No, no, no, Palpatine CAN NOT get away with this!!! Noooooooo, please Moddy, take pity on Obiwan in KyberTears (and on your readers)! Rescue him!! Please! Please with maple syrup on it 0.0

Its very anticlimactic.

Almost disappointing Obi-Wan would say but that could be the pain or the blood loss speaking on his part he has to admit.

One moment he’s dazedly watching Palpatine gloat, watching him marvel at the wrongness in his hands that he has placed into a shielded little container.

The next he’s watching Palpatine make his way towards the door while talking about getting the droids to prep Obi-Wan for travel, to have him leave Coruscant.

He has a moment of fear, a moment of longing for Anakin, for the temple, for Cody and the safety of their presence.

The door slips open before Palpatine’s hand is pressed to the lock and even without the Force, Obi-Wan can feel the shock echoing through everyone as Anakin stares at Palpatine and Palpatine stares at Anakin.

Anakin’s face turns dark, almost savage and feral and blue lights up everything as his lightsaber pierces through the body in front of him, Palpatine letting out a choking noise of shock.

Its so… anticlimactic.

To watch Palpatine just stagger back and fall on his back with a heavy thump, to watch the vial with the black kyber fall from his grasp and skitter along the floor as Obi-Wan dazedly takes in the scene of the fallen Sith in his luxurious peacock robes.

It was such a… common death.

It was almost as if Obi-Wan had expected something more, for Palpatine to explode in a black snarling spirit and rush through Palpatine.

Or maybe just explode.

Perhaps escape out into the galaxy and try to take down an entire planet with him?

And yet all he now was, was an old man, laying on the floor with blank, wide eyes of shock, his blood already starting to cool with a hole through his chest where his heart should be.

Maybe that was poetic in a way?

This mastermind, pulling the strings and orchestrating an entire galactic war, dying like any other person, like any droid the Jedi encountered in the field.

Just common scrap.

‘Death cares not for sinner or saints, it simply takes without concern for young or old, right or wrong…’ Obi-Wan couldn’t help but remember the words Qui-Gon had once murmured to him, holding Obi-Wan tightly to his chest after the two hadn’t been able to save an orphanage during a planetary disaster.

Death had certainly cared little that Palpatine had orchestrated so much death.

Lifting his eyes from the Sith to his rescuers, Obi-Wan blinked blearily at his former padawan as Anakin snarled down at the body at his feet.

“Ani…” He called out piteously.

In that moment, unaware as he was, he could not tell how caught in his emotions Anakin was until he heard Obi-Wan call out, couldn’t see the flicker of yellow leeching into the others eyes.

He did see the others head snap up, could see the blue eyes go wide with horror as Anakin choked out his name and threw himself forward into the mostly white chamber of a cell, the saber pretty much dropped in favor of Anakin cupping Obi-Wan’s face. “Oh Force what has he done to you.” Anakin gasped out, eyes rowing over Obi-Wan’s face and body.

It was a rhetorical question of course but Obi-Wan gave a small, empty laugh and wiggled his covered stump a bit. “Oh you know, little bit of torture, little bit of amputation and deprivation, standard Sith behavior.”

Lips trembling, his hand desperately brushing through Obi-Wan’s hair, Anakin gave a sob like laugh. “Commander, call for a medic, now. We need a medic down here now.” He got out shakily.

‘Commander?’ Obi-Wan blinked then raised his eyes as best he could, seeing white and orange in the doorway. “Cody?” He questioned, tongue feeling thick in his mouth.

“Yes, Cody,” Anakin drew his attention back, Obi-Wan letting out a soft noise as the blond snapped the manacles holding him in place, though he left the harness be. Probably for the best as Obi-Wan had no legs to stand on. “He came with me, he knew I’d find you. So he followed me when I found you with our bond.” Anakin was babbling.

Blinking a bit, Obi-Wan let out a low noise before smiling softly as he dropped his aching, sore arms around the others shoulders. “I knew you’d find me… you always come to find me.” Obi-Wan whispered before turning his head just enough to press his dry lips to Anakin’s warm hand.

It had Anakin tensing. “Don’t you dare.” He hissed quietly, voice tinged with desperation.

Obi-Wan just nuzzled lightly.

“Don’t you dare sound like you’re saying goodbye,” Anakin’s voice turned pleading before he leaned in and pressed their foreheads together. “Obi-Wan, don’t leave me.”

Huffing faintly, Obi-Wan nuzzled their noses together. “I’m so tired Anakin.” He confessed quietly.

He could count every eyelash of the others eyes, could see the texture change of Anakin’s eyebrow splitting scar.

And he could see how Anakin’s pleading eyes turned desperate. “Don’t leave me Obi-Wan, please, just hold on a little bit longer.” He whispered, reaching in to Obi-Wan’s throat to try and get the collar cutting him from the Force off.

“You were always so much stronger than me,” Obi-Wan murmured, weakly clutching at the other before letting out a soft noise as Cody was suddenly there beside them, the commander fanatically talking into his comm, speaking with Helix about the machine that was pumping Obi-Wan’s blood still. “So brave and…” Obi-Wan let out a low noise, eyes fluttering shut.

“No, no you made me strong Obi-Wan, you can’t… Obi-Wan?” Anakin’s hands paused on the seamless collar.

The Jedi didn’t answer.


To me you belong, may I suggest a nice, traumatic PANIC ATTACK? Mwahahaha!

For a long moment, both just stared at each other in shock, one not expecting the other awake and the other not expecting the person in front of him at all despite the scent.

Yellow and blue clashed.

It was Anakin, but Anakin was gone, his Anakin was dead and buried beneath Vader and Obi-Wan could feel his breath speeding up as he shuffled back against the headboard, his arms coming up around himself as a small whimper escaped him.

It spurred Vader into moving, the doors snapping close behind him as he moved forward, his brows furrowing.

The move had Obi-Wan letting out a cry, pulling his legs to his feet.

He had been found, Vader had found him on Tatooine and Force, where was Luke and Vader knew that he was an omega!

Coiling into a ball, desperately trying to hide away as he started to feel dizzy and air was struggling to leave his lungs, Obi-Wan wrapped his arms up around his head and burying his fingers into his graying hair.

Obi-Wan couldn’t breath, the scent of his padawan overwhelming all his sense-arms wrapped around him, hands ripping his own from his hair as a deep rumbling filled his ears, dragging Obi-Wan’s mind from his own mental screams as his face was practically mushed to a chest.

It was warm, it was bare, no armor or cloth at all and Obi-Wan scrabbled a bit against the sheets before whimpering and falling into the chest as the arms kept him pinned.

The scent of his padawan wrapped around him tightly, protectively, Anakin’s flesh and mech hand resting on his back and rubbing along his spine as warm skin beneath his lips and nose forced Obi-Wan to focus on the moment.

“Damn it Obi-Wan, you need to breath, come on master, you need to breath, in and out, in and out.” Vader’s voice was tinged with a bit of hysteria, still alpha rumbling into his ears as he held the Jedi tightly.

He sounded so concerned…

‘Why, he hates me… he said so himself. He hates me. He killed everyone…’ Obi-Wan shuddered before letting out a hitching sob, his hand awkwardly going to his own mating gland, feeling the unbroken skin even as he couldn’t summon up the strength to keep upright.

There were still slick between his cheeks, however there was no soreness nor was there any signs of an alpha manhandling him.

Confusion set in, even as Obi-Wan felt tears streaming out of his eyes as panic just gave way for an overwhelming mix of emotions, his hands awkwardly gripping Vader’s biceps.

Nothing had made sense in the galaxy in over a year, things hadn’t made sense really in the war but at least he had Anakin then.

What was he suppose to do now?


Well, he hadn’t expected the omega to go into a full on panic attack to the point he had started ripping at his own hair but then again, maybe he should have.

Not only had Vader removed him from his nest but the last time Obi-Wan had seen him, they had been trying to kill each other and Vader had told him that he hated him.

Unable to think of anything else, Vader had chucked his armor and shirt, crawling onto the bed quickly to both restrain and calm the omega down with his scent, Obi-Wan reacting to the scent as a promise of safety even now that he was no longer heat addled.

Once he had calmed down however from his panic attack, breathing properly instead of holding it, Obi-Wan had started to cry and this left Vader even more at a loss.

He had been expecting Obi-Wan to snark at him, to become snippy and slightly angry yet remained dignified.

What he instead had was a trembling, crying omega against his chest, moisture rolling down Vader’s pecs as more and more tears joined the path already made.

It was bound to make Obi-Wan dehydrated at this point but Vader didn’t dare stop him.

Emotions were hard and it was such a rare sight to see Obi-Wan emotional, he didn’t want to stop it despite the sight of the crying man sending a sting through Vader’s broken soul.

Instead he eased his grip a bit and continued petting when Obi-Wan didn’t give a sign to start tearing at himself again. “Its alright, you’re alright Obi-Wan, you’re not going to be hurt. I’m not going to hurt you.” Vader whispered assuringly, ignoring the way Obi-Wan gave his bonding gland a rub and the sickening sweet scent of Obi-Wan’s distress.

Had he been Obi-Wan, he would have checked his gland too.

Instead, Vader pressed his lips Obi-Wan’s temple and continued to murmur soothing nonsense, his hand straying up and down along the others spine.

There would clearly be no talk just yet, Obi-Wan consumed with his all his emotions and Vader helpless to really aid him.

Oh, but candleinthedark is PRECIOUS!! Maybe we could now have smol, soft, Obi and dark, protective Sith? ‘Must comfort the tiny Obi’? And gently lure out of apathetic pit with tiny plushies, and softest blankets of rarest materials, the savouriest teas and lovely sweets, soft, comfortable robes? OBIWAN MUST BE SPOILED!! And maybe a bit of danger, because the Separatists are a thing in this au. Thank you Moddy!!

Sitting up slowly, Obi-Wan
hesitantly reached out and patted
the extra blanket covering him, a beautiful mauve shade made of
cashmere with Obi-Wan’s name stitched in the corner so
no one could take it without it being found.

hadn’t had that one when he went to sleep and neither did he have
the silky looking tunic hanging on the door.

were so awkward since he had landed in this universe because as much
as Qui-Gon functioned as a rather painful barrier against the rest of
the temple, they also dropped by with what Obi-Wan could only term as
gifts for him.

stitched with his name or treats that they must know from the other
Obi-Wan that he liked, so far none of it had been wrong and all of it
was clearly expensive.

made Obi-Wan feel conflicted and worried.

then there was the Sithly Qui-Gon himself and the bond
between them.

frightened him.

other had a direct line into his mind and yet hadn’t used it.

would have been able to tell if there was an intrusion and yet
Qui-Gon had not used it to his advantage, hadn’t burst past
Obi-Wan’s admittedly thin barriers. From what Obi-Wan could tell,
the other had only quietly checked on him, used it to gauge Obi-Wan’s

Obi-Wan swung his legs off the bed and set
his bare feet down on the
floor only to pause as he stared down at the fluffy fathier that had
fallen on the floor at his

he reached down and picked up the soft gray and white furred plushie,
rubbing it lightly between his hands.

was so soft, had some kind of filling and big soulful
eyes with those long ears and
after a moment of hesitation, Obi-Wan hugged it to his chest.

smelled of herbs, something soft and calming and Obi-Wan’s breath
hitched as he recognized it.

smelled of Anakin,
made by the other, held tightly by hands as Anakin sewed
this thing together second by second.

his grip around the soft toy, Obi-Wan muffled a tired sob into the
stuffed animals he pushed himself back up on the bed, hiding his face
in his legs along with the animal, shoulders shaking as he gave
himself over to soundless sobs, the bottomless pit in his chest
gaping open ever more as his grief and pain threatened to swallow

did this have to be his life?

could Anakin have turned on them all?

could his own brother have turned on him?

how could the Force have sent him to this nightmare dimension full of
mirror images of his worst nightmares?

he just have passed peacefully into the Force?

silent sob ripped through his chest, painful and yet quiet as his
tears continued soaking into the fabric.


Qui-Gon lifted his head and narrowed his eyes at the doors of his
little Obi-Wan sleeping room, turning the stove off to take a step
towards it. Obi-Wan had been
quietly accepting this last week since he woke up but Qui-Gon had
expected him to have a breakdown at some point.

could feel Obi-Wan in the
room, a maelstrom of pain and
grief echoing in the Force, seemingly growing and overwhelming to the
point of choking and with a bitten off curse, Qui-Gon threw the
spatula to the counter before hurrying towards the room, throwing the
door open with a wave of his hand only to gag on the pain Obi-Wan was
literally extruding into the Force.

literal miasma of his misery but so much more than just petty pain.

this was an oppressive cloud of agony and anguish, only barely kept
at bay by one person as they gave themselves over to tears and as
powerful as Obi-Wan was, without trying to control what he was doing,
it was literally corrosive to anyone who tried to approach him and
Qui-Gon had no other choice but to withdraw back, his hand to his
throat as vapor of darkness filled the room.

he swiped his comm off his belt to call for aid, his eyes focused on
the shaking form on the bed he could barely see through the vapors
filling the room, Obi-Wan’s light in the Force no more than a
flickering candle rapidly losing it’s will to live.

Qui-Gon did not know how to save him even as he grasped for the bond
in his mind, the door behind him being thrown open as Anakin marched
in with Mace and Adi on his heels, all
three of them having felt the literal cloud of anguish.

So. Much. ANGST. For ObiWan!! Does Wolfyrubs continue with angst? Maybe some of the Council are a bit worried by Obi’s survival instinct? Maybe someone accidently spills and now the Senate are aware? Maybe Palps is even more ‘interested’ in Anakin and ObiWan?? EEP, THE POSSIBILITIES!! (giggling) Or maybe we see some sympathetic cuddles from everybody? (and isn’t THAT a mental image? Palpatine cuddling anyone? ERK)

into the council chamber, feeling a bit like a beaten dog about to be
scolded, Obi-Wan observed his feet and therefore missed it when there
was a quick swish.

was however very aware of it when Plo Koon suddenly wrapped his arms
around the human, the kel dor holding onto him tightly with his claws
lightly digging into Obi-Wan’s back. “Force, it is good to see
you Obi-Wan.” The man rumbled quietly.

at a slightly bemused but clearly not threatened looking Anakin,
Obi-Wan twitched before slowly raising his arms to hug Plo back,
making a confused, noise low in his throat as he glanced over the
fellow councilor’s shoulder to blink at the others.

was meet with sympathetic eyes and wry smiles.

we heard that you had bitten and almost drained Ventress, we grew
concerned,” Depa clarified, tapping her nails on the chair. Obi-Wan
flinched but Depa plowed on. “For you that is, you stopped yourself
but we know you, oh Master Kenobi, you would blame yourself and
internalize guilt over what is clearly a survival tactic of what you
now are. So we were worried about your mental state even if your
physical well-being is clearly good.” She explained.

a bit more, Obi-Wan opened his mouth before letting out another,
louder whine and ducking his face down in Plo’s shoulder, breathing
heavily for several moments as he felt Anakin’s hand come up to
gently rub at his lower back, reaching out into their bond to sooth

him, he could feel concern and love being shuffled his way.

no judgment, no disgust, no fear.

that he expected that the others
would feel at least a tiny
smidgen of.

you I did, internalized it he has but not as much as worried it
seems,” Yoda suddenly croaked. “Your doing this is Knight
Skywalker?” Obi-Wan listened to the voices even as he kept his face
in Plo’s sweet smelling tunic fold.

hand paused a bit and Obi-Wan could almost imagine Anakin shrugging
in reply. “And the troopers, they’ve done quite a bit to reassure
him too about how his instinct to survive is nothing to be ashamed of
and clarified a few things to him. Did a pretty wizard deal of it
too, had him listening to them with logical points.” Anakin’s
voice was fond.

of his pack.



himself, Obi-Wan finally managed to pull himself away from Plo enough
to give a shaken smile to everyone. “Apologies, I just…” He
breathed out heavily before sighing and brushing his hair out of his

Plo chuckled faintly. “Over something like this, one can have
conflicting emotions and releasing into the Force can be hard. As
long as you cope with them and do not let them tear you apart, we are
content.” Plo patted him on the shoulder fondly, letting his hand
linger a bit before returning to his seat in a sedate fashion.

a moment of gathering himself, Obi-Wan moved to the spot to report on
their losses and the ambush, Anakin settling beside him as usual to
fill in with his observation.

gas and aimed attack clearly troubled the rest of the council as the
information came.

one was suppose to know where each Jedi were stationed, just so to
prevent such a thing.” Kit rubbed his chin, his tentacles twitching
as he leaned forward in his holo.

deeply, Shaak rubbed her temples. “We have long suspected a leak,
an internal one, this only confirms it but it is very troubling as
Skywalker and Kenobi’s position was only known to the council and
themselves for very good reason.” Her lekkus twitched in agitation,
Shaak’s painted lips pursed in a tight little ring.

it is, find the leak we must.” Yoda stated while rolling his cane
in his hand, ears twitching up and down before he sighed deeply,
looking worn out for a second.

and Obi-Wan traded glances, both equally uneasy.

forward, Mace looked around before nodding. “I think it would be
best to keep Skywalker and Kenobi on Coruscant for the unforeseen
future. However,” He held up his hand when both Anakin and Obi-Wan
opened his mouth. “I realize the folly of having them do nothing
and therefore I will give them the investigation of the leak,” Mace
looked seriously between them, seeming almost grimmer than usual
while stapling his hands together in front of him while resting his
elbows on his knees. “This is a very serious situation gentlemen
and you have the temple’s full resources to find
this leak and bring it to us to deal with. It is a serious threat to
all Jedi and the Republic as information falls into the CIS hands. We
put our trust in you both.” He finished gravely.

a bit but recognizing the wisdom of the decision with a glance at his
own mate, Anakin nodded.

considering Obi-Wan seemed to be the main target, Anakin was actually
starting to warm up to the idea of being on Coruscant on what was
basically a semi-safe mission.

because Jedi missions could get fucked up in seconds.

was stroking his beard, disgruntled at being sidelined but also
recognizing how important the mission they were handed and with a
nod, he bowed to the rest of the council. “I will yield for the
wisdom of the council and hope the Force will be with us all in this
endeavor.” He murmured, prodding at Anakin through the Force bond.

Anakin also bowed while the council murmured their own well wishes
for the mission.

the Force be with us all,” Depa whispered. “Because I don’t
think much else is.” She smiled sadly, the ominous words sending a
chill up all their backs.

Good morning Moddy! And how are our intrepid zombie slayers today? Feeling more and more helpless as rescue is taking longer and longer? Maybe the Senate is sticking their bureaucratic hands into the mix? Declaring it MUCH too dangerous to allow ANYBODY to leave the planet, and maybe it should be cauterized NOW? Does UndeadWalking have another chapter to it or is it about to get uglier?

dropping from his hand, Anakin stared at Rex in disbelief. “Repeat
that?” He rasped out in
stunned fear.

a deep breath, Rex repeated indeed. “The Senate is giving us five
hours. If we aren’t off planet in five hours, they are bombing us
along with the infected life as they can’t risk the biohazard
getting off planet. I’m sorry sir but the Jedi High command tried
to stall them but the Senate won’t listen, the senators are all up
in arms apparently General Windu says an-”

didn’t hear another word, staring at his own feet on the gray roof floor as the situation
sunk in while
wishing he hadn’t gone up on the roof for some peace and quiet
because if he was downstairs, he could speak to Obi-Wan about
this, sort through what they needed to do but Obi-Wan was also sick
and injured and needed to rest so maybe it was just as well that
Anakin had gone up on the roof for fresh air and peace and quiet but
oh Force.

planet was about to be tactically bombed in five hours by
the Senate own natural born command on their orders, on the Chancellor’s order, and Obi-Wan’s blood sample had yet to be cleared, several troopers
were injured from salvaging, Ahsoka was still limping around on her
sprained ankle and all three Jedi were at their weakest thanks to the
twisted Force around them because of those undead creatures walking

Anakin had barely even eaten anything the last two days because it
kept coming back up and now they had five hours to get off the

didn’t think Ahsoka or Obi-Wan were doing any better than him
frankly, both equally effected by the warped Force surrounding them
and now they needed to leave as quickly as possible but there were

still needed Obi-Wan’s blood sample and Helix with Echo, Fives,
Longshot and Killer still hadn’t returned with the clearance, which
meant they, or more like Obi-Wan, were still in quarantine and they
still needed to tank up the shuttles to go up.

they didn’t get off the planet however…

was not
leaving behind Obi-Wan to be tactical carpet bombed!

was no chance in hell that… that…

looked up when hands grasped his shoulders and the wind tugged on his
clothes, meeting Rex’s wide eyes and it took Anakin a minute to
realize he was hyperventilating and Rex was trying to coax him into
breathing. Grasping the captain’s wrists, Anakin fought for the
right to breath,
to just draw air down into his lungs as he shook in the trooper’s
tight grasp.

going to make it Sir, just trust us, just breath, come on sir you can
do it.” Rex continued speaking, trying to get through and Anakin
whimpered a bit and pressed his forehead to Rex chestplate, taking
the breaths of air that the Captain wanted him to take.

the troopers.

that what Obi-Wan said too?

trust the men around them because of how capable they were?

could do that because he did trust these men who served under him,
who brought so much life and joy with them and hurt so much when they
were gone.

he was breathing, Rex still gripping his shoulders even as Anakin
felt an uneasy squirming deep within him.

he was breathing properly once more.

out a shuddering breath through his mouth, Anakin pulled back slowly
enough to give Rex a nod, the captain reluctantly pulling back while
watching the Jedi closely before he relaxed and rocked on the heels of his boots. “…Contact the blood
sample team, pull all men back to base,” Anakin whispered out,
barely heard over the wind but Rex had good hearing. He nodded to
each order. “We leave in three hours, regardless what the result, we return to
the Resolute and the Negotiator with everyone.” Anakin settled on.

was no way anyone would be left behind him and if Obi-Wan was
infected… if Obi-Wan had become infected because he found a zombie
in a supply closet then Anakin would damn well take him away and help

find somewhere peaceful and wait and then…

swallowed, fear and nausea coiling low in his stomach even as he
picked up the mealbar he had dropped, pocketing it.

never knew when your next meal could be as a slave and that was
something Anakin hadn’t come out of, keeping all food he didn’t finish.

gave him one last look before saluting and turning to find Hotlips to
get the messages out and inform the rest of the troopers still at the
factory turned base along with the warehouse. Anakin meanwhile slowly
got to his feet, intent on going down to find Obi-Wan, to sit with
his former master.

not leaving you behind here Obi-Wan,’ Anakin promised himself. ‘I’m
not leaving anyone
behind here.’

Good morning Moddy! And how are our intrepid zombie slayers today? Feeling more and more helpless as rescue is taking longer and longer? Maybe the Senate is sticking their bureaucratic hands into the mix? Declaring it MUCH too dangerous to allow ANYBODY to leave the planet, and maybe it should be cauterized NOW? Does UndeadWalking have another chapter to it or is it about to get uglier?

dropping from his hand, Anakin stared at Rex in disbelief. “Repeat
that?” He rasped out in
stunned fear.

a deep breath, Rex repeated indeed. “The Senate is giving us five
hours. If we aren’t off planet in five hours, they are bombing us
along with the infected life as they can’t risk the biohazard
getting off planet. I’m sorry sir but the Jedi High command tried
to stall them but the Senate won’t listen, the senators are all up
in arms apparently General Windu says an-”

didn’t hear another word, staring at his own feet on the gray roof floor as the situation
sunk in while
wishing he hadn’t gone up on the roof for some peace and quiet
because if he was downstairs, he could speak to Obi-Wan about
this, sort through what they needed to do but Obi-Wan was also sick
and injured and needed to rest so maybe it was just as well that
Anakin had gone up on the roof for fresh air and peace and quiet but
oh Force.

planet was about to be tactically bombed in five hours by
the Senate own natural born command on their orders, on the Chancellor’s order, and Obi-Wan’s blood sample had yet to be cleared, several troopers
were injured from salvaging, Ahsoka was still limping around on her
sprained ankle and all three Jedi were at their weakest thanks to the
twisted Force around them because of those undead creatures walking

Anakin had barely even eaten anything the last two days because it
kept coming back up and now they had five hours to get off the

didn’t think Ahsoka or Obi-Wan were doing any better than him
frankly, both equally effected by the warped Force surrounding them
and now they needed to leave as quickly as possible but there were

still needed Obi-Wan’s blood sample and Helix with Echo, Fives,
Longshot and Killer still hadn’t returned with the clearance, which
meant they, or more like Obi-Wan, were still in quarantine and they
still needed to tank up the shuttles to go up.

they didn’t get off the planet however…

was not
leaving behind Obi-Wan to be tactical carpet bombed!

was no chance in hell that… that…

looked up when hands grasped his shoulders and the wind tugged on his
clothes, meeting Rex’s wide eyes and it took Anakin a minute to
realize he was hyperventilating and Rex was trying to coax him into
breathing. Grasping the captain’s wrists, Anakin fought for the
right to breath,
to just draw air down into his lungs as he shook in the trooper’s
tight grasp.

going to make it Sir, just trust us, just breath, come on sir you can
do it.” Rex continued speaking, trying to get through and Anakin
whimpered a bit and pressed his forehead to Rex chestplate, taking
the breaths of air that the Captain wanted him to take.

the troopers.

that what Obi-Wan said too?

trust the men around them because of how capable they were?

could do that because he did trust these men who served under him,
who brought so much life and joy with them and hurt so much when they
were gone.

he was breathing, Rex still gripping his shoulders even as Anakin
felt an uneasy squirming deep within him.

he was breathing properly once more.

out a shuddering breath through his mouth, Anakin pulled back slowly
enough to give Rex a nod, the captain reluctantly pulling back while
watching the Jedi closely before he relaxed and rocked on the heels of his boots. “…Contact the blood
sample team, pull all men back to base,” Anakin whispered out,
barely heard over the wind but Rex had good hearing. He nodded to
each order. “We leave in three hours, regardless what the result, we return to
the Resolute and the Negotiator with everyone.” Anakin settled on.

was no way anyone would be left behind him and if Obi-Wan was
infected… if Obi-Wan had become infected because he found a zombie
in a supply closet then Anakin would damn well take him away and help

find somewhere peaceful and wait and then…

swallowed, fear and nausea coiling low in his stomach even as he
picked up the mealbar he had dropped, pocketing it.

never knew when your next meal could be as a slave and that was
something Anakin hadn’t come out of, keeping all food he didn’t finish.

gave him one last look before saluting and turning to find Hotlips to
get the messages out and inform the rest of the troopers still at the
factory turned base along with the warehouse. Anakin meanwhile slowly
got to his feet, intent on going down to find Obi-Wan, to sit with
his former master.

not leaving you behind here Obi-Wan,’ Anakin promised himself. ‘I’m
not leaving anyone
behind here.’

O.O Moddy? DocileDoll? Would the Rebellion reeeaaally let ObiWan settle in one place? The Negotiator, with all that knowledge of people and events from before the Empire, MUST be an important and VALUABLE playing piece on the board. And for the last known Jedi to stay in one place?? Vader wouldn’t have to hunt too hard, hmmmm? So. Protective custody maybe? How WOULD Obi and the clones react??

awake when the door snaps open abruptly, Obi-Wan reaches for the
saber that no longer hangs on his belt as the light floods the room
and momentarily blinds him. For a moment he thinks Vader has found
him regardless of them drifting in space, for a moment he wonders if
he’s going back to his docile state.

then he remembers he’s not wearing a belt at this moment, he’s
wearing thin shift clothes and his eyes become accustom to the light,
showing him only Rex striding quickly into the room.

former GAR captain is dressed
in his old armor and is
armed to the teeth with blasters and viroblade as he snatches
Obi-Wan’s boots and socks out of the little locker in the room.

wha-” Obi-Wan sits up, throwing his feet over the end of the bed as
he tries to question the man only for Rex to kneel down and quickly
slide his socks onto Obi-Wan’s feet.

don’t have long, we have to go.” Rex said gruffly, snapping on
Obi-Wan’s boots with a rougher grip than normal since Obi-Wan
arrived at the Rebellion thanks to Rex rescue.

Obi-Wan stood obediently, confused as he took note of the pack
hanging on Rex back as the man threw
Obi-Wan’s robe around him, fastened it and then took
a hold of his hand and pulled him out into the bright,

He’s alarmed
to see Waxer and Boil kitted out in their old armors right
outside his room and
Obi-Wan opened his mouth only to stare at a togruta that had been
him hours
laying out on the floor in a still manner with a clearly knocked over tray beside her.

gas,” Boil answered quickly, seeing the former generals face. “She’s alive.”

more confused, Obi-Wan only followed, trusting these men with his
life and sanity as he followed through the corridors and elevators to
the hanger of the ship.

entire way was paved with people knocked out where ever they had been
when the gas came and droids standing still, jerking or twitching as
they tried to boot themselves up as
Rex hurried them past with a determined look on his face.

all three former troopers were oozing of a mix of protective rage,
determination and urgency.

happened while I was asleep?’ Obi-Wan wondered in surprise as the
elevator doors opened with a soft ping, eyes widening up when he
noticed the shuttle ready to take off in the hanger, troopers milling
around it.

recognized some of them.


all of them were armed to the teeth and in armor.

they saw the group making their way towards them, they all finished
up their tasks and made their way into the shuttle where Rex pulled
Obi-Wan up the ramp along. “We’re all here! Raise the ramp and
go!” Rex called sternly before turning to Obi-Wan. “…Okay…
now you can ask.” He said quietly.

the kark is going on Rex?” Obi-Wan whispered, eyes wide, his free
hand shaking.

had not made sense since Anakin became Vader and right now he

Alliance leadership are desperate,” Rex started slowly. “They…
were going to force you to help, to guilt you into it… as your duty
to the fallen Republic as a Jedi. We couldn’t allow that,” Rex
explained quietly before glancing around the cargo hold of the
shuttle they were taking out. “Vader will be after you, they know
it, they were going to use you as bait and…” The captain

spoke up. “We
got our hands on an old refurbished CR-12 Corvette,” He smiled
happily only for the smile to fade. “They’re not using us and
they’re not using you. We’ve bleed enough for people who never
cared. And if we find vode and Jedi along the way, we’ll take them
with us as we take potshots at the Empire but we’re not being used by others, not anymore.” He added softly.

Obi-Wan looked at the serious faces around him before letting out a
quiet nose and stepping into Rex space, wrapping his arms around the
mans neck to hide his face in a pauldron. “…Thank
you.” He breathed out, feeling arms slowly come up around him in

par solus, bal solus par an Obi-Wan.” Rex murmured.

for one, one for all… fitting.’ Obi-Wan tightened his hold.

O.O Moddy? DocileDoll? Would the Rebellion reeeaaally let ObiWan settle in one place? The Negotiator, with all that knowledge of people and events from before the Empire, MUST be an important and VALUABLE playing piece on the board. And for the last known Jedi to stay in one place?? Vader wouldn’t have to hunt too hard, hmmmm? So. Protective custody maybe? How WOULD Obi and the clones react??

awake when the door snaps open abruptly, Obi-Wan reaches for the
saber that no longer hangs on his belt as the light floods the room
and momentarily blinds him. For a moment he thinks Vader has found
him regardless of them drifting in space, for a moment he wonders if
he’s going back to his docile state.

then he remembers he’s not wearing a belt at this moment, he’s
wearing thin shift clothes and his eyes become accustom to the light,
showing him only Rex striding quickly into the room.

former GAR captain is dressed
in his old armor and is
armed to the teeth with blasters and viroblade as he snatches
Obi-Wan’s boots and socks out of the little locker in the room.

wha-” Obi-Wan sits up, throwing his feet over the end of the bed as
he tries to question the man only for Rex to kneel down and quickly
slide his socks onto Obi-Wan’s feet.

don’t have long, we have to go.” Rex said gruffly, snapping on
Obi-Wan’s boots with a rougher grip than normal since Obi-Wan
arrived at the Rebellion thanks to Rex rescue.

Obi-Wan stood obediently, confused as he took note of the pack
hanging on Rex back as the man threw
Obi-Wan’s robe around him, fastened it and then took
a hold of his hand and pulled him out into the bright,

He’s alarmed
to see Waxer and Boil kitted out in their old armors right
outside his room and
Obi-Wan opened his mouth only to stare at a togruta that had been
him hours
laying out on the floor in a still manner with a clearly knocked over tray beside her.

gas,” Boil answered quickly, seeing the former generals face. “She’s alive.”

more confused, Obi-Wan only followed, trusting these men with his
life and sanity as he followed through the corridors and elevators to
the hanger of the ship.

entire way was paved with people knocked out where ever they had been
when the gas came and droids standing still, jerking or twitching as
they tried to boot themselves up as
Rex hurried them past with a determined look on his face.

all three former troopers were oozing of a mix of protective rage,
determination and urgency.

happened while I was asleep?’ Obi-Wan wondered in surprise as the
elevator doors opened with a soft ping, eyes widening up when he
noticed the shuttle ready to take off in the hanger, troopers milling
around it.

recognized some of them.


all of them were armed to the teeth and in armor.

they saw the group making their way towards them, they all finished
up their tasks and made their way into the shuttle where Rex pulled
Obi-Wan up the ramp along. “We’re all here! Raise the ramp and
go!” Rex called sternly before turning to Obi-Wan. “…Okay…
now you can ask.” He said quietly.

the kark is going on Rex?” Obi-Wan whispered, eyes wide, his free
hand shaking.

had not made sense since Anakin became Vader and right now he

Alliance leadership are desperate,” Rex started slowly. “They…
were going to force you to help, to guilt you into it… as your duty
to the fallen Republic as a Jedi. We couldn’t allow that,” Rex
explained quietly before glancing around the cargo hold of the
shuttle they were taking out. “Vader will be after you, they know
it, they were going to use you as bait and…” The captain

spoke up. “We
got our hands on an old refurbished CR-12 Corvette,” He smiled
happily only for the smile to fade. “They’re not using us and
they’re not using you. We’ve bleed enough for people who never
cared. And if we find vode and Jedi along the way, we’ll take them
with us as we take potshots at the Empire but we’re not being used by others, not anymore.” He added softly.

Obi-Wan looked at the serious faces around him before letting out a
quiet nose and stepping into Rex space, wrapping his arms around the
mans neck to hide his face in a pauldron. “…Thank
you.” He breathed out, feeling arms slowly come up around him in

par solus, bal solus par an Obi-Wan.” Rex murmured.

for one, one for all… fitting.’ Obi-Wan tightened his hold.

MMMMM Moddy, in ReporttoSenate? Should Anakin call out before getting to the hot spring? Because is everybody there relaxing or is everybody «relaxing», LOL

behind the last
line of bushes, Anakin took a deep breath to gather himself while
mentally reviewing what he would say before just deciding that he’d
just wing it. Honestly it was better if he did because he couldn’t
outright predict what Obi-Wan would say either and therefor not
predict his own reactions but he would try to keep calm at least and
listen to Obi-Wan… and say sorry. “Master
I-” Anakin paused, staring at the scene for a long moment before
finishing walking over to the hotspring, blinking down at Cody.

commander just peered back up at him, sitting cross legged by the
hotspring in half of his blacks while holding his hand to Obi-Wan’s
forehead, keeping the sleeping Jedi’s head above the waterline by
gently tilting it back against the smooth rocks around the hotspring
that Anakin doubted were actually naturally formed though nature
could be odder he supposed.

been asleep for about ten minutes sir.” Cody murmured quietly, the
warmth from the hotspring keeping him hot enough without chilling him

you just let him sleep?” Anakin questioned in return, puzzled as he
scratched at his curls.

a bit, Cody looked unapologetic. “He sleeps too little as it is. I
know humans gets pruney but I figured if I let him nap for half an
hour at least he’d be fresh and whatever aches he was having would
be taken care of by the heat,” Cody stroked his thumb over the
ginger’s forehead. “And I made sure he wouldn’t drown.” He

at that, Anakin slowly nodded before sitting down. “I’d like to
talk with him so you can go Commander… I’ll look after him.” He
added quietly when the trooper looked concerned.

Cody slowly nodded and stood, pulling the rest of the bodysuit on
rather slowly in Anakin’s opinion before he left.

it was only him and Obi-Wan.

was sliding down.

Anakin reached out and cupped the back of the others head, tilting it
back just as Cody had done which stopped Obi-Wan from sliding,
wryly at the top of the others eye. “Honestly Obi… weren’t you
the one always telling me not to sleep in a bath?” He mumbled
fondly to himself before settling in to wait, watching the steam
rising off the water.

ticked by and he was about to shake the other awake when Obi-Wan
shifted and sat up, mumbling a bit as Anakin let go of his forehead.
“Guh Cody, I told you not to-” He went mute, blinking up at
Anakin. “You’re not Cody.” He muttered.

down at himself and then looking back at Obi-Wan, Anakin grinned. “I
rather think not.” He said cheerfully, watching as Obi-Wan rubbed
his face with his pruney hands before pulling himself out of the
hotspring, uncaring if Anakin saw him naked.

seen each other in the buff to many times to count honestly. “Cody
figured he’d let you sleep some, I came and… well I told him I
wanted to talk with you.” Anakin volunteered as Obi-Wan pulled over
a towel.

paused at Anakin’s words though and then nodded, wrapping it around
himself. “Alright…” Obi-Wan murmured warily.

put that expression on his face.’ Anakin swallowed before smiling
weakly. “I’m sorry Obi-Wan. I don’t know why I seemed to think
protecting the Chancellor’s reputation was more important than…
well you. The things I know
happen to Jedi all the time. And I did some research too.” He added
quietly, looking down at his knees.

was a pause and then Obi-Wan settled his hand on Anakin’s knee.
“What did you find Anakin?” He murmured, squeezing his knee.

Slavery Ring prohibition act.” Anakin swallowed heavily and looked up
at the other through his bangs.

The older Jedi murmured in sad understanding before sighing deeply.
“That’s one of the earliest ones… and for the record Anakin,
thank you for apologizing.” Obi-Wan smiled at him

weakly in return, Anakin rubbed the back of his head again. “I
just… I don’t know what to do, what to say. I trust… trusted
him?” Anakin swallowed heavily and rubbed his face with both hands,
scrubbing hard enough for his mech hand to hurt the delicate flesh
through his leather glove but it made him feel human to hurt, made
him focus on the moment for a little bit.

hand on his knee squeezed again and he peeked through his fingers,
watching Obi-Wan’s serious expression. “Anakin, I know he’s
been there since you were a child but… I have something to confess…
back when you were my very young padawan he used his leverage to have
you sent to his office. To advice you as he said…” He murmured

dropping his hands to his thighs, Anakin stared at the other. “Why?”

Obi-Wan stared at him in return. “I don’t know. Back then I was
so worried it was for… that he was interested
in you.” He said meaningfully.

bunching up, it took Anakin a moment and then he went pale. “No! No
he never… ugh gross Obi-Wan.” He groaned as Obi-Wan shrugged,
smiling weakly.

the time I didn’t understand why he had a young padawan sent to
him. It was the only thing that really made sense to his particular
interest in you so I kept taking you to the healers after you’d been to his office but you were never hurt when you came back. I mean… you were a young child back then, teen…
it just didn’t make sense.” He shrugged awkwardly.

Anakin bit his lips as he put himself in Obi-Wan’s situation back
then… and Ahsoka in young Anakin’s position.

have so many questions now.’ He thought weakly as Obi-Wan finished
drying off.

MMMMM Moddy, in ReporttoSenate? Should Anakin call out before getting to the hot spring? Because is everybody there relaxing or is everybody «relaxing», LOL

behind the last
line of bushes, Anakin took a deep breath to gather himself while
mentally reviewing what he would say before just deciding that he’d
just wing it. Honestly it was better if he did because he couldn’t
outright predict what Obi-Wan would say either and therefor not
predict his own reactions but he would try to keep calm at least and
listen to Obi-Wan… and say sorry. “Master
I-” Anakin paused, staring at the scene for a long moment before
finishing walking over to the hotspring, blinking down at Cody.

commander just peered back up at him, sitting cross legged by the
hotspring in half of his blacks while holding his hand to Obi-Wan’s
forehead, keeping the sleeping Jedi’s head above the waterline by
gently tilting it back against the smooth rocks around the hotspring
that Anakin doubted were actually naturally formed though nature
could be odder he supposed.

been asleep for about ten minutes sir.” Cody murmured quietly, the
warmth from the hotspring keeping him hot enough without chilling him

you just let him sleep?” Anakin questioned in return, puzzled as he
scratched at his curls.

a bit, Cody looked unapologetic. “He sleeps too little as it is. I
know humans gets pruney but I figured if I let him nap for half an
hour at least he’d be fresh and whatever aches he was having would
be taken care of by the heat,” Cody stroked his thumb over the
ginger’s forehead. “And I made sure he wouldn’t drown.” He

at that, Anakin slowly nodded before sitting down. “I’d like to
talk with him so you can go Commander… I’ll look after him.” He
added quietly when the trooper looked concerned.

Cody slowly nodded and stood, pulling the rest of the bodysuit on
rather slowly in Anakin’s opinion before he left.

it was only him and Obi-Wan.

was sliding down.

Anakin reached out and cupped the back of the others head, tilting it
back just as Cody had done which stopped Obi-Wan from sliding,
wryly at the top of the others eye. “Honestly Obi… weren’t you
the one always telling me not to sleep in a bath?” He mumbled
fondly to himself before settling in to wait, watching the steam
rising off the water.

ticked by and he was about to shake the other awake when Obi-Wan
shifted and sat up, mumbling a bit as Anakin let go of his forehead.
“Guh Cody, I told you not to-” He went mute, blinking up at
Anakin. “You’re not Cody.” He muttered.

down at himself and then looking back at Obi-Wan, Anakin grinned. “I
rather think not.” He said cheerfully, watching as Obi-Wan rubbed
his face with his pruney hands before pulling himself out of the
hotspring, uncaring if Anakin saw him naked.

seen each other in the buff to many times to count honestly. “Cody
figured he’d let you sleep some, I came and… well I told him I
wanted to talk with you.” Anakin volunteered as Obi-Wan pulled over
a towel.

paused at Anakin’s words though and then nodded, wrapping it around
himself. “Alright…” Obi-Wan murmured warily.

put that expression on his face.’ Anakin swallowed before smiling
weakly. “I’m sorry Obi-Wan. I don’t know why I seemed to think
protecting the Chancellor’s reputation was more important than…
well you. The things I know
happen to Jedi all the time. And I did some research too.” He added
quietly, looking down at his knees.

was a pause and then Obi-Wan settled his hand on Anakin’s knee.
“What did you find Anakin?” He murmured, squeezing his knee.

Slavery Ring prohibition act.” Anakin swallowed heavily and looked up
at the other through his bangs.

The older Jedi murmured in sad understanding before sighing deeply.
“That’s one of the earliest ones… and for the record Anakin,
thank you for apologizing.” Obi-Wan smiled at him

weakly in return, Anakin rubbed the back of his head again. “I
just… I don’t know what to do, what to say. I trust… trusted
him?” Anakin swallowed heavily and rubbed his face with both hands,
scrubbing hard enough for his mech hand to hurt the delicate flesh
through his leather glove but it made him feel human to hurt, made
him focus on the moment for a little bit.

hand on his knee squeezed again and he peeked through his fingers,
watching Obi-Wan’s serious expression. “Anakin, I know he’s
been there since you were a child but… I have something to confess…
back when you were my very young padawan he used his leverage to have
you sent to his office. To advice you as he said…” He murmured

dropping his hands to his thighs, Anakin stared at the other. “Why?”

Obi-Wan stared at him in return. “I don’t know. Back then I was
so worried it was for… that he was interested
in you.” He said meaningfully.

bunching up, it took Anakin a moment and then he went pale. “No! No
he never… ugh gross Obi-Wan.” He groaned as Obi-Wan shrugged,
smiling weakly.

the time I didn’t understand why he had a young padawan sent to
him. It was the only thing that really made sense to his particular
interest in you so I kept taking you to the healers after you’d been to his office but you were never hurt when you came back. I mean… you were a young child back then, teen…
it just didn’t make sense.” He shrugged awkwardly.

Anakin bit his lips as he put himself in Obi-Wan’s situation back
then… and Ahsoka in young Anakin’s position.

have so many questions now.’ He thought weakly as Obi-Wan finished
drying off.