For youngandfresh, can we maybe see Alpha-17 interacting with Boba and/or Din. Maybe he (or someone else) realizes something’s different and starts piecing things together?

Tilting his helmeted head like a curious bird, Din let out a soft noise. “You weren’t joking when you said they might recognize your face.” He stated quietly as he turned his head to his companion, gently thumbing his shoulder against Boba’s.

Hair pulled back into a stubby ponytail, Boba just hummed quietly, arms crossed over his chest as he continued observing the clones beneath them as they trained.

Pressing closer, Din slid his arm around Boba’s shoulders. “What are you thinking?” He questioned worriedly.

Since coming back to the past, Boba had become even more prone to long silences of contemplation. Before, Din always knew what that meant, it had to do with the ruling of Tatooine or the other was angry at Din for yet another reckless move that they would have to talk about so Din didn’t scare Boba again.

Now however, even looking at Boba’s face with the baby fat in his cheeks, Din wasn’t sure what he was thinking.

So he asks.

He shifts until he’s standing in front of the other in the glass hallway, cups Boba’s cheek with his own soft hand and presses their foreheads together, smiling when Boba instantly closes his eyes and hums in pleasure at the affectionate and familiar touch.

Just for a few moments, he indulges them both with the keldabe kiss, rubbing the others tanned cheek with his thumb. Just as they did in the future, just with baby fat instead of scars and no stubble to speak of.

Oh and of course no beskar.

Din misses his beskar.

“What are you thinking?” He whispered quietly, watching as Boba opened his eyes to peer into his. The visor of the cadet helmets weren’t as black as Din’s old, (or was that new?) helmet, made it easier for people to see hints of his face but at least it brought comfort.

And like this, with Boba looking at his eyes, he found he didn’t mind that it was slightly sheer compared to his beskar helmet.

Arms slowly slid around Din’s waist, holding on as Boba usually did when he was feeling upset and Din let himself be brought closer until they were chest to chest. Physical touch had always been comforting to both of them, once they learned to manage the touch starvation they both had.

Trust had come easily between the two, maybe too easily, the touch starvation had been harder.

“How close my father is to being a dar’manda. How being back here, seeing everything again, reminds me just how far he went, how much he was lost…” Boba trailed of then sighed deeply. “And how much I still love him, regardless of what he’s done.” He settled on tiredly, his young voice sounding much too weary for his young face.

Not that Din couldn’t sympathize.

Seeing all this…

Well, Boba hadn’t been shy about telling Din exactly why Kryze felt so threatened by Boba, why the other insisted that Boba was not a mandalorian.

After all, the grandson of a mand’alor was quite the contestant to the throne and for the saber, one she wouldn’t want. The foundling of a mand’alor, Jango Fett of house Mereel… yes, Boba had the claim to the throne of the glass planet.

Though it wasn’t glass, not yet, was it?

Right now, Mandalore was a thriving planet, at least inside the domes, even if it was under the pacifist rule of Duchess Kryze.

Din didn’t know quite as much about this time period of Mandalore, there had been some basic history taught, of course. But the covert had focused more on the skills of survival, of their language, their culture and of course their foundlings.

History came second hand to that, to survival, to not letting the imps get another chance at wiping them out. Boba however had tried to fill in as best he could on quiet nights when Din’s curiosity got the better of him and Boba was in the mood to explain.

Talking about his father had been a harder subject for Boba, reserved for sober days of remembrance and the little Boba had managed to pierce together of his father’s past before Kamino.

But being here, Din could see why Boba was bringing it up as he looked to the rows and rows of black haired heads, so similar to Boba and yet all so uniform.

The word ‘decommission’ had never been as chilling as when Boba had explained to him, in quiet words, exactly what that meant here on this cursed ocean planet. Foundlings, children, were the most important thing in mandalorian culture… or at least they were suppose to be and Din still couldn’t understand how damaged someone could be to… to just discard clones of themselves, children.

Not when you kept one of them, raised them well and yet let others be put down, who were just the same as the one you kept.

“…I won’t say that he hasn’t lost his way,” He started quietly, feeling Boba’s hands grip the back of his tunic. “But… what’s lost can be found again, we’ll help him. Aliit, right?” Din smiled at Boba, watching the other stare at him before amber eyes softened and Boba nuzzled in like a reticent tooka wanting cuddles.

They might have stayed like that for a while if there wasn’t for a throat suddenly being cleared. The two time travelers separated but stayed close, Boba falling into position in front of Din and Din reaching for the blade he had hidden in his new belt.

Clearly, they didn’t make an impressive view as a rather stocky clone, who reminded Din of adult Boba yet this clone seemed taller, just smirked at them with raised brows. He was familiar, not in the way all clones looked alike but Din felt like he had seen this one before.

“Alpha.” Boba greeted with narrowed, suspicious eyes, Din’s mind flashing back to the clone leading the group they had encountered after Boba taunted Priest.

“Bob’ika, Boba’s friend,” Alpha greeted, crossing his arms over his chest. “Saw you up here, came to invite you two to come spar with us if you’re interested.” He drawled, nodding his head to the left, where a singular group of troopers were sparring in another room.

Noticeably, most of them were looking up at them. Clearly waiting.

The question had Boba letting out a surprised little, huh, before he turned to Din, brows raised questionably to the other. Hesitating, Din mentally calculated the time before nodding. “The Jedi and your buir still has Grogu, he’s not to wake from a nap yet, so I don’t see why not. Training is good?” He stated.

A little snort escaped Boba at that, a fond smile that lacked those distracting scars crossing his lips as he turned back to Alpha and nodded. “Sure, but no funny business. I’ll break your bones if anything weird happens.” He drawled.

A short, barked laugh escaped Alpha and then he was of, moving down the hall with Din and Boba following along quickly.

Making sure to walk at Boba’s side, Din glanced between the two then down to the clones waiting for them. “Boba… who are they?” Din whispered quietly, leaning in to be quiet yet clearly by the way Alpha’s head jerked a bit, he still heard Din. “To you I mean, you… don’t listen to anyone else, I mean, except your buir.” He stated cautiously.

Boba raised his brow before shrugging slightly, finding Din’s hand. “They’re my batch mates. We were decanted together.” He drawled, his voice cracking slightly without an ounce of embarrassment for his hormones.

‘…Oh…’ Din turned his head back to Alpha’s back. ‘…They’re his vode. They’re the one he would have grown with if Jango hadn’t kept him.’

The difference was stark, from Alpha’s power build adult form to Boba’s much younger, smooth faced form and Din squeezed Boba’s hand.

He got a squeeze back, Boba’s eyes focused on Alpha’s back with quiet contemplation.

Aliit = Family

Buir = Dad

Bob’ika = Little Boba

Soooooo, Cody’s moving the time table up? Is he gonna have a meeting with the CCs and high ranking troopers on Coruscant right now to get the word out?

The room was quiet except for the flickering of the comm unit, every trooper unnaturally focused on the vod in the holo.

Cody had finally called Kamino, getting in contact with Alpha. “Look,” Alpha stared down at his hands, not looking at Cody or any of the other clones as he finally spoke. “You all know that Skywalker and I didn’t have the… best of relationship while we worked together.” He grumbled at a few snorts that echoed through the meeting room.

That was putting it mildly and everyone knew it.

There was a reason why Alpha had not gone with Anakin and Rex had become his second after all. As far as the other troopers were aware, Alpha only respected two Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Shaak Ti, the only two he had personally interacted with and gained respect with by being at their side.

After escorting Obi-Wan to the temple, leaving him in a shakily smiling Anakin’s care, Cody had returned, calling together the GAR clone command to forward their plans, bringing up his suggestions on how to take out a few of them and asking Fox for suggestion on how to take out the Chancellor as their seconds took charge in the meantime.

Cody could trust Waxer to keep order while he was busy airing his ideas on how to murder the Chancellor.

Depending on when they took him out, they’d have to either make it look natural or make painful, as many wanted to after hearing how Obi-Wan and Anakin had put their trust in the man, only to be gutted.

Cody had also taken the chance to call Kamino, getting in touch with Alpha, since he had put their plans in danger by shooting Burtoni.

He wanted answers, answers he knew he wouldn’t like but he still needed them, so he knew how to proceed.

Alpha ran a hand over his face, suddenly looking exhausted in the blue light of the holo. “…Did you all know he turned twenty that first year?” He rasped out, a few troopers stilling. “That was his first year as a twenty year old Jedi, first year he was unable to say no.” He stated quietly, as if pained by the information.

Rex let out a rush of air as several vode looked at each other with surprise.

Quite a few of them remembered how reckless and angry Anakin Skywalker the padawan had been.

There were still signs of that recklessness and anger of course but it wasn’t as obvious.


It suddenly made sense.

“…During the Seperatist invasion of Kamino, the first one that is,” Alpha stated, voice slow and steady. “There were three Jedi on Kamino. Shaak Ti, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.” His voice tapered of a bit, dropping his head to stare at his hands.

In the holo, they could see him picking at the armoring on top of his hand, rubbing at the blue paint on the top. “…They stayed a while.” Rex stated in remembrance, swallowing thickly when Alpha nodded, eyes still trained on his own hands.

“Burtoni was here too, due to the invasion, she hadn’t been able to leave, I don’t remember why she was here though. All three Jedi were dodging the longnecks too, I remember them seemingly disappearing sometimes after the attack, as if they didn’t want to be found.” Alpha murmured with bitter regret in his voice.

A few winced.

No, considering the unhealthy interest the kamioan had in them, no wonder they tried to disappear when the Senator was also there.

No one said a word though, waiting on Alpha to find the words he needed to explain. “Didn’t think much of it at the time if I’m honest… and then Burtoni came looking for them, Lama Su and Ko Sai at her heels.” He gritted his teeth, the sound loud enough to be caught in the holocall, grinding slowly and painfully.

No one wanted to ask what had happened.

They could guess, based on conjecture.

The kaminoans had always been disturbingly interested in Jedi and Force sensitive, they knew that. Hell, there had even been a period where the scientists had tried to replicate Force sensitivity in some of the clones.

None of those batches had come out well.

Of course, they were unaware that there were already Force sensitive clones, it happened among them but hidden from the eyes of the demagolka as the interest was disturbing and the young clones had caught on fast that they did not want that attention.

“She took them away.” Rex stated with certainty and Alpha nodded slowly, finally looking up, his gaze both guilty and angry. It was the helpless sort of rage that every Jedi serving trooper had felt when the truth came out.

“She did and I didn’t see them for four days, not until it was time for them to leave. Skywalker wasn’t moving right at the time, he was so pale and angry. But more than that, he almost looked… scared,” Alpha stated quietly, as if all of Anakin’s behavior in the early war made so much more sense. “Kenobi was almost normal by comparison but… he kept favoring his left side and I don’t know if I’m remembering it wrong but I could have sworn his hair was shorter and he too was so pale his freckles stuck out.” He murmured, as if saying it too loudly was too much for him.

Cody wanted to drop his head in his hands.

Or slam it on the table.

Considering what they knew, he could make a few adequate guesses.

Burtoni had come looking for the Jedi with a scientist and the minister, both Jedi were over twenty years of age and therefore unable to reject any request from a senator that wouldn’t leave permanent marks.

The next time Alpha saw either Jedi, they were hurt, pale and upset.

The longnecks had taken samples, most likely a lot of blood and done test on the Jedi, most likely in a twisted attempt to try and clone them or recreate Force sensitivity in clones.

Maybe other things too depending on what they had done and Cody knew he would have slicers get into the data banks of Kamino to find out.

It was one thing when it was Jango Fett, he had willingly donated his samples to be clone, was paid for it.

Hell, even the clones had some agency over the donation of ther sample, minor but some.

The Jedi however couldn’t say no.

How many other Jedi had Burtoni ordered around when she was back on Kamino?

Shaak Ti was there, stationed permanently.

How many experiments had the regal looking togruta been exposed to, how much blood had been taken from her?

What of those Jedi that came to supervise or refuel?

How many had Burtoni harmed?

“…Continue with the cloaking devise to make it seem like Burtoni is alive, I know its awful, but vote like she would have,” He murmured into his hands, feeling more than seeing Alpha tense up. “We’re moving the plans forward, operation Smoked vermin will be done by the end of the month. Just keep the illusion going for a month.” Cody sighed tiredly.

“…As you say Vod’alor.” Alpha murmured quietly, the tapping of a fist against a chestplate filling the air as Cody sought refuge in the darkness of his own hands.

Just quiet and darkness, just for a few moments.