I am SO in love with sightlessbird! I had no idea how much I needed Obi-Wan to have a bunch of ori’vode, (especially Fox!!!) so all the binding is making me so happy! How does the 501st handle their baby commander spending so much time with Fox and the Corascant Guard? Do they try to steal him back, or have competitions on who can be the best big bros?

Perking up when he felt several familiar signatures in the Diner, Obi-Wan latched onto Fox hand and tugged on it as the commander stepped out of the skycar after Obi-Wan. “Come on, come on, lets go inside.” He squeaked eagerly, flushing slightly when he heard several amused snorts.

But he couldn’t quite find it in himself to care as Fox simply chuckled and reached out to ruffle his tied hair with his other hand. “You got it verd’ika, you still know what you want in there?” He murmured as he guided Obi-Wan towards the door, easily guiding him around a few civilians with the rest of the guards shoring up the back.

Slipping in with a nod, Obi-Wan took a moment to orient himself before letting go of Fox hand to shoot forward to the third booth in the diner. “Rex!” He greeted cheerfully.

There was a squeal, the clatter of a cup, a loud THUMP of a lot of plastoid hitting something and a deep groan.

Obi-Wan blinked heavily as a stunned silence descended with someone choking on a bit of food from what he could tell.

“…Did you just try to jump out of the window Captain Rex?” Fox questioned in a flabbergasted voice right behind Obi-Wan.

“…Maybe,” Rex admitted, flopping down into his seat as someone cackled a bit to their left, Obi-Wan recognizing it as Fives with someone, most likely Echo, hissing at him. “Look, I wasn’t expecting this and the last time I saw the commander, I was trying to get him to stop carrying a bomb over his head to throw at droids,” Rex groaned before pausing. “…You don’t have a bomb right now, right commander?” He stated warily.

Flushing deeply, Obi-Wan squirmed before pouting, he wasn’t THAT bad was he?

Sure, he had a tendency to somehow come over grenades and bombs in the field they found out but…no that bad!

“No, I just came from blaster practice with the guards, Fox agreed to get bantha burgers.” His pout gave way to excitement, absently noting Anakin checking over him in their bond.

Don’t get him wrong, he loved the fare at the temple, a mix of everything from all over the galaxy to cater to the multitude of species and cultures different Jedi came from, but sometimes you couldn’t beat a greasy burger and a milkshake.

There was a slight laugh and a woosh of air, another hand suddenly ruffling his hair. “Well, then, that sounds like a much better idea… no bombs?” Rex tacked on again, even as he ruffled.

“No bombs.” Obi-Wan assured, wiggling a bit as Fox settled his hand on his shoulder.

“Come on Birdie, lets get you that food and find a place to sit. This booth is full.” He chuckled, gently pulling Obi-Wan to the counter.

Which made sense, it felt like outside of one or two souls, there were only troopers in the diner at that moment and troopers tended to pile up together when they could Obi-Wan knew.

A burst of joy came from the front and Obi-Wan steeled himself as there was a loud laugh from the back kitchen. “OBI-WAN! My favorite little Jedi!” Dex roared out with delight, Fox letting go just in time for the besalisk to come around and lift Obi-Wan into a hug, all four arms involved.

“Hey Dex.” Obi-Wan squirmed happily, grinning as he was sat down on an available stool, wiggling happily as he bought his legs up and tucked them under himself.

A shift on his other side told him that Fox was sitting down too. “The usual kiddo?” Dex questioned, his breath smelling of warm cinnamon and sugar, the besalisk must have been in his pastry again he figured as he nodded eagerly. “With a chocolate milkshake if you please.”

Another warm laugh, a hair ruffle and then Dex turned to Fox, his droids already getting the rest of the guards order.

The bustling of the diner, familiar people and the smell of food closed in around Obi-Wan and he wasn’t ashamed to say that he loved it at the diner.

The company, the smell, the sensations…

Yeah, this was a safe space for him.

Awww sightless bird is the cutest. Does Obi have a good time with fox at the shooting range? Do all the other Coruscant guards immediately love him?

Flushing happily at the impressed whistle at his side, Obi-Wan lowered the blaster slowly as Thorn gently ruffled at his hair. “Well, fuck me kiddo, you’ve gotten even better at target practice. You hit twice the amount this time.” He stated.

Fox was just oozing smug pride at Obi-Wan’s other side as the rest of the Coruscant Guards happily chattered around them, some of them exchanging their prize from bets and others shouting praise Obi-Wan’s way.

Since it was Coruscant, there weren’t too many shiny’s among the CG and therefore most of them had been familiar with Obi-Wan already.

But a few faces were new and they had been properly fleeced by their older vode clearly by the grumbles he could hear.

Though, to be fair to them, they had never meet Obi-Wan and he was blind.

The concept of a blind person in a shooting range was clearly a bit beyond, even a Jedi.

This however had showed them not to underestimate Obi-Wan’s aim.

Out of forty shots, Obi-Wan had hit thirty, twice as many as Thorn said.

Fox had been carefully coaxing Obi-Wan into blaster practice from the day they meet, bringing the Initiate to the troopers blaster range as often as Obi-Wan could manage to visit.

It had been fun, Fox trusting a blaster in Obi-Wan’s hands and Obi-Wan trusting the instructions from both Fox and the Force to ensure he was shooting and hitting the right target.

And Obi-Wan had been improving, slowly and steadily.

Rex had been less sure about handing him a blaster, at least initially but had gotten over it when Obi-Wan had proved himself, shooting the targets the 501st had set up. After that, the captain had been more than happy to let Obi-Wan, under supervision, join target practice.

“Rex let me join the 501st,” He chirped before shifting, turning his head to Fox side, flushing slightly. “I wanted to show you want they taught me.” Obi-Wan admitted shyly.

A warm, gloved hand rested on his head, gently ruffling. “Well done verd’ika, I’m proud of you,” Fox stated softly at that, warm amusement filling him as Obi-Wan’s cheeks surely turned even darker. “Very proud.”

Shuffling slightly, Obi-Wan held the blaster out for Thorn to take.

It was a training blaster anyhow and slightly too big for Obi-Wan’s hands, he knew that Rex and Jesse were in the process of getting Obi-Wan his own, something a bit smaller and easier concealed.

Once the blaster was taken away, Obi-Wan pulled out his cane instead, reaching out with his free hand until he found Fox kama and then his belt, hanging on as he had done with Anakin earlier.

Fox instantly ran his hand gently over Obi-Wan’s cheek, thumb gently pulling at the scar tissue at his temple before settling on his shoulder, pulling him gently along.

That was another thing Obi-Wan liked about Fox, he never asked questions.

He seemed to just get it, that Obi-Wan required a hand sometimes, as independent as he was, sometimes he was tired and just needed the people around him to offer a hand without question.

And Force ‘seeing’ always made Obi-Wan tired.

But he wanted to show of off, he couldn’t help it.

He had been learning while away and he wanted to make Fox proud.

And he had!

“Lets go get you a hot chocolate and some nice, solid food, hmm?” Fox stated quietly, the thump of his helmet against his thigh a soothing sound to Obi-Wan.

He liked it when Fox didn’t wear his helmet, the vocoder always scrambled his voice.

Well, he liked it when most clones didn’t wear their helmets if he was honest but he knew why they had to, especially while out in the field.

But right here, not on duty, he was grateful that Fox wasn’t wearing his.

“A hot chocolate sounds good,” Obi-Wan agreed, pushing closer until he was tucked under Fox arm instead of the other simply holding his shoulder. “And bantha burgers?” He questioned hopefully.

There was a pause, filled only by the sounds of walking before Fox let out a loud sigh. “Alright, anyone not on duty or about to go on duty, we’re going to Dex. Get your asses into the skycar.” He called out, to several groans, mostly likely from those on duty, and a few people cheering with delight.

Obi-Wan grinned.

In Snow White purity, Obi-Wan and Anakin are Master/Padawan and have a training bond, right? Maybe Obi-Wan got a little hint of what Anakin was up to after he went to bed, and what he was thinking about while he did it?

Doing his best not to stare at his half naked padawan as the blond came stumbling into the kitchen area of the rooms they had been granted for the negotiation, Obi-Wan tried to nonchalantly continue sipping his tea.

Frankly, he was grateful his beard hid the amount of blushing he was currently doing and that his hair was long enough to cover his ears and neck up, because he knew that those turned red when he was blushing hard enough.

But come on, what else was he suppose to do after all the things he felt last night!

Anakin was usually good at shielding but last night, his bond had gone wide open for a while and… Force, Obi-Wan had not expected a wanking session of all things.

‘I shouldn’t have lingered, I should have put up my own shields when I realized what he was up to.’ Obi-Wan mused as Anakin sunk down at the table with a cup of coffee, grunting quietly. “Good morning padawan.” He greeted.

His tone of voice must have come off oddly because Anakin paused, the cup almost at his lips as he instead squinted at Obi-Wan. “…Morning master. Are you alright?” He rasped out, finally taking a hurried sip of hot caff.

Clearing his throat, Obi-Wan nodded. “Indeed. The princess just sent a morning message, that’s all.” He stated.

Instantly, Anakin sat up, narrowing his eyes as he glanced at Obi-Wan’s comm and Obi-Wan flustered as he felt a small whisper of protectiveness and possessiveness trickling through their bond.

Anakin did not like the prince and princess rather obvious interest and intention to Obi-Wan.

Not that Anakin had ever liked it when someone tried to make Obi-Wan a notch on their bedpost.

“What kind of message?” Anakin questioned, tone slightly clipped as he took another sip.

Pausing, swirling his tea a bit, Obi-Wan contemplated if he should tell the truth or not before shrugging as it wouldn’t do any good to lie to Anakin anyhow. “Well, she has a very lovely negligee in glimmersilk that I’d love to know where she got.” He stated dryly, watching Anakin over the rim of his cup.

Anakin stared at him in return before taking a deep breath through his nose. “Right, blocking her number once we leave the planet. Got it.” He growled out before standing and stomping over to the fruit bowl, aggressively starting to peel an orange.

Obi-Wan watched, trying not to feel too guilty about quietly ogling the sight of warm, tanned skin that practically shone in the light bright sun coming in the kitchen window.

It was a nice sight, Anakin’s muscles flexed and shifted beneath his skin and any scars only added to the sight.

It made Obi-Wan’s fingertips itch to touch, to caress and he tried, really tried not to feel like an awful pervert.

“Did you eat?” Anakin spoke, breaking Obi-Wan from his thoughts as he looked up at the others eyes instead. “Or are you just having tea this morning?” He questioned disapprovingly, coming over with the peeled orange.

“I’m not really all that hungry Anak-” Obi-Wan protested only to shut up when the other quickly popped an orange boat into his mouth.

Glaring up at his smug padawan, Obi-Wan chewed quickly. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you taught me that Master. So you’re going to eat something, anything before we leave the quarters.” Anakin stated imperiously, sniffing faintly while haughtily raising his chin.

Chewing, Obi-Wan let out an amused snort, setting his cup down so he could hold out his hand.

With a grin, Anakin dropped the rest of the orange in his hand and moved back to the fruit bowl as Obi-Wan slowly started to eat the orange boats.

Warmth was echoing through Obi-Wan, the feeling increasing with every boat as both he and Anakin quietly enjoyed a fruity breakfast, both of them stealing glances at each other every so often and smiling awkwardly when they were caught by the other.

In Knitting Love, does Obi-Wan also know how to crotchet, or know anyone who does?

Looking away from the socks he was working on, Obi-Wan cocked his brow. “Crocheting?” He blinked at Ahsoka.

Nodding happily, wiggling a bit on the seat, Ahsoka gave him a toothy smile. “Yeah, when I mentioned you liked to knit, Bariss asked if you knew how to crochet too.” She stated.

Humming, Obi-Wan shook his head. “No. Qui-Gon, my master, knew how to crochet but I never really learned. He showed me how to do it but its so long ago now…” He mused, glancing down at the socks he was knitting for Anakin.

It was coming along well, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan having been waiting for the other for the past two hours.

The council and healers had finally finished up with the drain anchor, Padme resting up in the halls and Anakin being with her and due to how antsy the other had been, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka had decided to go with him.

But they ended up sitting on some of the chair lining the hallway to give the love birds privacy, knowing how anxiety fueled and scared both of them had been over the separation, given how serious a Force drain could be.

It had seemed like a good time to get started on the socks Anakin had wanted and Ahsoka had for the better part of the two hours, just sat quietly watching or chatting with some of the apprentice healers walking by that she knew.

She was bound to get curious at some point he figured, but the question had been surprising.

Knitting the row out, Obi-Wan shifted and tucked the needles around until he could stuff the socks and needles into the yarn ball, settling it all in his lap and stretching. “Why are you asking, are you or Bariss interested in crocheting?” Obi-Wan smiled, cracking his fingers to get the stiffness out of them.

She visibly winced at the sound, glaring at the older human before shaking her head. “Not really, I was just curious since its so close to knitting. That’s all,” Ahsoka shrugged, her lekkus twitching. “Not sure about Bariss, I could ask her but since you don’t know how, it be kinda useless.” Ahsoka mused.

Chuckling faintly, Obi-Wan gave a slow nod too. “Indeed, though having a hobby is healthy Ahsoka. I’d advice looking for one if you don’t already have any. Many Jedi enjoy having a hobby that creates. Even Master Vos does.” He stated with a wink.

Pausing, squinting at Obi-Wan, Ahsoka warily glanced around. “I’m almost nervous to ask what kind.” She stated, her knee starting to bounce. One of her little tell tale nervous ticks really that Obi-Wan would have to help her suppress, it wouldn’t do for negotiations.

But her words weren’t that shocking and he chuckled. “Yes, Master Vos seems like he’d have quite the hobby but,” His smile turned mischievous, he knew Quinlan didn’t like to advertise his hobby. “To be honest, his hobby is to make sweets.” He whispered, watching Ahsoka’s blue eyes widen in shock, a squeak escaping her that had healers looking over at them.

Flushing a darker orange, Ahsoka squirmed, her leg bouncing even more furiously as she lowered her voice to a whisper. “Y-You’re joking? Quinlan Vos, rough and tumble adventuring, the rogue master that broke into a queen’s wine cellar and seduced both prince and princess before he left the planet makes sweets?” She questioned in a furious whisper, eyes wide with glee.

Grinning, Obi-Wan lifted a finger to his lips and winked. “Don’t tell anyone but indeed, he’s quite the chocolatier, makes lovely chocolate decorations and beautiful sugar confectioneries.”

Satisfied with wrecking Quinlan’s suave outside to show the hidden sweetness, pun not intended, Obi-Wan leaned back in his chair with a smirk as Ahsoka giggled furiously to herself, her hands coming up to muffle herself as Anakin finally stepped out of Padme’s hall room.

The blond human blinked at them. “…So… what did I miss now?” He questioned, brows raising as Ahsoka just broke out into slightly hysterical giggles from her delight.

Obi-Wan just smiled, shrugging innocently when Anakin looked to him.

“…Barmy, I swear I wasn’t like that as a teen.” Anakin mumbled, coming over to hoist Ahsoka to her feet, the smile on his face telling Obi-Wan that everything, just for now, was alright.

For once things were alright, if only for a little bit.

#lifeinmusic- Obi and his grandmaster have their own night out. Maybe we see an enterprising young Nabooian politician/Sith and his master.

Smiling softly to himself, Yan leaned back in his velvet dressed chair as he watched his excited grand-padawan instead of the play happening beneath them on the brightly lit stage, his hands resting in his lap with the play pamphlet clasped carefully to avoid wrinkling the decorated flimsi.

Not that Obi-Wan was paying attention to the play either, beautiful as it was with extraordinary actors.

No, Obi-Wan’s focus was further down than the stage, on the orchestra, watching the musicians play as directed by the conductor.

It was endearing to Yan if he was honest, he wasn’t one that easily felt comfortable or relaxed with children or even teens and maybe if the teen in front of him had been anyone else, he would have dismissed this as disrespect to the actors.

But he knew this child and knew he was respectful, knew Obi-Wan was just excited about the orchestra and therefore that was where his focus was.

‘And by the Force is he excited.’ Yan chuckled quietly to himself, the sound lost under the music as Obi-Wan leaned even more on the balcony rail to peer down, his eyes wide with a flush barely visible in the dim light of the theater. The child had been standing for the better part of the hour, to have a better view of the musicians and Yan knew the others legs should be feeling it at this point and yet his excitement was keeping him right there, standing, leaning on the balcony of the booth Yan had gotten them.

He was honestly extremely grateful that he got booth tickets now, if they had been sitting down among the audience, he’d have to pull Obi-Wan back into his seat.

Instead he got to enjoy Obi-Wan’s honest and refreshing elation without having to interrupt the boy.

It was endearing.

When was the last time that Yan Dooku had found a youngling to be endearing instead of merely tolerating them?

A very long time if he was brutally honest.

Yan didn’t mind children, that wasn’t it but he wasn’t really one to spend time with them and he would willingly admit that part of himself.

Not everyone was a good parent or teacher.

It was why he had so few padawans, he had to find the right ones to be able to train them.

And he would fully admit that if Obi-Wan was not Qui-Gon’s padawan, then he’d love to take the boy on.

The sharp mind and skill the other possessed was deeply intriguing to the Serenno native and he could already see the diplomat in making in the boy, under the passion and occasional emotional outbursts were the signs.

A diamond in the rough as some might say, though Yan would claim that Obi-Wan was more a star than a diamond, a bright glow in his Force aura.

So yes, Yan was endeared and frankly charmed by Obi-Wan, really, could anyone blame Yan?

Obi-Wan was genuine, hard-working, creative, a bit impish with a beautiful mind under his copper hair, his intelligence shining when he put his mind to it. And Yan well knew that several of the council members were also charmed by Obi-Wan and could possibly slightly jealous of Qui-Gon being able to snag Obi-Wan.

‘But that wouldn’t be shocking, what else are one suppose to feel, when Obi-Wan shines so brightly?’ Yan thought to himself, soft as Obi-Wan practically pulsed in the Force with his joy, as if his soul was preforming music.

So consumed with Obi-Wan’s joy, Yan was oblivious to the other eyes watching the boy, another redhead with narrowed, thoughtful pale eyes.

So in Life is Music, how does Obi’s celebration night go?

Eagerly taking a giant bite out of the giant hamburger, Obi-Wan looked around the diner with wide eyes, ignoring his master’s fond eyes on him.

When Qui-Gon had taken him to the diner, Obi-Wan had thought it was a joke. A celebratory dinner at what frankly looked like a cheap diner?

But the food was great!

Dex was a greater cook than Obi-Wan had suspected, the besalisk happily whipping in with the food a growing boy like Obi-Wan needed. Qui-Gon had waved his hand and told him to order anything of the menu, and hesitantly, Obi-Wan had.

At first he had been cautious but after that first plate of coral fries…

Well, Dex was a great cook.

The burger was clearly dripping with fat but it was the good kind, combined with the toppings inside it, the meat was just juicy instead of the kind of fat that coated ones mouth and made you feel gross.

And the giant, shared vanilla blue milkshake with two large straws and whipped cream on the top was creamy and rich, settling almost too heavily in his stomach and yet Obi-Wan wanted more and he hadn’t missed Qui-Gon quietly ordering cake for two along with a pot of tea.

And the fact that Qui-Gon too had ordered a large burger helped Obi-Wan’s own guilt at ordering what he knew was a very fatty, very calorie rich burger.

Though apparently, Jedi were suppose to eat high calories but Obi-Wan didn’t think this was what the healers had in mind?

Pausing as his master snatched one of Obi-Wan’s coral fries, Obi-Wan chewed as he watched his master wiggled the fry at him. “Mmmn?” He made a questioning noise, not wanting to open his mouth since it was full.

Qui-Gon grinned at him, wiggling the fry a little bit more before reaching out and dipping it in Obi-Wan’s milkshake.

Watching with wide eyes, Obi-Wan let out a horrified noise as Qui-Gon popped the milkshake covered coral fry into his mouth and happily chewed.

Chewing hard and fast, Obi-Wan swallowed a bit before he should, his throat aching a bit but he was more interested in being able to put down his burger and point an outraged, greasy finger at his master. “No! Bad!” He rasped out when his mouth was empty.

Qui-Gon laughed, echoed by Dex as the besalisk roared in amusement. “You’re not going to be able to stop him kiddo, believe me, I’ve already told him what a horror he is.” Dex laughed as he came over with a warm cup of tea for Qui-Gon.

“Its delicious, sweet and savory and crunchy and creamy all at the same time.” Qui-Gon teased them, his eyes twinkling as Obi-Wan huffed loudly at him. He outright laughed when Obi-Wan wrapped his arms protectively around the plate of fries.

Of course, them being Force sensitive made protecting the fries even harder as Qui-Gon simply engaged in frivolous Force use.

Obi-Wan’s jaw dropped as several of his fries started dancing on the plate before floating away. “Master!” He cried out, struggling not to allow a pout to form as Qui-Gon continued stealing fries with the Force.

“Yeees padawan?” Qui-Gon teased, promptly dipping the fries in the milkshake and sending them flying at his own mouth.

Wrinkling his nose, Obi-Wan stuck out his tongue at the other. “You’re gross.” He decided, grinning when Qui-Gon just laughed, his mouth full as his large hands flew up to cover the gross sight.

His time later would be filled with music but for right now, Obi-Wan was going to enjoy his time with his master.

Because Qui-Gon was silly as all Force and Obi-Wan… rather enjoyed that, after everything with Bruck and his gang these last few weeks, Obi-Wan was enjoying the comfort his master and grandmaster provided.

And if he curiously tested a coral fry in his milkshake and found it to his liking?

Well, only he and a grinning Qui-Gon had to know that.

More oneleggedrace plz! Ani and Obi return from the mission and Ani can’t stop bragging to others how amazing his Padwan is. Ani is a proud dad

his padawan up into the air by holding under his armpits, Anakin
hooted as the doors opened in front of them, catching his padawan off
guard. “I have the best karking padawan in the entire galaxy! He
called out while entering the council chamber, Obi-Wan squeaking and
kicking both his flesh and metal leg while staring at the council
with wide eyes.

stared back, several doing their best to cover their mouth or
pretending to be disapproving.

some of them were of course.

was a peculiar case and he often went against tradition, so they had
to reign him in.

seeing young Kenobi squirming, blushing while being praised was nice.

in the name of the Force are you doing Knight Skywalker?” Mace
raised his brows, staring down the man as he peeked around his
padawan, still holding Obi-Wan aloof.

I’m saying,” Anakin was giddy with happiness, putting Obi-Wan
down on his feet finally only to drag him back into a tight hug. “Is
that this little monster is the best thing to come out of the creche
since I saw Ferrus Olin covered in slime paint after he let the
younglings take charge of the art lesson.” He cooed, rubbing his
chin on top of Obi-Wan’s head.

darkly, Obi-Wan squeaked and covered his face with his hands.
“Master!” He whined, squirming but not really doing much to
escape Anakin’s tight grip.

Anakin straightened a bit, his eyes sparkling as he looked around the
council chamber. “There we were, middle of a civil war when
Obi-Wan, my brilliant little monster of a padawan, recklessly steps
out with the princeling by the ear in rebel gear, pulling him over to
his mother while demanding the prince explain that no, he was not
abducted and yes, he was the one who had started the rebellion
because he was feeling neglected,” Anakin went back to cuddling the
boy. “This brilliant little genius figured out what was going on in
less than two days and it took him two days to find the prince, four
days in total!” Anakin cackled happily.

back in his chair, Mace stared at the two before snorting. “That
does explain why the two of you are back this quickly… we suspected
you would take another month minimum at least.” He drawled, his
lips twitching hard along with glittering eyes the only sign of his
amusement at the squeaking and blushing padawan.

the young padawan needed that kind of positive attention.

they really needed to get Skywalker back on track and so, Yoda
thwapped his cane on his chair, forcing the knight to look up and
focus, reluctantly, on the master’s to give their debrief to the

would of course expect the physical report, this time sure that they
would get it from the master instead of the padawan as Skywalker kept
the teen right in front of him with his arms around the boy.

wasn’t about to let him go.

was good for him, they all knew that even if it was a breach of
conduct, they would allow it to go for now until Obi-Wan was more
secure in his position.

it was nice to see how he was smiling shyly down at his feet.

damage Qui-Gon had done to the young boy, Skywalker was doing his
damned best to fix the wrongs that had happened to the teen now in
his charge, giving his all to comfort and heal while also providing a
stable foundation.

maybe,’ Mace narrowed his eyes, feeling several shatterpoints fade
from Skywalker’s being. ‘Young Kenobi will do a galaxy of good
for Skywalker too. Interesting…’ He noted to himself as the
Tatooine native continued praising his padawan.

just maybe this was the beginning of something light and warm.

the darkness the council could spy on the horizon would not pass as
darkly as they worried.

Kenobi was the key to everything.


could always hope.

don’t start singing Knight Skywalker.” Mace offered drolly,
smirking at the squeaking noises from padawan Kenobi.

“Why do you have fangs if you’re human.” “The Force gave them to me.” “Oh… can I have fangs too?” I really just want Ani loving and playing with Obi’s fangs in Feral Child. Btw, do Obi ever learn to cook meat with Force lightening or did his body adapt to raw meat?

do you have fangs if you’re human.” Looking
up at the question, Qui-Gon mutely observed the new addition to their
family line with lidded blue eyes, taking in the softness of
Obi-Wan’s so usually sharp eyes and the way he was smiling instead
of smirking as young Anakin poked and prodded at the sharp canines
Obi-Wan had grown.

wasn’t sure what he had expected when Obi-Wan had shown up at their
ship with a boy on his hip, the style of dress clearly indicating
that the boy was at the very least from a lesser family or at worst,
a slave.

made Qui-Gon wonder if Obi-Wan of all beings had bought himself a
slave, he just couldn’t see that fit with Obi-Wan’s desire for
freedom, it went against every instinct his feral boy had.

Force gave them to me,” Obi-Wan
chuckled lightly, opening his mouth far enough to show off both his
over and under canines. “I use them to chew up meat and eat, and
occasionally to defend myself when I get attacked.” He winked
at the boy, reminding
Qui-Gon so long ago about the boy he taught to cook meat with Force

can I have fangs too?” Anakin
questioned, squirming on Obi-Wan’s lap as he watched him with wide
eyes, the
excitement of a child clear to everyone.

he says I collect strays?’ Qui-Gon thought in amusement to himself,
sitting back as the pilot finally gave sound that they were taking

his robe around Anakin, Obi-Wan let a considering noise. “Well
maybe, it could happen but maybe not. We will see how your future
shapes and if you’re with me for that long.” He said in a
thoughtful tone.

drained Anakin’s excitement and he hid in Obi-Wan’s chest now,
Obi-Wan rubbing his back in slow, uneaven circles as he raised his
eyes to meet Qui-Gon’s.

raised his brow questioningly.

couldn’t find Anakin’s mother, that was what I was doing before I
arrived. She had been sold off planet.

Obi-Wan whispered through their bond and Qui-Gon nodded in

wasn’t about to ask why
the other had picked up the child.

could feel the power without even looking in the Force, being in tune
with the living Force made it easy for him to see it.

the lack of a mother made a lot more sense now and confirmed to
Qui-Gon that Anakin had indeed been a slave.  

killed his master then?

He sent back as
the ship started to shake as they entered the atmosphere,
muffling his chuckles when Obi-Wan gave one of his feral smirks
before settling his cheek on Anakin’s hair. ‘Good,
we’ll have the explosives in him removed at the temple then. You
can’t take him on just yet so leave him to the creche when we get
home, you will not take an apprentice until you gain your title of
Qui-Gon stated sternly.

the first time in a long while, Obi-Wan leveled a long
challenging look at Qui-Gon.

this boy, Obi-Wan would be willing to fight Qui-Gon clearly.

a minute that felt like a lifetime, Obi-Wan finally gave a small nod
and settled his cheek on the others head again, murmuring a soft,
reassuring murmur when Anakin shivered, the coldness of space closing
in on them as they finally breached the atmosphere, the
ship falling at ease.

Qui-Gon breathed out in relief as
he discreetly pressed back into his lounge seat.

he was actually not certain he could fight his apprentice anymore.

wasn’t just a question of skill anymore, Obi-Wan was getting very
close to him in skill yes, but Qui-Gon… didn’t want to win.

was his pride, his joy, his legacy without question.

didn’t want to win over Obi-Wan anymore, though he did not make
winning easy for his boy.

he wanted Obi-Wan to win and earn his title of Darth.

the others for a moment, Qui-Gon let out a hum and then stood, making
his way over and
settling down on the bench beside them.

raised his hand and ran it slowly over Obi-Wan’s head, smiling
fondly when Obi-Wan let out a low purring noise of happiness and he
smiled even more broadly when Anakin peeked shyly at him from
Obi-Wan’s chest, giving him a small smile.

was is my lineage, powerful and strong, feral and protective, I can’t
wait to see what you will become young Anakin.’ He chuckled softly,
giving Anakin a small wink as he raised his other hand to give his
cheek a little stroke.

future were in their hands, now they just had to find young Anakin’s

Listen all I can imagine in the feral child au and this ask is a little crack like is that the Sith will ForceLightning meat as a form of practice for apprentices to learn how to wield it effectively. Obiwan basically becomes a master bbq chef

his fingers impatiently on the table, the Sith master glared at his
young apprentice as the young redhead pouted at him. “You are not a
togruta, nor a zabrak. You
can not eat raw meat, child. It
will make you sick
and could potentially kill you. Both our sub-species of human can not
eat raw meat, the potential risks far outweighs the benefits it could
potentially have.” Qui-Gon explained as patiently as he could while
wondering if he had to bring Obi-Wan down to the healers again.

master, I can hardly even get sparks, how do you expect me to-bleh!”
Obi-Wan’s complaints were interrupted by Qui-Gon wiping a flannel
over his bloody face, the red liquid smeared out over the pale

expect you not to eat raw meat Obi-Wan, with training comes
experience and then you can feed yourself even in an extreme
situation and ensure what you eat is safe.”
The man stressed before dropping the now blood stained flannel down
on the table. “…Also I can’t believe you just bit a chunk out
of the meat as if you’re a tiger. I’ve never seen anyone do that
before.” Qui-Gon shook his head in bemusement.

Obi-Wan glanced down at the meat sitting innocently on a plate in
front of him that he had indeed taken as big a bite out of as he
could, the fist sized chunk barely showing the little dent. “Well
you said, and I quote, eat this after setting it down in front of
me.” He stated with a huff, offended as he crossed his arms over
his chest with narrowed eyes.

his bushy brow, Qui-Gon smirked down his aquiline nose at his
apprentice. “It was a test and you knew it child. You’re smarter
than this Imp,” He stated with a small smirk before waving his hand
at the chunk of meat he had dropped on the table in front of his
apprentice. “So, try again.”

faintly, Obi-Wan dropped his eyes to the raw meat and sighed deeply.
“Master, I can hardly make sparks, I don’t think I can cook
this.” He finally stated with a small huff of defeat.

a brow, Qui-Gon pulled the plate the meat sat on over to him.

Obi-Wan injected, causing Qui-Gon to pause. “Lighting can’t cook
the meat, it would burn it to cinders and leave it a mess.” Obi-Wan
stated strongly.

brows now raised as high as they could go, Qui-Gon stared at his
young apprentice for an uncomfortably long and silent minute that
only the skycars outside disturbed, causing Obi-Wan to squirm in his

the man spoke. “You give up too easily my apprentice. Everything is
possible with the Force if you will it. Now watch.”

in sulking interest, Obi-Wan leaned a bit forward in his chair as the
other Sith placed his fingertips to the meat.

the meat sparked, seemed to twitch a bit as lighting traveled over it
and Obi-Wan blinked as he could hear the sound of sizzling meat in
less than two seconds. Soon enough the smell of cooking meat reached
him and he raised astonished eyes to his master.

in obvious smarmy
satisfaction, Qui-Gon leaned back in his own chair with his fingers
still on the meat clump that had only shrunk a tiny bit. “You were
saying something about burned?” He droned.

his mouth then closing it again, Obi-Wan tilted his head. “How are
you… that shouldn’t be possible. Lighting is… the amount of
power…” He stopped and looked up at his master with wide green
eyes as he meet the others yellow eyes.

Qui-Gon pulled his fingers off the meat and picked up the knife,
cutting it apart to show Obi-Wan that it was utterly cooked through.
“With the Force, anything is possible, even something as mundane as
cooking,” He stated drolly. “You just need experience and control
as I keep telling you.” Qui-Gon pointed out before holding out a
piece of the meat on to Obi-Wan.

the piece, Obi-Wan eyed it closely before popping it trustingly into
his mouth, chewing slowly with a small frown. “It tastes normal. I
mean, just bland meat.” The redhead shrugged and blinked at his

a finger at his apprentice, Qui-Gon nodded seriously. “And that
bland meat may one day be the only thing keeping you alive if you end
up in an extreme situation my Imp. Cooking
vegetables, cooking meat, cooking fish. With the Force you always
have an ally in securing food and making it safe.” He said gravely
before standing and making his way over to the fridge.

down at the cooked meat still on the plate with steam rising from it,
Obi-Wan swallowed, the meat settling heavily in his stomach.

kind of situation Qui-Gon had vaguely hinted to…

sounded personal to him, as if he had starved at one point and not
been able to eat and was desperate not to have Obi-Wan repeat the
same experience.

the man arrived with a second plate of smaller pieces of meat and
cubes of vegetables, he knew what the days training would be and all
Obi-Wan could hope was that he could polish his control into a fine

it would be neat to finally be able to electrocute someone.’ He
pouted inwardly even as he focused on one of the pieces of meat with
narrowed, eyes bleeding from green to gold as the Force rose.

#1leggedrace- Ani teaches his padawan how to relax.

the little fluffy black lamb in his arms, Obi-Wan raised wide eyes at
his master as Anakin grinned back down at him while leaning on the
fence, Obi-Wan
sitting inside it on his rear with his legs stretched out in front of
“Yes?” The master questioned in amusement, eyes sparkling a bit.

think I love it Master.” Obi-Wan wheezed out before burying his
face in the soft wool of the little creature.

his head back, Anakin laughed happily.

his padawan to a petting zoo seemed to be one of the best things he
could have done as Obi-Wan had been fluttering
around everywhere, petting everything that let him and apparently his
had a natural animal connection because everyone last one of them
seemed to love him equally as much as the
redhead loved them.

the grouchy rabbits that had the owner scratching his head while
watching Obi-Wan pet their ears while feeding them lettuce.

be something to continue encouraging, he clearly has the stirrings of
animal bonding and that can be very useful both on missions and off
for the companionship an animal may bring,’ Anakin rubbed his chin
with his flesh hand, taking in how Obi-Wan was being swarmed by
curious little lambs that were snuffling at his tunics for treats.
‘And maybe some animal control too…’ He considered that.

Anakin just smiled as Obi-Wan giggled happily as the little lamb in
his arms lipped at his face. “Having fun?” He questioned

lot, I didn’t know there were petting zoos on Coruscant!” Obi-Wan
looked up, eyes wide.

a bit, Anakin glanced around. “To be fair, I only know about it
because of how closely I’ve worked with the Rotunda honestly and
knew where to bring you to get us tickets.” He stated calmly.

didn’t bring up how he knew about it because he visited the
Chancellor before and had heard Senator’s talk about taking their own kids

didn’t want to bring up the Chancellor with Obi-Wan ever
after what the man implied and the sooner he was out of office, the
better in Anakin’s eyes. ‘And to think he was once my friend.’
He thought bitterly to himself.

Anakin kept a smile going for Obi-Wan’s sake before moving to pick
up a cup of feed and step into the little fenced up lamb area,
shaking it lightly.

all the lambs squirmed and bounced around him though he noted the one
in Obi-Wan’s arms remained still and just watched Anakin instead.

cheating master.” Obi-Wan grinned at him, watching as Anakin knelt

out your hand.” Anakin chuckled, pouring a few of the feeds into
the redhead’s hand before doing the same with his own, holding down
for the little black and white lambs to eat from his palm.

discreetly, Anakin saw as Obi-Wan offered his own to the one still
tucked up in his arm and he had to hide a smile because Obi-Wan
clearly had a favorite in that one. Looked to be the runt of the
flock too.

is a treat before we’re sent out on missions, isn’t it?”
Obi-Wan suddenly asked, his voice soft.

faintly, pouring more feed into his hand and letting the soft little
mouth’s lip his palm, Anakin nodded. “The healers have finally
cleared us, you’re ready and as long as we bring your medication
since you’re still on painkillers for at least three more months,
the council can now ship us out.” Anakin looked up and focused on
the other. “How does that make you feel?”

his lips, petting the little black ears, Obi-Wan glanced at the
other. “…Nervous, but excited too. I think I’m ready master
Ani.” He stated softly, his voice cracking a bit.

the perils of being an adolescent. Anakin didn’t bring attention to
it though and just nodded, smiling softly at his padawan. “Well
then, we’ll see how soon we get a mission but for what it’s worth
Obi-Wan… I think you’re more than ready to return to active
service to become the knight you were always meant to be.” He
murmured affectionately.

endearingly shy smile lit up Obi-Wan’s face before he hid away in
black fur once more.

just let him, feeling the pleasure and happiness through their bond
as he gave the lambs the last of the feed with a warming glow in his