I don’t know if you take prompts but you’re an amazing writer! If it’s possible, could I ask for a rexwalker short where theyre cuddling in bed?!? Just some sweet fluff :):):)

Shuffling slightly as he woke, Anakin paused as he felt a heavy arm over his waist along with sweaty, thick legs between his own.

For a long moment, his head aching, Anakin struggled to remember what the hell had happened last night… and then he relaxed, grunting slightly with relief.

Rex, it was Rex in his bed, Rex, who had gone with him out bar hopping, Rex, who had his arm around Anakin’s waist, Rex who was pressed against Anakin’s body in an uncomfortable sweaty sensation and yet Anakin couldn’t bring himself to pull away from the man.

Because it was so rare they got to share a bed without having to hurry to get up and get to work.

They were finally on Coruscant, having a small amount of rest, Obi-Wan having managed to talk the council into giving Anakin and the 501stan entire week on Coruscant by taking over the system Anakin was suppose to clean up.

Force, was Anakin grateful to Obi-Wan for that.

Ahsoka finally got a full week at the temple, got to work on some of her homework, got to feel normal and Anakin’s men got to decompress and spend time with his brothers.

And Anakin?

Anakin got to spend time with Rex, his captain happily following him out into the slums to Anakin’s favorite little bar hops that never cared who he brought as long as the tabs were paid.

Oh, Anakin had noticed a few of the patrons staring at Rex but no one had approached them, all of them aware who Anakin was and aware that the owner of the cantina was fond of him.

The nightclub later on didn’t care at all, the half shadows making everyone anonymity in the throng of the crowds and the beat of music.

It had been fun, a drunken, relaxing moment, wrapped up with Rex for once, letting go of being a war General and a Jedi to spend time with the person Anakin cared the most for outside of his family.

Because Rex wasn’t… well he was family of course but he was something…more.

Curiously though, Anakin didn’t quite remember how they managed to return to the temple after their fun and he rather hoped they hadn’t made a fool of themselves in front of the sentinels and the nocturnal Jedi but knowing himself, he’d likely make a scene anyhow that Rex had dragged him from to Anakin’s quarters and bed.

“I can feel you thinking,” Rex suddenly grumbled, his hand suddenly tightening around Anakin’s stomach to pull him more tightly to his chest, the sensation almost disgusting with the amount of sweat trapped between them. “Stop it, its too early.” He huffed into Anakin’s neck, the stubble of his face rubbing the skin.

Shuffling slightly, Anakin grumbled and moved until he could face the other, finding Rex squinting slightly at him, a furrow between his brows.

Likely a hangover too from the looks of it and Anakin couldn’t help but smile fondly as he reached up to gently thumb the others temple. “Headache?” He whispered, letting the quietness of the morning linger.

He got a grunt in response but Rex frown eased when Anakin lightly brought the Force to aid. Now, healing Force wasn’t Anakin’s best trait but he could ease out a small headache and heal some injuries.

Force knew he had enough time to practice that with master ‘I am not invincible but I will use myself as bait.’ Kenobi.

Headache mostly gone, Rex pushed forward until his face was buried in Anakin’s collarbone, sighing contently as he rewrapped his arm around the Jedi’s waist, hand finding the small of his back to pet.

Deciding he might as well deal with most of his own headache, Anakin reluctantly settled in to meditate it away, settling as Rex continued absently petting.

Honestly, it was sweaty, their skin were uncomfortably sticking to each other and Anakin could faintly smell the sourness of Rex breath along with a slight undertone of stale alcohol.

Yet he didn’t find it in himself to move away, feeling content despite it all as he lingered in Rex arms.

They could take a shower later.

How often did they get to just linger in bed.

Together, the two went back to sleep, curled into each other with sweaty, sticky skin and the promise of a quiet day in Anakin’s quarters.

ok i need to know if Rex can save Cody in te continuation of docile doll and some aftermats of the drug used in Obi and Vader dying of anger

There is something extremely cathartic to be able to share Obi-Wan’s bed.

To be able to watch him breath slowly and steadily, his lined face at peace and almost young looking despite the grey at his temple and in his beard as he breathes slowly and steadily, a slight snore escaping him.

When Obi-Wan, shyly and a tad uncertain, had asked if Rex wanted to share quarters…

Well, Rex had been honored and relieved.

He knew the other had nightmares often and the idea of being able to keep an eye on his boyfriend, to help him work through the nightmares…

Well, he had jumped on the offer, knowing how difficult it had been for Obi-Wan after everything he had been put through by Vader. For the other to share himself like this again, to share bed and intimate space with someone, it was a huge step and Rex knew it.

It was why he had been stunned and happy when Obi-Wan had slowly drawn him into bed and curled into him, resting his head on the blond’s collarbone while tucking his own leg between Rex’s own.

From the looks of it, he had slept well from what Rex saw, the two sleeping face to face, having shifted in the night.

Unable to resist, Rex reached out to push the others hair out of his face, teasing the strands behind his ear.

Playing slowly with the growing length of hair, Rex couldn’t help but smile at the other’s sleeping face.

Obi-Wan was so stressed or lost often, ever since order 66 and his stint as Vader’s ‘doll’ and seeing this, seeing how him relaxed, soft, warm and pliant, was a gift to be treasured.

Some days, Rex couldn’t help but wonder how he, a clone, could be granted this.

If it should have been anyone, it should have been Cody, who had worked the closest with Obi-Wan.

‘But he’s not here, not yet. And Obi-Wan…’ Rex had always harbored some feelings for the redheaded Jedi. But in the war, he had put it aside and simply kept onto his fondness for the man while being professional.

Now there was no GAR, they were no longer an army and they did not follow the Rebellion after they had tried to use Obi-Wan.

Rex would never work with someone that had been willing to trade Obi-Wan back to Vader, nor would any other clone that was free and that had ever been in contact with the Jedi.

“…I can feel you staring at me.” Obi-Wan’s sleep rasped voice brought Rex out of his thoughts and he chuckled softly, resting his hand on Obi-Wan’s cheek as green eyes flickered open to peer sleepily at him, Obi-Wan smiling softly.

“Good morning.” Rex murmured quietly, not wanting to break the soft, slow moment of the morning schedule of their ship.

“Mmmn… morning.” Obi-Wan sighed happily, shifting closer to Rex. He slid a heavy, warm arm around Rex waist, tugging him in.

Willingly, Rex went, their knees knocking together lightly as they curled up chest to chest, head on their respective pillows. They really should be getting up, they had duties to preform on Homebase and breakfast to eat before that but…

To just lay there, in their bed, sharing the warmth and comfort was a luxury Rex intended to enjoy.

“Your hair is getting long.” He noted softly, teasing his fingers through the copper lengths.

The words got a quiet laugh, Obi-Wan reaching out to tease Rex hair in return, a grin growing on his face. “So is yours… do you like it?” He wondered curiously.

“Mine or yours?” Rex hummed, smirking slightly at the wry look he got in return. “I have to say, I don’t mind it. While in the GAR, it was just easier to just buzz it but now…” Rex shrugged, smiling happily. “I do like yours too though, it suits you.” He twirled the lock of hair around his finger.

Obi-Wan sighed happily at the touch, humming happily. “Well, if you want a haircut, just tell me.” He stated a tad dreamily and Rex felt a stab in his stomach.

‘It should be Cody here, having this, getting this offer…’ Guilt and love warred in him as he pulled the other to him and held onto Obi-Wan, nuzzling slowly.

#guildofexile: Obi and Ani talk after Obi’s meeting. Do they discuss future plans?

his fingers slowly over the tanned skin, Obi-Wan let out a soft sigh
he continued to trace invisible patterns all over Anakin’s back,
the Tatooine native letting out a soft pleasured little noise while
squirming into the sheets below them.

hadn’t really done anything but the day had been long
and going to bed together had been wonderful frankly and something
that had been needed, cuddling up with each other in simple sleep

Obi-Wan was enjoying stroking Anakin’s skin, the other resting on
his stomach with Obi-Wan supporting himself on an elbow beside him as
he stroked slowly and steadily with his fingertips.

what happens now?” Obi-Wan finally whispered, feeling Anakin tense
up a bit below him before the blond sighed, rolling over on his back
to look up at Obi-Wan, both staring at each other.

guess… we need to figure this out, huh.” Anakin sighed, smiling a
bit when Obi-Wan rested his arms on the others sternum instead, the
two peering at each other with one of Obi-Wan’s legs making it’s
home between Anakin’s to snuggle in closer.

do rather need to. I don’t mind if you want to continue as a Jedi
even after the war, I understand that for now we’re in a limbo
thanks to the war but Anakin, I’m not leaving the guild, the ship
is mine.” Obi-Wan gently explained.

up, Anakin played with Obi-Wan’s longish hair, stroking his fingers
through the unbraided length. “I know, I… like being a Jedi but…
I don’t want to see your back as often as I saw Padme’s back.”
He whispered quietly.

back then it was you leaving her for the most part I bet.’ Obi-Wan
thought, maybe a bit uncharitable but
he wasn’t unaware of his bondmate’s slightly selfish behavior to
times. But then again, Obi-Wan had his own glaring personality faults
so he wasn’t going to lay into Anakin’s for his. “Then I guess…
for as long as the war is on, we don’t have to make those decisions
yet. The Senate has offically contracted me for at least another year
or until the war is over, and so far it doesn’t show evidence of
stopping.” He murmured quietly.

slid his arms around Obi-Wan, staring at him with a dark frown before
sighing heavily. “I want it to stop though. Maybe…” He

a brow, Obi-Wan leaned in a bit closer to bump their noses together,
lifting the corners of his lips when he got a little snort from
Anakin. “Maybe…?” He prodded carefully.

Anakin’s amused grin turned a bit weaker, the trace of anxiety
visible on his face. “Maybe you have a spot on your crew for a
voluntary exile?” Anakin offered, his arms tightening up around
Obi-Wan’s waist.

all the things in the galaxy, that was not what Obi-Wan expected to
come out of Anakin’s mouth and he had to use all his resources in
control not to let his shock show as he stared at the other.

loved being a Jedi, it was his goal from the day he left his mother
as the man had admitted quietly to Obi-Wan, both of them telling each
other in the silence of the night of each others life.

talked about his life after the Jedi temple, all the grueling
training, miserable hungry days and eventually his ship.

talked about bone breaking work as a slave, slow days at the temple
and then Tatooine and his mother.

about each others life to get to know each other with the bond
buzzing in the back of their mind.

had been silent too long, Anakin was tense as a spring and finally
Obi-Wan let a small smile cross his lips, sending reassurances
Anakin’s way through the bond between them, warmth and tender care
that could develop into love. “I do rather believe that there is a
chance for that yes.” Obi-Wan murmured quietly, bopping
their noses together again in what he hoped was a reassuring move.

Anakin went practically lax under him as he let out a small laugh,
leaning in to cautiously get a chaste kiss from Obi-Wan. Or that was
what it started as at least, though it slowly and steadily grew more
heated as Anakin pulled Obi-Wan from his side to instead rest in the
cradle between his legs, hands running greedily along Obi-Wan’s

into the kiss, running his own hands into Anakin’s hair, Obi-Wan
thought that yes, he could easily make space for another one on his
ship and cabin when they were this good of a company.

Papa and Dad is adorable and I need mooooooore!!!! particularly more fluff but I also want to know so many things–where/when did they time travel from? like, was it like a «die and wake up in the past» thing or did something happen before then? or what was their first meeting with baby Ani like? are they gonna train Ani together? did Palpy or Plagueis have any inklings of their presence on Naboo? I have many more but I’m almost out of characters so anything else you wanna do would be awesome!!

his fingertip around Qui-Gon’s rather small ear for a man his size,
Obi-Wan smiled faintly to himself as he listened to the even breath’s
of both Anakin between them and Qui-Gon, the boy tucked tightly up to
the taller man’s chest as he slept.

them the almost unnoticeable vibration of the ship’s motor acted as
a gentle lullabies
to Anakin, something Obi-Wan never quite understood but was grateful
for right now as they finally left Naboo.

had always
had a good hand with machines.

wasn’t certain they had escaped notice from Palpatine and whoever
his master was, as both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had felt the darkness
searchingly ‘looking’ around practically. It could be unrelated
to them but Obi-Wan was not going to count on that.

would be stupid and
in this Obi-Wan could not afford to be reckless, not with Qui-Gon’s
life and not with Anakin’s.

he was certain that they had come away without the Sith actually
seeing them, only feeling their Force and more in particular,
Anakin’s Force
it was them who had triggered the darkness search over the planet.

a strong power…

course the Sith would be interested in that.

them, both
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were abnormalities, time travelers.

with a lick of Force sense could tell something was up with them even
if they never were called out on yet, only given curious looks.

why Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had kept to smaller areas with population to
be able to hide among them, hide Anakin’s signature as best they
could. That
had taken quite a bit of work, working with Anakin’s young mind to
teach him meditation and how to hide while aiding him to hide as best

now they were away, away from Palpatine and the other Sith’s
grasping claws.

was doing marvels for Obi-Wan’s anxieties.

there was just everything else.

rest of our lives really.’ Obi-Wan mused as he went back to
watching Qui-Gon, taking in the features of the man and comparing
them to the ones he had when the man died. He did this too often
really but sometimes he still…

just sometimes still had hard to believe really.

was in the past, a man of thirty something years with the slightest
sign of gray at his temples and a wrinkle here and there around his


couldn’t be more than thirty either, younger than Obi-Wan had ever
had the pleasure of seeing him before with hair a deep chestnut brown
with a few strands of gray mixed in that did nothing but bring out
his features and make him look defined where they made Obi-Wan just
feel old.

else had really changed except for the youthful skin
and hair, still
hook nosed, still blue eyed and still just as stubborn
and yet it never failed to entice Obi-Wan into just look.

wondered if his younger version would come to the
point as he once had. He had had an infatuation with his master when
he was a teen but as a man of twenty he had fallen into a trap of his
own making and fallen in love instead and
boy he had gotten drunk the night he realized that to the point where
Reeft had hefted him back to the temple and Qui-Gon had looked so
utterly bemused and concerned, especially when Obi-Wan had thrown up
on his own boots.

he had the chance, the option to hold Qui-Gon’s hand as a Force
ghost couldn’t when they were still on Tatooine, waiting for the
years to pass and Luke to be ready or for Owen to give Obi-Wan a

he could be Obi-Wan again. His Anakin was gone yes but there was an
Anakin and he was young and he shone in the Force so brightly despite
his sadness at his mother’s passing and it was everything Obi-Wan
needed for his broken heart as he turned his attention on the blond
head resting against Qui-Gon’s chest, a small, soft smile crossing
his lips as he shifted his hand down to slowly run it over the soft,
slightly darkening hair of Anakin’s blond curls. ‘We need hair
cuts, the whole gang.’ He noted with amusement.

Qui-Gon spoke however, Obi-Wan almost jumped out of his skin. “You’re
suppose to sleep my dear.” Qui-Gon rumbled, eyes still closed but a
smile on his lips when Obi-Wan looked up.

sleep.” Obi-Wan whispered, moving his arm over Anakin to tuck
around Qui-Gon, settling to hold them both as he closed his eyes,
feeling Qui-Gon return the gesture as the two held around Anakin and
each other.

small family drifting in space.

Mastermine- The Council knows about their love and Anakin is devastated that his friend maybe the evil in this story. What are the boys (and the other Jedi) going to do with the latter information?

in the doorway with the blanket around his shoulders, Obi-Wan let out
a soft noise as
only the light streaming in from the living room window illuminated
“Ani… come back to bed love,
its late.”
He whispered softly, watching the blond stand shirtless by the open
window, the
breeze fluttering at the curls.

barely twitched at the call of his name, staring out at the Rotunda
with a frown on his face that
Obi-Wan could barely see from the side.

could spot goosebumps on the others sun touched skin and that
concerned Obi-Wan as he padded over to the other on bare feet,
lifting the blanket off his own shoulders to wrap it around Anakin.

deep breath escaped the knight, like a balloon deflating before he
tilted his head to look at Obi-Wan, his expression lost.

Ani… dear one. My Mialla
Tru,” Obi-Wan let out a low noise and pulled Anakin to him, pulling
him into a tight hug while cupping the back of the others head. “I
know it hurts, I know. But I’m here, I promise you I’m right here
and I’ll help you in any manner I can.” Obi-Wan swore into his

slowly came up and wrapped equally tightly around Obi-Wan in
a desperate moiton.
“…My Intovar.” Anakin breathed out.

his fingers through the others hair, Obi-Wan pressed a kiss to his
temple. “We’ll look after each other and look after Ahsoka. We
know the truth now so we can prepare for it.”

a bit, Anakin lifted his head and gave a warm smile to the other.
“You know… things would be an awful lot worse if it wasn’t for
you, you and Ahsoka. I guess you keep me level headed.” He chuckled
quietly before sighing quietly and grasping the blanket around his
shoulders so it wouldn’t fall.

the others flesh hand, Obi-Wan squeezed with a small smile. “Lets
go back to bed. I know its all horrible and it puts all the
interactions you’ve had with him into a new perspective… but
right here and now we can’t do anything. But we can get a decent
night rest.” Obi-Wan slowly pulled the other towards the bedroom.

Anakin followed with the blanket held around his shoulders, crawling
into bed and cuddling against the others chest. Obi-Wan wrapped his
arms around the man in return, pressing one soft kiss to the forehead
as Anakin suited a leg between Obi-Wan’s so the two were firmly
tangled up together.

laid quietly in the dark for a few moments before Anakin let out a
shuddering sigh. “I
guess we’ll just have to play this by the ear huh?” Anakin

will,” Obi-Wan agreed quietly, nuzzling slowly. “We’ll look out
for Ahsoka, we’ll look out for each other and we’ll try our best
to make things work.” He promised quietly because that was the only
thing he could promise. He couldn’t promise a happy ending,
couldn’t promise Palpatine would face justice. But Obi-Wan could
promise to do his best and keep loving Anakin for as long as his
heart beat.

for now, that would be enough for both of them.

Mastermine- The Council knows about their love and Anakin is devastated that his friend maybe the evil in this story. What are the boys (and the other Jedi) going to do with the latter information?

in the doorway with the blanket around his shoulders, Obi-Wan let out
a soft noise as
only the light streaming in from the living room window illuminated
“Ani… come back to bed love,
its late.”
He whispered softly, watching the blond stand shirtless by the open
window, the
breeze fluttering at the curls.

barely twitched at the call of his name, staring out at the Rotunda
with a frown on his face that
Obi-Wan could barely see from the side.

could spot goosebumps on the others sun touched skin and that
concerned Obi-Wan as he padded over to the other on bare feet,
lifting the blanket off his own shoulders to wrap it around Anakin.

deep breath escaped the knight, like a balloon deflating before he
tilted his head to look at Obi-Wan, his expression lost.

Ani… dear one. My Mialla
Tru,” Obi-Wan let out a low noise and pulled Anakin to him, pulling
him into a tight hug while cupping the back of the others head. “I
know it hurts, I know. But I’m here, I promise you I’m right here
and I’ll help you in any manner I can.” Obi-Wan swore into his

slowly came up and wrapped equally tightly around Obi-Wan in
a desperate moiton.
“…My Intovar.” Anakin breathed out.

his fingers through the others hair, Obi-Wan pressed a kiss to his
temple. “We’ll look after each other and look after Ahsoka. We
know the truth now so we can prepare for it.”

a bit, Anakin lifted his head and gave a warm smile to the other.
“You know… things would be an awful lot worse if it wasn’t for
you, you and Ahsoka. I guess you keep me level headed.” He chuckled
quietly before sighing quietly and grasping the blanket around his
shoulders so it wouldn’t fall.

the others flesh hand, Obi-Wan squeezed with a small smile. “Lets
go back to bed. I know its all horrible and it puts all the
interactions you’ve had with him into a new perspective… but
right here and now we can’t do anything. But we can get a decent
night rest.” Obi-Wan slowly pulled the other towards the bedroom.

Anakin followed with the blanket held around his shoulders, crawling
into bed and cuddling against the others chest. Obi-Wan wrapped his
arms around the man in return, pressing one soft kiss to the forehead
as Anakin suited a leg between Obi-Wan’s so the two were firmly
tangled up together.

laid quietly in the dark for a few moments before Anakin let out a
shuddering sigh. “I
guess we’ll just have to play this by the ear huh?” Anakin

will,” Obi-Wan agreed quietly, nuzzling slowly. “We’ll look out
for Ahsoka, we’ll look out for each other and we’ll try our best
to make things work.” He promised quietly because that was the only
thing he could promise. He couldn’t promise a happy ending,
couldn’t promise Palpatine would face justice. But Obi-Wan could
promise to do his best and keep loving Anakin for as long as his
heart beat.

for now, that would be enough for both of them.

That last SweetMemories makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside! Thank you so much for the awesome work, it really makes my day when I see your updates. Qui-Gon is getting his memories back, and starting to remember his relationship with Obi-Wan. But how is Obi-Wan feeling in this very unstable time?

his eyes slowly, Obi-Wan breathed slowly as he stared into Qui-Gon’s
smiling face with nothing but love in those gorgeous
blue eyes with a warm hand resting on Obi-Wan’s hip. The sheet was
wrapped up over their head and yet the light seemed to shine through
and leave them with no darkness.

thumb slowly traced the bone of
the redhead’s hip alerting him to the fact that they were both nude
as the day they had been born and yet Obi-Wan could not feel the
scratch of Qui-Gon’s stiff leg hairs against his.

is a dream isn’t it?” Obi-Wan whispered.

a bit, Qui-Gon shifted closer under the blanket to gently bump their
noses together in an endearing move. “Indeed
but that doesn’t mean it isn’t real.” He rumbled deeply.

did sound like something Qui-Gon would say in that soppy loving way
that had Obi-Wan faintly giggling before pressing in closer to the
other to savor the warmth of the dream he was in and the sensation of
Qui-Gon wrapped around him. “…Its so lonely out there without
you.” He whispered quietly.

turning somber, Qui-Gon pressed a kiss to Obi-Wan’s forehead
instead. “I know, I am so sorry. I promise I’m trying to come
back to you.” He rumbled out as he pressed their legs together.

a bit, Obi-Wan pressed his lips to the others desperately. “I don’t
want to wake up, not from this, I miss you too damn much.” He
managed to get out.

turning sadder, Qui-Gon wrapped him up in his arms as tightly as
possible. “I am so sorry Obi-Wan but its time to wake up…”

Obi-Wan whined and yet he felt himself surface.


the feeling of being held remained, his cheek feeling wet as he
opened his eyes to darkness that proved to be Qui-Gon’s t-shirt
covered chest when he pulled back a bit, feeling moisture on his

in confusion at the sleeping face of the man he loved with
the room lit up with the morning sun from the window,
Obi-Wan tried to remember what had happened last night before he
remembered Qui-Gon
quietly asking to share the bed because he had heard Obi-Wan’s

wasn’t like his dream and yet…

was warm, Qui-Gon’s heavy arm wrapped around him with Qui-Gon
drooling into the pillow as he used to do all the time when they
curled together for sleep. Obi-Wan’s own arm was trapped under the
others heavy sleep warm body and utterly numb.

his other hand that still had sensation, Obi-Wan awkwardly wiped away
the tears on his face and sniffled slightly before pressing into the
warm body in front of him in seek of comfort, nuzzling slightly to
get the scent of the others body.

wasn’t gone but sometimes it hurt so much to know he did not
remember all their time together.


still here, he’s not dead. I can still get him back.’ Obi-Wan
reminded himself firmly as he listened to the calm sound of Qui-Gon’s

closed and pressed to Qui-Gon’s chest, Obi-Wan did not see
Qui-Gon’s eyes flicker open to gaze fondly down at him.

That last SweetMemories makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside! Thank you so much for the awesome work, it really makes my day when I see your updates. Qui-Gon is getting his memories back, and starting to remember his relationship with Obi-Wan. But how is Obi-Wan feeling in this very unstable time?

his eyes slowly, Obi-Wan breathed slowly as he stared into Qui-Gon’s
smiling face with nothing but love in those gorgeous
blue eyes with a warm hand resting on Obi-Wan’s hip. The sheet was
wrapped up over their head and yet the light seemed to shine through
and leave them with no darkness.

thumb slowly traced the bone of
the redhead’s hip alerting him to the fact that they were both nude
as the day they had been born and yet Obi-Wan could not feel the
scratch of Qui-Gon’s stiff leg hairs against his.

is a dream isn’t it?” Obi-Wan whispered.

a bit, Qui-Gon shifted closer under the blanket to gently bump their
noses together in an endearing move. “Indeed
but that doesn’t mean it isn’t real.” He rumbled deeply.

did sound like something Qui-Gon would say in that soppy loving way
that had Obi-Wan faintly giggling before pressing in closer to the
other to savor the warmth of the dream he was in and the sensation of
Qui-Gon wrapped around him. “…Its so lonely out there without
you.” He whispered quietly.

turning somber, Qui-Gon pressed a kiss to Obi-Wan’s forehead
instead. “I know, I am so sorry. I promise I’m trying to come
back to you.” He rumbled out as he pressed their legs together.

a bit, Obi-Wan pressed his lips to the others desperately. “I don’t
want to wake up, not from this, I miss you too damn much.” He
managed to get out.

turning sadder, Qui-Gon wrapped him up in his arms as tightly as
possible. “I am so sorry Obi-Wan but its time to wake up…”

Obi-Wan whined and yet he felt himself surface.


the feeling of being held remained, his cheek feeling wet as he
opened his eyes to darkness that proved to be Qui-Gon’s t-shirt
covered chest when he pulled back a bit, feeling moisture on his

in confusion at the sleeping face of the man he loved with
the room lit up with the morning sun from the window,
Obi-Wan tried to remember what had happened last night before he
remembered Qui-Gon
quietly asking to share the bed because he had heard Obi-Wan’s

wasn’t like his dream and yet…

was warm, Qui-Gon’s heavy arm wrapped around him with Qui-Gon
drooling into the pillow as he used to do all the time when they
curled together for sleep. Obi-Wan’s own arm was trapped under the
others heavy sleep warm body and utterly numb.

his other hand that still had sensation, Obi-Wan awkwardly wiped away
the tears on his face and sniffled slightly before pressing into the
warm body in front of him in seek of comfort, nuzzling slightly to
get the scent of the others body.

wasn’t gone but sometimes it hurt so much to know he did not
remember all their time together.


still here, he’s not dead. I can still get him back.’ Obi-Wan
reminded himself firmly as he listened to the calm sound of Qui-Gon’s

closed and pressed to Qui-Gon’s chest, Obi-Wan did not see
Qui-Gon’s eyes flicker open to gaze fondly down at him.

so, we all know that Plo is The Best Space Dad Ever, but is he also one of The Best Space Granddads? Grandmaster Koon with tiny Ani? (also was Padawan Obi there when Plo found Asohka?) just more safewithplo, please Moddy. you’re writing is so good!

Anakin had been just a young boy and new in the temple, the nights
had scared him along with the noises of Coruscant as the planet never
really slept, its lights forever on unless you pulled the covers in
front of your window.

those early days…

would appear in his doorway, his face soft with worry before he
offered to sit with Anakin until he fell asleep.

tradition eventually evolved into Anakin, on difficult nights only,
seeking to sleep in Obi-Wan’s bed where
the man would wrap an arm around Anakin and tuck the blankets tightly
around them both for warmth.

cheek pressed to the man’s chest where he could instead listen to
the steady thump of a heartbeat instead as his hand held onto the
thick braid Obi-Wan put his hair in for sleep, just slightly braided
to the side so it could be slung over the shoulder so he would not
end laying on the long length.

was soothing and as he grew older and
no longer needed that comfort,
Anakin treasured those memories, Obi-Wan’s thick braid in his hand,
his steady heart instead of the traffic of Coruscant and the warming
sensation in the Force that was Obi-Wan’s peace.

then there was Master Plo, the kel dor often giving him his version
of a wink before passing him some kind of sweet treat with Obi-Wan
rolling his eyes in amusement before Anakin was sent off to class.

and Obi-Wan were the best, Obi-Wan always looked after Anakin, was
always there if something was wrong and if Anakin couldn’t talk to
Obi-Wan then he could go and talk to Plo who would always make time
for him if he wasn’t in the middle of something.

would often sit outside the council chamber and wait the last few
minutes of the meeting inside until Plo came out, the kel dor
greeting him fondly with a hair ruffle before passing him a
of all things from his pockets.

Anakin had asked Obi-Wan about it during
what was really his homework hour,
Obi-Wan had snorted on his tea, bringing it up his nose before
laughing while mopping at his nose and beard with his sleeve,
explaining in a choked tone from hacking up tea that Plo started
plying Obi-Wan with fruit and nuts when he was still the man’s

dor’s don’t eat like humans do, they don’t have teeth,”
Obi-Wan had explained, calmer with a small smile on his face. “So
Master Plo would stuff fruits and nuts into his pockets because he
knew that it was healthy for growing padawans to eat fruits and nuts
with all the vitamins, sugars and fats in the nuts especially. I
guess he just never got out of the habit and now he can give you the
same fruits he used to give me.” Obi-Wan chortled quietly while
sitting back in the couch, a fond smile on his face.

a bit too, Anakin felt a warm glow all these years later as Plo
placed an apple in the blonds hand before sending him off with
Obi-Wan on a new mission here on Coruscant, Senator Amidala having
come into problems with an assassin stalking her steps.

wasn’t sure but he had a feeling that if it had been just Obi-Wan
and him… maybe Anakin wouldn’t be so happy.

it was, he had Obi-Wan and he had Plo.

maybe one day in the future he would have a little aunt or sister
padawan in the togruta youngling that Plo had rescued?


future was open for them to experience.

so, we all know that Plo is The Best Space Dad Ever, but is he also one of The Best Space Granddads? Grandmaster Koon with tiny Ani? (also was Padawan Obi there when Plo found Asohka?) just more safewithplo, please Moddy. you’re writing is so good!

Anakin had been just a young boy and new in the temple, the nights
had scared him along with the noises of Coruscant as the planet never
really slept, its lights forever on unless you pulled the covers in
front of your window.

those early days…

would appear in his doorway, his face soft with worry before he
offered to sit with Anakin until he fell asleep.

tradition eventually evolved into Anakin, on difficult nights only,
seeking to sleep in Obi-Wan’s bed where
the man would wrap an arm around Anakin and tuck the blankets tightly
around them both for warmth.

cheek pressed to the man’s chest where he could instead listen to
the steady thump of a heartbeat instead as his hand held onto the
thick braid Obi-Wan put his hair in for sleep, just slightly braided
to the side so it could be slung over the shoulder so he would not
end laying on the long length.

was soothing and as he grew older and
no longer needed that comfort,
Anakin treasured those memories, Obi-Wan’s thick braid in his hand,
his steady heart instead of the traffic of Coruscant and the warming
sensation in the Force that was Obi-Wan’s peace.

then there was Master Plo, the kel dor often giving him his version
of a wink before passing him some kind of sweet treat with Obi-Wan
rolling his eyes in amusement before Anakin was sent off to class.

and Obi-Wan were the best, Obi-Wan always looked after Anakin, was
always there if something was wrong and if Anakin couldn’t talk to
Obi-Wan then he could go and talk to Plo who would always make time
for him if he wasn’t in the middle of something.

would often sit outside the council chamber and wait the last few
minutes of the meeting inside until Plo came out, the kel dor
greeting him fondly with a hair ruffle before passing him a
of all things from his pockets.

Anakin had asked Obi-Wan about it during
what was really his homework hour,
Obi-Wan had snorted on his tea, bringing it up his nose before
laughing while mopping at his nose and beard with his sleeve,
explaining in a choked tone from hacking up tea that Plo started
plying Obi-Wan with fruit and nuts when he was still the man’s

dor’s don’t eat like humans do, they don’t have teeth,”
Obi-Wan had explained, calmer with a small smile on his face. “So
Master Plo would stuff fruits and nuts into his pockets because he
knew that it was healthy for growing padawans to eat fruits and nuts
with all the vitamins, sugars and fats in the nuts especially. I
guess he just never got out of the habit and now he can give you the
same fruits he used to give me.” Obi-Wan chortled quietly while
sitting back in the couch, a fond smile on his face.

a bit too, Anakin felt a warm glow all these years later as Plo
placed an apple in the blonds hand before sending him off with
Obi-Wan on a new mission here on Coruscant, Senator Amidala having
come into problems with an assassin stalking her steps.

wasn’t sure but he had a feeling that if it had been just Obi-Wan
and him… maybe Anakin wouldn’t be so happy.

it was, he had Obi-Wan and he had Plo.

maybe one day in the future he would have a little aunt or sister
padawan in the togruta youngling that Plo had rescued?


future was open for them to experience.