#obiinpain- Obi struggles with his emotions.

for your thought?”

up from the water, Obi-Wan let out a soft noise as Bant settled down
beside him, the mon calamarian Jedi pulling off her boots and rolling
up her leggings to dip her legs into the water with him. “Just…
life I guess.” Obi-Wan offered quietly, resting his elbows on his

faintly, Bant swished her legs about while watching her old friend.
Then she focused out over the water, one of the many bodies of water
the Gardens had.

was after all a reason for it to be named Room of a thousand

know,” Bant started slowly, tapping her fingers on her knee. “When
something is bothering a person, it helps to speak with others,”
She glanced at him, her lips twisting unhappily when Obi-Wan looked
away. “You’re making people concerned Obi-Wan, everyone has taken
notice how you’re pulling into yourself. We’re worried.” Bant
said bluntly.

deeply, Obi-Wan ran his hand over his hair, biting at his lips.
“…Anakin is in love with me.” He finally said roughly, his
voice wretched.

eyes blinked at him, the fellow Jedi knight raising her brows before
snorting. “Well yes, everyone knows that. He’s not subtle.”
Bant murmured dryly, rolling her eyes when Obi-Wan gaped at her. “Oh
come on Obi-Wan, he goes searching for your favorite dessert in the
dining hall, he goes looking for gifts for you, he makes flower
crowns to place on your head.” She chided gently.

eyes wide, Obi-Wan wondered how long this had been going on before
shaking his head and huffing. “And I think I love him?” He
stuttered out.


sat there tensely,
the sound of of
bubbling and rushing water coupled with birds and other animal life
being the only noise filling them.

then Bant snorted loudly, giving a laugh. “So that’s
what’s this is about. You’re scared of how to approach him?”
She grinned at him.

No!” Obi-Wan jerked a bit back only to hiss and settle his hand on
his hip, Bant’s eyes turning apologetic. “Force Bant! I’m too
old for him and I’m karking broken. What does he want with someone
as infirm as me!” He huffed deeply, panting a bit as he tried to
ease the pain he had accidentally triggered.

cool, scaled hand settled over his, providing healing. “Obi-Wan,”
Bant murmured, prompting him to look up to meet her sympathetic
yellow eyes. “You are not infirm nor are you old. Is that really
how you think of yourself?” She whispered worriedly.

away, uncomfortable, Obi-Wan shrugged slightly, mute as he stared at
a little rodent that was eating an insect, one of the many animals of
the gardens in the temple.

you’re a wonderfully capable knight, a compassionate and kind man
and you’re smart,
even if you’re injured,” Bant raised her hand, cupping his chin
to turn it back so they could meet eyes again. “Obi-Wan, anyone
would be lucky to have you. And he loves you, knowing all that he
does about you. Denying it won’t help either of you and he’s been
ever so worried about you.” Bant pointed out carefully.

I am broken,’ Obi-Wan didn’t say that thought, only gave his
childhood friend a small smile before pulling her into a tight hug.
‘I’m broken. Ruined. I’m never going to become a master, I
can’t, not like this. I can’t go on long missions alone anymore.
I’m reliant on others. It’s puppy love, it can’t be… Anakin
will find something better easily.’

if knowing what he was thinking, Bant let out a mournful, soul
wrenching sound and held him against her, trying to offer up the
comfort she could while Obi-Wan mentally disparaged himself.

In a kinder universe, how does Ezra deal with being in the creche? Does he have trouble being with a bunch of stranger kids?

the pudding out of the bowl, Ezra shot the ones in his room a big
smile even as he tugged the blanket more up around himself.

smiled at the sight, before turning to healer Eerin. “So he’ll be
okay in a few days?” He questioned quietly, relaxing as the mon
calamari nodded.

his fever is going down as we speak and he’s recovering thanks to
the food we’re giving him which he has to continue eating so we
will be giving the creche a schedule for him and approved food items.
He’ll be able to join them soon enough and start socializing with
kids his own age.” She said happily.

healers had done the best they could, putting in a colorful blanket
with tooka’s covering it and a few soft toys but a Hall room was no
place for a child long term though some could not avoid it. They
always tried to make the rooms as child friendly as possible when
that happened but thankfully Ezra would only need the room for a few
more days until his fever and infectious period was over and then
he’d be able to be around other children.

had been given all his immunization shots and Healer Eerin had
actually been happily surprised by how strong Ezra’s immune system

were a few other notes, a few strong vitamins the kid would have to
take for a few weeks and he was allergic to a particular Lothalian
grain but other than that, Ezra would be just fine.

was of course the trauma and Eerin had warned Caleb, as the boy’s
future master, that Ezra had a badly healed break in his left wrist
that they would have to take a closer look on as he got older since
Ezra was left handed.

had confused Caleb and he had refuted that by saying Ezra used his
right hand quite a bit which lead to them discovering that Ezra was
neither left or right handed, he was ambidextrous, being equally
adept at using both right and left at the same time.

had just shrugged when asked about it and said that sometimes his
left or right ached so he used the one that didn’t ache.

simple and blunt explanation from a child who didn’t see what was
so special about it.

to the healer, Caleb moved to Ezra’s side, sitting down on the
bedside with a small smile as he held up the pad. “Brought the
story I promised.” He chuckled when blue eyes lit up, excitement
filling the air as Ezra tucked back into the pillows though he also
pulled the tray with him to finish off his pudding.

the blanket up to the boys armpits to leave his arms free to continue
eating, Caleb settled back against the headboard covered in large
pillows, powering up the pad to start reading and
as they got into the story, he felt Ezra settle into his side.

Caleb looped his arm around the boy to make it clear the contact was


first few hours in the creche was…quiet, the boy staying close to crechemaster Dutra for the most part with an uncertain look in his eyes as he looked around at all the kids.

kept a discreet eye as he volunteered that day, just to keep an eye
with his future padawan but kept a bit of distance too so Ezra wouldn’t
latch onto him. He had wanted to be around the boy but the
crechemaster had warned him that Ezra needed to find his own legs and
not latch onto Caleb.

him dependent on Caleb and him alone would be bad as he needed to be able to rely on the other adults in his life and reach out to other kids but if Ezra showed
signs of outright distress he could intervene.

Ezra started to come out of his shell after a few of those quiet hours of uncertainty, finding another human boy by
the name Jai and a rodian girl named Saph that shared his interest in
animals, all three of them looking up different animals on the holopad stationed in the learning corner and
attracting a small circle of younglings that listened to the holo
audio explain the animals they saw.

quite liked the purrgils
for some reason, clapping his hands in excitement.

out a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding, Caleb felt some calm
settle into his body, knowing that Ezra was making bonds in the

felt good.

though he was still a tiny bit tense around adults he didn’t yet
know, that was fair too with his life until now. Ezra would learn that the temple would
safeguard him and that was all Caleb needed in that moment to feel
himself settle.

knowledge that his future padawan was safe and would be cared for
until it was time.

would be ready by then.

to be ready by then because there was no way he’d let Ezra slip
through his fingers.

that in mind he turned to the togruta he was feeding only to feel his
face fall as a certain smell reached him, informing him it was diaper
change. ‘Never to much of a Jedi to be humbled by poo diapers I
guess.’ He sighed and set the bowl aside, lifting the youngling up
with a half smile.

In a kinder universe, how does Ezra deal with being in the creche? Does he have trouble being with a bunch of stranger kids?

the pudding out of the bowl, Ezra shot the ones in his room a big
smile even as he tugged the blanket more up around himself.

smiled at the sight, before turning to healer Eerin. “So he’ll be
okay in a few days?” He questioned quietly, relaxing as the mon
calamari nodded.

his fever is going down as we speak and he’s recovering thanks to
the food we’re giving him which he has to continue eating so we
will be giving the creche a schedule for him and approved food items.
He’ll be able to join them soon enough and start socializing with
kids his own age.” She said happily.

healers had done the best they could, putting in a colorful blanket
with tooka’s covering it and a few soft toys but a Hall room was no
place for a child long term though some could not avoid it. They
always tried to make the rooms as child friendly as possible when
that happened but thankfully Ezra would only need the room for a few
more days until his fever and infectious period was over and then
he’d be able to be around other children.

had been given all his immunization shots and Healer Eerin had
actually been happily surprised by how strong Ezra’s immune system

were a few other notes, a few strong vitamins the kid would have to
take for a few weeks and he was allergic to a particular Lothalian
grain but other than that, Ezra would be just fine.

was of course the trauma and Eerin had warned Caleb, as the boy’s
future master, that Ezra had a badly healed break in his left wrist
that they would have to take a closer look on as he got older since
Ezra was left handed.

had confused Caleb and he had refuted that by saying Ezra used his
right hand quite a bit which lead to them discovering that Ezra was
neither left or right handed, he was ambidextrous, being equally
adept at using both right and left at the same time.

had just shrugged when asked about it and said that sometimes his
left or right ached so he used the one that didn’t ache.

simple and blunt explanation from a child who didn’t see what was
so special about it.

to the healer, Caleb moved to Ezra’s side, sitting down on the
bedside with a small smile as he held up the pad. “Brought the
story I promised.” He chuckled when blue eyes lit up, excitement
filling the air as Ezra tucked back into the pillows though he also
pulled the tray with him to finish off his pudding.

the blanket up to the boys armpits to leave his arms free to continue
eating, Caleb settled back against the headboard covered in large
pillows, powering up the pad to start reading and
as they got into the story, he felt Ezra settle into his side.

Caleb looped his arm around the boy to make it clear the contact was


first few hours in the creche was…quiet, the boy staying close to crechemaster Dutra for the most part with an uncertain look in his eyes as he looked around at all the kids.

kept a discreet eye as he volunteered that day, just to keep an eye
with his future padawan but kept a bit of distance too so Ezra wouldn’t
latch onto him. He had wanted to be around the boy but the
crechemaster had warned him that Ezra needed to find his own legs and
not latch onto Caleb.

him dependent on Caleb and him alone would be bad as he needed to be able to rely on the other adults in his life and reach out to other kids but if Ezra showed
signs of outright distress he could intervene.

Ezra started to come out of his shell after a few of those quiet hours of uncertainty, finding another human boy by
the name Jai and a rodian girl named Saph that shared his interest in
animals, all three of them looking up different animals on the holopad stationed in the learning corner and
attracting a small circle of younglings that listened to the holo
audio explain the animals they saw.

quite liked the purrgils
for some reason, clapping his hands in excitement.

out a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding, Caleb felt some calm
settle into his body, knowing that Ezra was making bonds in the

felt good.

though he was still a tiny bit tense around adults he didn’t yet
know, that was fair too with his life until now. Ezra would learn that the temple would
safeguard him and that was all Caleb needed in that moment to feel
himself settle.

knowledge that his future padawan was safe and would be cared for
until it was time.

would be ready by then.

to be ready by then because there was no way he’d let Ezra slip
through his fingers.

that in mind he turned to the togruta he was feeding only to feel his
face fall as a certain smell reached him, informing him it was diaper
change. ‘Never to much of a Jedi to be humbled by poo diapers I
guess.’ He sighed and set the bowl aside, lifting the youngling up
with a half smile.

In old and sweet, Maybe Anakin find out about a health issue that Obi has because someone mentions that a concern of Anakin’s has been a life long problem?

at the bottle Bant handed him, Anakin’s frown grew. “Wait… this
is that bottle Obi-Wan tries to hide every time we get shipped out
somewhere. He had this even before the war. This is a medical
bottle.” He stated, completely unnecessary
if Bant’s raised brow was any indication.

The mon calamari clearly wasn’t following. “It’s his normal
pressure medication.” She clarified for Anakin, as
if he should already know this, as if she felt this was something he
should know already.

up when Anakin’s head snapped up to stare at her in shock, his blue
eyes wide as he stared at Bant. “Obi-Wan has blood pressure
medication? Wai-wait, he’s had this bottle since I became his
padawan! He always joked it off as vitamins.” He snapped out, tone
angry with his surprise.

a few Jedi scattered out of the hallway at his tone.

Anakin Skywalker had not been aware of his master’s health

let her face drop in one of her hands. “He hasn’t told you, of
course he hasn’t told you… that idiot.” She grumbled.

Ben had appeared, Bant just assumed that Anakin was aware of every
medication Obi-Wan was now on, several of them for things that were
to come but this was a per-existing condition after all.

a partner should be aware of when they were out on missions!

had neglected to tell Anakin and now the cat was out of the bag
because Bant had given Obi-Wan’s medication to Anakin, assuming he
knew and would give the new bottle to the man.

was a little tug and she looked up, finding Anakin staring at her
with those wide blue eyes that she remembered from his childhood and
Obi-Wan had been Hall locked, full of worry and vulnerability.
“Bant…” He murmured, tone pleading as he let his hand drop from
her wrist.

Bant glanced up and down the hall before nodding. “Alright, Obi-Wan
has an early onset of Stewjoni blood pressure syndrome,” She
murmured quietly, resting a hand on the human’s shoulder. “He’s
had it since he was young and been on oral medication for it since
than. His blood pressure fluctuates, it can be high or low or normal
you see.” Bant explained quietly.

nodded. “What does… that mean for Obi-Wan?” He asked, his mech
hand holding the bottle tightly.

deeply, Bant smiled wryly to try and calm the other. “Well, high
blood pressure can give him headaches but it also makes him more
vulnerable to strokes or heart attacks or even lead to kidney
failure,” She explained softly, seeing the sun tanned human go pale
beneath it. “Low blood pressure wouldn’t normally be bad, it can
actually be good for humans but Obi-Wan has the unhealthy brand of
low pressure,” Bant continued on. ‘In for a penny, in for a
pound.’ As her kind said back on their world. “As in he’ll
experience dizzy spells, fainting or circulatory shock if it gets bad

heavily, clearly struggling, Anakin nodded. “Circulatory shock…

interrupted him, going
for the simplest explanation she could.
“Its when there isn’t enough blood going to the tissue of your
body, leading to it going into shock which can… well it leads to
cardiac arrest and if left untreated…” She trailed of.

understood what she was implying though and nodded, staring at the
bottle in his hand.

he looked up at her, his face turning tight. “I’ll make sure he
gets this… and I’m going to have to have a serious conversation
with him.” He cursed quietly to himself, muttering about Ben and
diet plans and suddenly things making sense about
Obi-Wan’s little dizzy fits.

inwardly sighed as Anakin shot off down the hall towards his
quarters, most likely intent on picking up his bag so he could join
Obi-Wan and the others.

was glad she wouldn’t be there for that confrontation, Anakin was a
force of nature when someone he cared about was in danger.

In old and sweet, Maybe Anakin find out about a health issue that Obi has because someone mentions that a concern of Anakin’s has been a life long problem?

at the bottle Bant handed him, Anakin’s frown grew. “Wait… this
is that bottle Obi-Wan tries to hide every time we get shipped out
somewhere. He had this even before the war. This is a medical
bottle.” He stated, completely unnecessary
if Bant’s raised brow was any indication.

The mon calamari clearly wasn’t following. “It’s his normal
pressure medication.” She clarified for Anakin, as
if he should already know this, as if she felt this was something he
should know already.

up when Anakin’s head snapped up to stare at her in shock, his blue
eyes wide as he stared at Bant. “Obi-Wan has blood pressure
medication? Wai-wait, he’s had this bottle since I became his
padawan! He always joked it off as vitamins.” He snapped out, tone
angry with his surprise.

a few Jedi scattered out of the hallway at his tone.

Anakin Skywalker had not been aware of his master’s health

let her face drop in one of her hands. “He hasn’t told you, of
course he hasn’t told you… that idiot.” She grumbled.

Ben had appeared, Bant just assumed that Anakin was aware of every
medication Obi-Wan was now on, several of them for things that were
to come but this was a per-existing condition after all.

a partner should be aware of when they were out on missions!

had neglected to tell Anakin and now the cat was out of the bag
because Bant had given Obi-Wan’s medication to Anakin, assuming he
knew and would give the new bottle to the man.

was a little tug and she looked up, finding Anakin staring at her
with those wide blue eyes that she remembered from his childhood and
Obi-Wan had been Hall locked, full of worry and vulnerability.
“Bant…” He murmured, tone pleading as he let his hand drop from
her wrist.

Bant glanced up and down the hall before nodding. “Alright, Obi-Wan
has an early onset of Stewjoni blood pressure syndrome,” She
murmured quietly, resting a hand on the human’s shoulder. “He’s
had it since he was young and been on oral medication for it since
than. His blood pressure fluctuates, it can be high or low or normal
you see.” Bant explained quietly.

nodded. “What does… that mean for Obi-Wan?” He asked, his mech
hand holding the bottle tightly.

deeply, Bant smiled wryly to try and calm the other. “Well, high
blood pressure can give him headaches but it also makes him more
vulnerable to strokes or heart attacks or even lead to kidney
failure,” She explained softly, seeing the sun tanned human go pale
beneath it. “Low blood pressure wouldn’t normally be bad, it can
actually be good for humans but Obi-Wan has the unhealthy brand of
low pressure,” Bant continued on. ‘In for a penny, in for a
pound.’ As her kind said back on their world. “As in he’ll
experience dizzy spells, fainting or circulatory shock if it gets bad

heavily, clearly struggling, Anakin nodded. “Circulatory shock…

interrupted him, going
for the simplest explanation she could.
“Its when there isn’t enough blood going to the tissue of your
body, leading to it going into shock which can… well it leads to
cardiac arrest and if left untreated…” She trailed of.

understood what she was implying though and nodded, staring at the
bottle in his hand.

he looked up at her, his face turning tight. “I’ll make sure he
gets this… and I’m going to have to have a serious conversation
with him.” He cursed quietly to himself, muttering about Ben and
diet plans and suddenly things making sense about
Obi-Wan’s little dizzy fits.

inwardly sighed as Anakin shot off down the hall towards his
quarters, most likely intent on picking up his bag so he could join
Obi-Wan and the others.

was glad she wouldn’t be there for that confrontation, Anakin was a
force of nature when someone he cared about was in danger.

QuiObi with dead Obi-Wan?

only just stepped off the ship when an unsettling feeling shivers
down Qui-Gon’s spine, his aching hand clenching on his bag strap as
he glances at his equally tired teenage padawan, Anakin dragging his
feet as he follows beside Qui-Gon.

tries to shake it.

mission stress, it was a hard one, especially on Anakin as they
encountered a child smuggling slavery ring and its strained them

are both in requirement of sleep, of
showers or outright baths. They
both need food and Force Qui-Gon needs to cuddle with Obi-Wan because
honestly this mission has been crap.

thought makes him pause, headache throbbing at his temple that seems
to be growing.

shiver comes back even stronger and Anakin looks up at him, blinking
in confusion and opening his mouth only to be cut off as a female
voice calls for Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon blinked as he saw Knight Bant, one of Obi-Wan’s knight

shiver was full blast back, fear curdling in his stomach as she raced
over to him with glossy eyes, the sign of tears on a mon calamari.
“Master Qui-Gon!” She paused in front of her, slightly out of
breath as she tried to gather it. Then she hesitated, staring up at
him with large eyes for several long minutes, seemingly floundering
for words.

sour curdling was making it hard for him to breath, this situation
was too…

He whispered shakily.

face fell, her double eyelids blinking as she looked between the two
before she let out a shuddering breath and pulled the world out from
under Qui-Gon and Anakin. “I’m so sorry Master Qui-Gon, but
Obi-Wan’s mission… it went wrong… Obi-Wan is dead.” She
whispered out, big
fat tears appearing in her large eyes.

stared at her, hearing Anakin snap out denials at her but… that
headache, that headache that had been plaguing him for days that he
couldn’t quite figure out but brushed aside as exhaustion and lack
of fluids.

Qui-Gon shifted his shields to reach for the pairbond between himself
and Obi-Wan.


didn’t notice himself fall, didn’t feel himself hit his already
tender knees on the temple hanger floor, didn’t hear either Bant or
Anakin cry out in alarm.

he could focus on… was the emptiness where Obi-Wan was suppose to
be, where he had been for the last four years since they initiated
the heart pairbond when Obi-Wan was thirty one and a fully fledged
knight well away from any influence Qui-Gon could have had on him so
no one could accuse them of indecency or Qui-Gon abusing the powers
he once had over Obi-Wan as his master.



is no body.

other knights on the same mission couldn’t retrieve the body.

two warring factions had unleashed an avalanche and while trying to
evacuate civilians Obi-Wan had been swept away.

they burn no body but hold a memorial yet as Qui-Gon leans heavily on
Anakin’s shoulder.

sixteen year old has been mute since they were told but has tuck to
Qui-Gon’s side like a bur, offering his silent and continued
support and Qui-Gon can not really say anything as he has not said
anything either.

be pulled from active missions for months, Qui-Gon knows this but it
is a numb feeling of knowing.

is standard practice however with bonded pair.

Obi-Wan’s former master and his heart bonded, his husband,
Qui-Gon should give his own speech but he can’t. It is too much for
his heart in this moment to stand and speak about Obi-Wan when the
pain spreads from his heart to every part of him and Qui-Gon knows
that the council is watching him, the mind healers are watching him,
is watching him but he can not bring himself to care.

Obi-Wan is not watching him.

raising the hand not on Anakin’s shoulder, Qui-Gon fisted it in his
tunic above his heart.


does not occur to anyone that Obi-Wan gets found after the avalanche.

does not occur to anyone that Obi-Wan gets settled in a wooden box as
is the traditions of the planet.

for four years… Obi-Wan lays dead in his wooden coffin.

QuiObi with dead Obi-Wan?

only just stepped off the ship when an unsettling feeling shivers
down Qui-Gon’s spine, his aching hand clenching on his bag strap as
he glances at his equally tired teenage padawan, Anakin dragging his
feet as he follows beside Qui-Gon.

tries to shake it.

mission stress, it was a hard one, especially on Anakin as they
encountered a child smuggling slavery ring and its strained them

are both in requirement of sleep, of
showers or outright baths. They
both need food and Force Qui-Gon needs to cuddle with Obi-Wan because
honestly this mission has been crap.

thought makes him pause, headache throbbing at his temple that seems
to be growing.

shiver comes back even stronger and Anakin looks up at him, blinking
in confusion and opening his mouth only to be cut off as a female
voice calls for Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon blinked as he saw Knight Bant, one of Obi-Wan’s knight

shiver was full blast back, fear curdling in his stomach as she raced
over to him with glossy eyes, the sign of tears on a mon calamari.
“Master Qui-Gon!” She paused in front of her, slightly out of
breath as she tried to gather it. Then she hesitated, staring up at
him with large eyes for several long minutes, seemingly floundering
for words.

sour curdling was making it hard for him to breath, this situation
was too…

He whispered shakily.

face fell, her double eyelids blinking as she looked between the two
before she let out a shuddering breath and pulled the world out from
under Qui-Gon and Anakin. “I’m so sorry Master Qui-Gon, but
Obi-Wan’s mission… it went wrong… Obi-Wan is dead.” She
whispered out, big
fat tears appearing in her large eyes.

stared at her, hearing Anakin snap out denials at her but… that
headache, that headache that had been plaguing him for days that he
couldn’t quite figure out but brushed aside as exhaustion and lack
of fluids.

Qui-Gon shifted his shields to reach for the pairbond between himself
and Obi-Wan.


didn’t notice himself fall, didn’t feel himself hit his already
tender knees on the temple hanger floor, didn’t hear either Bant or
Anakin cry out in alarm.

he could focus on… was the emptiness where Obi-Wan was suppose to
be, where he had been for the last four years since they initiated
the heart pairbond when Obi-Wan was thirty one and a fully fledged
knight well away from any influence Qui-Gon could have had on him so
no one could accuse them of indecency or Qui-Gon abusing the powers
he once had over Obi-Wan as his master.



is no body.

other knights on the same mission couldn’t retrieve the body.

two warring factions had unleashed an avalanche and while trying to
evacuate civilians Obi-Wan had been swept away.

they burn no body but hold a memorial yet as Qui-Gon leans heavily on
Anakin’s shoulder.

sixteen year old has been mute since they were told but has tuck to
Qui-Gon’s side like a bur, offering his silent and continued
support and Qui-Gon can not really say anything as he has not said
anything either.

be pulled from active missions for months, Qui-Gon knows this but it
is a numb feeling of knowing.

is standard practice however with bonded pair.

Obi-Wan’s former master and his heart bonded, his husband,
Qui-Gon should give his own speech but he can’t. It is too much for
his heart in this moment to stand and speak about Obi-Wan when the
pain spreads from his heart to every part of him and Qui-Gon knows
that the council is watching him, the mind healers are watching him,
is watching him but he can not bring himself to care.

Obi-Wan is not watching him.

raising the hand not on Anakin’s shoulder, Qui-Gon fisted it in his
tunic above his heart.


does not occur to anyone that Obi-Wan gets found after the avalanche.

does not occur to anyone that Obi-Wan gets settled in a wooden box as
is the traditions of the planet.

for four years… Obi-Wan lays dead in his wooden coffin.

Is Obi-Wan pregnant in Hoarder Seerer or is it sympathetic pregnancy symptoms?

his ears with his hands and then outright rubbing his fingers in the
little dips to make sure his ears weren’t blocked as he sat on the
medical bed, Obi-Wan focused back on Bant’s all to amused
expression as the mon calamari crossed her arms over her chest with a
raised brow, her double eyelids blinking slowly to moisten her eyes.

fins were also quivering suspiciously.

am sorry but would you please repeat that again?” He asked

Bant turned the screen towards him to show him. “You’re pregnant
Obs, quadruplets
from what this is telling us though it could be mistaken… by like
two percent so its ninety eight percent certain you’re carrying
quadruplets in that pudgy stomach you humans call a belly.” She
drawled in amusement before stroking her chin. “Quinlan owes me
another fifty credits now come to think of it.” She said

opened his mouth then closed it again, his hand coming to rest
uncertainly on his stomach. “…But I’m on birth control?” He
questioned in bewilderment. “I get a shot set in ever
month on the dot.” Obi-Wan ran his fingers through his hair,
tugging at it to the point where it hurt.

hand was gently caught and pulled away and he looked helplessly up at
the other Jedi, letting out a low noise as Bant smiled
sympathetically. “You
were on antibiotics right? For the injuries you got after sending
Waxer and Boil away from the front?” She gently prompted.

yes, I got some infecti-did the antibiotics do this?” Obi-Wan’s
eyes went wide.

her screen, Bant shrugged a bit. “Antibiotics are known for messing
with certain birth controls and on a military standard medbay…”
She trailed off.

didn’t need the details filled in.

antibiotics filled the medbays of the army, causing issues with the
birth control of those who were on them. Like Obi-Wan’s.

He hissed, dropping his head into his hands as his mind spun

are going to be huge.” Bant offered up brightly, already readying
the form to inform the council that Obi-Wan could no longer be on the
front line.

hate you Bant.” He mumbled sulkily as the image of himself as blimp
crossed his mind.

you too Oafy-Wan~” She chirped.


onto the couch and then outright just laying down with his head in
Qui-Gon’s lap and pushing his feet into Anakin’s, Obi-Wan sulked
quietly as the two stared at him before exchanging looks over his

stood frozen in the small kitchenette, a bowl in her hand.

she grinned. “Well, I guess you’re grumpy master Obi-Wan.” She
said cheerfully.

just huffed at her.

was damn well going to be grumpy because apparently he was full of

was one thing when it was Boil but why’d he have to go and get
himself knocked up too!?

wasn’t about to blame Cody, for one the troopers had no idea they
were fertile in that manner and two, Obi-Wan controlled his own birth
controls. Also three, it took two to do the Corellian horizontal

had so many things things to do!

you going to… tell us what’s wrong?” Qui-Gon questioned,
petting Obi-Wan’s hair.

you going to continue rubbing your dirty feet on my groin?” Anakin
added curiously.

at the other two, Obi-Wan shifted and glared at them. “…I’m
pregnant and grumpy so there. Hormones.” He pouted.

was silence for a long moment before Ahsoka dropped her bowl in the kitchen.


Is Obi-Wan pregnant in Hoarder Seerer or is it sympathetic pregnancy symptoms?

his ears with his hands and then outright rubbing his fingers in the
little dips to make sure his ears weren’t blocked as he sat on the
medical bed, Obi-Wan focused back on Bant’s all to amused
expression as the mon calamari crossed her arms over her chest with a
raised brow, her double eyelids blinking slowly to moisten her eyes.

fins were also quivering suspiciously.

am sorry but would you please repeat that again?” He asked

Bant turned the screen towards him to show him. “You’re pregnant
Obs, quadruplets
from what this is telling us though it could be mistaken… by like
two percent so its ninety eight percent certain you’re carrying
quadruplets in that pudgy stomach you humans call a belly.” She
drawled in amusement before stroking her chin. “Quinlan owes me
another fifty credits now come to think of it.” She said

opened his mouth then closed it again, his hand coming to rest
uncertainly on his stomach. “…But I’m on birth control?” He
questioned in bewilderment. “I get a shot set in ever
month on the dot.” Obi-Wan ran his fingers through his hair,
tugging at it to the point where it hurt.

hand was gently caught and pulled away and he looked helplessly up at
the other Jedi, letting out a low noise as Bant smiled
sympathetically. “You
were on antibiotics right? For the injuries you got after sending
Waxer and Boil away from the front?” She gently prompted.

yes, I got some infecti-did the antibiotics do this?” Obi-Wan’s
eyes went wide.

her screen, Bant shrugged a bit. “Antibiotics are known for messing
with certain birth controls and on a military standard medbay…”
She trailed off.

didn’t need the details filled in.

antibiotics filled the medbays of the army, causing issues with the
birth control of those who were on them. Like Obi-Wan’s.

He hissed, dropping his head into his hands as his mind spun

are going to be huge.” Bant offered up brightly, already readying
the form to inform the council that Obi-Wan could no longer be on the
front line.

hate you Bant.” He mumbled sulkily as the image of himself as blimp
crossed his mind.

you too Oafy-Wan~” She chirped.


onto the couch and then outright just laying down with his head in
Qui-Gon’s lap and pushing his feet into Anakin’s, Obi-Wan sulked
quietly as the two stared at him before exchanging looks over his

stood frozen in the small kitchenette, a bowl in her hand.

she grinned. “Well, I guess you’re grumpy master Obi-Wan.” She
said cheerfully.

just huffed at her.

was damn well going to be grumpy because apparently he was full of

was one thing when it was Boil but why’d he have to go and get
himself knocked up too!?

wasn’t about to blame Cody, for one the troopers had no idea they
were fertile in that manner and two, Obi-Wan controlled his own birth
controls. Also three, it took two to do the Corellian horizontal

had so many things things to do!

you going to… tell us what’s wrong?” Qui-Gon questioned,
petting Obi-Wan’s hair.

you going to continue rubbing your dirty feet on my groin?” Anakin
added curiously.

at the other two, Obi-Wan shifted and glared at them. “…I’m
pregnant and grumpy so there. Hormones.” He pouted.

was silence for a long moment before Ahsoka dropped her bowl in the kitchen.


Did someone left a prompt already for Not strangers to the dark? I don’t know what you want to do with it after, but before possible horrors because of Anakin jealousy, could Garen make an appareance? Or Siri? Breakfast with his friends for Obi-Wan! (Yes, Obi–Wan, breakfast is more than tea, no eat the nice thing Quinlan cooked for all of us.) I don’t know why, I love the idea of Quinlan with his badass look being a good cook.

There is a foot
right by his face.

It takes Obi-Wan
several moments of staring at it before he understands that there is
a bare foot, human colored in nature, by his face.

A smelly foot in

a bit he pushed himself up on an elbow to peer down the bed until he
saw Quinlan’s dreads poking out from under the covers which had
Obi-Wan pulling away the covers to see the other man.

turn about is fair.’ He thought dryly to himself as he saw his own
toes tucked up underneath Quinlan’s chin.

he carefully shifted his feet away and rolled out of bed instead with
a yawn as he scratched his stomach and made his way out of the
bedroom, blinking blearily at Bant and Reeft in his kitchen as they
seemed to be cooking up a rather large breakfast. “…Is Garen on
his way too?” He managed to ask.

snorted deeply. “Good morning to you too,” She said in a dry tone
as she scrambled egg. “And no, he’s out on a mission as the pilot
and you know it.” Bant rolled her eyes.

however am in temple and I made sure to add some hashbrowns to the
breakfast,” Reeft grinned at him. “Cute tanktop Obi-Wan.”

down at himself, Obi-Wan stared at the grinning black Tooka on his
pink tank top before giving a shrug and shuffling to the table to
flop down. “Gift from Anakin, its comfy.” He
mumbled while giving a deep yawn.

wasn’t sure if it was the sleeping aids he took or if it was just
the fact that he had actually slept a full night but he felt groggy
and heavy so he couldn’t
find it in him to feel embarrassed as Reeft pressed a cup of tea into
his hands.

just took a sip of tea and yawned deeply as he sniffed at the aroma
and food.

is great.’ Obi-Wan thought to himself, closing his eyes as he held
the cup close and let himself enjoy the heat.

still asleep?” Bant questioned, sniggering a bit when she got a
soft hum of confirmation. “You are really out of it aren’t you.
Honestly Obi-Wan we should have done this ages ago.” She sat down a
plate with an egg in a basket, a
small cup of yogurt, two
pancakes with bacon cooked into it, a handful of berries and
a handful of nuts.

stared at the plate before peeking up at Bant through his fringe.

lifted her hands, fingers sprawled to show the webbing between them.
“I don’t expect you to eat everything but I want you to try to
eat as much as you can comfortably manage and try to eat a little of
everything for all the proteins, fiber and other nutrients a human
needs.  I know you’ve been on war rations and been bad about
feeding yourself but you need to try and gain weight and keep it when
you’re shipped out again.” She said seriously.

quirking, Obi-Wan tilted his head. “Healers orders?” He lifted
the cup again.

order.” Reeft countered, lifting a cup of caff to his lip to take a
big sip.

Obi-Wan stared at the other before letting out a small, amused huff
and settling his cup aside to take his utensils instead and start

wasn’t going to manage the entire plate, there was no way
especially not this early in the morning.

it was made with love, made with love by friends who were chatting
quietly with him as he ate and eating their own food, Quinlan’s
snoring reaching them from the open door.

more could Obi-Wan honestly want.