the sight of those bruise marks on the others stomach had made him
even more upset.

could have done anything
to his mate, to his little birds.

could have died and Anakin could once more be alone in the wide
galaxy as the only Republican starbird.

would have gone into wild space if that happened,’ He thought
bleakly to himself, hooking his chin onto Obi-Wan’s shoulder as his
mate continued watching the holo, some kind of documentary that
Anakin didn’t care for but wanted his mate to be comfortable so he
had said yes to see. ‘I would have left and never come back… I
would have let myself implode and become the star dust of the galaxy
without him. I can’t do loneliness once more and knowing my mate is
fully gone.’ Anakin breathed out shakily and then smiled when there
was a push against his fingers.

were all alive, thinking ‘if’ would only drive him insane and
like Master Qui-Gon liked to say, ‘stay in the moment’.

in the moment with his mate and his unborn children, stay in the
moment of happiness where at least for now Obi-Wan was safe though
they would never truly be safe until the damn Sith was dealt with.

hand cupped his and squeezed, prompting Anakin to shift his mate
until Obi-Wan was sitting sideways instead so he was able to look the
other in the eye more easily. Obi-Wan smiled at that and nuzzled his
nose against Anakin’s. “I’m going to be alright. Our hatchlings
will be alright.” He promised quietly.

out, Anakin pressed a kiss to the others cheek. “I know… I just…
I keep expecting you to be gone. Keep thinking you’re missing and
I…” He swallowed heavily, feeling tears press heavy against the
back of his head.

chirped gently, pressing their foreheads together. “I know. I keep
waking and expecting to be back there… but I’m not. You found me,
you got me back home. You got us
back home.” He took his mate’s hands and pressed them to his

at that, Anakin glanced down, chuckling when the twins kicked inside
of the other as if in agreement with their carrier. “I got you
home… you’re home,” He repeated. “I’ll believe it soon, I
just… need the reassurance of seeing and feeling you.” Anakin
wrapped his arms around the other, settling his hand on the small of
Obi-Wan’s back.

lapsed into silence for a while, just soaking in each others company
until Obi-Wan let out a thoughtful noise. “You know, we never did
settle on names for them.” He blinked heavily.

be fair,” Anakin rubbed the belly. “We don’t know the gender
since we decided not to ask. But we could pick a few options I
guess?” He added with excitement, their children forming in his
mind as he thought of names.

his beard slowly, Obi-Wan smiled. “Well… Shmi? After your mother
perhaps if one of them is a girl?”

and a bit misty eyed, Anakin kissed the other softly. “Maybe as a
middle name… I like the name Leia.” He murmured.

Obi-Wan tested the name in his mouth before smiling in agreement,
nodding. “I like it, if we have a girl. How about a boy name?” He
shifted. “I kind of like Luke, it means light giver.” He grinned.

at that, Anakin nodded. “Luke the light giver. Well that’s a good
name for a starbird’s first life if I ever heard one.” He
continued sniggering before
blinking. “Wait, what does Leia mean? Do you know.”

the back of his neck, Obi-Wan squinted before shrugging. “Now I’m
not sure but I think it means child of heaven?” He said

two stared at each other before cracking up as they both realized the
same thing.

Skywalker, the child of heaven walking the sky.

was good to laugh finally,
after all the days of torment and fear.

Okay but now give us some family time with Burningbird. Cause Obi-Wan and Anakin karking need it.

the bulging stomach gently with his fingertips, Anakin trilled softly
into his mate’s ear as Obi-Wan soaked up the comfort of being at
home. So far the other starbird had yet to leave their quarters
despite being home for a good week but Anakin didn’t blame him.

still did katas gingerly in their living room, he ate and he meet up
with those who came to see them in their quarters.

he needed to remain in their nest area to feel safe and soak in
comfort than Anakin would be more than happy to provide just that for
his mate. And honestly Anakin needed it himself, the fear of
discovering Obi-Wan missing still aching in his bones like a physical

the sight of those bruise marks on the others stomach had made him
even more upset.

could have done anything
to his mate, to his little birds.

could have died and Anakin could once more be alone in the wide
galaxy as the only Republican starbird.

would have gone into wild space if that happened,’ He thought
bleakly to himself, hooking his chin onto Obi-Wan’s shoulder as his
mate continued watching the holo, some kind of documentary that
Anakin didn’t care for but wanted his mate to be comfortable so he
had said yes to see. ‘I would have left and never come back… I
would have let myself implode and become the star dust of the galaxy
without him. I can’t do loneliness once more and knowing my mate is
fully gone.’ Anakin breathed out shakily and then smiled when there
was a push against his fingers.

were all alive, thinking ‘if’ would only drive him insane and
like Master Qui-Gon liked to say, ‘stay in the moment’.

in the moment with his mate and his unborn children, stay in the
moment of happiness where at least for now Obi-Wan was safe though
they would never truly be safe until the damn Sith was dealt with.

hand cupped his and squeezed, prompting Anakin to shift his mate
until Obi-Wan was sitting sideways instead so he was able to look the
other in the eye more easily. Obi-Wan smiled at that and nuzzled his
nose against Anakin’s. “I’m going to be alright. Our hatchlings
will be alright.” He promised quietly.

out, Anakin pressed a kiss to the others cheek. “I know… I just…
I keep expecting you to be gone. Keep thinking you’re missing and
I…” He swallowed heavily, feeling tears press heavy against the
back of his head.

chirped gently, pressing their foreheads together. “I know. I keep
waking and expecting to be back there… but I’m not. You found me,
you got me back home. You got us
back home.” He took his mate’s hands and pressed them to his

at that, Anakin glanced down, chuckling when the twins kicked inside
of the other as if in agreement with their carrier. “I got you
home… you’re home,” He repeated. “I’ll believe it soon, I
just… need the reassurance of seeing and feeling you.” Anakin
wrapped his arms around the other, settling his hand on the small of
Obi-Wan’s back.

lapsed into silence for a while, just soaking in each others company
until Obi-Wan let out a thoughtful noise. “You know, we never did
settle on names for them.” He blinked heavily.

be fair,” Anakin rubbed the belly. “We don’t know the gender
since we decided not to ask. But we could pick a few options I
guess?” He added with excitement, their children forming in his
mind as he thought of names.

his beard slowly, Obi-Wan smiled. “Well… Shmi? After your mother
perhaps if one of them is a girl?”

and a bit misty eyed, Anakin kissed the other softly. “Maybe as a
middle name… I like the name Leia.” He murmured.

Obi-Wan tested the name in his mouth before smiling in agreement,
nodding. “I like it, if we have a girl. How about a boy name?” He
shifted. “I kind of like Luke, it means light giver.” He grinned.

at that, Anakin nodded. “Luke the light giver. Well that’s a good
name for a starbird’s first life if I ever heard one.” He
continued sniggering before
blinking. “Wait, what does Leia mean? Do you know.”

the back of his neck, Obi-Wan squinted before shrugging. “Now I’m
not sure but I think it means child of heaven?” He said

two stared at each other before cracking up as they both realized the
same thing.

Skywalker, the child of heaven walking the sky.

was good to laugh finally,
after all the days of torment and fear.

So they have rescued Obi in burning bird, but what will happen now that Palpatine is in the wind?

to his words, Obi-Wan stays away from the entire issue of the now
missing and on the run Sith Lord currently most likely roaming
Coruscant’s slums in an attempt to hide and get away most
No Obi-Wan quietly and calmly curls up with his mate in their
quarters, hiding from the temple and galaxy with his mate as he heals
from whatever minor injuries he was exposed to from multiple of
samples taken by Palpatine.

away from the search for the man, the information the troopers are
collecting and Qui-Gon and Yan hunting through Coruscant for the man.

Plo had asked a good question before
Obi-Wan left the Halls with his Anakin and the little birds inside of

had Palpatine abducted Obi-Wan when starbirds could implode
and take themselves out for good along
with their captor?

didn’t seem like a thing Sith would do without some kind of
survival tactic.

don’t know,” Anakin answered simply. “Sith who are exposed to
it don’t survive to write down the fire that burns them and those
who know about the starbirds last defense against the dark side don’t
write it down just in case something like this would happen. Its the
very last line of defense to avoid giving the Sith an immortal
apprentice or the galaxy an immortal Sith to crush it.” He
explained while lifting Obi-Wan into a hoverchair with
as much care as possible to not jostle Obi-Wan’s pregnancy heavy
redhead accepting the protective nature of his mate with a roll of
his eyes but to be fair, he was tired and
didn’t want to move much.

assume some kind of accident in the past when Sith have burned from
starbirds implosion,” Obi-Wan continued quietly, resting his hands
in his lap. “And I’m more than content to keep it that way. The
last line of defense that they don’t know about and therefor can’t
find a way to suppress.” He finished with a yawn.

down, Anakin pressed a soft kiss to his mate’s cheek. “Okay, nest
time. We can hear what’s going on later but
right now you need rest and bet so do our little birds after the
stress you’ve gone through.”
He murmured seriously, pushing the
chair towards the door.

wryly, Obi-Wan waved at the others even as
in the chair.

sleep in his own bed would be a miracle.


to himself as he dodged yet another spotlight, Sidious
ensured his hood was up to avoid being spotted by all the clones
hunting him down.

all the things to go wrong…

had they figured it out!?


didn’t matter.

would complicate the situation yes but Sidious still had majority, he
still had the droid army.

would grab power of the galaxy if it was the last thing he did, he
had come so far and wasn’t about to give up now even as he was
walking through the slums of Coruscant with rain dripping down on his
black cloak as he avoided the troopers seemingly everywhere.

late did he notice he was being herded
down a particular path.

late did he take note of the clone troopers moving along the roof
above him, keeping up with him with ease as Sidious was trying to
avoid being noticed while they had top ground where people rarely

the time he noticed the prowling troopers,
was too late as
the rain came down even stronger, soaking all of them in the gray
light of Coruscant slums.

able to bring up his lightsaber in
time for the first blast, Sidious growled and lifted the trooper off
his feet to snap his neck however the first blast was a distraction
from the true weapon.

may not harm a starbird, born in the hearts of stars as they are. But
fire would totally burn a Sith lord who is distracted as a
flamethrower is turned on him, Sidious
focus on the blast and the trooper who had tried to shoot him.

grinned in utter delight as he unleashed the fire on the man who
would not only try harming one of their
Jedi but a pregnant one and abduct
them from the clones own home base! Kero was going to enjoy burning
him to cinders as
Sidious screamed in pain, the fire swallowing his body whole and
lighting fabric, hair and skin on fire!

So they have rescued Obi in burning bird, but what will happen now that Palpatine is in the wind?

to his words, Obi-Wan stays away from the entire issue of the now
missing and on the run Sith Lord currently most likely roaming
Coruscant’s slums in an attempt to hide and get away most
No Obi-Wan quietly and calmly curls up with his mate in their
quarters, hiding from the temple and galaxy with his mate as he heals
from whatever minor injuries he was exposed to from multiple of
samples taken by Palpatine.

away from the search for the man, the information the troopers are
collecting and Qui-Gon and Yan hunting through Coruscant for the man.

Plo had asked a good question before
Obi-Wan left the Halls with his Anakin and the little birds inside of

had Palpatine abducted Obi-Wan when starbirds could implode
and take themselves out for good along
with their captor?

didn’t seem like a thing Sith would do without some kind of
survival tactic.

don’t know,” Anakin answered simply. “Sith who are exposed to
it don’t survive to write down the fire that burns them and those
who know about the starbirds last defense against the dark side don’t
write it down just in case something like this would happen. Its the
very last line of defense to avoid giving the Sith an immortal
apprentice or the galaxy an immortal Sith to crush it.” He
explained while lifting Obi-Wan into a hoverchair with
as much care as possible to not jostle Obi-Wan’s pregnancy heavy
redhead accepting the protective nature of his mate with a roll of
his eyes but to be fair, he was tired and
didn’t want to move much.

assume some kind of accident in the past when Sith have burned from
starbirds implosion,” Obi-Wan continued quietly, resting his hands
in his lap. “And I’m more than content to keep it that way. The
last line of defense that they don’t know about and therefor can’t
find a way to suppress.” He finished with a yawn.

down, Anakin pressed a soft kiss to his mate’s cheek. “Okay, nest
time. We can hear what’s going on later but
right now you need rest and bet so do our little birds after the
stress you’ve gone through.”
He murmured seriously, pushing the
chair towards the door.

wryly, Obi-Wan waved at the others even as
in the chair.

sleep in his own bed would be a miracle.


to himself as he dodged yet another spotlight, Sidious
ensured his hood was up to avoid being spotted by all the clones
hunting him down.

all the things to go wrong…

had they figured it out!?


didn’t matter.

would complicate the situation yes but Sidious still had majority, he
still had the droid army.

would grab power of the galaxy if it was the last thing he did, he
had come so far and wasn’t about to give up now even as he was
walking through the slums of Coruscant with rain dripping down on his
black cloak as he avoided the troopers seemingly everywhere.

late did he notice he was being herded
down a particular path.

late did he take note of the clone troopers moving along the roof
above him, keeping up with him with ease as Sidious was trying to
avoid being noticed while they had top ground where people rarely

the time he noticed the prowling troopers,
was too late as
the rain came down even stronger, soaking all of them in the gray
light of Coruscant slums.

able to bring up his lightsaber in
time for the first blast, Sidious growled and lifted the trooper off
his feet to snap his neck however the first blast was a distraction
from the true weapon.

may not harm a starbird, born in the hearts of stars as they are. But
fire would totally burn a Sith lord who is distracted as a
flamethrower is turned on him, Sidious
focus on the blast and the trooper who had tried to shoot him.

grinned in utter delight as he unleashed the fire on the man who
would not only try harming one of their
Jedi but a pregnant one and abduct
them from the clones own home base! Kero was going to enjoy burning
him to cinders as
Sidious screamed in pain, the fire swallowing his body whole and
lighting fabric, hair and skin on fire!

“Please tell me our little birds are alright!?!” “They’re okay my love.” “He tried to hurt our little birds…” “Obi, what do you want me to do.” “My protective instincts are screaming to eliminate the threat to our birds while my mind and my devotion to the code scream that we should have him arrested.” Burning bird

vibrating as the healer continued to carefully scan Obi-Wan, Anakin
finally had enough as he let out a loud, shrill chirp that got
everyone’s attention. “Please
tell me our little birds are alright!?!” He
demanded from the healers, blue eyes wide and desperate.

was Obi-Wan who answered, smiling softly. “They’re
okay my love, I
can feel them, healthy and fine, glowing in the Force.” He assured
quietly, avoiding reaching out to touch Anakin as that would
interfere with the scan. He knew very well that the healers would not
let him go unless they were sure themselves that nothing would be
left behind of ill influence, especially as Obi-Wan was in a fragile

slumped a bit, nodding shakily before shaking himself and looking to
Qui-Gon. “Thanks for picking up clothes for us master.” He
finally thanked the man, having been in to much of an anxiety fuled
fit to do it before.

nodded serenely,
smiling slightly. The sight of Obi-Wan and Anakin dressed only in
robes  as the blond strode into the Halls with his pregnant mate in
his arms, surrounded by the council would be a sight the Halls would
remember for years to come.

course the reason for it was less nice than the amusing sight of
course of two almost nude Jedi in robes.

Anakin discovering the melted metal in his hair that had cooled down
had been hilarious as he took a blow torch to it to melt it into a

are you alright?” Anakin suddenly questioned softly, prompting
Qui-Gon out of his mind to look at the redhead once more.

tried to hurt our little birds…” Obi-Wan
murmured, staring at the wall with a darkening frown, the evidence of
fear and anger still there though they disappeared a bit or were
hidden when the healer pulled back to check in on his terminal.

allowed Anakin to finally take his mate’s hand and rub it gently,
settling on the same bed to cuddle against him “Obi,
what do you want me to do?” He
asked quietly, nuzzling at his hair when Obi-Wan settled his head on
the others black tunic covered shoulder.

protective instincts are screaming to eliminate the threat to our
while my mind and my devotion to the code scream that we should have
him arrested,” Obi-Wan
huffed before focusing on the Jedi council. “So I’ll stay out of
the way, I don’t think I can be involved in this at all. I can’t
be impartial.” He whispered.

it all,” Stass moved forward, resting a hand on Obi-Wan’s
shoulder. “I do not think anyone blames you at all for that
Obi-Wan.” She smiled softly.

we should be that calm down Obi-Wan his mate could,” Yoda said,
pulling himself up on the medical bed to touch Obi-Wan’s upper arm
with worry. “See the damage from the temple I did, binoculars.”
He explained at their confused looks. “Protective fire wrapped you

colored at that while Anakin stroked his mate’s hair back gently.

we’re clearly missing out on something here, care to explain?”
Mace raised his brow.

looked to him, raising his ears before looking at his old master.

can implode when the danger becomes to great, when there are no other
choice,” Obi-Wan explained quietly. “Sometimes the choice are
taken out of our hands when we get frightened. Its how we die for
good, by imploding either caused by someone else taking our hope and
terrifying us or by choosing to implode.” Obi-Wan confessed before
shrugging as he peered at them through his fringe as they absorbed
the news.

mean to tell me you were a literal walking bomb back in the
apartment? You could have imploded in fire and taken out what I would
assume was the entire building?” Depa gaped at him.

like several buildings.” Obi-Wan smiled sheepishly. “I was…
terrified, not for myself but for them.” Obi-Wan rested his hands
on his stomach. “I didn’t want the Sith to have them, he would
have…” He trembled a bit then turned and hid his face in Anakin’s

soothingly, Anakin hugged his mate as Yoda patted the redhead’s arm
slowly, obviously neither concerned about the idea of exploding.

we came close to dying today,’ Qui-Gon thought to himself, rubbing
his chin while wondering where the kark that Sith had run of to
because he’d like to introduce the karking sleemo to his
‘Frighten my padawans and try to steal my grandbabies will you and
think you’re getting away scoot free? Oh I don’t think so.’
Qui-Gon narrowed his eyes, staring at the wall over the couples head,
Yan rest his hand on his shoulder.

wouldn’t be alone in hunting the Sith down.

“Please tell me our little birds are alright!?!” “They’re okay my love.” “He tried to hurt our little birds…” “Obi, what do you want me to do.” “My protective instincts are screaming to eliminate the threat to our birds while my mind and my devotion to the code scream that we should have him arrested.” Burning bird

vibrating as the healer continued to carefully scan Obi-Wan, Anakin
finally had enough as he let out a loud, shrill chirp that got
everyone’s attention. “Please
tell me our little birds are alright!?!” He
demanded from the healers, blue eyes wide and desperate.

was Obi-Wan who answered, smiling softly. “They’re
okay my love, I
can feel them, healthy and fine, glowing in the Force.” He assured
quietly, avoiding reaching out to touch Anakin as that would
interfere with the scan. He knew very well that the healers would not
let him go unless they were sure themselves that nothing would be
left behind of ill influence, especially as Obi-Wan was in a fragile

slumped a bit, nodding shakily before shaking himself and looking to
Qui-Gon. “Thanks for picking up clothes for us master.” He
finally thanked the man, having been in to much of an anxiety fuled
fit to do it before.

nodded serenely,
smiling slightly. The sight of Obi-Wan and Anakin dressed only in
robes  as the blond strode into the Halls with his pregnant mate in
his arms, surrounded by the council would be a sight the Halls would
remember for years to come.

course the reason for it was less nice than the amusing sight of
course of two almost nude Jedi in robes.

Anakin discovering the melted metal in his hair that had cooled down
had been hilarious as he took a blow torch to it to melt it into a

are you alright?” Anakin suddenly questioned softly, prompting
Qui-Gon out of his mind to look at the redhead once more.

tried to hurt our little birds…” Obi-Wan
murmured, staring at the wall with a darkening frown, the evidence of
fear and anger still there though they disappeared a bit or were
hidden when the healer pulled back to check in on his terminal.

allowed Anakin to finally take his mate’s hand and rub it gently,
settling on the same bed to cuddle against him “Obi,
what do you want me to do?” He
asked quietly, nuzzling at his hair when Obi-Wan settled his head on
the others black tunic covered shoulder.

protective instincts are screaming to eliminate the threat to our
while my mind and my devotion to the code scream that we should have
him arrested,” Obi-Wan
huffed before focusing on the Jedi council. “So I’ll stay out of
the way, I don’t think I can be involved in this at all. I can’t
be impartial.” He whispered.

it all,” Stass moved forward, resting a hand on Obi-Wan’s
shoulder. “I do not think anyone blames you at all for that
Obi-Wan.” She smiled softly.

we should be that calm down Obi-Wan his mate could,” Yoda said,
pulling himself up on the medical bed to touch Obi-Wan’s upper arm
with worry. “See the damage from the temple I did, binoculars.”
He explained at their confused looks. “Protective fire wrapped you

colored at that while Anakin stroked his mate’s hair back gently.

we’re clearly missing out on something here, care to explain?”
Mace raised his brow.

looked to him, raising his ears before looking at his old master.

can implode when the danger becomes to great, when there are no other
choice,” Obi-Wan explained quietly. “Sometimes the choice are
taken out of our hands when we get frightened. Its how we die for
good, by imploding either caused by someone else taking our hope and
terrifying us or by choosing to implode.” Obi-Wan confessed before
shrugging as he peered at them through his fringe as they absorbed
the news.

mean to tell me you were a literal walking bomb back in the
apartment? You could have imploded in fire and taken out what I would
assume was the entire building?” Depa gaped at him.

like several buildings.” Obi-Wan smiled sheepishly. “I was…
terrified, not for myself but for them.” Obi-Wan rested his hands
on his stomach. “I didn’t want the Sith to have them, he would
have…” He trembled a bit then turned and hid his face in Anakin’s

soothingly, Anakin hugged his mate as Yoda patted the redhead’s arm
slowly, obviously neither concerned about the idea of exploding.

we came close to dying today,’ Qui-Gon thought to himself, rubbing
his chin while wondering where the kark that Sith had run of to
because he’d like to introduce the karking sleemo to his
‘Frighten my padawans and try to steal my grandbabies will you and
think you’re getting away scoot free? Oh I don’t think so.’
Qui-Gon narrowed his eyes, staring at the wall over the couples head,
Yan rest his hand on his shoulder.

wouldn’t be alone in hunting the Sith down.

Burning bird- “hell hath no fury like a” firebird’s dominant mate.

Its Anakin everyone worries
about as they make their way to the lavish apartment that belongs to
the Chancellor, Anakin’s entire body vibrating with certainty
as he can hear Obi-Wan, his hand often finding his saber and the
Force fluctuating around him.

he is a danger, a worry for sure even
with Qui-Gon having meet up with them with four judicial
officers who get explained that they are there because of Skywalker
and his mating instincts leading him directly to his mate.

apparently softens something in the woman leading them as they watch
Anakin’s vibrating body in the elevator, blue eyes focused on a
single spot above them that must be where Obi-Wan is.

yes, fire flickers his body as they move to confront Palpatine, the
man’s grandfatherly visage turning terrifying and dark.

they’ve forgotten something.

is a starbird too and his mate is within range, breaking the bonds
that holds him captive.

sees Anakin’s head snap towards the wall, blue eyes widening before
the knight calls out. “HIT THE FLOOR!”

the closest Judaical,
Qui-Gon drags the man down to the floor while seeing Kit do the same
with the two closest to him and Stass dragging the last one with her
even as Palpatine makes his way closer to the window and balcony of
the apartment.

next moment Qui-Gon just holds his breath as heat washes over them,
the smell of burning hair and the shriek of metal confirming that
fire is indeed washing over them but not directly touching them.

pulls back finally and Qui-Gon dares to lift his head and holds his
breath once more because there’s a hole through several
walls, melting metal and burning fabric right into a bedroom where
there is a ball of fire and barely through the flames he can see a

Anakin scrambles off the floor, jumping through the holes, avoiding
dripping metal even as Qui-Gon glances towards the balcony.

is gone.

saw his chance and escaped.’ Qui-Gon lips pulled into a taunt
grimace before pulling himself up and following after Anakin quickly
but the closer he got, the warmer it got, metal dripping and running
down from ceiling and walls from Obi-Wan’s heat.

there master!” Anakin stopped, glancing back at him. “Obi-Wan
isn’t going to… he’s wrapped up in a protective fire and I need
to… I don’t think anyone else can get close to him!” He called
out over the roar of the fire before glancing at his powered down
saber and then throwing it at Qui-Gon.

he made his way through the last hole as Qui-Gon watched his two
former padawans, listening to Anakin trill and chirp at Obi-Wan.

was a shift beside him, Mace joining Qui-Gon at the fourth wall while
grimacing at the heat pouring out. “Palpatine got away, we need to
put the entire GAR and order on alert.” He murmured quietly as he
watched Anakin trying to approach the ball of fire, his tabards
already catching fire and his boots leaving behind marks as the soles

Anakin himself was fine, no fire would damage a starbird who were
reborn in novas. ‘But what about their first birth?’ Qui-Gon
glanced worriedly at Obi-Wan who had yet to respond to the chirps and
trills. ‘Does the first birth entail that same nova?’ He
swallowed nervously
even as he nodded in agreement to Mace words.

though there was an
uncertain, answering chirp from within the fire that
had Anakin moving into the fire as fast as he could.

a cue from the Force, Qui-Gon summed his fight discarded robe and
watched Mace do the same, understanding in each others eyes as the
other council members joined them in listening to the chirps and
trills that were soothing and questioning in nature from within the

the fire retreated, leaving behind two bare humanoids, Anakin wrapped
around his very pregnant mate in a tight embrace.

out, feeling exhausted as adrenaline
was finally letting go, Qui-Gon moved through the still dripping hole
in the wall towards the two before stopping as he felt his boots
stick to the floor that bore the same signs of melting as the ceiling
and walls. “…Anakin?” He called out, watching Obi-Wan jerk in
panic and look up, his face going frightened to relief when he saw
who it was. “Hello Obi-Wan.”

master.” Obi-Wan rasped out, smiling meekly before yelping when
Anakin stood with Obi-Wan in his arms, the blond quickly moving
towards them to get out of the melting room.

is going to be one hell of a report.’ Qui-Gon noted to himself even
as he wrapped his robe around Obi-Wan’s bare form.