For sightlessbird, I love the relationship between Anakin and Obi – can we get some more bonding time with them?

Sitting in the cold rain of Kamino with his robe tucked tightly around both himself and his precious cargo, Anakin let out a deep sigh. “You know, if Qui-Gon saw us, he’d be scolding us.” He stated a tad wryly as the rain continued to pound down on them.

Obi-Wan had wanted to experience a proper rain storm.

The regulated climate of Coruscant wasn’t quite the same thing and the rain ‘season’ of the room of a Thousand gardens wasn’t either.

Anakin just didn’t have it in him to deny his padawan and he still loved rain, a childhood on a desert planet had made him treasure rain and water and to sit in the rain…

Well, he did that quite a bit actually as a child once he became a padawan and old enough to leave on missions.

Giggling slightly, Obi-Wan simply leaned back into Anakin. “But he’s not hereeee.” He singsonged, lighting up with pleasure when Anakin chuckled quietly.

Honestly, Anakin wasn’t being a fool about it either. He had insisted Obi-Wan sit in his lap, had brought out a small kneeling chair, which elevated them up from the cold and wet platform and had brought his robe, keeping it wrapped around both to keep the rain out, since Anakin’s preferred robe was weaved of mixed fabric to keep rain and wind out but keep heat inside.

So while they were getting somewhat wet, they weren’t soaking, despite sitting already for a good half hour.

He was also very aware that several clones had already peeked out at them and the exasperation from Rex mingled with the shinies of Kamino’s bewilderment.

After all, you had to be crazy to stay out in a downpour on Kamino, right?

Anakin didn’t mind, Obi-Wan a warm form in his lap and against his chest, his head resting on the boy’s forehead.

After his conversation with Padme, he needed the soothing quiet.

It wasn’t that he was… angry directly.

Not anymore.

Or throwing a tantrum, regardless what others would say.

He knew his wife wasn’t all powerful, had seen it often.

But when he begged her to help Ahsoka… begged even Palpatine…

He tightened his grip around the small body in his lap, swallowing thickly only to smile shakily when he felt a small, saber callused hand wrap around his wrist, thumb rubbing at the jut of his wrist.

His padawan, balm to his soul, be it tormented or simply distressed.

He quietly pressed a kiss to the top of Obi-Wan’s head and settled again.

Padme’s call last night had been hard, neither had yelled, despite both having reasons for it, maybe Padme more than him but Anakin was simply tired. And questioning what he had done at the start of the war.

Marrying her…

‘It was a pipe dream, wasn’t it.’ He thought wistfully, tilting his head to look up at the dark sky as the rain continued slamming down on them. A pipe dream to marry his angel and think he could keep her forever, a pipe dream to think he could also be a Jedi.

Just like freeing everyone from slavery would be a pipe dream.

That hurt.

He still wanted to free Tatooine but he wasn’t a little boy anymore, he knew more now, saw more… understood more.

As long as there were people who wanted power, they would subjugate others. And the galaxy had been creative in how to keep that power.

The scar of where his detonator was once implanted ached with phantom pain at the thought and he had to grit his teeth for a few moments and just breath through it.

‘Mom knew,’ He thought wistfully. ‘She knew it was just a pipe dream but indulged me. I was just a kid…’ Anakin rocked Obi-Wan slightly, feeling him squeeze his wrist again. Shmi had been smart, even if she had not been educated like a freeman would have been. She knew the expanse of the hutt empire.

She had seen the darkness of what slavery was and the shipping of power, weapons, drugs and bodies.

But she had been a good mother, indulged Anakin’s wishes, tried to foster hope… and when she had the chance to see him free, to see him of to something better, to rain and greenery… she hadn’t hesitated.

She wanted Anakin to be what their last name were.

Skywalker… it was a presumptuous last name for a slave, the implications of it…

Many slavers had watched them with narrowed eyes and slaves with both anger and hope.

‘But I did walk the sky, didn’t I… mother never made it, but I did. I flew through space, no shackle to my wrists or ankles and was free,’ Anakin smiled a tad more at that thought. ‘And I can teach others to walk the sky… and… maybe I can’t end slavery or free Tatooine… free mother… but I can free as many as possible and be better than I was.’

That was a good idea, a good feeling.

He hoped he could do it.

Anakin wanted to be better than he was before. Both Ahsoka and Obi-Wan made him better people… he had to be better for them.

Because just as Anakin had learned from Shmi Skywalker, they would learn from him.

‘…I have to be an example for them. I want to be a good example. Please Force, I want to be better for them.’ Anakin breathed deeply, letting out a soft noise of surprise as the rain abruptly ceased, a small ray of sun peeking through the clouds.


Maybe… or just weather pattern.

Still, Obi-Wan’s little disappointed noise had him chuckling, squeezing his padawan tightly to his chest as he squirmed in protest.

I love your Sightlessbird series! There isn’t enough master!ani padawan!obi fics around! any chance for another installment??

Pulling his padawan’s boots of off his feet, Anakin couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him sleeping so deeply that he didn’t even twitch. The kid had been shacking up with whatever trooper caught his fancy from the 501st for the last few days, sparring and getting into competitions to the point he almost fell asleep in his food.

And when they were busy, he went for any trooper that was of duty.

To be frank, Anakin was rather certain that Obi-Wan had charmed at least half the ‘adult’ clones and was friends with the ‘child’ clones, all of them finding common ground, with the war, being raised able to fight, with high expectations.

It was amazing almost, but Obi-Wan hadn’t been having a single nightmare or vision since he arrived on Kamino, generally too tired out for either as he extended the Force to ‘see’ or to further his skills when he was meditating or sparring with Anakin.

Seeing how Obi-Wan had been withdrawn and having nightmares prior due to the murder attempt, Anakin was almost ready to get down on his knees and kiss the ground the troopers walked on.


But for now, he settled on carefully getting Obi-Wan out of the most restraining or uncomfortable of his clothes.

Boots, socks, belt, sash, hair tie and outer tunic, leaving the boy in his leggings and sleeveless turtleneck.

Still no twitch came, despite Anakin touching, lifting and tugging lightly to get him undressed enough to be comfortable.

That done, he settled the blankets over the boy, stroking his hair gently out of his face. “…Sleep well padawan, dream of chocolate tarts and cups of tea.” He teased gently before getting onto his feet and turning the lights off with a wave, stepping out into the apartment the longnecks had given him and Obi-Wan.

Pausing at the name he had used for the kaminoans, Anakin wryly pulled at his own curls. ‘I’ve been spending too much time with the troopers.’ He thought amusedly before grunting and quickly silencing his comms when they started chirping.

Behind him, the door still open, he could hear Obi-Wan shift slightly before settling again, Anakin quickly reaching into their bond and sending a soothing, calmness down it, pressing Obi-Wan back down into a deep sleep.

It worked and Anakin closed the door tightly, breathing out and checking who the hell was calling him.

‘…Padme.’ Anakin stared at the number then sighed deeply, rubbing at his face with his mech hand as the comms continued vibrating in his flesh hand.

Since last seeing her in the Rotunda, Padme had upped her calling and at this point, Anakin was getting real tired of the constant calls if he was honest, even as he understood why.

After all, they were married still.

He still loved her.

Things were just so… damn difficult.

Finally, Anakin let out a deep sigh and answered his comm instead of dismissing as he had the last several weeks. “…Hello Padme.” He murmured as she flickered into view, settling down on the couch as her blue shape peered back at him, wearing what was clearly Senate robes, her hair down.

She must have come from the Senate not long ago, having pulled her hair out of a do but not removed her dress.

“Hello Anakin…” She stared at him, eyes flickering over his face almost desperately.

‘She missed me.’ Anakin swallowed thickly.

He had missed her too.

But he had realized things while he was away from his wife, things he… wasn’t sure how to feel about. Things that were impacting the already falling apart marriage to the woman he loved.

Anakin wasn’t sure, but there was a heaviness in his chest as the two stared at each other, a realization he wondered if Padme already knew.

‘We never should have married that young…’

If you find the time for it… I am dying to know what happens next in Sightlessbird!

Sitting back in his chair, Fox let out a deep sigh as he rubbed at his face with his hands.

He had finally managed to find a gas to use on the Chancellor, dorin rimu gas. Completely harmless to Kel Dor’s but to humans, lethal if inhaled for a prolonged time, just like dorin gas itself. The difference was that while dorin gas was completely natural and formed on its own on dorin, dorin rimu needed to be developed from a certain rock being broken down.

Fox had already arranged for the rocks to be brought to the barracks, under the guise as ‘décor, as they were rather pretty, colorful rocks.

He would have to involve a few brothers for that process, though, not tell them what the gas was for.

Maybe he’d lie, tell them it was for one of the Jedi.

Dorin rimu was often used as a painkiller for them, sort of like laughing gas apparently, from what Fox research informed him. Colorless, odorless and lethal to humans.

It was perfect.

Fox would have to ensure the man breathed in while alone in his office or while only brothers with helmets were in there.

Or meeting with Kel Dor’s.

For them, it would be safe if perhaps a tad frustrating or humiliating if they got high.

‘But its a sacrifice I’m willing to make.’ Fox smirked a tad into his hands before dropping his hands, eyes falling to the framed photo on his desk, one of the few decorations he kept, even going so far as to physically have a copy of this day printed.

It was of Obi-Wan, him and Obi-Wan, well over a year ago.

The kid was on Fox back, the commander holding tightly onto his legs as Obi-Wan held onto Fox shoulder pauldrons, laughter visible on his face and a smile on Fox face.

Fox remembered that day, Obi-Wan had come to visit him and the other guards, bringing them homemade fudge from the temple that he had asked one of the master’s to help him make. They had to share of course, Obi-Wan couldn’t bring a ton or make a ton with only one master’s help but there had been enough for a portion for each.

After eating it, Fox stashing most of his in his drawer in his office, the commander had taken Obi-Wan down to the shooting range, quietly continuing the blaster lessons the two had started weeks ago.

It was the first time Obi-Wan had hit the bullseye of the target.

Fox had been so proud, a tad overwhelmed.

Here was this blind Jedi, this slip of a boy, with wide, excited eyes and steady hands, holding a blaster and after weeks of instructions, of gently guiding Obi-Wan’s hands and telling him how to care for the blaster afterward… Obi-Wan had done it.

Obi-Wan had hit the target on his own and fully hit the bullseye.

All on his own.

Of course, afterward there was more hits, Obi-Wan hitting the bullseye every time he shot, but that first day..

Fox couldn’t help himself, lifting his vod’ika of his feet and up into the air, twirling a laughing Obi-Wan around before piggybacking him around the guard building to inform everyone.

Thorn had snapped a picture of them while Fox had been boasting of Obi-Wan.

‘We looked so happy… Obi-Wan was so happy, pleased and joyful…’ Fox picked up the silver frame, gently running his thumb over his little brother’s face. ‘…I’ll get rid of this threat against you, Obi-Wan, there is a war but I’ll make sure you’re safe on Coruscant at the very least. Just stay away for the rest of the month, then you’ll be safe little one, so promises your ori’vod.’ Fox pressed a kiss to the picture.

Then he sat it down and got up, picking his helmet up and pulling it on.

It was time to go back to work.

Time to be ‘just’ another clone trooper in the eyes of many but the reminder of his brothers around him, of Obi-Wan’s hand in his, the respectful greeting of Jedi… it kept him going as he stepped out into the hallway to make his way to the Senate.

Just another day in the life of Commander Fox, dealing with people that didn’t deserve his respect.

It was a good thing he had gotten real skilled at hiding that.

Acting, what an undervalued skill for a vod.

More of a comment anything for sightless bird although you can take this as a request. Now that Obi-Wan is a week does that mean fox is going to plan out how to kill the counselor?  

The worst part of his murder plans is that Fox actually feels pretty apathetic about them.

He technically doesn’t have strong feelings about the Chancellor, he is just a man, a corrupt and evil man, at least in Fox eyes considering he tried to kill their Birdie, but still just a man.

If he focused more on that, well, then Fox could feel more about it.

But he is aware that the man is Force sensitive, he’s studied the man he’s been protecting for all these months of the war.

Fox refuses to believe that the man isn’t at least somewhat trained with those powers, maybe not a Jedi level of power but some kind of training at least.

That means that strong emotions would alert the man to any potential murder plans.

Which is why Fox approaches said plans with an apathetic calmness and a clinical detachment, so to prevent the man from being too suspicious or cautious about what is going on around him.

Its also why he refuses to tell anyone else about his plans to dispatch the Chancellor.

He knows his vode, he loves them, some more and some less but it doesn’t change that they are family and he cares about all of them.

He’s not sure all of them can keep the same emotional detachment as Fox as he carefully plans his murder, starting with the Chancellor office starts to fill with gas. Not enough to start effecting the air quality of course, he can’t have the alarms go of.

But enough that it will harm the man, enough that as the Chancellor breathes it in, that his organs starts to slowly decay, enough that Fox knows that the cause will look natural.

Of course, there are details to iron out, to narrow down which gas to use, to ensure it will work, getting one that is odorless and colorless.

Obi-Wan to keep safe.

Skywalker to keep clueless.

He can’t have Jedi drama going on when he gets the Chancellor out of the way.

Which is why he manages to get the orders through that Obi-Wan and Skywalker, along with the 501st, get sent to Kamino to meet up with Jinn and the 212th.

The Jedi under the guise of doing some checkups on the future troops with General Ti and the troopers to help train their younger vode.

But the truth was that Fox went slice happy with a few of his Coruscant Guard hackers and got them sent to safety.

Anything to keep their little birdie safe.


Tiredly holding onto Anakin’s belt, Obi-Wan let out a soft noise as a warm arm wrapped around his shoulders, bringing him into the older Jedi’s side. “Just another half hour and you can take a small nap padawan.” Anakin promised quietly, rubbing lightly at his shoulder.

Obi-Wan simply nodded, pressing closer to Anakin’s side as the conversation of the council and Master Qui-Gon washed over him in a low buzz. The healers had only just allowed him out of bed and cleared him for field work.

Light field work.

Apparently the observation of the troopers on Kamino was considered light, though, considering it would be Anakin doing most of the notes and decision along with Qui-Gon and Ti, that wasn’t really all that surprising.

Obi-Wan suspected that he would end up following Cody and Rex around for the most part.

The latter had been hovering a lot since Obi-Wan had entered the Resolute, following only a few steps away from him at all times and every time Obi-Wan as much as sniffled or swayed a bit in place, he could feel the poor captain’s anxiety rise.

He knew why.

He knew why the entire 501st got so antsy about him.

He wasn’t ignorant after all and while he didn’t feel so good about making them worry, it was nice to know they cared about him, just as they had cared about Ahsoka before she left.

Pressing his face to Anakin’s side, feeling his head throb a bit, Obi-Wan let the conversation around him buzz as he tried to meditate standing, Anakin’s warm arm wrapped protectively around him.

If the bridge and the conversations grew a bit quieter without the tired and healing padawan noticing it, well… no one could say that the Jedi and troopers didn’t care about younglings and tried to indulge them as best they could in these hard times.

Oooooh Sightlessbird is SO. GOOD. You are an amazing writer!!Just curious how Fox reacts to hearing the Chancellor (aka the man he serves) may have poisoned Obi-Wan…Yikes. 😬

Stroking the delicate hand with his thumb, Fox let out a deep breath.

After escorting Amidala around, he was so grateful that he could finally run back to the temple to see his vod’ika, sit at his bedside.

The sterile room had been empty sans the sleeping Obi-Wan when he arrived, setting Fox heart into his throat in sheer fear after what he had learned at the Rotunda despite knowing that Rex couldn’t remain the entire time he and Skywalker was gone.

He had actually gone over Obi-Wan’s vitals and information, just to check, just to be sure, to ease the fear and paranoia in his own mind despite the security that was the Jedi temple. At least the Halls, as far into the temple as the healing Halls were, should be safe.

Learning that the chancellor of all people…

Fox wasn’t sure what to do about that news even as his racing heart calmed with the knowledge that Obi-Wan’s vitals were unchanged and strong, there was nothing but inadequate suspicions with circumstantial evidence at best, nothing concrete beyond a conversation between Palpatine and Amidala and yet, deep in his heart, he knew the truth.

The Chancellor had tried to kill his little bird and Skywalker believed so too clearly, watching him stomp away dramatically, light bulbs popping overhead as several aides and senators let out overly dramatically panicked noises were a clear sign of that.

It didn’t make sense though, why in all maker’s name would the Chancellor want to…

‘Is he jealous?’ Fox knew that the Chancellor had once been a mentor of Skywalker, had been a trusted and close friend but after Commander Tano…

Maybe that was it.

Maybe he thought if he got rid of Obi-Wan, Anakin would come crawling back to him?

It was a rather disturbing and actually gross line of thinking and Fox wrinkled his nose.

But it could be the truth.

A terrible, ugly truth.

‘The Senate is an ugly thing though, at least the people in it.’ He snorted to himself. In principle, the Senate was a good thing, everyone able to voice their complaints and make deals.

But in reality, only a few benefited, by keeping their voices the loudest and making deals in the shadows.

Fox had caught his fair share of back alley deals with Senators involved, only for the judicial to let them escape the day after they were brought in, nothing happening outside of pockets filled with credits to make the problem just go away.

It wasn’t fair and it wasn’t right but Fox was a clone commander of the guards, he saw to the safety of the Rotunda and GAR related issues.

Not the law on Coruscant.

He was not judge or jury, despite presenting evidence to them.

Had he been it, things would be run differently he thought bitterly as he lifted Obi-Wan’s hand to press a soft kiss to the back of it, feeling helpless to protect his little Jedi brother.

“You feel…angry.” A soft, raspy voice stated and Fox almost squeezed down on the little hand in shock, eyes snapping up to find Obi-Wan’s eyes open in a lidded, pale gaze.

Reaching out with one hand, Fox cupped a pale cheek, rubbing at a freckle. “Obi-Wan?” He whispered with disbelief, shaking slightly.

He wasn’t suppose to be awake yet, he was in a healing coma, he was suppose to sleep.

But here he was, his eyes were open and his lips curved into a weak, chapped smile. “Thirsty…” He rasped out, licking lightly at his lips.

Swallowing thickly, leaning up to punch the call button, Fox squeezed the others hand. “Okay, okay hold on little bird, a healer is on the way. Just… hold on… Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan you’re awake.” Fox felt like crying.

Felt like laughing.

Felt like he could scream.

In the end he settled for a hiccup as he pressed Obi-Wan’s hand to his face, relief spazzing through him as Obi-Wan smiled back at him with his pale eyes focused over Fox shoulder.

“I heard your new padawan is not likely to make it. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am Anakin.”“Where did you hear that?”“Chancellor Palpatine mentioned it when I met with him earlier today.” Anakin looked past Padme to where Fox was standing and signing that the conversation had occurred.Anakin knew then that Palpatine had something to do with Obi-Wan’s poisoning.Sightless Bird

The last place he wanted to be in this moment was in the karking Rotunda and the only reason he had left Obi-Wan’s side at all was because Rex had promised to sit with him. So here Anakin was, marching through the Rotunda, his cloak billowing up around him dramatically.

If Qui-Gon could see him at that moment, he would have rolled his eyes and fondly called him a drama prince.

Or maybe he would have been stomping along with Anakin.

The other had been calling daily until the comm signal had become too unstable, hearing about what health Obi-Wan was in.

All because he had been directly summoned by the War Commission to speak about the last campaign he had been out on with Obi-Wan. Something about someone having caught Obi-Wan on holocam, running around with the bomb over his head.

‘Not like they cared before that there were padawan’s out there.’ He thought grouchily.

A part of him knew that it was Obi-Wan’s disability that made them suddenly interested, a blind Jedi running around doing impossible feats.

‘If even one of them calls my padawan ‘broken’, I swear, I will ram my mechano han-’

“Knight Skywalker!” A familiar and unwanted voice called out and Anakin grit his teeth as he came to a still, turning around slowly to face his own wife with a bow. “Senator Amidala.” He murmured, noting with some surprise that Commander Fox and another Coruscant Guard was following her.

Force, she was beautiful, wearing a golden dress with white details, no jewelry on her but her hair set up in a beautiful crowning braid.

Yet he wished she hadn’t intercepted him, for all her beauty.

Lately their conversations had been too strained, too much happening with Ahsoka and the war and a part of Anakin recognized that their relationship hadn’t been healthy even before that. That they strained to talk, to be honest, to give each other what they needed.

With a new padawan…

Well, Obi-Wan was his priority, like Ahsoka should have been from the moment she was his padawan.

It was putting a large strain on their relationship, Padme recognizing that Anakin no longer trusted her, no longer talked to her and Anakin recognizing that she hadn’t done so from the start.

Padme smiled at him, a bit nervous but still as pretty as an angel. Anakin’s heart gave a complicated throb as he peered back at her, tucking his hands into his robe sleeves to hide how they were shaking.

“Apologies for interrupting you Knight Skywalker but I…” She hesitated then took a deep breath, her face turning sad. “I heard your new padawan is not likely to make it. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am Anakin.” Padme stated softly, biting at her lips.

Startling, his eyes widening slightly before his lips pursed, Anakin couldn’t help but glare at his wife. “Where did you hear that?” He asked harshly.

It took her by surprise clearly, the slight woman jerking to as she stared up at him. “Chancellor Palpatine mentioned it when I met with him earlier today.” Anakin looked past Padme to where Fox was standing and signing that the conversation had occurred.

Obi-Wan’s condition was not a widespread rumor, that he was sick, sure, but not how badly of he had been or that it had almost claimed his life.

That the healers had managed to save him had been a little miracle on its own when they had identified the poison as one with very few cures, a snake from Korriban of all places.

Yet no one had known how severe it was outside of the Order or the troopers, the information having been put on ice to be able to trace it to the potential culprits.

For the Chancellor to know how severe it was, for him to be able to claim that Obi-Wan wouldn’t make it with such certainty spoke of knowing what poison his little padawan was slipped…

Anakin knew then that Palpatine had something to do with Obi-Wan’s poisoning.

There was no other way the other could be so sure of Obi-Wan’s death and the Chancellor could have no idea that there was a poison expert in the Halls of Healing, one who had been on duty when Obi-Wan was brought in.

He couldn’t have known that Kix would have been able to keep Obi-Wan stable just long enough to get him to the temple.

Couldn’t have known that Obi-Wan’s body would fight the poison when put into a medical coma.

Didn’t know that Obi-Wan would survive.

The Chancellor was involved in the poisoning of a Jedi padawan, Anakin’s padawan.

A lightbulb popped overhead, sparking as Anakin fought to control his rage, Padme clearly reading his face as she frowned in worry and reached out to him.

Anakin stepped back. “My padawan… is in a coma. Thank you for your concern Senator Amidala.” He bit out, desperate not to give out anymore information, not where there were ears that could hear, not when Obi-Wan had barely survived.

Not when the Chancellor could try again if he knew Obi-Wan was still weak.

He turned on his heel and left Padme behind with Fox, fuming as he headed down the a side hall he knew was a shortcut, several bulbs popping overhead as he fought with his own wrath and concern.

Ohhh poor Obi-Wan! In Sightlessbird, how do Ani, Rex, and Fox handle their downed birdie? Do they go and hunt down whoever did this, do they stick by him, maybe Fox tells Ani why they call Obi ‘Birdie’?I’m so anxious to find out what happens next! You are a fantastic writer, Moddy!

Pausing in his reading when the door opened, Anakin’s parsec tension eased as the familiar red and white armor stepped in, Fox glancing about with his helmet under his arm before the commander nodded to Anakin in greeting. “Sir.”

Nodding back, Anakin settled his pad down on the bed. “Commander, you just missed Rex… and dinner.” He chuckled quietly as he leaned back in his chair.

Fox snorted slightly, coming over to sit on Obi-Wan’s bedside on the other side from Anakin to avoid crowding.

Fox pulled off his gloves, settling them into his belt and then he gingerly picked up Obi-Wan’s IV attached hand and held it delicately between his own, stroking slowly with his fingertips as Anakin started filling him in on the healers prognosis for the day.

He and the commander had struck up a slightly… well, not odd but interesting relationship, maybe even a friendship, over the last few days as the man came to visit Obi-Wan.

Anakin would fill the commander in on how Obi-Wan was doing, they’d sit for a while and talk over Obi-Wan and to him, hoping the boy could hear them. The healers had felt it best to keep Obi-Wan in a healing coma, letting his body and the Force naturally deal with the effects the poison had on his systems.

Anakin hadn’t been too sure of that the first two days but on the third, with Obi-Wan’s face visibly less swollen and the color of his face returning to a soft pink shade instead of the grayness, he saw the wisdom of it.

Another day and they would be bringing Obi-Wan out of it and get him back on a meal plan due to his, at the moment, sensitive stomach and some slight weight loss and both Anakin, Fox and Rex were thrilled with that, the captain having hurried out to inform the rest of the 501st.

There were just too many of the men to visit the temple daily, so Rex was generally the one to come to the temple, using his comm recorder so the others could see Obi-Wan, even if it wasn’t in person. Anakin knew that all his men had some residual anxiety about losing Obi-Wan, just as they had lost Ahsoka and therefore didn’t begrudge them that comfort.

If he was honest, he had his own anxiety, especially after this poisoning attempt.

He couldn’t make sense of it.

Obi-Wan was a padawan, a young one, a minor.

He was also blind.

While the Jedi order knew he was capable and the troopers that saw him fight also learned it, the rest of the galaxy could be… iffy when it came to those of disabilities.

He had seen a few treat Obi-Wan as if he needed help walking everywhere or finding things, Obi-Wan’s frustration lining their bond along with agitation the other did his best to meditate away.

It wasn’t always easy and Anakin wasn’t much help in normal meditation but thankfully, moving meditation helped Obi-Wan too, or spending time with the troopers.

“Its good to hear that Birdie will be up soon, been missing him complaining about medical food.” The commander murmured when the conversation lulled slightly.

Tilting his head curiously, Anakin eyed the other man.

Fox caught it and raised a perfectly sculpted brow back at him, making Anakin wonder if the other plucked them to get them that shape. “Birdie. Little Bird. Even senaar, I’ve seen and heard the Coruscant Guard call Obi-Wan that before. Just… curious I guess, where the name comes from.” Anakin shrugged slightly, peering at him.

Caressing Obi-Wan’s hand slowly, Fox looked back down to Anakin’s padawan. “…The first time we meet him, he lost his vision. He was crying and screaming, in pain and yet still fighting,” He spoke slowly, figuring that if he could talk to anyone about this, it would be Obi-Wan’s master. “He looked so small, like the tubies back on Kamino.” The phantom smell of burning flesh was in Fox nose.

Swallowing thickly, Anakin glanced at the scar across Obi-Wan’s face. He had yet to ask for that story, not wanting to dredge up painful memories just yet.

Fox voice brought him back. “But… despite it all, despite being hurt, despite screaming… he didn’t let it slow him down. He lost something many people raised with vision would consider pivotal,” Fox reached out, stroking Obi-Wan’s long hair out of his face. “And instead of falling, he soared, showing aptitude and perseverance many people could only dream of, tackling his new life head on instead of hiding. It was impressive and we got to see it when he visited us once a week or commed us almost daily as he recovered… so he’s our little Bird, Birdie, our senaar. Flying high despite the circumstances of his life” Smiling slightly in fondness, Fox squeezed Obi-Wan’s small hand between his.

Peering between them, Anakin felt a small smile grow.

Well, put it that way, he could see why they had nicknamed Obi-Wan their bird.

In sightlessbird what’s the chances of us getting some pain? The only thing I love more than bonding with the clones is protective clones. And hurt Obi, of course.

The 501st is grounded.

Normally, that be a reason for relaxation, the troopers and Jedi taking advantage of the downtime to decompression, to sleep, train and do anything but think about the war as best they could. But the reason for their grounding makes any form for decompression impossible.

Someone poisoned their commander.

Someone went out of their way to target an underage Jedi padawan.

Now, it could be because Obi-Wan was the padawan of the Hero with no Fear, Anakin Skywalker prolific in the war along with his master and whoever had targeted Obi-Wan on the CIS side feared what he could become under the guidance of Skywalker and Jinn.

But such reasons became moot to Rex when faced with his commander looking like a pale doll, laying on a too large medical bed with an oxygen mask on his face, his loose hair spread around his head like a halo.

The poison had left Obi-Wan’s face puffy, the scar across his face looking worse than usual and his skin has taken greyish tinge and the slow and sometimes stuttered breath had Rex anxiety clawing up the walls.

He wanted to punch someone but that was the last thing he could do in the Jedi halls of healing, standing at the end of Obi-Wan’s bed as machines monitored and breathed for him.

Beside him, Fox stood quietly too, staring at their boy with a stoic look on his face. But his eyes were reddened, telling Rex everything he needed about how the other trooper was really feeling about the entire situation.

Both jerked too when Obi-Wan breath wheezed and stuttered again, the boy twitching on the bed in pain despite being unconscious as his heart rate spiked for a few moments. Then it went back to the new normal.

The poison had given Obi-Wan arrhythmia and the skipping of the heartbeat made Rex mouth fill with saliva each time he heard it, the nausea rising its head like an angry viper.

Still he made no motion to leave.

He couldn’t.

He needed more information, needed to know that Obi-Wan was going to be alright, that they had gotten the boy to the healers in time, that Kix had kept their commander stable long enough for it to matter.

The door opened and both troopers turned abruptly, watching as General Skywalker walked in.

The man looked pale, tired and he jerked in surprise at seeing them.

Then he relaxed a moment later, a weak smile crossing his face that threatened to send Rex to his knees at the implication of it. “Should have figured I’d find you two here.” The Jedi murmured, making his way in to sit down Obi-Wan’s bedside, gently grasping the hand not fitted with an IV line.

“Sir.. is… will Obi-Wan…” Fox spoke up, not as familiar with Anakin as Rex.

Letting out a deep sigh, Anakin gave the commander a small smile. “At ease. Obi-Wan will be fine, we got the antidote into him quickly enough to prevent permanent damage,” He murmured, watching both troopers slump with their relief, Fox holding onto the foot of the bed end for support. “He’ll need a few weeks to recover, that’s a given but he will recover, make no doubt about that.” He continued quietly.

Rex ran his shaking hand over his face.

Great stars, he wasn’t going to loose his little commander just yet, not this one and he sent off of a prayer to every goddess and god he knew of that might listen and one to the Force just for precaution, thanking all of them for not taking Obi-Wan away.

“What worries me,” Anakin continued, both looking back to the Jedi. “Is the fact that someone tried to finish Obi-Wan off and that someone was on Coruscant.” He gave both of them a meaningful look as he sat there with Obi-Wan’s hand in his lap.

Fox and Rex traded looks.

They had worried about that too but their worry about Obi-Wan’s life had taken priority.

Now that they knew their vod’ika would be fine, that he would just need time, the thought was once more back.

“…I’ll send out feelers into the underworld on Coruscant,” Fox stated grimly, eyes dropping to Obi-Wan’s swollen one. His lips pulled into a thin line as he stared at the little Jedi and then he moved forward, carefully stroking his hand over Obi-Wan’s forehead. “Rest up Birdie. I’ll come see you again.” He promised softly.

Below the gaze of the three, Obi-Wan continued sleeping, unaware of the direction his life would take.

I am SO in love with sightlessbird! I had no idea how much I needed Obi-Wan to have a bunch of ori’vode, (especially Fox!!!) so all the binding is making me so happy! How does the 501st handle their baby commander spending so much time with Fox and the Corascant Guard? Do they try to steal him back, or have competitions on who can be the best big bros?

Perking up when he felt several familiar signatures in the Diner, Obi-Wan latched onto Fox hand and tugged on it as the commander stepped out of the skycar after Obi-Wan. “Come on, come on, lets go inside.” He squeaked eagerly, flushing slightly when he heard several amused snorts.

But he couldn’t quite find it in himself to care as Fox simply chuckled and reached out to ruffle his tied hair with his other hand. “You got it verd’ika, you still know what you want in there?” He murmured as he guided Obi-Wan towards the door, easily guiding him around a few civilians with the rest of the guards shoring up the back.

Slipping in with a nod, Obi-Wan took a moment to orient himself before letting go of Fox hand to shoot forward to the third booth in the diner. “Rex!” He greeted cheerfully.

There was a squeal, the clatter of a cup, a loud THUMP of a lot of plastoid hitting something and a deep groan.

Obi-Wan blinked heavily as a stunned silence descended with someone choking on a bit of food from what he could tell.

“…Did you just try to jump out of the window Captain Rex?” Fox questioned in a flabbergasted voice right behind Obi-Wan.

“…Maybe,” Rex admitted, flopping down into his seat as someone cackled a bit to their left, Obi-Wan recognizing it as Fives with someone, most likely Echo, hissing at him. “Look, I wasn’t expecting this and the last time I saw the commander, I was trying to get him to stop carrying a bomb over his head to throw at droids,” Rex groaned before pausing. “…You don’t have a bomb right now, right commander?” He stated warily.

Flushing deeply, Obi-Wan squirmed before pouting, he wasn’t THAT bad was he?

Sure, he had a tendency to somehow come over grenades and bombs in the field they found out but…no that bad!

“No, I just came from blaster practice with the guards, Fox agreed to get bantha burgers.” His pout gave way to excitement, absently noting Anakin checking over him in their bond.

Don’t get him wrong, he loved the fare at the temple, a mix of everything from all over the galaxy to cater to the multitude of species and cultures different Jedi came from, but sometimes you couldn’t beat a greasy burger and a milkshake.

There was a slight laugh and a woosh of air, another hand suddenly ruffling his hair. “Well, then, that sounds like a much better idea… no bombs?” Rex tacked on again, even as he ruffled.

“No bombs.” Obi-Wan assured, wiggling a bit as Fox settled his hand on his shoulder.

“Come on Birdie, lets get you that food and find a place to sit. This booth is full.” He chuckled, gently pulling Obi-Wan to the counter.

Which made sense, it felt like outside of one or two souls, there were only troopers in the diner at that moment and troopers tended to pile up together when they could Obi-Wan knew.

A burst of joy came from the front and Obi-Wan steeled himself as there was a loud laugh from the back kitchen. “OBI-WAN! My favorite little Jedi!” Dex roared out with delight, Fox letting go just in time for the besalisk to come around and lift Obi-Wan into a hug, all four arms involved.

“Hey Dex.” Obi-Wan squirmed happily, grinning as he was sat down on an available stool, wiggling happily as he bought his legs up and tucked them under himself.

A shift on his other side told him that Fox was sitting down too. “The usual kiddo?” Dex questioned, his breath smelling of warm cinnamon and sugar, the besalisk must have been in his pastry again he figured as he nodded eagerly. “With a chocolate milkshake if you please.”

Another warm laugh, a hair ruffle and then Dex turned to Fox, his droids already getting the rest of the guards order.

The bustling of the diner, familiar people and the smell of food closed in around Obi-Wan and he wasn’t ashamed to say that he loved it at the diner.

The company, the smell, the sensations…

Yeah, this was a safe space for him.

Anakin is very glad that his little padawan is with Fox when he runs into Palpatine on his way out of the Senate. He does not like how focused the man is on his young padawan.-sightless bird

If there was ever a time Anakin was grateful he had sent Obi-Wan of with Commander Fox, it was right now as he forced his face into a pleasant expression, slowly turning to meet the smiling man practically jogging to him.

“My boy, I’m so glad I caught you before you left!” Chancellor Palpatine greeted with a warm smile.

It made Anakin want to punch his face in. But he forced himself to keep smiling, tucking his hands into his sleeves to avoid letting people see his clenching fists. “Indeed Chancellor, its always a… pleasure.” Anakin hoped no one caught the momentary lapse in his voice.

Of course they did though, as Palpatine raised a decrepit eyebrow. “You seem unhappy my boy, have I caught you at the wrong time?” He questioned curiously.

Shaking his head, Anakin reminded himself that this was the chancellor and regardless what Anakin’s personal feelings for the man was, he had to pay him a mediocre of respect. “Its just been a long day sir, long weeks if I’m honest, its my first day back on Coruscant.” He tacked on, as respectfully as he could.

He hated being in the Rotunda.

He felt like he was surrounded by snakes at every corner, slimy ones at that and never before had he agreed with Qui-Gon’s sentiment of slimy politicians as strongly as he did in that moment.

His statement however seemed to have done the trick as the Chancellor smiled once more at him. “Ah, I see, then I won’t keep you. I was simply curious as to where your young padawan has gone of to, I noticed him and you observing the debate.” The man chuckled.

Instantly, Anakin’s entire being felt submerged in ice, his smile fading.

How in karks name had the Chancellor seen them?

They had been in one of the highest observational balconies, a calculated move by Anakin, using his Jedi access to go where normally only the press went to have a good eye on everything, with additional viewing screens. It was the furthest away from not only the Naboo pod but also the Chancellor that Anakin could get them while still being able to hear and see.

That only lead him to the conclusion that Palpatine had been looking for them, to be able to know that.

And now he was asking where Obi-Wan was…

The dragon in his chest rose, snarling and roaring even as Anakin forced himself to respond, feeling a bit like his ears were cottoned, trying to force himself not to scream at the man not to approach his padawan. “My padawan ran off with some friends of his, teenagers always have a lot of energy, even if I require rest.” He tried to feign something close to nonechelance.

Not that he thought he’d managed it, by the scrutinizing look Palpatine and the confused ones the man’s aid sent him.

He also noticed a few of the Coruscant guards that had followed a bit behind were shifting.

Clearly they knew where Obi-Wan were.

Considering the amount of adoration Anakin had felt when Fox saw Obi-Wan, that didn’t shock Anakin and he quickly slipped his hands out of his sleeves to finger spell with the battle signs Rex had taught him, the chancellor saying something inane about it being a shame he missed meeting Obi-Wan, once more sending shivers down Anakin’s back.


A trooper with a red spiral on his helmet eased his own fingers off his. ‘Copy.Birdie.Safe.’ One of Palpatine’s aids were leaning forward to whisper into his ear, something about a meeting. Anakin’s thoughts were occupied by other things.


Was Birdie Obi-Wan’s battle sign in clone finger language?

He’d have to ask, though asking Obi-Wan would be difficult.

Maybe call up Fox or ask Rex.

Anakin forced himself to bow as he heard the Chancellor finally dismiss him, finally able to turn and walk away, searching out his bond with Obi-Wan to track the boy down.

He breathed out when he found the other, far away in the barracks of the CG and clearly also on the move.

Then he paused, feeling another set of eyes on him, slowly he raised his head and meet Padme’s eyes, the brow eyes staring at him with wide, questioning eyes.

Anakin stared back before simply heading straight for the doors, jaw muscle jumping.

He had enough of politicians for one day.