In shut me down did plo still find Ashoka and has she befriend obi as well??

Humming quietly as he continued carving the wood slowly, Obi-Wan pretended not to notice the blue eyes watching him from the flower bush from the left.

They had been watching him for a while and initially, Obi-Wan had been uncertain how to deal with it, seeing as he was all alone but…

Well, after he figured out the who, he wasn’t so concerned.

After all, younglings of all races were merely curious and the Jedi Initiates were no different than those outside of the temple. Which was why Obi-Wan simply continued carving, working away on the canine taking shape.

He was actually rather impressed that she was keeping quiet still. At her age, Obi-Wan would have moved long ago but she was keeping still and quiet, simply observing him, not even moving her head or hands as far as Obi-Wan could tell.

She certainly made no sound and if it wasn’t for her lack at muffling her own Force aura, then he likely wouldn’t have noticed her at all.

Blowing on the carving to send the wood shavings away and into his lap instead, Obi-Wan eyed the figure taking shape before turning his head to glance at the bush, lips twitching as there was a little shift of leaves and flowers.

Likely he had surprised her by looking at the bush. “I don’t bite, you’re more than welcome to join me if you want.” Obi-Wan offered softly, patting the teal colored grass beside him even as he made sure to hold the carving knife securely. Yan would not be happy if Obi-Wan cut himself again by being thoughtless.

There was another shift in the bushes, some abashment joining the Force aura of the little one and then she came out, blinking at him with large blue eyes peering uncertainly at him as she patted out her Initiate shift.

A young togruta with white markings on her face, seemingly around the age of eight to ten if Obi-Wan was guessing correctly, her lekkus white and blue with a deep orange skin. If Obi-Wan was to take a guess, that meant her parents would have been from Shili and inland togrutas most likely, as the orange skin had developed to hide them in the orange grass fields of the inlands.

“Hello there little one.” He smiled gently at the togruta, wiggling his foot as he rested his carving in his lap, trying to come of as none-threatening as possible.

So far, she was the first one of the younglings to come this close to him and later on approach him when she was called out. Obi-Wan found himself curious why so many of them spied on him from time to time, everywhere from the commissary, the gardens, the meditations rooms, sparring halls and so on.

It had been a tad overwhelming, especially in the start when Obi-Wan was learning to deal with so many Force sensitive in one place once more.

Now seemed as good as any moment to maybe figure it out and sate the curiosity.

She bit her lips, showing small fangs and then she slowly made her way over. “Hello. Barris says you were a Jedi.” She stated shyly, pausing about a hand away from him.

Obi-Wan cocked his head, fingers of the hand holding the carving tapping at the wood. “I was, yes. Me and my grandmaster left many years ago but we’re back at the temple for protection.” He confirmed. ‘So that’s why they were curious…’ Obi-Wan thought with some amusement.

The rumors about them must have been spreading like fire in dry grass.

That seemed to be the right thing to say as she instantly perked up and seemed to relax at the same time, the young togruta sitting down with her lekkus twitching with excitement. “So its true that the other man you’re with left too? And that he was a master?” She gasped.

Laughing faintly, Obi-Wan nodded, going back to working on the akul carving. “Yes. His name is Yan Dooku, there’s a statue of him in the Archive among the Lost. I was just a knight,” He glanced at her once more. “I’m Obi-Wan Kenobi.” He introduced.

If he had thought her eyes had been big hearing about Yan, then it was nothing when she heard his name, blue eyes going so large that they almost eclipsed the white of her eyes. “You’re the Sith Slayer.” She gasped.

Obi-Wan winced, but she didn’t seem to notice and he forced himself to keep smiling. “That’s me. Now, how about you, who are you?” He questioned.

Pushing her chest out proudly, her lekkus practically dancing in their excitement, the youngling beamed with all her teeth on display, showing how she had been raised among humans as it bared her fangs as if a threat display. “I’m Ahsoka Tano!” She announced proudly. “I’m eight!” She held up both her hands, displaying eight fingers.

“Well meet, Ahsoka Tano.” Obi-Wan greeted, lips twitching into a genuine smile once more as he found himself meaning the greeting. ‘Well meet indeed youngling.’ He thought as she continued beaming at him.

#shutmedown- how does dinner with Anakin and Plo go?

up the door, Count Dooku stared at them in surprise before visibly
himself and smiling faintly. “Master Koon, young padawan Skywalker,
to what do I owe the pleasure?” He murmured calmly.

faintly in return, Plo inclined his head. “We were hoping to invite
you and young Kenobi for dinner. It
seems the young ones have struck up a friendship and I would be more
than amendable to serving up human food in the oxygen rich kitchen
for you all,
if you don’t already have plans that is?” The Jedi master settled
on calmly while Anakin bounced excitedly on his heels, glancing over
Dooku’s shoulder for Obi-Wan, hopeful.

was a standard sized padawan and master quarters from what Anakin
could see and it also seemed to have the standard furniture since
Dooku and Obi-Wan weren’t living there, so the quartermaster had
only filled it with the basic couch, chairs and tables. Much to his
disappointment, he couldn’t see Obi-Wan on the faux black leather
couch in the room but he could be in the kitchenette he guessed.

Dooku frowned faintly before sighing and glancing over his shoulder
too. “I… do not believe we would be up for that today…” He
hesitated before gesturing for them to enter as
he stepped aside.
“Today has been a bad day for Obi-Wan.” He explained, dropping
his volum.

Anakin stepped in quickly and glanced around even as he removed his
boots, not seeing Obi-Wan anywhere. ‘Bad day, so maybe he’s
sleeping?’ He glanced to the closed doors only to look at Count
Dooku when he cleared his throat.

of verbally answering, he pointed towards the kitchenette’s table
and for a long, uncomprehending moment, Anakin stared.

he glanced lower.

he was, Obi-Wan, sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest below
the kitchen table with the chair slightly pushed away from it to make
space under. He was sporting a pair of blue and silver headphones and
had a plushie in his arms, his chin leaned on his knees with his eyes

seemed to be sporting nightwear from what Anakin could tell, a very
soft blue set and a pair of fuzzy pink soaks.

white stars dotting it was
resting on top of the table.

was about to cover the table when you knocked.” Dooku explained,
sighing a bit.

Plo paused, peering at the former Jedi master for
an explanation.

likes darkness when he’s like this.
Which is why
I brought
his hiding blanket
throw over the table he hides under for privacy.” The Count
explained, rubbing the back of his neck. “He need’s the quiet
when he has days like this, privacy and peace.” He continued before
shrugging, looking a bit defeated. “And I assume it makes him feel

with each other, the two didn’t notice Anakin make his way over
quietly, folding the blanket over the table and then sliding in under
with the redhead.

opened his eyes to thin slits, staring at Anakin before giving him a
grimacing smile, not saying a word.

that he needed to as Anakin settled in beside him, waiting.

a moment, Obi-Wan put his head on Anakin’s shoulder instead, eyes
closing again as the blond just sat beside him.

could feel the buzz of energy in his veins… but he could also feel
the closeness of Obi-Wan and he focused on that, on the sounds of the
others breathing and his warm
Faintly he could also hear a low noise coming from the headphones and
if he strained himself a bit, he could hear something that sounded
like chimes or maybe bells.

sort of calming music or something.

a piano?

could ask later he figured as
he heard the two older men figure out that Anakin was gone, feeling
both of their eyes on the table for a long second before Yan offered
to play chess with Plo to pass the time.

Anakin dared to sneak his arm around his friend, feeling Obi-Wan
settle even more into him with a soft noise.

knew what it was like to have bad days and so he just sat, quietly
and calmly with his cheek resting on Obi-Wan’s head, sharing the
little dark space under the table.

So in Shut Me Down, does Palpatine try to use Ani to get at Obi or has Plo blocked that route?

his head, his hand on his padawan’s shoulder, Plo muttered quietly
in low tone to his padawan as
they made their way through the Rotunda hall.
“It makes me uneasy how fascinated and interested he seems to be
with you Anakin, be wary about him hmm?” The kel dor squeezed the
human’s shoulder fondly.

faintly, Anakin nodded. “Yeah, you know I wouldn’t have thought
about it if you hadn’t said it but I guess it’s kinda weird how
he keeps wanting to speak with me.” Anakin tucked his thumbs into
his belt, glancing up at his master.

this is why I did not allow unsupervised visits or meetings,” Plo
chuckled quietly. “You are my padawan and under my guardianship,
allowing you to meet alone with a stranger in their office would be a
fallacy in my care of you when I am not comfortable with the idea.”
The man said quietly, passing by a few senators.

the Chancellor had requested a young, very young Anakin Skywalker,
Plo had been beyond alarmed as Mace presented the Chancellor’s
request with the deepest of reluctance on his face. And as servants
of the Republic, they had to bow for the request from the highest
power of the Republic.

that didn’t mean Plo had to let them meet alone, Plo had the time
and the authority to clear his schedule ahead of time to insure that
he would be able to go with Anakin every time and he shuddered to
think what a mission active Jedi would have been able to do in such a

Plo did not like to think about how a mission active knight would
have fared with a young padawan who was under request from the

ignored the fact that people were listening to their conversation as
the two Jedi made their way to the exit,
having more people aware of it was only a benefit considering what
Palpatine was up to and now more than ever he was sure that the man
was crooked since
Count Dooku had arrived with the grainy recording of the Chancellor.

was rather alarming to know that generally, most would have allowed
Anakin to meet with Palpatine unsupervised but Plo had always been…
protective of the young and it itched him the wrong way to allow a
powerful man to have a former slave freed in their office all alone.

didn’t want the man to fill Anakin’s head with the wrong kinds of
ideas or take advantage of him when he was a child and now…

Plo was rather certain he had taken the right choice.

knew the kind of gas lighting the man could have exposed Plo’s
padawan to without the kel dor there to counteract whatever influence
the man might have gained over Anakin.

that the Chancellor was Force sensitive and clearly also trained, so
he must feel how powerful Anakin was, even a young, untrained age.

the depressing thoughts from his head, Plo smiled at Anakin instead
as he sent the teen
pride and affection through their bond. “I
heard from Shaak that you were speaking with young Obi-Wan. Have you
been making a friend?” He questioned warmly.

faintly, Anakin smiled shyly and shrugged. “Well maybe? We’re
both none neuro typical, so we understand each other. Obi-Wan
displaces stuff all the time too just like I do.” He stated
cheerfully as they turned the corner and made their way out the doors
to find their skycar that they had parked earlier.

out an understanding rumble, Plo nodded. “I see young one, yes
finding common ground is important and you do need more friends
Anakin.” Plo chided gently in amusement.

Anakin tugged his master towards their skycar. “I can’t help it
that I’m always on the move!” He spluttered out, laughing as he
jumped into their car, dislodging Plo’s hand from his shoulder.

out a deep, rumbling laugh, the palates in his mouth shifting a bit,
Plo slid into the passenger side. “If I didn’t know how energy
you were, I’d try to put you in the meditation corner.” He teased
as he buckled in, letting Anakin drive.

you wouldn’t,” The padawan shot back with an answering laugh. “We both
know moving meditation works best for me.” Anakin responded
teasingly before starting up the skycar with a happy hum.

out, ruffling the short spikes, Plo relaxed into his seat as Anakin
took them out into the traffic. “Indeed young one, indeed. Let’s
get home now, maybe we can invite Count Dooku and young Obi-Wan for
dinner.” He hummed contemplatively while Anakin let out a happy
cheer under his breath.

and rather content to be going home, both were unaware of the
glowering presence watching them from the height of the Rotunda, the
darkness wondering how people kept interfering with his plans when he
was so close to succeeding
in the intermediate section of his plot.

close to initiating the next phase.

flickering between yellow and pale gray focused on the temple of the
Jedi and the targets living inside it, a sneer gracing the face of
the hidden Sith.


would still get what he wanted even if that damn alien was in the way
of him getting to the most powerful Force user yet to be born in the

So in Shut me down can we have more fluff? and how Obi wan reacts when he meets again with Anakin? and is Palpatine still a threat to him and Dooku? so many questions i hope you don’t mind ;)

up from his wood carving, Obi-Wan watched the Jedi move about before
lowering his eyes back to the wooden rose he was working on with
steady hands. Wood carving had always been something to sooth him,
use energy and still his mind at the same time while creating at the
same time.

what he made became wonderful gifts frankly, people enjoyed getting
them from Obi-Wan.

well, Yan did at least and a few of the staff when Obi-Wan had given
them it on Serenno.

they were cut well, Obi-Wan had enjoyed carving since Qui-Gon had
introduced him to it ages ago.

paused a bit when another slumped down beside him and then continued
carving, feeling blue eyes watching his hands as neither said
anything, only the sounds of the critters around them and a bubbling
river filling the air.

and the two knights having sex behind that boulder but Obi-Wan rather
hoped the other wouldn’t notice that since
he had only noticed one moan that had him coughing loudly to alert
them he was there.

maybe it didn’t matter?

Skywalker was seventeen after all.

the quiet was interrupted. “That’s very pretty.” The teen

again, Obi-Wan glanced shyly at Anakin, a bit confused as the padawan
continued sitting at his side.

seemed… healthy.

was sporting a dark set of Jedi robe in traditional cut but
considering Obi-Wan could smell engine oil, maybe that was a wise
decision on both Master Plo and padawan Skywalker’s side.

you… I enjoy carving when I have the time.” He finally answered,
lowering his work down into his lap, Qui settled against his stomach.

his lips, Anakin nodded. “It’s a good hobby… I’m… happy to
see you’re doing better.” Anakin murmured suddenly.

a bit, Obi-Wan wondered if the other had seen him when he was still a

not the confusion, Anakin rubbed at his neck. “It’s just… we
spent a few weeks together because of Naboo and I… well I wasn’t
trained but I was very intuitive to emotions… you were… very
broken.” He stated a bit tactlessly but not untruthfully.

his carving a bit, Obi-Wan let out a considering noise. “…I have
quite a few mental conditions. It makes it harder for me and when
master died, it made it all worse.” He offered up as steadily as he

still hurt so much to talk about Qui-Gon even though he had healed
some thanks to Yan.

I got ADHD on my end.” Anakin said brightly.

in surprise, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but smile in return. “I… I
got autism, not a lot but apparently enough to effect my emotions. I
don’t always understand and I’m a bit sensitive to… things.”
He finished a bit lamely.

colored when Anakin just blinked at him for a moment though finally
the blond made a sound of realization. “So that’s why the plushie
was so important. Do you displace things a lot?” He asked

deeply, Obi-Wan nodded. “All the time,” He stated mournfully,
settling comfortably on the grass below him as he engaged with
Anakin, the lack of judgment from the other refreshing. “I swear a
black hole just opens up and swallows things.” Obi-Wan wanted to
say he wasn’t pouting but he felt like he was.

his nose, Anakin nodded. “I loose things all the time too. Master
says my brain functions differently, it’s part of the reason my
brain was all over before but it makes it hard for me to focus
sometimes if the subject isn’t to my liking.”

Obi-Wan nodded, along, smiling as he found another who wasn’t neuro

like him for once, even if they were there because his life had been
threatened by that greasy puss bag they called a chancellor.

he wasn’t stupid after all, he knew why they were in the temple. It
was one of the very few places the chancellor hadn’t any real authority
and therefore Obi-Wan would be safe.

maybe he could make a new friend even.

like that.

of a feather as they say…’ Obi-Wan smiled, showing Anakin the
rose as he went back to carving, the Jedi’s chatter washing over
him like a calm wave.

so in shut me down can we have the jedis searching for the plushie Obi Wan lost

felt weird, having others around who knew of Obi-Wan’s condition
that wasn’t a droid and to be able to trust them not to take
advantage of it.

hadn’t trusted anyone with Obi-Wan in years
but now…

he had to find Qui and since Obi-Wan didn’t know where Qui was, he
had gone to Mace and spoken with him and now the entire temple was on
the lookout for the lothcat with everyone knowing that it belonged to

animals weren’t an unknown factor in the temple though Yan did not
think plushies for adult were that common.

that was what brought Obi-Wan calm and the one time he had approached
the concept of Obi-Wan having a living animal for companionship the
other had gone into a minor panic attack while muttering up a storm
into Yan’s shoulder about how living things die.

that idea had been scrapped, at least for now.

however he had managed to carefully introduce into Obi-Wan’s sphere
of hobbies.

carving, plant care, language lessons, puzzles,
reading and lastly Obi-Wan had gotten into music, playing an ocarina.

Yan stared blankly at an old marble statue of some bothan Jedi from
ancient ages as he thought of the ocarina, a beautiful silver and
blue thing that he in the beginning had thought was just a trinket
Obi-Wan had wanted.

Yan wasn’t one to deny Obi-Wan anything he asked for, not when he
so rarely asked for anything in particular for his own enjoyment.

a trinket he thought, something to decorate his room with… until he
heard Obi-Wan playing, the redhead lost in his own music as he had
taught himself how to play the little ocarina. Lost in the music, in
his mind, in the calmness it was the most at peace Yan had seen him
outside of when the other was sleeping or with his plants.

he had encouraged his boy, praising his self taught skill because an
ocarina wasn’t a well known instrument but it was a pretty sound
even if it could sound mournful.

pretty instrument in pale hands.

his head for the memory, Yan rubbed his beard with his fingers as he
glanced about the hall he was in. As far as he remembered, he and
Obi-Wan had passed through this one on the way to the Serenno cuisine
commissary yesterday for breakfast and Yan was sure
he had seen Qui with Obi-Wan at the time.

they lost Qui in the commissary?

could have slipped out of Obi-Wan’s pocket or belt quite easily
actually, as I remember, Obi-Wan was rather excitedly shifting around
while speaking with Vos.’ Yan frowned before nodding firmly to
himself and making his way towards the commissary.

to stop when his name was called behind him, the human pausing and
turning to find master Luminara Unduli gracefully flowing towards
him. “Master Yan, I’m glad I caught you.” She smiled happily.

his head, Yan smiled in return. “I’m always happy to give my
attention to those who ask for it but I have to admit I was actually
on my wa-” He stopped talking when Luminara held up a gray dappled
lothcat teddy with a sappy smile and bright blue gem eyes. “You
found Qui.” He breathed out as he accepted the toy.

softly, Luminara nodded, gesturing towards a statue. “I believe the
cleaning droids had somehow pushed it behind the statue. You may want
to give it a gentle wash before you give it back to Obi-Wan.” She
stated calmly.

the soft toy carefully, Yan nodded absently.

of the gray was dust so a careful wash was for sure in the cards not
to mention there was a little tear in one of the legs he would have
to sew up.

wouldn’t be the first time, as careful as Obi-Wan was with Qui, he
was six years old and cuddled regularly. “Thank you so much Master
Luminara, Obi-Wan has been missing him.” Yan breathed out and
smiled warmly at her.

got a slow blink in return before her smile softened. “Being
paternal suits
Count, you seem more… balanced than the last time I saw you.”
Luminara hummed.

at her, Yan just ended up inclining his head before excusing himself
to go care for Qui, hoping to surprise Obi-Wan with his toy, clean
and tended to.

in shut me down. You have Obi-wan has autism. I studied it in collage for a semester. Can we have have some of Obi-wan showing symptoms. Like when he gets overwhelmed he starts rocking back and forth and Yan being able to help him but the other Jedi are finally seeing that Obi-wan was hurt badly.

to Serenno and the mansion, the temple is loud,
loud in the Force, loud in noise despite it being a temple full of
Jedi who are calm and collected for the most part.

normally it is easy to handle, especially in the Archives, which is
one of the quietest of spaces in the entire temple maybe outside the

for someone with special needs… it can become overwhelming and Yan
is ashamed to admit that it takes in a bit too long to notice how
Obi-Wan hands are fisted into his tunic and the way he is rocking
back and forth on his feet, eyes narrowed into watery slits at
even the soft buzz of conversation and Force in the Archives.

himself from his conversation with Jocasta, Yan quickly closed
distance between himself and his ward, grasping Obi-Wan by the elbow.
“Obi-Wan.” He murmured quietly, getting the others attention.

watery green eyes focused on him and Obi-Wan let out a tiny pitched
whine from
his throat,
his knees visibly trembling as he forced himself to stop rocking.

don’t have to say anything,” Yan murmured quietly, all too aware
that in the stillness of the Archive, most Jedi would hear him. “Just
nod. Do you want to go back to our rooms? Or a shielded meditation
room?” He questioned even as he wondered where the soft tooka toy
he got the other was. “Nod for our room, shake for meditation
room.” He tacked on even as he avoided patting the others pockets
for the plushie.

generally helped Obi-Wan retain some comfort but it seemed the other
hadn’t brought it with him.

Obi-Wan nodded and Yan let out a breath, nodding in return before
tucking Obi-Wan’s elbow into his arm and guiding him out of the
Archive with steady steps and a comforting arm.

must be the too
difference, he’s not used to having so many Force sensitive around
again and it’s become overwhelming. Kark I knew things went too
easy in getting here.’ Yan thought angerly to himself for not
having thought of this before.

course things were going too
easy even if they were in a roundabout way fleeing Serenno for safety
on Coruscant to a place where Palpatine couldn’t get his hands on
Obi-Wan but Yan hadn’t thought this
would become a problem.

must be so loud in his head… too many flashes and points of static
noise.’ He thought sadly to himself even as he guided them into the
elevator. “We should start bringing around your headphones and
maybe also bring little Qui, yes?” He stated softly in the privacy
of their elevator.

Obi-Wan turned and hid his face in Yan’s shoulder, shaking a bit.
“Lost.” He got out.

that’s why he didn’t bring Qui,’ Yan rubbed the back of the
others head a bit, fingers stroking through the soft strands. ‘He
lost him somewhere in the quarters.’ That did explain a whole lot.

the time he got Obi-Wan to their quarters, he was pretty sure the
gossip lines were in full activity and it didn’t shock him, when
later at night, that Mace showed up at the door with a small frown on
his face.

alright,” Yan stated before the other could ask, letting him into
the quarters. “He just had a small episode, it happens.” He
explained quietly before gesturing to the couch where Obi-Wan was
curled up, working on a model ship.

relaxing, Mace nodded while setting his boots aside. “Good to hear,
we were worried when the news reached us and the council sent me to
check so not to overwhelm him with too many visitors.” Mace stated quietly.

can hear you two, you know.” Obi-Wan cut in with a soft voice, some
annoyance trapped in it.

softly as Mace jumped in surprise, Yan moved to the couch and ruffled
Obi-Wan’s hair. “Indeed you can, but as you know, Mace is only
here to check so please greet him.” Yan murmured in an equally soft

putting his model ship down on the caff table, Obi-Wan turned enough
to bow his head to the master of the order. “Master Mace.”

Obi-Wan.” Mace returned, a small smile on his face as he took in
the affectionate relationship. Well, whatever concern there had been,
Mace would be more than happy to report that Obi-Wan was fine as long
as the Jedi learned not to overwhelm him and Obi-Wan could figure out
the situation.

he had a strong supporter at his side, Yan’s
warm smile speaking clear as day about his affection for his boy.