I love your Sightlessbird series! There isn’t enough master!ani padawan!obi fics around! any chance for another installment??

Pulling his padawan’s boots of off his feet, Anakin couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him sleeping so deeply that he didn’t even twitch. The kid had been shacking up with whatever trooper caught his fancy from the 501st for the last few days, sparring and getting into competitions to the point he almost fell asleep in his food.

And when they were busy, he went for any trooper that was of duty.

To be frank, Anakin was rather certain that Obi-Wan had charmed at least half the ‘adult’ clones and was friends with the ‘child’ clones, all of them finding common ground, with the war, being raised able to fight, with high expectations.

It was amazing almost, but Obi-Wan hadn’t been having a single nightmare or vision since he arrived on Kamino, generally too tired out for either as he extended the Force to ‘see’ or to further his skills when he was meditating or sparring with Anakin.

Seeing how Obi-Wan had been withdrawn and having nightmares prior due to the murder attempt, Anakin was almost ready to get down on his knees and kiss the ground the troopers walked on.


But for now, he settled on carefully getting Obi-Wan out of the most restraining or uncomfortable of his clothes.

Boots, socks, belt, sash, hair tie and outer tunic, leaving the boy in his leggings and sleeveless turtleneck.

Still no twitch came, despite Anakin touching, lifting and tugging lightly to get him undressed enough to be comfortable.

That done, he settled the blankets over the boy, stroking his hair gently out of his face. “…Sleep well padawan, dream of chocolate tarts and cups of tea.” He teased gently before getting onto his feet and turning the lights off with a wave, stepping out into the apartment the longnecks had given him and Obi-Wan.

Pausing at the name he had used for the kaminoans, Anakin wryly pulled at his own curls. ‘I’ve been spending too much time with the troopers.’ He thought amusedly before grunting and quickly silencing his comms when they started chirping.

Behind him, the door still open, he could hear Obi-Wan shift slightly before settling again, Anakin quickly reaching into their bond and sending a soothing, calmness down it, pressing Obi-Wan back down into a deep sleep.

It worked and Anakin closed the door tightly, breathing out and checking who the hell was calling him.

‘…Padme.’ Anakin stared at the number then sighed deeply, rubbing at his face with his mech hand as the comms continued vibrating in his flesh hand.

Since last seeing her in the Rotunda, Padme had upped her calling and at this point, Anakin was getting real tired of the constant calls if he was honest, even as he understood why.

After all, they were married still.

He still loved her.

Things were just so… damn difficult.

Finally, Anakin let out a deep sigh and answered his comm instead of dismissing as he had the last several weeks. “…Hello Padme.” He murmured as she flickered into view, settling down on the couch as her blue shape peered back at him, wearing what was clearly Senate robes, her hair down.

She must have come from the Senate not long ago, having pulled her hair out of a do but not removed her dress.

“Hello Anakin…” She stared at him, eyes flickering over his face almost desperately.

‘She missed me.’ Anakin swallowed thickly.

He had missed her too.

But he had realized things while he was away from his wife, things he… wasn’t sure how to feel about. Things that were impacting the already falling apart marriage to the woman he loved.

Anakin wasn’t sure, but there was a heaviness in his chest as the two stared at each other, a realization he wondered if Padme already knew.

‘We never should have married that young…’

I suppose today is a rereading day lol! Do you have any more ideas for ModernJedi? It was a really intriguing concept! If the Force still works, why do so many of them have doubt from parents? Cuz Obi’s Earth parents medicated him! Wouldn’t a small but blatant display of the Force be enough to prove the truth of their ‘other lives’? I’d think, for Obi (who has been known to use the Force ‘frivolously’), that he’d be willing to do that to avoid medication which likely dulls his mind and senses!

Snorting softly at the soft question, Obi-Wan swallowed the hot tea in his mouth, giving Padme a wry look. “Really, I love my parents dear but if I had started moving things with my mind…” He slowly shook his head and then looked to Qui-Gon.

Living with the other man was proving to be very good for not only his physical health but also his mental health, the reminder that he wasn’t crazy, that the Force was real not only to him but to another…

That his parents were wrong about him.

There was also the very cushy apartment Qui-Gon owned, a large sitting room with a large, comfortable sectional couch in faux leather. It would have been out of character for the man if there wasn’t several throw blankets stationed also in the couch along with comfy pillows, making it clear Qui-Gon often slept on the couch.

The glass coffee table was a nice touch too and Obi-Wan could imagine, if you removed the blankets and pillows for it, that Qui-Gon could hold an elegant party.

Of course, he’d never say that.

He quite liked all the blankets, especially in his current state, enjoying the warmth of them wrapped around him along with the cup of tea the other brewed for him.

On the table, a tea pot and a coffee pot were stationed, both Anakin and Padme leaning towards the coffee while Qui-Gon stuck to the tea. Beside the pots were a tray of biscuits and some fruits.

Never let it be said that Qui-Gon was not a diligent host when friends were over.

“My parents accepted that I might have had a prior life,” Qui-Gon stead steadily, peeling an orange carefully as Anakin slung his arm around his girlfriend’s shoulder, carefully not saying anything despite his understanding look. “But no, I didn’t show them my powers. It would have lead to questions, interest from people with… nefarious purpose. And even those that wanted to use us for their own benefit weren’t the only concern.” He stead steadily, feeding Obi-Wan an orange wedge.

Frowning slightly, looking between the two, Padme opened her mouth.

Swallowing, Obi-Wan spoke up before she could. “Guinea pigs, we would have become guinea pigs for some scientist, above board or not,” He stated seriously. He had seen Zan Arbor of all people walking around and had panic attack, knowing she was there… well, it had been frightening to him. “An unknown power, capable of what the Force is, no, I’m not putting myself or others at risk.” He shook his head.

Not even to prove to his parents that there was something there.

Considering what his parents did, Obi-Wan wasn’t certain they’d look at him the same way after if he showed them what he could do.

Qui-Gon quietly fed him another wedge of orange, giving Obi-Wan a small smile when he wrinkled his nose slightly. “Too sour?” He questioned softly, both of them giving Padme peace to mull over the answer.

Shaking his head, taking another sip of tea to clear the taste, Obi-Wan grimaced. “Too sweet actually, it has a slight… overripe taste to it.” He stated quietly before sighing and opening his mouth when Qui-Gon offered him another wedge.

He knew that oranges supposedly helped when one had a cold, so despite it being a bit sweeter than he’d like it to be, he still ate it.

He just made sure to sip more tea.

“That’s horrifying to consider.” Padme finally said softly, reaching out to refill her cup and offering Anakin a refill at the same time.

All three former Jedi shrugged.

It was a worry they had learned to live with and the reason they didn’t use the Force too obviously when they did use it.

“Its shockingly safer than it was before.” Obi-Wan mused before leaning away to couch into the crook of his arm, shaking slightly. Qui-Gon’s hand came up to rub his back instantly, rumbling worriedly as he did.

He still caught Padme grimacing, nodding with understanding.

As the wife of a Jedi, she had heard from Anakin often about Force sensitive having to be rescued from slavers.

It was nice that she understood and Obi-Wan gave her a tired smile when he sat up, drinking his tea slowly to clear his throat, humming happily at the kiss Qui-Gon pressed to his temple.

How nice it was to be among people that understood.

“I heard your new padawan is not likely to make it. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am Anakin.”“Where did you hear that?”“Chancellor Palpatine mentioned it when I met with him earlier today.” Anakin looked past Padme to where Fox was standing and signing that the conversation had occurred.Anakin knew then that Palpatine had something to do with Obi-Wan’s poisoning.Sightless Bird

The last place he wanted to be in this moment was in the karking Rotunda and the only reason he had left Obi-Wan’s side at all was because Rex had promised to sit with him. So here Anakin was, marching through the Rotunda, his cloak billowing up around him dramatically.

If Qui-Gon could see him at that moment, he would have rolled his eyes and fondly called him a drama prince.

Or maybe he would have been stomping along with Anakin.

The other had been calling daily until the comm signal had become too unstable, hearing about what health Obi-Wan was in.

All because he had been directly summoned by the War Commission to speak about the last campaign he had been out on with Obi-Wan. Something about someone having caught Obi-Wan on holocam, running around with the bomb over his head.

‘Not like they cared before that there were padawan’s out there.’ He thought grouchily.

A part of him knew that it was Obi-Wan’s disability that made them suddenly interested, a blind Jedi running around doing impossible feats.

‘If even one of them calls my padawan ‘broken’, I swear, I will ram my mechano han-’

“Knight Skywalker!” A familiar and unwanted voice called out and Anakin grit his teeth as he came to a still, turning around slowly to face his own wife with a bow. “Senator Amidala.” He murmured, noting with some surprise that Commander Fox and another Coruscant Guard was following her.

Force, she was beautiful, wearing a golden dress with white details, no jewelry on her but her hair set up in a beautiful crowning braid.

Yet he wished she hadn’t intercepted him, for all her beauty.

Lately their conversations had been too strained, too much happening with Ahsoka and the war and a part of Anakin recognized that their relationship hadn’t been healthy even before that. That they strained to talk, to be honest, to give each other what they needed.

With a new padawan…

Well, Obi-Wan was his priority, like Ahsoka should have been from the moment she was his padawan.

It was putting a large strain on their relationship, Padme recognizing that Anakin no longer trusted her, no longer talked to her and Anakin recognizing that she hadn’t done so from the start.

Padme smiled at him, a bit nervous but still as pretty as an angel. Anakin’s heart gave a complicated throb as he peered back at her, tucking his hands into his robe sleeves to hide how they were shaking.

“Apologies for interrupting you Knight Skywalker but I…” She hesitated then took a deep breath, her face turning sad. “I heard your new padawan is not likely to make it. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am Anakin.” Padme stated softly, biting at her lips.

Startling, his eyes widening slightly before his lips pursed, Anakin couldn’t help but glare at his wife. “Where did you hear that?” He asked harshly.

It took her by surprise clearly, the slight woman jerking to as she stared up at him. “Chancellor Palpatine mentioned it when I met with him earlier today.” Anakin looked past Padme to where Fox was standing and signing that the conversation had occurred.

Obi-Wan’s condition was not a widespread rumor, that he was sick, sure, but not how badly of he had been or that it had almost claimed his life.

That the healers had managed to save him had been a little miracle on its own when they had identified the poison as one with very few cures, a snake from Korriban of all places.

Yet no one had known how severe it was outside of the Order or the troopers, the information having been put on ice to be able to trace it to the potential culprits.

For the Chancellor to know how severe it was, for him to be able to claim that Obi-Wan wouldn’t make it with such certainty spoke of knowing what poison his little padawan was slipped…

Anakin knew then that Palpatine had something to do with Obi-Wan’s poisoning.

There was no other way the other could be so sure of Obi-Wan’s death and the Chancellor could have no idea that there was a poison expert in the Halls of Healing, one who had been on duty when Obi-Wan was brought in.

He couldn’t have known that Kix would have been able to keep Obi-Wan stable just long enough to get him to the temple.

Couldn’t have known that Obi-Wan’s body would fight the poison when put into a medical coma.

Didn’t know that Obi-Wan would survive.

The Chancellor was involved in the poisoning of a Jedi padawan, Anakin’s padawan.

A lightbulb popped overhead, sparking as Anakin fought to control his rage, Padme clearly reading his face as she frowned in worry and reached out to him.

Anakin stepped back. “My padawan… is in a coma. Thank you for your concern Senator Amidala.” He bit out, desperate not to give out anymore information, not where there were ears that could hear, not when Obi-Wan had barely survived.

Not when the Chancellor could try again if he knew Obi-Wan was still weak.

He turned on his heel and left Padme behind with Fox, fuming as he headed down the a side hall he knew was a shortcut, several bulbs popping overhead as he fought with his own wrath and concern.

#knittinglove: Obi makes Ani his socks and Ani makes his brother something special too!

Glancing over to the other man sitting under the window, Obi-Wan frowned quietly to himself as he paused his knitting for Cody in his lap.

Lately, Anakin had been withdrawn, ever since former Chancellor Palpatine had been found dead in his office.

Apparently the man had suffered a seizure of some kind and had fallen, hitting his head on the arm of a statue in his office, a rather ghastly one if you asked Obi-Wan, since it depicted a man in the throws of what looked like intense fear.

The fall onto such a statue however, marble as it was, had cracked the man’s skull, causing swelling and slowly, without anyone coming into the office as Palpatine had requested some quiet time for a meal, the man had died due to the swelling of his brain.

There had been several emergency Senate meetings due to the crisis of the Republic not having any Chancellor at the moment, some lasting hours upon hours, Padme dealing with it and her pregnancy bump.

The stress was getting to her clearly along with her hormones as she had snapped at Anakin.

That and the death of his friend had Anakin sulking, though Obi-Wan knew her and Anakin would speak soon.

This was simply the stress at the moment, Padme truly loved Anakin.

Setting aside his knitting, Obi-Wan stood and made his way to their meditation mats, gently resting his hand on Anakin’s shoulder. He knew there was no way Anakin would be able to meditate, not even the moving meditation the other preferred using.

The blond instantly looked up, a droid head in his lap and a multitool held limply in his mech hand as he peered up with soulful, blue eyes. “Obi?” He mumbled.

Normally when he was busy with his own things, Obi-Wan would let Ahsoka distract Anakin when he was in such a snit, taking Anakin dueling under the guise of teaching. But Ahsoka was with Barris at the moment and Obi-Wan loathed the idea of taking her time away with her friend when they were both on Coruscant.

So he instead put his knitting aside. “I’m sure Padme will call soon,” Anakin flinched at the kind words, Obi-Wan hitting the nail on the head. “She’s simply stressed, these additional emergency sessions to elect a new Chancellor along with her pregnancy is doing her no favor. Her poor ankles and back must be killing her.” Obi-Wan carefully stated, rubbing his thumb into the hard muscle of the shoulder.

Anakin stared at him before slumping, nodding shakily. “I know… I know, I just… I want my wife.” He whispered, giving a sad little whine as he stared down at the droid head.

Humming faintly, Obi-Wan knelt down before reaching out to summon his recently finished knitwear.

He noticed Anakin looking at him once more, feeling the shift in the Force and Obi-Wan had to fight not to smile when the blond perked up, Anakin seeing the socks being summoned.

Chuckling, Obi-Wan held them out to the other. “I intended them for your birthday but since its closing in on the cold days, you can have them now.” He murmured, Anakin giving him a knowing look even as he accepted the baby blue socks made with the yarn Anakin had picked.

Anakin fully well knew this was Obi-Wan’s attempt to cheer him.

But he accepted them still, smiling at the socks.

Then he hesitated, peering at Obi-Wan, anxiety and hope in his eyes as he bit at his bottom lip.

The look had Obi-Wan tilting his head curiously, asking without words what the other was thinking of.

“…Would you be one of the twins godparent?” Anakin whispered, holding tightly onto the socks as Obi-Wan’s face turned shocked. “Padme and I talked about it, when we learned we were having twins and we agreed that you would be a great godparent for one of them and I… I had a speech prepared on how to ask bu-” He froze as Obi-Wan threw his arms around the other man, hugging him tightly.

“…I would be honored Anakin, deeply and truly honored and I very much accept.” Obi-Wan whispered, feeling lightheaded and overwhelmed with joy as Anakin hugged him just as tightly in return.

Anakin breathed out a shaky laugh and nuzzled lightly at Obi-Wan’s hair, both brothers feeling warm and loved.

In Jedi are cats does Padme finally realize where anakin’s mannerisms and habits come from due to the viral videos? So she gets a laser pointer to mess with him

Pressing her hand to her mouth,
watching the latest ‘Jedi are cats’ upload from the UsTube, Padme
couldn’t help but glance at her husband as he absently continued
fixing R2, switching between working and scolding the astromech.

the bugger was being rude.

that Padme could tell, she didn’t really understand binary like
Anakin did, all those whistles and trills.

that the astromech’s seemingly crude way of speaking was on the
forefront of her thoughts really as she was more focused on watching
her husband sit in the sunny spot from one of the large windows, his
golden hair twined with the rays of the warm sun.

lot of Anakin’s behavior Padme had honestly put down to either just
being a Jedi or being a former slave, regardless how much she didn’t
like thinking about the thousands of lives being used and abused and
how slow the Senate was to do anything about it.

they were to do anything at all, being like the heads of a hydra and
moving so slow if they moved at all.

as they were already in one war, going against the hutts seemed
unlikely and it hurt Padme to realize how justice died before it ever
passed their lips, dying on the steps of bureaucracy.

depressing thoughts were shaken away however as Padme now had more

wasn’t Jedi

was Force related.

Padme was feeling… mischievous, watching her husband sitting on the
floor with the sun in his hair and his frame relaxed, one of the few
times he was at home and they could spend time together with her on
one of the plush couches.

around, making sure the handmaidens were out of the way even if they
were ready to be called, Padme very quietly shifted until she could
grab the little laser pointer Bail had granted her to use for board
pointing in meetings.

bit superfluous but it was a practical thing when the eyes of some
Senator’s were clearly not working and they didn’t ‘read’ the
entire board in meetings.

right now it was going to be used for a very different purpose as
Padme clicked the red dot on and settled it on the floor near Anakin,
waiting in suspense.

did not react.

be, it’s not a living thing and it’s just light on the floor, he
might not see it…’ Padme mused after about a minute of Anakin
just muttering to himself as he worked on R2, clearly consumed in his

Padme moved the dot, making it move more into the shadow of the
curtain where it was more visible, slowly twirling it in little

if she wasn’t so familiar with Anakin, she might not have noticed
when his words trailed off and only R2’s indignant trills were
filling the room, might not have noticed how his shoulders tensed.

had noticed the spot and Padme took the chance to slowly move it
towards the curtain, wondering if Anakin would actually chase the

barely had a warning, Anakin’s body wiggling a bit on his position
on the floor as the dot reached the blue curtain base and then Anakin

blur of black and golden curls, a low chittering noise escaping him
as he climbed the damn
curtain to get to the dot only to drop down on all four when Padme
squeaked and let her hand fall, the dot tracing the floor instead
with Anakin chasing it.

got a glimpse of his face at that moment, the blown wide, excited
pupils and she had to restrain the urge to giggle inappropriately at
her husband.

then Anakin paused and gave her the most indignant look she had ever
had the pleasure of getting from him, his cheeks turning a fire
engine red as he stared at her, still on all fours on the floor.
“Padme!” He whined out only for the sound to to come more like a
mewling noise and that was the last straw, Padme dropping the laser
pen outright as she let the giggles consume her, collapsing back on
the couch as her husband pouted at him.

could get used to having a very feline husband she would admit.


When the stars threw down their spears,
And water’d heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

-William Blake’s The Tyger

Dedicated to anidala. To Anakin, a lover with teeth. To Padme, a lover with heart.


When the stars threw down their spears,
And water’d heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

-William Blake’s The Tyger

Dedicated to anidala. To Anakin, a lover with teeth. To Padme, a lover with heart.