Cuddling? Just… some folks like Obi-Wan (with the 212th) or Cody (with other commanders) cuddling and relaxing and getting to take a break for a bit? Or maybe Mace and his lineage, they’re all so overworked and I think they deserve a good cuddle session. Thanks for all of your awesome stories!

Opening his eyes lazily to peer up at an amused Depa, Mace simply tightened his hold on Caleb as he sunk deeper into the beanbag, just silently staring back at his old padawan.

Caleb, bless his heart, continued sleeping, nuzzling into his grandmaster’s chest as the master of the order tugged the blankets provided by Ponds more around the sleeping boy. The war had been tearing on all of them and Mace had…

Well, he worried.

Caleb was so young and he knew, from dealing with Obi-Wan, how youth and war did not mix properly.

He had seen Obi-Wan Kenobi returning from Melida/Daan.

He had been a knight at the time but he had seen how the boy had come back skittish, gaunt with a light missing in his eyes and even as he physically bounced back, something in the padawan of Qui-Gon Jinn had clearly changed and not for the best.

So yes, sue him, he worried and therefore he was going to have a grand ol’ snuggle time with his padawan’s padawan.

Especially since his worried men, in combination with the 212th, had provided not only blankets but also beanbags for them to rest, settling them under a tree to provide some shade from the suns shining down on them, the air smelling comfortingly of fresh forest with the day being decently warm and the blanket providing the rest they needed.

Actually, speaking of the 212th…

Glancing to his side, Mace found Obi-Wan, just like Caleb, was deeply asleep, curled up in the beanbag as he rested on his commander’s chest, the clone commander rubbing his fingers slowly through the others red hair as he peered at the sky.

“…So, are there more beanbags and blankets?” Depa finally whispered to avoid waking either Obi-Wan or Caleb, glancing around and visibly pouting when she didn’t see any in sight.

Grumbling faintly, Mace glanced around too before catching the lieutenant with the shaved head from 212th eyes.

The man blinked before looking at Depa, beaming brightly in realization before he scuttled off quickly.

Mace raised his hand from Caleb briefly, giving the other the thumb up. “No but in a few moments there will be. Not sure where the troopers got these from but I’m grateful.” He rumbled quietly, dropping his hand back to pet Caleb’s fluffy hair instead of simply resting on him.

It was moments like this he delighted that Depa hadn’t made Caleb get the traditional padawan haircut or that the boy himself hadn’t insisted.

Fluffy hair that was nice to pet, fluffy little padawan.

He was really fond of his grandpadawan he would admit, Caleb was curious and driven and it hurt Mace heart to see the boy in war.

But there was nothing he could do about that instead of trudging on wards, trying to end the war with the Senate breathing down their necks and Jedi dying in the name of the Senate.

Mace had to send that bitter feeling into the air as the lieutenant from the 212th came over with the beanbags and blankets for Depa.

He felt more and more that they were fighting less for justice and the Republic and more for the karking politicians.

It was why he treasured moments like this, cuddling Caleb with his fellow Jedi resting around him, Obi-Wan’s fuzzy sleep aura warm and Depa settling down with them with her own calm easing his heart.

Priceless moments.

Do Ani and Obi ever get unsupervised visitation in the Light Through the Cracks?

Stepping out of the steamed up fresher as the door opened for him, Obi-Wan continued rubbing his hair dry with the towel. He honestly preferred this to a hair blower as it generally tended to leave his hair feeling a weird texture.

And the noise had always made him feel antsy for some reason.

And air drying took too long now that his hair had grown out this muc- “Ack!”

The eep broke through Obi-Wan’s thoughts and he ripped the towel away to blink into the room, finding Anakin shielding his eyes as he sat cross legged on Obi-Wan’s bed. “Anakin?!” Obi-Wan squeaked before hurriedly closing the bathrobe, flushing darkly. ‘Please tell me he didn’t see anything.’ Obi-Wan couldn’t help but anxiously think, cursing the Force shielding of the room for the first time as he hadn’t sensed Anakin enter at all.

He still wasn’t quite healthy, still needed to put on some more weight and honestly, he’d rather not expose himself to his padawan just yet.

It would come eventually on their future missions, it was unavoidable honestly but for Force sake, could Obi-Wan please not just have exposed himself to his ten year old padawan?

“H-Hi Obi-Wan,” Anakin squeaked, hands still over his eyes. “Um, can I look?” He questioned nervously.

Tying the robe instead of just nervously closing it, Obi-Wan cleared his throat. “Yes, yes you can. I um, tied the robe,” He quickly picked up the towel he dropped, peering at Anakin. “I-how are you here? And um, how much did you see?” He inquired, flushing darkly as the tanned child peeked between his fingers before lowering his hands.

Flushing equally as hard as Obi-Wan, Anakin shook his head. “Not much, I was looking up, so I mostly just saw your chest and head,” He stated shyly, twisting his hands together in his lap. “And Master Mace said I could visit you, that the council is going to allow unmonitored visitations now.” Despite clearly still being embarrassed, he beamed as he added the second part.

Oh, Obi-Wan could have melted at that.

At both answers honestly.

He was grateful he hadn’t just scarred his young padawan but unmonitored visits!

It was evidence that Obi-Wan was recovering, that the council and healers were allowing him to see Anakin without someone to keep an eye.

He couldn’t help but drop the towel as he moved forward to the bed and dropped to his knees on it, wrapping his arms around Anakin to hug him.

And tactile as he’d always been and thoughtlessly affectionate, Anakin reached back, giggling happily as he wrapped his small arms around Obi-Wan, patting at his back with his small hands when Obi-Wan sniffled. “Its okay master. I’m here. I’m here.” He cheerfully stated.

‘Oh Anakin, what did I do to deserve you?’ Obi-Wan tightened his grip on his young apprentice. ‘I’m so broken and yet here you are, trying to take care of me when I’m the adult… the council should take you away from me but I’m glad they haven’t. I’m glad you’re still my padawan.’ He couldn’t wait until he was better, until he was cleared by the healers.

Until he could properly teach Anakin and see just how much he had grown in the time Obi-Wan had been confined to the healers and in need of care.

Brushing his fingers through the short hair, Obi-Wan let out a shuddering breath and caught Anakin’s now grown braid. ‘Just a little longer Anakin, just wait for me a little longer my nova.’

Aww, Ahsoka has her first flower in FloralSkin! That’s wonderful; I’m glad she’s finally experiencing this milestone! I love her reaction, and the absolute support from Anakin and Obi-Wan: they’re good masters! But speaking of them? Poor Obi-Wan is CLEARLY overworked, and Anakin knows it. I hope that between Anakin and Rex (and maybe Helix and Kix), they either figure out (probably unknowingly) how to circumvent Palpatine’s manipulations, or at least are able to give the two some time off!

Pausing in shock, Obi-Wan blinked at the other man as he stood in the doorway of the Nabooan office.

Cody just smiled kindly back at him, standing in only the bottom half of his armor, illuminated by a soft, glowing light further inside the office. “Hey there blossom.” He murmured.

Glancing out of the hallway and then back in, Obi-Wan slowly stepped in, letting the door close behind him. “One, call me that and I might hit you. Two, what is going on? I thought I was…” He trailed off.

He was suppose to meet with Senator Amidala, to get a few reports, go over some info from Naboo, not meet with Cody.

But there was no one in the Nabooan office except for Cody, the man standing in front of the window of the room, clearly waiting with most of the office being dark except for the light right over the door and what looked like candle light on the caff table further in.

Cody’s smile grew, stepping towards Obi-Wan to grasp his hand, tugging him closer to hug him, until he had Obi-Wan in his arms.

Obi-Wan automatically melted into his soulmate’s arm, trusting despite his surprise as he peered at Cody. “General Skywalker went to Senator Amidala. He was worried about you. I am too.” Cody stated softly, rubbing at his soulmate’s back as Obi-Wan stared at him. He didn’t like what he was seeing, the stress lines on Obi-Wan’s face was more pronounced than the week before, combine that with the paleness of his skin or the bags under his eyes, Obi-Wan looked horribly unwell.

Well, that wouldn’t do.

Cody endeavored to change some of that. “He asked her for help. So she arranged this, so we two could have a date.”

Obi-Wan stared at his soulmate for several long moments before looking around the office, visibly unbalanced from the unexpected situation, his hands hanging down limply by his sides even as he leaned into the hug.

‘Poor love, you’re that out of it?’ Cody lamented sadly to himself, not minding how slow on the uptake his Jedi was being. ‘You’ve been so stressed dear one that you can’t recognize or even reach for comfort?’ It hurt to see his love that addled.

The normally so sharp Jedi was so befuddled by the simple rip up of what he expected, having planned for a meeting with Senator Amidala only for it to be Cody and a date.

Slowly, Cody slid his hand to take Obi-Wan’s, rubbing his fingertips over the knuckles before pulling the other towards the caff table with the fancy couches stationed around it.

When General Skywalker had summoned him to the Naboo Senator office, Cody hadn’t known what to expect.

But to learn that Anakin had gone out of his way for Obi-Wan, to ask Senator Amidala for a favor so Obi-Wan and Cody could have time…

Well, it warmed Cody.

Oh, he knew it was for Obi-Wan’s sake more than his, Obi-Wan was Anakin’s former master after all. But it felt good to know someone else cared for his mate.

And Cody had pounced on the offer, gratefully accepting not only the time Senator Amidala had gotten them but also her office to have their date.

And he had also accepted Skywalker’s offer to get them food and comforts.

Seeing Obi-Wan only a few seconds on holo was not the same as seeing him in person and he had been worried about the obvious stress the other was under, wanting to at least comfort his riduur.

Which was why the caff table was covered in candle light, the blankets from Obi-Wan’s quarters were on one of the fancy couches and food from Dex diner was sitting innocently in their containers.

Obi-Wan let out a surprised but eager noise when he saw them, making Cody smile as he sat down on the couch and pulled the other into his lap, his Jedi melting into him.

Despite how confused he was, Obi-Wan’s body recognized the comfort offered to it and eagerly sought it, Cody wrapping himself around the other for a few seconds before grabbing one of the blankets Anakin had brought.

Tucking it around his Jedi, Cody pressed a kiss to Obi-Wan’s temple. “There we go. One easy, quiet date night for us. Comfortable and content, Senator Amidala said we could have the office until morning and Fox said he’d come by to wake us before things got too busy.” He whispered softly.

Shuffling in his lap to get comfortable, Obi-Wan let out an exasperated and yet undeniably fond huff, his face soft as he blinked between the candle covered caff table with food and his soulmate. “It seems I don’t have much else choice, you’ve all hoodwinked me pretty well.” He murmured, smiling to show his pleasure at the situation.

Smiling in turn, Cody nodded, pressing a kiss to the underside of Obi-Wan’s jaw. “Well and thoroughly caught love.” He agreed, unbearably fond of his Jedi.

His riduur.

Okay, so the newest update for KyberTears messed me up. But the little Kyber baby is unexpectedly cute. Is it real? Like do Anakin And Obi-Wan put it in a pretty little setting and carry it around so that Baby Kyber isn’t stuck in a dark box?! Or is it the part of Obi-Wan that’s made of starstuff? *When* Obi-Wan gets better, will he be able to still cry Kyber tears? Or did Palpatine’s experiment hurt him to badly? I’M SORRY!!! You just gave me too many feelings!

Opening his eyes, Obi-Wan let out a thoughtful little hum as he ran his thumb over the pale crystal, pointedly ignoring where his blanket became empty spaces. “You’re right, its clearly more sentient than my average tears but to be fair, tears come from channels in my eyes, blood comes from my heart.” Obi-Wan noted quietly as he looked to Anakin.

Being awake once more was an interesting experience Obi-Wan had to admit, he hadn’t been long awake after greeting Anakin and the council, falling asleep only to wake up what felt like only seconds later but was really days after.

He knew that, because Anakin had time to grow a scraggly beard as he slept with his head on the bed and Ahsoka was doing her homework at Obi-Wan’s bedside, a small table having been brought in.

Him awake though had sent the young padawan scrambling for a healer and Anakin waking up and pretty much falling off the bed, squeaking a bit before desperately grasping Obi-Wan’s hand.

Since then Obi-Wan had carefully been examined and then, after getting a new IV bag set up and several pillows to aid him, he had gingerly sat up against the support of said pillows.

He didn’t feel strong, no, rather Obi-Wan felt humiliatingly feeble, but he was awake and not tired enough to sleep.

The healers had been quick to inform him that while the council had been informed, none of them would be bye right now.

One, due to the work they currently had.

But also two, Obi-Wan had to recover, he had been through several traumatic events in a very short period of time and he had to decompress and take in what had really happened to him.

Digest it so to speak.

One of the first things the healers had tested was if Obi-Wan’s ability to cry kyber had been harmed, forcing him to cry by dropping eye drops into both his eyes as a precaution.

It had taken longer than normally but both the tears that had come from the eye dropper had transformed into two crystal clear if weak kyber crystals that the healer collected to deliver to the saber quartermasters and the crate of crystals they kept.

But the white, almost clear crystal made from Obi-Wan’s blood that had been purified?

It stayed with Anakin.

It didn’t tolerate to be separated from Anakin, screaming as if in pain when it was separated, though it tolerated being handled by Obi-Wan, almost humming and vibrating in recognition when held by Obi-Wan.

Shifting his stumps under the blanket, valiantly ignoring how it felt, Obi-Wan held it out for Anakin to take.

Carefully, Anakin did, wrapping it in a little blue cloth that he then tucked into his belt, shrugging when Obi-Wan peered curiously at him. “It… felt cold without a wrap. Its a very peculiar crystal. What do you think Palpatine was trying to do even?” He questioned quietly.

Huffing faintly, sliding a bit down in the pillows settled behind him, Obi-Wan shook his head. “I really have no idea. My best guess is that he was trying to create a crystal that responded well to darkness. But you know how my tears respond to it, I highly doubt even Palpatine knew what he had created and we can’t exactly ask him anymore.” He smiled a tad wryly.

Dourly, Anakin glared at the wall before reaching out and grabbing Obi-Wan’s left hand, careful of the right since it had the IV line. “Yeah, I don’t think I would have wanted to hear it anyhow. Bastard can rot.” He snapped quietly before quieting when Obi-Wan squeezed his hand.

Familiar with his former padawan, Obi-Wan smiled sadly. “I’ll be okay, you know that, right?” Obi-Wan murmured, stroking his thumb over Anakin’s knuckles.

Instead of comforting though, the words seemed to make Anakin’s mood fall even lower as he grimaced, staring down at Obi-Wan and his entwined hands, holding on tightly.

And much to Obi-Wan’s dismay, he could feel the twist of guilt and self-loathing wafting of Anakin and into the Force. “Oh Anakin, you… come here you silly thing. You weren’t at fault for what happened to me.” He whispered, pulling gently on the younger man’s hand. He wanted to pull Anakin onto the bed but unfortunately he felt ridiculously weak, where even Anakin’s lackluster resistance was too much for Obi-Wan to overcome.

Oh, he despised the weakness his situation had made him and hoped the healers would start on his physical therapy sooner rather than later.

For a moment, Anakin resisted, looking like he wanted to withdraw into himself. And then his face crumbled as he let out a hiccup, folding to Obi-Wan’s silent, tugging demand.

Carefully, the man knelt onto the bed and let himself be fold into the Jedi master’s arms, hugged tightly by Obi-Wan. “I knew you were in trouble, I knew something was up but I still left you alone,” Anakin spasmed, his hands fisted in Obi-Wan’s medical tunic. “And you were abducted and harmed and… we almost lost you. I almost lost you.” He shuddered hard, pressing his face to Obi-Wan’s neck, salty tears dripping along the skin.

Pushing Anakin slightly back, Obi-Wan huffed out a shaken laugh, thumbing the thin and dark skin from sleep deprivation beneath Anakin’s wet eyes as he dried the tears. “But you didn’t. And you came for me,” He whispered, forcing his voice to remain even in the quiet, sterile room that would be his for the foreseeable future. “No,” He shook his head. “Anakin, just minutes later and it would have been too late. You arrived just in time. You found me and you got me, you brought me home to safety and help.” As he spoke, his smile grew.

And as he spoke, Anakin stared at him, looking struck at the words before letting out a low sob before he dragged Obi-Wan to his arms once more, the two hugging tightly. “I couldn’t… I couldn’t just leave you. I… I can’t let go easily. I know I’m attached. I know I struggle… but master, I’m not ready to let you go. Not yet.” He confessed, trembling as he ran his hand over Obi-Wan’s warm back, feeling the skin through the thin tunic.

Chuckling shakily, Obi-Wan simply pressed a kiss to Anakin’s temple. “That’s alright,” He stated softly. “We can work on it together Anakin, because… I’m not ready to let go of you either just yet, dear one.”

Anakin tensed before laughing shakily. “Okay Obi-Wan… you, me and Ahsoka. We’ll work on it…” He agreed, his voice clearly rattled yet somehow content at the same time, his guilt and self loathing still evident in the Force.

But also love.

Soft, warm love of someone Obi-Wan knew he could trust.

Someone he would always be able to trust.

“We’ll be alright Anakin,” He murmured, ignoring the doors swishing open to admit a healer. “You and me, Skywalker and Kenobi, the team, because there is no one else I’d rather have at my side than you.” Obi-Wan stated, confident in his words as Anakin continued clinging to him, warm and comforting against Obi-Wan’s body.

“Us against the world.” Anakin agreed quietly, reluctantly letting go when the healer coughed pointedly, her cheeks red and flustered as if she was loath to interrupt the two.

Still, even as Obi-Wan’s vitals were checked over once more, the two smiled at each other, secure in the knowledge that whatever else came, they’d have each other.

Oh my gosh! More Snails are Free! Please! I don’t even have a prompt I just want to know what happens next!

Switching between covering his two normal eyes and uncovering them,
Obi-Wan blinked the large eye in the middle of his brows, the eye
moving around with purpose.

watched him in obvious fascination, sitting on the same couch with
one leg dragged up on the couch and his body turned towards his
master. He had never seen anyone’s eye move like they were normal

movements, tracking light or people, no they had always stared
straight ahead, opening just for a few seconds and then closing

in response to visions if Anakin had gotten his understanding of it

Obi-Wan was now fully aware of the third eye and could use it to see
everything, even if someone blind folded him, that third eye would be
able to see everything.

still didn’t remember what in the world he had seen, if it was the
big snail or what, but he had seen something that had caused him to
pass out.

wasn’t sure if he was grateful or not, because despite being able
to use the eye, Obi-Wan couldn’t directly see anything from the
other world yet.


could see shadows of things, he had managed to avoid stepping on some
of the snails that had been on the floor automatically, though Anakin
had come to learn that people walking around harmlessly passed
through the little things.

Obi-Wan could now tell where Pinky was if she left his shoulder and
moved about his arms.

So he
was getting towards seeing the world.

seeing Anakin.

some reason that didn’t disturb him so much anymore, the concept of
Obi-Wan seeing Anakin’s changed state in the other world.

used to.

looked like the oddest alien ever, some might even say monstrous, but

cared about Anakin.

He had
already assured him that he would not care about the changes and had
instead asked with very obvious interest how far the changes went,
looking utterly fascinated by the idea of Anakin having a headtail
with frills like the little snails did.

is really strange.” Obi-Wan finally settled on, turning his head to
look at Anakin with a bemused smile on his face, all three eyes
focused squarely on the blond.

faintly, Anakin rubbed his chin. “Its weird to see you focus on me
with your eyes like that but how do you think I feel with my
changes?” He grinned at the other.

stunned expression crossed Obi-Wan’s face before he turned guilty,
Anakin’s smile dimming a bit. “Oh Anakin, I’m so sorry, I
didn’t mean to invalidate your experience,” Obi-Wan reached out,
grabbing the others hand. “Are you doing alright with your own
changes?” He questioned worriedly.

his humor returning at the question, Anakin grinned once more.
“Honestly? I don’t really notice it anymore. I had a bit of body
dysmorphia about the… well, the tail,” He raised the hand Obi-Wan
wasn’t holding, carefully touching the tail that came out of the
back of his head that rested down his neck. “But I managed to get
around it and it doesn’t crop up as much.” Anakin assured his
master. He didn’t mention that he mostly managed around it because
no one else could see what Anakin could see.

Anakin’s hand, Obi-Wan gave a deep sigh, his eyes tinged with
sorrow and guilt still. “I’m sorry for not asking before, I just…
to me you’re just Anakin, your looks don’t… that is…”
Obi-Wan struggled before smiling at him. “You’re still Anakin, if
that makes sense?”

oddly touched and a bit amused at the same time, Anakin snorted and
shifted closer to his master, resting his head on the others
shoulder, letting out a happy little sigh when Obi-Wan instantly
reached up and petted at his scalp. “I get it master. I mean,
you’re still you to me.”

had Obi-Wan pause, Anakin tensing as he wondered if he put his foot
in his mouth only for Obi-Wan to chuckle quietly. “Thank you
Anakin, I admit, I wasn’t thinking about that just yet but… thank
you padawan.” The man murmured quietly, his tone fond and soft as
he continued bestowing affection.

out, Anakin settled under the hand of his master, enjoying the
comfort as he studied the hand still holding his, smiling at the
sight of freckles on pale skin and callused hands.