In the omega-vers what happens if an adult omega goes into heat. Like kallus is an adult omega, and Ezra is like 17-18 in season 4.(this is not a nsfw request, it’s an actual question about health and stuff)

Okay so like this
is what I managed to gleam from other blogs but this is what I know and write with:

Adult omegas in
heat is kind of like a someone on their period only omegas have
strong sexual urges during heat which most people don’t have while
they’re actually on their period and bleeding and there is
something called slick produced to make sexual penetration easier.

Heat is the body preparing for babies and resisting the urge to mate
with someone can be… painful? Or leave one unfulfilled as far as I
understand though one is fully capable of not mating during the time.
Oh and an omega in heat apparently puts out pheromones to attract
alphas too and get a mate.

Each writer
sometimes tend to put a spin on this part though.

I generally just
think of it as a period with the slick replacing blood but with
strong sexual cravings where scent can be helpful to calm someone and
a bonding gland exist. So I tend to add cravings, bloating, pads
annoyance and so on for the pre heat stuff. But yeah, it be easier to
check with omega blogs about this since this is just me whinging it.

In the omega-vers what happens if an adult omega goes into heat. Like kallus is an adult omega, and Ezra is like 17-18 in season 4.(this is not a nsfw request, it’s an actual question about health and stuff)

Okay so like this
is what I managed to gleam from other blogs but this is what I know and write with:

Adult omegas in
heat is kind of like a someone on their period only omegas have
strong sexual urges during heat which most people don’t have while
they’re actually on their period and bleeding and there is
something called slick produced to make sexual penetration easier.

Heat is the body preparing for babies and resisting the urge to mate
with someone can be… painful? Or leave one unfulfilled as far as I
understand though one is fully capable of not mating during the time.
Oh and an omega in heat apparently puts out pheromones to attract
alphas too and get a mate.

Each writer
sometimes tend to put a spin on this part though.

I generally just
think of it as a period with the slick replacing blood but with
strong sexual cravings where scent can be helpful to calm someone and
a bonding gland exist. So I tend to add cravings, bloating, pads
annoyance and so on for the pre heat stuff. But yeah, it be easier to
check with omega blogs about this since this is just me whinging it.

So cut me off and delete this if you don’t want to answer but I know you identify as a lady quite obviously but do you have any non-binary? I mean, are you totally secure in identifying as a woman?

Typically I’d
tell someone its none of your business because that’s my private
affairs but considering my fic ‘day to day’ with intersex Obi and
that occasionally will write transgender if the prompt is good and I
think I can do it without offending… I will answer.

I think so?

But at the same
time I can’t really say for surety. I mean I don’t have any
issues with pronouns like her, she and so on but I don’t generally…
make too many thoughts about it. I mean, I wear dresses or pants, I
wear male button ups and so on and forth and use makeup and let the
hairs on my legs grow. I’ve generally done male oriented work
around the house like put down the floorboarding, heavy garden work,
sawing. Those traditional ‘male’ labors. But I can also do the
traditional ‘female’ stuff like cooking, washing, nurturing and
so on. But with that said I don’t really think about gender all
that much except when I’m annoyed with things like underboob sweat
or period pains.

And I’ve always
been a ‘tomboy’ compared to other girls and my hair style is
generally in the shorter layers as in, most of my hair is now no more
than an inch with longer on the top.

I don’t… really
generally think about gender or if I’m binary or anything like that
and Norway is generally in the not caring route of if I’m male or
female. Generally that is, we can be a bit fucked up too, note.

But talking in that
route I have to say I had no idea that I was asexual until almost
three decades. I thought I liked boys and girls friendly, then I
discovered I was bisexual and then… well I understood I am in the
ace spectrum.

I don’t really
think about it much.

I just exist and as
long as people let me exist I’m content as long as I’m happy and
the ones around me kind of understand and accept me. They don’t
have to understand fully, just as long as they accept me and
understand that I’m not gonna change and become someone else.

So… I guess
that’s all I really have to say about gender in regards to myself.

I just am, I enjoy
the things I do, I like learning and I like cooking and I like
fishing and gaming and… just yeah. That’s all.

So cut me off and delete this if you don’t want to answer but I know you identify as a lady quite obviously but do you have any non-binary? I mean, are you totally secure in identifying as a woman?

Typically I’d
tell someone its none of your business because that’s my private
affairs but considering my fic ‘day to day’ with intersex Obi and
that occasionally will write transgender if the prompt is good and I
think I can do it without offending… I will answer.

I think so?

But at the same
time I can’t really say for surety. I mean I don’t have any
issues with pronouns like her, she and so on but I don’t generally…
make too many thoughts about it. I mean, I wear dresses or pants, I
wear male button ups and so on and forth and use makeup and let the
hairs on my legs grow. I’ve generally done male oriented work
around the house like put down the floorboarding, heavy garden work,
sawing. Those traditional ‘male’ labors. But I can also do the
traditional ‘female’ stuff like cooking, washing, nurturing and
so on. But with that said I don’t really think about gender all
that much except when I’m annoyed with things like underboob sweat
or period pains.

And I’ve always
been a ‘tomboy’ compared to other girls and my hair style is
generally in the shorter layers as in, most of my hair is now no more
than an inch with longer on the top.

I don’t… really
generally think about gender or if I’m binary or anything like that
and Norway is generally in the not caring route of if I’m male or
female. Generally that is, we can be a bit fucked up too, note.

But talking in that
route I have to say I had no idea that I was asexual until almost
three decades. I thought I liked boys and girls friendly, then I
discovered I was bisexual and then… well I understood I am in the
ace spectrum.

I don’t really
think about it much.

I just exist and as
long as people let me exist I’m content as long as I’m happy and
the ones around me kind of understand and accept me. They don’t
have to understand fully, just as long as they accept me and
understand that I’m not gonna change and become someone else.

So… I guess
that’s all I really have to say about gender in regards to myself.

I just am, I enjoy
the things I do, I like learning and I like cooking and I like
fishing and gaming and… just yeah. That’s all.

So I notice you have a tendency to write rather kind Vader’s, at least in response to Obi-Wan generally. Is there a reason for it?

Well… Generally when I write Vader, its Vaderkins aka, suitless and
therefor not in pain and more lucid in his thought process. Its also
usually weeks at least from his Fall so he’s not high on the
Darkside anymore either.

And Obi-Wan gives him a reason to reconsider it all, that Obi-Wan
wasn’t the cause of everything bad, that he was trying to keep
Anakin and Padme safe. I honestly logic it from a place of him still
honestly being Anakin, just a bit more unchained and Anakin with the
ones he loves is a gentler sort so that’s why I write Vader the way
he is in most of my fics, that he’s not high on the Darkside and
his own emotional guilt atm, he’s not in utter pain from the suit
and all that happened on Mustafar and he has some vested interest in
Obi-Wan as a person he loves and cares for.

Outside of Obi-Wan, he’s generally not so kind.

So yeah, in a way I guess I do write a kinder Vader but its based on
how I think he would behave if he didn’t have the suit and all
going on.

So I notice you have a tendency to write rather kind Vader’s, at least in response to Obi-Wan generally. Is there a reason for it?

Well… Generally when I write Vader, its Vaderkins aka, suitless and
therefor not in pain and more lucid in his thought process. Its also
usually weeks at least from his Fall so he’s not high on the
Darkside anymore either.

And Obi-Wan gives him a reason to reconsider it all, that Obi-Wan
wasn’t the cause of everything bad, that he was trying to keep
Anakin and Padme safe. I honestly logic it from a place of him still
honestly being Anakin, just a bit more unchained and Anakin with the
ones he loves is a gentler sort so that’s why I write Vader the way
he is in most of my fics, that he’s not high on the Darkside and
his own emotional guilt atm, he’s not in utter pain from the suit
and all that happened on Mustafar and he has some vested interest in
Obi-Wan as a person he loves and cares for.

Outside of Obi-Wan, he’s generally not so kind.

So yeah, in a way I guess I do write a kinder Vader but its based on
how I think he would behave if he didn’t have the suit and all
going on.

So since you’re on a break, perhaps we can ask Moddy questions? If so, do you ever get prompts you really have a lot of issues writing that seems to pop up a lot?

I… do have an issue with some prompts

For one bashing prompts, I don’t like
bashing prompts because usually the character its aimed at don’t
deserve it. (example? Padme when the paring is Obikin)

But I also don’t like prompts which
basically implies the Jedi are the assholes of the galaxy.

No, they are not perfect but what kind
of organization is?

The unfortunate truth is that they were
a group of people who tried their best and ultimately fell prey both
to the curse of sentient, fear, stagnation, their own created isolation and the enemy. Or that’s
my impression of them, as people who tried and failed but a lot of
people seem to think that the Jedi were somehow a scourge who
basically deserved to be wipe out it seems.

I really don’t get that. I mean I had
one that basically asked me to have Jedi kidnap kids.

They don’t. They discourage contact
once the kids come to the temple yes but before that, they visit the
parents often, speak with them about the kids and the temple and tell
them where the kids are going and what’s going to happen.

That was shown in Clone wars.

So yeah I guess I have issues with some
prompts because I just can’t see the Jedi as something evil or
deliberately cruel. Misguided yes, treading on the wrong path but…
not deliberately cruel.

Anyhow, yeah, sorry for blathering.

Anyhow yeah, if you all want you can
ask me questions this week hah.

So since you’re on a break, perhaps we can ask Moddy questions? If so, do you ever get prompts you really have a lot of issues writing that seems to pop up a lot?

I… do have an issue with some prompts

For one bashing prompts, I don’t like
bashing prompts because usually the character its aimed at don’t
deserve it. (example? Padme when the paring is Obikin)

But I also don’t like prompts which
basically implies the Jedi are the assholes of the galaxy.

No, they are not perfect but what kind
of organization is?

The unfortunate truth is that they were
a group of people who tried their best and ultimately fell prey both
to the curse of sentient, fear, stagnation, their own created isolation and the enemy. Or that’s
my impression of them, as people who tried and failed but a lot of
people seem to think that the Jedi were somehow a scourge who
basically deserved to be wipe out it seems.

I really don’t get that. I mean I had
one that basically asked me to have Jedi kidnap kids.

They don’t. They discourage contact
once the kids come to the temple yes but before that, they visit the
parents often, speak with them about the kids and the temple and tell
them where the kids are going and what’s going to happen.

That was shown in Clone wars.

So yeah I guess I have issues with some
prompts because I just can’t see the Jedi as something evil or
deliberately cruel. Misguided yes, treading on the wrong path but…
not deliberately cruel.

Anyhow, yeah, sorry for blathering.

Anyhow yeah, if you all want you can
ask me questions this week hah.

Soooo the Olympics are over and Norway killed it in the medal count and Canada closely behind. What winter sports would the crew be in? I feel like Obi-Wan would be a cross country skier. Cody I see a curler. Anakin would be a snowboarder. Ahsoka a skier. Rex is hard one for me to think. Thoughts on this Moddy?

I know! Its crazy! The official count for Norway is now 39 medals for
our total of 109 athletes! They must be so happy!

As for the question…

Anakin I can see as a downhill racer because of the speed and
adrenaline but snowboarder is possible too.

I’m guessing team sports like bobsleds actually, the general is
that they are disciplined and adrenaline driven too so speedy sports.
Biathlete, which combines skii and shooting might be
their thing too.

biathlete like the vode.

Padme I’m thinking figure skating in
master class because have you seen the legs on those ladies and arms?
Force be still my beating heart those lads and ladies are beautifully
graceful and powerfully strong like a dancer which is frankly what
they are doing on blades on the ice.

I wanna make Cody and Rex a team
curling pair actually.

As for Obi-Wan… I honestly see him as
a possible partner for Padme in figure skating or as a speed skater
with his body build. Powerful but graceful you know.

Qui-Gon is a former athlete and now a
trainer though lol.

Soooo the Olympics are over and Norway killed it in the medal count and Canada closely behind. What winter sports would the crew be in? I feel like Obi-Wan would be a cross country skier. Cody I see a curler. Anakin would be a snowboarder. Ahsoka a skier. Rex is hard one for me to think. Thoughts on this Moddy?

I know! Its crazy! The official count for Norway is now 39 medals for
our total of 109 athletes! They must be so happy!

As for the question…

Anakin I can see as a downhill racer because of the speed and
adrenaline but snowboarder is possible too.

I’m guessing team sports like bobsleds actually, the general is
that they are disciplined and adrenaline driven too so speedy sports.
Biathlete, which combines skii and shooting might be
their thing too.

biathlete like the vode.

Padme I’m thinking figure skating in
master class because have you seen the legs on those ladies and arms?
Force be still my beating heart those lads and ladies are beautifully
graceful and powerfully strong like a dancer which is frankly what
they are doing on blades on the ice.

I wanna make Cody and Rex a team
curling pair actually.

As for Obi-Wan… I honestly see him as
a possible partner for Padme in figure skating or as a speed skater
with his body build. Powerful but graceful you know.

Qui-Gon is a former athlete and now a
trainer though lol.