I don’t know if you take prompts but you’re an amazing writer! If it’s possible, could I ask for a rexwalker short where theyre cuddling in bed?!? Just some sweet fluff :):):)

Shuffling slightly as he woke, Anakin paused as he felt a heavy arm over his waist along with sweaty, thick legs between his own.

For a long moment, his head aching, Anakin struggled to remember what the hell had happened last night… and then he relaxed, grunting slightly with relief.

Rex, it was Rex in his bed, Rex, who had gone with him out bar hopping, Rex, who had his arm around Anakin’s waist, Rex who was pressed against Anakin’s body in an uncomfortable sweaty sensation and yet Anakin couldn’t bring himself to pull away from the man.

Because it was so rare they got to share a bed without having to hurry to get up and get to work.

They were finally on Coruscant, having a small amount of rest, Obi-Wan having managed to talk the council into giving Anakin and the 501stan entire week on Coruscant by taking over the system Anakin was suppose to clean up.

Force, was Anakin grateful to Obi-Wan for that.

Ahsoka finally got a full week at the temple, got to work on some of her homework, got to feel normal and Anakin’s men got to decompress and spend time with his brothers.

And Anakin?

Anakin got to spend time with Rex, his captain happily following him out into the slums to Anakin’s favorite little bar hops that never cared who he brought as long as the tabs were paid.

Oh, Anakin had noticed a few of the patrons staring at Rex but no one had approached them, all of them aware who Anakin was and aware that the owner of the cantina was fond of him.

The nightclub later on didn’t care at all, the half shadows making everyone anonymity in the throng of the crowds and the beat of music.

It had been fun, a drunken, relaxing moment, wrapped up with Rex for once, letting go of being a war General and a Jedi to spend time with the person Anakin cared the most for outside of his family.

Because Rex wasn’t… well he was family of course but he was something…more.

Curiously though, Anakin didn’t quite remember how they managed to return to the temple after their fun and he rather hoped they hadn’t made a fool of themselves in front of the sentinels and the nocturnal Jedi but knowing himself, he’d likely make a scene anyhow that Rex had dragged him from to Anakin’s quarters and bed.

“I can feel you thinking,” Rex suddenly grumbled, his hand suddenly tightening around Anakin’s stomach to pull him more tightly to his chest, the sensation almost disgusting with the amount of sweat trapped between them. “Stop it, its too early.” He huffed into Anakin’s neck, the stubble of his face rubbing the skin.

Shuffling slightly, Anakin grumbled and moved until he could face the other, finding Rex squinting slightly at him, a furrow between his brows.

Likely a hangover too from the looks of it and Anakin couldn’t help but smile fondly as he reached up to gently thumb the others temple. “Headache?” He whispered, letting the quietness of the morning linger.

He got a grunt in response but Rex frown eased when Anakin lightly brought the Force to aid. Now, healing Force wasn’t Anakin’s best trait but he could ease out a small headache and heal some injuries.

Force knew he had enough time to practice that with master ‘I am not invincible but I will use myself as bait.’ Kenobi.

Headache mostly gone, Rex pushed forward until his face was buried in Anakin’s collarbone, sighing contently as he rewrapped his arm around the Jedi’s waist, hand finding the small of his back to pet.

Deciding he might as well deal with most of his own headache, Anakin reluctantly settled in to meditate it away, settling as Rex continued absently petting.

Honestly, it was sweaty, their skin were uncomfortably sticking to each other and Anakin could faintly smell the sourness of Rex breath along with a slight undertone of stale alcohol.

Yet he didn’t find it in himself to move away, feeling content despite it all as he lingered in Rex arms.

They could take a shower later.

How often did they get to just linger in bed.

Together, the two went back to sleep, curled into each other with sweaty, sticky skin and the promise of a quiet day in Anakin’s quarters.

So for Uncertain beginnings, does Qui-Gon try to talk to Obi or is he just focusing on teaching Anakin?

didn’t know how he got there.

wasn’t Quinlan suppose to look after him!?

however he had ended up on the old couch in Qui-Gon’s quarters.
That old monster that he sometimes fell asleep on after long study
periods and Qui-Gon had carried him to bed from.

he couldn’t just sneak out either because Qui-Gon was awake and
waiting, holding out a cup of tea mutely to him when Obi-Wan sat up
and took in where he was, a pounding headache thanks to the laced
alcohol so he had one hell of a hangover.

far they had been sitting on the couch mutely for what felt like a
horrendous amount of time, the sounds of a wakening temple reaching
them and the sun shining in from the living room window in orange and
yellow glow.

to the cup in his lap, Obi-Wan opened his mouth to try and get out
when Qui-Gon suddenly spoke. “When you were found… it was I who
found you.” He whispered and Obi-Wan looked at the other, hunching
a bit in on himself.

knew this.

had talked about this, why was Qui-Gon…

words dried in his mouth as he caught wind of the others expression
as Qui-Gon pulled a crate out from under the caff table, gently
taking the lid off to reveal baby items of all things. “What I
didn’t tell you… was that I was the one who took care of you,”
Qui-Gon continued softly, pulling a little pale
blue onesie
with animal ears on the a hood and a little tail, a lamb onesie. “You
were so scared of everything because of the life you had led until then
that we couldn’t put you in the creche, so I volunteered to take
you in, take care of you. You honestly went on shift for a few
Knights but I was the one who held you the most, your crib was in my
bedroom.” He confessed quietly.

throat went tight, he didn’t know what to say to the other. Qui-Gon
had taken care of him, had been the one to change his diapers and
hold him when he was just scared of the world?

felt like screaming suddenly as he shakily put the cup on the dark wooden caff table.

didn’t know how to explain it once
I finally had you back, as my padawan,”
Qui-Gon continued, his voice nary a whisper as Obi-Wan continued to
coil tighter in on himself. “To explain how I loved you from the
moment you opened your eyes and saw the sun for the first time when I
held you in my arms.” The Jedi master swallowed harshly, as if his
throat was suddenly too narrow just
like the former padawan’s felt in that moment,
too tight.

didn’t know what to say but he no longer felt like screaming.

crying though.

might be a very real thing.

seemed to find his voice again. “You were so scared of the world
and yet you sought safety in me when I introduced you to the world
outside your tube, scared
of light, scared of sound and yet you curled into my chest and sought
warmth until I had to give you to the creche when you were
socialized, promising you’d be my padawan after Xanatos only for…
all the mess to happen and me to forget my promise.
Then you were my padawan suddenly
and I hurt you again
and again and again
and I just… didn’t know how to mend the bridges again.” He

The tears
dripped down Obi-Wan’s face and that would do no favor for his

wryly, Qui-Gon stroked the little lamb ears while glancing at
Obi-Wan’s stunned expression. “When you were with me… I bought
several soft outfits for you. The council didn’t approve of course
but you were still so new and scared of the world, the tube and the
pain was
you knew… and I splurged with my own credits for soft and warm things.” He held out the
onesie for Obi-Wan to take.

numb hands, Obi-Wan did, stroking the soft fabric with his fingers as
his lips reluctantly twitched a bit as he imagined himself as a
little blue lamb, soft ears and a little tail.

he glanced at Qui-Gon as the man drew something else out of the box,
a deep blue blanket with soft white stars on it.

used to be your baby blanket while you were with me. I kept it all
when I handed you back to the creche except for your soft toy, a
lothcat,” Qui-Gon chuckled shakily, rubbing his thumb over a faded
star where the blue had started to bleed out into the white. “I’d
wrap you up in this and one of your onesies and hold you to my chest
where the sound of my breathing and heartbeat would still even the
sorest of your cries when you were overwhelmed or scared.” He
murmured quietly.

shakily, Obi-Wan opened his mouth. “Then why did you do that?” He
questioned pitifully, both of them knowing what ‘that’ was.

sadly, Qui-Gon huffed. “Because I’m stupid and I panicked.
Because I promised Anakin’s mother to make sure he was safe…”
He confessed. “And in that moment I forgot to keep you safe.” He
reached out slowly then hesitated before he touched Obi-Wan, staring
at him.

Obi-Wan stared at the hand before whimpering and pushing into it.

shaking large hand stroked over Obi-Wan’s hair dropping
down to wipe Obi-Wan’s tears
“…I don’t know how a parent is suppose to feel…but I know
this, I would be honored
to have been your father and
I’m so sorry
I hurt you.”
Qui-Gon choked out.

into sobs, Obi-Wan leaned into him, his body trembling.

didn’t know what else to do but cry in that moment.

was so tired and the sound of Qui-Gon’s heart was familiar as were
the arms that wrapped around him, holding him tightly.

So for Uncertain beginnings, does Qui-Gon try to talk to Obi or is he just focusing on teaching Anakin?

didn’t know how he got there.

wasn’t Quinlan suppose to look after him!?

however he had ended up on the old couch in Qui-Gon’s quarters.
That old monster that he sometimes fell asleep on after long study
periods and Qui-Gon had carried him to bed from.

he couldn’t just sneak out either because Qui-Gon was awake and
waiting, holding out a cup of tea mutely to him when Obi-Wan sat up
and took in where he was, a pounding headache thanks to the laced
alcohol so he had one hell of a hangover.

far they had been sitting on the couch mutely for what felt like a
horrendous amount of time, the sounds of a wakening temple reaching
them and the sun shining in from the living room window in orange and
yellow glow.

to the cup in his lap, Obi-Wan opened his mouth to try and get out
when Qui-Gon suddenly spoke. “When you were found… it was I who
found you.” He whispered and Obi-Wan looked at the other, hunching
a bit in on himself.

knew this.

had talked about this, why was Qui-Gon…

words dried in his mouth as he caught wind of the others expression
as Qui-Gon pulled a crate out from under the caff table, gently
taking the lid off to reveal baby items of all things. “What I
didn’t tell you… was that I was the one who took care of you,”
Qui-Gon continued softly, pulling a little pale
blue onesie
with animal ears on the a hood and a little tail, a lamb onesie. “You
were so scared of everything because of the life you had led until then
that we couldn’t put you in the creche, so I volunteered to take
you in, take care of you. You honestly went on shift for a few
Knights but I was the one who held you the most, your crib was in my
bedroom.” He confessed quietly.

throat went tight, he didn’t know what to say to the other. Qui-Gon
had taken care of him, had been the one to change his diapers and
hold him when he was just scared of the world?

felt like screaming suddenly as he shakily put the cup on the dark wooden caff table.

didn’t know how to explain it once
I finally had you back, as my padawan,”
Qui-Gon continued, his voice nary a whisper as Obi-Wan continued to
coil tighter in on himself. “To explain how I loved you from the
moment you opened your eyes and saw the sun for the first time when I
held you in my arms.” The Jedi master swallowed harshly, as if his
throat was suddenly too narrow just
like the former padawan’s felt in that moment,
too tight.

didn’t know what to say but he no longer felt like screaming.

crying though.

might be a very real thing.

seemed to find his voice again. “You were so scared of the world
and yet you sought safety in me when I introduced you to the world
outside your tube, scared
of light, scared of sound and yet you curled into my chest and sought
warmth until I had to give you to the creche when you were
socialized, promising you’d be my padawan after Xanatos only for…
all the mess to happen and me to forget my promise.
Then you were my padawan suddenly
and I hurt you again
and again and again
and I just… didn’t know how to mend the bridges again.” He

The tears
dripped down Obi-Wan’s face and that would do no favor for his

wryly, Qui-Gon stroked the little lamb ears while glancing at
Obi-Wan’s stunned expression. “When you were with me… I bought
several soft outfits for you. The council didn’t approve of course
but you were still so new and scared of the world, the tube and the
pain was
you knew… and I splurged with my own credits for soft and warm things.” He held out the
onesie for Obi-Wan to take.

numb hands, Obi-Wan did, stroking the soft fabric with his fingers as
his lips reluctantly twitched a bit as he imagined himself as a
little blue lamb, soft ears and a little tail.

he glanced at Qui-Gon as the man drew something else out of the box,
a deep blue blanket with soft white stars on it.

used to be your baby blanket while you were with me. I kept it all
when I handed you back to the creche except for your soft toy, a
lothcat,” Qui-Gon chuckled shakily, rubbing his thumb over a faded
star where the blue had started to bleed out into the white. “I’d
wrap you up in this and one of your onesies and hold you to my chest
where the sound of my breathing and heartbeat would still even the
sorest of your cries when you were overwhelmed or scared.” He
murmured quietly.

shakily, Obi-Wan opened his mouth. “Then why did you do that?” He
questioned pitifully, both of them knowing what ‘that’ was.

sadly, Qui-Gon huffed. “Because I’m stupid and I panicked.
Because I promised Anakin’s mother to make sure he was safe…”
He confessed. “And in that moment I forgot to keep you safe.” He
reached out slowly then hesitated before he touched Obi-Wan, staring
at him.

Obi-Wan stared at the hand before whimpering and pushing into it.

shaking large hand stroked over Obi-Wan’s hair dropping
down to wipe Obi-Wan’s tears
“…I don’t know how a parent is suppose to feel…but I know
this, I would be honored
to have been your father and
I’m so sorry
I hurt you.”
Qui-Gon choked out.

into sobs, Obi-Wan leaned into him, his body trembling.

didn’t know what else to do but cry in that moment.

was so tired and the sound of Qui-Gon’s heart was familiar as were
the arms that wrapped around him, holding him tightly.