Breakabarrier! Yay twins! Is it Luke and Leia, is it aome other twins? Whats up with Palps? I’ll take anything. LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!

slowly while watching tv, Obi-Wan gave a thoughtful hum that
attracted both his mates attention.

paused in stroking Padme’s hair, the lady senator’s head having
resting in Obi-Wan’s lap as Obi-Wan sat leaned into Anakin’s side
on the black
leather couch
of their little intimate tv room that they spent the majority of
time in,
dark red walls making the room seem smaller and darker with the lamps
all shining warmly at them to provide an intimate and private
atmosphere, with a glass caff table
between it and the holo tv to hold their drinks and snacks.

living room
was more reserved for when they had guests, while
this was for them to be in peace and quiet with only C3PO
occasionally disturbing them if there was a guest or a call.

Padme murmured in
the hair petting making her drowsy.

faintly, twinning some of her brown loose hair around his fingers,
Obi-Wan shrugged. “Just thinking about baby names.” He whispered,
snorting a bit when Anakin playfully nipped at his ear.

not calling them either Shmi or Kitster, just saying,” He stated
warningly, the alpha suddenly
before grimacing when both his mates shot him looks. “Its… look,
they’re slave names, I loved my mom and my friend but…” He
trailed off uncomfortably, glancing
away at the mention of his origin.

his head, feeling Padme sit up on
his other side,
Obi-Wan pressed a soft kiss to Anakin’s cheek. “They’re
wonderful names but if you say no, that’s it.” He agreed quietly,
watching as Padme leaned over his lap to press her own kiss to
Anakin’s cheek.

both watched as Anakin’s tense posture eased, the man letting out a
huff of relief.

from them understanding or maybe for them agreeing.

just maybe because they weren’t trying to argue with him. Anakin
had his issues with his beginnings and as much as he loved his
mother, that didn’t change what they had been once, there was a
reason Anakin did all he could to handle slavers when he caught them.

either of you have any ideas then?” Obi-Wan asked slowly, raising
his brow at them.

that Anakin grinned sheepishly. “Jinn?” He asked slowly, raising
his hands in surrender when both Obi-Wan and Padme raised their brows
at him, one incredulous and one amused.

closer, now clearly more awake, Padme let out a thoughtful sound. “I
always wanted to name one of my children for Leia, it means lioness
in ancient Naboo.” She grinned at them, giving a little wink which
prompted them both to laugh.

any child of yours is going to be fierce.”
Anakin teased before cuddling Obi-Wan to him. “Though that is a
pretty name.” He mused thoughtfully.

his chin, leaning into Anakin’s body as all three of them ignored
the end of the movie they had been half watching, Obi-Wan let out a
soft hum while scratching at his beard covered chin. “You know,
that’s not half bad. There are two of them, so Leia sounds
wonderful.” He agreed, wiggling a bit.

a kiss to Obi-Wan’s cheek, Padme let out a delighted noise. “We
should get two female and two male names… just in case.” She
stated cheerfully.

his nose a bit, Obi-Wan considered that before nodding.

didn’t really care or agree about gendered names but Naboo had
their culture and while secondary genders weren’t generally that
important, they did have some hangups about the first gender that
came out in things like dress and names.

just watched both of them bemusedly before letting out a thoughtful
noise. “Artemis?” He glanced between them. “She was one of the
sister deities of Tatooine, known for hunt.” He explained with an
easy grin and both Padme and Obi-Wan sported thoughtful looks before
nodding in tandem.

be nice to name one Bail, since he’s been such a dear friend.”
Padme sighed hopefully.

get awkward though, I mean it be an honor for him, that’s true,”
Anakin injected. “But since we’re going to ask him and Queen
Breha to be one of the godparent pairs, Bail junior might be aw-”

Obi-Wan cut in before they could start squabbling.

mute, they both looked in surprise at Obi-Wan.

simply shrugged. “Luke, it’s an old Jedi name if I’m honest. It
means light giver, a leftover relic from when we fought the Sith and
the Jedi tried to spread light. It used to be a title more than a
name really but… these children will bring light into our world…
so-” His mates cut him off by hugging him, Padme sealing their lips
together in a tender kiss that had Obi-Wan sighing and relaxing.

hadn’t even been aware he was tensing up as he spoke but their
approval rung in the Force and Obi-Wan couldn’t help but smile
shyly at them as he was gathered into Anakin’s lap, the three
cuddling together as the end credits of the movie rolled.

a second there was silence, comfortable and warm.

Obi-Wan glanced at the bonus scenes of the movie, brows raising high
at the hopeful ending. “…Also you’re not picking the movie next
time Anakin, Madam Synata may be a brilliant drama actor but Force,
we just watched a farce of a ‘historical’ play.” He huffed,
brows twitching a bit.

come on Obi-Wan! Into the Sky is a classical! And
Madam Synata is one of the most renowned actresses through the
Anakin pouted sadly at his mate, pulling
out his puppy eyes for the man.

by the faux leaky eyes and sad expression as he snorted
deeply, Obi-Wan raised a brow at
“And the Agorim moon is not exploded into a half crescent shape,
that would utterly ruin the planets gravity and oceans and the Jedi
were not involved in the Agorim civil war at all, we were directly
banned from entering their planets atmosphere not only by the
government but the people itself and it was a direct blood bath that
lead to not only the death of half the population but is still
effecting the planets growth to this very day, five hundred years
later.” He stated dryly as Padme giggled softly at them squabbling
lightly over the movie.

his mouth but then thinking better of it, Anakin paused before
shrugging and smiling meekly. “…Artistic liberty?” Anakin
finally stated, a tad sheepishly.

a long, amused glance, Padme and Obi-Wan couldn’t help it, laughing
as they pulled their pouting mate into soft, affectionate kisses
between them.

future felt so bright… and yet Obi-Wan couldn’t help a feeling of
unease that he tried to push away as the war’s fault as he clung to
his mates, the swell of his stomach pressing into Anakin with Padme’s
hand lingering on the gentle swell of their twins.

Heyy hey, we haven’t hear for breakabarrier in forever, I need more Omega-verse ObiAniDala. How are the babies doing? And anything else you want to add.

slightly at the cold, Obi-Wan gave the amused looking healer a slight
glare even as Padme gently stroked his hair and Anakin squeezed his
hand reassuringly. “A warning would have been appreciated,
I had no idea you were adding Hoth to my stomach.” Obi-Wan drawled
at her.

the healer shook her head. “It’s not as cold as it feels and I
did tell you that it would be cool.” Miranda pointed out but before
Obi-Wan could answer her, the woman had placed the ultrasound tool to
his belly, carefully rolling it over the somewhat wet skin from the
gel to get a clear image.

that shut Obi-Wan up.

even with the blurry blue image they could all tell that there were

little lives, twitching and squirming inside of him. Little
limbs, twitching hands and feet, little bodies, all fully formed and
just in need of growing now after what he knew from the baby books he
had been reading.

of them which explained Obi-Wan’s size.


Miranda let out an amused noise. “Well would you look at that,”
She stated as the image became clearer, all three parents leaning in
closer to
look at slowly moving limbs.
seems congratulations are in order for all, there is one implantation
from both Senator Amidala and Knight Skywalker, both in each their
amniotic sac, though you could call them twins I imagine as they will
come out together once labor happens.” She chuckled in soft
amusement, the beta slowly rolling the tool over Obi-Wan’s five
month large belly.

healers had said they heard two heartbeats but to actually see
them… well that was different and Obi-Wan clenched his hand on
Anakin’s while pushing into Padme’s hand in his hair as he stared
at the image.

were their babies.

of them.

you want to know the gender of them? I already assume you want a copy
holo to display or put into image form for frames, so I’ll provide
that.” Miranda hummed, leaning over to type at the terminal for
said copy.

at his mates, Obi-Wan shrugged then smiled. “No, the gender can be
a surprise. It’s not like we’re going to know their secondary
gender until they’re teens anyhow so the first gender doesn’t
matter either.” He said calmly, breathing out when the ultrasound
tool was removed.

instantly took one of the flannels and started to clean off his
stomach, smiling softly at him. “That’s very true. And you’ve
already started to nest so we have lots of clothes and toys already
for both.” She teased lovingly before leaning forward and stealing
a kiss from their omega.

against the soft lips, Obi-Wan used his free hand to cup the back of
her head, prolonging the chaste kiss slightly longer before letting
go and looking at the thrilled looking Anakin, the knight sporting a
smile so wide it was basically his entire face.

that was exaggerating but still, his smile was huge.

He cooed in a gooey voice, both Padme and Obi-Wan laughing as they
fixed up the Jedi master tunic.

Obi-Wan stand, Anakin face somehow went even more bright. “We
should go celebrate! We know it’s two now!” He wiggled excitedly
while looking between the two.

up, Padme nodded while sliding her arm around Obi-Wan, pulling him
into her side. “Yes, that does sound like a lovely idea, I can get
us a table at the White Guarlara, one of my uncles owns part of it so
we haven an open invitation to a table.” She explained with her own
little excited wiggle that she was trying to hide.

by his rather adorable two alpha’s, Obi-Wan let out a thoughtful
hum then nodded. “Naboo cuisine does sound rather appealing right
now and it would be a thing to celebrate despite the awfulness of the
war. But I need to speak with Mace before we go,” He said before
chuckling when both gave him wary looks. “Nothing bad, I just need
to collect some information he had for me about my investigation. I’m
close to figuring out the identity of who is helping Dooku, I can
just feel
it.” He grinned at them.

softly, Anakin ducked down and gave Obi-Wan a chaste kiss on the
lips. “Alright, find Windu first and then
we go celebrate, a nice delicious none alcoholic cider for you, wine
for Padme and juice for me.” He murmured lovingly.

I hope they have Naboo cider and not the local stuff, it’s been
ages since I had any of that.” Obi-Wan hummed, accepting the little
keycard from Miranda with their copy holo, ignoring Anakin and Padme
exchanging fond, loving looks over his head.

was busier peering at the still twitching holo of his children on the
terminal, watching their little limbs.

were inside of him.

were the future he was fighting for, the peace he wanted to give to.

would give them it for as long as there was breath in his body.

#breakabarrier: Ani and Padme are informed of Obi’s behavior.

to observe his waiting mates, Obi-Wan shuffled slightly with nerves
before making his way over to Padme and Anakin, letting the blond
pull him down into his lap as the blond alpha had been missing their
omega while being shipped out.

nuzzled lightly to begin with, rumbling in greeting as
the fresh scent from the flowers around hit Obi-Wan, the doors closed
to the rainy Coruscant nightfall that had come drizzling as Obi-Wan
traveled home after his council meeting.

lips were swollen Obi-Wan noted and so was Padme’s. Tacking on the
fact that Padme had changed into a nice, shimmery green summer dress
and looked showered, it didn’t take a genius to figure out what the
two alpha’s had been up to while Obi-Wan was at the temple and so
he pouted at them. “Hey…” He huffed, provoking a low laugh from

a proper greeting when I come home is important, it’s not my fault
you had to attend a Jedi session.” Anakin teased gently before
cupping the back of his omega’s head and leading him into a tender
kiss, twining their tongues together to taste the others mouth.

tea and cookies, the taste made him sigh with pleasure at the
familiarity and he could feel a twitch from below despite how well
Padme had ridden him into ecstasy while holding his wrists down

valiant effort but it was too close and Anakin was too exhausted.

as well since they had serious things to speak with Obi-Wan about
though Anakin allowed himself a moment to gently rub Obi-Wan’s
starting chub, humming faintly as the omega purred.

he pulled back as he felt Padme touch his shoulder warningly, giving
her an apologetic smile. “Couldn’t help it, his mouth is as sweet
as always and I’ve missed it.” He easily confessed, grinning when
Obi-Wan flushed even deeper with happy pleasure at the words.

Anakin’s smile did fade a bit when he sighed deeply. “I’m less
pleased about the call we got from the council however Obi-Wan.” He
pointed out sternly, softening when Obi-Wan winced.

didn’t mean to.” Obi-Wan’s scent soured.

both alphas reached for him, Padme grasping his hands and Anakin
cupping his former master’s face and current omega. “Hey no, it’s
not… we’re not angry at you. We’re just sad at how you
undervalue yourself,” Anakin whined, rubbing their noses together.
“You wouldn’t like it if we did it to ourselves?” He shot at
him, his fingertips digging lightly through the bristling, sweet
smelling beard of copper and gold.

instantly jerked back, yipping a bit in shock before pouting when he
realized what Anakin had done, the two alpha’s smiling indulgently
at him.

Anakin pointed out softly, pulling Obi-Wan back to rub their noses
again. “You wouldn’t be happy with us if we neglected our
health.” He dropped his arms around the others waist.

worried his bottom lip before huffing and turning his head, peering
at Padme. “…I want a cup of tea and one of the fruit and cream
filled buns you got at the bakery,” He whispered, shoulders
trembling faintly before turning his head back to Anakin. “A-And I
want an ankle rub,” He swallowed heavily. “With that mint oil
Ahsoka gave us.” Obi-Wan tacked on.

alpha’s stared at him in surprise before Padme bounced to her feet
and hurried to the kitchen with a little delighted laugh.

Anakin tipped his mate into the pillows, making sure Obi-Wan was
settled against them as Obi-Wan pushed on behind his back for
support. “You got it omega ours, just give me a moment t-”
Obi-Wan hand closed around Anakin’s sleeve.

looked rather bothered, his face flushing.

no not bothered, embarrassed… a bit ashamed?’ Anakin raised his
brows at his mate, his brows almost flying off his face in surprise
at the others request when Obi-Wan finally managed to get words past
his reddened and plumping lips from being bitten.

it with the Force.” Obi-Wan finally asked, his tone now clearly

heavily, Anakin decided not to bring attention to it, instead waving
his hand to summon the oil from the bathroom with a smile for his
mate as he pulled Obi-Wan’s slipper covered feet into his lap to
remove both the sky blue slippers gifted by Padme and the black
cotton socks they were hiding.

the time he was working oil into Obi-Wan’s ankles and feet, Padme
had the tea and the buns plated up on a tray, coming back to settle
it down and pour a large cup for their omega with a wide smile on her
face, the smile growing even larger when Obi-Wan instantly sat up a
bit for Padme to sit down behind him, her legs coming up on either
side of the redhead.

Obi.” She teased softly, pressing a scattering of tender kisses
along his neck with her arms resting around his waist, Obi-Wan having
a saucer and cup with his tea and a pleased, shy smile on his lips.

Obi.” Anakin agreed happily, showering both his mates with

was how a night should be spent, in the company of his mates as they
enjoyed each others company.

Breakabarrier. So the pregnancy is really early on and, as we know, there are some rather unpleasant early side effects… and we also know that Obi-Wan has a thing about people taking care of him, and not accepting it easily. Maybe the symptoms start and Obi is trying to keep it on the downlow because he’s self conscious, doesn’t think it’s worth bothering them, etc.. but honestly he’s miserable

the rather perturbed looking Jedi master wander into the for
once sunny looking council
the rest exchanged curious gazes before Depa decided to cut to the
chase and just ask the man. “Obi-Wan, is something wrong my
friend?” She stated, leaning back in her chair to rest her aching

omega paused on his way to his chair, blinking at her before reaching
into his pristine
robes. “Anakin came back as you all know, also thank you for giving
him some decompression
time,” He tacked on distractedly. “But when he came back, he
brought back an action figure of me from the Biscuit Baron.”
Obi-Wan continued in that same distracted tone.

sorry what?” Mace puzzled at the man while
several blinked.

of verbally answering, Obi-Wan finally
fished out of
his robe the
figure in question and it was indeed
a little figure of himself much to the amusement of everyone else.
“Wait for it.” Obi-Wan murmured, fiddling a bit with the back of
the toy before the lightsaber in the toy’s hand lit up and the toy
went ‘Hello there.’

his mouth, Mace felt a grin grow as he suspected whoever made the
wall eyed toy had gone into the war footage and found a sound clip of
Obi-Wan that
had been given to all such toy.

he was not the only one amused as there was discreet coughs and

evil look crossed Obi-Wan’s face as he tucked the toy away into
his robe again.
“I’m not the only one, Anakin just didn’t get everyone else.”
He stated in a warning tone before focusing on Yoda. “Your’s
blows bubbles.” He
stated mischievously.

who had been rolling his cane in his hands with twitching ears,
froze. “…From where the bubbles comes? Worried I now am.” He
croaked out
in shock, ears
twitching wildly.

his walk to his chair, Obi-Wan sat down. “Your mouth, it’s wide
open and every time the bubbles comes out, it says ‘A Jedi I am
hrmmm.’” He snarked at the old master before lifting one leg to
gently rub at his ankle through the boot, a
small grimace on his face.

Mace felt his brow raise slowly, ignoring the rest of the council
‘discreetly’ checking the holonet both for Yoda and for
themselves from the Biscuit Baron’s jolly meal.

slow suspicion started to burn as he eyed his unchanged looking
friend but with the knowledge he had… he
could take an educated guess what was up based on the pregnancy and
Obi-Wan’s general behavior through the years.

He started cautiously as the other looked up from rubbing his ankle
to blink at Mace. “Are your ankles already sore?” Mace got a
taun-taun in headlight look from the man, the redhead quickly placing
his foot down only to wince at the speed he had done it, the heel of
his boot clicking a bit.

Mace crossed his arms over his chest. “You know we gave Skywalker
time to spend time with you yes? You are his mate and you are in a…
precarious situation right now technically even if your body is made
for it.” He stated dryly.

muttered something Mace couldn’t hear, ears color red and making
him look like a turnip instead of a human but he was more interested
in how Depa shifted in her seat and tried reaching for Obi-Wan as she
abandoned her search for herself as a toy, growling faintly. “You
are not a burden Obi-Wan, stop calling yourself that. Let your mate’s
spoil you. I mean honestly, you need care on a normal day not to
mention when you’re stuffed full of kit.” She huffed before
outright just getting out of her chair and marching over to Obi-Wan.

rest of the council just watched as Depa lifted a squeaking and
squirming Obi-Wan and sat herself down in his chair with the man on
her lap, wrapping her robe around both of them to look like a
brooding owl or something.

you closing in on a rut Depa?” Mace questioned thoughtfully,
watching her while rubbing his chin. “You’re acting very rut like
and protective.” He pointed out when she shot him a hard look over
Obi-Wan’s head.

“… Well
maybe.” She grumbled. “My point still stands!” Depa stated

to Kit, Mace shrugged. “We best write her off the roster for a
while, until after her rut, let her nest her padawan for a while and
let her visit her troopers,” Mace smirked. “Not like we could
keep Commander Grey
out of the temple anyhow.” He added in a teasing tone only to
outright laugh when Depa growled warningly at him while cuddling
Obi-Wan against her chest.

just looked sulkily on though on the lowdown, rather pleased to be
cuddled which everyone made note of.

inform Skywalker and Amidala there was some backtracking in Obi-Wan’s
behavior it seemed.

Break a Barrier- Anakin comes home between missions and is obsessed with Obi-Wan’s tiny baby bump.

their blond mate in bemusement, Padme and Obi-Wan exchanged looks.

around each other all the time, changes became just a natural part
both got used to,
especially as slowly as Obi-Wan’s pregnancy changes were coming and
therefore they had not really taken much notice except for Obi-Wan
who occasionally complained about aching ankles or hips.

for Anakin, who had been gone for a full two months much to all
three’s dismay, had not been around to witness the changes and
holo’s did not do any justice.

was why he was currently on his knees in front of the couch with his
hands gently palming Obi-Wan’s silk covered stomach, crooning in
awe. “There’s a tiny bump, the baby is making a tiny bump,”
Anakin gasped in joy before looking up at his omega. “You have a
baby bump Obi-Wan!” He beamed.

a bit, Obi-Wan glanced down as he took in what looked like pudge

well Anakin wasn’t wrong.

had to be the baby and not just fat making Obi-Wan a tiny bit
rounder, clearly visible in the moment as he was wearing one of the
nice silky morning robes Padme had gotten him as a gift.

mate shuffled a bit closer, running her hand over the fabric too, her
face perking up in joy as she too took in the fact that Obi-Wan was
showing ever so slightly. “Oh my, I didn’t notice, you were
developing so steadily… Oh Obi-Wan that’s our child.” She
beamed joyfully, leaning in and kissing him sweetly as Anakin put his
cheek to Obi-Wan’s stomach, completely entranced in the ever so
slight bump that was the life they had made together.

have to admit, I didn’t notice myself,” Obi-Wan flustered,
petting Anakin’s hair as he stole another kiss from his Senator
mate. “It’s not so large that it’s effecting my clothes yet nor
be in the way.” He
squirmed a bit, leaning into Padme’s side with Anakin still slowly
rubbing his cheek on Obi-Wan’s stomach, crooning quietly in
happiness while murmuring at the baby despite it still being a tiny

was a bit embarrassing and yet Obi-Wan did nothing to discourage the
other man despite wanting a proper greeting kiss since Anakin had
only chastely
pressed a kiss to both Padme and Obi-Wan’s lips before dropping to
his knees.

take what he could get and let Anakin fuss over the little bump that
honestly barely even made a baby belly yet.

had no definite curve yet, no real size and honestly one could easily
mistake it for Obi-Wan having a more sedate life style compared to
his normal Jedi life along with a good appetite.

latter was true, especially in the last three months since they had
found each other and Padme had been spoiling Obi-Wan while Anakin had
been only briefly in on Coruscant between sieges as the Hero with No
fear was in high demand especially now that the Negotiator was out of
commission though people were happily understanding that.

interview had still been embarrassing, regardless how serene
Obi-Wan’s expression had been as he had gone on record and
confirmed that yes, he would not be joining the war effort in the
field for months, nine to be precise.

press had a field day with that for an entire week before it all kind
of died down and another celebrity took the stage though how the Jedi
became a celebrity Obi-Wan had no idea. The war really was bad for

Anakin suddenly sat up, a mischievous grin crossing his face. “I
got something for you Obi-Wan while I was out.” He reached for his
bag, tugging it over while Padme got an amused look on her face,
clearly catching on that this wasn’t a gift but a tease and
therefore not minding that there was nothing for her as she settled
her head on Obi-Wan’s shoulder.

Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes slightly at the other. “An-oh what
the karking
Force.” Obi-Wan let out a wheeze as
Anakin held up a small figurine in triumph.

while the figure was new, Obi-Wan recognized the style.

was a Biscuit Baron children toy, slightly large head and small body,
a chibi thing Obi-Wan thought it may be called but it was…

was him.

an over sized lightsaber in a too small hand for the body with a too
big, doopy smile, paint
making him
cross eyed and the red of the hair too bright to really match the
genuine article in
front of him,
that was a tiny toy Obi-Wan that apparently came in the youngling
meals at Biscuit Barons if Anakin holding it was any indication.

as both his mates started laughing at his soundless state and shocked
expression, Obi-Wan could just gape rather unattractively at the toy
as it beamed back at him, the walleyed thing. “…What the
kaaaark.” Obi-Wan repeated in a tiny whisper, causing both Anakin
and Padme to let out another bellow of laugh together.

MODDY!!! More breakabarrier!!! I LOVE THAT FIC!!! Is one baby? Is two babies? Is Anakin doing ok away from his mates? Where does Obi stay at night and during the day? How does Padme pamper him??

up against the warm plains of her mate’s back, Padme smiled
sleepily against the pleasantly warm skin and ignored the minor
discomfort where her cheek was sticking to Obi-Wan’s shoulder blade
as she spooned her mate.

wanted to lay there forever, wanted to soak in the warmth forever.

she needed to pee and the arm she was laying on was numb as all heck.

reluctance in her sleepy mind, Padme slowly shuffled away from her
mate after one last kiss to his spine before wiggling away slowly and
carefully so not to wake the slumbering omega. Obi-Wan had been doing
that a lot more, sleeping without waking when she moved in their
nest, feeling safe and comfortable despite Anakin not being around.

to the fresher, Padme let her mind slip to their other mate and
missing member of the bed.

out there in the cold of space, going to war, trying to bring in the
peace Padme wasn’t sure could be obtained out in the field but had
to be truly gained in the halls of diplomacy but…

with Dooku and the Chancellor at the helm, she was doubtful they
would get it.

get her wrong, Padme loved her old mentor but it had become
increasingly clear to her with the progress of weeks and months that
he had become more of a spider in his web in the seat of power at the
Republic and if she could go back in time and shake her younger self,
she would totally do it.

the loo, Padme grumbled and eyed the little chrono before rolling her

wasn’t that early anymore and she had to leave for the Senate soon,
having several meetings she needed to engage in with the hopes of
maybe getting some progress to get peace and with the clone rights
amendment she was working on.

she could get Obi-Wan’s thoughts on the latter she bet as she
grabbed her toothbrush and got to work on getting clean so the
handmaidens could help her with her outfit. It was only once they
entered the bedroom that Obi-Wan woke, giving all of them bleary,
sleepy looks before rolling over on his side and pulling the blankets
over his head.

and endeared, Padme just watched her pregnant mate cuddle back to
sleep with nary a care since he didn’t have anything to do in the
temple today and she was more than happy to let him sleep in.


at the holo comm, Anakin settled his elbows on his knees and pouted
quietly to himself as Ahsoka patted his head.

up Skyguy! At least Senator Amidala is looking out for master
Obi-Wan,” Ahsoka said cheerfully and laughed slightly when he just
grunted. “I mean at least he’s sleeping over at the apartment
most days, that’s good? Sleeping in your nest.” She
tried to sooth his sulking.

seemed to work too as Anakin grinned slightly. “I guess that’s a
good thing yeah… Padme says Obi-Wan manages to sleep through her
leaving the nest now, confidant and content.” He perked up more
much to the amusement of both his troopers and Ahsoka.

the odd human hair teasingly, the padawan winked happily. “And that
is progress after all! He’s not as clingy as he was in the
beginning meaning that the mating bond has been settling in after all
and he’s confidant in his place in both of your hearts after all.”
She chirped at him.

up even more, Anakin bounced to his feet and nodded. “Still, I’m
gonna keep on sending them messages and call them when I can until
we’re back.” He bounced towards his quarters.

her eyes a bit, Ashoka traded an amused look with Rex.

a bit, Rex settled against a bulkhead with a smirk. “Hey, they say
mated alphas are all gaga for their mates. And General Skywalker
seems to be the stereotype for his.” He chortled in amusement.

Ahsoka crossed her arms over her chest. “Yeah well, when you find
your mate or mates, I’m gonna have fun teasing you about it if you
behave the same way.” She taunted lightly with a grin.

the thought.” Rex chuckled even as his chest warmed at the easy
acceptance that Rex, a clone, would have a mate and therefore belong
in the galaxy from his commander as not everyone else seemed to
believe it.

if Ahsoka believed it of him, then she would believe it of others.

seen Boil and Waxer,” She pointed a finger at him, jabbing it for
point. “They’re as bad about
each other
as Skyguy is about his mates!” Ahsoka laughed happily, unaware of
the warmth in Rex chest as she continued her friendly bantering as
Anakin was busy sending a message off to Coruscant on a secure line.

What is going to happen now that Obi (I assume) is temple bound in Break ABarrier?

back and forth in the apartment, Obi-Wan kept excitedly looking at
the door only to grumble and go back to pacing back and forth as
Anakin watched him in obvious amusement with a warm cup of hot
chocolate in hand, courtesy of 3CPO.

had of course tried to have Obi-Wan sit and drink some tea, some
decaffeinated tea that is, but it was a moot point.

was too excited and restless, too much to meditate and therefor too
much to sit and drink tea so pacing it was, moving meditation even
though he broke it often to look to the door because he thought he
felt Padme arrive.

up, Anakin instead opted to fondly watch Obi-Wan and letting his eyes
linger on the others stomach where their new treasure rested.

was much too early of course to be able to tell anything
about what was in there.

blood test confirmed Obi-Wan was pregnant and that was all, it was no
more than two weeks since the heat and who knew which day it took so
yeah, that fetus in there was no more than a week and a half if even

they would have to wait to see what came of it.

a moment Anakin’s hand tightened on his mug as he considered the
idea of miscarriage but he quickly wiped that out of his mind.

the healers would keep good tabs on Obi-Wan.

would look after Obi-Wan.

out through his nose, Anakin sent Obi-Wan a reassuring smile as the
other paused to look at him, obviously having felt the minor moment
of panic Anakin had. “What
are you going to do now that you won’t be in the war effort?” He
decided to ask.

much to distract himself as Obi-Wan honestly.

other stopped outright, blinking owlishly at Anakin before snorting
deeply, sending a sinking sensation through the blond. “I’m not
out of the war effort, I just won’t be on the front line.”
Obi-Wan sniffed, moving to the couch to sit down.

zinged through his veins like the nectar of the gods, wrapping one
arm around Obi-Wan while keeping a hold on his mug. “Oh? You’ve
considered what you’re going to be doing?” He asked quietly
instead, taking a small sip of his spiced chocolate.

into Anakin’s chest, Obi-Wan nodded. “I can still review
information and battle strategies, try to get a lead on whoever is
really in charge of the whole operation.” Obi-Wan sighed deeply,
rubbing his hand over his beard.

a kiss to the others temple, Anakin considered that, smiling

was a safe thing to do, it would most likely keep Obi-Wan on
Coruscant, far away from the battles that roamed the galaxy and all
Anakin would have to do was to keep the CIS away from Coruscant. ‘I
can do that, I can keep him safe. Padme and me can keep them safe.’
He smiled brightly before both turned to the door when it rang, Padme
stepping in with a surprised look on her face.

bounced to his feet and rushed to her side, beaming in tentative hope
for how she would, take the information.

he always been this endearing?’ Anakin set his cup down, smiling
slightly while standing too. ‘He must have, Force, my darling
omega, how I love you.’


mood in the council chamber was gloomy, each council member in deep
thought as some stared at the empty chair among them.

it harm him?” Depa finally whispered.

muscle jumping, Mace pressed his hands together. “I don’t know. I
don’t sense anything dark but who knows.” He tacked on equally

his head in his hands, let out a bitter laugh that made them all
wince. “We know nothing, for all we know it could be natural, he
could just be that lucky or unlucky depending on who you ask.” He
stated in a dry tone of voice though clearly he did not believe his
own words, a tinge of desperation tacked to it that had them all
exchanging looks.

we could have the soul healers do their own searching?” Evan stated
thoughtfully, rubbing his chin.

child is a blessing, why would such a thing be in a Sith’s ritual?”
Ka-Adi asked.

was a question that had been rehashed several time and they had no
answer yet.

even Yoda, who had been gripping his cane with his eyes closed, ears
twitching as he listened to the Force.

just didn’t know and they did not want to intrude on Obi-Wan’s
happiness with his mates with their news.

will have to be discrete,” Mace sat up, looking at everyone
seriously, his face more dour than ever. “Obi-Wan was happy
once the news sunk in. He wants
this child. If it is unharmful we will say nothing, for once let him
be happy.” He stated severely in a heavy tone.

by one, they all nodded, all of them aware of all Obi-Wan had sacrificed
and been hurt.

once they wanted him to have that happiness as long as the child was
truly nothing more than that, a child even if the origin was

Oooh! Well he’s not going to have to leave and go back to the war now, I guess. They’re not going to let him fight like that. But Anakin will still have to. Will he be missed dearly? And are Padmé and Obi-Wan going to have to deal with early pregnancy symptoms on their own?

his hand to his still flat stomach as he took in the implications of
the positive test, Obi-Wan stared at the wall blankly. He didn’t
have a six pack anymore, he wasn’t a young man by any means and
maybe he should be training more but there was also organs in there
that meant he had a little bit of a pouch going on.

wasn’t vain about that though.

knew he looked decent but now he knew he also had a baby in there.



wasn’t sure, he hadn’t really looked up any information on the
Kenobi clan on Stewjon, if there even was a Kenobi clan.

kids who came to the temple got new last names if they came from
orphanages or were taken from abusive parents so who knew if Kenobi
was the name of his birth parents really and Obi-Wan’s mind was
spiraling, focusing on inconsequential things.

needed to think about the situation.

was pregnant.

an older omega from his first mating, the claiming mating, was
knocked up without any fertility treatment after going through a
withdrawal heat before that.

should be virtually impossible for him to become pregnant based on
that and suddenly Obi-Wan couldn’t help but remember the condoms
Padme had dragged out only to be distracted from when Obi-Wan had
dragged her into a kiss.

condoms that had never gotten a use.

maybe we should have taken them in use after all, kaaark. I’m
pregnant in the middle of a war, I’m going to be waddling around in
the middle of a war!’ He took a deep shuddering breath of the
sterilized air of the Hall room.

then his mind went still at a thought.

could abort the baby.

jagged through Obi-Wan at that and he wrestled with it as he gripped
the fabric of his tunic around the stomach.

was an option but… Obi-Wan didn’t want to.

was an older

would only have so many years left of fertility, of that he knew for
sure and this… this may actually be his only chance despite it all
to have either of his mates children. Padme had a minor chance of
becoming pregnant he knew, alpha females were less fertile than their
beta and omega counterparts but it happened but Obi-Wan knew she had
more years than him to at least try.

it wrong that I want this baby?’ He thought to himself as he
glanced around the sterile while room as the healer continued tapping
away at the terminal as they waited.

had stepped out to call for Anakin, the only one of his mates in the
temple and to give Obi-Wan some space while the healer had settled
down to update Obi-Wan’s profile and to start on the required

as a pregnant omega Obi-Wan was not
going back out into war.

was going to stay on Coruscant, safe and sound with Padme.

sinking even as the door snapped open to reveal Anakin, Obi-Wan
smiled shakily at the wide eyed alpha stepping in, Anakin’s cheeks
flushed and his chest falling and rising quickly as he had clearly
run all the way to the Halls.  

wouldn’t be able to stay with Anakin, Anakin would be shipped out
without Obi-Wan.

it true? Are you…” Anakin stepped over, his boots clicking on the
floor as he closed the distance and looked to the healer with large
blue eyes.

the healer sat back in her
chair. “Yes Knight Skywalker, Master Kenobi is for sure pregnant as
a more in-dept
test confirms and
as long as the pregnancy is not terminated it will remain a healthy
one if we take care of it. It is of course too early to be able to tell anything yet but
give it a few more weeks and we can do additional tests.” She
turned back.

however was staring at Obi-Wan. “…Terminated?” He whispered,
his tone choked.

his hands, Obi-Wan sighed. “I’m not going to… this is my baby.”
Obi-Wan murmured quietly in an assuring tone which instantly had
Anakin’s shoulders dropping in relief before he stepped closer and
pressed his flesh hand to Obi-Wan’s stomach, smiling a bit.

softly, Obi-Wan rested his cheek on Anakin’s chest.

had no idea how and he frankly didn’t care because this was his

and his mates and that sent a ticklish feeling of joy in all the
darkness through Obi-Wan’s spine as he rubbed his cheek on Anakin’s
black tabards with the blonds hand gently rubbing his stomach where
what a mass of cells would develop into a human was safely suited.

Obi-Wan missed Mace troubled dark eyes as he watched them before the
master of the order marched away to inform the rest of the council as
the healer brought their attention on her once more for information
and transferring them to a prenatal trained healer.

now, Obi-Wan was happily unaware of any meddling done to create the
baby inside of him as he joyfully waited to be able to leave to
inform Padme in person.

I totally respect that you need a break. This is absolutely a question that can wait until after break is done. That said… so breakabarrier…. is out favorite threesome expecting or not???

their sleeping and relaxed mate laying between them, Anakin and Padme
exchanged a fond look over Obi-Wan as the other continued snoring

looked utterly comfortable wrapped up in the soft, green cotton
sheets of their bed wearing only his own navy blue boxers and
one of Anakin’s black tank tops, the strap on the left side coiled
up and exposing more of his skin on that side along with love bites
and hickeys
from their mating. The other had stolen the tank top for sleeping in
and Anakin had been too thrilled at the sight to deny him that
chance, having dragged Obi-Wan into a deep snog for a while before
they got to sleep.

their omega in their own clothes was apparently a thing for them
though Padme didn’t get to see it too often because of size
difference unfortunately.

hey, she’d take the bathrobes and the occasional shirt that would
fit the man… or
barely fit as it was heh, there was something for the eyes to see
Obi-Wan’s chest on display through the thin fabric.

have to wake him soon, we’re suppose to return to the temple and
finally get sent back out somewhere.”
Anakin murmured mournfully.

had enjoyed their time off from the war and from the temple if he was
honest, bonding with the master he had felt cut off from and the mate
he had discovered they were suppose to have all along since the
moment he and Padme had found each other.

in return, Padme leaned in and nuzzled at at the blond before leaning
down and gently stroking Obi-Wan’s hair out of his face, pressing
a soft kiss along his cheek. “Obi-Wan, hon, wake up.” She
murmured, smiling when the other twitched and mumbled sleepily,
turning onto his side to hide in her chest.

rubbing along Obi-Wan’s back, Anakin wiggled in after him. “Hey,
none of that, we need to get ready.” He teased softly only to
outright laugh in surprise when Obi-Wan whined and wrapped his arms
around Padme, dragging her tightly into him while hiding in the
valley of her breast. “Obi-Wan!”

He whined, tone muffled into her chest. “Sleeeep.” He continued
he octopus clung to one of his mates.

carry you and dump you in the tub Obi-Wan, clothes and all.” Anakin
warned the redhead and sniggered loudly when that finally got Obi-Wan
to look at him, squinting grouchily from the soft place he had found
to hide. They
all knew that wasn’t an idle threat as Anakin had actually done
that to both of his mates at one point.

had gotten their revenge though but turning the tables and dumping
Anakin into the bath in turn much to Padme’s delight since the man
had proven a bit too heavy for her to carry and return the favor.

Obi-Wan’s hair fondly, Padme hid a little giggle. “Come now dear
heart, we have to go. I got Senate meetings and you…” She trailed
off, all of them equally saddened by the fact that they’d have to
separate for who knew how long.

at the silken sea green of Padme’s nightie, Obi-Wan sighed. “I
don’t want to leave though…” He whispered, tone deep from

nothing to that, Padme and Anakin wrapped themselves up around their
omega and each other as best they could, painfully familiar with the
desire not to leave but knowing that they had to.


deeply as he gave over his hand to the healer, Obi-Wan shot Mace a
short glare from his position on the examination bed. “I’m
certain this is unnecessary Mace, I’m an older omega you know.”
He pointed out dryly even as the master of the order crossed his arms
over his chest while leaning against the wall by the door, clearly
unimpressed with Obi-Wan’s reasoning and the fact that he had to
drag Obi-Wan all the way to the Hall and to the sterile examination
room the healers used for appointments.

man smirked a bit when Obi-Wan hissed as his blood was drawn in a
little pinprick from his finger with bacta applied the second enough
blood was drawn but answered Obi-Wan calmly. “I will be telling
both Amidala and Skywalker that I had to strong arm you into coming
to the Halls, you know this is standard procedure for all newly mated
couples.” Mace pointed out in an equally dry tone.

heavily, Obi-Wan rolled his eyes and focused on the healer and the
test with a lazy gaze. Older omegas rarely got pregnant from their
first mating if they were kept from their mates for whatever reason
and generally older omegas required fertility treatments regardless
so he wasn’t expecting anything and didn’t really see the need to
waste the test and bacta for this but as Mace said, standard

Force, they’re more protective than ever over me, I swear Shaak
looked like she was about to come from Kamino to test me herself if
Mace didn’t drag me here.’ Obi-Wan thought grouchily as he swayed
his legs back and forth.

test beeped and Obi-Wan readied himself to be out of the Halls only
to stop as the healer dropped the gauze she had been handing over to
Obi-Wan wipe the bacta away and Mace straightened at the wall.

of them stared at the test at the clearly visible plus signs on the
pregnancy test.

Obi-Wan.exe stopped working from shock overload as the realization
that he was pregnant
hit him with full force.

Breakabarrier okay but do they find him?

mood of the darkened room was glum if there was any attitude to be
explained to someone outside it, several of the Jedi inside
exhaustively rubbing at their faces or neck.

faintly, Mace dropped back in his chair as he tilted his head back to
peer at the dark window with a thundery frown on his face. “Well
that was a bust.” He grunted.

wholly,” Shaak sighed as she rubbed at her lekkus, obviously
feeling numb. “We
did manage to trail it and isolate it to the Rotunda, that does
confirm what Dooku told Obi-Wan at the start of the war.” She mused
thoughtfully before sighing deeply and rubbing up his monterals.

to argue back, Mace shut up as Yoda gave a loud sigh. “Fruitless it
was not,” The
old man grunted as he got himself off the chair, his bone cracking
loudly enough to cause several to wince and contemplate their own old
age to come as his cane tapped at the floor. “Isolate the Sith
master to the Rotunda we have, close we know he was, content to hide
forever Sith never are.” Yoda’s ears quivered as he glanced at
the Rotunda with pursed lips, wrinkles twisting around his face
before he grunted.

slowly and stretching, Plo nodded in agreement. “We will find them,
a Sith master would never be content to hide in the shadows… it is
someone with power, someone who can pull strings and get information
they feed to Count Dooku and the CIS.” They all stood, staring at
the Rotunda as they each contemplated Senators they knew.

was a Senator, someone with power, someone who had guile and cunning.

its not that gungan,” Mace sighed deeply. “He’s friendly and
kind as one can be but he’s as clumsy as few can be and as likely
to be a Sith as one of our younglings. Senator Binks is just…” He
floundered a bit, not wanting to be cruel.

Shaak’s holo stood. “I believe the word you’re looking for is
naive but compassionate. It’s strange, I’ve never quite meet a
gungan like him before, we have a few gungan Jedi after all.” She
stated curiously.

Plo made his way to the door with Yoda slowly limping along. “Well,
I won’t claim every sentient of my kind is exactly smart…”

were scattered laughs at that, everyone thinking of members of their
own kind that were more or less idiotic.

least Jar Jar was kind if silly.


as he limped along to the kitchen island, Obi-Wan sat down shakily
and gave Anakin a meek smile when the alpha let out a worried whine.
“I’m fine, just sore… very sore. I’m not exactly as young as
most newly mating omegas.” He pointed out while enjoying the warmth
of the rising sun outside of the balcony.

was far past the newly mating omega timeline really but at least it
was done now, his next heat would be simpler and hopefully he’d
spend it with both again though with the war going on, he wasn’t

line of thought however was distracted out of his head when Anakin
leaned in and nuzzled slowly at his face and affectionately kissed
his bared shoulders as Obi-Wan had just opted to wear one of Padme’s
robe, the silky, green thing ridiculously small on him and only
reaching midway down his thighs while leaving most of his chest

know, but I still worry, we left you in quite the state… I’m
going to go check the medical cabinet.” Anakin murmured, leaving
one lingering kiss to the claiming bites on Obi-Wan’s neck before
hurrying off to the fresher, leaving Obi-Wan with Padme as she cooked
eggs and toast for them, going for a simple breakfast as 3CPO toddled
around, rambling off information they had missed out on and who had
called for them.

his tea when Padme handed it over, perfectly steeped, Obi-Wan smiled
into the cup and sighed happily as Anakin returned with an analgesic
patch, the medication quickly applied to the other side of his neck
before Anakin just wrapped himself around the omega.

they soaked in the morning before Padme hummed. “Just so its said,
tomorrow we’re having breakfast in bed and getting up late.” She
smirked at them.

his throat, Anakin raised his head from Obi-Wan’s skin, blinking at
them both. “To be fair, we wanted to do that today but um…”
Anakin glanced towards the room that stunk of sex, slick and sweat,
the sheets still a mess as Obi-Wan colored deeply but smiled smugly
into his cup.

make a new nest once everything’s clean.” He stated airily,
feeling the warm sun on his skin where Anakin wasn’t basically
covering him.

was meet with two beams at that and Padme finally placing toast in
front of her male mates before Anakin managed to drag himself away
for long enough to grab the fruit bowl, making an effort not to
always be a brat and do some frivolous Force use.

appreciated it, he was too tired right now to deal with it.

was not too tired however to eat all of the egg Padme was plying him
