Another Qui/Obi fanfic question: tea is ubiquitous in Jedi fanfic and especially in Qui/Obi fic. Does this have a canon/legends source (aside from Jude Watson’s 2005 Secrets of the Jedi), or is this a delightful innovation of fanon?

Okay, don’t quote me on this but as
far as I know its a mix of both canon and fanon because I think when
Tahl died in the Jedi apprentice series when Obi-Wan was still a
young padawan, Obi-Wan spent a full month brewing tea for Qui-Gon and
setting the cups quietly in front of him as a way to help him heal?

Just a constant presence of quiet

But don’t quote me on this.

And after that I think the fan base
just picked up on those two adoring well brewed tea and using it as a
thing between them since well brewed tea is an artform and I know I
love a good cup myself.

Though maybe someone with more star
wars fandom tenure than me can answer this question better lol but
this is my understanding at least.

Another Qui/Obi fanfic question: tea is ubiquitous in Jedi fanfic and especially in Qui/Obi fic. Does this have a canon/legends source (aside from Jude Watson’s 2005 Secrets of the Jedi), or is this a delightful innovation of fanon?

Okay, don’t quote me on this but as
far as I know its a mix of both canon and fanon because I think when
Tahl died in the Jedi apprentice series when Obi-Wan was still a
young padawan, Obi-Wan spent a full month brewing tea for Qui-Gon and
setting the cups quietly in front of him as a way to help him heal?

Just a constant presence of quiet

But don’t quote me on this.

And after that I think the fan base
just picked up on those two adoring well brewed tea and using it as a
thing between them since well brewed tea is an artform and I know I
love a good cup myself.

Though maybe someone with more star
wars fandom tenure than me can answer this question better lol but
this is my understanding at least.

In a lot of Qui/Obi fic, there’s a convention of Qui-Gon referring to Obi-Wan as «Imp» for «impertinent» or «impish»…. I was wondering where this came from. Is it fanon and/or is there legend or canon material on which it is based? Thanks!

I’m honestly not sure myself. I’ve seen it in fandom too a lot and I do believe its a referance to his impish nature since he can be a bit mischivious but I’m not certain if it comes from the Jedi apprentice novels.

Maybe someone who has read them can answer here?

In a lot of Qui/Obi fic, there’s a convention of Qui-Gon referring to Obi-Wan as «Imp» for «impertinent» or «impish»…. I was wondering where this came from. Is it fanon and/or is there legend or canon material on which it is based? Thanks!

I’m honestly not sure myself. I’ve seen it in fandom too a lot and I do believe its a referance to his impish nature since he can be a bit mischivious but I’m not certain if it comes from the Jedi apprentice novels.

Maybe someone who has read them can answer here?