-dangerousgalaxy is Cody and the others alright? And how do the galaxy at large take the news of the coop?

Coughing sharply as he pushed the desk of off himself, Cody glanced around the room with only one eye, cursing as he covered up the other. He could feel a warm leaking over half his face and he could only hope that his eye hadn’t fully ruptured but was just damaged and the heat was a mix of blood and the small fires around the room.

‘This is why we wear helmets cadets.’ He thought dryly, glancing up at the broken apart office above him, taking notice of the dust in the air, the smell of burning duracrete and the wind barely blowing in the opened window of the Chancellor office.

He’d been lucky when he noticed that that shit stain named Palpatine’s body had started to glow. If he hadn’t noticed, he would have been directly in the blast and instead he had managed to push the heavy and large desk over and hidden on the other side.

Thanks to that, the desk had absorbed the majority of the impact instead of Cody’s body, with what little else having been taken on by his armor.

The blast had taken out the walls though, collapsed the floor and Cody could barely see through the smoke that the ceiling on the office had also fallen in but Cody had survived, even if he was aching like hell from falling through the floor with the stupid Chancellor desk.

Turning towards the door, Cody let out a small curse as he took in the fact that the debris had clearly damaged the door.

He would need someone to clear the way to get out of the office, that or climb up… well, a jetpack could also work but he’d rather just have some of the troopers clear the way so the door could be opened honestly.

Jetting up the hole without precision could lead him to slamming into the roof and he had enough damage done to himself already, thank you.

Likely had a concussion too if he was right.

“Vod’alor!” A voice called out above him, Cody barely recognizing it as one of his vode even as he was sure the person was shouting and inwardly he cursed. So not only just eye damage but potentially also ear damage.

Just great.

Instead of sulking over it, he called back. “Down here, I’m injured but not critical.” He called back and watched as Waxer suddenly peered over the edge with wide eyes, bringing a comm unit up to talk into.

He couldn’t hear what the other was saying though, the man’s lips moving fast to read either and that just confirmed it for Cody. Ear damage for sure from his closeness to the blast.

Finally, Waxer spoke to him again and Cody sighed deeply. “Waxer, louder, I can barely hear you.” He called up, watching at the other’s eyes widened and he brought the comm back to his lips.

“I’m sorry sir, I was informing Helix about the damage,” His lieutenant finally called down as Cody peered up at him. “Team Delta is on its way to you, they’re gonna blow in the wall, it will be easier than getting to work on all… that.” He looked doubtfully at the rubble covering the doorway.

Looking to it, Cody had to agree and it wasn’t like they could do more damage to Cody than the original blast already had, as long as they used a small detonation on the wall. Still, he grunted and got to work on pushing the desk to the other wall, to get a barrier between himself and the coming blast.

He would rather keep the damage to himself minimum.

He also mourned his new cloak.

It was all in tatters now, tears and holes all over it from the blast and falling down and he fingered awkwardly with long strip of its remains, aware of Waxer keeping an eye on him as he settled himself behind the desk for now. It had been a gift from the rest of the 212th and despite how embarrassed it had made him initially… well, it had been nice, felt warm.

He’d been looking forward to showing it to Obi-Wan.

‘Maybe I could get a new one?’ He perked up slightly at the thought. Cody was Vod’alor after all, technically, he was the new ruler… kind of?

They had done a coup, taken over Coruscant but that didn’t mean that everyone would just accept thei- ‘And who is gonna argue?’ A dry tone of voice piped up in Cody’s head, not so unlike Obi-Wan when he was being sarcastic. ‘Against an army as big as the vode? All these soft core people and Senators think they’re big until you give them a black eye and show how powerless they are.’

Cody shifted a bit behind the desk, a tad uncomfortable with the thought.

But it wasn’t wrong.

They weren’t done either, they had initially cleared out the most pressing of the vermin, but now that left the rest of the Senate, the core planets, the mid-rims and the outer rims.

He already knew, thanks to Obi-Wan, that the outer rims governed themselves mostly, with little concern of what happened in the core, due to how little they came to the outer rims.

It was why slavery and illegal things thrived so well there, despite slavery being illegal in the core.

His lips pursed.

Thanks to Fox, he knew how many underground slavery rings there were on even Coruscant and how little true that really was.

‘But the vode are many. We could change things… first we mop up at ‘home’, we get our Jedi safe… and then we clean up the rest of the galaxy.’ He narrowed his eyes faintly, jumping in surprise as the wall suddenly paved in, a blast sounding into the room.

Shifting, Cody peeked over the edge of the desk and grunted in relief as white and orange stepped into the room, followed by white and blue.

Time to surrender himself to a medics tender hands… ugh.

Carefully, Cody got up and moved towards them, hand still covering his injured eye as he gave his men a grim smile. ‘I hope Obi-Wan is doing better than I am…’

Severed stomach: Don’t let Din die! D8

They almost shoot each other, standing there in the shadows of Din’s ship.

That is something neither Boba or Paz will tell Din though, but they almost end up shooting each other as both are paranoid bastards and they’re both concerned.

To be fair, they are both answering different emergency signals, both are unaware of each other and both think the other might be the enemy that caused Din’s current situation.

Thankfully, outside of a warning shot from Fennec at Paz feet, nothing too bad happened… except wasted time.

Time they might not have, especially not with how long it took for them all to get to the planet, the lack of response from inside the ship highly worrying.

“I got the codes to get it open,” Boba grumbled as he made his way past the big shabuir in blue, already typing into his vambrace, his eyes focused on the ship he loaned Din, knowing Fennec had his back. “Din never changed them when he took possession of the ship.” He stated, knowing from the monitor program installed that Din hadn’t.

Paz, his cannon reluctantly shelved for now, nodded slowly. “Sounds like the verd’ika. As long as it wasn’t his personal room, he never bothered to changing codes to anything.” He sighed a bit, shaking his head.

You’d think Din knew better, ensuring his own privacy to rooms only he should have access to.

The ramp thankfully lowered, Boba correct that the codes were the same.

Instantly, all three tensed as the ramp finally extended into the muddy ground.

It was covered in rusty colored blood, dried blood.

Din’s blood.

Hissing slightly, his vocoder crackling, Boba marched up the ramp as quickly as his feet could take him, Paz right behind him with Fennec remaining outside to keep guard just in case. She wasn’t a medical expert, she wouldn’t be much help anyhow.

Following the blood, both males made their way inside, moving through the ships towards the cockpit.

Sending a mental prayer, Boba slapped his hands over the door controller, listening to the hiss as it opened to admit the two.

Instantly, Boba’s eyes fell on Din, the other collapsed into the pilot chair and he felt his breath catch.

Behind him, Paz let out a curse, moving past a frozen Boba.

Din looked dead.

His shiny beskar was covered in dried, rusty blood, Din’s blood, shrapnel was sticking out of his side, his arms and his legs. Din was slumped in the chair, his body lose with what Boba hoped was unconsciousness and he couldn’t see the others chest rise and fall.

Boba couldn’t look away from him even as he knows he should move and check on the other, find the medical kit, do SOMETHING.

But he can’t, his attention is on Din and Din alone.

His eyes roam over the way Din is slumped in the chair like a discarded ragdoll, abandoned by a child done playing rough. Can’t look away from the sight of the shrapnel embedded into the others left side, the warped metal as wide as Din’s hand and as long as his arm and Boba can’t tell how much of the blackened metal is inside of the other, how much damage has been done to the other.

Finally however, he manages to force himself forward as Paz yanked his own glove off and pressed his fingers under the helmet to get his pulse, Boba made himself breath as he reached up into the overhead compartment to the left, knowing there should be a medical kit there.

There was, it was fully stocked even from the looks of, the seal unopened.

“He’s alive but barely breathing, his pulse is too slow,” Paz growled out, Boba coming over with the case. “I don’t… I don’t know if we can move him.” He tacked on, deep voice sounding uncertain.

But alive meant there was still a chance.

Opening the case with a small growl, Boba dug through the case. “We can’t remove the shrapnel, he will bleed out in moments,” He agreed, listening to the shifting of armor. “But we can move him if we do this.” He pulled out a bacta injector.

Both stared at it.

The risk of injecting bacta into Din when he had shrapnel inside of him was high, many people suffered permanent organ damage from bacta injections before with shrapnel smaller than what was inside Din.

But they had no other choice and Boba reached out, pushing Din’s head to the side to pull down the high neck of his shirt. ‘If this causes anything permanent, forgive me Din. But I’d rather have you alive.’ He thought grimly as he set it, ordering Paz to find them a stretcher.

Moving Din was taxing, both Boba and Paz hesitating with precious moments while staring at the largest piece of shrapnel and both flinched when they heard an exhalation from Din as he was moved.

It hurt obviously, but Din was too far gone to wake up even with the stimuli.

Thankfully, the hoverstretcher made things easier on them, moving Din to Slave 1 and into the medbay, where Fennec stood watch over their injured bounty hunter as Boba attached him to monitoring equipment with Paz hovering at his shoulder.  “…We’re going have to be quick, return to Tatooine as fast as we can. He’s going to become infected by the shrapnel soon enough and it will turn his flesh necrotic.” Boba murmured as he removed Din’s bloody gloves.

His stomach twisted a bit with how stiff with blood they were, how much of Din’s blood must truly be soaked into it.

“I’ll go fetch my stuff, I don’t know the other ship, so Din’s things…” Paz trailed off.

“I’ll do it, I know where everything is. Din didn’t personalize the ship much but I know where his quarters on it are,” Boba grunted before turning to Fennec. “Remove his armor in the meantime, chest, greaves, vambraces but leave the helmet as usually.” He stated sternly, half noting the tenseness of the other mandalorian easing.

Ugh, the Watch and their helmets, made medical care difficult.

Fennec, normally being one for a sarcastic quip, simply nodded, her face drawn tight as she stepped in to work the chest piece off first.

He turned to Paz. “Ten minutes, and I take off. Tayli’bac?” He stated sternly, receiving a quick nod. ‘Just hold on for us Din, just a little longer…’

Shabuir = Asshole

Verd’ika = Little soldier

Tayli’bac? = Got it? Okay? Understand? (Often very aggressive.)

SecretWeCarry oh POOR Obi!! That was rough on him, and I’m REALLY glad that Anakin got there in enough time to prevent more damage – I could practically SEE him Force-toss Grievous, and that was awesome. And the Troopers were great too, dogpiling Grievous like they did! I’m surprised but grateful that nobody was seriously hurt by him!

Pulling his General away from the furious fight between Skywalker and the cyborg, Cody struggled not to let his Jedi know that he was limping.

Grievous kicks were one hell of a tool and Cody was honestly a bit envious by the clanker even if he’d never admit to that.

Thanks to that, several of the troopers were feeling the effect of said kicks or just feeling the effect of hitting the durasteel floor of the Negotiator when they were shaken off after dog piling the fucker.

Considering Obi-Wan’s personality, Obi-Wan would be sure to blame himself for their injuries despite Grievous being the perpetrator.

Obi-Wan had been proven to blame himself for the actions of others when he was the target they were after before.

He still blamed himself for Maul after all.

Tucking the redhead to his side, Cody glanced to Boil and Waxer, relaxing slightly when the former raised a thumb before quickly signing in hand signals to him.

The two were sore but not too injured, their armor protecting them as intended. ‘Unlike Obi-Wan.’ Cody winced as the redhead coughed then spat blood onto the floor, barely hanging onto Cody for support as the man swayed. “General, we need to get you to a medi-” A trooper hustled over, one of the shiny’s, though Cody couldn’t tell which of them with their helmet on.

But he had a medical backpack in hand.

It would be enough for emergency treatment, until things cooled down and Cody could get the General back to Helix and the medbay for a proper checkup. ‘As long as we can chase the fucking clankers and the big clanker himself of off the ship, though with the raw power Skywalker’s currently throwing at him, he’s bound to turn cockroach soon.’ Cody glanced over to the battle.

Skywalker was a raging bantha bull in a pen at the moment as he kept literally throwing the heavy cyborg off his mechanical feet, not even letting him get close with his many sabers to attack.

Clearly the severe threat to his former master had put the man in snit, not that Cody could blame him as he felt Obi-Wan cling to him for support as the shiny put medicine dispenser to his neck and injected.

Honestly, any sane man would have turned tail and run when they had seen the look on Anakin Skywalker’s face when Obi-Wan buckled to the floor, blood and bile in his beard and on his soft cardigan, his face pallid from his pain and sweaty from exertion as he trembled against on his knees.

Then again, you couldn’t accuse Grievous of being a sane man could you, considering who he regularly went up against and who he served.

Glancing back at his slumped General, Cody took a chance and slowly started to sink down on the durasteel floor with the man, keeping him supported all the way down as the shiny paused long enough for Obi-Wan to be settled before continuing, this time with a bacta spray in hand for the obvious head wound the man had.

“Easy does it General, we got it under control…” Cody whispered, hesitating before reaching out to slowly run his fingers through the blood matted red hair. “We got your back General. Trust us.” Cody whispered, swallowing thickly.

Isolating their General had lead to much of his weakness in the beginning as his biology had released the hormones that suppressed his appetite, not to mention what had occurred while he was undercover as Hardeen.

So if the other had rejected him and told him to buzz off while he was injured, Cody would have understood.

Instead Obi-Wan let out a low whine and pressed closer to Cody. “I always do…” He breathed out, coughing up blood onto Cody’s chestplate and vambrace, keening quietly as the shiny set another injection. “I trust you.” He slurred, only half aware as Cody fought his own tears, protectively wrapped around his General as both trusted the rest of the troopers and Skywalker to send Grievous and his droids packing.

Okay so lupine copper, Moddy, I got two words for you. Sled dog! Or well, sled wolf really haha.

Lifting his snout to the biting wind and snow in an attempt to catch the scent of any settlement at all, Obi-Wan let out a mournful howl when he couldn’t catch even the slightest trace and nervously, the werewolf glanced back at the sled he was currently pulling.

Qui-Gon was injured, they were suppose to be hunting down the rumors of a core run slavery ring run on Alderaan of all places, Queen Marna Organa having personally requested Jedi intervention to ensure that if such a thing was really present on Alderaan, it would be uprooted and burned to remove the taint from their planet.

And they had been finding leads that lead Qui-Gon to believe there was an actual slavery ring on the planet.

The leads had lead them to the mountains and they had prepared appropriately for the trek up through the mountain passes and snow.

What they had not prepared for when they found the base of the slavers that had stationed themselves on the planet, was the avalanche the slavers in their desperation had triggered to get away from the Jedi.

They had all been buried and Obi-Wan, in his shock and fear, had forcibly transformed, his body forcing him into his larger wolf form that was easily the height of Qui-Gon’s hip and he had dug himself out of the snow after a befuddled moment of shock.

The issue with that was that in his wolf form, Obi-Wan couldn’t use the Force well, his Force senses were different, muted in a way and Qui-Gon had intended for them to train more and see if Obi-Wan could extend his Force powers.

They hadn’t had time for that yet, so Obi-Wan had to rely on his animal senses to find his master.

It had taken him half an hour to find his master afterward, whimpering as dug Qui-Gon out of the red tainted snow, coated as it was by Qui-Gon’s blood.

Qui-Gon had broken his right leg, the bone poking through and his ribs were clearly fractured too.

Everything around them were broken or ruined but Obi-Wan had eventually managed to find a broken hoversled and ropes, using paws and teeth to make a basic harness and wrap onto the broken hoversled.

It might not be hovering but at the very least he could pull it on the snow and it would glide.

He had also managed to find some half buried fabrics, though he wasn’t sure what kind it was and at that point, Qui-Gon had woken up enough to drag himself onto the sled.

Dazedly he had also helped Obi-Wan with the harness, making it more secure and tying it more tightly to the sled, all the while murmuring apologies to his padawan for what Obi-Wan was required to do.

Obi-Wan had tried to answer as best he could through the bond, sending a soothing sensation at him but neither of them were in a good state. Both were injured, Qui-Gon severely, Obi-Wan had forcibly transformed, their supplies were lost in the avalanche and the mountain was showing signs of a coming storm.

So he had simply gently butted his nose to Qui-Gon’s scraped up hand, pushing at it until Qui-Gon tucked himself under the fabric to cover up as best he could, sad blue eyes watching his padawan worriedly.

So Obi-Wan had started walking, the rope pulling harshly on his furry body, chafing painfully, the sled with Qui-Gon heavy but that didn’t stop Obi-Wan, he had done difficult and hard things before. They needed to get to safety, to a settlement or a cave or something, they needed to survive.

Force, he had been walking and running for so long now, his legs were hurting and even his furry body was cold, tongue hanging out as he panted for air but the his desperation for survival was pushing him forward.

But worse was the fact that Qui-Gon had long ago lost consciousness once more, his face pale and his breathing shallow, snow piling on top of the fabric all over the large humans body.

They both needed help and Obi-Wan howled once more before forcing himself forward once more, his legs shaking as bloody paw prints were snowed over in seconds as the copper wolf continued forward.

Oh no! Candle in the dark! What in the world is Cody doing in the temple!?

Staring at the broken open window in front of him with wide eyes,
slowly lowering his arms, Anakin choked a bit as the wind whistled
through the hall.

he heard other people asking questions and or whining about glass

didn’t see Anakin whine and his arms were full of it!

was also in something close to shock, reeling from Obi-Wan having
muted the bond to silence in his utter panic.

could still feel the after currants of his panic and hysteria though,
Obi-Wan was not in a good mental state an- “Anakin!”

hands closed around his shoulders, the blond letting out a sharp gasp
as he was turned abruptly to face Qui-Gon, the older master’s face
contorted with displeasure but more than that, concern. “Master.”
Anakin gasped out, realizing he must have been holding his breath.

what the fuck just happened?” The crude term slipped out of
Qui-Gon’s mouth, further shaking Anakin into a better state.

Or at
least more concious state.

So he
raised a finger, pointing at Cody, the man having followed Qui-Gon.
“What is he doing here?” He rasped out instead of

slightly affronted look crossed Cody’s worried face, though the
commander said nothing even as Qui-Gon frowned deeply. “Cody came
to deliver reports to me and go over battle information along with
sightings of Count Dooku.” Qui-Gon stated, glancing to the open
window and then back to Anakin, his brows furrowed darkly as his eyes
gained a slightly red tint.

like the troopers adored him, Qui-Gon adored his own men.

like Anakin.

Anakin covered his face before shaking himself, getting away from
Qui-Gon’s grip. “Obi-Wan’s own clones tried to kill him in his
universe,” He stated, half noting Qui-Gon jerking to in shock even
as Anakin moved to the open window to look out, Obi-Wan nowhere to be
seen or felt. “Seeing Cody now…” He trailed off.

could piece the information together.

had a flashback, combined with his ptsd and fear, causing him to flee

Qui-Gon came to the broken window too, wind rushing past them as
Windu and Gallia rushed in from the elevator, alerted to the
situation clearly. “We need to find him, before he is harmed. And
we can’t use the clones or Coruscant guards, he’s bound to react
badly to them too, considering seeing Cody set him off like this.”
He hissed.

Anakin rubbed at his face before hissing as his arms stung, glancing
to find his forearms having glass shards stuck into.

panic driven Force application had really given the glass shards
speed to impact hard, making it dig into flesh quite easily.

have bacta, I’ll deal with it on my own.’ He grumbled to himself
before turning to the council masters that were being updated by
Qui-Gon. “I’ll set Dex on the alert and start looking, Obi-Wan is
bound to be hiding right now and despite things being different, he
still knows Coruscant.” He informed the council masters.

of them turned to him, Qui-Gon simply turning his head. Gallia was
the first to speak. “It would be for the best that people he is
familiar with are the ones looking for him… Qui-Gon, who would be
best to put on alert for him, including Knight Skywalker?” She
looked to him.

his chin, Qui-Gon frowned. “From the little Obi-Wan has started
opening up about… any council masters are in the green, as are
Quinlan Vos, Bant Eerin, Garen Mulm, Reeft Sullivan…” Qui-Gon
continued naming childhood acquaintances or classmates of Obi-Wan as
Anakin excused himself, already rushing off to start the search.

also cursed the clones of the other world for traumatizing Obi-Wan,
Rex and his men would be ideal for a search and rescue as this
mission was in the bare bones of it.

Obi-Wan did need rescue, even if it was from himself.

on Obi-Wan, just hold on, we’ll find you. You’re going to be
alright.’ The young Sith sent the thought out to the panic blocked
bond, his heart throbbing a rabid, frightened tempo as all he wanted
to do, was to find their little Jedi.

The surprise baby face update was enough to have me jumping up and down in anticipation, andI hear you already wrote chapter three. If you still need a prompt to attach that chapter to, consider this it. If not, consider it a prompt for chapter four, because I desperately need to know what makes this worthy of you calling it your darkest story yet.

in all fairness, Obi-Wan would like to say that he was being cautious
as he had promised
and that he had only low level alcoholic drink
mixes that he watched closely being made
and considering he had once chugged an entire bottle of rogut and
still managed to walk in a straight line even without filtering it
out as he had been doing with the drinks from the nightclub, he
didn’t think he was in any danger.

well, a two part drug activation was hard to notice, if
the was to take a guess, the first drink had the first activation
part and the last drink he had with the second one, the Force
therefore not warning him since independently, they weren’t

had just finished his third drink and was on his way to the dance
floor again when he felt the effects, his steps stuttering as someone
slid in beside him just
as suddenly as the effects hit him,
crooned softly in worry at
the Jedi pretending to be a teen,
leading Obi-Wan away from the dance floor.

mouth felt so thick too and his vision was flickering, the
drugs in his system potent and making it hard for Obi-Wan to think.

flashing colored lights and other people really weren’t helping him
either honestly as he was half pulled and half carried away until
they were in the back alley, cold fresh air causing Obi-Wan to shiver
as he let out a confused noise.

it’s alright babycakes, you’re going to be fine.” A low, husky
voice chuckled into his ear and Obi-Wan raised his head enough to
blink dazedly at a man with the bluest eyes Obi-Wan had ever seen,
his grip on the Force slippery as he tried to reach for it to push
the man away, recognizing
that this
was their abductor.

pinch at his neck made him groan before he slumped against the other
humans chest, feeling himself being shifted and then picked up.
“Don’t normally go up to your age, to close to an adult really
for what I need, but when you shine so brightly in the Force, how can
I resist babycakes.” The man chuckled darkly,
Obi-Wan swaying in his arms with each of the man’s steps.

Obi-Wan wanted to curse out the man as his bare cheek rubbed against
the man’s shoulder, but whatever he had been given and then
injected with was working fast, Obi-Wan’s consciousness fading fast
he had the horrifying gut feeling that the troopers couldn’t see
him, that this man was familiar enough to avoid detection in the

he did dislike so proving Anakin and Commander Cody right. ‘Least I
got the tracker.’ Obi-Wan’s last fading thought was as he felt
himself being settled in the back of a waiting skycar.


in the teens sitting with their heads in their hands on the paved
curb, Anakin pressed his lips together and then looked to Rex.

captain sighed. “Two point activation drugs, the only similarity of
these kids are the drinks they’ve had and Helix has already done a
tox scan, two different drugs that when combined together wrecks
havoc in a Force sensitive system.” He explained darkly.

his face, Anakin let out a quiet growl but nodded, looking around,
the need to go find Obi-Wan itching in his veins.

with so many teens dropping around the dance floor, they had been
required to stay.

they were suppose to be lowkey but there was no way of hiding the
investigation now, whoever had taken Obi-Wan would get a warning
anyhow. ‘But it’s not like they’re getting away anyhow,’ He
assured himself, forcing himself to relax as Kix continued quietly
speaking with a purple skinned twi’lek, giving her water and
encouraging her to drink it. ‘Obi-Wan has the tracker, Ahsoka and
Commander Cody are following and will soon be back with both the perp
and Obi-Wan.’ He assured himself as he squinted around.

the hubbub happening at the Deep Liger, the other clubs were still
going strong and outside of the teens sitting on the curbs, not much
had changed despite the appearance of Jedi and GAR troopers.

A quiet voice went off behind him, Anakin turning quickly with a
brightening expression and a quip on his lips for Obi-Wan as he heard
Ahsoka behind him, the group finally having returned.

then his words died on his lips, Ahsoka standing there wide eyed and
trembling, no Obi-Wan or 212th
accompanying her.

all she had in her gloved hand that she raised to the light for him
to see, was a bloody tracker. “…We found it two alleys over,
Commander Cody and the ghost company
are investigating and Gray Hat started slicing into the security cams
around…” Ahsoka whispered, her shoulders shaking more and more.

Anakin only reached out and dragged his padawan to him, staring wide
eyed into the night.

was gone,
whoever was abducting teens, had Obi-Wan.

Someone rutined in abducting Force sensitive people had managed to get the
drop on them despite all the safeguards they had put in place, Ahsoka
was trembling like a leaf and they had no idea what could potentially
be happening to Obi-Wan at this moment.

dark and fiery lit of in Anakin’s chest as he tightened his grasp
on Ahsoka, something deep and dark that belonged to a Tatooine night.
“…E CHU TA!” He roared, scaring all the drugged up teens and
informing the entirety of 501st
and 212th
that General Kenobi was MIA.

Huh, so in distant pain, how is the apprehending of Krell going to go? I hope Dogma isn’t going to be sent to Kamino again

wasn’t suppose to happen, this was not something Rex had imagined
could happen at all.

maybe he should have.

with a traitor wasn’t enough of a glum and traumatizing situation

see,” General Windu sighed heavily, not moving an inch from his
slumped position in his seat on Coruscant. General Jinn on the other
hand looked like someone had pulled his heart out of his chest and
was showing it to him beating and Rex could get behind that
sentiment. “Is Master Kenobi stable for now?” Rex attention was
dragged back to the High General.

Rex tightened his grip on his helmet as he continued reporting. “As
far as Kix can manage with the supplies we have on hand, yes. We are
preparing to depart for the Resolute, where we also have a bacta tank
for him to use. But that is only if we can transport him. Which I’m
not sure of yet.” Rex continued, as emotionless as he could manage.

Windu sighed again before nodding, sitting up. “Please, report
again once you have reached the Resolute or the situation has
changed. Return to Coruscant at
soonest. Council out.” Rex saluted before slumping when the holos

his face, Rex turned and made his way out of the comm tent, taking in
the eerie silence of the camp as people moved around doing
their duties.

paused momentarily to watch Rex before continuing on in the glowing
light of Umbara’s
bioluminescent flora.

Rex continued forward until he reached the medtent, pulling the flap
aside to enter.

eyes instantly fell to the only bed containing a person.


was covered in bacta bandages from head to toe, leaving nothing of
him exposed except for his nose and mouth where he was sporting an
oxygen mask with wires going down his throat. A thin army blanket was
resting over him, keeping him warm and
the soft noise of his heart was the only sound filling the medtent
from the monitor connected to him.

was sitting at his side, holding one bandaged hand with Cotton curled
up around his neck. Both refused to leave and no one had the heart to
say that the pilot should return to work and Kix didn’t have the
heart to kick him out.

been no change sir.” Kix murmured bleakly, coming over.

his face tiredly,
Rex nodded. “This just went to Sith hells didn’t it?” He

Kix smiled humorlessly. “No one could expect Krell to shoot
lightening.” He sighed.

but we should have.’ Rex thought tiredly, returning to watching
their Jedi vod, breathing only due to the assisted breathing. ‘We
should have… maybe we could have avoided this.’


were not going good even as one of the Shiny’s was gasping quietly
in awe at witnessing a true lightsaber battle.

Pong Krell and Obi-Wan had lightstaffs and they were evenly matched.

so it seemed.

however was experienced with his own Jedi and General Jinn.

had seen lightsaber battles before and he could see that while
Obi-Wan wasn’t hesitating for the kill shot, he wasn’t as
physically strong as Krell and they were both equally fast.

meant that when Krell lashed out with one huge foot and kicked
Obi-Wan in the chest, the redheaded Jedi was sent flying with a cry
of surprised shock.

they could shoot Krell however, the besalisk was after the natural
born human, Obi-Wan coughing up blood but before Krell got in another
shot, Obi-Wan severed one of the left arms, depriving him of one
lightsaber that rolled across the floor, Dogma throwing himself at it
before it could be summoned.

only served to antagonize the traitor however as he bellowed in pain
and then raised his remaining right hand.

could taste bile on his throat as suddenly lightening shot from
Krell’s hand, wrapping around Obi-Wan as the man cried out in pain,
dropping his own saber in utter shock, his green eyes bulging.

then Krell stomped
on Obi-Wan’s chest, the sound of bones snapping echoing sickly over
the sound of electricity and screams.

Rex could only stare.

Dogma did not.

who had taken the betrayal so deeply, Dogma who had snagged Pong
Krell’s saber.

who lunged the saber into Pong Krell’s back, pulling it down and
thereby almost bisecting the injured, exhausted and enraged besalisk.

lightning crackled to a stop, Krell letting out a disbelieving
choking noise before falling over.

Kix!” Rex roared into the stunned silence as Dogma fell on his
knees, staring at the dead besalisk, the captain rushing over,
patting his vod on the shoulder as he passed by, dropping on his
knees by the still living Jedi’s side, throwing his helmet aside as
Obi-Wan gurgled on blood and shuddered on the ground, his breath
wheezing heavily as Rex took in the burn wounds on his face from
the cracke of lightening.
“General hold on!” Rex hands hovered over the man, unsure where
to touch, unsure what to do except wait.

horrifying, gurgling laugh escaped the Jedi, the
man letting out a bloody cough that coated Rex chest armor with his
as Obi-Wan focused delirious, pain swimming eyes on Rex as water
leaked from his eyes, the man’s hand resting on Rex kama before his
eyes fluttered shut.

to present()()

was a day ago, they had only just gotten to inform the council,
though not the full extent.

they could now do…

wait, Zuru and Cotton at Obi-Wan’s side, their Jetii vod fighting
for his life.