Heyy hey, we haven’t hear for breakabarrier in forever, I need more Omega-verse ObiAniDala. How are the babies doing? And anything else you want to add.

slightly at the cold, Obi-Wan gave the amused looking healer a slight
glare even as Padme gently stroked his hair and Anakin squeezed his
hand reassuringly. “A warning would have been appreciated,
I had no idea you were adding Hoth to my stomach.” Obi-Wan drawled
at her.

the healer shook her head. “It’s not as cold as it feels and I
did tell you that it would be cool.” Miranda pointed out but before
Obi-Wan could answer her, the woman had placed the ultrasound tool to
his belly, carefully rolling it over the somewhat wet skin from the
gel to get a clear image.

that shut Obi-Wan up.

even with the blurry blue image they could all tell that there were

little lives, twitching and squirming inside of him. Little
limbs, twitching hands and feet, little bodies, all fully formed and
just in need of growing now after what he knew from the baby books he
had been reading.

of them which explained Obi-Wan’s size.


Miranda let out an amused noise. “Well would you look at that,”
She stated as the image became clearer, all three parents leaning in
closer to
look at slowly moving limbs.
seems congratulations are in order for all, there is one implantation
from both Senator Amidala and Knight Skywalker, both in each their
amniotic sac, though you could call them twins I imagine as they will
come out together once labor happens.” She chuckled in soft
amusement, the beta slowly rolling the tool over Obi-Wan’s five
month large belly.

healers had said they heard two heartbeats but to actually see
them… well that was different and Obi-Wan clenched his hand on
Anakin’s while pushing into Padme’s hand in his hair as he stared
at the image.

were their babies.

of them.

you want to know the gender of them? I already assume you want a copy
holo to display or put into image form for frames, so I’ll provide
that.” Miranda hummed, leaning over to type at the terminal for
said copy.

at his mates, Obi-Wan shrugged then smiled. “No, the gender can be
a surprise. It’s not like we’re going to know their secondary
gender until they’re teens anyhow so the first gender doesn’t
matter either.” He said calmly, breathing out when the ultrasound
tool was removed.

instantly took one of the flannels and started to clean off his
stomach, smiling softly at him. “That’s very true. And you’ve
already started to nest so we have lots of clothes and toys already
for both.” She teased lovingly before leaning forward and stealing
a kiss from their omega.

against the soft lips, Obi-Wan used his free hand to cup the back of
her head, prolonging the chaste kiss slightly longer before letting
go and looking at the thrilled looking Anakin, the knight sporting a
smile so wide it was basically his entire face.

that was exaggerating but still, his smile was huge.

He cooed in a gooey voice, both Padme and Obi-Wan laughing as they
fixed up the Jedi master tunic.

Obi-Wan stand, Anakin face somehow went even more bright. “We
should go celebrate! We know it’s two now!” He wiggled excitedly
while looking between the two.

up, Padme nodded while sliding her arm around Obi-Wan, pulling him
into her side. “Yes, that does sound like a lovely idea, I can get
us a table at the White Guarlara, one of my uncles owns part of it so
we haven an open invitation to a table.” She explained with her own
little excited wiggle that she was trying to hide.

by his rather adorable two alpha’s, Obi-Wan let out a thoughtful
hum then nodded. “Naboo cuisine does sound rather appealing right
now and it would be a thing to celebrate despite the awfulness of the
war. But I need to speak with Mace before we go,” He said before
chuckling when both gave him wary looks. “Nothing bad, I just need
to collect some information he had for me about my investigation. I’m
close to figuring out the identity of who is helping Dooku, I can
just feel
it.” He grinned at them.

softly, Anakin ducked down and gave Obi-Wan a chaste kiss on the
lips. “Alright, find Windu first and then
we go celebrate, a nice delicious none alcoholic cider for you, wine
for Padme and juice for me.” He murmured lovingly.

I hope they have Naboo cider and not the local stuff, it’s been
ages since I had any of that.” Obi-Wan hummed, accepting the little
keycard from Miranda with their copy holo, ignoring Anakin and Padme
exchanging fond, loving looks over his head.

was busier peering at the still twitching holo of his children on the
terminal, watching their little limbs.

were inside of him.

were the future he was fighting for, the peace he wanted to give to.

would give them it for as long as there was breath in his body.

#breakabarrier: Ani and Padme are informed of Obi’s behavior.

to observe his waiting mates, Obi-Wan shuffled slightly with nerves
before making his way over to Padme and Anakin, letting the blond
pull him down into his lap as the blond alpha had been missing their
omega while being shipped out.

nuzzled lightly to begin with, rumbling in greeting as
the fresh scent from the flowers around hit Obi-Wan, the doors closed
to the rainy Coruscant nightfall that had come drizzling as Obi-Wan
traveled home after his council meeting.

lips were swollen Obi-Wan noted and so was Padme’s. Tacking on the
fact that Padme had changed into a nice, shimmery green summer dress
and looked showered, it didn’t take a genius to figure out what the
two alpha’s had been up to while Obi-Wan was at the temple and so
he pouted at them. “Hey…” He huffed, provoking a low laugh from

a proper greeting when I come home is important, it’s not my fault
you had to attend a Jedi session.” Anakin teased gently before
cupping the back of his omega’s head and leading him into a tender
kiss, twining their tongues together to taste the others mouth.

tea and cookies, the taste made him sigh with pleasure at the
familiarity and he could feel a twitch from below despite how well
Padme had ridden him into ecstasy while holding his wrists down

valiant effort but it was too close and Anakin was too exhausted.

as well since they had serious things to speak with Obi-Wan about
though Anakin allowed himself a moment to gently rub Obi-Wan’s
starting chub, humming faintly as the omega purred.

he pulled back as he felt Padme touch his shoulder warningly, giving
her an apologetic smile. “Couldn’t help it, his mouth is as sweet
as always and I’ve missed it.” He easily confessed, grinning when
Obi-Wan flushed even deeper with happy pleasure at the words.

Anakin’s smile did fade a bit when he sighed deeply. “I’m less
pleased about the call we got from the council however Obi-Wan.” He
pointed out sternly, softening when Obi-Wan winced.

didn’t mean to.” Obi-Wan’s scent soured.

both alphas reached for him, Padme grasping his hands and Anakin
cupping his former master’s face and current omega. “Hey no, it’s
not… we’re not angry at you. We’re just sad at how you
undervalue yourself,” Anakin whined, rubbing their noses together.
“You wouldn’t like it if we did it to ourselves?” He shot at
him, his fingertips digging lightly through the bristling, sweet
smelling beard of copper and gold.

instantly jerked back, yipping a bit in shock before pouting when he
realized what Anakin had done, the two alpha’s smiling indulgently
at him.

Anakin pointed out softly, pulling Obi-Wan back to rub their noses
again. “You wouldn’t be happy with us if we neglected our
health.” He dropped his arms around the others waist.

worried his bottom lip before huffing and turning his head, peering
at Padme. “…I want a cup of tea and one of the fruit and cream
filled buns you got at the bakery,” He whispered, shoulders
trembling faintly before turning his head back to Anakin. “A-And I
want an ankle rub,” He swallowed heavily. “With that mint oil
Ahsoka gave us.” Obi-Wan tacked on.

alpha’s stared at him in surprise before Padme bounced to her feet
and hurried to the kitchen with a little delighted laugh.

Anakin tipped his mate into the pillows, making sure Obi-Wan was
settled against them as Obi-Wan pushed on behind his back for
support. “You got it omega ours, just give me a moment t-”
Obi-Wan hand closed around Anakin’s sleeve.

looked rather bothered, his face flushing.

no not bothered, embarrassed… a bit ashamed?’ Anakin raised his
brows at his mate, his brows almost flying off his face in surprise
at the others request when Obi-Wan finally managed to get words past
his reddened and plumping lips from being bitten.

it with the Force.” Obi-Wan finally asked, his tone now clearly

heavily, Anakin decided not to bring attention to it, instead waving
his hand to summon the oil from the bathroom with a smile for his
mate as he pulled Obi-Wan’s slipper covered feet into his lap to
remove both the sky blue slippers gifted by Padme and the black
cotton socks they were hiding.

the time he was working oil into Obi-Wan’s ankles and feet, Padme
had the tea and the buns plated up on a tray, coming back to settle
it down and pour a large cup for their omega with a wide smile on her
face, the smile growing even larger when Obi-Wan instantly sat up a
bit for Padme to sit down behind him, her legs coming up on either
side of the redhead.

Obi.” She teased softly, pressing a scattering of tender kisses
along his neck with her arms resting around his waist, Obi-Wan having
a saucer and cup with his tea and a pleased, shy smile on his lips.

Obi.” Anakin agreed happily, showering both his mates with

was how a night should be spent, in the company of his mates as they
enjoyed each others company.

MODDY!!! More breakabarrier!!! I LOVE THAT FIC!!! Is one baby? Is two babies? Is Anakin doing ok away from his mates? Where does Obi stay at night and during the day? How does Padme pamper him??

up against the warm plains of her mate’s back, Padme smiled
sleepily against the pleasantly warm skin and ignored the minor
discomfort where her cheek was sticking to Obi-Wan’s shoulder blade
as she spooned her mate.

wanted to lay there forever, wanted to soak in the warmth forever.

she needed to pee and the arm she was laying on was numb as all heck.

reluctance in her sleepy mind, Padme slowly shuffled away from her
mate after one last kiss to his spine before wiggling away slowly and
carefully so not to wake the slumbering omega. Obi-Wan had been doing
that a lot more, sleeping without waking when she moved in their
nest, feeling safe and comfortable despite Anakin not being around.

to the fresher, Padme let her mind slip to their other mate and
missing member of the bed.

out there in the cold of space, going to war, trying to bring in the
peace Padme wasn’t sure could be obtained out in the field but had
to be truly gained in the halls of diplomacy but…

with Dooku and the Chancellor at the helm, she was doubtful they
would get it.

get her wrong, Padme loved her old mentor but it had become
increasingly clear to her with the progress of weeks and months that
he had become more of a spider in his web in the seat of power at the
Republic and if she could go back in time and shake her younger self,
she would totally do it.

the loo, Padme grumbled and eyed the little chrono before rolling her

wasn’t that early anymore and she had to leave for the Senate soon,
having several meetings she needed to engage in with the hopes of
maybe getting some progress to get peace and with the clone rights
amendment she was working on.

she could get Obi-Wan’s thoughts on the latter she bet as she
grabbed her toothbrush and got to work on getting clean so the
handmaidens could help her with her outfit. It was only once they
entered the bedroom that Obi-Wan woke, giving all of them bleary,
sleepy looks before rolling over on his side and pulling the blankets
over his head.

and endeared, Padme just watched her pregnant mate cuddle back to
sleep with nary a care since he didn’t have anything to do in the
temple today and she was more than happy to let him sleep in.


at the holo comm, Anakin settled his elbows on his knees and pouted
quietly to himself as Ahsoka patted his head.

up Skyguy! At least Senator Amidala is looking out for master
Obi-Wan,” Ahsoka said cheerfully and laughed slightly when he just
grunted. “I mean at least he’s sleeping over at the apartment
most days, that’s good? Sleeping in your nest.” She
tried to sooth his sulking.

seemed to work too as Anakin grinned slightly. “I guess that’s a
good thing yeah… Padme says Obi-Wan manages to sleep through her
leaving the nest now, confidant and content.” He perked up more
much to the amusement of both his troopers and Ahsoka.

the odd human hair teasingly, the padawan winked happily. “And that
is progress after all! He’s not as clingy as he was in the
beginning meaning that the mating bond has been settling in after all
and he’s confidant in his place in both of your hearts after all.”
She chirped at him.

up even more, Anakin bounced to his feet and nodded. “Still, I’m
gonna keep on sending them messages and call them when I can until
we’re back.” He bounced towards his quarters.

her eyes a bit, Ashoka traded an amused look with Rex.

a bit, Rex settled against a bulkhead with a smirk. “Hey, they say
mated alphas are all gaga for their mates. And General Skywalker
seems to be the stereotype for his.” He chortled in amusement.

Ahsoka crossed her arms over her chest. “Yeah well, when you find
your mate or mates, I’m gonna have fun teasing you about it if you
behave the same way.” She taunted lightly with a grin.

the thought.” Rex chuckled even as his chest warmed at the easy
acceptance that Rex, a clone, would have a mate and therefore belong
in the galaxy from his commander as not everyone else seemed to
believe it.

if Ahsoka believed it of him, then she would believe it of others.

seen Boil and Waxer,” She pointed a finger at him, jabbing it for
point. “They’re as bad about
each other
as Skyguy is about his mates!” Ahsoka laughed happily, unaware of
the warmth in Rex chest as she continued her friendly bantering as
Anakin was busy sending a message off to Coruscant on a secure line.

Break a Barrier: while the mates are going through Obi’s heat, Palpatine is being tracked down due whatever Sith ritual he performs. Of course he doesn’t know this cause he’s to full of himself.

(First part is pg rated and readable, the rest is on AO3 XD)

is nothing more obvious than an alpha rushing to the aid of their
omega when said omega is in heat.

at least it is obvious to any omega or fellow alpha as the Jedi
quietly watch Skywalker flailing through the halls with his
expression and Force aura a mix of panic and anticipation as he
practically Force boosts himself in his eagerness.

one calls him out on it.

after seeing Kenobi practically waste
away as the war continued marching on with no one being sure how to
help him as he became
pale and listless, only to bounce back once his mating bonds became
open to him
and started
healing a bit with the attention of said
mates as
they showered him in attention and affection.

there’s just that final barrier that needs closing, to seal the
mating bond and break the glands so
they can be fully connected.

anticipation and glee is thick in Skywalker clearly.

under all of that…

master’s of the Order pauses,
feeling the currants of the Force switch and flow,  darkness moving
on Coruscant.

who had been busy sniggering a bit at Skywalker’s windmill
impression as
he raced the hall to get to the skycar hanger,
goes ramrod straight as he stares at nothing before turning on his
heel and racing to gather those of the council that he can and
several healers.

knows what this is, he was there to break the barrier on Obi-Wan’s
mating bonds
after all and the Sith master’s magic laced over the bond like a
cork had been very distinct when they were first looking.

master gets the same feeling this time and he knows they have to
move, they have to be quick and Force he hopes that no more damage
will come to Obi-Wan for he has been through enough already
being kept from his mates.

Jedi council has to move quickly however before the trail of the Sith
master disappears and the person goes back into hiding though one
thing is clear to Mace in this moment. The Sith master is on
Coruscant, twisting the Force and doing something to someone with the
dark side and he hopes to Force that it won’t be something that
damages the newly mating pair.

Mace hopes that they can follow the bastard this time and find him.


Break a Barrier: while the mates are going through Obi’s heat, Palpatine is being tracked down due whatever Sith ritual he performs. Of course he doesn’t know this cause he’s to full of himself.

(First part is pg rated and readable, the rest is on AO3 XD)

is nothing more obvious than an alpha rushing to the aid of their
omega when said omega is in heat.

at least it is obvious to any omega or fellow alpha as the Jedi
quietly watch Skywalker flailing through the halls with his
expression and Force aura a mix of panic and anticipation as he
practically Force boosts himself in his eagerness.

one calls him out on it.

after seeing Kenobi practically waste
away as the war continued marching on with no one being sure how to
help him as he became
pale and listless, only to bounce back once his mating bonds became
open to him
and started
healing a bit with the attention of said
mates as
they showered him in attention and affection.

there’s just that final barrier that needs closing, to seal the
mating bond and break the glands so
they can be fully connected.

anticipation and glee is thick in Skywalker clearly.

under all of that…

master’s of the Order pauses,
feeling the currants of the Force switch and flow,  darkness moving
on Coruscant.

who had been busy sniggering a bit at Skywalker’s windmill
impression as
he raced the hall to get to the skycar hanger,
goes ramrod straight as he stares at nothing before turning on his
heel and racing to gather those of the council that he can and
several healers.

knows what this is, he was there to break the barrier on Obi-Wan’s
mating bonds
after all and the Sith master’s magic laced over the bond like a
cork had been very distinct when they were first looking.

master gets the same feeling this time and he knows they have to
move, they have to be quick and Force he hopes that no more damage
will come to Obi-Wan for he has been through enough already
being kept from his mates.

Jedi council has to move quickly however before the trail of the Sith
master disappears and the person goes back into hiding though one
thing is clear to Mace in this moment. The Sith master is on
Coruscant, twisting the Force and doing something to someone with the
dark side and he hopes to Force that it won’t be something that
damages the newly mating pair.

Mace hopes that they can follow the bastard this time and find him.


Oooh break a barrier bravo! What comes next? Is Sidious plotting?

was too late.

that Sidious was sure after seeing the threesome at the Senate
function, the way Skywalker was just ensnared in Kenobi with his eyes
switching between giving either of his mates attention or outright
holding their omega’s hand as if to ensure he was still there.

in through the bond or outright murdering Kenobi now would not give
Sidious what he needed to turn Skywalker to his apprentice later on.


his chin, Sidious stood from his desk and made his way to his book

he could use this to his advantage. Omegas in Kenobi’s age weren’t
known for falling pregnant at their first shared heat but with a
little bit of Sith magic… and what could make an alpha more enraged
than the loss of both mate and child?

eyes sparkled and bleed toxic yellow as Sidious found the right book,
opening up and shifting through the pages, a smirk curling his lips
as he took in the information.

this would do…

he would have to do would be to spin the story the right way, pull
the right threads in the alphas head and have him blame the Jedi
order when Kenobi died.

of children and mate would make him unstable and it would be easy to
cut the last link then when Amidala was no longer useful.


Padme slowly as
she leaned back into his chest,
Obi-Wan settled his chin on her shoulder as the alpha slowly petted
his hands on
her stomach
while sitting between his legs on the couch in a nice home yellow
in a beautiful
silky fabric.

had scuttled off to the temple, to train with Ahsoka but Padme had
quietly informed Obi-Wan that she didn’t have anything planned that
day and wondered if he would spend the day with her.

through it her
little ruse,
Obi-Wan understood that Padme had pushed a few of her meetings and
setups further into the future to spend some time with her new mate
and Obi-Wan honestly jumped on it, the chance to spend one on one
time with his female alpha making his heart beat.

both alphas caught that in his scent, judging by the pleased smiles
they sported and Obi-Wan had colored a bit but refused to be ashamed.


of them were his, that meant that spending time with Padme was on the
table just as much as Anakin and Anakin and he spent time together
often one on one and Obi-Wan had no doubt that it would be harder to
spend time with Padme once the bond was settled in after his heat and
they were back to the war again.

had spent most of the first two hours just talking, eating some
expensive sugared fruits Padme adored and now they were just
cuddling, curled up into each other while watching a holo of Squid

would be nice to one day catch it in true action but the holo was
for now.

Padme shifted in
front of him
and turned around on the couch, knees between Obi-Wan’s legs as the
man blinked a
drowsily at his sniffing alpha as Padme pressed her hands against his
shoulders to press him into the couch.

Padme tugged his tunic low and went for his neck, Obi-Wan blinking
before yelping when the others lips found his scent gland and went to
work, Obi-Wan’s sleepy mind hazily supplying him with the details
he had missed as he registered how sore his scent gland really was as
Padme shifted and Obi-Wan sunk more back into the couch back.

was entering heat and his alpha could smell him already
before Obi-Wan could really feel it,
could smell that his body was getting ready and was responding in
turn to it with her own need.

was basically mauling his scent gland, tenderizing it with her lips
and teeth without actually biting through it and Obi-Wan whimpered
both with pain and with need as he teared up, Padme pulling back to
look at him before crooning in worry and reaching up, gently wiping
eyes. “It’s alright omega, sweet omega. I’ll call Anakin, I’ll
get everything ready.” She promised before standing up and with
surprising strength
hauled Obi-Wan after her on
his feet
before literally picking him up, Obi-Wan quickly wrapping his legs
around the woman’s hips as she headed for the bedroom.

dropped on the large, soft bed they shared in the Senatorial
apartment only to whine when Padme moved away to start getting things
ready, crawling to the edge before he could think better of it.

Padme went right back to him, cupping his face and pressing several
kisses all over his face. “Going to get things ready mate, won’t
leave, won’t abandon you but I need to get a message to Anakin and
find water and juice honey, sweet mate.” She crooned assuringly,
brown eyes wide.

his instincts and need, Obi-Wan nodded shakily while sitting back on
the bed and then reaching to undo his sash.

hovered for a moment before once more moving away, Obi-Wan able to
see her through the open door, her steps more urgent as she pulled
her comm off the caff table.

is early… is it the heat withdrawal fault?’ Obi-Wan wondered as
he got himself comfortable and started building his nest, half
listening to Padme and Anakin, the latter swearing as he was clearly
rushing to get to the apartment.

Oooh break a barrier bravo! What comes next? Is Sidious plotting?

was too late.

that Sidious was sure after seeing the threesome at the Senate
function, the way Skywalker was just ensnared in Kenobi with his eyes
switching between giving either of his mates attention or outright
holding their omega’s hand as if to ensure he was still there.

in through the bond or outright murdering Kenobi now would not give
Sidious what he needed to turn Skywalker to his apprentice later on.


his chin, Sidious stood from his desk and made his way to his book

he could use this to his advantage. Omegas in Kenobi’s age weren’t
known for falling pregnant at their first shared heat but with a
little bit of Sith magic… and what could make an alpha more enraged
than the loss of both mate and child?

eyes sparkled and bleed toxic yellow as Sidious found the right book,
opening up and shifting through the pages, a smirk curling his lips
as he took in the information.

this would do…

he would have to do would be to spin the story the right way, pull
the right threads in the alphas head and have him blame the Jedi
order when Kenobi died.

of children and mate would make him unstable and it would be easy to
cut the last link then when Amidala was no longer useful.


Padme slowly as
she leaned back into his chest,
Obi-Wan settled his chin on her shoulder as the alpha slowly petted
his hands on
her stomach
while sitting between his legs on the couch in a nice home yellow
in a beautiful
silky fabric.

had scuttled off to the temple, to train with Ahsoka but Padme had
quietly informed Obi-Wan that she didn’t have anything planned that
day and wondered if he would spend the day with her.

through it her
little ruse,
Obi-Wan understood that Padme had pushed a few of her meetings and
setups further into the future to spend some time with her new mate
and Obi-Wan honestly jumped on it, the chance to spend one on one
time with his female alpha making his heart beat.

both alphas caught that in his scent, judging by the pleased smiles
they sported and Obi-Wan had colored a bit but refused to be ashamed.


of them were his, that meant that spending time with Padme was on the
table just as much as Anakin and Anakin and he spent time together
often one on one and Obi-Wan had no doubt that it would be harder to
spend time with Padme once the bond was settled in after his heat and
they were back to the war again.

had spent most of the first two hours just talking, eating some
expensive sugared fruits Padme adored and now they were just
cuddling, curled up into each other while watching a holo of Squid

would be nice to one day catch it in true action but the holo was
for now.

Padme shifted in
front of him
and turned around on the couch, knees between Obi-Wan’s legs as the
man blinked a
drowsily at his sniffing alpha as Padme pressed her hands against his
shoulders to press him into the couch.

Padme tugged his tunic low and went for his neck, Obi-Wan blinking
before yelping when the others lips found his scent gland and went to
work, Obi-Wan’s sleepy mind hazily supplying him with the details
he had missed as he registered how sore his scent gland really was as
Padme shifted and Obi-Wan sunk more back into the couch back.

was entering heat and his alpha could smell him already
before Obi-Wan could really feel it,
could smell that his body was getting ready and was responding in
turn to it with her own need.

was basically mauling his scent gland, tenderizing it with her lips
and teeth without actually biting through it and Obi-Wan whimpered
both with pain and with need as he teared up, Padme pulling back to
look at him before crooning in worry and reaching up, gently wiping
eyes. “It’s alright omega, sweet omega. I’ll call Anakin, I’ll
get everything ready.” She promised before standing up and with
surprising strength
hauled Obi-Wan after her on
his feet
before literally picking him up, Obi-Wan quickly wrapping his legs
around the woman’s hips as she headed for the bedroom.

dropped on the large, soft bed they shared in the Senatorial
apartment only to whine when Padme moved away to start getting things
ready, crawling to the edge before he could think better of it.

Padme went right back to him, cupping his face and pressing several
kisses all over his face. “Going to get things ready mate, won’t
leave, won’t abandon you but I need to get a message to Anakin and
find water and juice honey, sweet mate.” She crooned assuringly,
brown eyes wide.

his instincts and need, Obi-Wan nodded shakily while sitting back on
the bed and then reaching to undo his sash.

hovered for a moment before once more moving away, Obi-Wan able to
see her through the open door, her steps more urgent as she pulled
her comm off the caff table.

is early… is it the heat withdrawal fault?’ Obi-Wan wondered as
he got himself comfortable and started building his nest, half
listening to Padme and Anakin, the latter swearing as he was clearly
rushing to get to the apartment.

#breakthebarrier- The trio interact outside of Obi-Wan’s heat, but the chancellor has heard that the trio has found each other.

world outside their quarters has of course moved on when the trio
finally emerge from the rooms to greet the rest of the galaxy with
Padme holding one of Obi-Wan’s hand and Anakin wrapping an arm
around Obi-Wan’s waist on the other side as they move along.

while Obi-Wan is finally steady, he still craves the touch of his
alphas which has them both suspecting that Obi-Wan is skin starved.
The way he leans into their touches yet doesn’t initiates any touch
on his own now that he’s out of his heat, doesn’t seem to know
how to initiate them unless he’s already in someones lap.

of course both Padme and Anakin will try to help him with.

all, they are mates.

Ahsoka celebrates, the young alpha shooting off confetti bombs when
she meets up with them with a wide grin that has Anakin laughing
before he drags her into a one armed hug since his other is busily
wrapped around Obi-Wan.

omega can’t stop flushing as they are given well wishes by the Jedi
around them, a week in heat withdrawal clearly having an effect which
has Anakin finally pushing Ahsoka away an announcing that they are
going to Dex for dinner.

thought we were going to a more dignified establishment?”
Padme raised her brow, glancing down at her state of dress. Honestly
the blue wrap dress that reached her knees with a silver cloak over
wouldn’t make her stand out too
much since Dex got quite the varying clientele but Obi-Wan understood
her worry.

Anakin smiled wryly while squeezing his arm around Obi-Wan’s waist.
“Obi-Wan likes Dex, figured we could do it as a treat for him and
beside, you got two Jedi with you as guards should there be any
issue.” He said happily while dropping his cheek on Obi-Wan’s
shower fluffy hair,

softly, Padme squeezed Obi-Wan’s hand. “Well, how could I say no
to that?” She agreed readily and Obi-Wan colored sharply, his ears
and back of his neck gaining a beet red color that clashed rather
horribly with his hair but had both of them grinning at him and
Ahsoka snorting.

go enjoy your date, I’m off to bother Barris!” Ahsoka skipped
past them, laughing as she went.

can go somewhere else, we don’t have t-” Obi-Wan mumbled out, the
shine of the negotiator thrown out when dealing with his new mates

however cut in. “We know you like Dex Obi and honestly some rich
calories might be just the thing you need right now. And dipping
fries in the shake sounds good to me right about now.” Anakin
grinned brightly.

out a bemused noise, Padme stared at her husband. “Fries in shake?”

you HAVE to try it Padme, its sinfully good.” Anakin cackled
delightedly, prompting them to move again as he started explaining
the savory and sweet mix it was to have fries and shakes.

them, Obi-Wan lips turned up at the corners as he tightened his grasp
on them ever so slightly.

was his mates.

however the another person was nursing the mother of all hangovers or
so at least it felt like to Sheev Palpatine as he took another
painkiller and then a stim to attempt to keep going. A week ago his
barriers on that dratted Kenobi had snapped, leaving him with the

had laid him flat for a day prompting whispers about exhaustion but
Sidious could not concern himself about that.

had his last mate, Kenobi would be a steadying strength to the boy’s
emotions and the same omega would once more regain his strength.

was suppose to die,
the snapped bond was suppose to bring Skywalker over the end.’
Sidious snarled to himself as he threw the hypospray away.

needed to come up with a new plan and fast before Kenobi recovered
too well!