Hey I just wanted to say that I appreciate everything you do for the fandom and that you are amazing and wonderful. Don’t ever worry about taking a break because you deserve them. I love all of our stories and you are just such an awesome person. So on behalf of so many of us, thank you thank you thank you <3 also this is a random question but I've been wanting to know for a while, what's moddy's favourite biscuit?


I was sorting through the prompts that had double requests and such and while doing it I came over this! It must have been in my que for ages and you’ve most likly either forgotten it or though I deleted it. I am sooo sorry.

As for the question. Well my favorite is chocolate chip cookies though I also like chocolate covered waifers or chocolate mint cookies heh.

Hey I just wanted to say that I appreciate everything you do for the fandom and that you are amazing and wonderful. Don’t ever worry about taking a break because you deserve them. I love all of our stories and you are just such an awesome person. So on behalf of so many of us, thank you thank you thank you <3 also this is a random question but I've been wanting to know for a while, what's moddy's favourite biscuit?


I was sorting through the prompts that had double requests and such and while doing it I came over this! It must have been in my que for ages and you’ve most likly either forgotten it or though I deleted it. I am sooo sorry.

As for the question. Well my favorite is chocolate chip cookies though I also like chocolate covered waifers or chocolate mint cookies heh.

This doesn’t have to be a prompt, I’m just curious, in twoalphas, do Ani and Padme ever lose themselves in their instinct and get hostile/compete for obi or have they been together long enough that it isn’t an issue?

Oh yeah! But… well generally it just comes out in them competing
whose the best mate and giving him foot rubs and making sure the
kitchens stocked with fancy tea and such haha. They don’t get
aggressive more then just want to please him.

This doesn’t have to be a prompt, I’m just curious, in twoalphas, do Ani and Padme ever lose themselves in their instinct and get hostile/compete for obi or have they been together long enough that it isn’t an issue?

Oh yeah! But… well generally it just comes out in them competing
whose the best mate and giving him foot rubs and making sure the
kitchens stocked with fancy tea and such haha. They don’t get
aggressive more then just want to please him.

You know – I’ve been curious. How do you keep track of all your stories? Like googledocs? All in one document or a hundred documents? Or do you just go with the flow? :) I’m just a curious lover of your works!!!

I have no what so ever track.

I am as lost as all of you though I do go through the archive now and
then and find tags or themes (like muteObi) and follow the stories
and read.

So yeah… I got no clue though I do have an okay memory when it
comes to my own fics XD

You know – I’ve been curious. How do you keep track of all your stories? Like googledocs? All in one document or a hundred documents? Or do you just go with the flow? :) I’m just a curious lover of your works!!!

I have no what so ever track.

I am as lost as all of you though I do go through the archive now and
then and find tags or themes (like muteObi) and follow the stories
and read.

So yeah… I got no clue though I do have an okay memory when it
comes to my own fics XD