Did someone left a prompt already for Not strangers to the dark? I don’t know what you want to do with it after, but before possible horrors because of Anakin jealousy, could Garen make an appareance? Or Siri? Breakfast with his friends for Obi-Wan! (Yes, Obi–Wan, breakfast is more than tea, no eat the nice thing Quinlan cooked for all of us.) I don’t know why, I love the idea of Quinlan with his badass look being a good cook.

There is a foot
right by his face.

It takes Obi-Wan
several moments of staring at it before he understands that there is
a bare foot, human colored in nature, by his face.

A smelly foot in

a bit he pushed himself up on an elbow to peer down the bed until he
saw Quinlan’s dreads poking out from under the covers which had
Obi-Wan pulling away the covers to see the other man.

turn about is fair.’ He thought dryly to himself as he saw his own
toes tucked up underneath Quinlan’s chin.

he carefully shifted his feet away and rolled out of bed instead with
a yawn as he scratched his stomach and made his way out of the
bedroom, blinking blearily at Bant and Reeft in his kitchen as they
seemed to be cooking up a rather large breakfast. “…Is Garen on
his way too?” He managed to ask.

snorted deeply. “Good morning to you too,” She said in a dry tone
as she scrambled egg. “And no, he’s out on a mission as the pilot
and you know it.” Bant rolled her eyes.

however am in temple and I made sure to add some hashbrowns to the
breakfast,” Reeft grinned at him. “Cute tanktop Obi-Wan.”

down at himself, Obi-Wan stared at the grinning black Tooka on his
pink tank top before giving a shrug and shuffling to the table to
flop down. “Gift from Anakin, its comfy.” He
mumbled while giving a deep yawn.

wasn’t sure if it was the sleeping aids he took or if it was just
the fact that he had actually slept a full night but he felt groggy
and heavy so he couldn’t
find it in him to feel embarrassed as Reeft pressed a cup of tea into
his hands.

just took a sip of tea and yawned deeply as he sniffed at the aroma
and food.

is great.’ Obi-Wan thought to himself, closing his eyes as he held
the cup close and let himself enjoy the heat.

still asleep?” Bant questioned, sniggering a bit when she got a
soft hum of confirmation. “You are really out of it aren’t you.
Honestly Obi-Wan we should have done this ages ago.” She sat down a
plate with an egg in a basket, a
small cup of yogurt, two
pancakes with bacon cooked into it, a handful of berries and
a handful of nuts.

stared at the plate before peeking up at Bant through his fringe.

lifted her hands, fingers sprawled to show the webbing between them.
“I don’t expect you to eat everything but I want you to try to
eat as much as you can comfortably manage and try to eat a little of
everything for all the proteins, fiber and other nutrients a human
needs.  I know you’ve been on war rations and been bad about
feeding yourself but you need to try and gain weight and keep it when
you’re shipped out again.” She said seriously.

quirking, Obi-Wan tilted his head. “Healers orders?” He lifted
the cup again.

order.” Reeft countered, lifting a cup of caff to his lip to take a
big sip.

Obi-Wan stared at the other before letting out a small, amused huff
and settling his cup aside to take his utensils instead and start

wasn’t going to manage the entire plate, there was no way
especially not this early in the morning.

it was made with love, made with love by friends who were chatting
quietly with him as he ate and eating their own food, Quinlan’s
snoring reaching them from the open door.

more could Obi-Wan honestly want.

Not strangers to the dark please ? Can we see the visit to Bant ? Old memories and friendship and support. And at the end, Obi-Wan and Quinlan sleeping again like two puppies in a basket because I love platonic bed sharing and male characters refusing male toxicity and accepting help and support.

Levering the human a disappointed stare, Bant gave a deep sigh.“Obi-Wan, you lost another five kg in the field. Your tally is now sixty three kg and you’re officially on the underweight scale Obi-Wan.” Bant said while carefully pushing the other off the scale towards the bed.

“I’m not trying to loose weight Bant, I promise I’m not but youknow how hard it is out there,” Obi-Wan defended himself quietly while settling on the examination bed and giving her his arm to draw a blood test. “I’m running ragged out there.” Obi-Wan confessed.

Settling the blood into the machine, Bant sat down on her chair to peer up at her old childhood friend. “Obi-Wan, if you continue to loose weight, you’re going to put yourself in sever danger and I will have to temple restrict you and ban you from active missions. ”She said quietly while resting a webbed hand on his knee.

Slumping a bit, Obi-Wan rubbed his face with his hand and peered over it when she squeezed his knee.

“We can soon see your ribs if you continue this Obi-Wan, do you remember what Qui-Gon did when you lost so much weight your ribs started showing?” She said softly.

Blinking, Obi-Wan stared at her before letting out a soft laugh. “He ate every meal with me, kept enriching them with nourishment powder and always carried things like nuts or fruit leathers on him until I gained ten kg. And always kept snacks on him after that just incase.” He said softly, remembering this part of his master fondly.

She smiled at him too, rubbing her thumbs over his knees slowly as he sat there in his thin tunics. “…Quinlan said you had a panic attack.” Bant stated, not asking anything outright but clearly offering to be his ear.

Sighing a bit, Obi-Wan patted the others hands. “Nightmares, they’ve become more common occurrence since the start of the war unfortunately and this time I didn’t handle them so well I’m sorry to say,” Obi-Wan said quietly while rubbing his thumbs over the others knuckles slowly. “I was back on Theed and… I couldn’tdo anything to save Qui-Gon once more.” He sighed quietly, wondering how life got this way before squeezing gently down on Bant’s hands.

Smiling at him, Bant stood. “I’m going to prescribe you some sleeping aids Obi-Wan. You clearly need it though I’m only going to give youfor two weeks,” She sent him a stern look when he opened his mouth.“You will take them because I am going to ensure you are medically grounded for two weeks at least to allow you time to recover and I know Quinlan is going to be in the temple too.”

Slumping a bit, Obi-Wan nodded reluctantly before smiling at the second part of the information. “I guess… I could spend a week in the temple.” He murmured.

“Two.”Bant said stubbornly, sending him a stern look.

“Two.”Obi-Wan sighed, lifting his hands in surrender.

Of course the first thing Bant did after making sure the council was informed was to inform Quinlan who showed up at the quarters and dragged Obi-Wan to dinner and then bed where they curled up around each other.

The sleeping aid was part of the reason Obi-Wan was asleep rather quickly yes but it was also the sensation of being curled up with someone familiar and safe, Obi-Wan leeching the heat of Quinlan’s body.

Hedidn’t even notice the door opening sometime in the night and Anakin peeking in, a jealous frown on the blonds face before the door shut, the sleeping master unaware in his deep aided sleep in his friends arms.

Not strangers to the dark please ? Can we see the visit to Bant ? Old memories and friendship and support. And at the end, Obi-Wan and Quinlan sleeping again like two puppies in a basket because I love platonic bed sharing and male characters refusing male toxicity and accepting help and support.

Levering the human a disappointed stare, Bant gave a deep sigh.“Obi-Wan, you lost another five kg in the field. Your tally is now sixty three kg and you’re officially on the underweight scale Obi-Wan.” Bant said while carefully pushing the other off the scale towards the bed.

“I’m not trying to loose weight Bant, I promise I’m not but youknow how hard it is out there,” Obi-Wan defended himself quietly while settling on the examination bed and giving her his arm to draw a blood test. “I’m running ragged out there.” Obi-Wan confessed.

Settling the blood into the machine, Bant sat down on her chair to peer up at her old childhood friend. “Obi-Wan, if you continue to loose weight, you’re going to put yourself in sever danger and I will have to temple restrict you and ban you from active missions. ”She said quietly while resting a webbed hand on his knee.

Slumping a bit, Obi-Wan rubbed his face with his hand and peered over it when she squeezed his knee.

“We can soon see your ribs if you continue this Obi-Wan, do you remember what Qui-Gon did when you lost so much weight your ribs started showing?” She said softly.

Blinking, Obi-Wan stared at her before letting out a soft laugh. “He ate every meal with me, kept enriching them with nourishment powder and always carried things like nuts or fruit leathers on him until I gained ten kg. And always kept snacks on him after that just incase.” He said softly, remembering this part of his master fondly.

She smiled at him too, rubbing her thumbs over his knees slowly as he sat there in his thin tunics. “…Quinlan said you had a panic attack.” Bant stated, not asking anything outright but clearly offering to be his ear.

Sighing a bit, Obi-Wan patted the others hands. “Nightmares, they’ve become more common occurrence since the start of the war unfortunately and this time I didn’t handle them so well I’m sorry to say,” Obi-Wan said quietly while rubbing his thumbs over the others knuckles slowly. “I was back on Theed and… I couldn’tdo anything to save Qui-Gon once more.” He sighed quietly, wondering how life got this way before squeezing gently down on Bant’s hands.

Smiling at him, Bant stood. “I’m going to prescribe you some sleeping aids Obi-Wan. You clearly need it though I’m only going to give youfor two weeks,” She sent him a stern look when he opened his mouth.“You will take them because I am going to ensure you are medically grounded for two weeks at least to allow you time to recover and I know Quinlan is going to be in the temple too.”

Slumping a bit, Obi-Wan nodded reluctantly before smiling at the second part of the information. “I guess… I could spend a week in the temple.” He murmured.

“Two.”Bant said stubbornly, sending him a stern look.

“Two.”Obi-Wan sighed, lifting his hands in surrender.

Of course the first thing Bant did after making sure the council was informed was to inform Quinlan who showed up at the quarters and dragged Obi-Wan to dinner and then bed where they curled up around each other.

The sleeping aid was part of the reason Obi-Wan was asleep rather quickly yes but it was also the sensation of being curled up with someone familiar and safe, Obi-Wan leeching the heat of Quinlan’s body.

Hedidn’t even notice the door opening sometime in the night and Anakin peeking in, a jealous frown on the blonds face before the door shut, the sleeping master unaware in his deep aided sleep in his friends arms.

Daytoday- how is the pregnancy fairing?

quietly on the biobed with his tunic open, Obi-Wan watched Bant rub
the ultrasound device while sitting beside the bed on a small rolling
chair, getting it as warm as she could despite the fact that the gel
was cold where it rested on his stomach where she had put it near his
naval less than a minute ago.

his hand on Anakin’s hand, Obi-Wan hissed quietly as Bant gently
ran the ultrasound device over his stomach and thereby spreading the
cold gel over his vulnerable, slightly
bulging belly.

mon calamari gave him a quick, soothing smile before turning her eyes
on the viewscreen as she slowly rolled the ultrasound over the skin
in a searching motion. “Its not going to be too big yet Obi-Wan,
you’re only a bit over the
two months at max but-aha, here we are.” She said, her voice heavy
with satisfaction as he found what they expected.

three stared at the image, Obi-Wan hand clenching down on his lovers
hand as he stared at the blue shape on the screen as it twitched

It was
small, just a mass but… you could see a head.

was a clear head like shape and arms and what may be little fists
with tiny, oh so tiny fingers.

breath hitched a bit.

was their baby, this was what Obi-Wan had opted to keep, this was why
he was taking extra vitamins now that made his guts feel weird and
this was why he had arrived to the early healer appointment with Bant
to see.

To see
this tiny little being of
about eight centimeters, growing
little bundle that would become something so much larger in the

And it
made warmth bloom in his chest.

A warm
thumb rubbed over the back of his hand and he looked up at Anakin,
meeting a soft, understanding smile even as Anakin’s eyes were wide
in awe and delight still. “That’s our baby.” He whispered

out a little noise that may have been a laugh, Obi-Wan nodded.
“That’s our baby.” He agreed.

was a small chuckle, Bant messing with the viewscreen. “And by
this, I say Che was right that you’re right on the nine week it
looks like,” She grinned him. “Congratulation Obi-Wan, you got a
healthy little baby blob in there.” Bant teased gently in that
familiar tone she had used since they were creche mates.

made Obi-Wan laugh in delight as Anakin huffed at her and stuck out
his tongue.

Force, that was their baby and Bant was messing with the viewscreen
to take a picture both for the medical folder for the new life but
also to send with Obi-Wan and Anakin, the expecting parents and for a
moment he felt utterly overwhelmed as he tugged Anakin closer and
turned his face into the others dark tunic.

Anakin started stroking at the red hair with his mech hand, his voice
filled with concern before crooning softly, the Force filling with
understanding as Obi-Wan opened up in the bond for him to feel. “Its
alright, that’s our baby, yes. Its our baby.” He crooned.

sniffled into Anakin’s tunic, shaking and yet beyond delighted.

of the plans being set into motion on Coruscant, old men with old
agendas waiting for his opportunity to destroy.


until the door shut behind the last Senator, Sidious felt his face
turn into pure disgust as he rubbed his hands together as if to wipe
away some kind of horrid remains.

bills, intersex rights, intersex here and intersex there.

He was
sick of it and he wanted to throw up each time it was brought up and
if he could get away with it he’d be throwing Kenobi out his window
to be rid of the thing, especially before it could pop out its little

that’s what it is.’ He sneered to himself as he pulled his
terminal over to go over some of the budgeting of the

He had
barely gotten a line in when his secretary paged in. “Chancellor
sir?” The deep voice chimed in and Sidious rolled his eyes to
himself before answering.

T’Itna?” He answered in as chipper a tone as he could though from
the pause he could tell he hadn’t quite managed.

Clovis is here sir, he doesn’t have an appointment but he said he
and you may have something to discuss about a recent bill proposed,”
The twi’lek secretary said before adding in a concerned tone. “I
can send him away sir if you’re too tired.”

out a deep sigh, Sidious leaned back in his chair to give the air of
a tired and somewhat overwhelmed man. “No, no. I’ll see Senator
Clovis of course, send him in.”

watched with some confusion as the man entered, raising a brow when
the rather handsome man waited for the Chancellor’s door to shut
before he locked it and moved to the desk. “Chancellor Palpatine.”
He smiled warmly to him.

Clovis, what can I help Scipio with?” Sidious offered in return
while inwardly sneering.

smile grew. “I do believe it could be something we can help each
other with. The intersex bill and the Jedi and GAR’s current

raising in intrigue, Sidious gestured to a chair. “I’m

Daytoday- how is the pregnancy fairing?

quietly on the biobed with his tunic open, Obi-Wan watched Bant rub
the ultrasound device while sitting beside the bed on a small rolling
chair, getting it as warm as she could despite the fact that the gel
was cold where it rested on his stomach where she had put it near his
naval less than a minute ago.

his hand on Anakin’s hand, Obi-Wan hissed quietly as Bant gently
ran the ultrasound device over his stomach and thereby spreading the
cold gel over his vulnerable, slightly
bulging belly.

mon calamari gave him a quick, soothing smile before turning her eyes
on the viewscreen as she slowly rolled the ultrasound over the skin
in a searching motion. “Its not going to be too big yet Obi-Wan,
you’re only a bit over the
two months at max but-aha, here we are.” She said, her voice heavy
with satisfaction as he found what they expected.

three stared at the image, Obi-Wan hand clenching down on his lovers
hand as he stared at the blue shape on the screen as it twitched

It was
small, just a mass but… you could see a head.

was a clear head like shape and arms and what may be little fists
with tiny, oh so tiny fingers.

breath hitched a bit.

was their baby, this was what Obi-Wan had opted to keep, this was why
he was taking extra vitamins now that made his guts feel weird and
this was why he had arrived to the early healer appointment with Bant
to see.

To see
this tiny little being of
about eight centimeters, growing
little bundle that would become something so much larger in the

And it
made warmth bloom in his chest.

A warm
thumb rubbed over the back of his hand and he looked up at Anakin,
meeting a soft, understanding smile even as Anakin’s eyes were wide
in awe and delight still. “That’s our baby.” He whispered

out a little noise that may have been a laugh, Obi-Wan nodded.
“That’s our baby.” He agreed.

was a small chuckle, Bant messing with the viewscreen. “And by
this, I say Che was right that you’re right on the nine week it
looks like,” She grinned him. “Congratulation Obi-Wan, you got a
healthy little baby blob in there.” Bant teased gently in that
familiar tone she had used since they were creche mates.

made Obi-Wan laugh in delight as Anakin huffed at her and stuck out
his tongue.

Force, that was their baby and Bant was messing with the viewscreen
to take a picture both for the medical folder for the new life but
also to send with Obi-Wan and Anakin, the expecting parents and for a
moment he felt utterly overwhelmed as he tugged Anakin closer and
turned his face into the others dark tunic.

Anakin started stroking at the red hair with his mech hand, his voice
filled with concern before crooning softly, the Force filling with
understanding as Obi-Wan opened up in the bond for him to feel. “Its
alright, that’s our baby, yes. Its our baby.” He crooned.

sniffled into Anakin’s tunic, shaking and yet beyond delighted.

of the plans being set into motion on Coruscant, old men with old
agendas waiting for his opportunity to destroy.


until the door shut behind the last Senator, Sidious felt his face
turn into pure disgust as he rubbed his hands together as if to wipe
away some kind of horrid remains.

bills, intersex rights, intersex here and intersex there.

He was
sick of it and he wanted to throw up each time it was brought up and
if he could get away with it he’d be throwing Kenobi out his window
to be rid of the thing, especially before it could pop out its little

that’s what it is.’ He sneered to himself as he pulled his
terminal over to go over some of the budgeting of the

He had
barely gotten a line in when his secretary paged in. “Chancellor
sir?” The deep voice chimed in and Sidious rolled his eyes to
himself before answering.

T’Itna?” He answered in as chipper a tone as he could though from
the pause he could tell he hadn’t quite managed.

Clovis is here sir, he doesn’t have an appointment but he said he
and you may have something to discuss about a recent bill proposed,”
The twi’lek secretary said before adding in a concerned tone. “I
can send him away sir if you’re too tired.”

out a deep sigh, Sidious leaned back in his chair to give the air of
a tired and somewhat overwhelmed man. “No, no. I’ll see Senator
Clovis of course, send him in.”

watched with some confusion as the man entered, raising a brow when
the rather handsome man waited for the Chancellor’s door to shut
before he locked it and moved to the desk. “Chancellor Palpatine.”
He smiled warmly to him.

Clovis, what can I help Scipio with?” Sidious offered in return
while inwardly sneering.

smile grew. “I do believe it could be something we can help each
other with. The intersex bill and the Jedi and GAR’s current

raising in intrigue, Sidious gestured to a chair. “I’m

WhereFromHere: Oh my goodness! I never forget how much I love this one, but I do forget what it’s called. Every. Single. Time. So, here’s a request for either seeing what happens with Bruck or some of Obi’s friends supporting him. Or maybe a little of both? And of course Qui maybe hovering just a little bit because someone almost hurt his mostly defenseless padawan who he already let get hurt once and this time in the temple where he should be safe. ^^;;

Grabbing the man by
the scruff, Tahl firmly shook her head. “No Qui-Gon, don’t,”
She said sternly as Bant continued carefully helping the other
padawan with his leg day, moving down the rail slowly and steadily.
“I know you’re worried but there is just Bant in here, no
Initiate Chun or Aalto. Just us, Bant and the healers.” She
whispered quickly.

Taking a deep
breath, Qui-Gon stayed tense before slowly relaxing and nodding,
settling back down on the chair beside the other master. “Apologies
Tahl, I’ve just been on edge ever since the incident. Chun almos-”

“I know,” Tahl
broke in gently but not unkindly. “Everyone knows Qui-Gon, the Chun
incident is all over the temple because of how he was going to strike
a basically defenseless person in anger. But we’re here, you need
to trust Obi-Wan to look after himself. Because you and I both know
he could have struck back if he wished, chair or no chair.” She
said seriously.

Letting out a sharp
breath through his nose, Qui-Gon nodded slowly.

Oh he was very much
aware that Obi-Wan could protect himself even in the chair.

He had even asked
Obi-Wan why the other hadn’t tried to defend himself only to
receive a hesitant answer about no one believing him before when he
defended himself against Chun.

And oh that had
broken Qui-Gon’s heart even more.

To hear that
Obi-Wan did not think he could defend himself against his own agemate
should they act against him lest the masters or knights thought it
was Obi-Wan’s fault…

Well, Qui-Gon had
needed a stiff drink after that and had to go speak to several of
Obi-Wan’s teachers.

Breathing heavily
the man settled again and nodded to Tahl. “You’re right, I need
to let him be independent.” He agreed with her.

Over at the rails,
Bant and Obi-Wan was slowly making his way with Bant in front of him.

“I can’t
believe how much progress you’ve been doing Obi-Wan!” She beamed
at him, walking backwards for each step the redhead took. “You can
pretty much walk even though its with support and that’s so much
better!” She beamed.

Laughing in a
fatigued breath, Obi-Wan beamed at her. “I know. The healers are-”
He paused to take a deep gulp of breath and lick his lips. “Very
impressed with me with what I’m doing.” Obi-Wan finished off,
legs and arms trembling as he followed after her.

“Do you need your
hoverchair? Your legs are shaking very hard.” Bant noticed with
some worry.

“I… yes.”
Obi-Wan nodded, stopping so she could get the hoverchair in position
so he could settle into it. “Oh gosh, that was… well I have been
at it for an hour.” He grinned up at her, sweat rolling down his

Humming, Bant
nodded and picked up one of the bottles of water, shoving it into his
hands. “Drink!” She beamed.

Chuckling a bit,
Obi-Wan broke the seal and started sucking water down carefully.
“Mmmn, cold hydration.” He singsonged with delight before using
the back of his arm to wipe his forehead for sweat, droplets visible
on his arm as he was wearing only a sleeveless exercise shirt and

Giggling a bit,
Bant pushed Obi-Wan carefully out from the rails. “You reek, you
need a wash.” She teased her friend warmly before hugging him from
behind as he continued to chug down the water.

“Might be right.
Been a few days I guess,” Obi-Wan hummed while glancing at his
master from the corner of his eyes, relaxing when he saw Qui-Gon
speaking to Tahl. “And thank the Force, Master Tahl got Master to
calm down.” He smiled.

“Its kind of cute
though,” Bant smiled at him, resting her chin on his shoulder. “How
protective he got over you. He cares about you a lot.”

Blushing slightly,
Obi-Wan glanced away with a small smile. “Well… there is that.”
He agreed shyly.

Grinning, Bant
hugged him tighter, knowing how pleased Obi-Wan really was about it.

After all, all
padawans want their masters to approve and like them.

WhereFromHere: Oh my goodness! I never forget how much I love this one, but I do forget what it’s called. Every. Single. Time. So, here’s a request for either seeing what happens with Bruck or some of Obi’s friends supporting him. Or maybe a little of both? And of course Qui maybe hovering just a little bit because someone almost hurt his mostly defenseless padawan who he already let get hurt once and this time in the temple where he should be safe. ^^;;

Grabbing the man by
the scruff, Tahl firmly shook her head. “No Qui-Gon, don’t,”
She said sternly as Bant continued carefully helping the other
padawan with his leg day, moving down the rail slowly and steadily.
“I know you’re worried but there is just Bant in here, no
Initiate Chun or Aalto. Just us, Bant and the healers.” She
whispered quickly.

Taking a deep
breath, Qui-Gon stayed tense before slowly relaxing and nodding,
settling back down on the chair beside the other master. “Apologies
Tahl, I’ve just been on edge ever since the incident. Chun almos-”

“I know,” Tahl
broke in gently but not unkindly. “Everyone knows Qui-Gon, the Chun
incident is all over the temple because of how he was going to strike
a basically defenseless person in anger. But we’re here, you need
to trust Obi-Wan to look after himself. Because you and I both know
he could have struck back if he wished, chair or no chair.” She
said seriously.

Letting out a sharp
breath through his nose, Qui-Gon nodded slowly.

Oh he was very much
aware that Obi-Wan could protect himself even in the chair.

He had even asked
Obi-Wan why the other hadn’t tried to defend himself only to
receive a hesitant answer about no one believing him before when he
defended himself against Chun.

And oh that had
broken Qui-Gon’s heart even more.

To hear that
Obi-Wan did not think he could defend himself against his own agemate
should they act against him lest the masters or knights thought it
was Obi-Wan’s fault…

Well, Qui-Gon had
needed a stiff drink after that and had to go speak to several of
Obi-Wan’s teachers.

Breathing heavily
the man settled again and nodded to Tahl. “You’re right, I need
to let him be independent.” He agreed with her.

Over at the rails,
Bant and Obi-Wan was slowly making his way with Bant in front of him.

“I can’t
believe how much progress you’ve been doing Obi-Wan!” She beamed
at him, walking backwards for each step the redhead took. “You can
pretty much walk even though its with support and that’s so much
better!” She beamed.

Laughing in a
fatigued breath, Obi-Wan beamed at her. “I know. The healers are-”
He paused to take a deep gulp of breath and lick his lips. “Very
impressed with me with what I’m doing.” Obi-Wan finished off,
legs and arms trembling as he followed after her.

“Do you need your
hoverchair? Your legs are shaking very hard.” Bant noticed with
some worry.

“I… yes.”
Obi-Wan nodded, stopping so she could get the hoverchair in position
so he could settle into it. “Oh gosh, that was… well I have been
at it for an hour.” He grinned up at her, sweat rolling down his

Humming, Bant
nodded and picked up one of the bottles of water, shoving it into his
hands. “Drink!” She beamed.

Chuckling a bit,
Obi-Wan broke the seal and started sucking water down carefully.
“Mmmn, cold hydration.” He singsonged with delight before using
the back of his arm to wipe his forehead for sweat, droplets visible
on his arm as he was wearing only a sleeveless exercise shirt and

Giggling a bit,
Bant pushed Obi-Wan carefully out from the rails. “You reek, you
need a wash.” She teased her friend warmly before hugging him from
behind as he continued to chug down the water.

“Might be right.
Been a few days I guess,” Obi-Wan hummed while glancing at his
master from the corner of his eyes, relaxing when he saw Qui-Gon
speaking to Tahl. “And thank the Force, Master Tahl got Master to
calm down.” He smiled.

“Its kind of cute
though,” Bant smiled at him, resting her chin on his shoulder. “How
protective he got over you. He cares about you a lot.”

Blushing slightly,
Obi-Wan glanced away with a small smile. “Well… there is that.”
He agreed shyly.

Grinning, Bant
hugged him tighter, knowing how pleased Obi-Wan really was about it.

After all, all
padawans want their masters to approve and like them.

Hi Moddy, could you possibly do some more of the ScarsOfSlavery story? Like maybe the rest of the Jedi in the Temple reacting to fresh-out-of-slavery Obi-Wan? Are they curious, understanding, distant or do they coddle him? What about his friends? The Council? Don’t worry if you have too many prompts already, I know you work hard on this blog! Have a lovely day x

Tucked up to
Garen’s side, Obi-Wan pretended not to hear the soft whispers
following them as he moved gingerly after his friend to the meeting
spot with the others. He was fully aware that somewhere behind them,
a fair distance actually, Qui-Gon was quietly trailing them in worry
for Obi-Wan’s condition but choose not to feel offended over that.

Force knew if his
padawan who was missing in slavery for two years was returned, he
wouldn’t be wholly comfortable out of his sight either.

“You okay
Obi-Wan? You’re kind of shivering,” Garen asked, glancing worriedly
down at him as they continued shiver. “If you’re tired we can
stop.” He quickly offered.

Smiling slightly,
Obi-Wan gave a slight head shake. “Not tired. I’m cold Garen, I
don’t have any body fat left to keep me warm and despite wearing a
thick layer, my body is still… adjusting.” He explained softly to
his friend while not getting into details.

Honestly he didn’t
think those details were for anyone but his master and the healers
trying to help him really.

Garen face eased a
bit at the information though and he nodded before stripping his robe
off and throwing it around his friend with a smile. “Well, I’m
plenty warm so you can borrow my robe.” He said in a faux light

But Obi-Wan
appreciated the attempt at normality since most of the temple wasn’t
quite sure how to treat him.

So far most had
either settled on ignoring what had happened to Obi-Wan or treating
him with exaggerating carefulness as if he could break apart at

Not that Obi-Wan
outright minded the latter behavior all the time.

There was very
little left of the prideful padawan he had once been and he knew that
he wasn’t fully healed, not with how Qui-Gon could reach around his
waist with his hands and touch fingers. And that was without
mentioning his mind.

The wounds of his
body may be healed and scars left behind.

The wounds of the
mind was a wholly different set of maim that wasn’t as easy to fix,
even for Jedi.

He was fragile, he
shivered a lot, sometimes he had flashback and a wrong touch to the
scars on his neck or wrists could send him into panic attack and he
didn’t want to think what would happen if someone tried to hold him
down at this point which was why Qui-Gon was pointedly staying away
from the public sparring salle and instead booking the private ones
for Obi-Wan’s katas and physical therapy, slow as it was going with
rest days.

So instead he
smiled softly up at his friend while tucking the large robe around

He also noted to
himself that it shouldn’t be this large, that he and Garen weren’t
that dissimilar in size.

‘I may be the
same height but I’m clearly smaller thanks to all the muscle and
weight I shed.’ Obi-Wan noted to himself, wondering if perhaps he
seemed even smaller because he folded in on himself.

Before he could
spiral more into his self doubt, he was interrupted by Garen.

Looking up, he
found Garen having one hand raised, moments away from touching him
and when he was sure Obi-Wan was watching, he placed his hand down
with a smile, nodding. “Just down this way, Bant and Reeft are
waiting on us.”

Smiling while
leaning into the touch, Obi-Wan nodded, letting Garen guide him to
the room and open it only to almost be swept off his feet at the
outpouring of love and concern from his friends as Bant actually did
sweep him off his feet to hug him.


His master
instantly reached out in the Force with concern in case Bant’s
overwhelming action triggered a panic attack only for Obi-Wan to hug
her just as fiercely in return, burying his face into her salt
smelling skin for comfort.

Obi-Wan was home.

Home and safe.

Hi Moddy, could you possibly do some more of the ScarsOfSlavery story? Like maybe the rest of the Jedi in the Temple reacting to fresh-out-of-slavery Obi-Wan? Are they curious, understanding, distant or do they coddle him? What about his friends? The Council? Don’t worry if you have too many prompts already, I know you work hard on this blog! Have a lovely day x

Tucked up to
Garen’s side, Obi-Wan pretended not to hear the soft whispers
following them as he moved gingerly after his friend to the meeting
spot with the others. He was fully aware that somewhere behind them,
a fair distance actually, Qui-Gon was quietly trailing them in worry
for Obi-Wan’s condition but choose not to feel offended over that.

Force knew if his
padawan who was missing in slavery for two years was returned, he
wouldn’t be wholly comfortable out of his sight either.

“You okay
Obi-Wan? You’re kind of shivering,” Garen asked, glancing worriedly
down at him as they continued shiver. “If you’re tired we can
stop.” He quickly offered.

Smiling slightly,
Obi-Wan gave a slight head shake. “Not tired. I’m cold Garen, I
don’t have any body fat left to keep me warm and despite wearing a
thick layer, my body is still… adjusting.” He explained softly to
his friend while not getting into details.

Honestly he didn’t
think those details were for anyone but his master and the healers
trying to help him really.

Garen face eased a
bit at the information though and he nodded before stripping his robe
off and throwing it around his friend with a smile. “Well, I’m
plenty warm so you can borrow my robe.” He said in a faux light

But Obi-Wan
appreciated the attempt at normality since most of the temple wasn’t
quite sure how to treat him.

So far most had
either settled on ignoring what had happened to Obi-Wan or treating
him with exaggerating carefulness as if he could break apart at

Not that Obi-Wan
outright minded the latter behavior all the time.

There was very
little left of the prideful padawan he had once been and he knew that
he wasn’t fully healed, not with how Qui-Gon could reach around his
waist with his hands and touch fingers. And that was without
mentioning his mind.

The wounds of his
body may be healed and scars left behind.

The wounds of the
mind was a wholly different set of maim that wasn’t as easy to fix,
even for Jedi.

He was fragile, he
shivered a lot, sometimes he had flashback and a wrong touch to the
scars on his neck or wrists could send him into panic attack and he
didn’t want to think what would happen if someone tried to hold him
down at this point which was why Qui-Gon was pointedly staying away
from the public sparring salle and instead booking the private ones
for Obi-Wan’s katas and physical therapy, slow as it was going with
rest days.

So instead he
smiled softly up at his friend while tucking the large robe around

He also noted to
himself that it shouldn’t be this large, that he and Garen weren’t
that dissimilar in size.

‘I may be the
same height but I’m clearly smaller thanks to all the muscle and
weight I shed.’ Obi-Wan noted to himself, wondering if perhaps he
seemed even smaller because he folded in on himself.

Before he could
spiral more into his self doubt, he was interrupted by Garen.

Looking up, he
found Garen having one hand raised, moments away from touching him
and when he was sure Obi-Wan was watching, he placed his hand down
with a smile, nodding. “Just down this way, Bant and Reeft are
waiting on us.”

Smiling while
leaning into the touch, Obi-Wan nodded, letting Garen guide him to
the room and open it only to almost be swept off his feet at the
outpouring of love and concern from his friends as Bant actually did
sweep him off his feet to hug him.


His master
instantly reached out in the Force with concern in case Bant’s
overwhelming action triggered a panic attack only for Obi-Wan to hug
her just as fiercely in return, burying his face into her salt
smelling skin for comfort.

Obi-Wan was home.

Home and safe.

I just love safety delayed! (Even though it kinda breaks my heart…) Maybe now that obi’s leg is hurt he becomes anxious because he can’t do much and worries all the time that he’ll be punished for it. What will the others do about that? Will qui try to talk to him again and maybe get him talk about his life as a padawan?

Staring out the
cockpit window since he had offered the pilot to take over so the
lady could rest some, Qui-Gon stared at the stars for long moments
without really seeing them at all as they were approaching the

He was however
aware enough to smile when Tahl entered the cockpit with two mugs in
hand, accepting one gratefully before turning his eyes back to the

Neither said
anything, choosing to sip the soup that both warmed and nourished
before Qui-Gon sighed deeply and looked at the dark skinned woman.
“Well?” He questioned.

“Fully broken.
That he managed to walk on it at all is nothing short of a miracle or
pure stubbornness,” She hesitated a bit before adding. “Or
determination through fear.” Tahl said softly, sitting down
in the co-pilot seat.

“Thought as
much,” Qui-Gon returned his eyes to the stars. “…He flinched
from me when I tried to touch his shoulder and praise him, lifted his
arm up to cover his head.” He whispered and Tahl almost dropped her
cup in shock.

Even though they
suspected it to the point that they were rather sure, it was still
horrifying and painful to have even more.

She swallowed
heavily before whispering. “His leg is covered in bruises. He
seemed terrified to pull up his pant leg to show me his injury. I
think if Obi-Wan could, he would have bolted from me.” Tahl sighed
deeply, feeling emotionally and mentally worn out as she just dropped
back into the chair with her cup, almost sloshing soup over the rim.

Qui-Gon rumbled at
that, adjusting some of the console control before making the jump
into hyperspace.

With that done he
too slumped back in his chair with a little more grace than his

For several minutes
neither said a thing and just focused on sipping their soup before
Tahl sighed and looked to the other Jedi. “Did you manage to send
of a message to Master Koon?” She asked quietly, humming when
Qui-Gon nodded. “Good, at least they’ll be ready when we arrive.
We’ll more than likely be meet by council members in the hanger and
healers.” Her face twisted.

She’d seen this
once before, a knight caught in abusing their padawan, when they had
returned from mission the knight and padawan had been quickly
separated under the pretense of the padawan requiring some kind of
emergency hypospray shot set and the councilor took the knight away
only for the Sentinels to drag her away once the padawan was out of
sight and danger from the master.

Tahl had been young

“Yan could be
stern when I was his padawan,” Qui-Gon murmured. “He’s an older
master and trained by Yoda but his punishments would never include
striking me or physical pain for such a purpose. Extra chores? Yes.
Essays on why I should not have done what I did, of course and even
meditation. But he never struck me for the purpose of discipline,”
He breathed out heavily. “That this knight Shkma would dare to…”
He trailed off, incensed.

Tahl just sighed,
finishing off her cup. “I know.” She whispered heavily.

Frowning into his
cup, Qui-Gon looked at her again. “Wait, should we warn Obi-Wan?
Won’t he be upset when the healers and council members meet us in
the hanger?” He questioned.

Hesitating, Tahl
finally shook her head. “No, they’ll have a plausible
explanation, his leg.” She settled on.

Frowning still,
Qui-Gon slowly nodded and finished his own cup.

Neither heard the
quiet steps of the sole mon calamari with her hands pressed over her
mouth and wide, teary eyes as she made her way back to the lounge,
Bant’s shoulders shaking as she observed her friend sleeping in the
corner with his back to the wall and both his legs, even his injured
one, pulled up to his chest.

‘Poor Obi-Wan!’