#breakthebarrier- The trio interact outside of Obi-Wan’s heat, but the chancellor has heard that the trio has found each other.

world outside their quarters has of course moved on when the trio
finally emerge from the rooms to greet the rest of the galaxy with
Padme holding one of Obi-Wan’s hand and Anakin wrapping an arm
around Obi-Wan’s waist on the other side as they move along.

while Obi-Wan is finally steady, he still craves the touch of his
alphas which has them both suspecting that Obi-Wan is skin starved.
The way he leans into their touches yet doesn’t initiates any touch
on his own now that he’s out of his heat, doesn’t seem to know
how to initiate them unless he’s already in someones lap.

of course both Padme and Anakin will try to help him with.

all, they are mates.

Ahsoka celebrates, the young alpha shooting off confetti bombs when
she meets up with them with a wide grin that has Anakin laughing
before he drags her into a one armed hug since his other is busily
wrapped around Obi-Wan.

omega can’t stop flushing as they are given well wishes by the Jedi
around them, a week in heat withdrawal clearly having an effect which
has Anakin finally pushing Ahsoka away an announcing that they are
going to Dex for dinner.

thought we were going to a more dignified establishment?”
Padme raised her brow, glancing down at her state of dress. Honestly
the blue wrap dress that reached her knees with a silver cloak over
wouldn’t make her stand out too
much since Dex got quite the varying clientele but Obi-Wan understood
her worry.

Anakin smiled wryly while squeezing his arm around Obi-Wan’s waist.
“Obi-Wan likes Dex, figured we could do it as a treat for him and
beside, you got two Jedi with you as guards should there be any
issue.” He said happily while dropping his cheek on Obi-Wan’s
shower fluffy hair,

softly, Padme squeezed Obi-Wan’s hand. “Well, how could I say no
to that?” She agreed readily and Obi-Wan colored sharply, his ears
and back of his neck gaining a beet red color that clashed rather
horribly with his hair but had both of them grinning at him and
Ahsoka snorting.

go enjoy your date, I’m off to bother Barris!” Ahsoka skipped
past them, laughing as she went.

can go somewhere else, we don’t have t-” Obi-Wan mumbled out, the
shine of the negotiator thrown out when dealing with his new mates

however cut in. “We know you like Dex Obi and honestly some rich
calories might be just the thing you need right now. And dipping
fries in the shake sounds good to me right about now.” Anakin
grinned brightly.

out a bemused noise, Padme stared at her husband. “Fries in shake?”

you HAVE to try it Padme, its sinfully good.” Anakin cackled
delightedly, prompting them to move again as he started explaining
the savory and sweet mix it was to have fries and shakes.

them, Obi-Wan lips turned up at the corners as he tightened his grasp
on them ever so slightly.

was his mates.

however the another person was nursing the mother of all hangovers or
so at least it felt like to Sheev Palpatine as he took another
painkiller and then a stim to attempt to keep going. A week ago his
barriers on that dratted Kenobi had snapped, leaving him with the

had laid him flat for a day prompting whispers about exhaustion but
Sidious could not concern himself about that.

had his last mate, Kenobi would be a steadying strength to the boy’s
emotions and the same omega would once more regain his strength.

was suppose to die,
the snapped bond was suppose to bring Skywalker over the end.’
Sidious snarled to himself as he threw the hypospray away.

needed to come up with a new plan and fast before Kenobi recovered
too well!

(as I’m reading thtough all your fics while youre taking a break) WHATS HAPPENING IN RARER THEN RARE? Do they figure out who set the bombs?

Head resting
against Obi-Wan’s stomach, Padme let out a happy little coo as one
or maybe two of the kids gave a jolt and a kick. “Its so strange
but so joyful at the same time. I can’t believe they’re so big
now that they’re moving.” She gasped in delight while keeping her
head on Obi-Wan’s swollen stomach.

Laughing faintly,
Obi-Wan continued braiding her hair slowly.

After the bomb
debacle he had been banned from leaving Coruscant and there had even
been a few weeks where he had been actually temple locked like some
kind of criminal until he had finally talked some sense into the

Which was why he
was currently in Padme’s Senatorial apartment, getting a break from
the Jedi temple because as nice as it was, it could be stifling with
everyone on their toes. He gracefully pretended he didn’t know
about the Jedi shadows he had or the troopers as he let Anakin escort
him to the skycar and away with an overnight bag to stay at Padme’s

Which had lead to
this situation, sitting on the couch with Padme in front of him on
the floor, slowly playing with her hair while she listened to the
babies with her ear against his stomach and a quietly joyful look on
her face as she stroked the arches of Obi-Wan’s bare feet as he had
gotten into habit of removing shoes and socks since his feet were

They both peeked up
when they heard the bedroom door open, grinning as Anakin entered
with a grumble as he rubbed his neck. “Good morning sleepyhead.”
Padme greeted her mate and fellow alpha.

Groaning a bit,
Anakin gave them a wry smile. “I feel like a sweaty ham, a wet
sweaty ham. Why is the bedroom so warm?” He looked between the two.

“Sun shining
right on the windows which are closed and the air cycle isn’t
working up to snuff.” Padme sighed deeply. “Its why both I and
Obi-Wan woke earlier, it was too hot. Now please go shower if you’re
really a sweaty ham.”

Snorting, Anakin
padded over and gave both sweet kisses on the cheeks. “Yeah, I hear
you both. Won’t take long.” He yawned loudly, still rubbing at
what the other two now assumed to be sweaty neck.

Chuckling, Obi-Wan
carefully pushed Padme away and let her hair unravel as he ignored
her whine of discontent. “That’s our que to set on some caff for
him, he’ll be in a better mood once he has it.” He hummed.

Padme reluctantly
got up and followed. “You think the caff will mellow him out enough
to hear the news and not throw a minor fit?” She asked with a dry
tone in her voice that did nothing to hide her worry.

“Not at all. But
he needs to know that the leads have dried up and nothing has been
found out about whoever planted the bombs, its vital information.”
Obi-Wan sighed as he sprinkled a pinch of salt into the caff filter
to cut the bitter.

Or at least that’s
what he’d been told, that if you added ever so slight an amount of
salt to the caff grounds it would make the coffee sweeter.

“Well, maybe some
food will help.” Padme sighed. “There’s still some of the fruit
salad left from ours and I can set on some fresh buns that will be
warm when he comes out of the shower, it might help keep him calm.”
She moved to get it started only to freeze when Obi-Wan caught her
elbow and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek.

Padme tried not to
whine in obvious happiness but really, until now Obi-Wan had not been
the one to initiate any kind of affection though he was happy to dole
it out should either Anakin or Padme seek it. This was the first time
Padme got to experienced unsolicited love from their omega and it was
wonderful, the soft scratch of stubble against her smooth cheek and
warm, slightly chapped lips.

Even better was the
slightly shy smile on Obi-Wan’s lips as he let go and turned to set
on the kettle for some more tea and don’t think Padme couldn’t
see the slight blush covering the back of his neck and top of his

bouncing on cloud nine, Padme got Anakin’s bread buns going,
feeling like everything was alright for once.


Well at least until
they finally told Anakin the news.

(as I’m reading thtough all your fics while youre taking a break) WHATS HAPPENING IN RARER THEN RARE? Do they figure out who set the bombs?

Head resting
against Obi-Wan’s stomach, Padme let out a happy little coo as one
or maybe two of the kids gave a jolt and a kick. “Its so strange
but so joyful at the same time. I can’t believe they’re so big
now that they’re moving.” She gasped in delight while keeping her
head on Obi-Wan’s swollen stomach.

Laughing faintly,
Obi-Wan continued braiding her hair slowly.

After the bomb
debacle he had been banned from leaving Coruscant and there had even
been a few weeks where he had been actually temple locked like some
kind of criminal until he had finally talked some sense into the

Which was why he
was currently in Padme’s Senatorial apartment, getting a break from
the Jedi temple because as nice as it was, it could be stifling with
everyone on their toes. He gracefully pretended he didn’t know
about the Jedi shadows he had or the troopers as he let Anakin escort
him to the skycar and away with an overnight bag to stay at Padme’s

Which had lead to
this situation, sitting on the couch with Padme in front of him on
the floor, slowly playing with her hair while she listened to the
babies with her ear against his stomach and a quietly joyful look on
her face as she stroked the arches of Obi-Wan’s bare feet as he had
gotten into habit of removing shoes and socks since his feet were

They both peeked up
when they heard the bedroom door open, grinning as Anakin entered
with a grumble as he rubbed his neck. “Good morning sleepyhead.”
Padme greeted her mate and fellow alpha.

Groaning a bit,
Anakin gave them a wry smile. “I feel like a sweaty ham, a wet
sweaty ham. Why is the bedroom so warm?” He looked between the two.

“Sun shining
right on the windows which are closed and the air cycle isn’t
working up to snuff.” Padme sighed deeply. “Its why both I and
Obi-Wan woke earlier, it was too hot. Now please go shower if you’re
really a sweaty ham.”

Snorting, Anakin
padded over and gave both sweet kisses on the cheeks. “Yeah, I hear
you both. Won’t take long.” He yawned loudly, still rubbing at
what the other two now assumed to be sweaty neck.

Chuckling, Obi-Wan
carefully pushed Padme away and let her hair unravel as he ignored
her whine of discontent. “That’s our que to set on some caff for
him, he’ll be in a better mood once he has it.” He hummed.

Padme reluctantly
got up and followed. “You think the caff will mellow him out enough
to hear the news and not throw a minor fit?” She asked with a dry
tone in her voice that did nothing to hide her worry.

“Not at all. But
he needs to know that the leads have dried up and nothing has been
found out about whoever planted the bombs, its vital information.”
Obi-Wan sighed as he sprinkled a pinch of salt into the caff filter
to cut the bitter.

Or at least that’s
what he’d been told, that if you added ever so slight an amount of
salt to the caff grounds it would make the coffee sweeter.

“Well, maybe some
food will help.” Padme sighed. “There’s still some of the fruit
salad left from ours and I can set on some fresh buns that will be
warm when he comes out of the shower, it might help keep him calm.”
She moved to get it started only to freeze when Obi-Wan caught her
elbow and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek.

Padme tried not to
whine in obvious happiness but really, until now Obi-Wan had not been
the one to initiate any kind of affection though he was happy to dole
it out should either Anakin or Padme seek it. This was the first time
Padme got to experienced unsolicited love from their omega and it was
wonderful, the soft scratch of stubble against her smooth cheek and
warm, slightly chapped lips.

Even better was the
slightly shy smile on Obi-Wan’s lips as he let go and turned to set
on the kettle for some more tea and don’t think Padme couldn’t
see the slight blush covering the back of his neck and top of his

bouncing on cloud nine, Padme got Anakin’s bread buns going,
feeling like everything was alright for once.


Well at least until
they finally told Anakin the news.

Requesting an older fic. In Vampire Coven Thee trio finally bonded. How does the story end?

Opening his eyes
slowly to watch the moonlight that was slipping in through a tiny
crack in the drapes, Anakin let a lazy smile curl his lips as he
pulled the two shapes on each side of him tighter to his chest.

Padme, used to it
never stirred or reacted, her body covered in marks from both her
mates. Obi-Wan however gave a little mumble, not yet used to Anakin’s
possessive grasp in the night when the blond just woke up and
shuffled a bit before he stilled with his head on the blonds breast.
His breath stirred along Anakin’s chest and he’d call it quite
the enjoyable sensation that Anakin could certainly imagine more of
in the future.

It was odd really,
Obi-Wan was the oldest of them but he never got out of the habit of
breathing it seemed while Anakin himself only remembered when they
were out among humans to breath and Padme actually had to be

Ahsoka was young
enough to still be doing it though he had sometimes seen her get
distracted and outright stop though she’d start again once she
wasn’t distracted. But maybe Obi-Wan’s habit of breathing came
from an age where they had to hide better, with hunters wandering
around seeking vampires or the witch trials which honestly did catch
one or two vampires unaware though the records were assumed to be
myths or fabrication now by most humans.

Still, it could
have explained it, Qui-Gon Jinn having drilled his own coven into

Sometimes it made
him wish that this man was still around, learning from him would have
been an interesting experience Anakin was sure off.

But Anakin was
ultimately selfish.

If Qui-Gon Jinn had
been around, Obi-Wan would never have been theirs as he would have
belonged wholly to Jinn, something both Padme and Anakin recognized
in the way Obi-Wan still called for the man during nightmares.

Their poor sire and

Pressing his nose
to the red hairs, Anakin let out a little rumbling noise that had the
man in his arm shivering a bit against his side as Obi-Wan woke to
peer blearily up at Anakin.

For a second
neither moved.

And then Obi-Wan
snuffled a bit and pressed his face into Anakin’s chest, hiding
away from the moonlight clearly as he tucked his leg more between
Anakin’s to rub up against Padme’s. It was a good thing Anakin no
longer had the need to pee or so because he was thoroughly caught!

As it was he just
smiled, content to lay there pinned beneath Obi-Wan and Padme, the
latter showing no sign of waking yet and the former not wanting to
get out of bed just yet.

Though it was
interesting when Padme finally did wake, the lady vampire instantly
pulling Obi-Wan into a soft, coaxing kiss that signaled in their
future of content kissing and hunting.

Of course there was
the mess when Ahsoka decided they would adopt a family of werewolves
to live with them and then there was Obi-Wan having his nightmares…

But they could deal
with it all.

Even if Ahsoka got
herself a pack of domesticated werewolves to hunt with.

And Obi-Wan’s
nightmares, while never fully gone, faded with their quiet comfort
and warmth, each holding him through his tears and calls for Qui-Gon
until Obi-Wan no longer woke screaming but only shifted slightly in
his sleep.

Anakin would not
ask for more then that, he had everything he could wish for as he
built a life with his two mates, his sired sister and a pack of about
twenty werewolves who all seemed to look the same.

Damn, the Fett were
an amorous family.

Requesting an older fic. In Vampire Coven Thee trio finally bonded. How does the story end?

Opening his eyes
slowly to watch the moonlight that was slipping in through a tiny
crack in the drapes, Anakin let a lazy smile curl his lips as he
pulled the two shapes on each side of him tighter to his chest.

Padme, used to it
never stirred or reacted, her body covered in marks from both her
mates. Obi-Wan however gave a little mumble, not yet used to Anakin’s
possessive grasp in the night when the blond just woke up and
shuffled a bit before he stilled with his head on the blonds breast.
His breath stirred along Anakin’s chest and he’d call it quite
the enjoyable sensation that Anakin could certainly imagine more of
in the future.

It was odd really,
Obi-Wan was the oldest of them but he never got out of the habit of
breathing it seemed while Anakin himself only remembered when they
were out among humans to breath and Padme actually had to be

Ahsoka was young
enough to still be doing it though he had sometimes seen her get
distracted and outright stop though she’d start again once she
wasn’t distracted. But maybe Obi-Wan’s habit of breathing came
from an age where they had to hide better, with hunters wandering
around seeking vampires or the witch trials which honestly did catch
one or two vampires unaware though the records were assumed to be
myths or fabrication now by most humans.

Still, it could
have explained it, Qui-Gon Jinn having drilled his own coven into

Sometimes it made
him wish that this man was still around, learning from him would have
been an interesting experience Anakin was sure off.

But Anakin was
ultimately selfish.

If Qui-Gon Jinn had
been around, Obi-Wan would never have been theirs as he would have
belonged wholly to Jinn, something both Padme and Anakin recognized
in the way Obi-Wan still called for the man during nightmares.

Their poor sire and

Pressing his nose
to the red hairs, Anakin let out a little rumbling noise that had the
man in his arm shivering a bit against his side as Obi-Wan woke to
peer blearily up at Anakin.

For a second
neither moved.

And then Obi-Wan
snuffled a bit and pressed his face into Anakin’s chest, hiding
away from the moonlight clearly as he tucked his leg more between
Anakin’s to rub up against Padme’s. It was a good thing Anakin no
longer had the need to pee or so because he was thoroughly caught!

As it was he just
smiled, content to lay there pinned beneath Obi-Wan and Padme, the
latter showing no sign of waking yet and the former not wanting to
get out of bed just yet.

Though it was
interesting when Padme finally did wake, the lady vampire instantly
pulling Obi-Wan into a soft, coaxing kiss that signaled in their
future of content kissing and hunting.

Of course there was
the mess when Ahsoka decided they would adopt a family of werewolves
to live with them and then there was Obi-Wan having his nightmares…

But they could deal
with it all.

Even if Ahsoka got
herself a pack of domesticated werewolves to hunt with.

And Obi-Wan’s
nightmares, while never fully gone, faded with their quiet comfort
and warmth, each holding him through his tears and calls for Qui-Gon
until Obi-Wan no longer woke screaming but only shifted slightly in
his sleep.

Anakin would not
ask for more then that, he had everything he could wish for as he
built a life with his two mates, his sired sister and a pack of about
twenty werewolves who all seemed to look the same.

Damn, the Fett were
an amorous family.