In your time travel fic #IAmBen Obi-Wan and Anakin had just decided tot tell the Council about the clones. Can we see that conversation? Or maybe the Jedi going to Kamino early? Thank you for all the excellent fic!

little could prepare them for Mace to start cursing before throwing a
credit chip at Qui-Gon, the man cackling loudly as Mace glared at
everyone else. “I’ll pay the rest of you at another date.” He
sulked while some of the council members just rubbed thumb and
forefinger together if they had it in the universal ‘pay up’
motion with sly grins.

and Anakin traded long glances.

on, Depa just grinned at them. “We kind of suspected something big
was going on, though… I didn’t expect cloning of all things.”
She blinked, rubbing her chin a bit and sitting back in her seat.

you started a bet?” Anakin blinked at them with wide eyes.

pointed at Mace, still wheezing. “He said he’d feel the
shatterpoint, he said he’d figure it out, that it was that large he
would have felt it and
at least have a guess on it, he has bantha shit at this point,
cloning was never in his list of suggestions.”
Qui-Gon finally flopped back in his seat and wiped his eyes.

Ben blinked, staring at them, tugging awkwardly at one
earring before shaking his head. “Well regardless, the Sith master
is the one orchestrating
the whole thing through former master Yan Dooku unfortunately and
using Sifo-Dyas
as a scapegoat.”

course that made everyone grow serious finally as Ben and Anakin
explained what the clones were ordered for and how things had gone

Ben and Anakin lost their shit however when Yoda spoke up after the
council had soaked up the seriousness. “Pay me you can with showing
up for dinner with me Mace.”

the two time travelers were allowed to leave, both mute as they made
their way to the elevator as they knew they would be summoned once
more to clarify details once the council had confirmed the troopers
existence since there was some uncertainty.

Ben nor Anakin took offense to that… too much that was, there was
some offense on Anakin’s side but he understood the need to verify.

they made their way towards one of the gardens for a moment of peace,
knowing to take it while they had it as they knew that once the
troopers were out of Sidious and Plagueis

things were going to become terrible.

hopefully not as terrible as the war had been and then the
destruction of the Jedi.

down on the brownish colored grass and rubbing his hands in it,
Anakin sighed deeply and glanced about. “They’re going to stop
the production of the clones, aren’t they?” He questioned quietly
while staring up at the dome ceiling made of glass above them.

likely.” Ob-Ben answered, moving around Anakin and rustling around
the bushes.

I won’t mess things up again, things went so wrong before and I’m
not sure I can handle seeing Padme again,” The blond grimaced. “I
don’t think there will be a Luke and Leia this time.”

paused somewhere at the edge of his sight but Anakin didn’t turn
away from the sky he could barely see through Coruscant’s clouds
made of both normal sky and pollution.

he jerked in shock as Ben came over and dropped something on his
head. “Wha-”

the thing Ben
dropped on his head with a noise of confusion, Anakin looked up at
the other with wide eyes as he pulled the soft thing a bit to see
what it was.

flower crown of those yellow flowers that grew everywhere, even
in the temple gardens.

those… weeds?

were there weeds in the temple gardens!?

as all hell and could start growing on the worst of planets?

are flowers that can grow practically everywhere,” Ben
knelt down in front of him, smiling at his padawan as
if he knew what the other was thinking.
“They stand for survival through the harshest of conditions and the
warmth of many
because of their yellow glow. And when they get ready to let go of
their seeds they are also said to make wishes come true when you blow
off all the seeds to let them fly.” He brushed his hand down over
Anakin’s cheek. “Just like you and
they survived not
because they were nurtured but despite
all the shit that was thrown at us
and you glow just as brightly as
these blooms.
They may be weed to others, but to me? They’re quite the beautiful
flower.” Ben
smiled wryly.

several time, dropping his hands down in his lap while leaving the
flower crown alone, Anakin
stared at Ben before swallowing harshly and throwing himself at Ben,
clinging to the other man, the only other one who understood all
Anakin had gone through. “Ben…”

weeds Anakin, beautiful and flawed and yet alive,” Ben whispered
into his hair, hugging him tightly. “Utterly alive with second
chances… lets not let Sidious win this time.” He squeezed the

he smiled sadly as the adult in a teen’s body started to silently
cry into his tunic, his body shaking.

In your time travel fic #IAmBen Obi-Wan and Anakin had just decided tot tell the Council about the clones. Can we see that conversation? Or maybe the Jedi going to Kamino early? Thank you for all the excellent fic!

little could prepare them for Mace to start cursing before throwing a
credit chip at Qui-Gon, the man cackling loudly as Mace glared at
everyone else. “I’ll pay the rest of you at another date.” He
sulked while some of the council members just rubbed thumb and
forefinger together if they had it in the universal ‘pay up’
motion with sly grins.

and Anakin traded long glances.

on, Depa just grinned at them. “We kind of suspected something big
was going on, though… I didn’t expect cloning of all things.”
She blinked, rubbing her chin a bit and sitting back in her seat.

you started a bet?” Anakin blinked at them with wide eyes.

pointed at Mace, still wheezing. “He said he’d feel the
shatterpoint, he said he’d figure it out, that it was that large he
would have felt it and
at least have a guess on it, he has bantha shit at this point,
cloning was never in his list of suggestions.”
Qui-Gon finally flopped back in his seat and wiped his eyes.

Ben blinked, staring at them, tugging awkwardly at one
earring before shaking his head. “Well regardless, the Sith master
is the one orchestrating
the whole thing through former master Yan Dooku unfortunately and
using Sifo-Dyas
as a scapegoat.”

course that made everyone grow serious finally as Ben and Anakin
explained what the clones were ordered for and how things had gone

Ben and Anakin lost their shit however when Yoda spoke up after the
council had soaked up the seriousness. “Pay me you can with showing
up for dinner with me Mace.”

the two time travelers were allowed to leave, both mute as they made
their way to the elevator as they knew they would be summoned once
more to clarify details once the council had confirmed the troopers
existence since there was some uncertainty.

Ben nor Anakin took offense to that… too much that was, there was
some offense on Anakin’s side but he understood the need to verify.

they made their way towards one of the gardens for a moment of peace,
knowing to take it while they had it as they knew that once the
troopers were out of Sidious and Plagueis

things were going to become terrible.

hopefully not as terrible as the war had been and then the
destruction of the Jedi.

down on the brownish colored grass and rubbing his hands in it,
Anakin sighed deeply and glanced about. “They’re going to stop
the production of the clones, aren’t they?” He questioned quietly
while staring up at the dome ceiling made of glass above them.

likely.” Ob-Ben answered, moving around Anakin and rustling around
the bushes.

I won’t mess things up again, things went so wrong before and I’m
not sure I can handle seeing Padme again,” The blond grimaced. “I
don’t think there will be a Luke and Leia this time.”

paused somewhere at the edge of his sight but Anakin didn’t turn
away from the sky he could barely see through Coruscant’s clouds
made of both normal sky and pollution.

he jerked in shock as Ben came over and dropped something on his
head. “Wha-”

the thing Ben
dropped on his head with a noise of confusion, Anakin looked up at
the other with wide eyes as he pulled the soft thing a bit to see
what it was.

flower crown of those yellow flowers that grew everywhere, even
in the temple gardens.

those… weeds?

were there weeds in the temple gardens!?

as all hell and could start growing on the worst of planets?

are flowers that can grow practically everywhere,” Ben
knelt down in front of him, smiling at his padawan as
if he knew what the other was thinking.
“They stand for survival through the harshest of conditions and the
warmth of many
because of their yellow glow. And when they get ready to let go of
their seeds they are also said to make wishes come true when you blow
off all the seeds to let them fly.” He brushed his hand down over
Anakin’s cheek. “Just like you and
they survived not
because they were nurtured but despite
all the shit that was thrown at us
and you glow just as brightly as
these blooms.
They may be weed to others, but to me? They’re quite the beautiful
flower.” Ben
smiled wryly.

several time, dropping his hands down in his lap while leaving the
flower crown alone, Anakin
stared at Ben before swallowing harshly and throwing himself at Ben,
clinging to the other man, the only other one who understood all
Anakin had gone through. “Ben…”

weeds Anakin, beautiful and flawed and yet alive,” Ben whispered
into his hair, hugging him tightly. “Utterly alive with second
chances… lets not let Sidious win this time.” He squeezed the

he smiled sadly as the adult in a teen’s body started to silently
cry into his tunic, his body shaking.

So what happens now that Ben is on the field in Old and Sweet?

about, Anakin frowned slightly. “…Where is Ben?” He blinked,
looking to Obi-Wan and then reluctantly to Ventress.

looked around before Asajj with a thunderous frown turned to Cody and
Ahsoka worriedly peeked under a shuttle wing where they had once
found Ben napping.

clone just calmly pointed at a
at the edge of the camp, the
creature had come wandering and been docile so the camp hadn’t
minded to let it linger, especially since Ben perked up at the sight
of the large feline.
were generally quite calm for large predatory felines and quite smart
though it was uncertain just how large they could become if left
alone since they were quite long lived felines.

three Jedi, though Anakin wasn’t sure he really sure
what to call
Ventress, turned to said katbeast as the gray and white haired
creature lifted its head to blink back at them with large yellow eyes
before dropping her head to gently nuzzle at something between her

prompted said thing to lift it’s head, proving to be Ben,
laying half beneath the katbeast as he blinked sleepily at them,
covered up in fur.

peered at them in puzzlement and then yawned and cuddled back under
the large feline, prompting her to put her head back down to cuddle
the old human.

three stared at where Ben now was without seeing neither cloak or
hair of the old man.

Ventress outright cursed and sat down on a cargo crate, rubbing her

was tempted to join her.

deeply, Anakin rubbed a hand over his face before turning to Obi-Wan
and gesturing at where the katbeast was happily cuddling their
addled, revered master. Which had the redhead holding up his hands in
surrender. “I like animals, Ben seems to be quite content and
safe.” He shrugged.

“… So
you’re just going to allow him to be captured under there?” Asajj
shot him a glare.

more Obi-Wan shrugged. “He’s being kept out of danger, he’s
kept warm and we all know where he is. I see that as three benefits
and no downside.” He summed up sufficiently.

had all three of them pausing, exchanging looks before turning to
look at the katbeast once more.

then they went to work because Obi-Wan was right, with the katbeast
basically cuddling the old man, they knew where he was and could do
other things.

preparing for the droids incoming, the katbeast fleeing when the
ground started to rumble.


one can claim that Anakin and Obi-Wan do their best with the aid of
their men and Ahsoka of course.

they can not be everywhere at once and they can’t do everything at
once and when Dooku himself enters the battlefield in search of his
traitorous apprentice…

can’t keep Ben safe.

even Asajj can keep him safe regardless how she prowls around the old
man like some kind of demented lioness to try and keep him safe
because the Sith master in true power sees Ben as a threat and Dooku
now needs to handle it because his apprentice has failed and even let
herself be swayed by the old man.

barely turns towards Dooku when the old man is there, sending her
crashing into the mountain side to get Asajj away from Ben, leaving
him alone in front of Dooku as darkness swirls and Anakin wants to
scream because that is the last thing Ben needs.

yet it is exactly what was needed because Ben entire body jerks in
the presence of malicious darkness as his wrinkled hand covered the
lightsaber hilt and his eyes closes as the old man grows as pale as


is how Anakin will later explain it in front of the council, it is
suddenly silent despite blasters and wildlife and screams as he tries
to make his way towards Ben and Dooku and Asajj tries to push herself

shifted, he let out a deep breath and opened his eyes slowly.

suddenly he wasn’t Ben anymore.

their soft and old Ben as his eyes focused on Dooku, his smile gone
as power wrapped around him as familiar as a cloak around his
shoulders and
the man shifted his position into soresu, lifting his saber.

wait, that was wrong too.

was still their Ben, soft and sweet Ben, Ben who smiled at them.

it wasn’t just
their Ben anymore.

was aware now, he was aware of the dangers around him, he was
conscious of
the ongoing, of the war, of the enemy in front of him.

Force addling was gone.

came the Jedi Master, not the hermit of the wasteland who considered
himself a relic nor
the man who had gone through time and been confused and lost. This
was the warrior hidden beneath the exterior, the Jedi battle master
and once council member, the man who had survived where other died. A
man with a crown of thorns and pain and a cape of power and sorrow
which he bore with the familiarity of someone long used to carrying
his burdens.

testing his limbs for the pain he had carried in the desert, clarity
in his eyes and battle in his body for
the first time in what was closer to a full year.

will admit, I was curious how long it would take before the Force
would let go of me,” Ben stated, his tone clipped as his eyes
remained focused on Dooku. “So then grandmaster, lets see if soresu
beats makashi?”

So what happens now that Ben is on the field in Old and Sweet?

about, Anakin frowned slightly. “…Where is Ben?” He blinked,
looking to Obi-Wan and then reluctantly to Ventress.

looked around before Asajj with a thunderous frown turned to Cody and
Ahsoka worriedly peeked under a shuttle wing where they had once
found Ben napping.

clone just calmly pointed at a
at the edge of the camp, the
creature had come wandering and been docile so the camp hadn’t
minded to let it linger, especially since Ben perked up at the sight
of the large feline.
were generally quite calm for large predatory felines and quite smart
though it was uncertain just how large they could become if left
alone since they were quite long lived felines.

three Jedi, though Anakin wasn’t sure he really sure
what to call
Ventress, turned to said katbeast as the gray and white haired
creature lifted its head to blink back at them with large yellow eyes
before dropping her head to gently nuzzle at something between her

prompted said thing to lift it’s head, proving to be Ben,
laying half beneath the katbeast as he blinked sleepily at them,
covered up in fur.

peered at them in puzzlement and then yawned and cuddled back under
the large feline, prompting her to put her head back down to cuddle
the old human.

three stared at where Ben now was without seeing neither cloak or
hair of the old man.

Ventress outright cursed and sat down on a cargo crate, rubbing her

was tempted to join her.

deeply, Anakin rubbed a hand over his face before turning to Obi-Wan
and gesturing at where the katbeast was happily cuddling their
addled, revered master. Which had the redhead holding up his hands in
surrender. “I like animals, Ben seems to be quite content and
safe.” He shrugged.

“… So
you’re just going to allow him to be captured under there?” Asajj
shot him a glare.

more Obi-Wan shrugged. “He’s being kept out of danger, he’s
kept warm and we all know where he is. I see that as three benefits
and no downside.” He summed up sufficiently.

had all three of them pausing, exchanging looks before turning to
look at the katbeast once more.

then they went to work because Obi-Wan was right, with the katbeast
basically cuddling the old man, they knew where he was and could do
other things.

preparing for the droids incoming, the katbeast fleeing when the
ground started to rumble.


one can claim that Anakin and Obi-Wan do their best with the aid of
their men and Ahsoka of course.

they can not be everywhere at once and they can’t do everything at
once and when Dooku himself enters the battlefield in search of his
traitorous apprentice…

can’t keep Ben safe.

even Asajj can keep him safe regardless how she prowls around the old
man like some kind of demented lioness to try and keep him safe
because the Sith master in true power sees Ben as a threat and Dooku
now needs to handle it because his apprentice has failed and even let
herself be swayed by the old man.

barely turns towards Dooku when the old man is there, sending her
crashing into the mountain side to get Asajj away from Ben, leaving
him alone in front of Dooku as darkness swirls and Anakin wants to
scream because that is the last thing Ben needs.

yet it is exactly what was needed because Ben entire body jerks in
the presence of malicious darkness as his wrinkled hand covered the
lightsaber hilt and his eyes closes as the old man grows as pale as


is how Anakin will later explain it in front of the council, it is
suddenly silent despite blasters and wildlife and screams as he tries
to make his way towards Ben and Dooku and Asajj tries to push herself

shifted, he let out a deep breath and opened his eyes slowly.

suddenly he wasn’t Ben anymore.

their soft and old Ben as his eyes focused on Dooku, his smile gone
as power wrapped around him as familiar as a cloak around his
shoulders and
the man shifted his position into soresu, lifting his saber.

wait, that was wrong too.

was still their Ben, soft and sweet Ben, Ben who smiled at them.

it wasn’t just
their Ben anymore.

was aware now, he was aware of the dangers around him, he was
conscious of
the ongoing, of the war, of the enemy in front of him.

Force addling was gone.

came the Jedi Master, not the hermit of the wasteland who considered
himself a relic nor
the man who had gone through time and been confused and lost. This
was the warrior hidden beneath the exterior, the Jedi battle master
and once council member, the man who had survived where other died. A
man with a crown of thorns and pain and a cape of power and sorrow
which he bore with the familiarity of someone long used to carrying
his burdens.

testing his limbs for the pain he had carried in the desert, clarity
in his eyes and battle in his body for
the first time in what was closer to a full year.

will admit, I was curious how long it would take before the Force
would let go of me,” Ben stated, his tone clipped as his eyes
remained focused on Dooku. “So then grandmaster, lets see if soresu
beats makashi?”

Oldandsweet- okay so this universe is a lot of fun but I’m craving a little angst. I understand if you don’t do this prompt to keep up the tone, but I was hoping for a moment where Ben is a little more clear headed and ppl find out more about the terrible things of the future? I know he said a little already but I’d like more.

a bit, Anakin turned in his harness to peer at Ben, frowning a bit.
“Wait, if this is a life long thing… what did you do on Tatooine
Ben? I know you can’t have gotten a hold of the medication, but…”
He hesitated, glancing towards the bottle in Cody’s hand.

blinked, looking up from the cat’s cradle he was making with Asajj
with a puzzled expression before smiling. “Oh I chewed roots and
after a while I figured out to how to pulp it with a mortar and eat
the soft remains,” He said with a certain amount of cheer. “I’d
harvest a lot of different things to make alternatives for medication
and keep warm furs for the cold nights where my arthritis became
painful, not that it always helped.” Ben hummed, turning back to
the cradle.

stared at him.

question was on the tip of his tongue but he couldn’t get himself
to ask.

Ahsoka did it instead, a frown on her face. “You harvested and took
care of it all? Weren’t there anyone else there?”  The young
padawan questioned, worried.

Ben stared at the cat cradle between his and Asajj’s pale hands.
“…Everyone else was dead, they all died in the temple and I had
to hide or be wiped out with them. I had to, I had duty, I swore to
uphold my duty and I couldn’t be found…” Ben blinked slowly,
his hands starting to shake, a hiccuping breath escaping him. “I-I
couldn’t be found, I had to fade away even though I never knew how
to, to forsake my own morality and watch Tatooine slave trade…”
He was starting to tremble and with a crude curse, Asajj pulled the
thread off their hands to wrap her arms around the old man, coaching
him through a quick but efficient
exercise to calm down what must be a racing heart.

swallowed heavily, staring at Ben.

words echoed in his head.

was dead.’

had been lucid when he said that, his eyes far away yes but lucid.

implications had been there all along of course but no one had wanted
to examine them too much, all of them wondering if it was the Force
addling adding its own brand of memory.

Anakin was sure that Ben just spoke the utter truth.

had been alone because something awful happened to the order, because
most of them were dead
or couldn’t be reached by Ben.

he meet Obi-Wan’s eyes, watching his master’s pursed lips and
knew the other would be contacting the Jedi temple and the other
Council masters the moment he could to ensure they knew this
information that was now confirmed.

that was what they had needed.


was suddenly wondering if Ben becoming lucid and free of the Force
addling was the best thing for him. To face all those painful,
traumatic memories that was in there that hadn’t happened

and might never and yet his experience still rang true and painful
no one who could relate to it because what Ben, what Obi-Wan
in the future had gone through was through the genocide
of the Jedi order.

now he was resting his head on Ventress shoulder, eyes closed, his
breath calm as she rubbed his upper back and the nape of Ben’s neck
while he relaxed.

looked up at him with wide eyes and Anakin forced a small smile onto
his face, reaching out to squeeze her wrist in what he hoped was a
comforting motion. “It’s not going to happen, whatever happened
to the future… I won’t let it happen and Ben and you and Obi-Wan
are going to remain safe,
I promise you Snips.” He whispered quietly to her, making sure he
had Ahsoka’s full attention until she relaxed and leaned her head
against his shoulder. Then he raised his eyes to Obi-Wan’s again,
watching the man.

nodded, almost imperceptible and then went back to drumming his
fingers on his own gauntlet with a small ponderous frown.

least Anakin wasn’t thinking about the wax dildo anymore or the-oh
that sneaky little devil. Anakin turned his eyes on Ben and felt any
burgeoning anger dissipated,
how could he be angry at the old man for distracting him with that
story but at this point being angry at Ben was like being angry at an
old dog for being incontinence.

he was not about to tell the old man cause he could already feel the
glares that would be aimed at him if he did say it.

was Ben inc-nope, not going there.

that was an issue, the healers would have told them and had them
prepare for such a thing and they had not and there was no need to
embarrass anyone by asking those questions without something

now they would just get out and get some battles against the CIS and
muck up some droids and maybe Anakin could mess up Grievous…or send
Ben at the old droid menace since Ben already got to Ventress.

maybe not, I don’t want yet another pet darksider following us
around,’ Anakin shuddered at the thought and smiled at Ahsoka when
she sent him a worried look. ‘Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, Padme
in a beautiful nightgown… there we go… good thoughts.’

Oldandsweet- okay so this universe is a lot of fun but I’m craving a little angst. I understand if you don’t do this prompt to keep up the tone, but I was hoping for a moment where Ben is a little more clear headed and ppl find out more about the terrible things of the future? I know he said a little already but I’d like more.

a bit, Anakin turned in his harness to peer at Ben, frowning a bit.
“Wait, if this is a life long thing… what did you do on Tatooine
Ben? I know you can’t have gotten a hold of the medication, but…”
He hesitated, glancing towards the bottle in Cody’s hand.

blinked, looking up from the cat’s cradle he was making with Asajj
with a puzzled expression before smiling. “Oh I chewed roots and
after a while I figured out to how to pulp it with a mortar and eat
the soft remains,” He said with a certain amount of cheer. “I’d
harvest a lot of different things to make alternatives for medication
and keep warm furs for the cold nights where my arthritis became
painful, not that it always helped.” Ben hummed, turning back to
the cradle.

stared at him.

question was on the tip of his tongue but he couldn’t get himself
to ask.

Ahsoka did it instead, a frown on her face. “You harvested and took
care of it all? Weren’t there anyone else there?”  The young
padawan questioned, worried.

Ben stared at the cat cradle between his and Asajj’s pale hands.
“…Everyone else was dead, they all died in the temple and I had
to hide or be wiped out with them. I had to, I had duty, I swore to
uphold my duty and I couldn’t be found…” Ben blinked slowly,
his hands starting to shake, a hiccuping breath escaping him. “I-I
couldn’t be found, I had to fade away even though I never knew how
to, to forsake my own morality and watch Tatooine slave trade…”
He was starting to tremble and with a crude curse, Asajj pulled the
thread off their hands to wrap her arms around the old man, coaching
him through a quick but efficient
exercise to calm down what must be a racing heart.

swallowed heavily, staring at Ben.

words echoed in his head.

was dead.’

had been lucid when he said that, his eyes far away yes but lucid.

implications had been there all along of course but no one had wanted
to examine them too much, all of them wondering if it was the Force
addling adding its own brand of memory.

Anakin was sure that Ben just spoke the utter truth.

had been alone because something awful happened to the order, because
most of them were dead
or couldn’t be reached by Ben.

he meet Obi-Wan’s eyes, watching his master’s pursed lips and
knew the other would be contacting the Jedi temple and the other
Council masters the moment he could to ensure they knew this
information that was now confirmed.

that was what they had needed.


was suddenly wondering if Ben becoming lucid and free of the Force
addling was the best thing for him. To face all those painful,
traumatic memories that was in there that hadn’t happened

and might never and yet his experience still rang true and painful
no one who could relate to it because what Ben, what Obi-Wan
in the future had gone through was through the genocide
of the Jedi order.

now he was resting his head on Ventress shoulder, eyes closed, his
breath calm as she rubbed his upper back and the nape of Ben’s neck
while he relaxed.

looked up at him with wide eyes and Anakin forced a small smile onto
his face, reaching out to squeeze her wrist in what he hoped was a
comforting motion. “It’s not going to happen, whatever happened
to the future… I won’t let it happen and Ben and you and Obi-Wan
are going to remain safe,
I promise you Snips.” He whispered quietly to her, making sure he
had Ahsoka’s full attention until she relaxed and leaned her head
against his shoulder. Then he raised his eyes to Obi-Wan’s again,
watching the man.

nodded, almost imperceptible and then went back to drumming his
fingers on his own gauntlet with a small ponderous frown.

least Anakin wasn’t thinking about the wax dildo anymore or the-oh
that sneaky little devil. Anakin turned his eyes on Ben and felt any
burgeoning anger dissipated,
how could he be angry at the old man for distracting him with that
story but at this point being angry at Ben was like being angry at an
old dog for being incontinence.

he was not about to tell the old man cause he could already feel the
glares that would be aimed at him if he did say it.

was Ben inc-nope, not going there.

that was an issue, the healers would have told them and had them
prepare for such a thing and they had not and there was no need to
embarrass anyone by asking those questions without something

now they would just get out and get some battles against the CIS and
muck up some droids and maybe Anakin could mess up Grievous…or send
Ben at the old droid menace since Ben already got to Ventress.

maybe not, I don’t want yet another pet darksider following us
around,’ Anakin shuddered at the thought and smiled at Ahsoka when
she sent him a worried look. ‘Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, Padme
in a beautiful nightgown… there we go… good thoughts.’

Old and sweet – Confrontation about Obi’s health! Anakin, Obi-wan,and maybe Ventress, Ben, Ashoka or somebody else?

Ben tilted his head a bit then turned towards the elevators of the
hanger, a soft noise escaping him. “Oh dear,” He murmured then
turned to Obi-Wan, his weathered face puzzled. “What have you done

Obi-Wan would like to be offended but he wasn’t quite sure why and
he almost had a feeling he knew what was going on as Ahasoka
in confusion between the two and
the elevator and
suspiciously while the Rex and Cody paused, both inching towards
their blasters.

then Anakin stepped out of the elevator, other knights and a few
padawans jumping aside to
let him through because
Anakin looked mad
and determined,
their bags slung over his shoulders
and something in his hands as he marched towards them.

his eyes, Obi-Wan felt a cold sweat appear in the back of his neck.

that his medication bottle?

took several now thanks to Ben and the future conditions they were
trying to combat but that looked like.

eyes widened. “Oh no.” He whispered in understanding, stepping
back and raising his hands. “A-Anakin.” He eeped out when the
knight closed the distance enough to hear them in the hanger.

were you going to tell me this was important?” Anakin snapped out,
holding up the bottle for point. “You’re suppose to take these
He growled out at him, eyes narrowing as he got right up in Obi-Wan’s

was watching in something akin to amusement Obi-Wan noticed, the old
bastard smiling vaguely with his head tilted and if it wasn’t for
the Force addling then Obi-Wan suspects he would be laughing because
he would more clearly understand the situation. ‘We have two trolls
in the temple!’ He mourns even as he escapes Anakin by pulling back
and using a console as a shield between them. “Now, Anakin, this
doesn’t need to be a big iss-”


dear, Bant had given Anakin details, that wasn’t good. Opening his
mouth to try to defend himself Obi-Wan gets cut off as Anakin turns
and marches right over to Cody, grabbing the commander’s hand to
slap the bottle into it with a scowl on his face. “This is blood
pressure medication, he’s to take one after every
major meal time which means three a day. Make sure Helix knows what
early onset of Stewjoni blood pressure syndrome is.” Anakin turned
his head to glare at Obi-Wan.

dear, this was even worse, there was a reason Obi-Wan had given Helix
his edited medical file after all. “Now Anakin, why don’t we
speak about this like civili-”

could have given yourself a heart attack,” Anakin said shortly,
cutting him off again, eerily calm now. “This stopped being a
civilized conversation when you started to endanger your life without
informing me so I could help you by either keeping spares or finding
other ways to help you. Now you don’t get a say anymore.” He
growled before
marching towards the shuttle with Rex and Ahsoka rushing after him.

a moment Obi-Wan thought that was it as he slowly slumped against the
console he had been using.

then Anakin called over his shoulder. “And I will
be looking into Stewjon specific conditions Obi-Wan! You’re not
getting out of this one!” His tone was sharp

at Ben and Asajj, Obi-Wan could feel cold sweat drip down his neck
before heading after Anakin up the shuttle ramp with Cody clearly
eyeing him with the pill bottle in hand.

a bit and
clearly not wound
up at all after the previous display,
Ben toddled after everyone up the ramp.

and quiet if
slightly tense after Anakin’s declaration,
no one suspecting the words that would come out of the old man’s
mouth as Asajj marched like a lioness protecting her cub at his side.

you know that if you stick a candle up your ass, your natural body
heat will melt it to a soft point without it becoming a liquid and
the sphincter will cause it to snap off the rest of the candle if any
of it is outside your body?” Ben offered up. “Meanwhile the part
left inside your body naturally warps thanks to the warmth of the
body with the wax being so easy to mold when it’s that warm.”

let out a choked noise while Obi-Wan looked like he wanted to sink
through the ground as the troopers
already strapped in stared
at them in shock. “Ben!” He gasped. “How do you know that!?”
He cried out in despair.

of course caused the old man to blink at Anakin, Asajj sporting a
pale, distantly horrified look on her already white face that
indicated she was trying not to imagine something and was failing.
“Oh, Quinlan suggested wax dildos when we were padawans… so
uncivilized and messy.” The
old man mused as
Asajj tugged him over to a seat and buckled him in with her lips

meanwhile turned to his former master, eyes wide as Obi-Wan peeked at
the other man over his hand. “Wax dildos?” He hissed.

be fair, it was Quinlan’s idea and we were stupid teens, I had no
idea what our body heats would do to the wax.” Obi-Wan pointed out
weakly before sending Ben a slight glare for airing their dirty
but maybe he should be grateful as Anakin seemed to forget about the

Obi-Wan should let it slip to Asajj that Quinlan liked to be spanked…

wasn’t like he could do anything towards Ben because, one, he was
old and it was also his secrets and two, Ben had no shame.


least not about past indiscretions Obi-Wan had gotten up to.

just didn’t give a flying toss about them anymore and seemed to
enjoy shocking people when he was mentally clear.

brought him amusement.


like Yoda.

no they had two

Old and sweet – Confrontation about Obi’s health! Anakin, Obi-wan,and maybe Ventress, Ben, Ashoka or somebody else?

Ben tilted his head a bit then turned towards the elevators of the
hanger, a soft noise escaping him. “Oh dear,” He murmured then
turned to Obi-Wan, his weathered face puzzled. “What have you done

Obi-Wan would like to be offended but he wasn’t quite sure why and
he almost had a feeling he knew what was going on as Ahasoka
in confusion between the two and
the elevator and
suspiciously while the Rex and Cody paused, both inching towards
their blasters.

then Anakin stepped out of the elevator, other knights and a few
padawans jumping aside to
let him through because
Anakin looked mad
and determined,
their bags slung over his shoulders
and something in his hands as he marched towards them.

his eyes, Obi-Wan felt a cold sweat appear in the back of his neck.

that his medication bottle?

took several now thanks to Ben and the future conditions they were
trying to combat but that looked like.

eyes widened. “Oh no.” He whispered in understanding, stepping
back and raising his hands. “A-Anakin.” He eeped out when the
knight closed the distance enough to hear them in the hanger.

were you going to tell me this was important?” Anakin snapped out,
holding up the bottle for point. “You’re suppose to take these
He growled out at him, eyes narrowing as he got right up in Obi-Wan’s

was watching in something akin to amusement Obi-Wan noticed, the old
bastard smiling vaguely with his head tilted and if it wasn’t for
the Force addling then Obi-Wan suspects he would be laughing because
he would more clearly understand the situation. ‘We have two trolls
in the temple!’ He mourns even as he escapes Anakin by pulling back
and using a console as a shield between them. “Now, Anakin, this
doesn’t need to be a big iss-”


dear, Bant had given Anakin details, that wasn’t good. Opening his
mouth to try to defend himself Obi-Wan gets cut off as Anakin turns
and marches right over to Cody, grabbing the commander’s hand to
slap the bottle into it with a scowl on his face. “This is blood
pressure medication, he’s to take one after every
major meal time which means three a day. Make sure Helix knows what
early onset of Stewjoni blood pressure syndrome is.” Anakin turned
his head to glare at Obi-Wan.

dear, this was even worse, there was a reason Obi-Wan had given Helix
his edited medical file after all. “Now Anakin, why don’t we
speak about this like civili-”

could have given yourself a heart attack,” Anakin said shortly,
cutting him off again, eerily calm now. “This stopped being a
civilized conversation when you started to endanger your life without
informing me so I could help you by either keeping spares or finding
other ways to help you. Now you don’t get a say anymore.” He
growled before
marching towards the shuttle with Rex and Ahsoka rushing after him.

a moment Obi-Wan thought that was it as he slowly slumped against the
console he had been using.

then Anakin called over his shoulder. “And I will
be looking into Stewjon specific conditions Obi-Wan! You’re not
getting out of this one!” His tone was sharp

at Ben and Asajj, Obi-Wan could feel cold sweat drip down his neck
before heading after Anakin up the shuttle ramp with Cody clearly
eyeing him with the pill bottle in hand.

a bit and
clearly not wound
up at all after the previous display,
Ben toddled after everyone up the ramp.

and quiet if
slightly tense after Anakin’s declaration,
no one suspecting the words that would come out of the old man’s
mouth as Asajj marched like a lioness protecting her cub at his side.

you know that if you stick a candle up your ass, your natural body
heat will melt it to a soft point without it becoming a liquid and
the sphincter will cause it to snap off the rest of the candle if any
of it is outside your body?” Ben offered up. “Meanwhile the part
left inside your body naturally warps thanks to the warmth of the
body with the wax being so easy to mold when it’s that warm.”

let out a choked noise while Obi-Wan looked like he wanted to sink
through the ground as the troopers
already strapped in stared
at them in shock. “Ben!” He gasped. “How do you know that!?”
He cried out in despair.

of course caused the old man to blink at Anakin, Asajj sporting a
pale, distantly horrified look on her already white face that
indicated she was trying not to imagine something and was failing.
“Oh, Quinlan suggested wax dildos when we were padawans… so
uncivilized and messy.” The
old man mused as
Asajj tugged him over to a seat and buckled him in with her lips

meanwhile turned to his former master, eyes wide as Obi-Wan peeked at
the other man over his hand. “Wax dildos?” He hissed.

be fair, it was Quinlan’s idea and we were stupid teens, I had no
idea what our body heats would do to the wax.” Obi-Wan pointed out
weakly before sending Ben a slight glare for airing their dirty
but maybe he should be grateful as Anakin seemed to forget about the

Obi-Wan should let it slip to Asajj that Quinlan liked to be spanked…

wasn’t like he could do anything towards Ben because, one, he was
old and it was also his secrets and two, Ben had no shame.


least not about past indiscretions Obi-Wan had gotten up to.

just didn’t give a flying toss about them anymore and seemed to
enjoy shocking people when he was mentally clear.

brought him amusement.


like Yoda.

no they had two

Does Ben want to find Ani in Little Broken Ben?

how long ago was it since he had gotten to choose what to do with his
life instead of just drifting around in the galaxy after the tune of
someone else, like driftwood on the ocean and yet here Ben was,
sitting upright in the little Hall bed, staring at the window,

had left him to think.

could… choose.

to stay.

to leave.

to make an arrangement with the Jedi council so he could have
supplies if
he wished to live on the planet.

didn’t have to be his home even if Ben had gotten used to it.


was a lonely existence.

he stay in the temple? With the ghosts of his memories?

had promised help, he could… recover?

then what?’ He wondered curiously, blinking slowly before reaching
for the green paper cup of water on the nightstand of the bed,
rubbing his sore chest. Ben had a hand print on his chest.

could guess how he got that and it made him breath out deeply and
slowly as he took small sips of water until the glass was empty
before refilling it and drinking more, needing the hydration.

stray thought crossed Ben’s mind, freezing him.


Anakin even be born now that Ben was involved in the universe?

little pebble thrown in the pond made rings that slowly grew and
therefor what would change about the galaxy now that Ben was here, if
he stayed and interacted instead of stayed isolated in the library.

if Anakin was born, would Ben go out and find him and bring him to
the temple?

Jedi didn’t even know where he would find Shmi now, Anakin had
never talked about where his mother had come from before she landed
on Tatooine. The other had only mentioned how Gardulla the hutt had
owned them first and then lost them in a bet to Watto which was where
Qui-Gon had found them years later.

Ben knew that Shmi didn’t originally come from Tatooine and didn’t
arrive there until Anakin was at least born as she had carried baby
Anakin off the ship apparently or so Shmi had told Anakin and he
assumed she told her son the truth.

then another thought came.


and Obi-Wan.

could Ben really leave?

his bottom lip, Ben sat the cup back down on the nightstand
as he mulled over that.

Qui-Gon especially… the mere idea hurt.

Ben was so tired of hurting, he didn’t want to leave only to hurt
more and Qui-Gon, for all that he obviously cared about Ben and
enjoyed Tython, belonged to the temple and to Coruscant.

were so many pros and cons for all suggestions.

in the end… as the door opened to reveal Qui-Gon standing there
with a beautiful look on his craggy face with that large broken nose,
Ben decided that he was going to stay.

wanted to stay as Qui-Gon wrapped Ben in a tight hug, the man
murmuring a quiet praise to the Force in relief as he clung to the
redhead in his arms because maybe, just maybe he could heal here in
the temple.

he could finally have a home again with people around him, people who
would care for him and worry about him.

just maybe they could prevent the fall of the Republic if Ben would
just… open up and share instead of hiding out on the edges of the
galaxy where he thought the fires of the galaxy might not touch him.

want to heal.’ Ben thought as he pressed his face into Qui-Gon’s
shoulder, feeling the warmth of the others body.

Does Ben want to find Ani in Little Broken Ben?

how long ago was it since he had gotten to choose what to do with his
life instead of just drifting around in the galaxy after the tune of
someone else, like driftwood on the ocean and yet here Ben was,
sitting upright in the little Hall bed, staring at the window,

had left him to think.

could… choose.

to stay.

to leave.

to make an arrangement with the Jedi council so he could have
supplies if
he wished to live on the planet.

didn’t have to be his home even if Ben had gotten used to it.


was a lonely existence.

he stay in the temple? With the ghosts of his memories?

had promised help, he could… recover?

then what?’ He wondered curiously, blinking slowly before reaching
for the green paper cup of water on the nightstand of the bed,
rubbing his sore chest. Ben had a hand print on his chest.

could guess how he got that and it made him breath out deeply and
slowly as he took small sips of water until the glass was empty
before refilling it and drinking more, needing the hydration.

stray thought crossed Ben’s mind, freezing him.


Anakin even be born now that Ben was involved in the universe?

little pebble thrown in the pond made rings that slowly grew and
therefor what would change about the galaxy now that Ben was here, if
he stayed and interacted instead of stayed isolated in the library.

if Anakin was born, would Ben go out and find him and bring him to
the temple?

Jedi didn’t even know where he would find Shmi now, Anakin had
never talked about where his mother had come from before she landed
on Tatooine. The other had only mentioned how Gardulla the hutt had
owned them first and then lost them in a bet to Watto which was where
Qui-Gon had found them years later.

Ben knew that Shmi didn’t originally come from Tatooine and didn’t
arrive there until Anakin was at least born as she had carried baby
Anakin off the ship apparently or so Shmi had told Anakin and he
assumed she told her son the truth.

then another thought came.


and Obi-Wan.

could Ben really leave?

his bottom lip, Ben sat the cup back down on the nightstand
as he mulled over that.

Qui-Gon especially… the mere idea hurt.

Ben was so tired of hurting, he didn’t want to leave only to hurt
more and Qui-Gon, for all that he obviously cared about Ben and
enjoyed Tython, belonged to the temple and to Coruscant.

were so many pros and cons for all suggestions.

in the end… as the door opened to reveal Qui-Gon standing there
with a beautiful look on his craggy face with that large broken nose,
Ben decided that he was going to stay.

wanted to stay as Qui-Gon wrapped Ben in a tight hug, the man
murmuring a quiet praise to the Force in relief as he clung to the
redhead in his arms because maybe, just maybe he could heal here in
the temple.

he could finally have a home again with people around him, people who
would care for him and worry about him.

just maybe they could prevent the fall of the Republic if Ben would
just… open up and share instead of hiding out on the edges of the
galaxy where he thought the fires of the galaxy might not touch him.

want to heal.’ Ben thought as he pressed his face into Qui-Gon’s
shoulder, feeling the warmth of the others body.