
[Native to Naboo, the Millaflower was commonly cultivated in gardens, and when gifted was culturally considered to honor the recipient by signifying respect.] 


Happy JeDad Day!

Could we see more AWOL Jedi please? Maybe Anakin reconnecting with his men / Rex, and them realizing how lonely / how bad things became on Coruscant. Thank you for sharing so many wonderful stories with us! 💜

Nodding his thanks to Jinx as the vod put down a basket of fruit, Rex turned his eyes to Anakin, frowning slightly at a sudden thought that hit him. “I’m rather surprised that Senator Amidala hasn’t kicked up a bigger fuss about her kids being here.” Rex stated thoughtfully as he watched Anakin finish of the last of his water.

It had been the topic of some late bunk conversations for a few days actually and Rex knew, coming over a few gossip circles, that the Jedi too were a bit bemused by it. Everyone knew Senator Amidala after all, she was a determined and powerful woman, one you didn’t easily dismiss.

Rex had a lot of respect for her, she had always been a voice for good.

His words quieted some of the conversation of the other 501st in the house, his voice carrying enough.

Anakin however didn’t seem to realize, he only let out a bitter snort. “Maybe she would have, if she had a leg to stand on.” He stated wryly, kicking his legs out in front of him and setting his empty glass down on the caff table.

When their former Jedi had come to visit the 501st in their… well, Rex wasn’t sure what to call it but every battalion had their own headquarters or barracks so to speak now. It was generally a house, a few floors depending on how big the battalion was, a place to stretch their legs, talk, do their hobbies and have fun.

Technically a ‘break room’ situation so to speak, only it was a house instead, with rooms dedicated to rest, eating if they wanted and didn’t go to the larger cantinas to eat with other battalions or Jedi, hobby rooms and so on.

Often though, others visited them at the headquarters, trading food stuffs and so on.

It was nice, a place for the battalions to stretch their wings so to say, their own space for… well, whatever they wanted, just like the homes they had.

Anakin was the first Jedi, because he’d always be a Jedi to them, to visit the 501st and Rex couldn’t help a proud kernel in his stomach at the admiring look their Jedi threw around the first break room that meet them, filled with couches, caff table, a few fridges and lots of beanbags.

He had been even more impressed with the selection of drinks and snack foods he had been offered.

Now though, Rex regretted not offering the other something stronger as the blond gave his glass a bitter look. “…What do you mean sir?” Rex ventured carefully.

When the other just mutely stared at the glass, Rex shifted of the couch and moved around the table to sit down with Anakin instead, peering at the other man with a small frown on his face. “…Told you to call me Anakin… quite a few times actually.” He finally sighed, glancing at Rex.

Peering back steadily, Rex reached out slowly at Anakin’s slumped shape, settling his hand on the others shoulder. “Then… what did you mean Anakin?” He prompted carefully.

Settling back against the couch, Anakin tilted his head to peer up at the ceiling. “…When the Jedi left Coruscant…” He started slowly, frowning as if in pain. “I figured out just what was most important to Padme… and it wasn’t me or the kids…” He answered lowly, hands clenched into the fabric of his pants.

Slowly, with careful prompting, Rex got the story out of Anakin.

The days of isolation, of the Senator disappearing to the Senate for so long that not even Anakin saw her for days, of only the staff being around, of Anakin discovering that without the Jedi around, he was isolated to only his wife and the few friends he had managed to make among her fellow Senators.

Even then, that weren’t many, due to how Anakin had no interest for politics for one and due to the difference in life.

Anakin had been a slave and then he was a Jedi and a soldier, his life wasn’t pampered like many Senators. His life had been brutal, steady and hard, which made it difficult for him to connect to people like the soft handed senators with only a few exceptions.

It stunned Rex to the core, to realize that after they left, Anakin had been virtually friendless and he couldn’t help but reach out and pull his Jedi into a hug, clinging to the man, realizing that just like the 501st had missed Anakin… Anakin had missed them just as much.

Long arms wrapped around him in turn, the grip tight, as if Anakin couldn’t get enough of the hug and was terrified Rex was going to pull away.

He wouldn’t and Rex simply pressed his hand to the others back. “Its alright. You’re here now. We’re here. You can’t get rid of us that easily.” He whispered, looking up to find Echo and Jesse standing at their side, their hands joining Rex on Anakin’s back to gently rub, faces drawn in worry.

Their Jedi let out a soft, hiccuping noise and simply buried his head in Rex shoulder, hands fisting the back of his shirt.

“You can’t get rid of us.” Rex repeated quietly into curly blond hairs.