So, just a suggestion, but I feel like Hondo should show up in Distant pain. Just for fun lol. Because it feels like he and this Obi-Wan would have history.

If there was one thing Anakin hated dealing with, it was pirates.

In particular he hated dealing with Hondo Ohnaka.

But the man had information, Seperatist information that he was willing to give them… for a price of course and this time he had bounty hunters with him. It had taken a lot for Anakin not to go for Bane’s face when the duro had come stalking in after the jovial pirate, a pick in his mouth and his eyes barely glancing at them from under the stupid hat he had.

They were going nowhere fast, Hondo laughing as he waved his drink about, telling them about his ‘dear old mother’ and the crew and the bounty hunters leaned in the back with the troopers behind Qui-Gon and Anakin tense and keeping an eye on them in return.

Honestly, at this point, Anakin almost wanted to try jumping Hondo just to get him to shut the kark up as he set of an obnoxious laugh.

A laugh that cut of abruptly as Kenobi suddenly stepped in, Anakin’s lips twisting in discomfort at the sight of the redhead even as he felt Rex behind him shine a bit with relief. His men liked Kenobi way too much.

Then that feeling was washed away by the fear, alert and respect suddenly oozing of the other group, all of them suddenly at attention as Kenobi tucked his thumbs into his belt as he had a want for, brow raised as he peered at Ohnaka. “I wasn’t aware you were here Hondo.” He drawled.

Wait… what?

Anakin blinked, glancing quickly at Qui-Gon, to find his old master at an equal loss.

“Obi-Wan! Old friend, I was not aware you were here either!” Hondo laughed but he was no longer slouched in his seat but sitting up, his eyes on Kenobi, watching as he settled down on one of the chairs as if he was invited. “If I had known, I would have brought more guns!” He laughed but even Anakin could hear the shakiness.

Obi-Wan reached out and took Hondo’s drink right of the table, sitting back in his chair with a slouch as he sipped it. And Hondo said nothing, just grabbed a bottle instead and drank directly from it.

No, chugged it actually, eyes watching Kenobi still.

“Bane. Bossk. Sing. Embo.” Kenobi greeted in an easy but short tone, glancing at each in turn. He even received a form for greeting from each, Embo in particular as the kyuzo hunter reached his right hand up to his heart and bowed his head a tad.

A respectful greeting of all things.

What the kark.

Anakin wanted to demand answers but he knew that Kenobi was just as likely to punch him in the face if he tried that.

“You working for the separatists now?” Kenobi questioned, watching Ohnaka.

“No, no. Profits my friend! I have information on the CIS!” Hondo waved the bottle, laughing again. “A trade you see” He grinned at him with those stained teeth of his.

A small ‘uhu’ escaped Kenobi before he glanced at Qui-Gon. “We authorized for that?” He raised his brow.

“Within limits, yes.” Qui-Gon nodded, seemingly relinquishing the negotiation to Obi-Wan. Seeing as Hondo seemed to be both piss afraid of Obi-Wan and also respected him, that might be a good idea but kark did it burn Anakin.

Looking back to the pirate, Kenobi pointedly raised his brows at him. “Ah, see, old Hondo needs free passage. I have cargo to deliver but it requires me to pass through the Perlemian trade route. I want guarantees we won’t be stopped, simple as that.” Hondo beamed toothily, finally seeming at ease.

Honestly, that… wasn’t as bad as Anakin feared. He had been concerned over the amount of value Hondo potentially wanted for his information, hell, the guarantee that he could slip through a trade route without being stopped wasn’t so bad.

He wanted to sell something, clearly, but it was also illegal, therefore being stopped would be an issue. ‘Could be worse trades…’ He mused tiredly.

Obi-Wan however hummed, low and steady, eyes on the pirate as he drank slowly, clearly thinking. “…And is any of this cargo… live?” He questioned, his voice warping on the last word as his eyes narrowed a silver, ice sliding along the spine of everyone in the tent as the Force suddenly pressed down on them.

Instantly, Ohnaka set his bottle down while lifting his other hand, eyes never moving from the Jedi in front of him even as Anakin tensed up, his hand going towards his saber. “Hondo does not trade in live bodies, my friend, foolish youth taught me better, even my dear mother would agree,” He chortled before turning serious, much to the shock of the rest. “I swear, Master Kenobi, none of it is live. Not animal and not sentient.”

Tapping his finger lightly on the table, still staring at Ohnaka, Obi-Wan finally inclined his head.

It felt like the pirate finally relaxed too, a jovial smile back on his face as he picked his alcohol back up. “Come now friend, such tension between allies!” He laughed bawdily, yet he was still watching the redhead.

Hell, the bounty hunters were still too.

Paranoid bunch they were, had been keeping an eye on all of them, the Jedi in particular of course but they registered everyone as a threat.

Now they weren’t looking away from Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The biggest threat in their eyes.

“… My friend, you taught my old captain a good long lesson, I will never forget it.” Hondo stated suddenly and Kenobi smirked a tad before nodding, standing and picking up one of the unopened bottles the pirate had brought.

He saluted the pirate slightly then made his way out. “Master Jinn and Knight Skywalker will handle the rest, its a reasonable request after all for your information.” He drawled, disappearing out.

Hondo instantly chugged from his bottle then breathed out heavily, looking at the surprised faces of the two Jedi, his lips quirking a tad. “Anyone stupid enough to cross Kenobi, deserves their fate,” The pirate laughed, a tad shakily. “If they know his reputation that is. I know it, Ohnaka won’t cross him.”  

“…His reputation?” Qui-Gon tilted his head uncertainly.

“Jedi are feared because of their powers,” Bane croaked from the back, eyes on the tent flaps still. “Kenobi is feared in the underworld… because he doesn’t just have power… he’s feared because he can’t be stopped and if you’re his target… it be better to just give up.”

‘…What the hell is Kenobi.’ Anakin couldn’t help but wonder.

So does Anakin make his move? Does Obi-Wan realize he is attracted to his (unknown to him) mate? How do our boys proceed? Is Obi still getting headaches? Have we made friends with the giant slug? The Snails Are Free

Chewing slowly and thoughtfully as he observed the other, ignoring the sounds of quiet conversations and the click of cutlery on plates, Anakin finally reached out with one of his smaller tentacles and brushed Obi-Wan’s hair out of his face, tucking it behind the others ear as the other gave a startled little noise, blinking at the blond with all three eyes.

“Your hair is getting long, it suits you.” Anakin noted, smiling contently.

Snorting faintly, Obi-Wan set his cutlery down and reached for his wine glass. “I was thinking of having it chopped when we got back to the temple.” He stated a tad wryly, the top of his cheeks notably red as he sipped and Anakin had to fight his own emotions as he noticed the table to the left once more staring at Obi-Wan as he slowly swallowed.

Honestly, when Obi-Wan said he wanted to have some fancier dining, Anakin hadn’t minded it too much.

He was very aware that Obi-Wan quite heartily enjoyed greasy fast food, their trips to Dex with the mountains of food Obi-Wan would sometimes order, being quite revealing in Obi-Wan’s taste.

So if he occasionally wanted to enjoy something a tad fancier, Anakin didn’t mind.

At least Obi-Wan’s definition of fancy was well made food with good ingredient and not fucking gold on food, Anakin never got over his revulsion when rich people did that and he knew Obi-Wan too had a hefty dislike of it.

It was a rather fancy place compared to what Anakin usually preferred. Decorated with what looked like real woods and plants around instead of durasteel and imitation plants or holo projectors, live servers instead of droids and semi shielded tables all around.

It was even mostly full of sentients, sitting in fancy clothes as they dined. On any other day, he might have actually enjoyed the difference compared to Dex Diner.

But seeing people in this restaurant stare at Obi-Wan like they wanted to eat him, instead of their fucking food…

Well, Anakin had the distinct desire to either stab them or throw salt in their eyes. Any eyes he himself was attracting was ignored, he didn’t have eyes for these idiots and the fact that they were mooning at Obi-Wan was frankly pissing Anakin of enough for his tentacles to start shifting in shade.

Something he hadn’t been aware of until Obi-Wan pointed it out, curiously eyeing the grey tentacles turning white as they twitched about. Anakin had to bullshit a bit there, telling Obi-Wan that the it was just all the attention when they were there to eat while being grateful that Obi-Wan no longer got headaches from unexpected eldritch changes.

Not technically a lie, they were being stared of by the clientele of the upper scale restaurant after all.

They all knew who Obi-Wan was, the two Jedi having helped mopping up the insurrection of the planet, a group of dissatisfied outsiders more than anything, and saved the Council of Elders in one fell swoop.

Letting Obi-Wan believe it was because he was annoyed over the attention when he was hungry was easier than letting him know that Anakin was kriffing jealous as fuck and a tad angry the people were being so obvious when Obi-Wan had no interest back.

That and he was a bit terrified that Obi-Wan would return interested if he knew just how much some of these assholes wanted him.

Instead of voicing any of that, Anakin just grinned a tad in response. “I’d rather you didn’t. Never seen you with properly long hair, think you’d look good though but its up to you.” He shrugged absently, absently twirling his fork through the pasta on his plate.

Chuckling faintly, Obi-Wan picked his cutlery back up and cut a nice piece of meat, carefully running it through the sauce. “You like it huh… well, we’ll see. I might keep it, it depends on how much of a hassle it feels like.” He stated a tad thoughtfully.

Anakin couldn’t help but notice that the tips of Obi-Wan’s ears were red too now. ‘…Cute.’

Fertilewar: is Anakin going to show up at some point?

Shrieking loudly in shock as he was lifted of his feet, Obi-Wan would later deny just how loud the sound was, regardless of whatever blasted holo records existed. As it was, he didn’t think about that at all as he was twirled around in the air. “OBI!” A goofy, familiar voice called before Obi-Wan was set down and pulled into a tight hug with a coo.

“Master!” Obi-Wan protested, face burning against the others shoulder as he felt the amused attention of every trooper within distance, clearly all of them had seen Anakin treat him like a youngling.

“Why yes, that’s me,” Anakin finally pushed Obi-Wan back enough to look at him, grinning brightly as he flashed blue eyes over his face. “You’re looking decent, hair growing out quite a bit too.” He stated amusedly, reaching up to playfully tug on some of Obi-Wan’s styled back hair.

Hissing a tad like a cat, Obi-Wan reached up to slap away the others hand, huffing loudly as he stepped back. “Master stop that, I’m not a child.” He complained, trying not to pout.

By the way Anakin was smiling at him in even more amusement, it was clear he was failing.

Honestly, Obi-Wan had known the moment he and Anakin had been paired up for this campaign by the council that this was going to be the outcome.

The other was just too touchy feely and always tended to cuddle Obi-Wan as if he was an oversized teddy.

Not that… well, not that Obi-Wan hated it, not really. It was just a tad embarrassing in public, seeing as they were in the middle of the camp and Commander Cody was right beside him.

Not to mention the clearly amused Captain Rex at Anakin’s side, the blond clone’s brow raised at them.

“You’re an awful child, really,” Anakin sighed playfully, wrapping his arm around Obi-Wan while pulling him along towards the command tent. “Here I am, your master, after weeks and months of distance and all you can do is yell at me.” He playfully pouted and Obi-Wan’s ears burned as he heard a few muffled coughs around the camp.

“Master!” He groaned deeply, covering his face with his hands. He should have kept a better eye on when the Resolute was scheduled to arrive, he knew Anakin was going to be a twat about the entire thing.

“Yes, that is me!” Anakin stated breezily, pulling into the command tent to glance around. “Huh, looks like a good set up. Well done Obi-Wan.” He hummed out.

Coloring even more, grateful for the dark of the tent, Obi-Wan pressed into Anakin’s side. “I can’t take all the credit, Commander Cody and Lieutenant Waxer have been superb help.” He murmured quietly, not wanting to take away from the two despite always loving praise from Anakin.

At the holo display, Waxer puffed up a bit, sending Obi-Wan a short smile and he could feel Cody straighten up behind him at the praise.

Chuckling a tad, Anakin nodded. “Skilled troopers do make it easier but I know you’re skilled too my teeny tiny padawan.” He playfully tugged at Obi-Wan’s hair again, this time going for the hair beneath his right ear.

The place his padawan braid had once been, the braid he had gifted Anakin with.

Obi-Wan grimaced a tad but smiled up at him.

For all that Anakin could be an unbearable twat at times… Obi-Wan was happy he had been paired up with the man. He had missed just holo calling his master. “I’m knight Obi-Wan Kenobi now,” He huffed. “And I’m not tiny.” Obi-Wan grumbled quietly, not really as upset as he pretended.

But then despair hit him as Anakin’s face lit up with unholy glee, the blue light of the terminals and holo display giving him a devilish look. “Hello there not tiny, I’m master.” He crooned evilly.

Gaping at his master, Obi-Wan let out an outraged gasp then shoved the laughing Jedi master away. “MASTER!”

For sightlessbird, I love the relationship between Anakin and Obi – can we get some more bonding time with them?

Sitting in the cold rain of Kamino with his robe tucked tightly around both himself and his precious cargo, Anakin let out a deep sigh. “You know, if Qui-Gon saw us, he’d be scolding us.” He stated a tad wryly as the rain continued to pound down on them.

Obi-Wan had wanted to experience a proper rain storm.

The regulated climate of Coruscant wasn’t quite the same thing and the rain ‘season’ of the room of a Thousand gardens wasn’t either.

Anakin just didn’t have it in him to deny his padawan and he still loved rain, a childhood on a desert planet had made him treasure rain and water and to sit in the rain…

Well, he did that quite a bit actually as a child once he became a padawan and old enough to leave on missions.

Giggling slightly, Obi-Wan simply leaned back into Anakin. “But he’s not hereeee.” He singsonged, lighting up with pleasure when Anakin chuckled quietly.

Honestly, Anakin wasn’t being a fool about it either. He had insisted Obi-Wan sit in his lap, had brought out a small kneeling chair, which elevated them up from the cold and wet platform and had brought his robe, keeping it wrapped around both to keep the rain out, since Anakin’s preferred robe was weaved of mixed fabric to keep rain and wind out but keep heat inside.

So while they were getting somewhat wet, they weren’t soaking, despite sitting already for a good half hour.

He was also very aware that several clones had already peeked out at them and the exasperation from Rex mingled with the shinies of Kamino’s bewilderment.

After all, you had to be crazy to stay out in a downpour on Kamino, right?

Anakin didn’t mind, Obi-Wan a warm form in his lap and against his chest, his head resting on the boy’s forehead.

After his conversation with Padme, he needed the soothing quiet.

It wasn’t that he was… angry directly.

Not anymore.

Or throwing a tantrum, regardless what others would say.

He knew his wife wasn’t all powerful, had seen it often.

But when he begged her to help Ahsoka… begged even Palpatine…

He tightened his grip around the small body in his lap, swallowing thickly only to smile shakily when he felt a small, saber callused hand wrap around his wrist, thumb rubbing at the jut of his wrist.

His padawan, balm to his soul, be it tormented or simply distressed.

He quietly pressed a kiss to the top of Obi-Wan’s head and settled again.

Padme’s call last night had been hard, neither had yelled, despite both having reasons for it, maybe Padme more than him but Anakin was simply tired. And questioning what he had done at the start of the war.

Marrying her…

‘It was a pipe dream, wasn’t it.’ He thought wistfully, tilting his head to look up at the dark sky as the rain continued slamming down on them. A pipe dream to marry his angel and think he could keep her forever, a pipe dream to think he could also be a Jedi.

Just like freeing everyone from slavery would be a pipe dream.

That hurt.

He still wanted to free Tatooine but he wasn’t a little boy anymore, he knew more now, saw more… understood more.

As long as there were people who wanted power, they would subjugate others. And the galaxy had been creative in how to keep that power.

The scar of where his detonator was once implanted ached with phantom pain at the thought and he had to grit his teeth for a few moments and just breath through it.

‘Mom knew,’ He thought wistfully. ‘She knew it was just a pipe dream but indulged me. I was just a kid…’ Anakin rocked Obi-Wan slightly, feeling him squeeze his wrist again. Shmi had been smart, even if she had not been educated like a freeman would have been. She knew the expanse of the hutt empire.

She had seen the darkness of what slavery was and the shipping of power, weapons, drugs and bodies.

But she had been a good mother, indulged Anakin’s wishes, tried to foster hope… and when she had the chance to see him free, to see him of to something better, to rain and greenery… she hadn’t hesitated.

She wanted Anakin to be what their last name were.

Skywalker… it was a presumptuous last name for a slave, the implications of it…

Many slavers had watched them with narrowed eyes and slaves with both anger and hope.

‘But I did walk the sky, didn’t I… mother never made it, but I did. I flew through space, no shackle to my wrists or ankles and was free,’ Anakin smiled a tad more at that thought. ‘And I can teach others to walk the sky… and… maybe I can’t end slavery or free Tatooine… free mother… but I can free as many as possible and be better than I was.’

That was a good idea, a good feeling.

He hoped he could do it.

Anakin wanted to be better than he was before. Both Ahsoka and Obi-Wan made him better people… he had to be better for them.

Because just as Anakin had learned from Shmi Skywalker, they would learn from him.

‘…I have to be an example for them. I want to be a good example. Please Force, I want to be better for them.’ Anakin breathed deeply, letting out a soft noise of surprise as the rain abruptly ceased, a small ray of sun peeking through the clouds.


Maybe… or just weather pattern.

Still, Obi-Wan’s little disappointed noise had him chuckling, squeezing his padawan tightly to his chest as he squirmed in protest.

Major stars- How does Obi-Wan handle hearing that Anakin knows? Is anyone else going to figure it out? Anakin isn’t really the best at keeping secrets…

His son knew him.

That was a… novel thought.

Even more novel was the sensation of having his son in his lap, his good arm wrapped around Anakin as the kid quietly read his homework. Occasionally, he’d stop and ask for Obi-Wan’s help for either words he didn’t understand or concepts that went a bit above his head.

The task of ones master really.

Yet, by the fond, soft look Qui-Gon was sporting as he watched the two interact as the man himself was tending to his plants, Qui-Gon didn’t mind that Anakin had gone to Obi-Wan for the help.

It was enough to make Obi-Wan smile shyly back at the man, watching Qui-Gon carefully clip his Kashyyyk climbing flowering vine into a manageable lengths, to prevent it from spreading out of its pot.

On the floor, Qui-Gon’s bright pink watering can, the flower nutrients pellets and a bin for the plant waste was stationed, in easy reach for the tall man to use on his hobby.

It was domestic and Obi-Wan couldn’t say he didn’t like it.

When Qui-Gon had told him, Obi-Wan hadn’t been sure what to feel.

A tad panicked, the sensation of fear and hope building so fast it made Obi-Wan dizzy.

The fact that Anakin had known for so long and yet not said anything did put some of Obi-Wan’s fear to the side though, the worry that someone would learn that Anakin knew and would inform the council, that Anakin would be reassigned by the council of reassignment.

Their son himself had put the other worries to rest.

Obi-Wan had worried Anakin would think they had abandoned him, had thought the boy might resent them a tad.

He hadn’t.

He still curled into Obi-Wan with eagerness, pressing his nose to Obi-Wan’s tunic, hugging him as tightly as he dared with Obi-Wan injured from his mission. No, Anakin loved them with all his heart.

Still, some fears remained.

He wanted Anakin to become a good knight, well, as long as that was what Anakin wanted. If their son wanted to join one of the corps or even leave, then Obi-Wan would support him. But those options were easier, Anakin had the skills to become quite the pilot, mechanic or any number of things.

But to become a Jedi knight, a certain… demeanor was required.

Obi-Wan worried the wouldn’t be able to teach Anakin that, that the love they had for their boy would lead to attachment.

Would lead to Anakin developing his own attachment.

Jedi were to love, to be compassionate… but love and attachment were different things.

To love with all their heart and yet to be able to let go, grieve but don’t let death or loss destroy you or your rage control you due to said love.

There were the healthy kind of love and the unhealthy kind and overwhelming emotions were not good for a Jedi. It could lead to a darker path, to the dark side whispering in your ear.

It could lead you to taking the wrong choice.

‘But we have to do our best, don’t we? We love our boy… and… and I don’t know if I’m strong enough now to walk away. I don’t think I’m strong enough to let him go either…’ Obi-Wan mulled over that.

He was worried, Obi-Wan didn’t want his love to turn selfish and problematic.

The only thing he wanted was for Anakin to become the best person he could be, to be happy with who he was, regardless what path he chose.

Pressing a soft kiss to the crown of Anakin’s head, he smiled a tad shakily as their boy made a happy noise and burrowed into Obi-Wan, ignoring Qui-Gon’s now slightly worried glance at him.

All Obi-Wan could do, was to be as good as possible, to make the decisions that seemed right and believe in the Force.

That was all he could do.

Its been a hot minute, but for Jedi are Cats (something like that) do the clones have their own version of YouTube to put their videos of their generals being funny?

To the delight of the entire galaxy, the GAR clones had started their own holopage for their Jedi General’s shenanigans.

With weekly donations, it was running smoothly, updated by several battalions daily to make it worth the credits. Most of the donations were used to the upkeep of the page of course but some of it went into the GAR.

There had been quite a few thank you on the page from each battalion, investing in better caff or tea or treats.

It was rather adorable and had racked up a tad more donations, just to see them enjoy themselves and share with their Jedi.

Then there were the delightful videos themselves, all of them arranged Jedi by Jedi, so one could find their favorite Jedi. There was also the option to cross search for certain feline behavior, just so the viewer could find their favorite hilarity.


The angle of the camera was shaky and low, alerting the viewer to the fact that it was a helmet camera once more and that it was suited on the trooper’s hip. Finally though, the shaky angle became clear and allowed the viewer to see…

Plo Koon, curled up in an ammo crate, looking for all the world like there was nowhere else the kel dor would want to be with a blanket beneath himself. The man looked to be half asleep from what they could tell with the googles and breathing mask and he was actually purring faintly.

“…General, what in the world are you doing?” A gruff voice questioned.

The Jedi shifted inside the crate, lifting his head slightly from his own head to look up before huffing a tad in amusement. “Ah, Wolffe, I’m merely taking a nap.” The Jedi stated cheerfully.

“…In an ammo crate?” The same voice repeated, sounding merely resigned instead of incredulous.

Considering that the entire galaxy was now aware of the Jedi’s feline traits, no one was shocked by it at all and most were giggling at how adorable the kel dor was behaving.

“Indeed, its comfortable and safe. Would you like to join me?” Brows creased and cheeks shifted in a clear smile.

“…Thank you for the offer sir, but no thank you. Please enjoy your nap.” Came a low, drawn out sigh.


“Doooooon’t.” A blond trooper, Captain Rex, stated seriously, eyes narrowed in the video as he stood in front of his General at the mess table. This video was taken from a distance in a command room, clearly by another trooper watching the exchange of their General and their Captain.

Seated at said table, Anakin Skywalker sat, staring up at his captain with wide, mock innocent eyes, the back of his mech hand placed against a cup.

What was in the cup was hard to tell, but what was clear, was that this was a cup shoving behavior of a feline.

Or a Force sensitive being.

The stare-off continued, the General slowly moving the cup another inch and the captain growling deeply. “General… I swear…” He raised a finger at the other man. “Don’t you dare… I brought you that so you could hydrate…” The captain wagged it.

The human in front of him watched the finger wag, tilted his head, as if debating his option and then gave a grin so wide it looked loopy before he sent the cup flying into the air.



Another shot, this time in what looked like a camp on some planet or moon, General Kenobi practically strutting across the camp towards his Commander with a wide smile on his lips. “Cody!” He called out.

The man in question, Commander Cody as his scar made him very unique among his peer, lifted his head from the pad he was looking over, the man sitting outside at a rickety table. “General?” The man greeted with a small smile, blinking when the man placed something on the table. “General, what is this?” He questioned curiously, setting his pad aside to pickup a leaf, the tips of it colored a light blue like a sky, while the bottom turned almost black.

Chuckling, General Kenobi rubbed awkwardly at the back of his neck, his ears turning a tad red. “Its a Yuran tree leaf, they’re unique for their blue, gradient color and this in particular was beautiful. I wanted you to have it.” He informed him with a wry twist of his lips.

It was rather funny, to see all the feline behavior the Jedi had and more, it was adorable.

How odd, they went from being mysterious to adorable beings.

Authorsight. Oh no!! Moddy got hurt! I hope she gets better. And I hope Anakin gets his answers, especially since hes now going to have about 50 more.

Adjusting her oxygen mask after eating, Moddy settled back in the bed and looked at Anakin with her off colored eyes, thoughtful and quiet as the padawan squirmed. “…You got questions kiddo?” She tilted her head.

She clearly knew why he had come, though Anakin had insisted she’d eat before he’d badger her. Food was important and the healer said that she had to have food with her medication after all.

Tugging lightly at the hem of his tunic, Anakin licked at his lips. “Sort of… I mean, your powers… where is mom?” He quietly asked.

Moddy hummed then her off colored, blind eye flashed with light.

Just for a second.

But enough that she grunted and enough for the Force to flash, breathing slightly heavier.

Force, what kind of mission had she gone through?

Or was it her chronic disabilities that Obi-Wan had hinted at. Knight Moddy supposedly had a few, both physical and mental ones.

She reached up and rubbed at her eye, breathing out heavily. “Currently on a ship to Naboo apparently, completely safe. She’s working for the captain for the trip to it. Something about child care?” She squinted at Anakin with her good eye.

Fiddling even more with the hem at that, Anakin shrugged a tad awkwardly, suddenly aware of how long ago it was that he saw his mother last. “She… she’s always been good with kids.”

Was she still?

Did Anakin know his mother still?

He still loved her, that much he knew but did he know her?

‘…I’ve forgotten how she smelled… the sound of her voice…’ A part of him told himself that he’d know the sound of her voice and her face the moment he saw it. But a smaller part, quiet and almost cynic, pointed out the years of distance.

Would Anakin really recognize his own mother?

“…Just because you’re not at her side, doesn’t mean you love her less or she loves you less.” Knight Moddy’s voice broke through his thoughts and Anakin’s head jerked up, the boy realizing his chin had been dipping.

He stared at her, eyes wide.

“You’re projecting,” She stated calmly, shifting carefully on the bed and then grunting in pain. “I still love my parents, despite them giving me over to the Jedi… no, that’s not quite right, I love them because they gave me over, is more like.” She stated a tad thoughtfully, breathing out into the mask.

“…How… how does that work?” Anakin swallowed thickly, frowning at the knight.

What did a Jedi, given over in young age, know about loving parents anyhow?

But considering all the help she had given him, Anakin didn’t call her out on that, simply waited.

Moddy stared at him for a long few moments, her look almost pitying but not quite. Anakin knew what pity was and it wasn’t what Moddy was looking at him with. “…My home planet is nice, beautiful even. But its also very diverse, the humans there…” She looked away, staring at a tiny crack in the wall. “…Some places, worship Force sensitive… but other places would burn them at the stake, be they young or old,” She glanced back at him. “My planet is a bit of both actually. My parents knew there was no way to hide my abilities, even before training, then there were the occasional slavers or bounty hunters… Force sensitive sell for a high amount you know.” She smiled a tad wryly.

Anakin knew the latter of course, it was one of the reason his mother made sure he kept his skills quiet. Made him swear not to do ‘special’ things in front of anyone.

If Watto had seen it… or worse, Gardulla, then Anakin might not have stayed with his mother for as long as he did. So that part he did understand, but the former…

He stared at the other Jedi in no small amount of horror. The idea of family burning you for being able to touch the Force a terrifying thought.

Moddy smiled sadly. “My grandfather on my dad’s side was one of them… had he seen what I could do, learned I was Force sensitive…” She shook her head. “There were Force societies on Norgferar but he was my grandfather, if he had asked to see me…” Moddy rested her hands over her stomach. “…So yes, I love them, for giving me up, for prioritizing my life instead of their own happiness, for being selfless enough to see that my life continued at the cost of their happiness.” She explained quietly, purple and blond hair falling a bit into her face.

As Anakin let that thought echo a bit, Moddy brushed it out of her face.

“Seid, or ‘magic’ users, have always been controversial on my planet. Some places loved them, others hated them,” She continued. “It didn’t change when science arose and explained what the Force was, that it was not quite magic. It just transferred.” The knight shrugged.

Anakin swallowed thickly. “…Your ability, how does it work?” He whispered, his heart heavy. He would have a lot of things to think about come nightfall and talk with Obi-Wan about.

Humming slightly, head tilted, Moddy tapped at the mask covering her nose and mouth. “Well, think of it like this. I open a book, and it has the life of a person inside it. But the book is inside of my mind,” She tapped under her blind, scarred eye. “And only I can see it. While I see it, I can change the things I see of the future and the present, but those changes can have a ripple effect.” She yawned a tad.

‘I bet wrap this up, she’s getting tired.’ Anakin licked his lips thoughtfully. “A ripple effect?” He questioned.

Sliding a tad down in the bed but not lowering the back, Moddy nodded. “Imagine it as a big ring of dominoes, all lined up. However, they aren’t lined evenly, so when you push one over, it doesn’t take the entire ring down. A ripple effect, where one change, the piece you tip, changes what dominoes fall.” She explained, quite clearly struggling to hold her eyes open.

‘Yikes, her medications must be real hard on her systems.’ Anakin shifted to his feet and bowed at the waist to indicate his respect to the woman. “Thank you for your help Knight Moddy.” He stated formally.

Clearly she realized the respect, because she gave him a surprised look before smiling. “…If you need any more answers, you know where to find me. I’ll likely be released in a few days time.” Moddy murmured softly.

Anakin nodded, smiling in return before slipping out. ‘…I should get her some flowers… or chocolate. As a thank you gift.’ He noted before making his way out.

Please, please, can we have more about the the snail are free AU? Because I’m dying for it!! ❤️❤️

His master is asleep.

Its a beautiful sight honestly and Anakin can’t help but smile as he sits across for the sleeping man, the crackling of the fire along with the sounds of insects in the night the only thing disturbing the peace.

Well, disturbing was pushing it.

It was honestly a nice background noise if Anakin was asked. The night was slightly chilly, which was why they had built the fire and they were really here just to observe the peace of the planet supposedly.

It was turning out to be a nice time.

A nice climate, green fields with lakes, nothing too otherwordly around them.

Just him and his master and the friendly locals that let the two Jedi observe their worlds and make notes.

Being paired up with his master despite being knighted was something Anakin would never take for granted, to be able to watch the other sleep peacefully.

Obi-Wan had admitted, flushed and a tad shamefully, that he slept better when Anakin came with him on missions. Having another person to run the other world things he saw to be able to confirm if it was real or not, bringing Obi-Wan peace in a way he couldn’t explain.

Anakin got it though.

He slept better when Obi-Wan was with him to, though for other reasons.

‘He looks peaceful… warm and peaceful, all three of his eyes closed.’ Anakin tilted his head before shifting slowly, moving around the fire as quietly as he could.

Once close enough to the others bedroll, he reached out and gently pushed Obi-Wan’s hair out of his face, grinning when all Obi-Wan did was breath out at the touch. He could have used his tentacles of course, they were long enough to reach, but using his hands for this…

Well, it felt nicer.

Unable to resist, Anakin played with the copper hair stroking his fingers into the others red mop. ‘He has a mullet…’ He noted with some amusement.

It didn’t look too bad on Obi-Wan honestly but still, a mullet was…

Well, mullets were kind of… odd.

It wasn’t really all that flattering on Obi-Wan if Anakin was honest and there were many styles the other could pull off a lot better than this, ‘business in the front, party in the back’ situation he seemed to go with.

It was okay for a knight in their experimental days but Obi-Wan was a master, a young one for sure but still a master. Some layer of dignity was required, though Obi-Wan managed to hold onto it.

But that was everything BUT the mullet honestly.

‘I wonder how he’d look with long hair. Maybe braided?’ He paused, staring at his master, going a tad glassy eyed as he let his imagination take him away.

Preoccupied with his thoughts, Anakin almost jumped out of his skin when a warm, callused hand wrapped around his wrist. He almost punched out of sheer habit but was grateful he held it in as he looked down into Obi-Wan’s sleepy eyes.

The other was somewhat awake, his hand wrapped around Anakin’s wrist. “Ah, master…” He stammered.

Obi-Wan just gave a soft, sleepy smile and tugged lightly on the blond’s wrist. “Come on… no need for a watch. Sleep.” He whispered, raising his blankets invitingly.

How could Anakin resist such an invitation?

Summoning his own bedding, Anakin slipped himself in under Obi-Wan’s blanket, pressing himself to the other’s warm chest. It felt so nice.

Obi-Wan’s warm arm came down around him with the blanket, the fire heating his back. He could hear Obi-Wan’s steady heartbeat at the same time, a beautiful music.

Mixed with the insects and the crackling of fire…

Anakin felt himself relax, wrapping his tentacles around his Obi-Wan. “Warm…”

“Mmmn… you are.” Obi-Wan sighed happily in sleepy agreement, his face pressed to Anakin’s growing curls. Warm and happy against Anakin’s own frame.

This was even more beautiful, though Anakin mourned not being able to watch Obi-Wan’s face as he slept peacefully, not a vision in sight and not a nightmare to be found.

‘Sleep my master… you deserve it,’ Anakin pulled the other in closer, holding him tightly. ‘You deserve all the rest and warmth in the world.’

I love your Sightlessbird series! There isn’t enough master!ani padawan!obi fics around! any chance for another installment??

Pulling his padawan’s boots of off his feet, Anakin couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him sleeping so deeply that he didn’t even twitch. The kid had been shacking up with whatever trooper caught his fancy from the 501st for the last few days, sparring and getting into competitions to the point he almost fell asleep in his food.

And when they were busy, he went for any trooper that was of duty.

To be frank, Anakin was rather certain that Obi-Wan had charmed at least half the ‘adult’ clones and was friends with the ‘child’ clones, all of them finding common ground, with the war, being raised able to fight, with high expectations.

It was amazing almost, but Obi-Wan hadn’t been having a single nightmare or vision since he arrived on Kamino, generally too tired out for either as he extended the Force to ‘see’ or to further his skills when he was meditating or sparring with Anakin.

Seeing how Obi-Wan had been withdrawn and having nightmares prior due to the murder attempt, Anakin was almost ready to get down on his knees and kiss the ground the troopers walked on.


But for now, he settled on carefully getting Obi-Wan out of the most restraining or uncomfortable of his clothes.

Boots, socks, belt, sash, hair tie and outer tunic, leaving the boy in his leggings and sleeveless turtleneck.

Still no twitch came, despite Anakin touching, lifting and tugging lightly to get him undressed enough to be comfortable.

That done, he settled the blankets over the boy, stroking his hair gently out of his face. “…Sleep well padawan, dream of chocolate tarts and cups of tea.” He teased gently before getting onto his feet and turning the lights off with a wave, stepping out into the apartment the longnecks had given him and Obi-Wan.

Pausing at the name he had used for the kaminoans, Anakin wryly pulled at his own curls. ‘I’ve been spending too much time with the troopers.’ He thought amusedly before grunting and quickly silencing his comms when they started chirping.

Behind him, the door still open, he could hear Obi-Wan shift slightly before settling again, Anakin quickly reaching into their bond and sending a soothing, calmness down it, pressing Obi-Wan back down into a deep sleep.

It worked and Anakin closed the door tightly, breathing out and checking who the hell was calling him.

‘…Padme.’ Anakin stared at the number then sighed deeply, rubbing at his face with his mech hand as the comms continued vibrating in his flesh hand.

Since last seeing her in the Rotunda, Padme had upped her calling and at this point, Anakin was getting real tired of the constant calls if he was honest, even as he understood why.

After all, they were married still.

He still loved her.

Things were just so… damn difficult.

Finally, Anakin let out a deep sigh and answered his comm instead of dismissing as he had the last several weeks. “…Hello Padme.” He murmured as she flickered into view, settling down on the couch as her blue shape peered back at him, wearing what was clearly Senate robes, her hair down.

She must have come from the Senate not long ago, having pulled her hair out of a do but not removed her dress.

“Hello Anakin…” She stared at him, eyes flickering over his face almost desperately.

‘She missed me.’ Anakin swallowed thickly.

He had missed her too.

But he had realized things while he was away from his wife, things he… wasn’t sure how to feel about. Things that were impacting the already falling apart marriage to the woman he loved.

Anakin wasn’t sure, but there was a heaviness in his chest as the two stared at each other, a realization he wondered if Padme already knew.

‘We never should have married that young…’

Dangerousgalaxy is Obi-Wan okay?

Tucking the blanket around himself as he stuck his feet into his slippers, Obi-Wan glanced around his room before carefully getting up. The last few days had not been the best and while unfortunate an unfamiliar it was still uncomfortable to learn that he had contracted chlamydia from the latest stint at the Senate.

‘Thankfully it takes me off the list for a good two week as I recover and take my antibiotic.’ Obi-Wan mused tiredly and a tad guilty as he padded out into the living room, smiling slightly as he took note of Anakin making breakfast while quietly chatting with Ahsoka. “Good morning.” He called out.

Both jumped a tad before smiling in return, though Anakin flickered his eyes searchingly over Obi-Wan for a moment. “Good morning master, how are you feeling?” He questioned, flipping on the water boiler since he was right beside it.

Sitting slowly down at the kitchen table, reaching out to rub Ahsoka’s monterals affectionately, Obi-Wan let out a small hum. “Tad achy.” He confessed quietly. He had long ago learned that lying bold faced to Anakin was a bad idea when it came to any STD’s he picked up.

It generally came back to bite him as Anakin always figured it out.

Anakin frowned but nodded with understanding. “Lets eat and then you can take your medication.” He murmured, turning to turning the flatcakes he was making.

Smiling wryly, Obi-Wan nodded, despite not Anakin looking at him anymore and gave Ahsoka another head rub. Then he got up and moved to make his tea, holding the blanket closed around him to keep warm.

Antibiotic always had a tendency to leave him feeling cold, something about his particular biology the healers said.

As he prepared his tea pot and strainer then poured the water in, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but wonder what Cody was doing.

Every Jedi knew that something was up, the troopers, subtle as most of them were or at least the high ranking ones, had tells that their Jedi could tell.

Everyone, from Mace Windu, to Aayla Secura, could report that something was going on and there were a few common themes. One was that they were all reporting to Cody, two was that it involved the Jedi order and three… the Senate.

The GAR was doing something about the Senate.

Normally, the Jedi would have taken care of that, a threat to democracy and to justice but…

These were their troopers and it was the Senate.

The Senate that regularly abused them, flaunted rules that normally would have gotten them jailed but that they got away with because it was the Jedi order they were doing it towards. Had they been anyone else…

The public outrage would have been tremendous.

But all the Senate really would have to do was to flaunt the old law and go ‘well, they are in servitude to the Republic, how can we not use their services when they’re there.’

Or well, that was what many Jedi feared would happen.

If they spoke up about the treatment happening on Coruscant by Senators… would the rest of the galaxy and even the very people on Coruscant simply… not care.

Just brush it away as so many injustices that happened.

After all, the Jedi weren’t that special.

The people might just decide that as long as they couldn’t see it, it didn’t matter to them and simply keep it to malicious gossip. It was one of the worries of the Order.

Some places didn’t give them even a mediocre of respect, which made negotiations difficult but if they lost even that small silver provided by being ‘warriors’ instead of a monastic order…

“…Obi-Wan, your tea,” A soft voice interrupted his flow of thought, Obi-Wan jerking a bit too, blinking at Anakin as the other peered back at him. “Its been two and a half minute.” The blond clarified carefully, giving him a small smile.

“Oh, thank you Anakin, I was lost in thought.” Obi-Wan smiled back, lifting the strainer out of the pot and putting the lid on.

Giving him a knowing look, Anakin didn’t say anything and simply placed a bowl of bacon down closest to Ahsoka, the flatcakes placed in the middle of the table. Instantly, with a happy noise, the togruta dug into the food, wiggling eagerly.

It made bot holder Jedi smile.

At the very least Ahsoka had a good appetite and they’d best feed her as much as they could while on planet.

Setting his pot down on the table, Obi-Wan collected a banana to slice onto his flatcake, knowing he needed the nutrients.

Bacon was too greasy for him anyhow, he wasn’t a savory and sweet kind, enjoyed them separated if he was honest but at least Anakin looked to be having fun as he added jam and bacon to his own and Ahsoka…

Oh dear, maybe they should have her visit the medics.

Obi-Wan felt his brows rise as she piled a steady amount of bacon higher and higher on her flatcake before folding and wrapping it, grinning almost evilly before taking a big bite out of it, giving both Anakin and Obi-Wan a wide eyed, but happy look over it.

Snorting, Obi-Wan poured himself a cup of his tea, chuckling as Anakin crooned about not being the only one with bad eating habits and Ahsoka trying to kick him under the table.

A small smile curled Obi-Wan’s lips as he watched them. ‘…It would be nice if… every morning could be like this…’ Obi-Wan thought wistfully, bringing his cup to his lips. ‘It would be nice if… if we were safe…’ He glanced to the window of the kitchen, the Rotunda large and ominous in the distance.