awolJedi is the clone babies going to come out of the pods soon? It sounded like they were soon ready

Sitting up sharply in bed, Obi-Wan stared blankly at the wall for several seconds before throwing the covers of himself and sliding his feet into his slippers, hurrying out of his temporary bedroom by touch alone.

In the darkness, he fumbled for his robe on the hook by the doorway, throwing it on as he made his way through the halls.

On the way, an anxious Anakin appeared from his temporary room, looking just as sleep disheveled as Obi-Wan felt, the blond looking at him with wide eyes as he scratched nervously at his bare stomach.

The other had clearly not thought to throw on a robe like Obi-Wan had but had at least put on slippers and together, the two made their way to the Halls of healing, the insistent tugging of the Force pulling them along.

The Halls, due to the likelihood of injuries being high during the initial construction, had been one of the first places on the schedule to be built of the temple, along with temporary shelters, the creche, kitchens and of course the archives.

The temporary shelters, creche and halls had been the highest priority though and still bore signs of a rush job that Obi-Wan knew that would be worked on better now that things were settling.

But that was not why he and Anakin were in the Halls.

Because they could feel them, a tugging in their very souls and likely something the kaminoans had thought of when they cloned the Jedi.

The children were ready.

The clones of him and Anakin.

And Yoda, as when they arrived, the old man was already there, leaning on his cane as he stared into the Halls with an unfamiliar senior healer at his side and Master Che. When Anakin and he arrived, all three gave them looks of realization before Che started barking more orders. “All three of yours in the same night?” She finally turned back to them, cursing slightly. “This wasn’t going to be easy just with one of you.” She complained, huffing loudly before sighing and gesturing to her side for the unfamiliar healer at her side, causing the yellow zabrak to step forward.

“I’m healer Zora, they and them,” The zabrak smiled at them before lifting a pad to show them the readouts of the clones pods. “I’ve been in charge of the tubes for a while now, researching them and ensuring things proceed as they should. They’re all healthy,” They reassured at Anakin’s face turning slightly alarmed. “We just don’t… we’re not certain what to expect, with the children all being Force sensitive. Cloned Force sensitive are… difficult.” They finished with.

Now that, was an understatement if Obi-Wan knew something.

Scientists, both scrupulous and unscrupulous, had for decades tried to figure out Force sensitivity, simply cloning a Force sensitive didn’t always track and some of the experiments he knew had happened had actually leveled entire research facilities.

Maybe that’s why the Force has them there, maybe the clones know them in some way. Because as the tubes get drained, the babies in them simply squirm and wiggle, cry out with strong lungs that makes Obi-Wan’s breath hitch in return, Anakin shift forward and Yoda straighten from where he’s leaning on his cane.

Carefully, each of the bright little lights are placed into the arm of a waiting padawan healer, carefully cleaned and swaddled and when there aren’t enough, Obi-Wan steps forward and takes one of the babies that has been made of him, blinking down at eyes as green as his own.

“…Hello there, welcome to the galaxy little one.” He whispered, smiling slightly as the child squirmed in his arms.

For a moment, he couldn’t help but wonder how he’d feel if this baby had darker skin and green eyes, for a moment he wondered how Cody would have felt to be here with him.

Then he put that thought aside, grateful his beard hid the evidence of his blush as he moved to hand the child over to healer Zora for a weighing and measuring, the baby whimpering at the loss of Obi-Wan’s body warmth.

I want to be angry you tricked us with Burning bird, but I’m just happy the kids are okay. Damn you really had us going though.

up at a noise, Anakin watched as Mace gently continued stroking
little Shmi Leia
stomach with
the glove of the incubator
a soft fond smile on his face as he
watched the little ones through the incubator.
‘Defender of the weak and guardian of the vulnerable… guess
Obi-Wan had a point there.’ Anakin mused to himself even as another
part of him snorted and dryly pointed out that Mace Windu was that
little girls master to be, bonded before she had fully entered the
world much
to everyone but Mace surprise when he said it.

on the other side of the incubator
was Qui-Gon,
eyes closed and
twitching as he meditated with one of his large bandaged covered
hands resting on the glass of the incubator near Jinn Luke
tiny body that could have almost fit in that large hand if Qui-Gon
wanted to.

sound of the incubators soft monitors was one of the few noises in
the room outside of Obi-Wan’s own but that one was muted thankfully
to allow for a deep rest as Obi-Wan had just zonked out the moment he
had been able to return to bed after changing and cleaning up which
left Anakin to cuddle the sleepy body and observe the room.

the master
of the order or
Anakin’s former master would
admit it, but Anakin could see them being worried, guarding their
fragile little padawans by
being physically present.

eyes lingered on the hands, watching the bandages covering
their flesh as he gently shifted Obi-Wan against his chest. “…I’m
sorry for burning you two.” He murmured, breaking the quiet silence
that had settled into the room and ignoring when Dooku couldn’t
help but cough in amusement where
he was sitting in one of the armchairs that had been brought in, a
book in his lap.

just chuckled.

your breakdown after the babies were put in the incubator, I imagine
I can find it in myself to forgive you.” Mace drawled, not taking
his eyes off Shmi Leia
and cooing quietly when she flailed her small limbs in the air, her
little hand strapped with a wire just like her brother.

Qui-Gon cracked an eye open. “…I can certainly understand the
situation considering all that’s been going on Anakin, I’m just
glad they made it, all of them,” Qui-Gon murmured then quirked his
lips into a smile. “And how can I be upset when I’m feeling these
two glow not to mention the honor you two have given me.” He nodded
his chin lightly in Jinn Luke’s

slightly as he checked on Obi-Wan through the Force, Anakin shrugged.
“You’ve been important to us,” He nodded to his sleeping mate.
“We just felt it was right though we didn’t know you’d end up
with a natural bond to one of them.” Anakin tacked on with an
amused chuckle.

I’m curious,” Dooku leaned forward, lifting one dark brow. “Will
they be named Skywalker or Kenobi?” The Star knight questioned with
a curious lit that had Mace and Qui-Gon too looking at Anakin in

Anakin scratched the back of his neck. “You know, me and Obi-Wan
haven’t really talked that over though Obi-Wan once implied he would like Skywalker but who knows. Jinn Skywalker, Shmi Kenobi… hmm maybe
we’ll just give each kid one last name?” He frowned a bit now
that he was thinking it over.

they should keep the same one, give them that sibling connection.”
Qui-Gon cautioned gently though Mace shot him a narrow eyed look at
that and opened his mouth.

they all quieted down when Obi-Wan let out a deep grunt and shifted,
pressing his nose into Anakin’s collarbone with a low whine that
made Anakin shift his hand to rub along the others spine in a
soothing motion.

held their breath and let it out slowly when Obi-Wan settled back
against Anakin, still deeply asleep but they all shut up as they
didn’t want to wake the slumbering man.

what he had just gone through he certainly deserved the undisturbed
rest he was getting.

pressed a tender kiss to Obi-Wan’s forehead and rubbed his back
with a small, tender smile.

talk about it when Obi-Wan was feeling better, it wasn’t like they
needed a last name right
away since they were babies and Anakin wasn’t about to let them out
of his sight for days yet. They had first names and
middle names and for now that was all they really needed.

know, there is a very real chance that they both in the future drop
the middle name or go with the one they feel fondest of.” Dooku
spoke up in a musing but quiet tone that had Anakin rolling his eyes
and quite pointedly pulling the covers up around himself and Obi-Wan.

too deserved the rest damn it.

I want to be angry you tricked us with Burning bird, but I’m just happy the kids are okay. Damn you really had us going though.

up at a noise, Anakin watched as Mace gently continued stroking
little Shmi Leia
stomach with
the glove of the incubator
a soft fond smile on his face as he
watched the little ones through the incubator.
‘Defender of the weak and guardian of the vulnerable… guess
Obi-Wan had a point there.’ Anakin mused to himself even as another
part of him snorted and dryly pointed out that Mace Windu was that
little girls master to be, bonded before she had fully entered the
world much
to everyone but Mace surprise when he said it.

on the other side of the incubator
was Qui-Gon,
eyes closed and
twitching as he meditated with one of his large bandaged covered
hands resting on the glass of the incubator near Jinn Luke
tiny body that could have almost fit in that large hand if Qui-Gon
wanted to.

sound of the incubators soft monitors was one of the few noises in
the room outside of Obi-Wan’s own but that one was muted thankfully
to allow for a deep rest as Obi-Wan had just zonked out the moment he
had been able to return to bed after changing and cleaning up which
left Anakin to cuddle the sleepy body and observe the room.

the master
of the order or
Anakin’s former master would
admit it, but Anakin could see them being worried, guarding their
fragile little padawans by
being physically present.

eyes lingered on the hands, watching the bandages covering
their flesh as he gently shifted Obi-Wan against his chest. “…I’m
sorry for burning you two.” He murmured, breaking the quiet silence
that had settled into the room and ignoring when Dooku couldn’t
help but cough in amusement where
he was sitting in one of the armchairs that had been brought in, a
book in his lap.

just chuckled.

your breakdown after the babies were put in the incubator, I imagine
I can find it in myself to forgive you.” Mace drawled, not taking
his eyes off Shmi Leia
and cooing quietly when she flailed her small limbs in the air, her
little hand strapped with a wire just like her brother.

Qui-Gon cracked an eye open. “…I can certainly understand the
situation considering all that’s been going on Anakin, I’m just
glad they made it, all of them,” Qui-Gon murmured then quirked his
lips into a smile. “And how can I be upset when I’m feeling these
two glow not to mention the honor you two have given me.” He nodded
his chin lightly in Jinn Luke’s

slightly as he checked on Obi-Wan through the Force, Anakin shrugged.
“You’ve been important to us,” He nodded to his sleeping mate.
“We just felt it was right though we didn’t know you’d end up
with a natural bond to one of them.” Anakin tacked on with an
amused chuckle.

I’m curious,” Dooku leaned forward, lifting one dark brow. “Will
they be named Skywalker or Kenobi?” The Star knight questioned with
a curious lit that had Mace and Qui-Gon too looking at Anakin in

Anakin scratched the back of his neck. “You know, me and Obi-Wan
haven’t really talked that over though Obi-Wan once implied he would like Skywalker but who knows. Jinn Skywalker, Shmi Kenobi… hmm maybe
we’ll just give each kid one last name?” He frowned a bit now
that he was thinking it over.

they should keep the same one, give them that sibling connection.”
Qui-Gon cautioned gently though Mace shot him a narrow eyed look at
that and opened his mouth.

they all quieted down when Obi-Wan let out a deep grunt and shifted,
pressing his nose into Anakin’s collarbone with a low whine that
made Anakin shift his hand to rub along the others spine in a
soothing motion.

held their breath and let it out slowly when Obi-Wan settled back
against Anakin, still deeply asleep but they all shut up as they
didn’t want to wake the slumbering man.

what he had just gone through he certainly deserved the undisturbed
rest he was getting.

pressed a tender kiss to Obi-Wan’s forehead and rubbed his back
with a small, tender smile.

talk about it when Obi-Wan was feeling better, it wasn’t like they
needed a last name right
away since they were babies and Anakin wasn’t about to let them out
of his sight for days yet. They had first names and
middle names and for now that was all they really needed.

know, there is a very real chance that they both in the future drop
the middle name or go with the one they feel fondest of.” Dooku
spoke up in a musing but quiet tone that had Anakin rolling his eyes
and quite pointedly pulling the covers up around himself and Obi-Wan.

too deserved the rest damn it.

Daytoday: please tell me there is security footage of the Chancellor aatacking Jedi in the middle of labor.

his eyes slowly to stare at the ceiling for a long moment, Obi-Wan
let out a confused noise.

last he remembered…


up with a cry that turned into a scream of pain as Obi-Wan wrapped
his arms around his stomach, Obi-Wan struggled to make sense of
things even as warm arms wrapped around him along with a familiar

a familiar voice. “Obi, Obi its alright, Obi-Wan you need to calm
down, its alright.” Anakin crooned, carefully pushing Obi-Wan down
while calling out for a healer to come.

Anakin to push him down, Obi-Wan
hiccuped for air as he forced his teary eyes to open, watching as the
healer bustled in with a hypospray of what he hoped was painkillers.

more than that was Anakin he took notice of, his love’s scar
stretching down his cheek and over his neck.


He rasped, touching the others cheek as the hypospray was set..

his hand and pressing it to his cheek, Anakin let out a deep breath.
“We took care of Palpatine… I’m fine love, the healers fixed up
the single injury I got.” He whispered.

relaxing as the pain left his system, Obi-Wan started looking around
the room instead. “Babies?” He remembered that, Depa announcing with surprise just before Palpatine attacked that there were more than one in there.

the shock to know there was more than one.

here,” Anakin smiled and leaned in, carefully raising the bed so
Obi-Wan could look at the two small bassinet right beside it. In them
two small swaddled bundles rested.

Obi-Wan glanced at the other and then back at the babies he couldn’t
remember coming out of him as
the healer quietly left the room again, sensing they needed time.
“…Ani what happened?” He rasped, needing answers desperately as
he clearly had gaps in his memory considering he was clearly in a
Hall room, had his babies and his stomach hurt something fierce
compared to being in the Senate, in labor and being attacked.

for a mug and pouring a glass of water, Anakin was clearly gathering
his thoughts as he brought it over and gave Obi-Wan some water which
the redhead sipped gratefully. “…Palpatine let out some kind of
dark energy
and… well Master Billaba had to give you an emergency c-section.”
Anakin breathed out.

Obi-Wan blinked before nodding slowly. “…So I passed out?”

nodded, setting the glass aside again. “We, the council and I, took
care of Palpatine during that time and thankfully there were cameras along the halls so the Senators knows it was self defense,” He grimaced before tucking
Obi-Wan’s hair behind his ear. “I was so scared though, you were
so pale and they had to put a breathing mask on you…” Anakin

Obi-Wan reached out and hugged his lover. “I’m going to be fine,
I’ll be fine.”
He murmured softly.

know… but I was so worried,” Anakin huffed before shifting and
reaching out to the bassinets, pulling them even closer. “But look,
there’s two of them,” He laughed in quiet awe, beaming at
Obi-Wan. “We made them.” Anakin

not to smile in the face of Anakin’s joy, Obi-Wan turned his
attention back to the bundles. Wrapped in soft yellow blankets, two
sleeping faces poked out.

noses, little pink mouths and pale faces.


softly in awe, Obi-Wan reached out slowly and ran a fingertip over a
little button nose, grinning when the baby squirmed inside their
wrap. “I…what?” He didn’t even know what he was asking.

boy and a girl,” Anakin murmured, holding around Obi-Wan as they
watched, guessing what Obi-Wan really wanted to know. “We have two
little twins, the boy was hiding behind his sister, its why we didn’t
see him on the scans.” He grinned while cuddling Obi-Wan.

again, Obi-Wan snuggled into the others with a small smile. “…What
happened with Palpatine?” He whispered.

Anakin murmured shortly and that was the end of that question really.

was too tired to really follow the trail of questions and the
painkillers were starting to function finally.


hold one…” He mumbled and smiled happily if
a bit sleepily
when Anakin stood and picked up one yellow bundle, carefully
depositing it into Obi-Wan’s arms.

our daughter Obi-Wan.” Anakin beamed, holding the other yellow
bundle in his arms, their son.

her to his chest, Obi-Wan felt more at peace at that moment then in
the last three years.

for now they were safe.

now they were happy and together.

take that after so many years of war and uncertainty.

Daytoday: please tell me there is security footage of the Chancellor aatacking Jedi in the middle of labor.

his eyes slowly to stare at the ceiling for a long moment, Obi-Wan
let out a confused noise.

last he remembered…


up with a cry that turned into a scream of pain as Obi-Wan wrapped
his arms around his stomach, Obi-Wan struggled to make sense of
things even as warm arms wrapped around him along with a familiar

a familiar voice. “Obi, Obi its alright, Obi-Wan you need to calm
down, its alright.” Anakin crooned, carefully pushing Obi-Wan down
while calling out for a healer to come.

Anakin to push him down, Obi-Wan
hiccuped for air as he forced his teary eyes to open, watching as the
healer bustled in with a hypospray of what he hoped was painkillers.

more than that was Anakin he took notice of, his love’s scar
stretching down his cheek and over his neck.


He rasped, touching the others cheek as the hypospray was set..

his hand and pressing it to his cheek, Anakin let out a deep breath.
“We took care of Palpatine… I’m fine love, the healers fixed up
the single injury I got.” He whispered.

relaxing as the pain left his system, Obi-Wan started looking around
the room instead. “Babies?” He remembered that, Depa announcing with surprise just before Palpatine attacked that there were more than one in there.

the shock to know there was more than one.

here,” Anakin smiled and leaned in, carefully raising the bed so
Obi-Wan could look at the two small bassinet right beside it. In them
two small swaddled bundles rested.

Obi-Wan glanced at the other and then back at the babies he couldn’t
remember coming out of him as
the healer quietly left the room again, sensing they needed time.
“…Ani what happened?” He rasped, needing answers desperately as
he clearly had gaps in his memory considering he was clearly in a
Hall room, had his babies and his stomach hurt something fierce
compared to being in the Senate, in labor and being attacked.

for a mug and pouring a glass of water, Anakin was clearly gathering
his thoughts as he brought it over and gave Obi-Wan some water which
the redhead sipped gratefully. “…Palpatine let out some kind of
dark energy
and… well Master Billaba had to give you an emergency c-section.”
Anakin breathed out.

Obi-Wan blinked before nodding slowly. “…So I passed out?”

nodded, setting the glass aside again. “We, the council and I, took
care of Palpatine during that time and thankfully there were cameras along the halls so the Senators knows it was self defense,” He grimaced before tucking
Obi-Wan’s hair behind his ear. “I was so scared though, you were
so pale and they had to put a breathing mask on you…” Anakin

Obi-Wan reached out and hugged his lover. “I’m going to be fine,
I’ll be fine.”
He murmured softly.

know… but I was so worried,” Anakin huffed before shifting and
reaching out to the bassinets, pulling them even closer. “But look,
there’s two of them,” He laughed in quiet awe, beaming at
Obi-Wan. “We made them.” Anakin

not to smile in the face of Anakin’s joy, Obi-Wan turned his
attention back to the bundles. Wrapped in soft yellow blankets, two
sleeping faces poked out.

noses, little pink mouths and pale faces.


softly in awe, Obi-Wan reached out slowly and ran a fingertip over a
little button nose, grinning when the baby squirmed inside their
wrap. “I…what?” He didn’t even know what he was asking.

boy and a girl,” Anakin murmured, holding around Obi-Wan as they
watched, guessing what Obi-Wan really wanted to know. “We have two
little twins, the boy was hiding behind his sister, its why we didn’t
see him on the scans.” He grinned while cuddling Obi-Wan.

again, Obi-Wan snuggled into the others with a small smile. “…What
happened with Palpatine?” He whispered.

Anakin murmured shortly and that was the end of that question really.

was too tired to really follow the trail of questions and the
painkillers were starting to function finally.


hold one…” He mumbled and smiled happily if
a bit sleepily
when Anakin stood and picked up one yellow bundle, carefully
depositing it into Obi-Wan’s arms.

our daughter Obi-Wan.” Anakin beamed, holding the other yellow
bundle in his arms, their son.

her to his chest, Obi-Wan felt more at peace at that moment then in
the last three years.

for now they were safe.

now they were happy and together.

take that after so many years of war and uncertainty.

Please could you continue in the risk ? A few clones go to the Creche to learn and help. Of course Anakin interprets it the exact false way and now thinks his Master doesn’t know which one is the father!

of his shoes, Obi-Wan smiled warmly at Dolan. “I brought a few
volunteers with me to help with the babies and younger creche
members, I
know there’s always some shorthand when it comes to feeding time.”
He said warmly as the troopers followed suit and removed their boots.

It was a good thing they had one
civvies outfit because Obi-Wan was rather certain that they couldn’t
cuddle babies in armor.

Dolan chuckled, bowing to
Obi-Wan and the group with the troopers quickly bowing a bit
awkwardly in return as they weren’t used to it. “Indeed but
considering we just had a few arrivals, they are well welcome.” The
long haired man with kind brown eyes stated.

“New arrivals?” Obi-Wan
questioned in interest as he, Cody, Boil, Waxer, Wooley, Chopper and
Longshot followed quickly behind the creche master. “Oh
and by the way this is Cody, Boil, Waxer, Wooley, Chopper and
Longshot.” He quickly introduced his men-

Dolan sent each of them a warm
smile. “Indeed,
Master Plo and the Wolfpack intercepted a slavery
smuggling ring
around as ‘Jedi’, taking
Force sensitive children to sell,” The man gave a tight grimace.
“Some of them are unfortunately rather traumatized by the treatment
they were put under but we are trying our best to help them.” He
lifted the rail guard for the youngest members, ushering his
volunteers into the rooms that were reserved for only the youngest
that could not fend and wander for themselves.

There were a few muffled curses
in mando’a behind Obi-Wan and he could understand that.

There were always someone taking
advantage of in a time of vulnerability.

“So um, master Dolan,
we’ve never really been around babies…” Cody started, frowning
in worry as he glanced around. “I mean we look out for our young
vode but all of them are usually in the range of what is a human five
year old when we meet them.”

Obi-Wan’s heart throbbed at
that, wondering not for the first time just how bad everything was.
How compromised their ethics and morality had become…

It was a harsh blow to realize
and know what they were doing.

“Ah don’t worry about that,
we can show you what to do,” Dolan chuckled warmly, moving over to
one of the cribs. “Pay attention.” He reached down to show them
how to pick up a baby, the young togruta in a soft green onesie
gurgling at them all while grabbing at her caretakers tunic, a
guileless smile crossing her face as tiny lekkus twitched.

Each of them watched in
fascination and awe before Waxer eagerly moved to another crib and
carefully picked up a small bothan.

“Ah! A natural,” Dolan’s
words got a giant beam out of Waxer. “Now, everyone pick up a child
and check if their diapers need changing.
We shall feed them

Spreading out, each trooper
picked up a young baby, some sporting more obviously nervous
expression than others.

Obi-Wan, used to the creche as
Qui-Gon often took him to it for the little ones, easily picked up a
soft little human that he cuddled to his body, smiling at the dark
curls that covered the yawning babies head. ‘I’m going to have
one of these in a few months, a he or a she with maybe Cody’s dark
hair and golden eyes… they’d be so pretty with his eyes and
skin.’ He snuggled the baby then chuckled while wrinkling his nose.

This one certainly needed a new
diaper, he could smell that.


Tapping his comm, Anakin frowned
at the window of the bridge.

Around him his troopers milled
about, Rex barking out commands to ensure they were on the right path
since the Jedi was distracted.

But Anakin was thinking.

Ahsoka had called him.

Obi-Wan had apparently gone to
the creche, something that wasn’t all that uncommon before the war
broke out though Anakin knew he did not go as often after. He always
suspected that Obi-Wan found peace among the babies because he knew
exactly what the babies wanted from him, food, love, something clean
and warmth.

But his former master had also
brought with him his own troopers.

Several of them.

‘One of them is the dad… but
maybe Obi-Wan doesn’t know which one? Has he been spreading his
legs for his men?’ He bit his lower lip.

That was a cruel thought really,
Obi-Wan wasn’t…

But maybe he had?

Or had someone taken advantage?

Maybe Obi-Wan had during a
drunken revelry?

Or the troopers?

But Obi-Wan promised that
nothing bad was connected to the baby’s conception.

‘Maybe he and they just had
some fun together… and now he doesn’t know?’

Frowning deeply, Anakin decided
he would need to speak to Obi-Wan next time he saw him and this time
he would get answers without Obi-Wan sidestepping and distracting.

Please could you continue in the risk ? A few clones go to the Creche to learn and help. Of course Anakin interprets it the exact false way and now thinks his Master doesn’t know which one is the father!

of his shoes, Obi-Wan smiled warmly at Dolan. “I brought a few
volunteers with me to help with the babies and younger creche
members, I
know there’s always some shorthand when it comes to feeding time.”
He said warmly as the troopers followed suit and removed their boots.

It was a good thing they had one
civvies outfit because Obi-Wan was rather certain that they couldn’t
cuddle babies in armor.

Dolan chuckled, bowing to
Obi-Wan and the group with the troopers quickly bowing a bit
awkwardly in return as they weren’t used to it. “Indeed but
considering we just had a few arrivals, they are well welcome.” The
long haired man with kind brown eyes stated.

“New arrivals?” Obi-Wan
questioned in interest as he, Cody, Boil, Waxer, Wooley, Chopper and
Longshot followed quickly behind the creche master. “Oh
and by the way this is Cody, Boil, Waxer, Wooley, Chopper and
Longshot.” He quickly introduced his men-

Dolan sent each of them a warm
smile. “Indeed,
Master Plo and the Wolfpack intercepted a slavery
smuggling ring
around as ‘Jedi’, taking
Force sensitive children to sell,” The man gave a tight grimace.
“Some of them are unfortunately rather traumatized by the treatment
they were put under but we are trying our best to help them.” He
lifted the rail guard for the youngest members, ushering his
volunteers into the rooms that were reserved for only the youngest
that could not fend and wander for themselves.

There were a few muffled curses
in mando’a behind Obi-Wan and he could understand that.

There were always someone taking
advantage of in a time of vulnerability.

“So um, master Dolan,
we’ve never really been around babies…” Cody started, frowning
in worry as he glanced around. “I mean we look out for our young
vode but all of them are usually in the range of what is a human five
year old when we meet them.”

Obi-Wan’s heart throbbed at
that, wondering not for the first time just how bad everything was.
How compromised their ethics and morality had become…

It was a harsh blow to realize
and know what they were doing.

“Ah don’t worry about that,
we can show you what to do,” Dolan chuckled warmly, moving over to
one of the cribs. “Pay attention.” He reached down to show them
how to pick up a baby, the young togruta in a soft green onesie
gurgling at them all while grabbing at her caretakers tunic, a
guileless smile crossing her face as tiny lekkus twitched.

Each of them watched in
fascination and awe before Waxer eagerly moved to another crib and
carefully picked up a small bothan.

“Ah! A natural,” Dolan’s
words got a giant beam out of Waxer. “Now, everyone pick up a child
and check if their diapers need changing.
We shall feed them

Spreading out, each trooper
picked up a young baby, some sporting more obviously nervous
expression than others.

Obi-Wan, used to the creche as
Qui-Gon often took him to it for the little ones, easily picked up a
soft little human that he cuddled to his body, smiling at the dark
curls that covered the yawning babies head. ‘I’m going to have
one of these in a few months, a he or a she with maybe Cody’s dark
hair and golden eyes… they’d be so pretty with his eyes and
skin.’ He snuggled the baby then chuckled while wrinkling his nose.

This one certainly needed a new
diaper, he could smell that.


Tapping his comm, Anakin frowned
at the window of the bridge.

Around him his troopers milled
about, Rex barking out commands to ensure they were on the right path
since the Jedi was distracted.

But Anakin was thinking.

Ahsoka had called him.

Obi-Wan had apparently gone to
the creche, something that wasn’t all that uncommon before the war
broke out though Anakin knew he did not go as often after. He always
suspected that Obi-Wan found peace among the babies because he knew
exactly what the babies wanted from him, food, love, something clean
and warmth.

But his former master had also
brought with him his own troopers.

Several of them.

‘One of them is the dad… but
maybe Obi-Wan doesn’t know which one? Has he been spreading his
legs for his men?’ He bit his lower lip.

That was a cruel thought really,
Obi-Wan wasn’t…

But maybe he had?

Or had someone taken advantage?

Maybe Obi-Wan had during a
drunken revelry?

Or the troopers?

But Obi-Wan promised that
nothing bad was connected to the baby’s conception.

‘Maybe he and they just had
some fun together… and now he doesn’t know?’

Frowning deeply, Anakin decided
he would need to speak to Obi-Wan next time he saw him and this time
he would get answers without Obi-Wan sidestepping and distracting.

Oh man!!! Inplain sight we are so close to the end! I just love them!! Can we have a hectic morning in the office? Or maybe Anakin and Obi-Wan training in dark side stuffs? Love love love!

Closing his eyes and flopping back in
his seat, Obi-Wan groaned quietly as a clever hand continued slowly
rubbing his scalp. “Oh thank the Force that feels lovely my sweet
one.” He sighed in pleasure.

Padme laughed softly at that. “You
looked like you had a headache.” She hummed softly as she continued
working his scalp with her fingers. “Which doesn’t surprise me,
there is a lot of work my dear Emperor.” She eyed it all.

“Mmmn, Tarkin and another petition.”
Obi-Wan grumbled. “I’m considering making an example of him with
what happens to former Palpatine supporters who push me.” He

Humming at that, Padme turned the chair
a bit and sat down on Obi-Wan’s lap, petting the silver and white
robe the other was wearing as the Emperor. “Or you could tell
Anakin and he would deal with it all.” She smiled. “It would be a
good test in your training of him.”

She leaned in and nuzzled into the
crook of his neck as Obi-Wan mused over the idea. “Maybe, he is in
time for a challenge…” He hummed before shifting when both heard
a little whine.

Padme slipped of his lap quickly and
moved to the travel cot, cooing as she picked up Luke and cuddled the
four month old. “Oh baby, did you have enough of a nap?”

Settling his elbow on the desk and his
head on his hand, Obi-Wan watched her and Luke with a soft smile on
his face as Padme just suffused the Force with her love for her
babies, both of them.

Standing slowly, Obi-Wan flickered his
fingers so a whining Leia floated up from the crib too, chuckling
softly when she instantly started giggling at being floated around as
he reached out and wrapped her in his arms.

“What have I told you and Ani
about floating them around?” Padme huffed even as Obi-Wan gave her
a wicked grin over Leia’s head.

we shouldn’t but they love it, don’t you little star light?”
Obi-Wan crooned at Leia, snuggling her gently and nosing at her soft
cheeks. “My little princess~” He nosed at the soft hairs of her
head too.

her eyes, Padme snuggled Luke some more and then took him to change
his diaper, content to leave Leia with her second dad.

the soft chestnut hair slowly, Obi-Wan moved to the window to peer
out at the Jedi temple in the distance before looking down at her.
“One day, you’ll have everything here. I’ve already seen the
great Sith and leader you’ll become.” He whispered to Leia as she
grasped at his robe and held onto the silver fastenings of it. “No
one will stop you when I’m done and this empire will be left in
your capable hands but you’ll need to look after your brother.”
He stroked her chubby cheek gently with a finger, smiling at her
delighted little giggle. “But that is many years into the future.”
He murmured. “Many many years.” He returned to staring at the

now Obi-Wan was the Emperor with Padme at his side as his political
advisor and beloved wife and Anakin as his bodyguard and darling

And he
would be fighting tooth and nail to make an
Empire worthy of Leia and Luke when they grew up.

eyes reflected back in the window as Obi-Wan nuzzled Leia gently
under his chin.

Oh man!!! Inplain sight we are so close to the end! I just love them!! Can we have a hectic morning in the office? Or maybe Anakin and Obi-Wan training in dark side stuffs? Love love love!

Closing his eyes and flopping back in
his seat, Obi-Wan groaned quietly as a clever hand continued slowly
rubbing his scalp. “Oh thank the Force that feels lovely my sweet
one.” He sighed in pleasure.

Padme laughed softly at that. “You
looked like you had a headache.” She hummed softly as she continued
working his scalp with her fingers. “Which doesn’t surprise me,
there is a lot of work my dear Emperor.” She eyed it all.

“Mmmn, Tarkin and another petition.”
Obi-Wan grumbled. “I’m considering making an example of him with
what happens to former Palpatine supporters who push me.” He

Humming at that, Padme turned the chair
a bit and sat down on Obi-Wan’s lap, petting the silver and white
robe the other was wearing as the Emperor. “Or you could tell
Anakin and he would deal with it all.” She smiled. “It would be a
good test in your training of him.”

She leaned in and nuzzled into the
crook of his neck as Obi-Wan mused over the idea. “Maybe, he is in
time for a challenge…” He hummed before shifting when both heard
a little whine.

Padme slipped of his lap quickly and
moved to the travel cot, cooing as she picked up Luke and cuddled the
four month old. “Oh baby, did you have enough of a nap?”

Settling his elbow on the desk and his
head on his hand, Obi-Wan watched her and Luke with a soft smile on
his face as Padme just suffused the Force with her love for her
babies, both of them.

Standing slowly, Obi-Wan flickered his
fingers so a whining Leia floated up from the crib too, chuckling
softly when she instantly started giggling at being floated around as
he reached out and wrapped her in his arms.

“What have I told you and Ani
about floating them around?” Padme huffed even as Obi-Wan gave her
a wicked grin over Leia’s head.

we shouldn’t but they love it, don’t you little star light?”
Obi-Wan crooned at Leia, snuggling her gently and nosing at her soft
cheeks. “My little princess~” He nosed at the soft hairs of her
head too.

her eyes, Padme snuggled Luke some more and then took him to change
his diaper, content to leave Leia with her second dad.

the soft chestnut hair slowly, Obi-Wan moved to the window to peer
out at the Jedi temple in the distance before looking down at her.
“One day, you’ll have everything here. I’ve already seen the
great Sith and leader you’ll become.” He whispered to Leia as she
grasped at his robe and held onto the silver fastenings of it. “No
one will stop you when I’m done and this empire will be left in
your capable hands but you’ll need to look after your brother.”
He stroked her chubby cheek gently with a finger, smiling at her
delighted little giggle. “But that is many years into the future.”
He murmured. “Many many years.” He returned to staring at the

now Obi-Wan was the Emperor with Padme at his side as his political
advisor and beloved wife and Anakin as his bodyguard and darling

And he
would be fighting tooth and nail to make an
Empire worthy of Leia and Luke when they grew up.

eyes reflected back in the window as Obi-Wan nuzzled Leia gently
under his chin.

so, ‘freeforme’… three Force sensitive babies in one room… what next? Vader decides everybody will be much safer with him, and the argument starts the fussy/screaming team? Will Vader discover that he HAS to keep his temper under control or screaming babies? Will he try and blackmail Obi Wan and/or Padme? Just, WHAT NEXT?? (Lady, you are killing me with the suspense!! THANK YOU!)

“You promised, you swore an oath.” Padme hissed at Vader.

Obi-Wan quietly watched them, snuggling Waxer against his chest as he
tried to absorb the dream he had…though perhaps Obi-Wan had a

It could have been.

Waxer, Luke and Leia, all with their own sabers and decorated braids,
all smiling, all bright eyed and eager…

It made him smile as he nuzzled slowly at his baby, all calm compared
to Vader and Padme’s angry hissing at each other.

“You’d be safer with me, all of you. You can’t honestly think
bringing the babies back to the Rebellion is a good idea?” Vader

“The Alliance is a much better place for them then the Empire who
brainwashes and enslaves. Look at poor Obi-Wan, the father of his
child tried to SHOT him.” She snapped right back, waving her hand
at him.

Obi-Wan looked up at them before quietly getting up and cuddling
Waxer against him as he stepped back slowly and steadily, warily
eyeing Luke and Leia, both who had wibbling bottom lips.

“You are safer with me, I can take care of all of you. Obi-Wan got
captured seeking medical aid for his baby, whose to say that will not
happen again and next time it will be the Emperor who will have no
kindness for a former Jedi!” Their voices were getting louder.

“Um, Padme…Vader… please.” Obi-Wan tried reaching out.

“Obi-Wan was in hiding! He’s coming back with me now!” Padme

The sounds and the darkness made it all unravel and with a loud,
hiccuping cry, Luke was the first of the wee ones to scream, big fat
tears rolling down his face with Leia following her twin quickly
afterward and prompting Waxer to join in on the crying despite being
comforted by his parent.

As they screamed, several light fixtures above their heads started to
fizzle and flicker and then blow out, glass spraying everywhere even
as Obi-Wan yelped and threw his arm up around himself and Waxer to
protect his boy.

Vader flailed and then quickly picked up Leia, bouncing and cooing at
her as Padme did the same with Luke, all three adults desperately
trying to calm the crying kids down.

A sharp, short wail caused a cabinet to almost fall over if it hadn’t
been for Vader quickly settling his side against it and Padme quickly
sidestepped some glass so not to crunch on it.

Obi-Wan luckily escaped most of it since he had backed away.

Once the kids calmed he breathed out then leveled sever look at both
of them. “For Force sake, you two need to keep calm. They are Force
sensitive babes, powerful at that. Emotions are powerful tools in
their possession so please lets not upset them more then necessary.”
He sighed and rested his head on Waxer, cooing softly when he quietly
hiccuped. “That’s it little light, its alright. Dry your little

“…Apologies Obi-Wan.”

“Yes, I’m sorry Obi-Wan.”

The quiet chorus came from the other side and the redhead sighed
quietly, nodding. “…Look, you are both right, neither the
Alliance or the Empire are places to raise these babies but this is
the situation we are in. Do you honestly think the Emperor would
leave me or your babies be Darth Vader?” Obi-Wan leveled him a
look. “No. There will be no peace. There will be no rest. The
Emperor will kill, he will take your children and he will corrupt
them as he enslaves the galaxy to his bidding. This is the future…
if you don’t let us GO.” He stared earnestly. “Search your
feelings… please.”

Vader stared at him before slowly looking down at Leia in his arms,
stroking her little tears off her face with a fingertip.

In the end…

He let them go, Obi-Wan leaving with Padme and the twins as quickly
as they could manage.