Burning bird seems to be getting close to the end. Could you write what happens next? I really enjoy how obi is needing time for recovery. It feels real

for the footrest of the bed, Obi-Wan held on tightly to remain
upright with a low curse before taking a deep breath and setting his
focus back on his goal with
his slippers slipping slightly with each step he took towards his

fresher only
twenty steps away from him.

the incubator, his anxious mate sat with a hand on the glass
separating him from his kids, his whole body practically vibrating
with the urge to get up and help his struggling mate but each time he
showed signs to wanting to,
Obi-Wan shot him a sharp glare.

reason for that was the healer standing in the door with raised
brows, Healer Janna’s arms crossed over her ample bosom as she
waited, her
beautiful raven hair tied up and back with beads braided in
everywhere as she observed.

If Obi-Wan could
get to the fresher on his own, the family could move back to their
quarters with the kids in the incubator but if Obi-Wan couldn’t get
to the fresher under his own power then there was no other option
then to keep him for at least another day.

Healer Janna did not expect Obi-Wan to manage and was clearly
expecting him to have to remain in
the Halls in his sleep wear that Anakin had been kind enough to fetch
but Obi-Wan was nothing if not stubborn and he wanted his own fucking
bed with
the soft sheets and firm pillows he was used to
and he wanted it yesterday thank you very much.

bow legged and stumbling, he made his way towards the fresher with a
very prominent ache and soreness going off
every time he moved. ‘When I get to our quarters, I’m going to
sit on the couch and enjoy a cup of tea Anakin will make for me and
watch the kids sleep. Then I’ll gloat at both Qui-Gon and Yan that
I’m in my own quarters and there is nothing they can do about it.’
With these lofty goals set, Obi-Wan pushed himself until he was
indeed standing by the fresher door and turned his head defiantly to
the healer.

healer had dropped her arms, her brows raising in pure surprise now.
“Well, it seems you’re doing better than I expected Master
Kenobi,” She turned her head to Anakin. “I’ll write out some
prescription painkillers for you to take with and arrange with one of
the med droid to get the incubator ready to transport. To be fair,
the kids will only need two more days in the incubator anyhow.” She

in victory despite the clammy sweat on his face and body, Obi-Wan
leaned against the doorway as Anakin nodded in understanding, blue
eyes wide as he stood and made his way to his mate.

he waited until Janna left to make arrangements
before wrapping his arms around Obi-Wan and guiding him back to the
bed. “You’re taking a hoverchair to our room, no arguments.” He
stated sternly.

in exhaustion as
he wobbled back,
Obi-Wan nodded. “That’s fair. I just want to get out of here
mate, I want my own bed and privacy.” He murmured plaintively
chirruping softly as he was settled onto the bedside.

there was a softer answering trill beside him, Anakin nuzzling their
noses together. “I know, that’s why I didn’t object to this.
Beside, I’ll look after you and our hatchlings.” He beamed
happily before stroking Obi-Wan’s face slowly. “Have you heard
from Qui-Gon?” Anakin switched subjects, knowing the healer would
be taking time.

Obi-Wan frowned slightly. “The Senate is being difficult despite
the evidence brought forward that Palpatine was involved in the clone
creation but he says they are making headway,” He stroked his beard
slowly with a deeper frown. “It also helps that Yan is chipping in
his credits and offering up space on Serenno  to take some of them and
I believe Senator Amidala is lobbying for some to Naboo too?” He
peered up at his mate, knowing Anakin kept a friendship with the
young woman.

as he nodded, Anakin stroked Obi-Wan’s hair affectionately.
“Padme’s managed to convince the Queen that they should have a
standing army, a small one, after the Naboo invasion. I think its
mostly a ploy though, to get a few of the troopers safe on Naboo
really.” He frowned a bit before shrugging.

in amusement, Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around the others chest and
leaned his chin on his mate’s chest. “That wouldn’t shock me
actually, she’s always been kind.” He mused thoughtfully.

the sun warm Anakin’s back, Obi-Wan rubbed his face into the others
chest for a few seconds before just settling, relaxing with a soft
smile guided up at the other, trilling gently until Anakin joined
him, the two softly singing to each other as Luke and Leia squirmed
around in response to the song from their parents.

wasn’t great, that was just how the galaxy functioned unfortunately
with all the misery sentient kind
could throw at each other among all the good and life in general.

were still big hurdles to overcome on
Coruscant itself after Palpatine’s fall,
still a Senate in motion and
chaos thanks to it no longer having a Chancellor that they needed to
elect anew and
still the clones to station
and fight for on the Jedi’s side.

Obi-Wan felt certain, regardless what was going to come, he and his
family would be ready for it even if it occasionally meant taking a
hoverchair back to his quarters and letting Anakin fuss over him.

long as Obi-Wan got to fuss a bit back of course heh.

would overcome those hurdles together, as all starbirds mates did.

So what do the firebirds do now that they have their little birds and Palpatine is dead?

and glancing to the door when it opened, Obi-Wan perked up as he saw
his two visitors, having half expected one of the healers instead of
the ones who arrived. “Boba!”
Half rising from his bed, Obi-Wan held his arms open for the young,
scarred boy, hugging him tightly when
he instantly crawled up on the bed for a good hug
as Jango followed in and glanced about, his amber
eyes lingering on the incubator before nodding at Skywalker. Anakin
just nodded back, sitting back in the recliner by the incubator with
a tired smile on his lips.

didn’t like resting without someone around the babies.

in case.

he was a damn worry wart.

Where are the babies?!” Boba gasped while pulling his face from the
others medical tunic, looking around before staring at the incubator
where the twins were resting and then looking at Obi-Wan. “Wait,
you’re still round.” He pouted at the redhead.

out a laugh and wincing a bit at
the pain that gave him,
Obi-Wan grinned at him. “Well that’s one way of putting it,” He
chuckled even as Jango coughed in embarrassment for his blunt son.
“I’m going to remain a bit round around the stomach and might not
get rid of it hatcling, because the babies were in there and grew and
my body might not go back to how it was.” He explained calmly to
the kid, not offended at all as he settled.

knew that he wouldn’t be the same after the kids anyhow, after all,
the stretchmarks over his belly was a clear indication on that and
depending on how he trained, his stomach might remain a bit flabby
but to be fair, Obi-Wan grew two babies inside of him and pushed them
out and honestly, he’d carry those stretchmarks as medals of
triumph honestly.

blinked large brown eyes at him before nodding and shuffling off the
bed, hurrying over to the incubator instead to peer inside.

occurred to Obi-Wan that for all that the Kamino’s did their
cloning, Boba might not have seen a real baby outside of the tanks
before and
now that he was seeing two, twitching and smacking their lips, Boba
was fascinated by them.

it was, Obi-Wan turned his attention up on Jango, smiling at the
bounty hunter. “Glad they let you in, the others weren’t certain
until Anakin and I vouched for you and the security you gave us on
Kamino.” He murmured quietly so
Boba wouldn’t catch on.

smirked wryly. “If I were them, I wouldn’t trust me either. I am
a bounty hunter after all,” He noted calmly before settling down on
a chair by the bed. “Good to see you’re up. The
holo calls weren’t enough to really reassure Boba.” Or him
clearly but Obi-Wan didn’t expect Jango to say that.

back into his pillows, Obi-Wan smiled wryly. “Considering it all,
I’m doing pretty good,” Obi-Wan breathed deeply before brushing
his hair back. “I mean, I have nightmares and the healers are
suspecting ptsd but that’s not too shocking.” He shrugged a bit.

his nose, Jango nodded while sitting back, crossing his arms over his
chest. “…But your kids are out and healthy.” He noted, glancing
at the two little bundles, staring at little hands.

up, Obi-Wan smiled. “That they are.
I just need to recover and they need to finish developing and things
can finally go back to normal.” He breathed out heavily, closing
his eyes for a few moments and opening them to meet Jango’s amused
look. “What?”

With two babies?” Jango smirked at him.

his hands, Obi-Wan laughed. “Okay, okay, I know, it won’t be
totally normal but it will be as good. I’ll take all the screaming
and diapers and tantrums compared to what was happening before.” He
settled on, meeting Anakin’s warm eyes as the other was both aware
of Boba and of the conversation Jango and his mate had.

what’s going to happen to the clones now?” Anakin asked.

change in subject caused Jango to pause before sighing. “I don’t
know. They’re all paid for, all finished, the kamino’s
technically can’t do a thing to them because they’re paid for,
they’re ‘products’ as they would say,” He stated slowly as
both Jedi exchanged long looks. “And since technically they are
paid for by a Jedi… they belong to the Jedi order. Or that’s how
they will see it at least. So…” Jango trailed off.

it will need to be brought up with the council and Dooku.” Anakin
finished up, all three adults sighing deeply.

can I get a sibling too?” Boba asked in some excitement, Jango
gaining a taun-taun in headlight look as he stared at his boy before
stammering out a reply that sounded something along the lines of
maybe or flibbidybab.

what it was, it had Obi-Wan breaking out into peels of laughter with
Anakin following a moment later with his own wheeze.

So what do the firebirds do now that they have their little birds and Palpatine is dead?

and glancing to the door when it opened, Obi-Wan perked up as he saw
his two visitors, having half expected one of the healers instead of
the ones who arrived. “Boba!”
Half rising from his bed, Obi-Wan held his arms open for the young,
scarred boy, hugging him tightly when
he instantly crawled up on the bed for a good hug
as Jango followed in and glanced about, his amber
eyes lingering on the incubator before nodding at Skywalker. Anakin
just nodded back, sitting back in the recliner by the incubator with
a tired smile on his lips.

didn’t like resting without someone around the babies.

in case.

he was a damn worry wart.

Where are the babies?!” Boba gasped while pulling his face from the
others medical tunic, looking around before staring at the incubator
where the twins were resting and then looking at Obi-Wan. “Wait,
you’re still round.” He pouted at the redhead.

out a laugh and wincing a bit at
the pain that gave him,
Obi-Wan grinned at him. “Well that’s one way of putting it,” He
chuckled even as Jango coughed in embarrassment for his blunt son.
“I’m going to remain a bit round around the stomach and might not
get rid of it hatcling, because the babies were in there and grew and
my body might not go back to how it was.” He explained calmly to
the kid, not offended at all as he settled.

knew that he wouldn’t be the same after the kids anyhow, after all,
the stretchmarks over his belly was a clear indication on that and
depending on how he trained, his stomach might remain a bit flabby
but to be fair, Obi-Wan grew two babies inside of him and pushed them
out and honestly, he’d carry those stretchmarks as medals of
triumph honestly.

blinked large brown eyes at him before nodding and shuffling off the
bed, hurrying over to the incubator instead to peer inside.

occurred to Obi-Wan that for all that the Kamino’s did their
cloning, Boba might not have seen a real baby outside of the tanks
before and
now that he was seeing two, twitching and smacking their lips, Boba
was fascinated by them.

it was, Obi-Wan turned his attention up on Jango, smiling at the
bounty hunter. “Glad they let you in, the others weren’t certain
until Anakin and I vouched for you and the security you gave us on
Kamino.” He murmured quietly so
Boba wouldn’t catch on.

smirked wryly. “If I were them, I wouldn’t trust me either. I am
a bounty hunter after all,” He noted calmly before settling down on
a chair by the bed. “Good to see you’re up. The
holo calls weren’t enough to really reassure Boba.” Or him
clearly but Obi-Wan didn’t expect Jango to say that.

back into his pillows, Obi-Wan smiled wryly. “Considering it all,
I’m doing pretty good,” Obi-Wan breathed deeply before brushing
his hair back. “I mean, I have nightmares and the healers are
suspecting ptsd but that’s not too shocking.” He shrugged a bit.

his nose, Jango nodded while sitting back, crossing his arms over his
chest. “…But your kids are out and healthy.” He noted, glancing
at the two little bundles, staring at little hands.

up, Obi-Wan smiled. “That they are.
I just need to recover and they need to finish developing and things
can finally go back to normal.” He breathed out heavily, closing
his eyes for a few moments and opening them to meet Jango’s amused
look. “What?”

With two babies?” Jango smirked at him.

his hands, Obi-Wan laughed. “Okay, okay, I know, it won’t be
totally normal but it will be as good. I’ll take all the screaming
and diapers and tantrums compared to what was happening before.” He
settled on, meeting Anakin’s warm eyes as the other was both aware
of Boba and of the conversation Jango and his mate had.

what’s going to happen to the clones now?” Anakin asked.

change in subject caused Jango to pause before sighing. “I don’t
know. They’re all paid for, all finished, the kamino’s
technically can’t do a thing to them because they’re paid for,
they’re ‘products’ as they would say,” He stated slowly as
both Jedi exchanged long looks. “And since technically they are
paid for by a Jedi… they belong to the Jedi order. Or that’s how
they will see it at least. So…” Jango trailed off.

it will need to be brought up with the council and Dooku.” Anakin
finished up, all three adults sighing deeply.

can I get a sibling too?” Boba asked in some excitement, Jango
gaining a taun-taun in headlight look as he stared at his boy before
stammering out a reply that sounded something along the lines of
maybe or flibbidybab.

what it was, it had Obi-Wan breaking out into peels of laughter with
Anakin following a moment later with his own wheeze.

I want to be angry you tricked us with Burning bird, but I’m just happy the kids are okay. Damn you really had us going though.

up at a noise, Anakin watched as Mace gently continued stroking
little Shmi Leia
stomach with
the glove of the incubator
a soft fond smile on his face as he
watched the little ones through the incubator.
‘Defender of the weak and guardian of the vulnerable… guess
Obi-Wan had a point there.’ Anakin mused to himself even as another
part of him snorted and dryly pointed out that Mace Windu was that
little girls master to be, bonded before she had fully entered the
world much
to everyone but Mace surprise when he said it.

on the other side of the incubator
was Qui-Gon,
eyes closed and
twitching as he meditated with one of his large bandaged covered
hands resting on the glass of the incubator near Jinn Luke
tiny body that could have almost fit in that large hand if Qui-Gon
wanted to.

sound of the incubators soft monitors was one of the few noises in
the room outside of Obi-Wan’s own but that one was muted thankfully
to allow for a deep rest as Obi-Wan had just zonked out the moment he
had been able to return to bed after changing and cleaning up which
left Anakin to cuddle the sleepy body and observe the room.

the master
of the order or
Anakin’s former master would
admit it, but Anakin could see them being worried, guarding their
fragile little padawans by
being physically present.

eyes lingered on the hands, watching the bandages covering
their flesh as he gently shifted Obi-Wan against his chest. “…I’m
sorry for burning you two.” He murmured, breaking the quiet silence
that had settled into the room and ignoring when Dooku couldn’t
help but cough in amusement where
he was sitting in one of the armchairs that had been brought in, a
book in his lap.

just chuckled.

your breakdown after the babies were put in the incubator, I imagine
I can find it in myself to forgive you.” Mace drawled, not taking
his eyes off Shmi Leia
and cooing quietly when she flailed her small limbs in the air, her
little hand strapped with a wire just like her brother.

Qui-Gon cracked an eye open. “…I can certainly understand the
situation considering all that’s been going on Anakin, I’m just
glad they made it, all of them,” Qui-Gon murmured then quirked his
lips into a smile. “And how can I be upset when I’m feeling these
two glow not to mention the honor you two have given me.” He nodded
his chin lightly in Jinn Luke’s

slightly as he checked on Obi-Wan through the Force, Anakin shrugged.
“You’ve been important to us,” He nodded to his sleeping mate.
“We just felt it was right though we didn’t know you’d end up
with a natural bond to one of them.” Anakin tacked on with an
amused chuckle.

I’m curious,” Dooku leaned forward, lifting one dark brow. “Will
they be named Skywalker or Kenobi?” The Star knight questioned with
a curious lit that had Mace and Qui-Gon too looking at Anakin in

Anakin scratched the back of his neck. “You know, me and Obi-Wan
haven’t really talked that over though Obi-Wan once implied he would like Skywalker but who knows. Jinn Skywalker, Shmi Kenobi… hmm maybe
we’ll just give each kid one last name?” He frowned a bit now
that he was thinking it over.

they should keep the same one, give them that sibling connection.”
Qui-Gon cautioned gently though Mace shot him a narrow eyed look at
that and opened his mouth.

they all quieted down when Obi-Wan let out a deep grunt and shifted,
pressing his nose into Anakin’s collarbone with a low whine that
made Anakin shift his hand to rub along the others spine in a
soothing motion.

held their breath and let it out slowly when Obi-Wan settled back
against Anakin, still deeply asleep but they all shut up as they
didn’t want to wake the slumbering man.

what he had just gone through he certainly deserved the undisturbed
rest he was getting.

pressed a tender kiss to Obi-Wan’s forehead and rubbed his back
with a small, tender smile.

talk about it when Obi-Wan was feeling better, it wasn’t like they
needed a last name right
away since they were babies and Anakin wasn’t about to let them out
of his sight for days yet. They had first names and
middle names and for now that was all they really needed.

know, there is a very real chance that they both in the future drop
the middle name or go with the one they feel fondest of.” Dooku
spoke up in a musing but quiet tone that had Anakin rolling his eyes
and quite pointedly pulling the covers up around himself and Obi-Wan.

too deserved the rest damn it.

I want to be angry you tricked us with Burning bird, but I’m just happy the kids are okay. Damn you really had us going though.

up at a noise, Anakin watched as Mace gently continued stroking
little Shmi Leia
stomach with
the glove of the incubator
a soft fond smile on his face as he
watched the little ones through the incubator.
‘Defender of the weak and guardian of the vulnerable… guess
Obi-Wan had a point there.’ Anakin mused to himself even as another
part of him snorted and dryly pointed out that Mace Windu was that
little girls master to be, bonded before she had fully entered the
world much
to everyone but Mace surprise when he said it.

on the other side of the incubator
was Qui-Gon,
eyes closed and
twitching as he meditated with one of his large bandaged covered
hands resting on the glass of the incubator near Jinn Luke
tiny body that could have almost fit in that large hand if Qui-Gon
wanted to.

sound of the incubators soft monitors was one of the few noises in
the room outside of Obi-Wan’s own but that one was muted thankfully
to allow for a deep rest as Obi-Wan had just zonked out the moment he
had been able to return to bed after changing and cleaning up which
left Anakin to cuddle the sleepy body and observe the room.

the master
of the order or
Anakin’s former master would
admit it, but Anakin could see them being worried, guarding their
fragile little padawans by
being physically present.

eyes lingered on the hands, watching the bandages covering
their flesh as he gently shifted Obi-Wan against his chest. “…I’m
sorry for burning you two.” He murmured, breaking the quiet silence
that had settled into the room and ignoring when Dooku couldn’t
help but cough in amusement where
he was sitting in one of the armchairs that had been brought in, a
book in his lap.

just chuckled.

your breakdown after the babies were put in the incubator, I imagine
I can find it in myself to forgive you.” Mace drawled, not taking
his eyes off Shmi Leia
and cooing quietly when she flailed her small limbs in the air, her
little hand strapped with a wire just like her brother.

Qui-Gon cracked an eye open. “…I can certainly understand the
situation considering all that’s been going on Anakin, I’m just
glad they made it, all of them,” Qui-Gon murmured then quirked his
lips into a smile. “And how can I be upset when I’m feeling these
two glow not to mention the honor you two have given me.” He nodded
his chin lightly in Jinn Luke’s

slightly as he checked on Obi-Wan through the Force, Anakin shrugged.
“You’ve been important to us,” He nodded to his sleeping mate.
“We just felt it was right though we didn’t know you’d end up
with a natural bond to one of them.” Anakin tacked on with an
amused chuckle.

I’m curious,” Dooku leaned forward, lifting one dark brow. “Will
they be named Skywalker or Kenobi?” The Star knight questioned with
a curious lit that had Mace and Qui-Gon too looking at Anakin in

Anakin scratched the back of his neck. “You know, me and Obi-Wan
haven’t really talked that over though Obi-Wan once implied he would like Skywalker but who knows. Jinn Skywalker, Shmi Kenobi… hmm maybe
we’ll just give each kid one last name?” He frowned a bit now
that he was thinking it over.

they should keep the same one, give them that sibling connection.”
Qui-Gon cautioned gently though Mace shot him a narrow eyed look at
that and opened his mouth.

they all quieted down when Obi-Wan let out a deep grunt and shifted,
pressing his nose into Anakin’s collarbone with a low whine that
made Anakin shift his hand to rub along the others spine in a
soothing motion.

held their breath and let it out slowly when Obi-Wan settled back
against Anakin, still deeply asleep but they all shut up as they
didn’t want to wake the slumbering man.

what he had just gone through he certainly deserved the undisturbed
rest he was getting.

pressed a tender kiss to Obi-Wan’s forehead and rubbed his back
with a small, tender smile.

talk about it when Obi-Wan was feeling better, it wasn’t like they
needed a last name right
away since they were babies and Anakin wasn’t about to let them out
of his sight for days yet. They had first names and
middle names and for now that was all they really needed.

know, there is a very real chance that they both in the future drop
the middle name or go with the one they feel fondest of.” Dooku
spoke up in a musing but quiet tone that had Anakin rolling his eyes
and quite pointedly pulling the covers up around himself and Obi-Wan.

too deserved the rest damn it.

Babies!!!!! Burningbird BABIES!!! How many? What do they look like? Are they scalded? Do they have tiny downy feathers? Moddy!! Share please!!

asked about it later, Anakin can barely remember anything from the

of Obi-Wan’s screams, the faint fire flickering their skin as
Obi-Wan clings to his hand and the healers guiding words, Anakin
doesn’t remember a thing about the ordeal of the labor.

almost feels like he might have been in a trance the whole time,
wiping Obi-Wan’s face of sweat and tears, Qui-Gon and Mace as
silent beings in the room as he whispers something to his mate and
tries to help.

then its over.

twin cries in the air, Obi-Wan is laying in an exhausted, sweaty and
pained mess on the bed as the healers continue talking to him about
the afterbirth and placenta and
that needed to come out, the
redhead no longer crushing Anakin’s hand as he was in less pain.

then Bant approaches Anakin with one yellow blanket and a smile on
her face, large eyes watching him.

takes him a moment but finally it sinks in, that’s one of his
little birds in Bant’s arms, all cleaned up while Anakin was
distracted with Obi-Wan, the other over with a nautolan healer who
was gently washing them.

Anakin accepted the bundle into his shaking arms that suddenly seemed
too big and clumsy to hold such a delicate little thing because his
little bird was so small,
being so early they were both so small as
Anakin stared down at the scrunched up, wrinkled face and oh Force,
it was both the ugliest and the most beautiful thing Anakin had ever
seen with little dark tufts showing up on their forehead where the
blanket wasn’t covering.

little mouth opened, seemingly yawning, showing off pink gums as it
would be months until teeth grew and Anakin tucked his child into the
crook of one arm to lift his finger to the mouth, breathing out in
awed shock when the little one instantly latched onto the finger and
sucked with surprising strength.

they already hungry?

was it just instinct, to latch on when something was presented to
their mouth?

is your daughter,” He looked up at Bant’s soft whisper, blinking
at the mon calamari before looking down again, smiling. “She came
first, Nura is cleaning your son and weighing him before we hand him
over too,” She continued. “Despite
being early born… they’re actually mostly fine but they’ll need
some time in the bacta mist incubators and under the UV light lamps,
You can hold them for a little bit until we get the incubators ready
though.” Bant explained softly and gestured for Anakin to show of

Anakin tucked the baby to his chest and turned to Obi-Wan, showing
the exhausted man their little girl with a wide smile. He got a tired
one in return, Obi-Wan lifting a shaking hand to gently stroke his
fingertips along a soft, pink cheek. “…Hello there little one.”
Obi-Wan whispered lovingly despite being so tired.

then Nura came over with their son, carefully handing the second
yellow bundle into Anakin’s arm, each baby settled in the crooks of
Anakin’s arms as the healers fussed around with the incubators.

were wrinkly, both were pink, one had tufts of darker hair and both
had their eyes closed as they were snuggled in their wraps, feeling
safe and warm.

they were so bright and warm in the Force and they didn’t look hurt
at all as he showed Obi-Wan their son before being forced to step
away so the healers could help Obi-Wan clean up.

Anakin beamed at Qui-Gon and Mace with wide, shiny eyes as he held
his kids to his chest. “Look…” He said, his throat closing up
on him as his emotions got the best of him, joyful tears slipping
slowly down his face.

smiled softly at that, stepping closer to gently stroke a finger
along one chubby cheek as Mace peered over his shoulder at the small
bundles with a soft smile on his face. And then Dooku was there too,
staring at the little ones with wide icy eyes.

man sworn in as a guardian of Starbirds and he got to see the birth
of new ones.

wasn’t sure what the other was feeling, too consumed in his own
feelings of pride and joy but he could see the awe on Dooku’s face.

beautiful Anakin, you two did well.” Qui-Gon praised softly, moving
a bit aside so a softly smiling Mace could stroke the chubby cheeks
as well.

blond had never seen such a soft, soppy look on the Master of the
order’s face before but maybe in the face of children, Mace became
a totally different person.

Anakin reluctantly handed the early born babies over to the healers
again when they came over with the incubators.

weren’t fully developed, not yet, they would need time in the
incubators but…

they looked healthy.

weren’t… going
to die, not from being early born.

wasn’t going to loose them, any of them and Anakin crumbled to the
floor at that thought, a shaken, relief filled sob escaping from him
as he covered his face and just wept, feeling a worried Obi-Wan reach
for him in their bond and Qui-Gon kneel down to hug him.

wasn’t about to lose them.

that worry, all that darkness and fear and they were going to live.

Babies!!!!! Burningbird BABIES!!! How many? What do they look like? Are they scalded? Do they have tiny downy feathers? Moddy!! Share please!!

asked about it later, Anakin can barely remember anything from the

of Obi-Wan’s screams, the faint fire flickering their skin as
Obi-Wan clings to his hand and the healers guiding words, Anakin
doesn’t remember a thing about the ordeal of the labor.

almost feels like he might have been in a trance the whole time,
wiping Obi-Wan’s face of sweat and tears, Qui-Gon and Mace as
silent beings in the room as he whispers something to his mate and
tries to help.

then its over.

twin cries in the air, Obi-Wan is laying in an exhausted, sweaty and
pained mess on the bed as the healers continue talking to him about
the afterbirth and placenta and
that needed to come out, the
redhead no longer crushing Anakin’s hand as he was in less pain.

then Bant approaches Anakin with one yellow blanket and a smile on
her face, large eyes watching him.

takes him a moment but finally it sinks in, that’s one of his
little birds in Bant’s arms, all cleaned up while Anakin was
distracted with Obi-Wan, the other over with a nautolan healer who
was gently washing them.

Anakin accepted the bundle into his shaking arms that suddenly seemed
too big and clumsy to hold such a delicate little thing because his
little bird was so small,
being so early they were both so small as
Anakin stared down at the scrunched up, wrinkled face and oh Force,
it was both the ugliest and the most beautiful thing Anakin had ever
seen with little dark tufts showing up on their forehead where the
blanket wasn’t covering.

little mouth opened, seemingly yawning, showing off pink gums as it
would be months until teeth grew and Anakin tucked his child into the
crook of one arm to lift his finger to the mouth, breathing out in
awed shock when the little one instantly latched onto the finger and
sucked with surprising strength.

they already hungry?

was it just instinct, to latch on when something was presented to
their mouth?

is your daughter,” He looked up at Bant’s soft whisper, blinking
at the mon calamari before looking down again, smiling. “She came
first, Nura is cleaning your son and weighing him before we hand him
over too,” She continued. “Despite
being early born… they’re actually mostly fine but they’ll need
some time in the bacta mist incubators and under the UV light lamps,
You can hold them for a little bit until we get the incubators ready
though.” Bant explained softly and gestured for Anakin to show of

Anakin tucked the baby to his chest and turned to Obi-Wan, showing
the exhausted man their little girl with a wide smile. He got a tired
one in return, Obi-Wan lifting a shaking hand to gently stroke his
fingertips along a soft, pink cheek. “…Hello there little one.”
Obi-Wan whispered lovingly despite being so tired.

then Nura came over with their son, carefully handing the second
yellow bundle into Anakin’s arm, each baby settled in the crooks of
Anakin’s arms as the healers fussed around with the incubators.

were wrinkly, both were pink, one had tufts of darker hair and both
had their eyes closed as they were snuggled in their wraps, feeling
safe and warm.

they were so bright and warm in the Force and they didn’t look hurt
at all as he showed Obi-Wan their son before being forced to step
away so the healers could help Obi-Wan clean up.

Anakin beamed at Qui-Gon and Mace with wide, shiny eyes as he held
his kids to his chest. “Look…” He said, his throat closing up
on him as his emotions got the best of him, joyful tears slipping
slowly down his face.

smiled softly at that, stepping closer to gently stroke a finger
along one chubby cheek as Mace peered over his shoulder at the small
bundles with a soft smile on his face. And then Dooku was there too,
staring at the little ones with wide icy eyes.

man sworn in as a guardian of Starbirds and he got to see the birth
of new ones.

wasn’t sure what the other was feeling, too consumed in his own
feelings of pride and joy but he could see the awe on Dooku’s face.

beautiful Anakin, you two did well.” Qui-Gon praised softly, moving
a bit aside so a softly smiling Mace could stroke the chubby cheeks
as well.

blond had never seen such a soft, soppy look on the Master of the
order’s face before but maybe in the face of children, Mace became
a totally different person.

Anakin reluctantly handed the early born babies over to the healers
again when they came over with the incubators.

weren’t fully developed, not yet, they would need time in the
incubators but…

they looked healthy.

weren’t… going
to die, not from being early born.

wasn’t going to loose them, any of them and Anakin crumbled to the
floor at that thought, a shaken, relief filled sob escaping from him
as he covered his face and just wept, feeling a worried Obi-Wan reach
for him in their bond and Qui-Gon kneel down to hug him.

wasn’t about to lose them.

that worry, all that darkness and fear and they were going to live.

Please for fug nuggets sake tell me Obi is not going to die in Burning Bird DX

Hall’s are in chaos.

has to dodge a literal trolley that goes flying out the doors to
crash into the wall but its not just Obi-Wan’s fault because Yan
was correct in saying the whole temple felt the backlash of darkness.

are more than one Jedi in panic, several crying younglings, long term
patients awake after years of coma, experienced Jedi having panic

a fucking mess and Qui-Gon wants to slow down and assure a few of the
crying younglings clinging to their crechemasters but before he can
even do more than glance at them he hears something else.

trilling as a wave of fear filled Force wave passes through him.


glances with Yan as the man also hears the starbird, the two leg it
down the hall where the trilling is getting louder, sharp enough to
be piercing and Qui-Gon curses as he sees Mace outright holding
Anakin off the floor, the korun cursing at the tatooine native as
Anakin flails in the man’s grasp, fire flickering Anakin’s skin
even as a pained scream comes from inside the room Anakin is trying
to reach.

blond’s eyes are wild, the pupils narrow point in a sea of blue as
Qui-Gon finally reaches them and slaps both large hands onto Anakin’s
cheeks to get the man’s attention away from the door.

flickers at Qui-Gon’s skin and it hurts
but Qui-Gon doesn’t betray that even as Yan slips inside the labor
room where Obi-Wan is as Qui-Gon all but drags Anakin’s attention
to him. “Do you want to kill
Obi-Wan?!” He hissed at the blond.

a semblance of some sanity in his eyes, chirped weakly at him but
wasn’t struggling as hard anymore despite jerking in Mace grasp

going to if you continue this!” Qui-Gon snapped, still holding his
hands to Anakin’s burning hot skin as he meet those blue eyes. “He
needs you to be strong
for him and calm,
not screaming out here in the hallway.” He growled at Anakin.

its early, its too early.” Anakin gasped out, forming words to
Qui-Gon and Mace relief as the councilor settled the blond on his

Anakin with the grasp he had on his face, Qui-Gon nodded. “Its
early but things will be alright, we’re in the Jedi Hall’s of
healing, we have equipment but Obi-Wan has been stressed for weeks
since his abduction and that blast wave when Palpatine died only
hours ago would not
have helped,” He said sternly. “Anakin he needs you to be strong
for him because right now all his strength is going into labor, he’s
been so stressed and he needs you to be strong too now.”

reached up with shaking hands, covering Qui-Gon’s large one with
his nails digging into the flesh. “…He’s dead?” Anakin
whispered shakily, eyes flickering to the door when Obi-Wan cried out
with pain only to return to Qui-Gon. “He… he can’t touch
Obi-Wan again?” He got out shakily.

Qui-Gon let his lips quirk into a grim smile. “Never again. But
right now there are babies on the way and your mate needs you
Anakin.” He whispered sternly before outright letting go and
pushing Anakin to the room.

for just a moment, Anakin ran shaking hands through his curls before
nodding and stepping into the room.

then did Qui-Gon let his legs collapse from under him as Mace cursed
but didn’t manage to catch him in time. “Kark I really thought he
was going to blow up.” The councilor cursed as he took Qui-Gon’s
hands to coat them in bacta as the healers are too busy with
everything else for the blistering skin of the old Jedi master.

wouldn’t have disturbed them for this regardless, even less in this

and me both,” Qui-Gon breathed out. “And we’re not out of the
woods yet, not really. If Obi-Wan doesn’t make it through this…”
They exchanged grim looks before
Qui-Gon took the tube from Mace to help the other with the burns on
his own hands and face, Anakin’s internal fire having done quite a
bit of damage
not only the scorched Jedi uniform but also the dark skin of the
other man.

were in a precarious situation, that
was clear.

Obi-Wan did not survive the early birth or if either of his twins
were damaged by Palpatine, there would be hell to pay because Anakin
Skywalker had waited so long for his mate and for the chance for

if he lost all of that…

only hoped for everyone’s sake that he listened to the kinder
voices in his head because Anakin Skywalker could devastate the
galaxy if he truly wished to.

Please for fug nuggets sake tell me Obi is not going to die in Burning Bird DX

Hall’s are in chaos.

has to dodge a literal trolley that goes flying out the doors to
crash into the wall but its not just Obi-Wan’s fault because Yan
was correct in saying the whole temple felt the backlash of darkness.

are more than one Jedi in panic, several crying younglings, long term
patients awake after years of coma, experienced Jedi having panic

a fucking mess and Qui-Gon wants to slow down and assure a few of the
crying younglings clinging to their crechemasters but before he can
even do more than glance at them he hears something else.

trilling as a wave of fear filled Force wave passes through him.


glances with Yan as the man also hears the starbird, the two leg it
down the hall where the trilling is getting louder, sharp enough to
be piercing and Qui-Gon curses as he sees Mace outright holding
Anakin off the floor, the korun cursing at the tatooine native as
Anakin flails in the man’s grasp, fire flickering Anakin’s skin
even as a pained scream comes from inside the room Anakin is trying
to reach.

blond’s eyes are wild, the pupils narrow point in a sea of blue as
Qui-Gon finally reaches them and slaps both large hands onto Anakin’s
cheeks to get the man’s attention away from the door.

flickers at Qui-Gon’s skin and it hurts
but Qui-Gon doesn’t betray that even as Yan slips inside the labor
room where Obi-Wan is as Qui-Gon all but drags Anakin’s attention
to him. “Do you want to kill
Obi-Wan?!” He hissed at the blond.

a semblance of some sanity in his eyes, chirped weakly at him but
wasn’t struggling as hard anymore despite jerking in Mace grasp

going to if you continue this!” Qui-Gon snapped, still holding his
hands to Anakin’s burning hot skin as he meet those blue eyes. “He
needs you to be strong
for him and calm,
not screaming out here in the hallway.” He growled at Anakin.

its early, its too early.” Anakin gasped out, forming words to
Qui-Gon and Mace relief as the councilor settled the blond on his

Anakin with the grasp he had on his face, Qui-Gon nodded. “Its
early but things will be alright, we’re in the Jedi Hall’s of
healing, we have equipment but Obi-Wan has been stressed for weeks
since his abduction and that blast wave when Palpatine died only
hours ago would not
have helped,” He said sternly. “Anakin he needs you to be strong
for him because right now all his strength is going into labor, he’s
been so stressed and he needs you to be strong too now.”

reached up with shaking hands, covering Qui-Gon’s large one with
his nails digging into the flesh. “…He’s dead?” Anakin
whispered shakily, eyes flickering to the door when Obi-Wan cried out
with pain only to return to Qui-Gon. “He… he can’t touch
Obi-Wan again?” He got out shakily.

Qui-Gon let his lips quirk into a grim smile. “Never again. But
right now there are babies on the way and your mate needs you
Anakin.” He whispered sternly before outright letting go and
pushing Anakin to the room.

for just a moment, Anakin ran shaking hands through his curls before
nodding and stepping into the room.

then did Qui-Gon let his legs collapse from under him as Mace cursed
but didn’t manage to catch him in time. “Kark I really thought he
was going to blow up.” The councilor cursed as he took Qui-Gon’s
hands to coat them in bacta as the healers are too busy with
everything else for the blistering skin of the old Jedi master.

wouldn’t have disturbed them for this regardless, even less in this

and me both,” Qui-Gon breathed out. “And we’re not out of the
woods yet, not really. If Obi-Wan doesn’t make it through this…”
They exchanged grim looks before
Qui-Gon took the tube from Mace to help the other with the burns on
his own hands and face, Anakin’s internal fire having done quite a
bit of damage
not only the scorched Jedi uniform but also the dark skin of the
other man.

were in a precarious situation, that
was clear.

Obi-Wan did not survive the early birth or if either of his twins
were damaged by Palpatine, there would be hell to pay because Anakin
Skywalker had waited so long for his mate and for the chance for

if he lost all of that…

only hoped for everyone’s sake that he listened to the kinder
voices in his head because Anakin Skywalker could devastate the
galaxy if he truly wished to.

Aaaaah no you’re evil! Burning bird! Obi needs support!

lightly at a charred limb, Yan grimaced before nodding and looking at
Qui-Gon. “Well, I didn’t expect that darkside backlash but he’s
dead as a mummified corpse at this point,” He said in a raspy tone
to the backlash though his voice was filled
with vicious satisfaction before turning a smile on the trooper who
turned the man into cinders. “Well done… Kero
yes? A suitable name.”
He offered in a drawl, as if he hadn’t been bleeding from
nosebleed moments before, as if both him and Qui-Gon hadn’t
collapsed because of the amount of darkside energy going through them
with the trooper giving a jaunty wave now
that the two are back on their feet.

felt way too giddy for what he had done so Qui-Gon assumed he was
somewhat pyromaniac, not the first trooper Qui-Gon met with that
inclination honestly but
he was really more worried about the dark wave of energy they had

would honestly not
shock Qui-Gon to know the entire planet felt the tsunami of dark
energy and especially the temple regardless how far away it was from
these slums of Coruscant. ‘I do hope
none of the younglings were scared by it…’ Qui-Gon frowned to
himself while rubbing his beard. ‘Oh who am I kidding, we’re
going to hear from the crechemaster about this, the babies are sure
to have been woken up.’ He breathed out heavily because
if there was one thing he hated doing it was waking the babies.

the Jedi in the long term ward haven’t been effected by this,”
Yan suddenly announced as
he turned back from Kero
and Qui-Gon gaze snapped sharply to him, blinking before wincing with
guilt as he hadn’t even considered the long term patients.
“Force knows those people have it bad enough.” Yan
finished in a weary rumble.

though maybe this is for the better? If the Force clears up thanks to
this,” Qui-Gon glanced down at the dead corpse at their feet.
“Maybe the long term visions and preconception ward will have a few
empty beds because they can gather themselves a bit more…” He
trailed off thoughtfully.

Yan moved away as the Judaical finally arrived to take scope of the
scene though the troopers still ran the show with Qui-Gon only
staying to observe since the Judaical had no idea about Sith related
things, they were only there since Palpatine was convicted of other
crimes. It would honestly shock Qui-Gon if any of the law enforcement
knew what a Sith was, outside of the troopers and Jedi, no one really
cared anymore what a Sith was despite old
wars being fought by Sith on Coruscant.
“Potentially Qui-Gon,
but we can’t rely on that for sure. Coruscant’s
only life is the beings who roam it, its become a planet of metal.”
Yan stated seriously as he threw the bloody handkerchief into a
nearby trashcan with a little frivolous use of the Force.

to respond, Qui-Gon blinked as his comm started squealing only to
jerk when moments later so did Yan’s.

further from the crime scene, Qui-Gon jerked his comm off his belt as
Yan came closer to listen. “Jinn.” He greeted shortly only
to blink when there was a canopy of voices on the other side which
had him exchanging a. confused look with Yan

to repeat himself to
try and get a proper answer,
Mace finally responded on
the other end.
“JINN!” The council member roared, almost making Qui-Gon drop his
comm in
sheer surprise.
“Get your ass back in the temple! Kenobi’s giving birth!” The
man’s voice seemed to echo a bit.

wait, that was just in Qui-Gon’s mind, Mace
still speaking but Qui-Gon’s mind had kind of gone numb on him with
the information that Obi-Wan was at this moment giving birth but that
couldn’t be right because… that was too early, wasn’t it?

was still frozen when Yan snatched the comm out of his hand to reply
that they were on their way, the Serenno’s
dragging Qui-Gon to the skycar one of the troopers had jumped into to
get ready since all the troopers were kind of pinging with surprise
and some minor shock and some part of Qui-Gon imagined that Commander
Cody would get a message very quickly as
the troopers muttered between themselves.

scrambled with numb hands to get the seat belt on after being shoved
into the back, Yan in the front with the trooper who was kind enough
to drive them. “Quickly, it sounded like full panic back there,”
He urged the man before turning his head to look at Qui-Gon. “Its
too early.” He said grimly.

backlash,” Qui-Gon groaned, the wind picking up around them as they
took off. “Obi-Wan must have been exposed to it after the high
stress situation Palpatine had put him through not to mention in his
condition… Force Anakin.” He gasped in realization.

noises he had heard, that faint thrilling, shrill noise in the back
of the comm…

nodded sharply. “As the dominant and older mate, his instincts are
to protect, especially after the abduction. That the babies are
coming early will not improve anything and the healers may need to
keep him from the delivery room depending on how he’s behaving…
especially if he can’t control the Force outputs he has at this
moment.” He continued in the same grim tone.

heavily, looking towards the temple, Qui-Gon gripped his hands in his
leggings as he understood he needed to get to the temple and keep a
hold of his old padawan because Obi-Wan wasn’t able to at this

Obi-Wan… you have to make it through this.’