Good morning Moddy (read an evil grin). May I suggest for omegaverse ‘onlyone’, where we left with «Obi-Wan knew he was safe with Cody and that?That was the biggest and best gift Cody had been given in this entire life.Obi-Wan’s trust and his love.» a modified Order 66 aimed at ObiWan? Palpatine wanting an atrocity and a dead omega to set off the alphas and the Jedi may well be it? Be wicked! Let the angst flow!!

Sitting next to his commander, Obi-Wan mentally contemplated the pros
and cons of his idea before carefully catching the alphas hand,
knowing it would be hidden by the table and therefor kept a secret
for now.

Even if everyone was aware they were courting.

Cody tenses but doesn’t pull away and after a second he laces their
fingers and rubs his thumb slowly over Obi-Wan’s knuckles while
glancing at the other from the corner of his eye to check for

Squeezing his alphas hand, Obi-Wan smiled down into his plate as he
continued slowly making his way through his plate.

And wasn’t that something, to be able to call someone for his
alpha, something he hadn’t thought he’d ever want after the
things that had happened to him and yet here he was, holding tightly
onto Cody’s hand, assuring him that the touch was welcome as they
ate in the Negotiator’s mess, the ETA still a day away.

“I like your hair General, suits you.” Waxer suddenly said,
settling down with his own tray on the other side of the bench with a
grin on his face.

Chuckling a bit, Obi-Wan inclined his head. “Thank you, its been
quite some years since I tried out long hair but its always nice to
test out something or do something different once in a while.” He
said with a cheer, pretending he wasn’t growing it out to show

“How long are you going to go?” Waxer asked curiously, pulling
Boil down beside him as the man grumbled and grumped with his caff in
hand, obviously someone was tired. “Its shoulder length now.”

Settling his fork down as he was loath to give up on Cody’s hand,
Obi-Wan teased the strands curling around his shoulders with a small,
thoughtful hum. “I’m not sure but I’m not one for too long so
maybe somewhere below the shoulders. We’ll see how much I bother to
maintain it so I’m either going a bit longer or keeping it at this
length.” Obi-Wan settled on.

Waxer nodded enthusiastically as he dug into his food with gusto
before wrinkling his nose and reaching for the hot sauce and
entusiastically pouring it onto said food for some better flavor.

“Just for the record,” Cody said quietly, his tone light as if
his words would have no impact. “Its very becoming on you.” He
sent Obi-Wan a small smile while squeezing his hand under the table.

There was some scatter of muffled laugh as Obi-Wan blushed down at
his plate, a little goofy smile on his face.


“Commander, Initiate order 66 delta.”

Cody froze, an internal battle waged as the alpha inside of him went
to war with what was trying to take control of him as he stared at
the holo com of the Chancellor.

Because that order couldn’t be right, that order would…

But Obi-Wan…

The General was walking towards him, coming from his tent.

The traitor looked confused, was slowly inching away with a furrow on
his face that turned into a wide eyed expression of shock as he had
to jump away and dodge blasters aimed at him. Dancing ever further
towards the cliff edge, every blast chasing him further away from
safe ground.

No, no, no this was WRONG!

They weren’t suppose to, not Obi-Wan, not Cody’s Jedi.

Not his omega!

“OBI-WAN!” Cody cried out, pain zigzagging through his head as
Obi-Wan jumped one last time and the cliff under him crumbled and he
fell as several troopers threw weapons from their hands or just
outright collapsed, blood rolling from their noses.

Good morning Moddy (read an evil grin). May I suggest for omegaverse ‘onlyone’, where we left with «Obi-Wan knew he was safe with Cody and that?That was the biggest and best gift Cody had been given in this entire life.Obi-Wan’s trust and his love.» a modified Order 66 aimed at ObiWan? Palpatine wanting an atrocity and a dead omega to set off the alphas and the Jedi may well be it? Be wicked! Let the angst flow!!

Sitting next to his commander, Obi-Wan mentally contemplated the pros
and cons of his idea before carefully catching the alphas hand,
knowing it would be hidden by the table and therefor kept a secret
for now.

Even if everyone was aware they were courting.

Cody tenses but doesn’t pull away and after a second he laces their
fingers and rubs his thumb slowly over Obi-Wan’s knuckles while
glancing at the other from the corner of his eye to check for

Squeezing his alphas hand, Obi-Wan smiled down into his plate as he
continued slowly making his way through his plate.

And wasn’t that something, to be able to call someone for his
alpha, something he hadn’t thought he’d ever want after the
things that had happened to him and yet here he was, holding tightly
onto Cody’s hand, assuring him that the touch was welcome as they
ate in the Negotiator’s mess, the ETA still a day away.

“I like your hair General, suits you.” Waxer suddenly said,
settling down with his own tray on the other side of the bench with a
grin on his face.

Chuckling a bit, Obi-Wan inclined his head. “Thank you, its been
quite some years since I tried out long hair but its always nice to
test out something or do something different once in a while.” He
said with a cheer, pretending he wasn’t growing it out to show

“How long are you going to go?” Waxer asked curiously, pulling
Boil down beside him as the man grumbled and grumped with his caff in
hand, obviously someone was tired. “Its shoulder length now.”

Settling his fork down as he was loath to give up on Cody’s hand,
Obi-Wan teased the strands curling around his shoulders with a small,
thoughtful hum. “I’m not sure but I’m not one for too long so
maybe somewhere below the shoulders. We’ll see how much I bother to
maintain it so I’m either going a bit longer or keeping it at this
length.” Obi-Wan settled on.

Waxer nodded enthusiastically as he dug into his food with gusto
before wrinkling his nose and reaching for the hot sauce and
entusiastically pouring it onto said food for some better flavor.

“Just for the record,” Cody said quietly, his tone light as if
his words would have no impact. “Its very becoming on you.” He
sent Obi-Wan a small smile while squeezing his hand under the table.

There was some scatter of muffled laugh as Obi-Wan blushed down at
his plate, a little goofy smile on his face.


“Commander, Initiate order 66 delta.”

Cody froze, an internal battle waged as the alpha inside of him went
to war with what was trying to take control of him as he stared at
the holo com of the Chancellor.

Because that order couldn’t be right, that order would…

But Obi-Wan…

The General was walking towards him, coming from his tent.

The traitor looked confused, was slowly inching away with a furrow on
his face that turned into a wide eyed expression of shock as he had
to jump away and dodge blasters aimed at him. Dancing ever further
towards the cliff edge, every blast chasing him further away from
safe ground.

No, no, no this was WRONG!

They weren’t suppose to, not Obi-Wan, not Cody’s Jedi.

Not his omega!

“OBI-WAN!” Cody cried out, pain zigzagging through his head as
Obi-Wan jumped one last time and the cliff under him crumbled and he
fell as several troopers threw weapons from their hands or just
outright collapsed, blood rolling from their noses.

A demon is a supernatural and often malevolent being, a spirit or divine power, a harmful spiritual entity, a spiritual entity that may be conjured and controlled. (wikipedia) So how does this sound? DEMON VADER. Because a ‘Force balancer’ is not necessarily a beneficial creature? Have fun Moddy (grins).

He’s suppose to
maim, to make miserable.

That’s what his
summoner had wanted but the mortal had not tied him properly to his
will and therefor Vader has the option of choice as he creeps into
the home.

Golden eyes sparkle
as he takes in the décor as twin curved horns with golden tips
lightly scrape at the top of the door frame as he steps through them.

The walls are very
bare outside of two book shelves full of books but there’s a well
sat in couch and with a glass coffee table that has a few papers and
a laptop on in the living room connected to a kitchenette. Not
extremely interesting he has to admit but mortals usually aren’t
and yet…

There is a scent in
the air…

Raising his chin to
the air dark prince Vader takes a deep breath through his nose before
stalking forward towards the only bedroom where he can hear the
steady heartbeat of the person it belongs to, the sure sign of
someone sleeping.

A light press opens
the door with nary a sound and he steps in, golden eyes piercing
through the darkness with ease as his lips curve into a smile as he
takes in that all too familiar mop of red hair peeking out from under
the purple duvet.

“So this is where
you are.” Vader purred softly, walking over to the bed and sitting
down on the edge.

Carefully he peeled
down the covers to find the others face.

“Hello dear
Obi-Wan.” He chuckled softly as he found the sleeping face of
Obi-Wan, dark lord and weapon brother to a dark prince of hell.

Observing the other
a long moment, he let out a considering hum before leaning down to
press his lips to the others forehead, taking in that familiar scent
of his weapon brother from so long ago.

The mortal Obi-Wan
mumbled and squirmed a bit before sighing and relaxing once more.

It got a softer
smile out of Vader than he had gotten used to in the last five
hundred years since the other had vanished.

He had refused to
believe the other had been murdered as was suggested by other demons.

No, not his

Not his weapon
brother made of clever wit and hell fire.

And here he was.

The situation hit
Vader like an anvil dropped on his head.

Obi-Wan was a
mortal man, living in a house among humans, reeking of that mortality
and had somehow pissed of someone able to summon a demon even if they
hadn’t tied Vader correctly to their will.

Tisking a bit,
Vader cupped Obi-Wan’s cheek and stroked it lightly. “How is it
that even as a mortal you attract trouble?” He sighed and then laid
his head down on the others chest to observe him, smiling faintly.
“Well, at least that’s still you even if you are mortal now. But
how?” He frowned to himself, petting the little v of the t-shirt
the other wore for bed wear.

Obi-Wan giggled a
bit in his sleep and squirmed, making the dark prince grin in return
since he remembered Obi-Wan being ticklish before the seriousness hit
him again.

Sitting up a bit,
Vader grumbled to himself. “I should go seek out that old hermit
Yoda, see what he thinks about this because honestly, how are
you mortal?” He peered suspiciously as if Obi-Wan had somehow done
it to himself at the other man before sighing and settling back down,
watching him breath. “I can wait a few more hours to talk to the
old troll. I’d rather just watch you. You have no idea how much I
have missed you dear Obi-Wan.” He sighed softly.

Ben Kenobi had no
idea what had just been invited into his life by someone else as he
slept peacefully in his bed, however his mortal life will never be
the same as golden eyes watch him sleep with the tenderness of
someone who loves him with every inch of both their blackened souls.

A demon is a supernatural and often malevolent being, a spirit or divine power, a harmful spiritual entity, a spiritual entity that may be conjured and controlled. (wikipedia) So how does this sound? DEMON VADER. Because a ‘Force balancer’ is not necessarily a beneficial creature? Have fun Moddy (grins).

He’s suppose to
maim, to make miserable.

That’s what his
summoner had wanted but the mortal had not tied him properly to his
will and therefor Vader has the option of choice as he creeps into
the home.

Golden eyes sparkle
as he takes in the décor as twin curved horns with golden tips
lightly scrape at the top of the door frame as he steps through them.

The walls are very
bare outside of two book shelves full of books but there’s a well
sat in couch and with a glass coffee table that has a few papers and
a laptop on in the living room connected to a kitchenette. Not
extremely interesting he has to admit but mortals usually aren’t
and yet…

There is a scent in
the air…

Raising his chin to
the air dark prince Vader takes a deep breath through his nose before
stalking forward towards the only bedroom where he can hear the
steady heartbeat of the person it belongs to, the sure sign of
someone sleeping.

A light press opens
the door with nary a sound and he steps in, golden eyes piercing
through the darkness with ease as his lips curve into a smile as he
takes in that all too familiar mop of red hair peeking out from under
the purple duvet.

“So this is where
you are.” Vader purred softly, walking over to the bed and sitting
down on the edge.

Carefully he peeled
down the covers to find the others face.

“Hello dear
Obi-Wan.” He chuckled softly as he found the sleeping face of
Obi-Wan, dark lord and weapon brother to a dark prince of hell.

Observing the other
a long moment, he let out a considering hum before leaning down to
press his lips to the others forehead, taking in that familiar scent
of his weapon brother from so long ago.

The mortal Obi-Wan
mumbled and squirmed a bit before sighing and relaxing once more.

It got a softer
smile out of Vader than he had gotten used to in the last five
hundred years since the other had vanished.

He had refused to
believe the other had been murdered as was suggested by other demons.

No, not his

Not his weapon
brother made of clever wit and hell fire.

And here he was.

The situation hit
Vader like an anvil dropped on his head.

Obi-Wan was a
mortal man, living in a house among humans, reeking of that mortality
and had somehow pissed of someone able to summon a demon even if they
hadn’t tied Vader correctly to their will.

Tisking a bit,
Vader cupped Obi-Wan’s cheek and stroked it lightly. “How is it
that even as a mortal you attract trouble?” He sighed and then laid
his head down on the others chest to observe him, smiling faintly.
“Well, at least that’s still you even if you are mortal now. But
how?” He frowned to himself, petting the little v of the t-shirt
the other wore for bed wear.

Obi-Wan giggled a
bit in his sleep and squirmed, making the dark prince grin in return
since he remembered Obi-Wan being ticklish before the seriousness hit
him again.

Sitting up a bit,
Vader grumbled to himself. “I should go seek out that old hermit
Yoda, see what he thinks about this because honestly, how are
you mortal?” He peered suspiciously as if Obi-Wan had somehow done
it to himself at the other man before sighing and settling back down,
watching him breath. “I can wait a few more hours to talk to the
old troll. I’d rather just watch you. You have no idea how much I
have missed you dear Obi-Wan.” He sighed softly.

Ben Kenobi had no
idea what had just been invited into his life by someone else as he
slept peacefully in his bed, however his mortal life will never be
the same as golden eyes watch him sleep with the tenderness of
someone who loves him with every inch of both their blackened souls.

Hi Moddy! Might we find out WHO these UndeadWalking survivors are? Maybe innocents caught in the plague or maybe the people who, oh I don’t know, STARTED IT?? (shrieking incoherently) eep?

Its utter silence.

The factory the survivors are suppose
to be at is utterly silent and unnatural for a durasteel factory that
produces high quantities daily.

Blood, old and dried in many colors
smear the floor and walls and they can see hand prints here and there
as they look around with flashlights as the powers has gone out.
Somewhere far away there’s a flickering light from an office and
one corner near the door has a small collection of what looks like
makeshift beds on the walkway of the factory away from the factory

When they aim the light down they see a
multitude of bodies, all of them with either their heads gone or
holes in them signaling that whoever had been surviving here had
figured out how to get rid of the zombies.

Obi-Wan just feels nauseous, the Force
a constant press of wrong and as he exchanges looks with Ahsoka and
Anakin, its clear they feel it too.

This time Anakin looks close to losing
his ration bar lunch from the wrongness of the Force instead of the
smell of a corpse like earlier.

“…Spread out but stay in groups, no
one goes alone.” Obi-Wan said quietly and everyone parted into
groups of three, Rex instantly taking Ahsoka to his side with a
foreboding look on his face that reassured both Anakin and Obi-Wan despite the trooper having his helmet on his belt.

Out of everyone, Rex would defend
Ahsoka to the last and not let her take any risks even if she was
being cocky and overeager.

Anakin quite reluctantly parted with
Obi-Wan though he looked reassured as Cody instantly took Obi-Wan’s
left, Obi-Wan’s none dominant side almost like a padawan would
along with Longshot as Fives and Echo joined Anakin.

With the parting into groups done,
everyone separated in directions to check the factory out, Anakin and
Obi-Wan going down to the floor with Ahsoka remaining above for
safety and for once she didn’t argue, stuck by Rex side and another trooper.

‘She must be more scared than we
realized.’ Obi-Wan speculated as he headed for what looked like an
office, stepping over a corpse as he did that had no head, pressing
the door open cautiously.

Nothing and no one.

Frowning a bit he stepped further in,
Cody and Longshot at his back with both holding their blasters high
just in case and damn it all if it didn’t make Obi-Wan feel a bit
safer than he ever had before with blasters.

With them at his back he searched the
room, finding an abandoned radio by a desk as he crouched down to
pick it up.

Turning it over in his hand, he pursed
his lips and looked around. “Hmm…”

“General?” Longshot voice was a
question of its own as Obi-Wan

“There’s a radio in this room, most
likely the one used to record the initial message and transmit…” He murmured,
eyeing a supply closet while setting the radio on the desk and slowly
approaching the closet.

The closer he got, the more uneasy
Obi-Wan became, a line of tension starting in his lower back but he
was a Jedi, he came here looking for survivors and Force, if there
was even one than Obi-Wan and the rest were going to find them and
bring them to safety.

He heard both troopers cock the
blasters behind him, an uneasy rustle as he placed his hand on the
door and drew it open. He barely had time to get his arm up, much
less yell as instantly a heavy set human male fell on him, snarling
and wheezing loudly with dead white eyes and a rotting skin, its
mouth a gaping maw of darkness and stained teeth.

Its mouth snapped around Obi-Wan’s
arm as it seemingly desperately clawed at Obi-Wan, hungry as it
pushed the Jedi into the ground.

There was a blast, echoing in the room
and the head of the person exploded, its corpse falling on Obi-Wan
with a heavy thud that Obi-Wan barely registered as he laid on the
dirty duracrete floor with wide eyes.

Panting heavily, Obi-Wan laid there
with the corpse on top of him, flakes of skin and blood on his face
as he shook and tried to get over the shock of a Force damned zombie
coming out of a supply locker with Obi-Wan barely managing to hold
the heavy human off him that was now laying on his chest and legs.

His arm felt broken, the power behind
the bite on his gauntlet proving superior to what a regular human was
able to for sure and he was certain the white gauntlet had turned

And then the weight was gone as Cody’s
hands desperately checked Obi-Wan over, an antiseptic napkin from his
belt going over Obi-Wan’s face hurriedly with panicked movement to
get all the traces of the zombie off the Jedi.

And for it all Obi-Wan laid still, just
breathing harshly, still thinking of the white of the once humans

“…General?” Cody whispered, his
free hand resting on Obi-Wan’s shoulder but before he could
respond, Anakin burst into the room with his saber held high, a wild
look in his blue eyes as he took stock of the situation, the zombie,
Obi-Wan on the floor, the shakiness of the room…

“Obi-Wan?” He asked in a high
pitched note.

Absolutely reality shook into Obi-Wan
and he rolled onto his side, onto his left arm and threw up the
ration bar he had earlier, his right, mostly likely broken arm tucked
to his chest protectively as Cody pressed his hand to his Jedi’s
back, rubbing lightly.

And then Anakin was there too, his
hands fluttering everywhere to check that Obi-Wan was okay, that he
wasn’t bitten and maybe just to assure himself that Obi-Wan was
still there and was still Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan was just too relieved to shake
away the comfort of those touches, trembling beneath solace of those

Hi Moddy! Might we find out WHO these UndeadWalking survivors are? Maybe innocents caught in the plague or maybe the people who, oh I don’t know, STARTED IT?? (shrieking incoherently) eep?

Its utter silence.

The factory the survivors are suppose
to be at is utterly silent and unnatural for a durasteel factory that
produces high quantities daily.

Blood, old and dried in many colors
smear the floor and walls and they can see hand prints here and there
as they look around with flashlights as the powers has gone out.
Somewhere far away there’s a flickering light from an office and
one corner near the door has a small collection of what looks like
makeshift beds on the walkway of the factory away from the factory

When they aim the light down they see a
multitude of bodies, all of them with either their heads gone or
holes in them signaling that whoever had been surviving here had
figured out how to get rid of the zombies.

Obi-Wan just feels nauseous, the Force
a constant press of wrong and as he exchanges looks with Ahsoka and
Anakin, its clear they feel it too.

This time Anakin looks close to losing
his ration bar lunch from the wrongness of the Force instead of the
smell of a corpse like earlier.

“…Spread out but stay in groups, no
one goes alone.” Obi-Wan said quietly and everyone parted into
groups of three, Rex instantly taking Ahsoka to his side with a
foreboding look on his face that reassured both Anakin and Obi-Wan despite the trooper having his helmet on his belt.

Out of everyone, Rex would defend
Ahsoka to the last and not let her take any risks even if she was
being cocky and overeager.

Anakin quite reluctantly parted with
Obi-Wan though he looked reassured as Cody instantly took Obi-Wan’s
left, Obi-Wan’s none dominant side almost like a padawan would
along with Longshot as Fives and Echo joined Anakin.

With the parting into groups done,
everyone separated in directions to check the factory out, Anakin and
Obi-Wan going down to the floor with Ahsoka remaining above for
safety and for once she didn’t argue, stuck by Rex side and another trooper.

‘She must be more scared than we
realized.’ Obi-Wan speculated as he headed for what looked like an
office, stepping over a corpse as he did that had no head, pressing
the door open cautiously.

Nothing and no one.

Frowning a bit he stepped further in,
Cody and Longshot at his back with both holding their blasters high
just in case and damn it all if it didn’t make Obi-Wan feel a bit
safer than he ever had before with blasters.

With them at his back he searched the
room, finding an abandoned radio by a desk as he crouched down to
pick it up.

Turning it over in his hand, he pursed
his lips and looked around. “Hmm…”

“General?” Longshot voice was a
question of its own as Obi-Wan

“There’s a radio in this room, most
likely the one used to record the initial message and transmit…” He murmured,
eyeing a supply closet while setting the radio on the desk and slowly
approaching the closet.

The closer he got, the more uneasy
Obi-Wan became, a line of tension starting in his lower back but he
was a Jedi, he came here looking for survivors and Force, if there
was even one than Obi-Wan and the rest were going to find them and
bring them to safety.

He heard both troopers cock the
blasters behind him, an uneasy rustle as he placed his hand on the
door and drew it open. He barely had time to get his arm up, much
less yell as instantly a heavy set human male fell on him, snarling
and wheezing loudly with dead white eyes and a rotting skin, its
mouth a gaping maw of darkness and stained teeth.

Its mouth snapped around Obi-Wan’s
arm as it seemingly desperately clawed at Obi-Wan, hungry as it
pushed the Jedi into the ground.

There was a blast, echoing in the room
and the head of the person exploded, its corpse falling on Obi-Wan
with a heavy thud that Obi-Wan barely registered as he laid on the
dirty duracrete floor with wide eyes.

Panting heavily, Obi-Wan laid there
with the corpse on top of him, flakes of skin and blood on his face
as he shook and tried to get over the shock of a Force damned zombie
coming out of a supply locker with Obi-Wan barely managing to hold
the heavy human off him that was now laying on his chest and legs.

His arm felt broken, the power behind
the bite on his gauntlet proving superior to what a regular human was
able to for sure and he was certain the white gauntlet had turned

And then the weight was gone as Cody’s
hands desperately checked Obi-Wan over, an antiseptic napkin from his
belt going over Obi-Wan’s face hurriedly with panicked movement to
get all the traces of the zombie off the Jedi.

And for it all Obi-Wan laid still, just
breathing harshly, still thinking of the white of the once humans

“…General?” Cody whispered, his
free hand resting on Obi-Wan’s shoulder but before he could
respond, Anakin burst into the room with his saber held high, a wild
look in his blue eyes as he took stock of the situation, the zombie,
Obi-Wan on the floor, the shakiness of the room…

“Obi-Wan?” He asked in a high
pitched note.

Absolutely reality shook into Obi-Wan
and he rolled onto his side, onto his left arm and threw up the
ration bar he had earlier, his right, mostly likely broken arm tucked
to his chest protectively as Cody pressed his hand to his Jedi’s
back, rubbing lightly.

And then Anakin was there too, his
hands fluttering everywhere to check that Obi-Wan was okay, that he
wasn’t bitten and maybe just to assure himself that Obi-Wan was
still there and was still Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan was just too relieved to shake
away the comfort of those touches, trembling beneath solace of those

Please Moddy, may we have some more?? TheSandTrap is LIFE, and maybe Mauls’ death? What is he doing in ObiWans’ apartment, and is his next stop our favourite coffee shop? GET HIM CODY/REX!

himself up the ramp, Obi-Wan frowned to himself before glancing back
at Anakin who was following up the back as close as he could but
wasn’t touching the wheelchair.

had been doing better since his release from hospital and was getting
back to wheeling himself around but it was still taking a lot of
energy out of him to return to normal schedule. Still, they had been
called for a reason…

you know why your old boss wanted us to come?” Anakin questioned
softly, frowning deeply as he held the door open so Obi-Wan could
wheel himself inside.

Obi-Wan gave a half shrug. “No, I have no idea why Mace would want
to talk to us right now. I mean, I can guess but I don’t really
know.” He said, his brows in a troubled frown as he let Anakin take
the handles of the wheelchair since the precinct were full of people
and he would have an easier time navigating them through the crowds.

could hear several people yelling and noticed a few reporters
actually but before they could make more than a brief observation
someone called for them. “Obi-Wan! Over here!”

both turned towards the voice and saw Cody waving at them by an open

Anakin pushed them towards the office, getting Obi-Wan over threshold
before letting him wheel himself to the desk in a comfortable

followed in and closed the door behind them, letting out a breath as
he rubbed his face. “I’m so glad you guys got through, its a real
mess here right now.” He mumbled out.

looks with Anakin, Obi-Wan shifted in his chair while setting the
breaks on. “Cody, what’s going on? Why did Mace want me to come
down?” He asked intently
while leaning forward.

other collapsed into his chair behind the desk, playing with a pen on
it. “Have you…did you watch the news today?” He asked warily.
“Or the last few days news?”

his head with his frown growing, Obi-Wan looked at Anakin and then
back to Cody when his boyfriend showed signs of being just as

glanced at Anakin. “Have you noticed one of the mecanics you work
with hasn’t shown up at work for a while?”

Anakin tilted his head then nodded. “Savage, yes. He’s been awol
for a while according to Saw and no on-”

Oppress.” Cody cut in.

Anakin and Obi-Wan froze.

Anakin asked somewhat meekly, a horrifying realization occuring for
both of them.

nodded. “Younger brother to Maul… he has two though the third one
lives out of the country and hasn’t had contact with either of them
in years. Savage however is in hospital now after a sever beating by
his brother and may not
survive…” He trailed off
as Obi-Wan leaned forward and pressed his face into his hands,
shaking heavily.

easy.” Anakin whispered, pressing his hand to Obi-Wan’s back to
assure him.

as he tried to take deep breaths, Obi-Wan choked out a new question.
“What else?”

stared at them for a long, tense moment. “…Your old apartment has
been leveled to the ground. No one was hurt because we evacuated it
but everything was leveled, Maul planted the bomb in your old
apartment and someone saw him come and knew that you were in hiding
and wouldn’t be coming back without a team of cops… they called
in help and… well yeah. The bomb squad couldn’t get there in
time,” He said quietly. “I’m
sorry Obi-Wan, there wasn’t much to rescue either.”

his face into his hands, Obi-Wan took several deep breaths before
letting out a soft noise as he was gently pushed up until he could
see Anakin had moved in front of him instead, the blue eyes filled
with worry as he shifted one hand to Obi-Wan’s chest. “Breath
Obi, you need to breath.” He said quietly.

he was hyperventilating, Obi-Wan took a sharp gasp as deeply as he
could, eyes locked on the others as he clung to Anakin’s hand on
his chest with his own hands, each breath coming deeper and deeper as
he absorbed the information Cody had given him.

could make bombs.

could make bombs that could level an entire building and maybe even
the surrounding area.

I wish you were here to advice me…’

Please Moddy, may we have some more?? TheSandTrap is LIFE, and maybe Mauls’ death? What is he doing in ObiWans’ apartment, and is his next stop our favourite coffee shop? GET HIM CODY/REX!

himself up the ramp, Obi-Wan frowned to himself before glancing back
at Anakin who was following up the back as close as he could but
wasn’t touching the wheelchair.

had been doing better since his release from hospital and was getting
back to wheeling himself around but it was still taking a lot of
energy out of him to return to normal schedule. Still, they had been
called for a reason…

you know why your old boss wanted us to come?” Anakin questioned
softly, frowning deeply as he held the door open so Obi-Wan could
wheel himself inside.

Obi-Wan gave a half shrug. “No, I have no idea why Mace would want
to talk to us right now. I mean, I can guess but I don’t really
know.” He said, his brows in a troubled frown as he let Anakin take
the handles of the wheelchair since the precinct were full of people
and he would have an easier time navigating them through the crowds.

could hear several people yelling and noticed a few reporters
actually but before they could make more than a brief observation
someone called for them. “Obi-Wan! Over here!”

both turned towards the voice and saw Cody waving at them by an open

Anakin pushed them towards the office, getting Obi-Wan over threshold
before letting him wheel himself to the desk in a comfortable

followed in and closed the door behind them, letting out a breath as
he rubbed his face. “I’m so glad you guys got through, its a real
mess here right now.” He mumbled out.

looks with Anakin, Obi-Wan shifted in his chair while setting the
breaks on. “Cody, what’s going on? Why did Mace want me to come
down?” He asked intently
while leaning forward.

other collapsed into his chair behind the desk, playing with a pen on
it. “Have you…did you watch the news today?” He asked warily.
“Or the last few days news?”

his head with his frown growing, Obi-Wan looked at Anakin and then
back to Cody when his boyfriend showed signs of being just as

glanced at Anakin. “Have you noticed one of the mecanics you work
with hasn’t shown up at work for a while?”

Anakin tilted his head then nodded. “Savage, yes. He’s been awol
for a while according to Saw and no on-”

Oppress.” Cody cut in.

Anakin and Obi-Wan froze.

Anakin asked somewhat meekly, a horrifying realization occuring for
both of them.

nodded. “Younger brother to Maul… he has two though the third one
lives out of the country and hasn’t had contact with either of them
in years. Savage however is in hospital now after a sever beating by
his brother and may not
survive…” He trailed off
as Obi-Wan leaned forward and pressed his face into his hands,
shaking heavily.

easy.” Anakin whispered, pressing his hand to Obi-Wan’s back to
assure him.

as he tried to take deep breaths, Obi-Wan choked out a new question.
“What else?”

stared at them for a long, tense moment. “…Your old apartment has
been leveled to the ground. No one was hurt because we evacuated it
but everything was leveled, Maul planted the bomb in your old
apartment and someone saw him come and knew that you were in hiding
and wouldn’t be coming back without a team of cops… they called
in help and… well yeah. The bomb squad couldn’t get there in
time,” He said quietly. “I’m
sorry Obi-Wan, there wasn’t much to rescue either.”

his face into his hands, Obi-Wan took several deep breaths before
letting out a soft noise as he was gently pushed up until he could
see Anakin had moved in front of him instead, the blue eyes filled
with worry as he shifted one hand to Obi-Wan’s chest. “Breath
Obi, you need to breath.” He said quietly.

he was hyperventilating, Obi-Wan took a sharp gasp as deeply as he
could, eyes locked on the others as he clung to Anakin’s hand on
his chest with his own hands, each breath coming deeper and deeper as
he absorbed the information Cody had given him.

could make bombs.

could make bombs that could level an entire building and maybe even
the surrounding area.

I wish you were here to advice me…’

‘Let us have safety.’ YourWords needs a final epilogue? Will Leia be Empress after the joint stewardship of Vader and ObiWan? Or is there more fanatic fringe Rebellion to deal with? Thank you Moddy for your wonderful hard work!!


Obi-Wan jerked to
and fell off the couch to hit the floor, letting out a whine of pain
before huffing quietly and sitting up as he heard the slamming of
doors making its way closer and closer until Luke finally slammed
into the door with excitement in his wide eyes as the fifteen year
old raced over before pausing at the sight of Obi-Wan on the floor.
“Dad, what are you doing on the floor?” He asked in bemusement as
he offered the graying redhead his hands to pull him up.

Letting out a grunt
as his back gave a violent twinge, Obi-Wan gave Luke a dry look.
“Well I was taking a nap and waiting for my painkillers to kick in
until someone screamed for me and I fell to the floor.”

Luke gained an
embarrassed, sheepish look at that, looking down to shuffle his feet
as the sun caught his short cut golden hair.

It gave Obi-Wan a
second to examine the teen, taking note of the blue flight-suit the
other was wearing with the Empire insignia on.

His brows raised as
he took note of the sweat patches too and a small smile started to
lure its way across his lips. “But something tells me you have a
reason for your excitement.” He teased gently and Luke instantly
brightened again, filling the Force with his joy as he nodded
eagerly, looking up to meet Obi-Wan’s eyes again.

“I aced the test!
I’m officially in the Empire’s and the coming Empress elite guard
now!” He beamed in joy.

Chuckling, Obi-Wan
fondly patted the boy on the cheek. “Considering the last test was
the formation flight and your ability to shoot, I had no doubt you’d
manage it.” He said softly.

Luke had inherited
Anakin’s piloting skills and maybe he was even better than Anakin
in some ways though the two had never gone up against each other to
test it.

Didn’t need to.

Anakin only ever
encouraged Luke when he took him on ship trips, showing his son the
controls and the ropes.

Both Anakin and
Obi-Wan had shown Luke how to use his Force ability and lightsaber
though Luke fell more in the light side of the Force than the dark.

“Your father is
going to be delighted when he hears this,” Obi-Wan mused as he
shifted a bit on his mech leg, hand on Luke shoulder to pull him
along towards the fresher. “He was as excited as you.” He winked
at the other man and Luke grinned even harder before wrinkling his
nose as he understood where he was being lead.

But the teen knew
better than to argue, obediently going to shower since he reeked
while Obi-Wan went to get a celebratory dinner started and comming
Anakin to call him home for it.

And it was no
wonder that Luke was so excited.

At the age of
fourteen, both Luke and Leia had been sat down by all four of them,
Obi-Wan, Anakin, Breha and Bail to have the situation explained to
them about their bond.

Leia had thrown a
fit worthy of Anakin which had amused Obi-Wan to no end and had
Anakin coloring until he resembled a ripe berry.

She had eventually
calmed down of course, after flipping a table that was twice as big
as her and four times as heavy. And when she calmed down she and Luke
had started talking, the Empress to be wanting to learn about her
brother more properly than the play dates they used to have as kids.

Though how in all
Force name Anakin managed to convince everyone that Palpatine had
picked Leia for heir he had no idea and he didn’t think he wanted
to know.

What Obi-Wan did
know was that he was happy.

He was graying with
wrinkles in his face, getting pudgy around the middle and his body
ached in every joint be they mechanical or not but he could honestly
say that he was happy as he prepared dinner for his family.

And even happier he
became as Anakin arrived, his husband of the last eight years
wrapping him up in his arms to steal a kiss, Obi-Wan laughing into
his mouth as he tried to warn the other of meat juices on his hands
that Anakin just ignored for more kisses.

‘Suck on that
Sidious. You didn’t win everything. The Jedi will rise again with
Luke.’ Obi-Wan thought happily, his hopes going with Luke and Leia
as he let himself be old and joyful.

‘Let us have safety.’ YourWords needs a final epilogue? Will Leia be Empress after the joint stewardship of Vader and ObiWan? Or is there more fanatic fringe Rebellion to deal with? Thank you Moddy for your wonderful hard work!!


Obi-Wan jerked to
and fell off the couch to hit the floor, letting out a whine of pain
before huffing quietly and sitting up as he heard the slamming of
doors making its way closer and closer until Luke finally slammed
into the door with excitement in his wide eyes as the fifteen year
old raced over before pausing at the sight of Obi-Wan on the floor.
“Dad, what are you doing on the floor?” He asked in bemusement as
he offered the graying redhead his hands to pull him up.

Letting out a grunt
as his back gave a violent twinge, Obi-Wan gave Luke a dry look.
“Well I was taking a nap and waiting for my painkillers to kick in
until someone screamed for me and I fell to the floor.”

Luke gained an
embarrassed, sheepish look at that, looking down to shuffle his feet
as the sun caught his short cut golden hair.

It gave Obi-Wan a
second to examine the teen, taking note of the blue flight-suit the
other was wearing with the Empire insignia on.

His brows raised as
he took note of the sweat patches too and a small smile started to
lure its way across his lips. “But something tells me you have a
reason for your excitement.” He teased gently and Luke instantly
brightened again, filling the Force with his joy as he nodded
eagerly, looking up to meet Obi-Wan’s eyes again.

“I aced the test!
I’m officially in the Empire’s and the coming Empress elite guard
now!” He beamed in joy.

Chuckling, Obi-Wan
fondly patted the boy on the cheek. “Considering the last test was
the formation flight and your ability to shoot, I had no doubt you’d
manage it.” He said softly.

Luke had inherited
Anakin’s piloting skills and maybe he was even better than Anakin
in some ways though the two had never gone up against each other to
test it.

Didn’t need to.

Anakin only ever
encouraged Luke when he took him on ship trips, showing his son the
controls and the ropes.

Both Anakin and
Obi-Wan had shown Luke how to use his Force ability and lightsaber
though Luke fell more in the light side of the Force than the dark.

“Your father is
going to be delighted when he hears this,” Obi-Wan mused as he
shifted a bit on his mech leg, hand on Luke shoulder to pull him
along towards the fresher. “He was as excited as you.” He winked
at the other man and Luke grinned even harder before wrinkling his
nose as he understood where he was being lead.

But the teen knew
better than to argue, obediently going to shower since he reeked
while Obi-Wan went to get a celebratory dinner started and comming
Anakin to call him home for it.

And it was no
wonder that Luke was so excited.

At the age of
fourteen, both Luke and Leia had been sat down by all four of them,
Obi-Wan, Anakin, Breha and Bail to have the situation explained to
them about their bond.

Leia had thrown a
fit worthy of Anakin which had amused Obi-Wan to no end and had
Anakin coloring until he resembled a ripe berry.

She had eventually
calmed down of course, after flipping a table that was twice as big
as her and four times as heavy. And when she calmed down she and Luke
had started talking, the Empress to be wanting to learn about her
brother more properly than the play dates they used to have as kids.

Though how in all
Force name Anakin managed to convince everyone that Palpatine had
picked Leia for heir he had no idea and he didn’t think he wanted
to know.

What Obi-Wan did
know was that he was happy.

He was graying with
wrinkles in his face, getting pudgy around the middle and his body
ached in every joint be they mechanical or not but he could honestly
say that he was happy as he prepared dinner for his family.

And even happier he
became as Anakin arrived, his husband of the last eight years
wrapping him up in his arms to steal a kiss, Obi-Wan laughing into
his mouth as he tried to warn the other of meat juices on his hands
that Anakin just ignored for more kisses.

‘Suck on that
Sidious. You didn’t win everything. The Jedi will rise again with
Luke.’ Obi-Wan thought happily, his hopes going with Luke and Leia
as he let himself be old and joyful.