Mech siblings

Standing frozen in the bedroom doorway, Obi-Wan stared at the other two
inhabitants of the quarters as they were each hiding behind a squishy
couch, giggling like younglings on a sugar rush with bowls in their

But that wasn’t what had frozen Obi-Wan, oh no he was used
to Ahsoka and Anakin acting like five year olds at times and honestly he
didn’t mind it as laughter was good for the soul and the system,
especially in this war.

No what had taken Obi-Wan totally of
guard was the sight of magnets stuck to Anakin and Ahsoka’s right mech
arms, Anakin’s leather glove on the caff table.

As he watched,
the two popped up from each their couch and threw magnets from their
bowls at the other, their demented giggling turning into delighted
squeals as they hit each other, Ahsoka managing to score what looked
like the fifth hit on Anakin’s arm and Anakin missing Ahsoka fully with
the magnet hitting somewhere behind the togruta as she ducked back down
behind the couch.

Lips twitching, Obi-Wan settled against the bedroom doorway to watch the little battle.

It was nice to see them like this.

After Ahsoka lost her arm on Onderon she had sunken into a slight depression as she wasn’t as able as she used to be.

Or so she felt.

then they had managed to come home and the council had formally
acknowledged that the loss of his arm was now the trial of flesh for
Ahsoka and Anakin had quietly taken her to the Halls where Ahsoka had
gotten the choice to be outfitted with a neural patchwork on her stump
so she could have a prosthetic as her master had.

Two days later
Anakin had personally built her an arm, making sure it functioned better
than anything they could buy, tuning it carefully and making sure the
sleek silver arm would be easy for Ahsoka to care for.

Ahsoka was
still uncertain about perhaps getting a dermal covering but for now it
was bare, showing off Anakin’s clear skill of machine and metalwork.

Ahsoka had started her recovery, learning to use her new arm and it was still ongoing but…

at them now you wouldn’t know that and Obi-Wan felt his lips twitches
turn into a soft, tender smile as the two continued to pelt each other
with magnets, all of them shaped like colorful fruits.

going down Skyguy!” Ahsoka cried out, popping out with a handful of
magnets in her flesh hand and her fangs flashing with her wide grin.

first Snips!” Anakin didn’t pop up over the back of the couch but from
the side, the magnets not coming from his hand but coming zooming like
little projectiles from the bowl directly.

Squeaking, Ahsoka held up her bowl to catch them. “Ah! Cheating! We agreed no Force use!” She yelped.

is fair in love and war!” Anakin cackled evilly before crying out in
shock when Ahsoka jumped over the couch to come for him. “Hey!”

and war!” Ahsoka cried out as her battle call before tackling her
master, the human’s bowl flying and raining down its magnets all around
the apartment as Ahsoka  turned her own bowl on Anakin and dumped the
content on him.

Most of the magnets fell off him when Anakin bucked his padawan off him but quite a few remained stuck to his arm too.

Before everything could escolate as Anakin tried to snatch magnets off the floor to throw, Obi-Wan cleared his throat.

younger Jedi froze and turned to him, turning sheepish in the face of
his amusement. “I see you two managed to entertain yourself while I
napped.” He drawled out dryly.

To that they only laughed sheepishly, apologized and then started to clean up.

Obi-Wan shook his head and straightened. “I’ll make some tea and hot
chocolate for us.” He said, hiding his joy over both of their happiness
as he instead padded to the kitchenette and ignored their wide grins and
the metal high five that had magnets falling to the floor.

Padawans at our heart

Rubbing the back of his padawan’s hand with his mech fingers as he sat
up against the cave wall, Anakin pressed the heel of his palm to her
breastbone to feel the rise and fall of her chest as she took her
labored breaths.

Every breath was a struggle, the togruta having
eaten something her body had not tolerated but there was nothing to do
for it, the two Jedi sitting in a shallow cave as the lightning storm
raged outside.

It had caught them on their return which had left
them unable to return to camp where Kix would have antihistamines or
something for Ahsoka.

So that left them in their current
situation, Ahsoka sitting between Anakin’s legs with her back to his
chest as the human steadily kept her lungs and throat from closing up
with the Force every second hour.

But healing was not a skill Anakin really had and he was trying his best just to keep his padawan alive.

we get back to camp, I’m having Kix run a full blood test on her to
check for allergies. What the kark did she eat that she reacted this
badly to?’ Anakin wondered with some desperation. Ahsoka had not been
able to answer him what it could potentially be as she had eaten several
unique things on the planet and hadn’t understood she was having an
allergic reaction to start with as togrutas bodies were hardened and it
had tried to fight the reaction.

By the time she realized what it
was, several hours had gone by and Anakin was left without anything to
aid his padawan properly with.

“I’m sorry.” Ahsoka suddenly rasped.

her, Anakin pulled her closer to his body, feeling how cold she was.
“Don’t talk Ahsoka, preserve your strength and just keep breathing,” He
murmured in return, feeling her panic rise once more as she struggled to
breath. “You need to keep breathing as calmly as you can or you’ll make
yourself worse Snips.” He murmured in a weakly scolding tone.

Ahsoka whined a bit at that but gave a weak nod and pressed back into her master with a soft, pained noise.

Slowly she went back to her half drowsing state.

up with the hand not on Ahsoka’s chest to open her airways, Anakin
tilted her chin up so she would have an easier time breathing as he
considered something, anything really, to sooth her panic that he could
still feel in a low level burning through the bond in her.

After a
few moments he started to sing just like his mother had used to do when
Anakin woke with nightmares, stroking her monteral with the leather
covered hand as Obi-Wan had used to do with him as a padawan.

going to be alright Snips, I’m right here, I’m not going to leave you
alone or leave you behind.” Anakin swore quietly as the lightning storm
raged outside, the thunder rolling over them with booms echoing in their
small cave.

He heard her swallow heavily, a wheeze escaping her
as she squeezed her hand on his thigh. “Know… got me. You… got me.” She
managed to wheeze out and beneath the panic and the fear in Ahsoka,
Anakin sensed the utter trust she had in Anakin’s ability to keep her
safe and ensure she would come out to see the light of day once more.

karking Force, please make me worthy of that trust.’ He thought shakily
as he held his padawan as tightly as he dared while once more opening
Ahsoka’s airways as her breaths started to whistle in her lungs. “I got
you, I’m here for you. I promise Ahsoka.” Anakin whispered before
pressing a kiss  to her montrale.

She squeezed his knee once more in response with a cough escaping her.

‘Get her to Kix. First thing the storm ends, get her to camp and to Kix…’

Body in the pool

Watching his padawan curiously, Obi-Wan
raised a brow before politely excusing himself from the conversation
with the Andruiel Senator to give Anakin his attention as the somewhat
disturbed looking padawan came padding over towards him, having gone
outside for some fresh air since the party arranger was allowing smoke

It hadn’t done so well for Anakin’s lungs and Obi-Wan
didn’t blame him, would flee it too if he wasn’t suppose to be the
responsible one and keep the Senators in view and keep them protected.

as the responsible one, he waited for the other to approach him.
“Padawan?” He murmured, his voice a steady volume so not to be accused
of trying to have secrets at the Senatorial function which had needed
Jedi just in case with the guards.

“…Master, there’s a dead prostitute in the pool.” Anakin blinked down at him.

that’s one way to shut up a party.’ Obi-Wan thought wryly to himself as
he peered up at Anakin, the entire party suddenly falling to a
stuttering silence.

Of course this lead to the judicial showing
up ten minutes later with Anakin and Obi-Wan standing at the edge of the
pool, Anakin equipped with one of the pool noodles that he was using
the lightly poke at the corpse.

“…I should tell you to stop doing
that but the way our friend here keeps bobbing is kind of telling to
how he was murdered.” Obi-Wan noted with a little eyebrow raise as
Anakin tilted his head back and forth.

“He’s not gonna be in
there until he bloats is he? And what does his bobbing tell you he died
of?” Anakin asked, curiously glancing up.

It wasn’t the first
time he’d seen a dead person after all, seven years as a Jedi had taught
him how to deal with the sight of someone dead and his prior years as a
slave had its own brand of horror even if he tried to leave it behind.

out a hum, Obi-Wan took Anakin’s shoulder and pointed. “Not the bobbing
precisely Anakin. See how the water runs off the pale skin? How it
glistens?” He gestured.

Looking closer, Anakin frowned as he saw
what Obi-Wan was taking note of. “Near human?” He took a guess clearly,
lips pursing curiously.

Shaking his head, Obi-Wan smiled.
“Possible but in this instance not. Poison. This is a particular brand
of poison from Kashyyyk that causes the skin of the victim to grow
sleek, almost like smooth plastic. Its slow acting but flavorless so its
easy to mix into a drink…”

Anakin’s lips became a tight line and
he glanced back towards the party and then at Obi-Wan. “Someone is
trying to cover up the evidence of an affair. Or another secret they
learned while having an affair.” He summarized.

Nodding, Obi-Wan
squeezed Anakin’s shoulder. “Yes, that is the most likely cause however
don’t lose sight of it Anakin. Remember, narrowing our gaze too much can
cause us to loose sight of the real cause because we’re too focused on
one.” He warned, a warning he had repeated often as Anakin had a
tendency to do just that.

And by the way the blonds cheeks colored, he knew it.

his shoulders, Obi-Wan turned to the ballroom where the Senators were
being contained, causing Anakin to let out a groan. “Interrogation?” He
questioned with some despair, groaning louder when Obi-Wan nodded.

“Lets go hassle some Senators and sooth their feathers afterward.” Obi-Wan chuckled.

of them except Organa is having an affair anyhow.” Anakin muttered,
dragging his feet as he followed his master back inside.

When the
other man let out a deeper chuckle Anakin glanced at his master with
raising eyebrow in question. “Look at it this way Anakin,” Obi-Wan said
in a teasing tone. “You get to eat more fancy food.” He winked.

Wrinkling his nose, Anakin just grumbled and muttered about wanting to go check on the droids to see if they saw anything.

fondly, Obi-Wan shooed his padawan away. ‘Well… back to work it is.’ He
squared up his shoulders and focused on the wary Senators, internally
wondering how many affairs, murder intrigues and money scams he was
going to find by the end of the night.

The initation of a prank war, Anakin started it but Obi-Wan brings out the big guns.

Admittedly, Obi-Wan had gotten the idea from a holonet video.

Holotube actually.

Now, normally he’d never, ever consider doing what he was about to do.

However, Anakin had started this little prank war by sharing Obi-Wan’s drunk singing and sobbing after Quinlan had convinced the redhead to come out drinking, Obi-Wan sporting only his shorts for some reason he could no longer remember.

Or well, that was the official story that Anakin got to hear, Obi-Wan might have indulged in a tiny bit of weed too but shhh, that was not for Anakin to know.

So when Cody, a tad uncomfortable and rubbing the back of his neck, told Obi-Wan that sex ed wasn’t so prevalent taught on Kamino by the longnecks and had quietly requested that Obi-Wan give a basic lesson for both the 212th and the 501st, particularly for the older generations since the youngers were being taught by more concerned members…

Well, Obi-Wan had seen an opportunity and he had taken it.

Of course, hearing about the sex ed, Anakin had come slinking like a great hound, anticipating some humiliation on his old master and Ahsoka had tagged along, pretending like she was just bored.

Obi-Wan could tell she was curious though, his heart went out to her.

She missed a lot of lessons due to the war, being out of the temple. They tried to not let her miss too much but some things took priority and a sex ed lesson might have been pushed back.

Thankfully, this wasn’t the first time Obi-Wan had run sex ed lessons, despite what Anakin seemed to think, therefore he wasn’t getting the hilarity he had hoped.

Clapping his hands together, Obi-Wan gave all of them a benign smile. “Now, we’ve gone over male and female intercourse, male on male, female on female, lube and protections,” He chuckled softly as there were a few scattered, nervous laughs. “There is one more thing though, the STD’s.”

Obi-Wan picked up his little controller, gesturing to the board behind him and he noticed a bored Anakin leaning back against the wall, a good view of everything with Ahsoka beside him and troopers lining the chairs and tables in front of him.


Clicking the button, Obi-Wan fought not to cackle as Anakin choked on his own spit in shock.

Because on the diagram display was a well drawn image of Anakin, a tad cartoony of course as Obi-Wan had literally given Anakin what looked like a clown nose for glands on his cock. “Now, if you will direct your attention here,” He gestured to around the groin area of the image, ignoring how there were a loud choking noise from the back and choked coughs and laughs. “These are genitalia warts-” He didn’t get any further when Anakin seemed to collect himself.

“OBI-WAN!” He roared in outrage, making his way forward.

“Anakin, I’m having a lesson here!” Obi-Wan couldn’t help but smirk at him, as Anakin closed in on him. “I mean, its not like its a video of you singing a bawdy song and then sobbing about why snakes lack legs.” He drawled, watching Anakin freeze between Killer and Longshot.

The blue eyed blond stared at him in shock. “I-Is this revenge!?” He squeaked.

“Now, now Anakin, a Jedi does not seek revenge,” Obi-Wan smirk grew. “And I am after all the poster boy of Jedi as you like to say… now, as you all can see, this is genitalia worts, they can be very uncomfortable but are a curable STD to contract.” He continued.

From his peripherals, he noted Anakin slinking back to a giggling Ahsoka, his grandpadawan covering her mouth with her lekkus twitching heavily.

Around the room, the troopers were still struggling not to laugh, just as when Anakin shared the image of an almost undressed, siging and crying Obi-Wan.

Ah, vindication was sweet… but he also expected Anakin to retaliate and soon by the look in the others eyes.

Still, totally worth it.

bro I love your floralskin series so much, what happens after Obi-Wan and Cody talk about it???

Breathing thickly as he woke, his chest hurting and his eyes crusty, Anakin wondered for a moment what was wrong with him as he tried to push himself up onto his elbows only to drop with a deep groan as his head throbbed.

“Anakin?” There was a muffled voice and Anakin whined, covering his eyes with a hand as light shone into the room.

There was a click, the sound of rushing water and someone spitting and then he heard steps, a door closing behind the person. The bed dipped moments later, a warm and slightly smaller hand than his wrapping around his hand, lifting it gently from his face.

Squinting, Anakin peered blearily up at a worried looking Rex, his soulmate facial flower creased by the frown he was sporting. “I’d ask how you feel but its clear you’re not well.” He murmured quietly, raising his other hand to his Jedi’s forehead, letting out a soft hiss.

Normally, Anakin would marvel at the sight of Rex wearing one of Anakin’s tunic but he honestly felt too miserable to even contemplate it.’

“You got strong fever,” Rex murmured worriedly, moving his hands slowly around the others face before huffing slightly. “Okay, you are not leaving these quarters. That meeting with the council is canceled.” He stated seriously.

“But Obi-Wan… needs me…” Anakin swallowed thickly, struggling to get up once more only to groan as Rex placed a firm hand on his chest, pushing him back into the sheets.

“General Kenobi has all the information you could give him,” Rex stated sternly before softening. “Cyare, please. You have a bad fever and you’re clearly not feeling well. Rest, I’ll call the General and inform him and IF you are needed, they’ll comm you.” He assured.

Peering blearily at the other half of his soul, Anakin hesitated before nodding, giving a small grunt at how that made his head ache.

He was honestly miserable and the idea of doing anything, even leaving the bed, sounded like a horrible action.

So he let Rex call Obi-Wan to inform him of Anakin’s condition, quietly curling up in bed instead as he rolled onto his side.

How much time had passed by the time Rex returned to him again, Anakin wasn’t sure but he let out a grateful little noise when Rex pressed a cool gel pack onto his forehead. “I cooked some plain rice, do you think you could eat that?” Rex murmured.

Squinting at the small bowl in Rex lap, Anakin paused a bit. “…Is that Ahsoka’s treat bowls?” He questioned with some amusement as he took in the size and black décore on the white bowl.

Ahsoka had a few small bowls that she would fill with treats, trying not to eat too many at a time. It generally failed because she’d refill it more than twice but hey, Anakin wasn’t about to call her on that.

Rex let out a small chuckle, nodding. “Yeah, figured you wouldn’t want a lot of rice if you ate any at all. So, what do you say?” Rex lifted a spoonful of rice from it, offering Anakin the lukewarm grains.

Peering at it for a moment, Anakin let out a small huff before opening his mouth, chewing slowly when Rex popped it in.

He knew he should eat something and some rice wasn’t the worst thing to test. Obi-Wan used to feed him puffed rice crackers when he was younger but Anakin would often forget to buy them in for himself.

The rice however was fine and while it settled a tad heavily, he did empty the bowl.

When Rex tried to leave though, Anakin let out a soft whine and wrapped his arms around his captain’s waist, giving him a doe eyed look.

Rex hummed but set the bowl on the nightstand. Then he carefully tucked himself under the blanket, pulling Anakin’s head to his chest. “Alright, just until you fall asleep runi.” He whispered.

Anakin let out an agreeable noise to that, pressing his nose to Rex chest.

The other smelled nice and listening to Rex heartbeat was always nice. Hell, just sharing the bed with him was nice, despite Anakin being ill.

‘If only every day could be like this, even though I’m sick.’ Anakin mused to himself with a smile.

Runi = Soul

What is happening in AWOL jedi?

Carefully picking up the blond haired baby, Rex let out a small coo and grinned happily as he bounced the giggling bundle, glancing over when Anakin repeated the action with his daughter.

Becoming a father, as exhausting as it was, had done the other man well.

There was a peace in the other man’s eyes that had never been there during the war, even during down times.

Though then again, they had been in war, being tranquil had never really been something people felt easy.

To relax or feel comfortable.

Just brief, stolen moments.

With a child pressed to your chest, you couldn’t help but modulate yourself, relax, feel your breath fall into an even state as your heart settled calmly.

There was also the responsibility of having someone that was totally reliant on you for even the most basic of things, to eat, clean yourself and even hold their heads that had a way of making you grow.

Feeling the gaze, Anakin looked at his former captain and smiled slightly, a tad shyly. “What? Is there something on my face?” He questioned quietly as he tucked Leia into his neck.

Shaking his head, smiling slightly in return, Rex opened his mouth to answer only for both to jump around when the door slammed open, Rex automatically reaching for a blaster he wasn’t wearing.

Thankfully, since it was only Obi-Wan, his eyes wide and excited with a big smile on his face. “Anakin! Anakin look what I found!” He held up an odd, blue plant growth.

His fellow blond quirked both his eyebrows, his shy smile turning bemused but wider, Obi-Wan’s clear excitement infectious. “A plant?” He guessed. “A very nice blue plant?” Anakin tacked on when Obi-Wan’s lips turned that familiar not pout twist.

“Its a form for citrus,” Obi-Wan squirmed a bit, his smile still wide despite the not-pout twist of his lips. “Similar to lemon but blue.” He beamed, wiggling excitedly even as the two blonds froze slightly.

Rex automatically accepted Leia when the other handed her over, settling her against the opposite shoulder to Luke. “Oh really,” Anakin said, purposely keeping his voice light. “Found today?” He cleared his throat.

“Mmhmm, I found it, an entire orchid of wild grown. I wonder if it can be peeled…” Obi-Wan was studying the fruit with his eyes, missing Rex and Anakin’s horrified expression exchange.

“You are not putting that in your tea until its been examined Obi-Wan.” Anakin stated strongly, taking a step towards his old master.

The redhead bounced back a step, moving further away. “Its just a piece of fruit Anakin, I’m sure its harmless.” He huffed, coloring a bit at the dubious look the other two exchanged.

“You mean like the poisoned grain we found last week?” Rex questioned a tad dryly, remembering Cody groaning into his shoulder about his General eating poisoned grain.

“Or that rabbit creature you found, whose fur could shift into razor like spikes while you were petting it?” Anakin tacked on just as quickly. “You are not testing that thing yourself, regardless how much you miss lemon in your teas, don’t test me Obi-Wan, I will tell Cody.” Anakin said sternly.

Cradling the blue citrus to his chest, slowly looking between the two blonds, Obi-Wan seemed to be considering his options.

Then he stuck out his tongue at them, much to Rex surprise. “You can’t stop me!” The man raced right out with Anakin on his tail.

Clearly he had expected this to happen, as he had given Leia over to Rex, the captain juggling two twins in his arms. “Obi-Wan get back here! Master Gallia! Stop him! He has an unknown and untested fruit! SOMEONE CALL CODY!” The commotion echoed across the building town.

Slowly, Rex looked between the two twins, getting sleepy blinks from both of them. “…Guess you two are with me for the time being,” He stated, a tad amused but mostly worried, glancing after the other two males. “…Lets hope your uncle doesn’t poison himself… again.” He sighed, resigning himself to calling Cody.

Di’kut Jedi.

More of a comment anything for sightless bird although you can take this as a request. Now that Obi-Wan is a week does that mean fox is going to plan out how to kill the counselor?  

The worst part of his murder plans is that Fox actually feels pretty apathetic about them.

He technically doesn’t have strong feelings about the Chancellor, he is just a man, a corrupt and evil man, at least in Fox eyes considering he tried to kill their Birdie, but still just a man.

If he focused more on that, well, then Fox could feel more about it.

But he is aware that the man is Force sensitive, he’s studied the man he’s been protecting for all these months of the war.

Fox refuses to believe that the man isn’t at least somewhat trained with those powers, maybe not a Jedi level of power but some kind of training at least.

That means that strong emotions would alert the man to any potential murder plans.

Which is why Fox approaches said plans with an apathetic calmness and a clinical detachment, so to prevent the man from being too suspicious or cautious about what is going on around him.

Its also why he refuses to tell anyone else about his plans to dispatch the Chancellor.

He knows his vode, he loves them, some more and some less but it doesn’t change that they are family and he cares about all of them.

He’s not sure all of them can keep the same emotional detachment as Fox as he carefully plans his murder, starting with the Chancellor office starts to fill with gas. Not enough to start effecting the air quality of course, he can’t have the alarms go of.

But enough that it will harm the man, enough that as the Chancellor breathes it in, that his organs starts to slowly decay, enough that Fox knows that the cause will look natural.

Of course, there are details to iron out, to narrow down which gas to use, to ensure it will work, getting one that is odorless and colorless.

Obi-Wan to keep safe.

Skywalker to keep clueless.

He can’t have Jedi drama going on when he gets the Chancellor out of the way.

Which is why he manages to get the orders through that Obi-Wan and Skywalker, along with the 501st, get sent to Kamino to meet up with Jinn and the 212th.

The Jedi under the guise of doing some checkups on the future troops with General Ti and the troopers to help train their younger vode.

But the truth was that Fox went slice happy with a few of his Coruscant Guard hackers and got them sent to safety.

Anything to keep their little birdie safe.


Tiredly holding onto Anakin’s belt, Obi-Wan let out a soft noise as a warm arm wrapped around his shoulders, bringing him into the older Jedi’s side. “Just another half hour and you can take a small nap padawan.” Anakin promised quietly, rubbing lightly at his shoulder.

Obi-Wan simply nodded, pressing closer to Anakin’s side as the conversation of the council and Master Qui-Gon washed over him in a low buzz. The healers had only just allowed him out of bed and cleared him for field work.

Light field work.

Apparently the observation of the troopers on Kamino was considered light, though, considering it would be Anakin doing most of the notes and decision along with Qui-Gon and Ti, that wasn’t really all that surprising.

Obi-Wan suspected that he would end up following Cody and Rex around for the most part.

The latter had been hovering a lot since Obi-Wan had entered the Resolute, following only a few steps away from him at all times and every time Obi-Wan as much as sniffled or swayed a bit in place, he could feel the poor captain’s anxiety rise.

He knew why.

He knew why the entire 501st got so antsy about him.

He wasn’t ignorant after all and while he didn’t feel so good about making them worry, it was nice to know they cared about him, just as they had cared about Ahsoka before she left.

Pressing his face to Anakin’s side, feeling his head throb a bit, Obi-Wan let the conversation around him buzz as he tried to meditate standing, Anakin’s warm arm wrapped protectively around him.

If the bridge and the conversations grew a bit quieter without the tired and healing padawan noticing it, well… no one could say that the Jedi and troopers didn’t care about younglings and tried to indulge them as best they could in these hard times.

I love AWOL Jedi its currently one of my favourite fanworks, anyway how did Anakin react to finding out about the clones of him and the other jedi? I got the impression he didn’t react well

Playing with Leia’s dark hair as she napped on his chest, Anakin let out a steady, deep breath. “They reminded me of myself.” He finally stated quietly in a subdued tone.

His old master had come by the day after arriving back home, quietly pulling Anakin with him to his new quarters, one Anakin had quickly noticed was larger than normal and had three bedrooms.

Anakin would guess that one was intended for whoever was visiting, a guest bedroom basically to house another Jedi or potentially a trooper that wanted to stay over.

The second, the master bedroom that was in the middle, was obviously Obi-Wan’s and had a twin bed in it.

But the third one had a particular color scheme of 212th yellow and little knickknacks that Anakin recognized as belonging to Cody.

That was Cody’s room.

He and Obi-Wan were living together in the new temple and Obi-Wan had guest bedroom, likely to house members from the 212th if they wanted to come by and stay over. He wondered if Obi-Wan had known all along that Cody had been hinting to them living together or if this had on his mind as much as the troopers.

Not that he got to think much about it as Luke had taken that moment to poop himself out and Leia had started crying, causing both Obi-Wan and Anakin to become preoccupied for a while, both working on settling the kids comfortably until they fell asleep in the respective man’s arms.

Feeling tired himself, Anakin had curled up on Obi-Wan’s couch when the other had sprung the question about their clones on him.

Obi-Wan, curled up in a beanbag beside the couch, likely a habit carried from curling up in the troopers tent, raised an incredulous brow.

It had Anakin rolling his eyes. “Yes, I know they are literal clones of me and therefore should remind me of myself but I mean…” Anakin trailed off, frowning slightly before sighing, hugging Leia to his chest.

Obi-Wan paused, shifting so he could cradle Luke in one arm, resting his hand on Anakin’s knee.

The touch was warm, supportive and when Anakin looked at him, he could only see patience and concern in Obi-Wan’s eyes.

Huffing slightly, turning his eyes back to the ceiling, Anakin focused on Leia and the hand on his knee for a few moments, letting the calm fill him. “…They didn’t ask to be created, their lives were set to be someones else, to belong to… if Cody and the others hadn’t found them, they would have been slaves to someone else will. I never…” Anakin trailed off.

But Obi-Wan simply squeezed his knee, an understanding, sorrowful hum escaping him.

He understood, in ways no one else would.

Because Obi-Wan knew his history, knew where Anakin had come from and his complaints.

Anakin Skywalker had been born and raised a slave for nine years.

With the assistance of Qui-Gon Jinn, he had freed himself, become a Jedi, learned at Obi-Wan’s feet how to be powerful and free and… he learned what freedom tasted like.

Which was why he had decided, long before they were even a twinkle in his eyes, that no child of his should ever become a slave. He wouldn’t allow it.

The clones however…

They wouldn’t have belong to themselves, stuck on Kamino.

The Jedi had never been ignorant to the large scale hypocrisy of the clone army and its ‘conscription’ to the GAR, the Senate wide demand. They just hadn’t been able to do anything, much to many gentlebeings guilty conscience in the Order as they lead them to pain and death.

The GAR clones, Jango Fett’s clones, hadn’t been given the freedom they deserved, had been slaves at the whim of the Senate.

Anakin’s clones would have been equally unable to say no.

Sold to highest bidder maybe, been whatever it was the owner would have wanted.

They weren’t Anakin and yet still a part of him and Anakin’s emotions had been overwhelming in that moment as Rex had showed him the little lights.

He had not been the only Jedi either, to see the little other lights, to know the kaminoan’s had taken their samples and cloned them…

The fact that Obi-Wan understood was something Anakin couldn’t help but be grateful for.

Grateful that he had Obi-Wan and the 501st, Rex having sat with him for hours after, the others taking care of Leia and Luke, letting Anakin work through his emotions without upsetting the twins.

It was nice, to have others.

DangerousGalaxy- please tell me obi gets a hug or at elast some comfort after what happened. How does Anakin reatc to seeing his best friend beaten to a litteral pulp?

Pressing their foreheads together, Anakin wished he knew what to say, what to do as Obi-Wan shivered against him despite the warmth of their quarters wrapping around them.

Their quarters were always kept slightly warmer than the average temperature of the temple, Anakin’s desert upbringing leaving its mark to the point he preferred it warmer. Obi-Wan had never had an issue with it, wearing less layers inside their quarters if it got hot and therefore their quarters were kept nice and toasty for Anakin’s sake.

But now he was shivering, the two standing in the brightly lit living room together by the couch, pressed together for comfort since he was delivered to the temple by the commander.

You’d think after all these years, first as a padawan and then later as a knight and fellow victim, Anakin would know what to say to the other when things got bad.

But then again, no one really knew how to cope with how badly the Senators treated them, the truth of what was going on behind closed doors.

The Jedi order tried of course, they had healers and mind healers specializing in the trauma and aftermath of what was happening to them and continued happening and some Jedi saw those healers in particular more often than others.

There was a time period that Obi-Wan saw those healers in particular almost once a week, at the height of his popularity.

He didn’t see them now, mostly due to the war making it hard on Obi-Wan to keep appointments and talking through the issues.

Which was why Anakin simply kept his arms loosely wrapped around his master’s shoulders, their foreheads pressed together. Obi-Wan’s arms on the other hand was tightly wrapped around Anakin’s body, his fists clenched into the back of his tunic.

He hated this.

Being so helpless in the face of the pain all Jedi went through, from padawan’s to knights and to masters.

But especially Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan, who was so popular.

At the very least Ahsoka was a padawan, she couldn’t be requested, not yet and Anakin had done his best to shield her, though he had taken notice of several Senator watching her. Sentient that Anakin would make sure were gone before she became twenty.

Well, as long as the troopers didn’t beat him to the punch.

He’d been so worried when the other didn’t come home, had spent hours pacing, at his wits end when he remembered that Cody would help, Cody would be more than willing to help.

Every Jedi knew that the troopers were aware of what were going on, some less or more happy about it.

Anakin knew that many Jedi felt helpless and ashamed, weak in the eyes of those they were suppose to lead in war.

Others however were grateful as the troopers stepped in to help and protect them, telling lies to make them busy when they were requested.

It had not escaped the Order that certain Senate members were dying, some from ‘natural’ deaths seemingly and others the victim of a supposed serial killer, some of them very vicious deaths as this supposed serial killer seemed to be of a sadistic type.

The Coruscant Guards along with the Judaical were apparently investigating it but so far whoever was murdering Senate members were proving to be very clever about it.

Of course, seeing as it was murderers and not just one and they were internal to the case, it was no wonder that the Judaical weren’t making progress.

Anakin half suspected that any of the Judaical that did make progress were potentially silenced in some way.

They, the adults of the Jedi order that was, all knew the truth though, every time it got brought up, every Jedi exchanged knowing looks.

Kark, Anakin half suspected that even Ahsoka and a few of her friends had started figuring it out, mostly due to her knowing Obi-Wan’s schedule and knew he had been with some of those Senators prior to their death.

But they would never reveal the truth about what was really going on, not to the karking Senate, who sent them to Sith hells on the regular and many of them exposing them to it in their offices. No, the Jedi’s inability to say no didn’t mean that they had to be honest with the snakes in the Senate.

So, they kept the secret, leaned into the embraces of the troopers and trusted them where they couldn’t trust the majority of the Senate.

Only a few were willing to really stick up for a reformation on the way Jedi answered to the Senate and it wasn’t enough to make a true change, especially as many of those that were willing to stick up for them were often mid or outer core planets.

The core planets were unfortunately chalk full of Senators that felt quite content to abuse the Jedi’s inability to say no.

People like the one that had Obi-Wan this night.

The fact that there were still marks left on Obi-Wan, the faintest trace of swelling and a limp to his step…

It told Anakin everything he needed to know, that Obi-Wan’s night had been rough and difficult when even Helix couldn’t help him fully and Cody couldn’t deliver a wholly hale Obi-Wan back.

Rocking the two slowly from side to side, Anakin shifted his hands slowly to rub at the others back, feeling the other relax into the touch. “I-”

“No.” Obi-Wan shook his head as he interrupted, breath hitching a bit, the older man clenching his eyes shut as he tightened his grip almost painfully on Anakin.

The reaction made Anakin swallow thickly before he made a soft noise of agreement.

Obi-Wan didn’t want to talk about it, not now, maybe not in a long time and Anakin would respect that, sooner or later Obi-Wan might talk with him about it but for now, he needed more time to process what had happened.

‘My poor, poor master,’ Anakin’s eyes watered, swallowing thickly once more before closing his eyes too, simply standing with his arms around Obi-Wan, rocking slowly, the two wrapping each others in the safety of each others Force signature. ‘I can’t do this much more, please… someone, anyone… please. I can’t do this.’

Anakin interacts with his Obi’s new pack mate. Obi sets ground rules for his pup and his pack member.- Lupine Copper

Everyone feed and watered, Obi-Wan let out a tired sigh as he settled forward on the end of the recliner, resting his elbows on his knees while looking between the Sith and Anakin on the couch. “…We’re going to need some ground rules, now that we’re pack.” He stated seriously.

Maul stiffened, sitting back against the couch with his arms crossing over his chest.

Anakin just cuddled up on the other end of the couch, a pillow in his arms and a sleepy, content look on his face.

Being full of food after so much excitement tended to do that and Anakin was young.

He’d likely have to repeat the rules later for the blond’s sake but it was good to start on it now.

“If you two are in trouble, you comm me, regardless what, you involve me,” He stated slowly, looking between them. “I might not always be able to help you get out of trouble but I could at least head off some of it.”

Anakin sat up a bit, biting his lips. “A-Are you expecting us to be in trouble?” He whispered.

Maul’s toxic colored eyes seemed to echo the question.

Snorting faintly, Obi-Wan first pointed at Anakin. “You are a kit, a child, who likes to tinker. I expect trouble to find you,” He stated a tad wryly, smiling a bit at the sheepish look on Anakin’s face. “And you,” He pointed at Maul, the Sith tensing. “Are a darksider I beat in a vicious battle that has to answer to me due to our instincts. I expect you to make trouble or for other Jedi to do it, which is why I need you to comm me if others trouble Maul.” He stated seriously.

Both Anakin and Maul exchanged looks, seemed to realize what they had done and snapped back to staring at Obi-Wan.

It was almost adorable and Obi-Wan snorted. “Look, not everyone likes were’s in the temple and we’re Jedi. The fact that you’re there is going to be… difficult. Not everyone will agree with it.” Obi-Wan stated severely.

Maul top lip raised, revealing a flash of teeth that were covered when Obi-Wan gave him a penetrating look, the other lowering his eyes in submission.

“But as long as you stay with either me or my master, things will be fine. The council has already agreed to let you come with us.” Reluctantly, very reluctantly but Obi-Wan was nothing if not a fine negotiator in the making and had made his points very clear. Maul was coming with him and that was that. “And I’ll do my best to keep you safe and healthy. With time, the temple will get used to you.”

Maul gained a doubtful look but Obi-Wan didn’t call him out on that.

He would have doubted too. He had doubted it when Qui-Gon had said the same words when he had returned to the temple.

He’d let Maul have his doubt for now.

“Other than that, I expect you both to behave appropriately in the temple, and you Anakin to do your lessons to the best of your capability,” He raised his hand when he saw the other about to interrupt. “I know that you can’t write basic,” Obi-Wan stated softly, smiling softly when Anakin’s cheeks flushed. “That’s why I’ll teach you. I’ll teach you anything you need to know Anakin before you join the other Initiates in class. If there’s anything you’re wondering, anything you don’t know, you can always ask me.”

Anakin looked up, suddenly excited, eyes wide as he sensed the genuine truth in the statement.

He was a very emphatic Force sensitive, most likely a trait he had cultivated to survive as a slave. “I can’t promise I know the answer or can answer your questions well, but I do promise to answer, even if it is to tell you I don’t know.” Obi-Wan promised.

As he did, he flickered his eyes to Maul, meeting the others eyes, giving him the silent promise of the same.

Maul said nothing of course, simply turned his head away but Obi-Wan could see an ocean of questions lined up in his eyes already.

“Other than that, I don’t have any rules. You, Anakin, will be moving in with the Initiates once I taught you what you need to know and you, Maul, will be living with me as I prepare for my Knighthood trials.” Obi-Wan explained what little he already knew would be, what the council had confirmed for him.

He could see Maul’s shoulders relax a bit, the zabrak turning thoughtful.

Anakin meanwhile bounced on the couch. “Where will I be living while you teach me?” He wondered, eyes wide. “On your couch?”

Snorting softly, Obi-Wan shook his head. “Nope, you get my old rooms, Qui-Gon and you will live together.” He grinned, snorting softly at the softly whispered ‘wizard’ that came from his kit.

Life was about to turn very interesting.