So why am I the one to constantly ask for more TheSandTrap? BECAUSE I LOVE IT SOOO MUCH!! And it was left a bit open ended? «I hope its one of Obi-Wan’s coworkers… Force help us.» Any final thoughts for this AU? Perhaps an epilogue? Thank you Moddy!

his lips to the others temple while gently tugging the blanket around
Obi-Wan’s shoulders as the man listed a bit against his side,
Anakin looked up as a cup was held in his view, blinking at Cody
before smiling tiredly and accepting the offered coffee with a quiet
murmur of thanks.

he holding up?” Cody questioned quietly, nodding at Obi-Wan.

a thoughtful sip of coffee and noting with gratefulness that Cody had
added a bit of cream to it, Anakin breathed out heavily. “Not good
but not to terrible either I think. I believe he’s mostly tired
after everything.” He said quietly.

Maul had set off a series of events from medical personnel to cops
showing up, taking Obi-Wan and Anakin in for statements and
interviewing witnesses.

added security of the camera on the porch had helped their case too,
showing Maul lock picking the door open and standing up with a gun in
hand only to be shot first.

history between Obi-Wan and Maul in possession of a gun would be to
Obi-Wan’s aid though and it was a clear case of self defense.

precinct of course just needed the details to file, to make it clear
that Obi-Wan was acting not out of a desire to actually kill but
because he was actually in danger.

Maul was dead.

may not have shot to kill, his mind panicked but he had nicked a
major vein, the zabraks two hearts bleeding out slower than a human
would but still bleeding out in the ambulance. He was dead before he
reached the hospital.

hadn’t been sure how to handle it, sitting mutely in his chair and
answering almost mechanically as he was questioned by Officer
and Sargent Billaba with a junior officer named Dume by her side
writing down all of Obi-Wan’s answers.

stayed by Obi-Wan’s side the entire time, holding his hand and
stroking it gently to try and provide some comfort and eventually
Obi-Wan had finally broken down, sobbing into Anakin’s chest as the
blond shifted to hold Obi-Wan in his lap instead to assure and sooth,
rocking slowly and steadily while murmuring soothing nonsense.

hours later they were done and all they were doing was waiting on
Shmi to come pick them up though Major Windu had offered one of his
officers to drive them home or call an uber or taxi. Anakin had
gratefully declined before lowering his voice and whispering that
Obi-Wan needed something more familiar.

man had agreed with that.

they had settled to wait at a line of chairs in the hall, Obi-Wan
back in his wheelchair, head tucked up on Anakin’s side and
eventually the emotionally and physically exhausted man had hit his
limit and fallen asleep. Rex had instantly come by with a blanket
that Anakin wrapped around his boyfriend.

Cody had come by.

nodded at the answer with understanding. “I can get that… its
been a long while since he was a cop and Obi-Wan was good at not
needing to shoot or not going lethal when he did.” He murmured,
tucking his thumbs into the loops of his pants.

smiled at that while glancing down at his sleeping boyfriend. That
did sound like Obi-Wan, trying to avoid the loss of life even if the
culprits in questions could be dangerous.

looked up when Cody let out a happy noise though, catching sight of
his mother hurrying up the hall and Anakin shifted, gently shaking
Obi-Wan awake as he set the cup down on the empty chair beside him.
“Obi, Obi sweetheart, mom is here, we can go home.” He murmured
and watched as Obi-Wan tiredly opened his eyes to peer blearily

a moment Obi-Wan just stared at them all even as Shmi grasped his
hands and checked them over before fluttering her hands quickly over

then he smiled, slowly and steadily. “I’m safe.” He whispered,
Shmi pausing in her actions before leaning in and hugging what had
become a second son to her.

you are, you and Anakin are finally safe. Oh Obi-Wan.” She hugged
him tightly as Anakin grasped his boyfriend’s hand and squeezed.

they were finally safe.

So why am I the one to constantly ask for more TheSandTrap? BECAUSE I LOVE IT SOOO MUCH!! And it was left a bit open ended? «I hope its one of Obi-Wan’s coworkers… Force help us.» Any final thoughts for this AU? Perhaps an epilogue? Thank you Moddy!

his lips to the others temple while gently tugging the blanket around
Obi-Wan’s shoulders as the man listed a bit against his side,
Anakin looked up as a cup was held in his view, blinking at Cody
before smiling tiredly and accepting the offered coffee with a quiet
murmur of thanks.

he holding up?” Cody questioned quietly, nodding at Obi-Wan.

a thoughtful sip of coffee and noting with gratefulness that Cody had
added a bit of cream to it, Anakin breathed out heavily. “Not good
but not to terrible either I think. I believe he’s mostly tired
after everything.” He said quietly.

Maul had set off a series of events from medical personnel to cops
showing up, taking Obi-Wan and Anakin in for statements and
interviewing witnesses.

added security of the camera on the porch had helped their case too,
showing Maul lock picking the door open and standing up with a gun in
hand only to be shot first.

history between Obi-Wan and Maul in possession of a gun would be to
Obi-Wan’s aid though and it was a clear case of self defense.

precinct of course just needed the details to file, to make it clear
that Obi-Wan was acting not out of a desire to actually kill but
because he was actually in danger.

Maul was dead.

may not have shot to kill, his mind panicked but he had nicked a
major vein, the zabraks two hearts bleeding out slower than a human
would but still bleeding out in the ambulance. He was dead before he
reached the hospital.

hadn’t been sure how to handle it, sitting mutely in his chair and
answering almost mechanically as he was questioned by Officer
and Sargent Billaba with a junior officer named Dume by her side
writing down all of Obi-Wan’s answers.

stayed by Obi-Wan’s side the entire time, holding his hand and
stroking it gently to try and provide some comfort and eventually
Obi-Wan had finally broken down, sobbing into Anakin’s chest as the
blond shifted to hold Obi-Wan in his lap instead to assure and sooth,
rocking slowly and steadily while murmuring soothing nonsense.

hours later they were done and all they were doing was waiting on
Shmi to come pick them up though Major Windu had offered one of his
officers to drive them home or call an uber or taxi. Anakin had
gratefully declined before lowering his voice and whispering that
Obi-Wan needed something more familiar.

man had agreed with that.

they had settled to wait at a line of chairs in the hall, Obi-Wan
back in his wheelchair, head tucked up on Anakin’s side and
eventually the emotionally and physically exhausted man had hit his
limit and fallen asleep. Rex had instantly come by with a blanket
that Anakin wrapped around his boyfriend.

Cody had come by.

nodded at the answer with understanding. “I can get that… its
been a long while since he was a cop and Obi-Wan was good at not
needing to shoot or not going lethal when he did.” He murmured,
tucking his thumbs into the loops of his pants.

smiled at that while glancing down at his sleeping boyfriend. That
did sound like Obi-Wan, trying to avoid the loss of life even if the
culprits in questions could be dangerous.

looked up when Cody let out a happy noise though, catching sight of
his mother hurrying up the hall and Anakin shifted, gently shaking
Obi-Wan awake as he set the cup down on the empty chair beside him.
“Obi, Obi sweetheart, mom is here, we can go home.” He murmured
and watched as Obi-Wan tiredly opened his eyes to peer blearily

a moment Obi-Wan just stared at them all even as Shmi grasped his
hands and checked them over before fluttering her hands quickly over

then he smiled, slowly and steadily. “I’m safe.” He whispered,
Shmi pausing in her actions before leaning in and hugging what had
become a second son to her.

you are, you and Anakin are finally safe. Oh Obi-Wan.” She hugged
him tightly as Anakin grasped his boyfriend’s hand and squeezed.

they were finally safe.

Heyla Moddy! Here is one just for you? What if it had been Obi who lost the hand INSTEAD of Anakin? Maybe Jango shot Obi-Wan’s hand earlier. Would make Anakin even more upset, seeing Obi-Wan all chained up with his hand still attached but so mangled it is close to amputated. Obi pale from bloodloss in the sun… betcha that makes Anakin think less of Padme and concentrate on other ‘stuff’. And there you go?

His lips are tingling even as
they are brought out into the arena, the sun shining harshly onto
them and Anakin knows he will meet Obi-Wan in moments and yet Padme
beside him and the memory of the kiss holds his nerves at bay.

least somewhat.

his eyes land on Obi-Wan and his entire body goes rigid.

something is clearly wrong, Obi-Wan should be standing straight and
proud, watching Anakin and Padme arrive with disapproval in his eyes
cause Anakin and the Senator are
suppose to be there.

yet Obi-Wan remains slumped against the stone pole, his pale and
sweaty face resting against an arm and he barely opens his eyes in
response to Anakin’s frantic Force prods.

one side fingers gently curve over the manacles and on the other side
just a mangled mess of red that takes Anakin a long moment as his
hands are pulled upwards to understand is Obi-Wan’s right hand,
barely holding on with a sliver of flesh and skin, his entire right
sleeve covered in blood.

perks up some, enough to give Anakin a pale lipped smile before all
hell breaks loose and how the hell is that man fighting!?

can’t keep both Padme and Obi-Wan safe at the same ti-

there goes Padme…

I don’t have to worry about her…’ Anakin marvels for a few
moments before his attention is once more firmly on Obi-Wan as the
man barely blocks a droid blast.

all speed after that.

Windu, Dooku, the arrival of the clones, fighting against Dooku and
kark losing his own arm!

hurt a whole lot by the way but more than that Anakin shifts
awkwardly off Obi-Wan’s leg to check on his master, finding Obi-Wan
passed out with a little puddle by his half severed hand. Ripping his
tunic up with the Force, Anakin carefully tried wrapping the others
man as well as he could, at least to steam the bleeding until they
could get to some Force damned healers or medics as the clones flood
the room, Yoda speaking to them.

can walk, Obi-Wan goes on a stretcher with the diminutive master
walking beside Anakin as they hurry to a transport to get Obi-Wan to
someone medically knowledgeable with Anakin clenching his own
remaining hand on Obi-Wan’s good one.

doesn’t occur to him until hours later that he doesn’t know where
Padme is, hasn’t asked about her as he lays drugged up in a medbay
on his way to Coruscant with Obi-Wan in the bed beside him, both in
an equally bad state.

contemplating, for the first time in hours, to contact her when he
hears a noise from the other bed and Anakin loses his train of
thought because Obi-Wan is opening his eyes finally. “Master!” He
stumbles from the bed, almost tugging out his IV as he does but hey,
he’s being allowed to leave the bed for short trips to the fresher
by the clone medic so he imagine this will be fine too as he holds
onto the rail of Obi-Wan’s bed to look nervously down at him.

blinks up at him in turn, none comprehending for the first several
seconds before letting out a shocked noise and trying to sit up.

stops him however with his hand to the man’s chest, shaking his
head so the braid flies around. “No, don’t. The medic will want
to take a look over you first before they let you up at all. They
still aren’t letting master Koon or master Davro up.” He said

swallowed thickly before nodding and looking around slowly, his eyes
focusing on the drip that was connected to his hand before looking
at his own drip connected hand.

his eyes slowly focus on the empty spot where his hand should be on
the other side. “…I did wonder if there were any saving of my
hand.” He rasped out.

his bandage covered stump, Anakin smiled wryly. “Well, we’ll have
to get prosthetic and retrain our hands together I guess master…”
He offered up as brightly as he could even as his stump ached and he
swore he could feel his elbow bending.

blinked at him before smiling softly, still pale, his lips chapped
but smiling. “I guess we do padawan. Yes I do believe that could be
arranged.” He chuckled before eeping when a clone medic suddenly
zeroed in on them with a sharp call.

Jedi healers and clone medics were made of the same tough fabric to
browbeat their stubborn patients.

Heyla Moddy! Here is one just for you? What if it had been Obi who lost the hand INSTEAD of Anakin? Maybe Jango shot Obi-Wan’s hand earlier. Would make Anakin even more upset, seeing Obi-Wan all chained up with his hand still attached but so mangled it is close to amputated. Obi pale from bloodloss in the sun… betcha that makes Anakin think less of Padme and concentrate on other ‘stuff’. And there you go?

His lips are tingling even as
they are brought out into the arena, the sun shining harshly onto
them and Anakin knows he will meet Obi-Wan in moments and yet Padme
beside him and the memory of the kiss holds his nerves at bay.

least somewhat.

his eyes land on Obi-Wan and his entire body goes rigid.

something is clearly wrong, Obi-Wan should be standing straight and
proud, watching Anakin and Padme arrive with disapproval in his eyes
cause Anakin and the Senator are
suppose to be there.

yet Obi-Wan remains slumped against the stone pole, his pale and
sweaty face resting against an arm and he barely opens his eyes in
response to Anakin’s frantic Force prods.

one side fingers gently curve over the manacles and on the other side
just a mangled mess of red that takes Anakin a long moment as his
hands are pulled upwards to understand is Obi-Wan’s right hand,
barely holding on with a sliver of flesh and skin, his entire right
sleeve covered in blood.

perks up some, enough to give Anakin a pale lipped smile before all
hell breaks loose and how the hell is that man fighting!?

can’t keep both Padme and Obi-Wan safe at the same ti-

there goes Padme…

I don’t have to worry about her…’ Anakin marvels for a few
moments before his attention is once more firmly on Obi-Wan as the
man barely blocks a droid blast.

all speed after that.

Windu, Dooku, the arrival of the clones, fighting against Dooku and
kark losing his own arm!

hurt a whole lot by the way but more than that Anakin shifts
awkwardly off Obi-Wan’s leg to check on his master, finding Obi-Wan
passed out with a little puddle by his half severed hand. Ripping his
tunic up with the Force, Anakin carefully tried wrapping the others
man as well as he could, at least to steam the bleeding until they
could get to some Force damned healers or medics as the clones flood
the room, Yoda speaking to them.

can walk, Obi-Wan goes on a stretcher with the diminutive master
walking beside Anakin as they hurry to a transport to get Obi-Wan to
someone medically knowledgeable with Anakin clenching his own
remaining hand on Obi-Wan’s good one.

doesn’t occur to him until hours later that he doesn’t know where
Padme is, hasn’t asked about her as he lays drugged up in a medbay
on his way to Coruscant with Obi-Wan in the bed beside him, both in
an equally bad state.

contemplating, for the first time in hours, to contact her when he
hears a noise from the other bed and Anakin loses his train of
thought because Obi-Wan is opening his eyes finally. “Master!” He
stumbles from the bed, almost tugging out his IV as he does but hey,
he’s being allowed to leave the bed for short trips to the fresher
by the clone medic so he imagine this will be fine too as he holds
onto the rail of Obi-Wan’s bed to look nervously down at him.

blinks up at him in turn, none comprehending for the first several
seconds before letting out a shocked noise and trying to sit up.

stops him however with his hand to the man’s chest, shaking his
head so the braid flies around. “No, don’t. The medic will want
to take a look over you first before they let you up at all. They
still aren’t letting master Koon or master Davro up.” He said

swallowed thickly before nodding and looking around slowly, his eyes
focusing on the drip that was connected to his hand before looking
at his own drip connected hand.

his eyes slowly focus on the empty spot where his hand should be on
the other side. “…I did wonder if there were any saving of my
hand.” He rasped out.

his bandage covered stump, Anakin smiled wryly. “Well, we’ll have
to get prosthetic and retrain our hands together I guess master…”
He offered up as brightly as he could even as his stump ached and he
swore he could feel his elbow bending.

blinked at him before smiling softly, still pale, his lips chapped
but smiling. “I guess we do padawan. Yes I do believe that could be
arranged.” He chuckled before eeping when a clone medic suddenly
zeroed in on them with a sharp call.

Jedi healers and clone medics were made of the same tough fabric to
browbeat their stubborn patients.

Hi there Moddy! I know I prompt far too often for TheSandTrap, but somebody needs to! I LOVE IT, THEY NEED MORE LOVE. Might we have another chapter? Maybe ObiWan being a completely ARMED AND READY badass? And Maul thinking Obi is still a helpless target?

there with his pistol clenched in his hands, Obi-Wan stared at the
open doorway with wide eyes.

just… he heard little noises by the door, the sound of someone
fiddling with the handle and the little click of lock picking tools
and just reacted, pulling his pistol from his laptop bag. Both Shmi
and Anakin were aware that he had it and after the whole ordeal with
Maul they had both gotten into the habit of calling out as they
unlocked the door, so Obi-Wan knew who was coming.

time silence.

noises of the handle.

was upstairs, having needed to use the loo and Shmi had gone out
shopping for groceries she needed for a tea party she was hosting for
a couple of the ladies.

first Obi-Wan had wondered if it was her but the a peek out of the
window had shown no car.

heart had jumped into his throat because
it had to be Maul, Maul had finally found him.

next few moments were a blur to him when he would later tell the
officers that came.

just clearly remembered rolling over to his laptop bag and pulling
out his gun before
rolling to the hall to face the door, shaking hands holding the gun
pointed chest height.

door had swung open and…

was a racket, Anakin coming down the stairs in a clatter of noises
with his eyes wild, boxers clinging to his wet skin with
his curls darkened with water as it dripped everywhere, his hands
coming to rest on one of Obi-Wan’s arms that was still holding the
gun, still trembling. “Obi-Wan!” He panted out before paling when
he saw the black and red man laying in the doorway. “…Oh kark.”
He whispered out.

slowly lowering until the gun rested in his lap, Obi-Wan breathed out
heavily as understanding of the situation set in. “C-Call the
cops.” He whispered out, his voice hoarse.

hand clenched down on his arm but reluctantly he did as told,
grabbing Obi-Wan’s cellphone off the coffee table.

meanwhile remained in his position, gun resting in his lap as he
trembled. His eyes were locked on Maul’s unmoving body.

was half expecting the man to get up, raving mad and telling Obi-Wan
that he belonged to Maul, like something out of a horror movie and
yet here he was, just laying there.

it this simple? It can’t be this simple? He’s haunted me for
years, taken family
from me, taken my livelihood from me once and taken my legs even…’
Obi-Wan managed to remove his hands from around the gun and pressed
his face into his hands, a hitched sob escaping his throat as the
situation caught up
to him.

of fear suddenly disappearing, years of worries, years of anger just
releasing all at once as he cried into his hands, feeling Anakin
return after who knew how long with his arms wrapping around
Obi-Wan’s body along with a warm blanket.

okay Obi-Wan, its going to be okay. I’m here,” Anakin whispered
soothingly as he sought to comfort his lover while glancing at the
body in the doorway with the blood pooling around it slowly and

had begun to show up, Anakin could see Dex
from across the
street, the man holding a phone to his ear with his eyes fixed on
Maul too.

had warned all his neighbors about the man so at least no one was
looking too upset though there were a few kids that were trying to
peek only for their parents to pull them away.

on his boyfriend, Anakin pressed a kiss to Obi-Wan’s temple while
pressing in as close as the wheelchair allowed, whispering
nonsensical words of comfort as the faint sounds of sirens reached
them of the approaching police.

hope its one of Obi-Wan’s coworkers… Force help

Hi there Moddy! I know I prompt far too often for TheSandTrap, but somebody needs to! I LOVE IT, THEY NEED MORE LOVE. Might we have another chapter? Maybe ObiWan being a completely ARMED AND READY badass? And Maul thinking Obi is still a helpless target?

there with his pistol clenched in his hands, Obi-Wan stared at the
open doorway with wide eyes.

just… he heard little noises by the door, the sound of someone
fiddling with the handle and the little click of lock picking tools
and just reacted, pulling his pistol from his laptop bag. Both Shmi
and Anakin were aware that he had it and after the whole ordeal with
Maul they had both gotten into the habit of calling out as they
unlocked the door, so Obi-Wan knew who was coming.

time silence.

noises of the handle.

was upstairs, having needed to use the loo and Shmi had gone out
shopping for groceries she needed for a tea party she was hosting for
a couple of the ladies.

first Obi-Wan had wondered if it was her but the a peek out of the
window had shown no car.

heart had jumped into his throat because
it had to be Maul, Maul had finally found him.

next few moments were a blur to him when he would later tell the
officers that came.

just clearly remembered rolling over to his laptop bag and pulling
out his gun before
rolling to the hall to face the door, shaking hands holding the gun
pointed chest height.

door had swung open and…

was a racket, Anakin coming down the stairs in a clatter of noises
with his eyes wild, boxers clinging to his wet skin with
his curls darkened with water as it dripped everywhere, his hands
coming to rest on one of Obi-Wan’s arms that was still holding the
gun, still trembling. “Obi-Wan!” He panted out before paling when
he saw the black and red man laying in the doorway. “…Oh kark.”
He whispered out.

slowly lowering until the gun rested in his lap, Obi-Wan breathed out
heavily as understanding of the situation set in. “C-Call the
cops.” He whispered out, his voice hoarse.

hand clenched down on his arm but reluctantly he did as told,
grabbing Obi-Wan’s cellphone off the coffee table.

meanwhile remained in his position, gun resting in his lap as he
trembled. His eyes were locked on Maul’s unmoving body.

was half expecting the man to get up, raving mad and telling Obi-Wan
that he belonged to Maul, like something out of a horror movie and
yet here he was, just laying there.

it this simple? It can’t be this simple? He’s haunted me for
years, taken family
from me, taken my livelihood from me once and taken my legs even…’
Obi-Wan managed to remove his hands from around the gun and pressed
his face into his hands, a hitched sob escaping his throat as the
situation caught up
to him.

of fear suddenly disappearing, years of worries, years of anger just
releasing all at once as he cried into his hands, feeling Anakin
return after who knew how long with his arms wrapping around
Obi-Wan’s body along with a warm blanket.

okay Obi-Wan, its going to be okay. I’m here,” Anakin whispered
soothingly as he sought to comfort his lover while glancing at the
body in the doorway with the blood pooling around it slowly and

had begun to show up, Anakin could see Dex
from across the
street, the man holding a phone to his ear with his eyes fixed on
Maul too.

had warned all his neighbors about the man so at least no one was
looking too upset though there were a few kids that were trying to
peek only for their parents to pull them away.

on his boyfriend, Anakin pressed a kiss to Obi-Wan’s temple while
pressing in as close as the wheelchair allowed, whispering
nonsensical words of comfort as the faint sounds of sirens reached
them of the approaching police.

hope its one of Obi-Wan’s coworkers… Force help

Oh MODDY!! SilentScreams is YES, KILLING MORE THAN ONE OF US (readers), poor ObiWan! May we NOW have a look at the Chancellors ‘tragic accident’ during the rescue? Please? Please with maple syrup on it? Please?

long does he think he’s been gone?” Mace questioned quietly, arms
crossed over his chest as he watched the healers continue working on
Obi-Wan, the redhead’s damaged eyes focused on Qui-Gon as the man
continued to sleep in the other bed in the room. Honestly
Mace was rather certain that Obi-Wan could not see Qui-Gon without
the special glasses that had been lost in the abduction, but the
slight shadows he could see and the sensation of the Force was
keeping him calm enough it

doesn’t know,” Quinlan rumbled quietly. “He said he thought
he’d been gone for eight
days but he thought
he might have been gone longer.” He breathed out heavily.

he has no idea its been closer to a month.” Mace sighed a bit,
rubbing his face with a hand.

his head, Quinlan leaned against the window to peer in too, watching
Obi-Wan. “Skywalker almost told him but I managed to avert it, I
feel like Qui-Gon should be the one to tell him how long he’s been
gone as he might take it better from him.” He murmured.

his hands into his sleeves, Mace nodded. “In the temple at least,
he has safety here as he does not have outside the walls.”

both went mute for long minutes as the healers fussed over Obi-Wan.

Quinlan sighed deeply. “Its going to take years to get him to leave
the temple after this, even with Qui-Gon beside him. Any progress
that has been made can be reverted back to zero I’d say when it
comes to his mental states.” He settled in a grim tone.

just nodded in agreement, wincing as Obi-Wan jerked in pain as a pus
filled wound was cleaned out and yet no noise escaped the others

had said the redhead had spoken when found but…

his state lead Obi-Wan to his muteness once more?

Mace looked to the kiffar and then shrugged. “I will have to go
now, we need to figure out what to do about Palpatine though at least
the Senate is electing a new Chancellor thanks to the evidence found
in his manor.”

look of disgust on Quinlan’s face was clear at that. “The things
we found there… Force, how could you hide all those… those poor
kids.” He winced and looked away.

deeply, Mace shook his head. “I do not know, nor do I want to know
what he’s done with those children but there is… little to be
done for them except keep them comfortable. He’s clearly starved
and isolated them to the point of being
feral and I’d
guess for some sort of ritual he intended.” He
said heavily.

Quinlan straightened up. “Least the judicial has been presented the
evidence, there’s so much and those kids… what’s going to
happen to them?” He inquired.

are Force sensitive but I do not have hope for normal lives for those
younglings,” Mace murmured quietly. “Not raised in the dark and
in violence as they have… at best they can be made comfortable I
guess… at least now they won’t experience violence.” He
breathed out heavily.

didn’t make him feel all that much better, wishing just as he had
when Obi-Wan had been recovered that they had known this much sooner.


Chortling quietly,
Qui-Gon glanced up at Anakin with an amused look. “Where did you
get these?” He asked in confused awe as Obi-Wan poked at the
hugging plushies in admiration, the redhead having crawled into
Qui-Gon’s bed a day ago.

Anakin took the two hugging plushies to
hold them up for them.
“I took a picture to Padme and asked her about getting something
made for you two and she suggested custom stuffies.
With the pictures I
took we took them to
a company and got
the hugging sweethearts made.” Anakin
chirped brightly.

against asking what they cost, Qui-Gon accepted the two hugging
plushies back and smiled softly at Obi-Wan as the redhead rested his
head on Qui-Gon’s shoulder with a curious look on his face.

can pull them apart but they remain like that with their arms
stretched out, seeking to hug each other. Figured the sentiment would
be nice for you two.” Anakin noted quietly.

shifted, looking up at Anakin and then he reached out to take the
plushies, fiddling with the fasteners.

cooed in happiness when he saw what Anakin meant, the two plushies
reaching out towards each other despite being removed from one
another, the stuffie Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan ready for each other.

as he smiled at the sight, it saddened Qui-Gon to hear Obi-Wan coo,
knowing that Palpatine had reduced Obi-Wan back to his initial state
when he had returned to them but he’d do his best to help Obi-Wan

pressed a soft kiss to Obi-Wan’s forehead as the two plushies were
returned to each other, the magnets clicking lightly inside the soft
toys as they hugged onto each other and then were snuggled by Obi-Wan
as he settled back down into Qui-Gon’s side, bacta patch covered
legs pressed to Qui-Gon’s remaining one.

Oh MODDY!! SilentScreams is YES, KILLING MORE THAN ONE OF US (readers), poor ObiWan! May we NOW have a look at the Chancellors ‘tragic accident’ during the rescue? Please? Please with maple syrup on it? Please?

long does he think he’s been gone?” Mace questioned quietly, arms
crossed over his chest as he watched the healers continue working on
Obi-Wan, the redhead’s damaged eyes focused on Qui-Gon as the man
continued to sleep in the other bed in the room. Honestly
Mace was rather certain that Obi-Wan could not see Qui-Gon without
the special glasses that had been lost in the abduction, but the
slight shadows he could see and the sensation of the Force was
keeping him calm enough it

doesn’t know,” Quinlan rumbled quietly. “He said he thought
he’d been gone for eight
days but he thought
he might have been gone longer.” He breathed out heavily.

he has no idea its been closer to a month.” Mace sighed a bit,
rubbing his face with a hand.

his head, Quinlan leaned against the window to peer in too, watching
Obi-Wan. “Skywalker almost told him but I managed to avert it, I
feel like Qui-Gon should be the one to tell him how long he’s been
gone as he might take it better from him.” He murmured.

his hands into his sleeves, Mace nodded. “In the temple at least,
he has safety here as he does not have outside the walls.”

both went mute for long minutes as the healers fussed over Obi-Wan.

Quinlan sighed deeply. “Its going to take years to get him to leave
the temple after this, even with Qui-Gon beside him. Any progress
that has been made can be reverted back to zero I’d say when it
comes to his mental states.” He settled in a grim tone.

just nodded in agreement, wincing as Obi-Wan jerked in pain as a pus
filled wound was cleaned out and yet no noise escaped the others

had said the redhead had spoken when found but…

his state lead Obi-Wan to his muteness once more?

Mace looked to the kiffar and then shrugged. “I will have to go
now, we need to figure out what to do about Palpatine though at least
the Senate is electing a new Chancellor thanks to the evidence found
in his manor.”

look of disgust on Quinlan’s face was clear at that. “The things
we found there… Force, how could you hide all those… those poor
kids.” He winced and looked away.

deeply, Mace shook his head. “I do not know, nor do I want to know
what he’s done with those children but there is… little to be
done for them except keep them comfortable. He’s clearly starved
and isolated them to the point of being
feral and I’d
guess for some sort of ritual he intended.” He
said heavily.

Quinlan straightened up. “Least the judicial has been presented the
evidence, there’s so much and those kids… what’s going to
happen to them?” He inquired.

are Force sensitive but I do not have hope for normal lives for those
younglings,” Mace murmured quietly. “Not raised in the dark and
in violence as they have… at best they can be made comfortable I
guess… at least now they won’t experience violence.” He
breathed out heavily.

didn’t make him feel all that much better, wishing just as he had
when Obi-Wan had been recovered that they had known this much sooner.


Chortling quietly,
Qui-Gon glanced up at Anakin with an amused look. “Where did you
get these?” He asked in confused awe as Obi-Wan poked at the
hugging plushies in admiration, the redhead having crawled into
Qui-Gon’s bed a day ago.

Anakin took the two hugging plushies to
hold them up for them.
“I took a picture to Padme and asked her about getting something
made for you two and she suggested custom stuffies.
With the pictures I
took we took them to
a company and got
the hugging sweethearts made.” Anakin
chirped brightly.

against asking what they cost, Qui-Gon accepted the two hugging
plushies back and smiled softly at Obi-Wan as the redhead rested his
head on Qui-Gon’s shoulder with a curious look on his face.

can pull them apart but they remain like that with their arms
stretched out, seeking to hug each other. Figured the sentiment would
be nice for you two.” Anakin noted quietly.

shifted, looking up at Anakin and then he reached out to take the
plushies, fiddling with the fasteners.

cooed in happiness when he saw what Anakin meant, the two plushies
reaching out towards each other despite being removed from one
another, the stuffie Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan ready for each other.

as he smiled at the sight, it saddened Qui-Gon to hear Obi-Wan coo,
knowing that Palpatine had reduced Obi-Wan back to his initial state
when he had returned to them but he’d do his best to help Obi-Wan

pressed a soft kiss to Obi-Wan’s forehead as the two plushies were
returned to each other, the magnets clicking lightly inside the soft
toys as they hugged onto each other and then were snuggled by Obi-Wan
as he settled back down into Qui-Gon’s side, bacta patch covered
legs pressed to Qui-Gon’s remaining one.

Hi Moddy! I am asking this question with lots of sharp teeth showing. How is Lord Vader reacting to the loss of his toy, his DocileDoll?

Panting harshly
through gritted teeth, Vader surveys the dojo with burning eyes.
Every inch of the floor was covered in the twisted scraps of the
sparring droids that he had destroyed in his rage, ripped apart by
the Force or sheared through with his lightsaber.

Sweat poured down
his temple and his spine but he didn’t care as his rage pulsed
hotly beneath his skin like a raging river of lava that nothing could

Obi-Wan was gone.

Someone had stolen
his Obi-Wan from him and the Emperor had only offered meaningless
platitudes before sending Vader away after the younger Sith had
snapped yet another of his cronies neck with the Force.

They had lost him
his Obi-Wan.


Sidious did not get him back, Vader would murder him next.

his entire group of ‘Inquisitors’.’ Vader sneered to himself.
Oh he’d love to take the head off the ‘Grand’ Inquisitor and
watch it roll along the floor as
a caution to everyone else to make them understand their position.

as he deactivated his saber, Vader shook himself as there was nothing
more he could do in the dojo with all the droids mashed up to pieces
as they were now. The
Inquisitors had all so ‘conveniently’ disappeared from the dojos
so no one could spar with him.

of losing more limbs to me I imagine.’ He smirked viciously to
himself before snarling and
pulling a statue over, watching in satisfaction as Sidious figure was
smashed into a million pieces that nothing could repair.

that satisfaction was temporary and disappeared to leave only behind

want Obi-Wan!” He
snarled while pulling down
the drapes with a wave of his hands.


out deeply, Obi-Wan settled his head on Rex shoulder as he held onto
the cup of tea.

It was
horrible quality honestly with a slight iron taste that came from
badly filtered water and a
slight taste of gasoline that indicated that someone had crossed the

had told him while handing
over the cup they were trying
to fix it but so far no one had quite managed to isolate the issue so
the tea would unfortunately not taste up to snuff.

was the best cup of tea Obi-Wan had in weeks.

do you feel?” Rex questioned quietly, having
come to keep Obi-Wan company in his medbay room though Obi-Wan
strongly suspected it was really quarters that had been converted for
Obi-Wan’s sake in case he had a negative reaction when he woke up so no other injured in the medbay were in danger.

head aches and I feel a constant sense of fatigue from the drug
withdrawal but other than that, I am actually starting to recover.”
Obi-Wan laughed quietly before lifting his head enough to take a sip
and settle his head back down on the blond’s shoulder.

He was
grateful Rex was out of armor as the pauldron would not be

the former GAR looked lovely in a beige shirt with a black leather
coat over that seemed to have quite a few pockets if Obi-Wan’s
observation was right.

the medic was honestly worried about what kind of side-effects you
would suffer from the unknown drug that Darth Vader had you under,”
Rex rubbed at the scruff on
his face before sighing. “Still can’t believe… we trusted him.”
He mumbled.

trusted him.” Obi-Wan quietly agreed as he set his now empty cup
aside with the taste of
tainted tea lingering in his mouth.

out heavily, Rex patted him
on the knee. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry it all turned out like
this.” He murmured.

his face to Rex shoulder, Obi-Wan swallowed heavily. “No, it is I
who am sorry,” He whispered out. “For all the things we Jedi
missed, for all the signs that we should have seen, for the brothers
we abused… I am so sorry.” He got out thickly.

was a heartbeat and then Rex turned towards him, pulling Obi-Wan into
a tight hug. “The Jedi weren’t omnipotent. You aren’t either
General, I forgive you.” He murmured into the soft red hair.

out a breath, Obi-Wan clung to the other man as tightly as he could.

wished he could forgive himself so easily.

Hi Moddy! I am asking this question with lots of sharp teeth showing. How is Lord Vader reacting to the loss of his toy, his DocileDoll?

Panting harshly
through gritted teeth, Vader surveys the dojo with burning eyes.
Every inch of the floor was covered in the twisted scraps of the
sparring droids that he had destroyed in his rage, ripped apart by
the Force or sheared through with his lightsaber.

Sweat poured down
his temple and his spine but he didn’t care as his rage pulsed
hotly beneath his skin like a raging river of lava that nothing could

Obi-Wan was gone.

Someone had stolen
his Obi-Wan from him and the Emperor had only offered meaningless
platitudes before sending Vader away after the younger Sith had
snapped yet another of his cronies neck with the Force.

They had lost him
his Obi-Wan.


Sidious did not get him back, Vader would murder him next.

his entire group of ‘Inquisitors’.’ Vader sneered to himself.
Oh he’d love to take the head off the ‘Grand’ Inquisitor and
watch it roll along the floor as
a caution to everyone else to make them understand their position.

as he deactivated his saber, Vader shook himself as there was nothing
more he could do in the dojo with all the droids mashed up to pieces
as they were now. The
Inquisitors had all so ‘conveniently’ disappeared from the dojos
so no one could spar with him.

of losing more limbs to me I imagine.’ He smirked viciously to
himself before snarling and
pulling a statue over, watching in satisfaction as Sidious figure was
smashed into a million pieces that nothing could repair.

that satisfaction was temporary and disappeared to leave only behind

want Obi-Wan!” He
snarled while pulling down
the drapes with a wave of his hands.


out deeply, Obi-Wan settled his head on Rex shoulder as he held onto
the cup of tea.

It was
horrible quality honestly with a slight iron taste that came from
badly filtered water and a
slight taste of gasoline that indicated that someone had crossed the

had told him while handing
over the cup they were trying
to fix it but so far no one had quite managed to isolate the issue so
the tea would unfortunately not taste up to snuff.

was the best cup of tea Obi-Wan had in weeks.

do you feel?” Rex questioned quietly, having
come to keep Obi-Wan company in his medbay room though Obi-Wan
strongly suspected it was really quarters that had been converted for
Obi-Wan’s sake in case he had a negative reaction when he woke up so no other injured in the medbay were in danger.

head aches and I feel a constant sense of fatigue from the drug
withdrawal but other than that, I am actually starting to recover.”
Obi-Wan laughed quietly before lifting his head enough to take a sip
and settle his head back down on the blond’s shoulder.

He was
grateful Rex was out of armor as the pauldron would not be

the former GAR looked lovely in a beige shirt with a black leather
coat over that seemed to have quite a few pockets if Obi-Wan’s
observation was right.

the medic was honestly worried about what kind of side-effects you
would suffer from the unknown drug that Darth Vader had you under,”
Rex rubbed at the scruff on
his face before sighing. “Still can’t believe… we trusted him.”
He mumbled.

trusted him.” Obi-Wan quietly agreed as he set his now empty cup
aside with the taste of
tainted tea lingering in his mouth.

out heavily, Rex patted him
on the knee. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry it all turned out like
this.” He murmured.

his face to Rex shoulder, Obi-Wan swallowed heavily. “No, it is I
who am sorry,” He whispered out. “For all the things we Jedi
missed, for all the signs that we should have seen, for the brothers
we abused… I am so sorry.” He got out thickly.

was a heartbeat and then Rex turned towards him, pulling Obi-Wan into
a tight hug. “The Jedi weren’t omnipotent. You aren’t either
General, I forgive you.” He murmured into the soft red hair.

out a breath, Obi-Wan clung to the other man as tightly as he could.

wished he could forgive himself so easily.