So what happens next in Fallen for You? Does Obi overhear anything about Ani needing to be in the light within 5 months? Or is Palpatine knocking on the door?

into Anakin’s side, Obi-Wan breathed out shakily as the two rested
against each other.

was unreal, being back in their quarters, sitting on their couch,
ignoring the comm.

there were a lot of them.

fellow Jedi to senators to even the flipping Chancellor trying to
contact them but just… no.

Anakin or Obi-Wan were up to it, not after going through a physical
debrief with the Jedi council and then later on a fresh examination
by the healers where they were prescribed not only medication to take
but also further appointments and meal plans.

of them needed to put on weight again and Ahsoka was firmly invested
in them following the plan laid out as she was currently in the
kitchen, carefully cooking a vegetable soup with tiny cubes of soy
proteins in.

a bit when he was about to fall asleep, Obi-Wan let out a tiny noise.
“Feels odd…” He noted quietly to the other, feeling Anakin’s
nose brush his scalp for a second as his arm tightened around

a bit, Obi-Wan found Anakin’s mech hand, grasping it with both of
his as he closed his eyes, trying to settle back in with a deep sigh.

what you mean…” Anakin sighed quietly. “It feels like we’re
still back there right?” The fallen Jedi swallowed heavily, Obi-Wan
able to hear the others throat work this close.

a bit, Obi-Wan gave a small nod while tightening his grip on Anakin’s
hand. Out in space it had been different, it was easy to tell that
they were out of the cells but when Obi-Wan escaped in his own

was where he went.

home, the quarters with Anakin and Ahsoka, the smell of incense, the
feel of the special blanket he was gifted with from Anakin, Tatooine
patterned in white and beige and
his soft socks.


it felt unreal now when he had escaped into it in his mind during the
whole month of torture and pain.

Anakin was real.

was in as bad a shape as he was and Anakin was real
as they clung to each other as tightly as they could.

that made the situation real, it made the temple
and the kindness around them real.

meant they were out of those cells and out.

take that oral spray the healers prescribed you.” Obi-Wan murmured
finally, glancing at the caff table where all their pills were

they had twelve different kinds of
eight for Obi-Wan and four for Anakin.

heavily, Anakin shifted a bit before nodding and carefully letting go
of Obi-Wan to lean forward to pick up the oral spray.

made Obi-Wan feel somewhat cold as the covers wrapped around them
loosened at Anakin’s move but the medication was more important
than Obi-Wan’s comfort for a few seconds as Anakin angled the
nozzle and sprayed it into his throat before swallowing, making a
grimace and a little shudder as
he put it down.

bad?” Obi-Wan chuckled, relaxing again when Anakin went right back
to holding around him when he sat back.

awful, kinda chalky and bitter,” Anakin grimaced, glancing at the
bottle. “Which is really weird since it’s a fluid. The chalky
thing is really weird.”

a bit, Obi-Wan tucked himself into Anakin and slid his own arm around
the others waist this time instead of grasping his hand. “Hey,
medication doesn’t have to make sense or taste good to work.” He
chuckled faintly.

Anakin nodded as they both settled into the quietness, listening to
Ahsoka stirring and mumbling to herself as she read the recipe,
making sure she was following the healers meal plan.

should visit the troopers and Dex one of these days,” Anakin stated
quietly. “And maybe the Senate, or at least you and I should go see
Organa and Padme respectively.”

arm tightened around Anakin at the thought of separation.

he still nodded, shivering faintly despite it all.

we can wait until a few more days have gone and just call them,”
Anakin stated quietly, resting his chin on Obi-Wan’s scalp. “Hey,
you gotta tell me if you’re uncomfortable Obi-Wan, I can’t have
you back if you don’t…” He trailed off.

the point was made and Obi-Wan let out a shuddering breath. “I
just… I don’t want to be alone just yet. I know that we’re safe
now but…” He swallowed heavily, gripping the side of Anakin’s
tunic under the blanket.

felt Anakin’s arm tighten around him, the
only touch he could handle at the current moment without wanting to
flee or flinch.
“…Then we’ll take it one day at a time and figure out how
things are going to function for now, try to get back to how we were, try to find the light again.” Anakin promised quietly,
hugging Obi-Wan beneath the blanket.

a bit, Obi-Wan nodded into Anakin’s bony collarbone, breathing out

day at a time, healing steadily and slowly.

so much time of torture and pain, it was all anyone could ask them to
do, take it one day at a time.

That last chapter of Unsafe Galaxy was absolutely gorgeous. I’m dying for more. Can we get more on Obi-Wan and Cody’s relationship and how it’s received? I can’t imagine that Anakin wouldn’t want to talk to Obi-Wan to make sure he’s not being put in an uncomfortable position. And Ahsoka is a nosy little thing in this series. I’ll bet she wants to hear the gossip from Obi-Wan himself.

a slow sip of his perfectly tempered tea, Obi-Wan studied the other
two Jedi over the rim of his tea, taking in Anakin’s red rimmed,
tired eyes and Ahsoka’s bouncing leg that she was trying to get
under control.

former he would guess had something to do with Anakin’s little
breakdown and realization, but he wasn’t about to push him on that for answers.
Anakin would answer him when he was comfortable, he had promised
after all and right now they were all gathered in Obi-Wan’s tent
for lunch together in a little bit of downtime.


there Obi-Wan couldn’t even begin guessing, though he imagined it
had something to do with the little glance Anakin kept shooting her,
eyes narrowed in a slightly
scolding way.

however, as Obi-Wan lowered his cup, Anakin seemed to consider they
had eaten enough for him to talk. “Are you happy?”
He blurted out.

heavily, setting his cup down with a quiet click on the rickety table
they were using, Obi-Wan let out a hum. “I’m sorry, but I think
I’m missing context here. Happy about what?” He smiled

Cody.” Ahsoka quickly jumped it, pouting a bit when Anakin shot her
a quick, censoring look.

he just sighed and nodded. “Yeah, Commander Cody, are you happy
with him? Safe?” Anakin stated quietly, fiddling with his fork,
glancing between his half eaten food and Obi-Wan.

slowly, Obi-Wan tapped the table with his free fingers not holding
his fork. “Anakin…” He stared slowly and then hesitated.

I’m not ragging on Cody,” Anakin raised his hands, Ahoska looking
startled and then starting to look faintly uncomfortable, not having
considered all the way that question might be a tiny bit offending
towards Cody. “He’s a trooper and one of the best men in the
galaxy, all the troopers tend to be but… I worry about you.”
Anakin slumped a bit, peering at him from under his bangs.

a bit, Obi-Wan smiled at him. “Anakin, I’ve never meet someone
interested in me that’s been as respectful of my boundaries and
personal space as Cody has been,” He
took a deep breath, sighing slightly as he glanced down into the cup
and then reaching for the tea pot, refilling as he felt both Ahsoka
and Anakin watch him. “He asks if things are alright, asks if the
touch he offers is acceptable, pulls back if I seem uncertain and
waits for permission. He doesn’t force his company on me or push,”
He glanced up, meeting Anakin’s eyes squarely. “I’ve never had
that before. Not like this.” Obi-Wan settled on quietly.

Anakin stared at him before nodding. “I see. I’m glad Obi-Wan. I
just wanted to know that you were safe and comfortable.” He stated
quietly, his voice small but a smile starting to curl on his lips.

softly, Obi-Wan picked his now refilled cup and blew on it under two
blue gazes. “Well, he makes me smile and roll my eyes and tells me
silly jokes if he thinks I’m in a lower mood when we’re alone, so
I think I’m pretty safe and comfortable.” He chuckled before
perking up, peering at them. “Actually, what do you call a bear
without teeth?” Obi-Wan beamed excitedly at them.

confused looks, Ahsoka and Anakin stared at each other before turning
back to Obi-Wan and shaking their heads.

gummi bear!” He beamed at them.

a second both stared at him before Ahsoka started to giggle loudly
and Anakin groaned, dropping his face in his hands, the fork
clattering to the table. “Oh Force, nooooo, puuuuns. Please tell me
Cody didn’t tell you that one?” He whined as he peeked through
his fingers at his former master, groaning louder when Obi-Wan only
beamed wider.

was still wiggling delightedly in her seat while laughing, the
atmosphere warm and happy for once despite everything going on and
the under currant of war in everything.

In Unsafe Galaxy, we’ve seen Obi-Wan have some bad reactions to violence and when Ahsoka was threatened, but what’s his reaction to regular sexual interaction? Is he sexually active? Are there things he doesn’t enjoy/won’t partake in because of his past? Does he get uncomfortable when people show sexual interest in him?

he wasn’t feeling Ahsoka’s uncertain gaze switching between
himself and Obi-Wan, Anakin continued working on the speeder along
with Fives and Echo, all three of them making repairs and
improvements as they could.

the last half an hour, Ahsoka had been sitting on a rock by them,
observing but she had also been staring at Obi-Wan for some time and
Anakin was anticipating a question as much as he was dreading it at
this point considering the explanation they had to give her.

master Obi-Wan sexually active?” She suddenly asked, tone wary and

tensing on his multitool, Anakin slowly raised his head while
absently noting both Echo and Fives tensing up even as they kept

wasn’t looking at him, was opting to look at the speeder as she
fiddled with her silka beads and Anakin let out a deep sigh as he sat
up and set his tool away. “That’s… complicated.” He finally
said, sighing a bit while rubbing his hands together, aware he was
spreading oil on his glove and not caring.

had spares.

got a glance from blue eyes.

a bit, Anakin thought it over before sighing again. “Both yes and
no. Obi-Wan can
be in a sexual relationship but he needs a… very special set of
circumstances. He can’t
engage in casual sexual relationship and he would never dream of
doing it with strangers, “Anakin tapped his fingers on the speeder
seat. Before learning what had happened, Anakin had just assumed it
was just how Obi-Wan was wired.

all, everyone was different when it came to sex.

that he knew…

he could make a few guesses.

looking at her master, her brows scrunched together which bunched up
the white tattoos, Ahsoka let out an inquisitive noise.

like he needed to have something in his hands to fidget with, Anakin
instead plucked at his glove while glancing at the tip of Ahsoka’s
nose, a trick Obi-Wan had taught him to make it seem like you were
looking someone in the eye and yet at the same time keep your own
comfort level. “Obi-Wan needs to be able to feel safe, secure. He
needs to be friends with someone, have a companionable relationship
with a person before he’s willing to go further. As his padawan I
didn’t really know why, I just thought that was how Obi-Wan was.”
He shrugged a bit.

saw Ahsoka bite at her bottom lip, sharp fangs worrying the skin.

after learning the truth… now I know why. Obi-Wan needs
to know he’ll be safe, that his trust and his body won’t be
abused and… well yeah. So it’s complicated but yes he does engage
in relationships but he can’t just go seeking out a random someone
like some Jedi do to let of steam.” He sighed then picked up his
tool again settling down. “And that’s all I’m willing to say
Ahsoka, anything else you have to ask him
about.” Anakin stated sternly.

could feel her flinch more than see it as he bent back over the motor
but that was as much information as Anakin was willing to share.

same level of information Obi-Wan had once given Anakin when the
padawan had asked.

who deserved to feel safe, Obi-Wan who was currently engaging in a
happy conversation with Cody from the looks of it.

Anakin stared at the two.

happy, trusting, leaning into each others space.

well, if he wants it I say good on him for finding someone to trust.’
Anakin smiled a bit and then focused back on the motor, leaving that
up to Obi-Wan.


couldn’t think of anyone who would respect Obi-Wan’s autonomy and
words more than Cody, regardless what they both wanted, they’d
figure it out together. ‘As long as Obi-Wan doesn’t start
worrying about abusing his position and Cody… Force now I don’t
know if I want them to like each other or if I just want them to
remain friends.’ Anakin grimaced to himself before focusing sternly
back on the motor.

were simple, most tech were.

built for a purpose and you could fix it and that was it with a

couldn’t fix a person so easily.

So, how about an epilogue shot from Undead walking?

are reporting from a historical first, directly from the Rotunda, as
after a vote of no confidence, former Chancellor Palpatine is
refusing to leave his position, citing war effort that would take too
long for a new representative to take over a-” Obi-Wan turned the
tv off, grunting slightly as he sat back against his pillows.

there’s that happening apparently, looking forward to that when we
get home.” He stated dryly before sighing deeply and tiredly.

and Anakin sent him a worried glance from their own beds, the three
one of the ten still put on bed rest.

a bit, Ahsoka smiled meekly. “I guess we’ll handle it when we get
home, right now we still have a full week in transit.” She pointed
out before snuggling down into bed.

adult Jedi could feel her fall asleep rather soon after and traded
fond looks.

both half suspected that Kix and Bandaid
were low key sedating all his long term patient but none of them
could prove it and therefore didn’t bother to do anything about it
to prove it either as they didn’t really want to get out of bed.

more exhausted than she would admit I think.” Anakin sighed fondly,
propping his chin on his hand while resting his elbow on his thigh.

faintly, picking up the pad with his novel that Helix had reluctantly
allowed since it wasn’t work, Obi-Wan nodded. “Wouldn’t shock
me, we were all in quite a state and the wrongness of the Force must
have gone in on her… I’m honestly shocked you’re thriving as
well as you are, considering you being a child of the Force.” He
gave his old padawan a puzzled look.

his nose, Anakin sighed then shrugged. “I should feel worse, but
honestly, the moment we were away from the planet? My entire being
felt so much better,” Anakin smiled weakly. “I was just sore and
tired but Force sense I was fine.”

a bit, Obi-Wan stroked his chin slowly before chuckling. “I think I
see, the Force purged the corrupted Force from you the moment you
were gone from the source, that is amazing.” He marveled, smiling
indulgently when Anakin flushed and reached for his own pad to watch
some of his shows.

would have asked him some more questions if Commander
Cody hadn’t taken that
moment to walk in with Captain Rex, the two looking rather relaxed,
though Cody relaxed even more when he saw his General actually

to the two awake Jedi, the two wandered over to their respective
ones. “Came over with a shuttle,” Cody said quietly at the
curious look on Obi-Wan’s face. “Wanted to have a visual update
on you while updating you to the situation onboard. Helix has
everyone well medicated and relaxed while the rest are doing their
duty. No one is too seriously injured.” He stated.

was giving the same update to Anakin in a round about way, giving him
the star destroyer’s readouts too as the man understood them and
Anakin was nodding in satisfaction to hear it.

a rather large part of himself relax as he smiled up at Cody, Obi-Wan
nodded too. “I’m glad to hear that. I was worried about… well
anyhow, Helix isn’t too stressed is he? Knuckleduster is helping
him right?” He questioned.

over a chair, Cody sat down. “Indeed, they’ve gone on shift.
Helix has main responsibility as always but Helix gives over the
tasks when it’s time for rest and everyone is being kept under
observation just in case.” He stated quietly.

a bit before breathing out, Obi-Wan nodded, understanding the

had been in contact with a dangerous pathogen that could desolate
entire planets and populations, to err on the side of caution was the
best case and now Kix and Bandaid’s behavior made sense too in the
last few days.

the empty beds between every the Jedi and the troopers that had
confused Obi-Wan so much. To if someone turned to give the ones
closest a chance to escape from them.

run, flee or get a weapon of some kind to use against their vode or
the Jedi.

that was honestly horrifying to consider and he was forcing himself
to relax because if someone was infected, they would be having a
fever right now just as Obi-Wan had though Kix had proven that his
was only due to the injuries he had.

it was the infection, my brain would have boiled already.’ He
thought dryly to himself before letting out a soft noise when Cody’s
fingertips brushed his wrist, blinking at the Commander.

alright General, we’re all going to be alright.” The man
promised, smiling slightly at Obi-Wan.

softly as he relaxed into the pillow, Obi-Wan nodded. “You know
what Cody, I do believe you’re right.” He murmured as the Force
felt lighter somehow than in years.

that was because of them coming away from the corrupted Force or
something else, he was uncertain.

So we need a fantasy shot now, ambassador dwarf Obi-Wan and whatever else your brain can come up with ahaha.

Biting into his apple, Anakin watched boredly as the rest of the diplomats mingled, settled against the balcony rail with Ahsoka cheerfully hanging upside down beside him as the tiefling used her tail to hang from the rail while scaring some of the elven ladies on the benches below.

Well that was the intent Anakin thought, considering she had grabbed a bunch of grapes and seemed to be waiting on the best opportunity to throw, her maroon outfit coupled with the pants preserving her decency.

He cheered up a bit as he was joined by Padme, the river nymph diplomat. “Anakin!” She greeted happily as he swallowed quickly and wiped the back of his mouth with his sleeve, trying not to stare at her too obviously while also ignoring what his mother would say if she knew he had wiped his mouth on his new blue tunic.

But it was kind of difficult not to look at nymphs when they insisted to be dressed, and he used that term very lightly, in only vines and flowers from their respective domains. Though Padme was very beautiful in red poppies and a yellow one he thought was called sun flare, very dramatic which suited her.

Grasping her hands in greeting and leaning in to peck her on the cheek, Anakin beamed in return. “Padme, it’s been too long!” He greeted.

Laughing, Padme playfully slapped him at the chest, which he of course had to play wounded at. “You saw me yesterday at the gathering ball! I’m still surprised you’re here.” Padme teased lightly.

Grimacing, Anakin shrugged. “Mother insisted, as our representative for the decade, she said she didn’t like the idea of me staying behind when I could use this opportunity to learn.” He grumbled faintly.

Still laughing, Padme leaned over the rail to greet Ahsoka.

Which left Anakin to eye up her bottom while she was chatting with the tiefling.

Hey, they broke up but Anakin still had a pulse damn it.

‘To bad it didn’t work out but… I guess that’s for the best.’ He thought sadly to himself.

It wasn’t that they hadn’t loved each other but… well, Shmi serious face as she gently pulled her boy aside to explain the darkness in the future for them should they continue had Anakin hesitating and also mulling on his own nature.

He knew that he could be possessive and maybe Padme had been to quick to agree with him…

A painful bloody night came to mind and Anakin tossed his apple core out into the garden while trying to shake the memory of his mind while trying not to seek refuge in Padme’s soft words of forgiveness.

What Anakin had done that night had been unforgivable, he had murdered and Padme…

Well, Shmi had not so easily let it go and had made Anakin see that despite how lovely Padme’s behavior was, it was also the sign of bad things to come should they continue.

‘Doesn’t stop me from loving her still…’ Anakin’s eyes lingered on her before shaking himself to focus on the conversation.

“I heard the dwarf representative finally arrived in the early morning.” Ahsoka pulled herself up, clearly more interested in speaking with Padme than scaring the elf ladies below.

Letting out a thoughtful noise, Padme tapped her chin. “Oh that’s right, old Broadbeam suddenly fell ill yes? They had to bring in another representative and that’s why they weren’t here yesterday at the gathering ball?”

Wrinkling his nose, Anakin rolled his eyes. “Right, great, another old dwarf who hates elves. How fun.” He grumbled, leaning away when Padme slapped her hand in his direction.

“Oh come on Ani, dwarves aren’t as bad as you make them out to be, Broadbeam isn’t all dwarves you know.” She teased.

“Smelly, talks about mining all the time, burps, wants to only eat meat,” Anakin ticked off on his fingers and ignored Ahsoka’s little outraged pout at the only eating meat part. “Stuffy, talks about my ‘low’ quality daggers and sword, tries to pick a fight every time I’m trying to train, tries to stomp on my feet all the ti-me…” He trailed off, blinking at the entrance to the negotiation Halls with clear surprise on his face.

“Anakin?” Padme stared up at him before turning to look in the direction he was, curious as to what had the others attention caught so tightly.

A contingent of dwarves had entered but it was the one in the front that had Anakin’s attention clearly.

The new ambassador was not an old stuffy dwarf, he was young, copper colored hair and beard all gathered and groomed.

His hair was all gathered to the middle of his head to be braided to lay down his upper back with his beard having two small warrior braids with golden and gem beads, he wore the royal blue with traditional golden knot designs at the hems and sleeve with a belt and knee high black boots and to top it all off, a warm, black fur cape that he was pulling off while laughing with his companion.

Glancing at her elven friend, Padme felt her lips twitch into a smile. “What was that about stuffy old dwarves?” She teased.

Coloring, Anakin rubbed the back of his neck. “Shut up, he could still be stuffy for all we know.” He stammered out, pausing as the dwarven ambassador suddenly let out a loud, happy laugh, green eyes twinkling.

Anakin couldn’t help but notice that outside of the decoration on his shirt and what was in the others hair, there weren’t really many decorations on the dwarf… and yet he made himself seem very important by simply smiling. ‘…Who are you?’ He wondered, intrigued.

Hi Moddy, could you continue The Risk? Anakin maybe mentions his theory about the father and someone, maybe Ahsoka, points out that Waxer and Boil are dating and maybe so are some of the others. As well as, that it is completely plausible that none of them are the father and they just went so that they could help Obi-Wan later on. Also that there is no proof the father is a clone and for all Anakin knows the father is another Jedi or a civilian.

spoon slowly being lowered back into her stew, Ahsoka stared at her
master before giggling faintly and shaking her head, lekku’s
curling in response to her amusement.

at his padawan, Anakin pointed his own spoon at her. “Hey, they
could be, you know Obi-Wan likes the troopers.” He tried to defend
his point of view.

her spoon on the bowl, Anakin gave him a full toothed grin. “Well
yeah but you know that Boil and Waxer are dating right?” She said
teasingly. “And even if one of those haven’t knocked each other
up accidentally, the 212th
are as protective of Obi-Wan as the 501st
are over us!” She chirped happily, suddenly
understanding why Anakin had looked relieved that Obi-Wan wasn’t
joining them for dinner.

man had wanted to air his theories to her!

stirring his stew slowly, Anakin reluctantly nodded. “So you think
they’re just there to help then?
I mean it’s not unbelievable and I know Waxer and Helix at least
really likes kids.” Anakin frowned a bit before shrugging.

he was wrong and one of the troopers weren’t the father.

that left him back on square one since Obi-Wan wasn’t answering
questions on who the father was.

not ashamed of the father or the baby, if he was, that would be
obvious.’ Anakin mused to himself before sighing internally and
rubbing his face with his mech hand. Honestly he had kind of been
hoping it was one of the troopers because they were some of the best
people Anakin had ever had the pleasure of being around and talking

it was one of the troopers though,” Ahsoka suddenly said, sounding
thoughtful while sitting back in the chair. “I would take a guess
at it being Commander Cody actually, Master Obi-Wan has always been
fond of him and sometimes he comes out of Master Obi-Wan’s tent
rather late at night.” She stuffed a spoonful of stew into his

Anakin swirled his spoon in the air. “They’re going over
requisitions and battle line up Snips, believe me, their
conversations are boring and I know, I tried to eavesdrop on them a
few times.” He stated dryly which had Ahsoka crack up again.

a wee spy Skyguy.” The togruta cackled at the human who just
ignored her and continued eating, still pondering who the hell was
the dad.


out a soft noise as he tucked his face into Cody’s neck, Obi-Wan
smiled drowsily. “This is nice.” He mumbled.

a bit as he continued steadily rubbing his Jedi’s back, Cody
couldn’t help but glance about the crowded barracks room. “Yeah,
stuffing ourselves onto a narrow bunk with most of my commander vode
around and no privacy, very romantic.” He stated dryly and ignored
Fox stifling his evil cackling.

chuckled faintly in reply. “Well, I would have enjoyed some more
privacy but your vode wouldn’t go around spreading rumors anyhow
and any time I get to spend with you is good time to me.” The Jedi
nuzzled into the joint of Cody’s neck.

slowly, Cody ran his hand over Obi-Wan’s light stomach swell.
there is that.” He agreed quietly, ignoring Rex making kissy faces
with Wolffe. Screw them, he had Obi-Wan tucked into his arms on the
narrow bunk and why shouldn’t he just enjoy that as he felt Obi-Wan
lightly mouth at his neck.

know you’re gonna have to tell them eventually who the dad really
is right?” He pointed out after a moment.

let Anakin guess for a bit longer, he looks like a frustrated dog.”
Obi-Wan sniggered happily and then yawned deeply, somehow managing to
snuggle in even more tightly to Cody’s side much to his enjoyment
as he gave his vode the middle finger  behind Obi-Wan’s back with a
pleased smirk as they mock gasp and ‘fainted’.

was good to be loved.

Hey… unsafegalaxy… Obi was fourteen when that happened right? Guess who else is fourteen at around the time of the clone wars… a prompt where nothing ACTUALLY happens to Ahsoka, but maybe someone’s being creepy or something and she doesn’t really notice or at least doesn’t feel too unsafe, but Obi and Ani FLIP.

a very mature young lady aren’t you Ahsoka?” The swarmy voice was
something Obi-Wan would normally ignore but the words, the words
echoed in his head, in his past and his head snapped up from the holo
map he had been examining to meet Anakin’s wide eyes with his own
before both turned towards where Ahsoka was standing with Commander
Ulrika Witada.

words sounded casual but to someone who had once heard the same words
and then been abused…

were the words of terror.

for Ahsoka, who only looked mildly annoyed and a bit flattered. After
all, hearing from an adult that you were mature as a teen?

that was flattering.

someone who had been hurt in the same way the leering commander
clearly wanted with Ahsoka, ‘discreetly’ trying to peek down her
top, it was horrifying to hear and before Obi-Wan could even take a
step, Anakin was between the commander and his padawan.

I got something I want to show you, come along.” He said in an
overly cheerful tone that couldn’t have been less genuine if he was
chewing on rocks as he practically carried his padawan away.

Witada could react with more than a small frown, Obi-Wan placed
himself in the man’s path, the Jedi’s face the picture of
blankness if not for the way his eyes practically spit fire. “I’ll
give this warning once commander, stay away from padawan Tano, lest
I’d report you for what you just said.” Obi-Wan seethed quietly,
his voice pitched low.

other military leaders scoffed at the Jedi, too merciful in the
field, not willing to go the last length as they saw it.

there was something in Obi-Wan’s tone that had Witada stepping back
as he paled. “I wasn’t doing anyt-” He tried to defend.

cut in. “Don’t,” He said coldly. “Leave padawan Tano alone,
or else.” Obi-Wan growled.

the other read in Obi-Wan’s face appeared to be enough as he
suddenly scampered off though he tried to play it off more casually.

watched him, his eyes never leaving the man until he was sure he had
gone in the direction of his own tent before he turned to Cody.
“…That man is not to be left alone with Ahsoka under any
circumstance, have I made myself clear?” Obi-Wan said quietly,
slowly relaxing.

confusion in his Force aura, Cody glanced between where Witada had
gone and his own Jedi. “Yes sir but may I ask what just happened?”
questioned even as he flagged down Rex so the other would hear the
explanation he hoped to get.

staring after Witada, Obi-Wan’s lips twisted with memory. “That’s
how it starts,” He growled, only increasing the captain and
commander’s confusion along with the rest of the vode. “What he
said, that’s how they start,” Obi-Wan’s voice turned deeper, a
bit mocking. “Oh you’re so grown up, you must be so mature, why I
bet you can keep a secret.
Let’s not tell your master. You wouldn’t want to be in trouble
after all.” Obi-Wan’s lips twisted into a sneer, his arms coming
up to hug himself.

uncertain glances, Cody and Rex shrugged at each other before
freezing at the Jedi’s next words.

then they get you alone and rape you, because they made themselves
into someone you trust. They’ve manipulated you into thinking
you’re so grown up but you’re not,
just a lost, dumb teen.” Obi-Wan stated bitterly before turning
back to the holo map, his eyes unseeing of the landscape around, hazy
green eyes turned to the past as much as the present. “That’s
always how it starts…” Obi-Wan whispered quietly, more to himself
than anyone else.

that moment Rex and Cody vowed never to let Witada out of sight,
outrage and protective fear sparking in their stomach.

Good evening Moddy :) Thank you for #reachingthesun – one of my personal favourites, although let me add I love most of your stories with undying devotion! What’s next? Dark visions for Obi-wan? Chance meeting with Anakin and Palpatine? Any chance you would put it on AO3?

started so nice.

knows it’s a dream, giving him a chance to control it as he shifts
through the motions of pulling up a favored landscape, endless sight
of evergreen grassy plains with forest to the left and ocean to the
right, or maybe it’s a lake with joyful fish in.

Obi-Wan float’s high above it all, stretching wings as he no longer
has hands or feet as he knows them.

Obi-Wan is a hawk, a pygmy hawk flying easily above it all, watching
the fish jump in the lake and the taun-taun below grazing quietly.

could even spot predators lurking in the grass towards the

sun is warm, the air is fresh and the beauty of the landscape lies
above him as he flies free in his dream.

then it goes dark, fire closes in around him on all ends and his gray
wings lights up on fire as he screams in pain, hitting the ashen
plains as the ocean turns to lava, his eyes wide as his body reverts
and yet his limbs remain on fire that he can not extinguish.

shadow falls over him in the darkness and when Obi-Wan looks up he
finds himself looking at Anakin, the other staring at him with dull
eyes as if he can’t see the other Jedi on fire as he calls out for
aid, for help, desperate to end the pain.

stands behind Anakin however, shadowed, a hood up with a nasty grin
on their visible lower half as they place their hand on Anakin’s

Obi-Wan’s horror, Anakin’s eyes flash yellow as he pulls his
saber off his belt, lighting up in red as he aims at it at the
burning Jedi.

saber falls and Obi-Wan wakes up screaming from the twisting of a
vision and nightmare, shaking as he desperately scrambles out of his
bed, covered in sweat as he fumbles out of his dark room and to the

can hear Ahsoka’s door slam open, his padawan calling out in panic
as she catches the tail of him rushing into the fresher,
vomiting heavily the last meal he had before going to bed.

Obi-Wan let out a rasping cough when the door slid open again to
admit Ahsoka, his padawan dropping to her knee beside him to rub his
back with one slender hand, unconcerned by either the sweat or his
state of dress.

heaving several times once his mouth and bile of his stomach was
gone, Obi-Wan settled his arms on the white toilet, still shaking a
bit before nodding slowly.

quickly got up and filled one of the glasses on the sink with water
and soaking a flannel with water before kneeling back down, handing
the glass first to him.

his mouth with the water, Obi-Wan wondered how it had all come to

he had washed out his mouth and cleaned his face with the flannel,
Obi-Wan finally sat up enough to face his padawan, the togruta
staring at her human master in worry. “…Another vision?” She
questioned softly.

slowly, Obi-Wan rubbed his face. “I was hoping I’d get to sleep
properly tonight,” He tried to sass but the rasp of his voice made
it impossible and Ahsoka’s face fell. Sighing deeply, Obi-Wan
patted the others cheek. “I’m sorry Ahsoka, we should get some
sound proo-”

young padawan cut in, holding Obi-Wan’s hand to her cheek. “Don’t
master,” Ahsoka said warningly, her eyes narrowing. “You are my
master and just like it’s your duty to look after me, it is my duty
to learn your wisdom. That includes helping care for my fellow Jedi
who experience visions.” She stated strongly.

dropping open a bit, Obi-Wan let out a small huffing breath before
smiling softly. “Well… calling it wisdom is kind of stretching
it.” He whispered shakily before reaching out and pulling the young
lady into a tight hug, feeling the soft, worn cloth of her sleepwear
against his chest and
warm skin of lekkus and monterals against his shoulder and cheek.

said nothing for a few moments until-

you’re half naked and hugging me in my sleeping shirt and panties.”

seen me naked and covered in oozing plant rashes Ahsoka, at this
point I don’t think I have anything to hide from you and
I can literally not feel any more embarrassed than when you had to
dab that ointment on my back and ass where I couldn’t reach, oh
Snipy one.”

who you calling Snipy, Mr Flirt?”

two took potshots at each other, both laughing quietly into each
others skin.

was the life of a Jedi knight, to
have rashes on their asses.

MODDY!!! More breakabarrier!!! I LOVE THAT FIC!!! Is one baby? Is two babies? Is Anakin doing ok away from his mates? Where does Obi stay at night and during the day? How does Padme pamper him??

up against the warm plains of her mate’s back, Padme smiled
sleepily against the pleasantly warm skin and ignored the minor
discomfort where her cheek was sticking to Obi-Wan’s shoulder blade
as she spooned her mate.

wanted to lay there forever, wanted to soak in the warmth forever.

she needed to pee and the arm she was laying on was numb as all heck.

reluctance in her sleepy mind, Padme slowly shuffled away from her
mate after one last kiss to his spine before wiggling away slowly and
carefully so not to wake the slumbering omega. Obi-Wan had been doing
that a lot more, sleeping without waking when she moved in their
nest, feeling safe and comfortable despite Anakin not being around.

to the fresher, Padme let her mind slip to their other mate and
missing member of the bed.

out there in the cold of space, going to war, trying to bring in the
peace Padme wasn’t sure could be obtained out in the field but had
to be truly gained in the halls of diplomacy but…

with Dooku and the Chancellor at the helm, she was doubtful they
would get it.

get her wrong, Padme loved her old mentor but it had become
increasingly clear to her with the progress of weeks and months that
he had become more of a spider in his web in the seat of power at the
Republic and if she could go back in time and shake her younger self,
she would totally do it.

the loo, Padme grumbled and eyed the little chrono before rolling her

wasn’t that early anymore and she had to leave for the Senate soon,
having several meetings she needed to engage in with the hopes of
maybe getting some progress to get peace and with the clone rights
amendment she was working on.

she could get Obi-Wan’s thoughts on the latter she bet as she
grabbed her toothbrush and got to work on getting clean so the
handmaidens could help her with her outfit. It was only once they
entered the bedroom that Obi-Wan woke, giving all of them bleary,
sleepy looks before rolling over on his side and pulling the blankets
over his head.

and endeared, Padme just watched her pregnant mate cuddle back to
sleep with nary a care since he didn’t have anything to do in the
temple today and she was more than happy to let him sleep in.


at the holo comm, Anakin settled his elbows on his knees and pouted
quietly to himself as Ahsoka patted his head.

up Skyguy! At least Senator Amidala is looking out for master
Obi-Wan,” Ahsoka said cheerfully and laughed slightly when he just
grunted. “I mean at least he’s sleeping over at the apartment
most days, that’s good? Sleeping in your nest.” She
tried to sooth his sulking.

seemed to work too as Anakin grinned slightly. “I guess that’s a
good thing yeah… Padme says Obi-Wan manages to sleep through her
leaving the nest now, confidant and content.” He perked up more
much to the amusement of both his troopers and Ahsoka.

the odd human hair teasingly, the padawan winked happily. “And that
is progress after all! He’s not as clingy as he was in the
beginning meaning that the mating bond has been settling in after all
and he’s confidant in his place in both of your hearts after all.”
She chirped at him.

up even more, Anakin bounced to his feet and nodded. “Still, I’m
gonna keep on sending them messages and call them when I can until
we’re back.” He bounced towards his quarters.

her eyes a bit, Ashoka traded an amused look with Rex.

a bit, Rex settled against a bulkhead with a smirk. “Hey, they say
mated alphas are all gaga for their mates. And General Skywalker
seems to be the stereotype for his.” He chortled in amusement.

Ahsoka crossed her arms over her chest. “Yeah well, when you find
your mate or mates, I’m gonna have fun teasing you about it if you
behave the same way.” She taunted lightly with a grin.

the thought.” Rex chuckled even as his chest warmed at the easy
acceptance that Rex, a clone, would have a mate and therefore belong
in the galaxy from his commander as not everyone else seemed to
believe it.

if Ahsoka believed it of him, then she would believe it of others.

seen Boil and Waxer,” She pointed a finger at him, jabbing it for
point. “They’re as bad about
each other
as Skyguy is about his mates!” Ahsoka laughed happily, unaware of
the warmth in Rex chest as she continued her friendly bantering as
Anakin was busy sending a message off to Coruscant on a secure line.

Someone is trying to Assassinate Obi-Wan! Cue overprotective Anakin and Ashoka!

down the ramp with as long steps as he could take with his padawan
as quickly as she could without outright running, Anakin felt his
stomach drop at the sight of his master even though Obi-Wan was
smiling with
Commander Cody beside him.

Obi-Wan’s face was bruised, he had a black
a split lip and his right arm was in a bright orange sling.

happened?” Anakin cut in before Obi-Wan could open his mouth to
greet them, reaching out to touch but hesitating a millimeter from
the others face, uncertain if he could touch at all when the other
looked messed up.

just an assassin, you know how things are now a days, unfortunately
that ambush had us lose a lot of supplies so you all arrived in good
Obi-Wan chuckled, smiling slightly. Cody
grimaced heavily, his helmet being clenched slightly under his arm as
he gave Rex a nod as the captain caught up to the Jedi.

Anakin and Ahsoka was focusing on the former part of that sentence.
“An assassin?” Ahsoka yipped, stepping in closer with wide eyes
as Helix ran past, catching Kix and shaking the man while hissing
something before both medics disappeared into the shuttle.

Anakin was to take a guess, they were fetching supplies for Obi-Wan
and whoever else got caught as collateral damage.

hoped there were none but you never knew as
he focused on Obi-Wan’s answer. “Yes, it seems there’s a
contract on my head so I have a clawdite assassin after me.” He
explained with a small shrug that got a hiss out of the redhead.

more injuries under the tunics. However Anakin focused on what the
man said. “A clawdite? Like Sam Wesell?” He questioned sharply
before looking around the camp as wind picked up on sand to blow them
in the face as Obi-Wan nodded with a soft hum. “You have a karking
shape shifting assassin on your trail?” He growled deeply at that,
unhappy the other hadn’t told him about this before
Anakin had arrived.

is a good thing the troopers are so closely knit together that they’d
notice something amiss,” Obi-Wan said cheerfully, prompting Anakin
to look back to him. “Commander Cody has taken some precautions you
see. No one goes anywhere alone, all groups are to be of three men or
more and anyone who is out of vision for longer than five minutes are
set in quarantine until identities are certain.” Obi-Wan explained.

in satisfaction, Anakin smiled at Cody. “Good work, clawdites are
slimy bastards when they’re working these kinds of jobs and if its
an assassin they won’t think twice of killing someone to
impersonate them.” He tacked on, impressed by the others

he carefully brushed his fingertips to Obi-Wan’s sling covered arm,
grimacing as he felt bandage stiffness from under the cloth which
meant that Helix had braced it and that
that there was either a break or fracture in there.

You’re coming with us!” Helix was suddenly there, appearing so
silently he had all five of them jumping as he manhandled Obi-Wan
with his hands on the Jedi’s shoulders, pushing him towards the
medtent with Kix coming up the rear with a box full of supplies under
his arm. “Chop, chop General!” He snapped as he pushed Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan allowed the manhandling. “As you order Helix, I’d regret
upsetting you so I’ll be an obedient Jedi.” He said in what was a
teasing tone which only had Helix growling as the fellow redhead
continued pushing the Jedi into the tent.

Ahsoka and Anakin traded long glances before nodding as they set up
as guards outside the tent.

better not be coming around while they were there or they’d show
the karking sleemo why you shouldn’t mess with this