Old and Sweet was just like a ray of sunshine when I needed it. Thanks for making my day better. Hopefully you have more ideas for this fic? I’d love to see all the positive change in the Order and the havoc Asajj and Ben will get up to (maybe creche duty or something with archives?). Lots of love.

the two glaring ‘younglings’ in the kitchenette, the elder Jedi
quietly spoke among themselves as they sipped at their teas and
waited for the small snacks that Anakin had offered to put together
as Asajj was needling him about not putting too much mayo on the
small sandwiches because it wasn’t on her master’s diet plan and
Anakin sniping back that the fat was good for Ben because it was
healthy fat since the mayo was made with peas instead of eggs and
therefor was clearly within his diet plan.

the other hand was
at Yoda, having come from a nice
and deep
nap to spend some time with parts of the council and
socialize with someone that wasn’t just Obi-Wan or Anakin for once
the group he was with being too large for him to handle.

old goblin
continued pouring tea for the other man as the rest took the sips of
their own tea since Yoda and Ben were having their special
something about joint aid
and recommended by the healers for both.

Ben seemed to clear a bit as he lifted his now filled cup. “Do you
get ear hairs?” He asked in puzzlement as
he peered at Yoda.

promptly choked on his tea while Obi-Wan snorted his out his own nose
Adi just shook her head with some bemusement.

Ben either ignored or was oblivious to as Yoda peered at him, his
large ears twitching. “Yes, annoying it is. Have it you also do?”
He squinted at Ben.

Ben swallowed his tea. “It was fine enough on Tatooine, kept out
all that sand from
getting in my ear channels
but now its just annoying…” He mused, staring into his cup before
blinking at Yoda and smiling. “The droid who cut my hair trimmed it

hummed, nodding in acknowledgment as the two lamented the cons of
being old. Old joints, failing erections, difficult toilet visit, slow digestions , swollen limbs and ear hairs.

was meanwhile groaning about hot tea having traveled through his nose
and was desperately trying to wipe the remains of it both off the
table and off his face.

the kitchenette, Anakin stood in horrified fascination with a tray of
approved snacks for Ben. “Of all the things I expected to hear,
was not one of them.” He managed to get out before wandering over
to the table and setting down the tray, Asajj
settling down a good amount of plates for the snacks to avoid getting
crumbs all over the floor.

and me both Skywalker.” Mace rubbed a weary hand over his scalp,
staring into his cup while wishing it was something stronger.

dathomirian witch snorted loudly and settled down on her knees beside
Ben, leaning her arm over the others lap like a large, territorial
feline. “He’s old and soft, of course hairs come out of his
ears.” She huffed but quieted down when Ben affectionately stroked
her cheek, leaning more into Ben before fussily reaching for a plate
and pulling cut up fruit onto it that she put on the inside Ben’s
lap, closest to his stomach. “Eat.” Asajj sulked.

course padawan.” Ben answered happily, picking up one of the plum
halves she had taken for him and biting in happily while smiling at

tatooine native shot Asajj a glare but sat down by Obi-Wan’s side,
sulking since there was no space left by Ben on the couch, especially
since Asajj had taken the floor.

of course had Obi-Wan sending his former padawan an amused glance.
“You can fill a plate for me if y-”

go jump a gorge master.” Anakin huffed, an amused smile twitching
onto his lips to show he wasn’t really upset with the other man as
Anakin grabbed some juice for himself.

her head, Adi instead gently engaged with Ben, picking up on their
last discussion on the philosophies of the Drall theory of water
being the birth of all life.

meanwhile was reluctantly engaged in information exchange with Yoda
and Mace, telling the two what she did know about Dooku’s future
plans and the very little she knew of the Sith in the Senate.

was also engaged in a semi staring contest with Anakin.

she was until Ben loudly speculated if he could use senior discount
at stores and then completing his musing in wondering if Obi-Wan
himself was old enough for senior citizen discounts and early bird

promptly snorted drinks out their noses at that question while
Obi-Wan loudly lamented about becoming old but not that
old as Ben beamed happily at his younger self and Yoda cackled and
promised Ben to take him to Yoda’s favorite senior citizen hideout.

Old and Sweet was just like a ray of sunshine when I needed it. Thanks for making my day better. Hopefully you have more ideas for this fic? I’d love to see all the positive change in the Order and the havoc Asajj and Ben will get up to (maybe creche duty or something with archives?). Lots of love.

the two glaring ‘younglings’ in the kitchenette, the elder Jedi
quietly spoke among themselves as they sipped at their teas and
waited for the small snacks that Anakin had offered to put together
as Asajj was needling him about not putting too much mayo on the
small sandwiches because it wasn’t on her master’s diet plan and
Anakin sniping back that the fat was good for Ben because it was
healthy fat since the mayo was made with peas instead of eggs and
therefor was clearly within his diet plan.

the other hand was
at Yoda, having come from a nice
and deep
nap to spend some time with parts of the council and
socialize with someone that wasn’t just Obi-Wan or Anakin for once
the group he was with being too large for him to handle.

old goblin
continued pouring tea for the other man as the rest took the sips of
their own tea since Yoda and Ben were having their special
something about joint aid
and recommended by the healers for both.

Ben seemed to clear a bit as he lifted his now filled cup. “Do you
get ear hairs?” He asked in puzzlement as
he peered at Yoda.

promptly choked on his tea while Obi-Wan snorted his out his own nose
Adi just shook her head with some bemusement.

Ben either ignored or was oblivious to as Yoda peered at him, his
large ears twitching. “Yes, annoying it is. Have it you also do?”
He squinted at Ben.

Ben swallowed his tea. “It was fine enough on Tatooine, kept out
all that sand from
getting in my ear channels
but now its just annoying…” He mused, staring into his cup before
blinking at Yoda and smiling. “The droid who cut my hair trimmed it

hummed, nodding in acknowledgment as the two lamented the cons of
being old. Old joints, failing erections, difficult toilet visit, slow digestions , swollen limbs and ear hairs.

was meanwhile groaning about hot tea having traveled through his nose
and was desperately trying to wipe the remains of it both off the
table and off his face.

the kitchenette, Anakin stood in horrified fascination with a tray of
approved snacks for Ben. “Of all the things I expected to hear,
was not one of them.” He managed to get out before wandering over
to the table and setting down the tray, Asajj
settling down a good amount of plates for the snacks to avoid getting
crumbs all over the floor.

and me both Skywalker.” Mace rubbed a weary hand over his scalp,
staring into his cup while wishing it was something stronger.

dathomirian witch snorted loudly and settled down on her knees beside
Ben, leaning her arm over the others lap like a large, territorial
feline. “He’s old and soft, of course hairs come out of his
ears.” She huffed but quieted down when Ben affectionately stroked
her cheek, leaning more into Ben before fussily reaching for a plate
and pulling cut up fruit onto it that she put on the inside Ben’s
lap, closest to his stomach. “Eat.” Asajj sulked.

course padawan.” Ben answered happily, picking up one of the plum
halves she had taken for him and biting in happily while smiling at

tatooine native shot Asajj a glare but sat down by Obi-Wan’s side,
sulking since there was no space left by Ben on the couch, especially
since Asajj had taken the floor.

of course had Obi-Wan sending his former padawan an amused glance.
“You can fill a plate for me if y-”

go jump a gorge master.” Anakin huffed, an amused smile twitching
onto his lips to show he wasn’t really upset with the other man as
Anakin grabbed some juice for himself.

her head, Adi instead gently engaged with Ben, picking up on their
last discussion on the philosophies of the Drall theory of water
being the birth of all life.

meanwhile was reluctantly engaged in information exchange with Yoda
and Mace, telling the two what she did know about Dooku’s future
plans and the very little she knew of the Sith in the Senate.

was also engaged in a semi staring contest with Anakin.

she was until Ben loudly speculated if he could use senior discount
at stores and then completing his musing in wondering if Obi-Wan
himself was old enough for senior citizen discounts and early bird

promptly snorted drinks out their noses at that question while
Obi-Wan loudly lamented about becoming old but not that
old as Ben beamed happily at his younger self and Yoda cackled and
promised Ben to take him to Yoda’s favorite senior citizen hideout.

For little broken ben, what happens when Ben wakes up a little more permanently? Will they have sedated him or something?

as he woke up, Ben stared at the all to familiar ceiling with wide

knew this ceiling.

rather he recognized that mark up in the ceiling because it wasn’t
the first time he had been in this room though it was still five
years if history lined up as Ben remembered until he needed this
particular room.

was an
in the temple, used
for those who either needed the peace or because they were infectious
to the rest of the temple.

Jedi temple.


struggled to swallow, feeling like his skin was buzzing and after a
moment he noticed why when he managed to turn his head, catching
sight of a portable Force muter.

stared at it.

used those for at risk patients.

had never needed one himself though and Ben wondered what it meant
that he needed it now.

memories came back to him, the memories of calling for help,
memories of the fever…

got sick.’ Ben thought muzzily, still staring at the muter as
the anxieties about the situation he was in bubbled beneath his skin.

you are?” A familiar, croaky voice questioned and Ben swallowed
heavily, turning his head to look at the green creature sitting on
the chair at the end of the bed.

how did I miss Yoda of all people?’ Ben questioned himself only to
roll his eyes at himself. He’s laying in a Hall bed, the room is
one of the sterile, white rooms, there’s a Force muter in the room,
he’s wearing only a Hall gown, he’s covered in sweat so
thick it could be jello,
his mouth is weird, his brain is fuzzy and that
is the only thing he can think of?

almost seems amused, reading something off Ben’s face as his ears
twitched. “Waiting I have been, ready to speak you are, Ben
Kenobi?” He chuckled a bit.

his lips, Ben huffed a bit. “…Water?” He croaked out and smiled
when Yoda chuckled more, the old man slipping off the chair to pour
him water.


upright thanks to the medical bed, Ben watched Yoda as the old gnome
absorbed what Ben had been willing to tell him as the old Jedi sat at
the redhead’s bedside instead of down by the end.

the humans hands an empty glass rested as Ben had been quick to
consume all the water Yoda had so carefully poured for him.

to believe it is.” Yoda finally said, sighing deeply.

smiled bleakly at him before shrugging. “It is none the less what
happened though I know I’ve left out a lot of details. The Sith
marched on the temple and a new Sith empire took over the Republic as
the Jedi fled out into the stars or were destroyed, from youngest to
oldest unless they betrayed the order.” He murmured tiredly,
looking down at the glass and then at Yoda again. “I didn’t want
to come back here.” Ben said in a more serious tone.

ears twitched a bit as a he turned a disapproving expression on him.
“Fleeing from trauma worse will make you, help here you would have
gotten, aid for pain, for hunger, for health. Friends here you would
have found.” He settled on and Ben was the one who looked away.

knew the other was right but…

very concept of seeing everything back in working order when the last
time he had been in these halls they had been covered in bodies…

very thought chilled his fevered body to the bones.

a few moments the two sat in the silence of his room before Ben
looked at Yoda once more, sighing tiredly. “Qui-Gon brought me
here, didn’t he?” He finally questioned, sighing again when Yoda

couldn’t really blame the man, if he had someone ill, he may have
brought them to the temple too, for the best care possible and he
knew that Qui-Gon cared about him. That kind of hurt too and Ben
wasn’t quite sure how to respond to the others care.

flinched when a gentle hand settled on his knee, looking at Yoda with
wide eyes as the other stared at him with sad eyes in return.

here you have already. Care for you we would,” He squeezed gently.
“If stay you do.”

gave Ben a choice.

long was it since Ben really had a choice…

For little broken ben, what happens when Ben wakes up a little more permanently? Will they have sedated him or something?

as he woke up, Ben stared at the all to familiar ceiling with wide

knew this ceiling.

rather he recognized that mark up in the ceiling because it wasn’t
the first time he had been in this room though it was still five
years if history lined up as Ben remembered until he needed this
particular room.

was an
in the temple, used
for those who either needed the peace or because they were infectious
to the rest of the temple.

Jedi temple.


struggled to swallow, feeling like his skin was buzzing and after a
moment he noticed why when he managed to turn his head, catching
sight of a portable Force muter.

stared at it.

used those for at risk patients.

had never needed one himself though and Ben wondered what it meant
that he needed it now.

memories came back to him, the memories of calling for help,
memories of the fever…

got sick.’ Ben thought muzzily, still staring at the muter as
the anxieties about the situation he was in bubbled beneath his skin.

you are?” A familiar, croaky voice questioned and Ben swallowed
heavily, turning his head to look at the green creature sitting on
the chair at the end of the bed.

how did I miss Yoda of all people?’ Ben questioned himself only to
roll his eyes at himself. He’s laying in a Hall bed, the room is
one of the sterile, white rooms, there’s a Force muter in the room,
he’s wearing only a Hall gown, he’s covered in sweat so
thick it could be jello,
his mouth is weird, his brain is fuzzy and that
is the only thing he can think of?

almost seems amused, reading something off Ben’s face as his ears
twitched. “Waiting I have been, ready to speak you are, Ben
Kenobi?” He chuckled a bit.

his lips, Ben huffed a bit. “…Water?” He croaked out and smiled
when Yoda chuckled more, the old man slipping off the chair to pour
him water.


upright thanks to the medical bed, Ben watched Yoda as the old gnome
absorbed what Ben had been willing to tell him as the old Jedi sat at
the redhead’s bedside instead of down by the end.

the humans hands an empty glass rested as Ben had been quick to
consume all the water Yoda had so carefully poured for him.

to believe it is.” Yoda finally said, sighing deeply.

smiled bleakly at him before shrugging. “It is none the less what
happened though I know I’ve left out a lot of details. The Sith
marched on the temple and a new Sith empire took over the Republic as
the Jedi fled out into the stars or were destroyed, from youngest to
oldest unless they betrayed the order.” He murmured tiredly,
looking down at the glass and then at Yoda again. “I didn’t want
to come back here.” Ben said in a more serious tone.

ears twitched a bit as a he turned a disapproving expression on him.
“Fleeing from trauma worse will make you, help here you would have
gotten, aid for pain, for hunger, for health. Friends here you would
have found.” He settled on and Ben was the one who looked away.

knew the other was right but…

very concept of seeing everything back in working order when the last
time he had been in these halls they had been covered in bodies…

very thought chilled his fevered body to the bones.

a few moments the two sat in the silence of his room before Ben
looked at Yoda once more, sighing tiredly. “Qui-Gon brought me
here, didn’t he?” He finally questioned, sighing again when Yoda

couldn’t really blame the man, if he had someone ill, he may have
brought them to the temple too, for the best care possible and he
knew that Qui-Gon cared about him. That kind of hurt too and Ben
wasn’t quite sure how to respond to the others care.

flinched when a gentle hand settled on his knee, looking at Yoda with
wide eyes as the other stared at him with sad eyes in return.

here you have already. Care for you we would,” He squeezed gently.
“If stay you do.”

gave Ben a choice.

long was it since Ben really had a choice…

Old and sweet is completely adorable. Ben is so soft and squishy. Just perfect for hugs and cuddles and ruining Sith plans!

exasperated as she was lead towards the temple with a box under her
arm, Asajj Ventress only shrugged at every Jedi that paused to stare
at her in shock as both her hands were occupied.

was holding a cake box under her arm and the other was being held by
Jedi Ben Kenobi.

known as Obi-Wan Kenobi.

he was a time traveler.

eyed the back of the old man, ignoring Skywalker glowering at her.
“Are you sure about this?” She snapped out, smirking a bit when
she noticed Skywalker’s look of disgust as he clearly agreed with
her but didn’t want to agree
with her
of all people.

and Obi-Wan exchanged looks before the old man sent her a smile over
his shoulder, kind eyes curving up while bunching his brows. “Of
course, I’m sure the council can be rational and include you in the
Order considering Ky was your master. I mean we are in a precarious
situation with the whole war going on and they won’t be saying no
to intel.” He said brightly only to lower his eyes hopefully to the
pink box from the diner.

look made her smirk soften into a small smile. ‘He’s much to
soft. He’s going to die just like Ky did if no one looks after

the two Jedi did not count. Jedi were insane and couldn’t look out
for themselves, just look at the war!

were Jedi dying every week and there weren’t that many of them to
begin with!

least not to look after an entire Galaxy.

to mention with a Sith leading the Senate as she knew
that Master Dooku had a master.

just didn’t know who.

still say this is a horrible idea.” Skywalker grumbled only for Ben
to reach up, a joint popping in his arm as he did, to pat Skywalker’s

I’m sure its going to be fine Anakin. We’ll just make her my
padawan and the council will be happy.” Ben chirped happily as the
blond sulked.

and her traded looks at that, one amused and the other more
exasperated than before.

yes, they were ‘happy’ with it alright.

Asajj knew what Yoda’s cane was made of, his constant gnawing on it
was making her amused as her hand was still caught by Ben though when
Windu cracked out a half drunk bottle of booze from behind his chair,
that was when she really lost it and started cackling quietly, the
noise muffled
into Ben’s shoulder with the man patting her head.


this really wise?” Obi-Wan questioned carefully, treating Ben with
silk gloves and hoping he would get answers since time lines still
jumbled for him and his Force addling still wasn’t showing signs to

at the counter, carefully pouring hot water into his tea pot, Ben
gave him a bright smile. “Oh Asajj just needs someone who will
listen and take care of her. She’s a lot like Anakin you know, only
difference is that Qui-Gon found and took Anakin to the temple.” He
said with cheer.

cups from the cupboard, Obi-Wan sighed. “I know that, but… she
could be using your addled senses to get into the temple for
information scouting.” He cautioned.

hummed, pausing a bit before smiling warmly at Obi-Wan, sun caught on
wrinkles and white hair. “Oh don’t worry so much. I’ll look
after her.” He said cheerfully.

to resist smiling back, Obi-Wan nodded slowly and pulled out four
plates for the cake Ben had managed to get Asajj to smuggle back into
the temple. ‘I guess… only time will tell right? Hopefully Asajj
will be kind to Ben, he’s not… all there after all.’ Obi-Wan
noted to himself while carrying in the dishes, shaking his head when
he found Anakin glaring at Asajj with the sith acolyte smirking back
at the blond.

behave, if not for civility sake, then for Ben.” He stated sternly.

huffed a bit but for a moment Obi-Wan couldn’t help but think of
them as scolded puppies as Ben came after the redhead, stating
cheerfully that the tea was done with a bright smile on his face.
Amusingly enough… they did behave.

Old and sweet is completely adorable. Ben is so soft and squishy. Just perfect for hugs and cuddles and ruining Sith plans!

exasperated as she was lead towards the temple with a box under her
arm, Asajj Ventress only shrugged at every Jedi that paused to stare
at her in shock as both her hands were occupied.

was holding a cake box under her arm and the other was being held by
Jedi Ben Kenobi.

known as Obi-Wan Kenobi.

he was a time traveler.

eyed the back of the old man, ignoring Skywalker glowering at her.
“Are you sure about this?” She snapped out, smirking a bit when
she noticed Skywalker’s look of disgust as he clearly agreed with
her but didn’t want to agree
with her
of all people.

and Obi-Wan exchanged looks before the old man sent her a smile over
his shoulder, kind eyes curving up while bunching his brows. “Of
course, I’m sure the council can be rational and include you in the
Order considering Ky was your master. I mean we are in a precarious
situation with the whole war going on and they won’t be saying no
to intel.” He said brightly only to lower his eyes hopefully to the
pink box from the diner.

look made her smirk soften into a small smile. ‘He’s much to
soft. He’s going to die just like Ky did if no one looks after

the two Jedi did not count. Jedi were insane and couldn’t look out
for themselves, just look at the war!

were Jedi dying every week and there weren’t that many of them to
begin with!

least not to look after an entire Galaxy.

to mention with a Sith leading the Senate as she knew
that Master Dooku had a master.

just didn’t know who.

still say this is a horrible idea.” Skywalker grumbled only for Ben
to reach up, a joint popping in his arm as he did, to pat Skywalker’s

I’m sure its going to be fine Anakin. We’ll just make her my
padawan and the council will be happy.” Ben chirped happily as the
blond sulked.

and her traded looks at that, one amused and the other more
exasperated than before.

yes, they were ‘happy’ with it alright.

Asajj knew what Yoda’s cane was made of, his constant gnawing on it
was making her amused as her hand was still caught by Ben though when
Windu cracked out a half drunk bottle of booze from behind his chair,
that was when she really lost it and started cackling quietly, the
noise muffled
into Ben’s shoulder with the man patting her head.


this really wise?” Obi-Wan questioned carefully, treating Ben with
silk gloves and hoping he would get answers since time lines still
jumbled for him and his Force addling still wasn’t showing signs to

at the counter, carefully pouring hot water into his tea pot, Ben
gave him a bright smile. “Oh Asajj just needs someone who will
listen and take care of her. She’s a lot like Anakin you know, only
difference is that Qui-Gon found and took Anakin to the temple.” He
said with cheer.

cups from the cupboard, Obi-Wan sighed. “I know that, but… she
could be using your addled senses to get into the temple for
information scouting.” He cautioned.

hummed, pausing a bit before smiling warmly at Obi-Wan, sun caught on
wrinkles and white hair. “Oh don’t worry so much. I’ll look
after her.” He said cheerfully.

to resist smiling back, Obi-Wan nodded slowly and pulled out four
plates for the cake Ben had managed to get Asajj to smuggle back into
the temple. ‘I guess… only time will tell right? Hopefully Asajj
will be kind to Ben, he’s not… all there after all.’ Obi-Wan
noted to himself while carrying in the dishes, shaking his head when
he found Anakin glaring at Asajj with the sith acolyte smirking back
at the blond.

behave, if not for civility sake, then for Ben.” He stated sternly.

huffed a bit but for a moment Obi-Wan couldn’t help but think of
them as scolded puppies as Ben came after the redhead, stating
cheerfully that the tea was done with a bright smile on his face.
Amusingly enough… they did behave.

Oldandsweet, Ventress corners Ben and things don’t go according to plan as he just smiles at her and wins over her loyalty, drawing her back to the light. Anakin and Obi-Wan doesn’t know what to think as they witness it all.

to himself as Dex lumbered off to deal with a cantankerous
customer, Ben looked out the window with a happy little smile,

should be around the time for Anakin or Obi-Wan to pick him up soon
if he remembered right.

maybe both of them would arrive?

was a distinct possibility. ‘I should finish up my tea, it would be
a shame to leave any behind when Dex has been so kind as to brew a
cup especially for me of his own special blend.’ Ben mused to
himself only to jump a bit as someone slid into the same booth at
him, sitting across from the Jedi.

much to small to be Dex, wearing a helmet and black and brown spacer
leathers that almost every shuttle and dock worker among others wore
and therefor fit seamlessly in among the less reputable clientele of

person was even sporting black gloves though to be fair, if they
worked at the docks, Ben could understand that kind of precaution
since you never knew what you were touching or where you were leaving
your fingerprints behind.

the visor of the helmet flickered up via a little press of a button
by the person, Ben felt himself smile widely.


he had no idea what happened to her, she just suddenly disappeared
off every radar during the clone wars but she was still alive here.

before he could open his mouth, she hissed at him. “Do not move.
Scream and you die now.” She glared at him.

she had also pressed what could only be a blade of some sort against
Ben’s thigh under the table and
peeking under the table, Ben confirmed that theory. My that was quite
big a blade too, where had she been hiding that?

did Ben even want to know that…

as his thoughts trailed off with the image of blades hidden in
different area, Ben picked up his cup and sipped the lukewarm tea
before smiling at her. “Do you like tea?” He asked brightly.

visibly distressed look crossed her face for a few seconds before she
went back to sneering. “No.” She said sharply but quietly, so not
to attract attention.

too bad, Dex makes lovely tea and I’m sure I can get you a cup.”
Ben hummed softly, blinking when Asajj made a frustrated noise.

suppose to be scared you know.” She growled at him, tapping the
blade against Ben’s thigh under the table for point.

Ben tilted his head before nodding. “Oh, I guess so. Did Dooku tell
you to kill me?” Ben smiled at her.

opening slightly, Asajj stared at him.

I say goodbye to Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan before you do anything
though?” Ben tacked on after a moment of no response.

blade withdrew from under the table, Ventress sitting heavily back
against the booth wall as she stared at Ben in confusion. “You…”
She trailed off before shaking her head and waving on one of the
droid servers Dex had, ordering a caff sharply before turning her
eyes back on Ben.

only blinked back at her.

different. You remind me of Ky.” Asajj finally offered with a small

his head, Ben stroked his groomed beard before letting out a soft
noise. “Jedi master Narec was a good man, I remember him.” He
said brightly in return, raising his cup only to let out a mournful
noise as he found his cup empty.

lips twitched at the corners, watching Ben as she waited on her caff.
“…You’re too soft. You’re going to die,” She settled on
quietly, purple lips pulling down this time. “I don’t know why
but the Sith master wants you dead.”

Ben peered at her in return before shrugging and looking into his

he let out a happy noise and turned his head. “Anakin.” He said
brightly, causing Ventress to tense up even as she glanced to the
door too.

enough, there was Skywalker and Kenobi, the former with his hand on
his saber though yet to have drawn it. Kenobi was the first to move,
walking over to the booth and sitting down Asajj’s side which was
the better idea because Anakin and Asajj were like two wet cats in a

a good idea.

instead sat down by Ben’s side, his eyes focused on Asajj in a dark
glare with his hand warningly on his saber, having
the Sith acolyte boxed in though Ben was clearly more occupied with
his empty tea than the dangerous woman and the tense situation.

was however Ben who
tenseness. “The Sith master wants me dead apparently.” He chirped
a serving droid came over.

dear,” Obi-Wan sighed as
Asajj paid for her caff and started drinking, Ben humming happily
while leaning into Anakin’s warm side, the blond gaping at the old
man. “Well we’re in a pickle.” He murmured dryly.

Asajj gave Obi-Wan a dry look. “No shit.” She muttered grimly.

sported a discontent expression except for Ben who was inwardly
wondering if he could convince Dex to give him a slice of free cake
without anyone telling the healers.

citrus cake in the display did look really good with all those blobs
of cream…

Oldandsweet, Ventress corners Ben and things don’t go according to plan as he just smiles at her and wins over her loyalty, drawing her back to the light. Anakin and Obi-Wan doesn’t know what to think as they witness it all.

to himself as Dex lumbered off to deal with a cantankerous
customer, Ben looked out the window with a happy little smile,

should be around the time for Anakin or Obi-Wan to pick him up soon
if he remembered right.

maybe both of them would arrive?

was a distinct possibility. ‘I should finish up my tea, it would be
a shame to leave any behind when Dex has been so kind as to brew a
cup especially for me of his own special blend.’ Ben mused to
himself only to jump a bit as someone slid into the same booth at
him, sitting across from the Jedi.

much to small to be Dex, wearing a helmet and black and brown spacer
leathers that almost every shuttle and dock worker among others wore
and therefor fit seamlessly in among the less reputable clientele of

person was even sporting black gloves though to be fair, if they
worked at the docks, Ben could understand that kind of precaution
since you never knew what you were touching or where you were leaving
your fingerprints behind.

the visor of the helmet flickered up via a little press of a button
by the person, Ben felt himself smile widely.


he had no idea what happened to her, she just suddenly disappeared
off every radar during the clone wars but she was still alive here.

before he could open his mouth, she hissed at him. “Do not move.
Scream and you die now.” She glared at him.

she had also pressed what could only be a blade of some sort against
Ben’s thigh under the table and
peeking under the table, Ben confirmed that theory. My that was quite
big a blade too, where had she been hiding that?

did Ben even want to know that…

as his thoughts trailed off with the image of blades hidden in
different area, Ben picked up his cup and sipped the lukewarm tea
before smiling at her. “Do you like tea?” He asked brightly.

visibly distressed look crossed her face for a few seconds before she
went back to sneering. “No.” She said sharply but quietly, so not
to attract attention.

too bad, Dex makes lovely tea and I’m sure I can get you a cup.”
Ben hummed softly, blinking when Asajj made a frustrated noise.

suppose to be scared you know.” She growled at him, tapping the
blade against Ben’s thigh under the table for point.

Ben tilted his head before nodding. “Oh, I guess so. Did Dooku tell
you to kill me?” Ben smiled at her.

opening slightly, Asajj stared at him.

I say goodbye to Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan before you do anything
though?” Ben tacked on after a moment of no response.

blade withdrew from under the table, Ventress sitting heavily back
against the booth wall as she stared at Ben in confusion. “You…”
She trailed off before shaking her head and waving on one of the
droid servers Dex had, ordering a caff sharply before turning her
eyes back on Ben.

only blinked back at her.

different. You remind me of Ky.” Asajj finally offered with a small

his head, Ben stroked his groomed beard before letting out a soft
noise. “Jedi master Narec was a good man, I remember him.” He
said brightly in return, raising his cup only to let out a mournful
noise as he found his cup empty.

lips twitched at the corners, watching Ben as she waited on her caff.
“…You’re too soft. You’re going to die,” She settled on
quietly, purple lips pulling down this time. “I don’t know why
but the Sith master wants you dead.”

Ben peered at her in return before shrugging and looking into his

he let out a happy noise and turned his head. “Anakin.” He said
brightly, causing Ventress to tense up even as she glanced to the
door too.

enough, there was Skywalker and Kenobi, the former with his hand on
his saber though yet to have drawn it. Kenobi was the first to move,
walking over to the booth and sitting down Asajj’s side which was
the better idea because Anakin and Asajj were like two wet cats in a

a good idea.

instead sat down by Ben’s side, his eyes focused on Asajj in a dark
glare with his hand warningly on his saber, having
the Sith acolyte boxed in though Ben was clearly more occupied with
his empty tea than the dangerous woman and the tense situation.

was however Ben who
tenseness. “The Sith master wants me dead apparently.” He chirped
a serving droid came over.

dear,” Obi-Wan sighed as
Asajj paid for her caff and started drinking, Ben humming happily
while leaning into Anakin’s warm side, the blond gaping at the old
man. “Well we’re in a pickle.” He murmured dryly.

Asajj gave Obi-Wan a dry look. “No shit.” She muttered grimly.

sported a discontent expression except for Ben who was inwardly
wondering if he could convince Dex to give him a slice of free cake
without anyone telling the healers.

citrus cake in the display did look really good with all those blobs
of cream…

Old and Sweet: oh no is Ventress going to hurt Ben!?

in bewilderment, Ben looked around the diner before shaking his head
and focusing back on Dex with a warm smile as he listened to the
besalisk continue speaking about his latest venture with a supplier
for the diner.

was nice to meet old friends he hadn’t seen since even before he
fled Coruscant all those years ago though that thought floated away
until he was just happy to be eating Dex delicious coral fries and
speaking with the other man, the thought of not seeing him somewhere
off to the distance.

was a suggestion by Obi-Wan, to meet up with Dex who was one of the
few friends they had outside the temple that was easy to reach since
most of the others lived elsewhere in the galaxy and were therefor
generally out of reach for him.

Dex lived on Coruscant, ran a diner, lived a decent life and had
connections. Dex understood that Jedi lived strange and different
lives and would accept the concept of a time traveler who was a
little bit damaged by his trip through time.

Obi-Wan had been right about that, Dex, once the situation had been
explained to him, had thrown all four arms around Ben and hugged him
without pulling him off his feet, clearly aware of old aching joints
and then pulled Ben into the diner while rattling off the menu and
asking if Ben still ate various items that Obi-Wan enjoyed.

and Obi-Wan had left after that, promising to come collect the time
traveler after about two hours or when the other called if Ben wanted
to leave early. But for the last ten minutes Ben could swear someone
was watching him…

I being paranoid?’ Ben blinked, finishing off his second cup of tea
that Dex had said was on the house along with the coral fries. Well he was Force addled, he was aware that something wasn’t quite right with him but he couldn’t quite focus enough to correct it honestly.

Quietly he brushed away the sensation of being watched.


while setting the binoculars aside, Asajj rubbed her chin slowly with
a deep frown on her face.

had been watching the old man for days now, this strangely soft Jedi.

was familiar.

she couldn’t put her finger on it though maybe it could be waved
away that apparently he had a family connection to Kenobi considering
his name the same. But…

reminds me of Ky…’ Her heart throbbed at the reminder of her Jedi
master, remembering the kind pale green and gentle smile. The man who
had saved her from slavery and made her strong until he died
in her arms.

her hood up when the rain started to fall on Coruscant, Asajj lifted
her binoculars again to continue watching the white haired human.

has a kind smile too, just like Ky did… he’s softer though. How
can he be any kind of threat to the Sith or the CSI?’ Asajj
wondered with a deep frown before growling to herself. She had never
had any issue attacking a Jedi before!

none of them have been soft and kind have they?’ A small voice
whispered quietly in the back of her mind. ‘Look at him, he’s
confused and quiet. He keeps saying things he shouldn’t because he
has no filter. He’s clearly Force addled.’

only to grunt when she realized that she was agreeing with herself,
Asajj rubbed a frustrated hand over her face and pinched her nose.
She was suppose to kill this man but she couldn’t just attack in
broad daylight in a crowd and else ward he was inside the temple.

far Tyranus had been understanding but that wouldn’t last for

would need to get over her issues and
get the Jedi isolated from Kenobi and Skywalker.

Old and Sweet: oh no is Ventress going to hurt Ben!?

in bewilderment, Ben looked around the diner before shaking his head
and focusing back on Dex with a warm smile as he listened to the
besalisk continue speaking about his latest venture with a supplier
for the diner.

was nice to meet old friends he hadn’t seen since even before he
fled Coruscant all those years ago though that thought floated away
until he was just happy to be eating Dex delicious coral fries and
speaking with the other man, the thought of not seeing him somewhere
off to the distance.

was a suggestion by Obi-Wan, to meet up with Dex who was one of the
few friends they had outside the temple that was easy to reach since
most of the others lived elsewhere in the galaxy and were therefor
generally out of reach for him.

Dex lived on Coruscant, ran a diner, lived a decent life and had
connections. Dex understood that Jedi lived strange and different
lives and would accept the concept of a time traveler who was a
little bit damaged by his trip through time.

Obi-Wan had been right about that, Dex, once the situation had been
explained to him, had thrown all four arms around Ben and hugged him
without pulling him off his feet, clearly aware of old aching joints
and then pulled Ben into the diner while rattling off the menu and
asking if Ben still ate various items that Obi-Wan enjoyed.

and Obi-Wan had left after that, promising to come collect the time
traveler after about two hours or when the other called if Ben wanted
to leave early. But for the last ten minutes Ben could swear someone
was watching him…

I being paranoid?’ Ben blinked, finishing off his second cup of tea
that Dex had said was on the house along with the coral fries. Well he was Force addled, he was aware that something wasn’t quite right with him but he couldn’t quite focus enough to correct it honestly.

Quietly he brushed away the sensation of being watched.


while setting the binoculars aside, Asajj rubbed her chin slowly with
a deep frown on her face.

had been watching the old man for days now, this strangely soft Jedi.

was familiar.

she couldn’t put her finger on it though maybe it could be waved
away that apparently he had a family connection to Kenobi considering
his name the same. But…

reminds me of Ky…’ Her heart throbbed at the reminder of her Jedi
master, remembering the kind pale green and gentle smile. The man who
had saved her from slavery and made her strong until he died
in her arms.

her hood up when the rain started to fall on Coruscant, Asajj lifted
her binoculars again to continue watching the white haired human.

has a kind smile too, just like Ky did… he’s softer though. How
can he be any kind of threat to the Sith or the CSI?’ Asajj
wondered with a deep frown before growling to herself. She had never
had any issue attacking a Jedi before!

none of them have been soft and kind have they?’ A small voice
whispered quietly in the back of her mind. ‘Look at him, he’s
confused and quiet. He keeps saying things he shouldn’t because he
has no filter. He’s clearly Force addled.’

only to grunt when she realized that she was agreeing with herself,
Asajj rubbed a frustrated hand over her face and pinched her nose.
She was suppose to kill this man but she couldn’t just attack in
broad daylight in a crowd and else ward he was inside the temple.

far Tyranus had been understanding but that wouldn’t last for

would need to get over her issues and
get the Jedi isolated from Kenobi and Skywalker.