So, Feral child, Kamino is all good and all but how is our favorite feral child going to get his army around?

was a thick sense of anticipation in the air that had the kaminoan’s
tense and the vod excited and everyone could tell it had to do with
Obi-Wan Kenobi, the one
and only
Darth Carrion as the man skulked around the facilities, his eyes

one could get out of him what was going on.

his former master, not the Sith council members, not Cody, not even
his little monster as he was so affectionately named, Rex always at
Anakin’s side.

no one could get out of Obi-Wan what was up though when it happened,
everyone could literally see what was going on.

started with Cody tracking his General down as he had slipped away
during training, Cody finding the man outside of all things as the
weather cleared up for the first time in several days, the man
standing out on the platform with his eyes on the cloudless sky.

his way to the others side, Cody pulled his helmet off to give the
man a curious look. Oh he knew Obi-Wan could fully feel his emotions
and all that but Cody had noticed that the other looked more pleased
when he could see faces of people around him and it was safe, so Cody
removed his helmet. “General, is something wrong?” He murmured.

lips quirked into a smirk at that, glancing at Cody, approval in his
gaze when he saw the others face. “No, nothing wrong. I’m just
waiting for a delivery.” He murmured, turning his head while he was
talking so he was facing Cody.

faintly, Cody opened his mouth only to shut it firmly when they both
heard a noise, both of their heads snapping around to look up at the
sky once more. And high above them on the blue sky, a black ship
appeared, Cody’s eyes widening.

it to be this big from the planet surface and to be able to hear it
like they were…

meant the ship was bigger than anything he had ever seen on screen
before, bigger than the Venetori death star blueprints he had seen.

the kark was that!?

at the giant space ship in the sky above them, Cody couldn’t help
but shiver as he heard Obi-Wan chuckle. “What is that?”
He whispered finally,
hearing the door behind him open but unable to turn and look at who
had arrived.

Obi-Wan murmured, his voice the sound of satisfaction, of the lothcat
who got both the pigeon and the cream. “Is the Eclipse-class super
destroyer Morti,
specially designed for me by someone who owes me a favor, put
together in record speed and paid for out of my own funds,” He
murmured before turning. “And your new stationing dear Commander

snapping his eyes to his General, Cody took in the satisfied face of
the man in front of him, his chest throbbing with how hard his heart
was going, his
mind analyzing the ships name, half remembering it literally meant
This was his stationing?

was the ship he was suppose to lead?

he have a big enough battalion for this?

no way, he hadn’t picked that many.

he would clearly need to bring more vode than his own battalion and
Cody felt his nerves spasm.

yet at the same time…

eyes slid back to the giant, almost black ship hovering lazily over
Kamino, giant even from the ground.

would be massive up close.

it was his
to command, his and his General.

General who trusted him and had already started delegating tasks to
him, showing him confidential information, the man ready to trust him
with the result of what must be massive amounts of funds, the
man who called him Marshal
commander, giving Cody the highest highest rank of any of his vode.

bubbled in Cody’s chest as much as fear and uncertainty.

his heels together and saluting his General, Cody felt the stirrings
of anticipation rising
with blood
lust fulling him as his General
him, fangs
flashing in the rare sun of Kamino.
“The 212th
are ready to serve General!” He snapped out before turning, moving
sharply through the few
Sith and gathered vode that had come to see the large ship hanging
over them.

find those that would serve with the 212th
he would get everything ready.

be the best karking commander ever and that was a promise to any
goddesses listening to him.

Breakabarrier: Obi-Wan showing up offically as Padme’s mate with Anakin at a ball, just imagine the vision!

sounds of quiet music and the low murmurs of voices was a constant
drone, the clicking of glasses against each other and oh the masks of
polite smile hiding the truth that many of them were really just
looking out for themselves.

he didn’t want to do good for his own planet and the galaxy than
Bail would be anywhere but
at this function but hey, that was why the omega was here.

the Alderaan, for the galaxy…

the future and peace that he so desperately wanted.

taking a few moments of quiet behind the drapes with a flute of
bubbly was perfect, just let his mind relax from the idle chitchat
and politicking with nice smiles and yet too sharp and many teeth all
at once.

take it you heard?”

wanted to roll his eyes, that sounded like Senator Thickens or maybe

were assholes, utter assholes who would sell their grandmothers to
the devil for cold caff.

About what? I’m not a mind reader Alder.” Another voice grumbled,
deeper but feminine still. Senator Balaron

Senator Amidala.”
The first voice huffed.

ears became sharper, worried for his friend and fellow Senator.

was another huff, this one louder. “Oh what has that woman gone and
done now? Instigated another neutral planet?”

that was unfair, Padme was trying her best for peace, unlike many of
the others who were actually profiting on the whole war.

she has another
mate. A second one, another Jedi.”Alder
continued because Bail was pretty sure that was Alder but… wait,
Padme had yet another mate?

that possible?” Balaron
sounded surprised. “We know she had Skywalker, that’s been
apparent even before the war bu-”

there’s a thing that Force users can do. I read the report you
see,” Alder continued in a conspiratorial voice. “The Jedi were
up in arms about it, absolutely pissed you see even
with their serene uppity expression
so they had to reach out to the Judaical in case something happened.
It’s something that isn’t suppose to be done, I had to drag out
laws from the Mandalore-Jedi wars you see and there were so many
court cases back then about something called Sith doing it towards
Jedi and
their mate, separating mating links until one died and the other went
insane from the loss.”
Alder explained.

I’ll have to look into that. But whose the mate? Another Jedi you
said but which one?” Balaron

the thing, it wasn’t on the report, just that the Jedi in question
suffered the effect of a mate being kept from the others and that
they were an omeg-” The two left the corner Bail had found refuge
in but now he had a lot more to think about.

had a second mate, an omega.

couldn’t be… he has been looking worse for wear but…’ Bail
stepped out from behind the curtain, certain Balaron
Alder wouldn’t see him then looked around, finding a perfect spot
to lean against a pillar so he could watch the entrance.

had said she’d be late, something about wardrobe malfunction but…
what if it wasn’t her
malfunction but the new mate not
having enough clothes at her place to dress nicely in, wrinkled tunics would not be approved of.

has to be him.’ Bail could feel the excitement thrum beneath his
skin, a smile hidden by the flute of his drink.

if the mate was who Bail thought, then they were going to shake
things up.

it was, Bail could feel an almost vicious smile crossing his face as
Padme entered with her mates, Anakin on one side and Obi-Wan on the

The Hero with no Fear in black with the armor patches he wore out in the
field, smiling that boyish grin that charmed so many with one of
Padme’s arms in the crook of his, her golden outfit nicely
contrasting with his along with the painted lips of Naboo and her white
nails and on the other side, in softer and more demure shades of
beige tunics came Obi-Wan, the Negotiator himself with his pleasantly
serene smile and undeniable charm as he held Padme’s other arm in
his arm.

eyes were on them without them even trying, Obi-Wan being his usual
charming self as he instantly engaged with the politicians along with
his alpha mate to be while Skywalker looked around for the canapes as
usual, waving cheerfully at familiar people as if this wasn’t a
carefully staged show.

maybe not for him.

couldn’t be trusted to play the political game, too emotional and obvious with his heart on his sleeve which wasn’t bad but couldn’t be done when one played the game of politic.


eyes lingered on the man and when the other omega caught his eye,
Bail lifted his drink in greeting, a small smirk lingering on his
lips as Obi-Wan’s eyes glittered with amusement and understanding.

yes, the Jedi may not get into the Rotunda to vote but Bail could
already see the swaying of votes in favor of Padme with Obi-Wan’s
simple presence and soft words whispered in the right ears.

when putting their mind to it, this was a power couple regardless if
two of them were Jedi and they would shake things up, of that Bail
was certain.

Breakabarrier: Obi-Wan showing up offically as Padme’s mate with Anakin at a ball, just imagine the vision!

sounds of quiet music and the low murmurs of voices was a constant
drone, the clicking of glasses against each other and oh the masks of
polite smile hiding the truth that many of them were really just
looking out for themselves.

he didn’t want to do good for his own planet and the galaxy than
Bail would be anywhere but
at this function but hey, that was why the omega was here.

the Alderaan, for the galaxy…

the future and peace that he so desperately wanted.

taking a few moments of quiet behind the drapes with a flute of
bubbly was perfect, just let his mind relax from the idle chitchat
and politicking with nice smiles and yet too sharp and many teeth all
at once.

take it you heard?”

wanted to roll his eyes, that sounded like Senator Thickens or maybe

were assholes, utter assholes who would sell their grandmothers to
the devil for cold caff.

About what? I’m not a mind reader Alder.” Another voice grumbled,
deeper but feminine still. Senator Balaron

Senator Amidala.”
The first voice huffed.

ears became sharper, worried for his friend and fellow Senator.

was another huff, this one louder. “Oh what has that woman gone and
done now? Instigated another neutral planet?”

that was unfair, Padme was trying her best for peace, unlike many of
the others who were actually profiting on the whole war.

she has another
mate. A second one, another Jedi.”Alder
continued because Bail was pretty sure that was Alder but… wait,
Padme had yet another mate?

that possible?” Balaron
sounded surprised. “We know she had Skywalker, that’s been
apparent even before the war bu-”

there’s a thing that Force users can do. I read the report you
see,” Alder continued in a conspiratorial voice. “The Jedi were
up in arms about it, absolutely pissed you see even
with their serene uppity expression
so they had to reach out to the Judaical in case something happened.
It’s something that isn’t suppose to be done, I had to drag out
laws from the Mandalore-Jedi wars you see and there were so many
court cases back then about something called Sith doing it towards
Jedi and
their mate, separating mating links until one died and the other went
insane from the loss.”
Alder explained.

I’ll have to look into that. But whose the mate? Another Jedi you
said but which one?” Balaron

the thing, it wasn’t on the report, just that the Jedi in question
suffered the effect of a mate being kept from the others and that
they were an omeg-” The two left the corner Bail had found refuge
in but now he had a lot more to think about.

had a second mate, an omega.

couldn’t be… he has been looking worse for wear but…’ Bail
stepped out from behind the curtain, certain Balaron
Alder wouldn’t see him then looked around, finding a perfect spot
to lean against a pillar so he could watch the entrance.

had said she’d be late, something about wardrobe malfunction but…
what if it wasn’t her
malfunction but the new mate not
having enough clothes at her place to dress nicely in, wrinkled tunics would not be approved of.

has to be him.’ Bail could feel the excitement thrum beneath his
skin, a smile hidden by the flute of his drink.

if the mate was who Bail thought, then they were going to shake
things up.

it was, Bail could feel an almost vicious smile crossing his face as
Padme entered with her mates, Anakin on one side and Obi-Wan on the

The Hero with no Fear in black with the armor patches he wore out in the
field, smiling that boyish grin that charmed so many with one of
Padme’s arms in the crook of his, her golden outfit nicely
contrasting with his along with the painted lips of Naboo and her white
nails and on the other side, in softer and more demure shades of
beige tunics came Obi-Wan, the Negotiator himself with his pleasantly
serene smile and undeniable charm as he held Padme’s other arm in
his arm.

eyes were on them without them even trying, Obi-Wan being his usual
charming self as he instantly engaged with the politicians along with
his alpha mate to be while Skywalker looked around for the canapes as
usual, waving cheerfully at familiar people as if this wasn’t a
carefully staged show.

maybe not for him.

couldn’t be trusted to play the political game, too emotional and obvious with his heart on his sleeve which wasn’t bad but couldn’t be done when one played the game of politic.


eyes lingered on the man and when the other omega caught his eye,
Bail lifted his drink in greeting, a small smirk lingering on his
lips as Obi-Wan’s eyes glittered with amusement and understanding.

yes, the Jedi may not get into the Rotunda to vote but Bail could
already see the swaying of votes in favor of Padme with Obi-Wan’s
simple presence and soft words whispered in the right ears.

when putting their mind to it, this was a power couple regardless if
two of them were Jedi and they would shake things up, of that Bail
was certain.

Hey! The last part of ForTheYoung was awesome! Could you maybe write another one, with a bit more MaceObi and some more action? I love your writing, btw! ❤️

in the bacta slowly into the others hands, Mace let out a considering
hum. “Your hands have become even more calloused,” He
tisked lightly before smiling at Obi-Wan. “But then again, no Jedi
has soft hands really like
those of the Rotunda.” Mace
remarked with some amusement, a reference to Senators and their aids.

a bit, Obi-Wan allowed the other to continue rubbing his hands in
with bacta. “I had callouses before I was eight, saber training
does that you know.” He huffed before smiling softly at the other

was an acknowledging hum before Mace moved back and wiped his hands
on a cloth so he could cap the bacta tube. “How is Anakin?” He
questioned while moving away, uncaring of the gossip that wasn’t
all that quiet around them.

a glance for the gossiping Jedi in the salle, Obi-Wan let out a
little hum of his own.
“Re-evaluating options honestly. He says he wants to leave with me
if I go on missions since he’s worried I’d apparently forget to
eat if there aren’t a ton of younglings around.” Obi-Wan

was a sharp snort as Mace sat down again on the bench, this time with
bandages in hand as he started wrapping Obi-Wan’s injured hands.
“You would, I remember that well enough even while we were dating,
you were prone to just eating whatever snacks you had stashed on
yourself once the kids were to bed,” He said dryly before smirking
at Obi-Wan’s half pout. “You know you did.”

his eyes, Obi-Wan finally shrugged in a half admitting move. “At least the snacks were
healthy. They were the same ones I feed the kids you know, kids with
low blood sugar throw tantrums and get cranky.” He snorted before
willing his bandaged fingers and making testing fists.

he nodded and gave the other man a smile.

faintly, Mace sat back. “Better?” He drawled.

thank you Mace.” Obi-Wan chuckled and reached out, giving the
others hand a squeeze before standing. “Now excuse me, I have a
trial to prepare for.” He
smirked lightly before moving, his left hand coming up to gently
trace along Mace jaw with soft fingertips as he walked away but
before he made too much distance the council member’s hand came up
to catch his wrist, thumb pressing gently down on the pulse point.

his head to meet the others burning brown eyes, Obi-Wan tilted his
head a bit with a small smirk curling the corners of his lips as a

thumb pressed down a bit more harshly as Mace smirked in return.
“Don’t start something you do not tend to end Obi-Wan, I am
master of the vapaad and you play with fire when you play with me.”
He murmured quietly, his breath washing over bared fingertips.

a shiver, Obi-Wan let out a considering hum. “Tempting Mace, very
tempting but I have a trial of insight to prepare for and bringing
you with me into the chamber sounds like a bad idea if I ever heard
one.” He chuckled quietly before pulling away, feeling the others
eyes in his back as he walked away.

But oh
did he feel alive.

hadn’t felt this alive in a long time.

had become so ordinary and routine in the creche, even the pranks he
pulled on the council as a teaching tool had become routine.

But to
face the inner demons of his soul?

face the darkness of himself to find enlightenment?

Obi-Wan was more then ready to see what was inside him so he could
wander out into the galaxy prepared for the darkness of those around
him for the bright lights he had wandered among for so many years.

to enter the chamber while wondering which master would be observing
in case everything went wrong.

find out.

Hey! The last part of ForTheYoung was awesome! Could you maybe write another one, with a bit more MaceObi and some more action? I love your writing, btw! ❤️

in the bacta slowly into the others hands, Mace let out a considering
hum. “Your hands have become even more calloused,” He
tisked lightly before smiling at Obi-Wan. “But then again, no Jedi
has soft hands really like
those of the Rotunda.” Mace
remarked with some amusement, a reference to Senators and their aids.

a bit, Obi-Wan allowed the other to continue rubbing his hands in
with bacta. “I had callouses before I was eight, saber training
does that you know.” He huffed before smiling softly at the other

was an acknowledging hum before Mace moved back and wiped his hands
on a cloth so he could cap the bacta tube. “How is Anakin?” He
questioned while moving away, uncaring of the gossip that wasn’t
all that quiet around them.

a glance for the gossiping Jedi in the salle, Obi-Wan let out a
little hum of his own.
“Re-evaluating options honestly. He says he wants to leave with me
if I go on missions since he’s worried I’d apparently forget to
eat if there aren’t a ton of younglings around.” Obi-Wan

was a sharp snort as Mace sat down again on the bench, this time with
bandages in hand as he started wrapping Obi-Wan’s injured hands.
“You would, I remember that well enough even while we were dating,
you were prone to just eating whatever snacks you had stashed on
yourself once the kids were to bed,” He said dryly before smirking
at Obi-Wan’s half pout. “You know you did.”

his eyes, Obi-Wan finally shrugged in a half admitting move. “At least the snacks were
healthy. They were the same ones I feed the kids you know, kids with
low blood sugar throw tantrums and get cranky.” He snorted before
willing his bandaged fingers and making testing fists.

he nodded and gave the other man a smile.

faintly, Mace sat back. “Better?” He drawled.

thank you Mace.” Obi-Wan chuckled and reached out, giving the
others hand a squeeze before standing. “Now excuse me, I have a
trial to prepare for.” He
smirked lightly before moving, his left hand coming up to gently
trace along Mace jaw with soft fingertips as he walked away but
before he made too much distance the council member’s hand came up
to catch his wrist, thumb pressing gently down on the pulse point.

his head to meet the others burning brown eyes, Obi-Wan tilted his
head a bit with a small smirk curling the corners of his lips as a

thumb pressed down a bit more harshly as Mace smirked in return.
“Don’t start something you do not tend to end Obi-Wan, I am
master of the vapaad and you play with fire when you play with me.”
He murmured quietly, his breath washing over bared fingertips.

a shiver, Obi-Wan let out a considering hum. “Tempting Mace, very
tempting but I have a trial of insight to prepare for and bringing
you with me into the chamber sounds like a bad idea if I ever heard
one.” He chuckled quietly before pulling away, feeling the others
eyes in his back as he walked away.

But oh
did he feel alive.

hadn’t felt this alive in a long time.

had become so ordinary and routine in the creche, even the pranks he
pulled on the council as a teaching tool had become routine.

But to
face the inner demons of his soul?

face the darkness of himself to find enlightenment?

Obi-Wan was more then ready to see what was inside him so he could
wander out into the galaxy prepared for the darkness of those around
him for the bright lights he had wandered among for so many years.

to enter the chamber while wondering which master would be observing
in case everything went wrong.

find out.