That High as a Kite bit was cute and funny! Poor Fives and Echo, I get the feeling they mostly offered that as a joke? They didn’t expect him to actually TAKE it! Or have THAT kind of reaction! XD I hope you’re having a lovely early morning!

Snorting faintly, Anakin scratched at the others back and neck carefully as Obi-Wan curled up into his lap like an oversized feline, the other having crawled from Cody’s lap to Anakin’s when he noticed his former padawan sitting down close by.

Pretty standard behavior if Anakin was honest.

This was pretty on par for Obi-Wan when he smoked most types of psychoactive substances, he’d first get extremely wired, his impulses lowered and then he’d crash, becoming extremely snuggly and sleepy.

First time Anakin had seen it, he had been fifteen and shocked as all Sith hells, Obi-Wan having been fighting his impulses since the weed had finally settled into him before finally giving in, racing around their lodgings for a good hour, doing several katas, incorrectly at that, standing on his hands and then he had collapsed, head supported on Anakin’s head while cooing about his adorable padawan.

It had been a very embarrassed Obi-Wan explaining in the morning, slightly hungover from that particular weed. Obi-Wan’s particular brand of humanoids had unique reactions to psychoactive substances, causing them to wig out.

Age had not mellowed it out either and Anakin smiled amusedly down at his masters as he snuggled with Anakin, being clingy.

‘Cold and detached my sweaty balls, Chancellor Palpatine really has no idea about you.’ Anakin thought to himself as he continued scratching along the others back, knowing how much Obi-Wan enjoyed it.

Anakin respected Chancellor Palpatine, he was a great mentor and Anakin appreciated his advice but honestly, the man had no clue when it came to Obi-Wan, Anakin had long ago decided that.

Honestly, if Anakin didn’t know better, he’d think the older man was trying to drive a wedge between him and Obi-Wan.

But that was ridiculous!

Anakin put it down to maybe the Chancellor being a bit jealous of the relationship he and Obi-Wan had, no one could really replace Obi-Wan in Anakin’s eyes.

“Okay, so what in Force name just happened Skyguy?” Ahsoka’s question broke him out of his musing, Anakin looking up with a puzzled look only to laugh when the other was staring at Obi-Wan. “Hey, don’t laugh at me. Master Obi-Wan just went…” She waved her hands around.

Scratching his neck own neck with his mech hand, the other resting on Obi-Wan’s back, Anakin mused on what to say. “If I’m honest sir, I’d like to know too.” Cody stated quietly, glancing at his General, at Anakin and then to Fives and Echo.

It was pretty obvious to Anakin that that Cody wanted to be prepared should this happen again.

Which, fair be, it could.

Humming thoughtfully, Anakin dropped his mech hand back down on Obi-Wan to continue scratching. “Well, Obi-Wan’s particular humanoids are pretty close to baseline human standards but they do have a few traits that puts them apart from the baseline, one of them is this,” He gestured at the other, Obi-Wan snoring into Anakin’s stomach. “His biochemistry reacts to most kinds of psychoactive by first making him wired up and then making him crash once its run most of its effect.” He patted Obi-Wan’s hair carefully.

Obi-Wan let out a mewling noise, stretching into the others lap.

“And Obi-Wan in particular gets incredibly cuddly once he’s crashing,” Anakin continued rubbing at the other, ignoring the wide eyes and Helix and Kix clearly taking notes. “Its because his impulse controls are gone and while on drugs, he feels like he’s floating away in the Force. Or that’s what he told me at least, so touch helps.” Anakin shrugged slightly, still working his hands over his former master’s back, neck and hair.

Flopping down on her ass, legs pulled up so she could rest her arms on her knees, Ahsoka stared at Obi-Wan for several minutes before looking at Anakin again. “So its just how his subset of humans react? Just like how togrutas from shili, whose families have never left, have somewhat larger montral than those that are raised on other planets?” She questioned curiously.

Shrugging faintly, Anakin smiled at her, relieved that the other got it. “Pretty much. Obi-Wan’s reaction is pretty standard for Stewjon humans I’ve found, I did some research on it over the years to make sure if Obi-Wan had a bad reaction, I knew what to do.” Both Helix and Kix perked up at that.

The two would clearly be talking with Anakin later on, to ensure they knew what to do too.

Just in case.

Well, the more looking out for Obi-Wan when he was like this, the merrier.

It could be a bit overwhelming but… honestly, Anakin didn’t mind it, enjoying how clingy Obi-Wan was while high.

Which was why he was enjoying sitting in the sun with his master over his lap, rubbing his robe covered body slowly and steadily.

What are ahsoka’s flowers like in floralskin? (Sorry if you’re someone who doesn’t like shipping ahsoka just ignore this)

Eyeing the little branch along Ahsoka’s shoulder with its pretty, small pink flowers, running his fingertip along it before sitting back on the couch, Obi-Wan gave his grandpadawan an amused smile. “Well, I’m sorry to say that I’m not quite sure which flower this is,” He stated, chuckling when both Ahsoka and Anakin deflated, the other standing behind the couch. “However,” He added, both perking up instantly. “I suspect its a Mandalorian flower.” Obi-Wan noted.

Twisting her shoulder a bit, rubbing at the flower, Ahsoka stared at it. “Mandalorian? You think so? Does that mea-”

Interrupting the girl, Obi-Wan kept his smile soft. “Its doesn’t have to mean that your soulmate is mandalorian, my first five flowers were a spread of five different planets, all in different direction in the galaxy. The flowers locations says nothing about your soulmate, but the flower themselves, speaks to the nature of your soulmate.” He noted, giving Ahsoka a tap on the nose.

Both Obi-Wan and Anakin had been surprised when Ahsoka had suddenly come barging into their quarters, an hour before dinner when she was really suppose to arrive.

The three didn’t live together, Ahsoka preferring the padawan dorms, but they still enjoyed having meals together and Anakin had promised to make a spicy dish from Tatooine, thankfully forgoing the bugs that were usually located in it.

Her sudden appearance however made a lot more sense when she showed them her first flower.

For a long while, Ahsoka had sulked about potentially not having a soulmate, all her other friends displaying their own flowers, even if Barriss kept hers covered normally.

She had shown Ahsoka hers though, apparently she had a few hidden under her clothes and even her scarf and Obi-Wan understood why that had made Ahsoka feel the way she did. Being blank had been…

Well, as a padawan, Obi-Wan had wondered, had quietly despaired and been jealous of his friends.

So he understood it.

Which was why he handed her the pad he had of soulmate flowers, smiling gently at her. “Here, you can try looking it up, start with Mandalore and then we will work from there if you don’t find anything.” He promised the girl.

Ahsoka, grasping the pad reverently, nodded and sat back on the couch, biting her lips with her fangs as she pulsed with excitement.

Anakin and Obi-Wan just exchanged amused, slightly exasperated looks.

They remembered their own emotions and finding out they had soulmates, the sensation of that first flower, of realizing they weren’t a Forgotten.

Quietly, leaving Ahsoka to her research, Obi-Wan headed to the kitchen with Anakin on his heels, sniffing lightly before nodding to the blond. “Smells good, I see you also made Tatooine flatbread.” He noted warmly.

Coloring slightly, Anakin grinned and rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, I figured… well I wanted to box up the leftovers and head to the barracks later.” He murmured, his tone fond.

A date.

Well, now Obi-Wan was slightly envious, he didn’t have the time for a date most days, he would just have time to eat with his lineage and then he was expected up in the council chamber. He and Cody had been so busy since they returned from the Hardeen mission and Obi-Wan swore if they didn’t get some downtime soon, he might have to kidnap his boyfriend or at least go missing for a few days, giving Anakin a warning of course, just to get some alone time.

He didn’t voice any of that though and instead nodded with a soft chuckle, rubbing at one of the miniature flowers on his hands that he knew would disappear within the half hour.

Considering their location, he knew Cody was working out, either sparring with someone or going at a punching bag.

Stroking the flowers, Obi-Wan let out a soft hum. “That sounds like a wonderful idea Anakin. Rex will be happy to see you.” He stated softly, ignoring Anakin’s knowing look.

“You cou-”

Obi-Wan didn’t let the other finish his sentence, simply shook his head. “I have too much work to do. The Chancellor has finally granted us an insight into the last reports and released information from Naboo after the Festival of light…” Obi-Wan sighed deeply, missing Anakin’s worried little frown.

There was just so much to do

I don’t know if you’re doing prompts right now but I just watched the Rako Hardeen and had an idea; So Obi-Wan’s back and things are tense between him and everyone (because it’s a dick move to fake your death but at the same time maybe show a little relief before jumping straight to anger when he isn’t) and it takes Anakin/everyone a while to notice that Obi’s health is failing because he’s pregnant (and doesn’t know if it happened before or after he went undercover). And just pure ANGST/comfort

Troopers understand duty, they are after all manufactured for the war as much as Obi-Wan hates to think that way.

That however doesn’t mean they don’t feel hurt.

Doesn’t mean that they can’t feel like you’ve betrayed their trust and fair be, Obi-Wan has betrayed everyone’s trust even if he’s doing his duty as a Jedi of the Republic.

He gets it.

That doesn’t mean he has to like it, especially combined with Anakin’s anger and Ahsoka’s sad disappointment.

And he certainly doesn’t have to like the cold professionalism Cody and the rest of the 212th display or Anakin’s surprisingly scorching ‘cold’ shoulder.

And Ahsoka, for all that they have forced her out into a war, is still a child, a child he has disappointed. Obi-Wan will not make her choose between the adults and instead just quietly smiles at her and gestures for her to follow Anakin when she seems to hesitate.

Holding onto anger is not the Jedi’s way she knows.

But Obi-Wan understands.

Anakin doesn’t handle loosing people well and what Obi-Wan did…

So he lets the treatment continue, spanning from days to weeks after his return from his mission.

It hurts of course, he won’t deny that and from Anakin, it feels hypocritical considering the ‘secrets’ he thinks he has and what Obi-Wan knows he’d do to protect the people he cares for. And the Chancellor is a friend of Anakin, he’d go far for that friend.

But Obi-Wan understands, he failed them even as he did his duty, duty that personally hurt them even if the 212th at least understood why.

Hurt is a hard emotion to handle and Obi-Wan understands.

That doesn’t mean he handles their rejection, professionalism or coldness well, retreating to his room when there isn’t either a planning, battle or conversation with the council in progress.

He’s… isolated, to say the least.

‘When was the last time I was this isolated?’ Obi-Wan wonders, fiddling ideally with the ration bar he had grabbed before putting it aside and pulling his pad over instead. He’s not really any hungry, so he can get some work done instead.

Not that he’s been hungry all that much lately if he was honest, waking nauseous as he has with only a cup of tea in the morning to try and settle his stomach.

And eating in the mess was…

No, he’d rather not sit alone at a table in the mess with the emotions pounding against his shields.

So, eating and working in his quarters it was, not that the ration bars were all that… interesting if he was honest.

A bland smile crossed his lips. ‘Anakin or Cody would hunted me down and forced me to eat it before, watched until they were sure it was gone… or gone and searched for something else if we had the time and resources for it… maybe a kelpbar if I was lucky…’ He mournfully mused.

The thought seemed to echo through him, Obi-Wan’s hands shaking before a muffled sob escaped him, the Jedi master dropping the pad to cover his mouth in surprise even as his eyes watered.

Blinking rapidly, Obi-Wan tried to control himself, tried to push the emotions into the Force just for it to keep building, tears rolling down the back of Obi-Wan’s weathered, callused covered hands.

Hunching over, Obi-Wan wrapped his shields around himself tightly, not wanting Anakin or Ahsoka to catch him as he let go, sobbing into his own hands for all that he had lost. The trust, the companionship, the care and the friendships.

‘I’m sorry!


Nibbling on her bottom lip carefully, Ahsoka watched Master Obi-Wan’s back as the other retreated from the command space.

Ever since the whole Hardeen fiasco as she had come to call it, everyone had been upset at Master Obi-Wan, including her but she was honestly starting to get rather worried. In the beginning, it hadn’t seemed like the human Jedi had made much notice of the cold shoulders he was getting from Anakin but…

Well, Ahsoka wasn’t an expert on humans but master Obi-Wan was starting to look unhealthily pale, though the fact that he had mostly managed to grow out his hair and beard covered it more up once again.

There was however a fine tremble in his shoulders now that she was watching closely, one he seemed to try to hide as one of the shiny’s interrupted his path, a pad in his hands and questions on their lip.

Maybe a requisition order?

Master Obi-Wan was smiling, but there was something blank in his eyes and had Master Obi-Wan’s profile always been that sharp?

Nervously, Ahsoka slid to Anakin’s side, tugging at his sleeve while mentally bolstering herself, eyes half on Obi-Wan still. “Snips?” Anakin raised his brows, blinking down at her, though she noted with some pride that she was catching up to the man. “Something up?”

Licking her lips, Ahsoka tilted her head to the hallway. “I know you’re upset with him,” That was saying it mildly but saying he was angry with master Obi-Wan wasn’t a good idea she felt. “But doesn’t Master Obi-Wan look gaunt?” Ahsoka questioned, holding onto the others sleeve as she saw from the corner of her eyes that Obi-Wan saluted the trooper and started walking once more, though her main focus remained on her master.

She therefore got to see Anakin go stiff, thundering frown darkening his face before his eyes narrowed at her words, his gaze shooting to the hallway.

Due to her attention being on her master, she missed the sight of Commander Cody tensing behind her, the man’s attention also shooting to the hallway.

Which was why they all got the full view of Obi-Wan falling forward, the human male hitting the floor with a dull thud that seemed to echo all the way back to the now silent and shocked command, the shiny that had been talking to Obi-Wan looking spooked as he stared at the Jedi master from his position nearer the room than the General.

A second of cold, unnerving silence seemed to echo before Anakin ripped his sleeve out of her grasp and ran forward. “OBI-WAN!” He roared out, his worry plain even without the Force as it pressed down on everyone, the blond practically teleporting to his old master’s side with Cody not far behind.

Obi-Wan Kenobi however remained oblivious to the concern, sprawled on the durasteel floor of their current setup, dead to the world as his nose oozed blood onto the cold, metal floor.

Can we see more of AWOL!Jedi, please? :) It’s my favorite story of yours! Maybe Anakin arriving and being greeted by Obi-Wan and the others? (I need comfort in this story. D:) I’d be happy with any sort of continuation! (Btw, since Anidala has broken up (kinda, will soon probably) and I feel like you hinted a lot at Rex missing Anakin (and Ahsoka), is it possible to bring in some RexAni?)

The trip takes a good week.

Anakin doesn’t… quite mind.

Travel is just like that and he can’t really make the ship go any faster or suggest any alternative routes due to not knowing where they are going. And they do make a side trip that delights him as they pick up a very familiar togruta.

Sitting down to catch up with her, a baby in each lap, is the highlight of the week and the rest of the travel isn’t as bad as Anakin gets to spar with his former padawan and Ahsoka gets to coo over Luke and Leia.

By the time they land at wherever they are going, Ahsoka has firmly bonded with the kids and are now Auntie Ahsoka.

Their badass auntie as she says, grinning with the light flashing of her fangs.

Both are in the cockpit with the pilot, Leia and Luke babbling to each other in the hovercarriage and their bags settled in the seats of the cockpit, as they come in for landing, everything lush and green as they approach the buildings that show signs of how new they are.

They had already been given a landing berth, a trooper giving them directions before shutting down as the pilot took the scenic route for them to see the capitol of Vercopa.

There were a lot of buildings, the stirrings of a proper city in the making clearly seen.

But in the middle of everything is clearly a Jedi temple.

Brand new, built with duracrete and plaster as they build ever upwards but clearly designed to look like a smaller Coruscant temple with five towers, one suited in the middle and ranging higher than almost everything else.

“I didn’t think they’d get this far in this short of a time span.” Ahsoka marveled, blinking.

“Millions of clones, all of them hardworking people as we well know…” Anakin mused. “Mixed with the surviving Jedi using their abilities and I guess that all speeds it up.” He noted.

He hadn’t missed the sights of what were clearly farms further from what was the capitol with the Jedi temple.

They looked quite fertile but clearly closed in by forest.

If Anakin was to take a guess, the Jedi were trying not to cut down too much to preserve the nature around it. ‘I wonder if they’ll do a garden here in the temple too or stick with what they have in the wild…’ Anakin mused quietly to himself, a part of him missing the massive gardens with all its flora and fauna.

The ship landed with a small thump on the landing pad, a trooper waving them in before giving a bright wave.

It suddenly occurred Anakin that what remained of the 501st would be here and his breath hitched.

“Skyguy?” A gentle hand resting on his forearm broke him out of the swift panic he had and he swallowed heavily, shifting to look at his former padawan. “You okay?” She questioned with a small frown.

“…Rex and the others might be here.” He whispered and understanding and some panic flashed in her eyes.

It had been so long since either of them had seen their troopers and the prospect of seeing them now…

Squaring her shoulders, Ahsoka let out a deep breath. “One hurdle at a time Anakin. Master Obi-Wan first.” She stated, the two moving to grab their things and the kids.

Excited, Luke cooed up at them and then stuck his hand in his mouth with Leia clearly wanting to one up her brother and stuffing her foot, as much as she could, into her own mouth.

The sight of Luke with his hand in his mouth and Leia trying to eat her own foot broke Anakin’s panic, snorting slightly as they made their way to the ramp the pilot was announcing he was lowering.

Fresh, unrecycled, natural air flushed in and the babies both sat up in surprise, making hiccuping noises as the sun shone in and then down on them, natural light after a week on a ship and being used to Curscant. It was an utterly new world for the twins and they were curious.

Anakin however paused as he saw an all too familiar shape standing on the landing pad, not far from the ramp with a trooper in yellow and white beside him.

Anakin didn’t think.

He dropped the handles of the carrier, the hovercarrier coming to a natural halt as Anakin ran down the ramp in the exact time Obi-Wan lurched forward from his own space.

No hesitation, only need as they crashed together, meeting in the middle at the end of the ramp with arms wrapping tightly around each other.

Anakin knew he must be lifting Obi-Wan off the ground but the other made no complaint, only held on tightly.

He could hear Obi-Wan’s breath hitching, as if he was fighting tears and realized he was already crying as he buried his face in Obi-Wan’s shoulder, the familiar smell of tea, detergent and Obi-Wan hitting him.

Hiccuping hard, Anakin tightened his hug into something he knew must be uncomfortable and yet being unable to ease it. “I-I’m home Obi-Wan.” He choked out.

Fingers threaded through his curls as their Force bond came alive with closeness. “Welcome home, Anakin,” Obi-Wan choked out in return, the two sinking onto their knees together at the end of a ramp in the middle of the Jedi’s new home. “Welcome home dear one.”

Jedi are cats is so cute! I like seeing good Anidala. Can we see more clones with their jedi? Any jedi, they’re all awesome!

For all that the troopers love their Jedi and their odd feline
behavior, there are times when they desperately wished they didn’t
have them.

the time Depa Billaba had leapt across a battlefield, her long braids
flowing in the wind as she eagerly descended on a shiny spot on the
ground, reflected off the CIS weapons and it had taken the troopers
five hours to ensure every fucking clanker that saw it was dead
and couldn’t report on it.

Or the
time they had spent half a day looking for commander Tano, only to
find the young togruta curled up on top of a shuttle, sprawled out in
a warm sunny spot. None of them had thought to look up at that

then there was the infamous Vos VS Fisto incident, two passive
aggressive Jedi, the last thing the troopers had ever expected
seeing, taking potshots at each other by slapping each other
every half hour to full hour and making sniping comments.

had been legendary and praise be whoever managed to get that on
camera for the vode to see, because that had been epic and made a lot
of young shiny’s less frightened of the Jedi and more affectionate
by them.

that still didn’t mean they couldn’t wish that they didn’t have
those traits now and again to avoid certain situation.

And in
this moment, Fives desperately wished that his Jedi did not have
feline attributes because Fives needed to use the fresher real badly
or at least the closest bush.

But he
was currently pinned down as he had not one but two Jedi
sleeping on him.

Tano was laying with her head on his thighs, her silka bead braid
rustling slightly against his plastoid armored thigh, her breaths
slow and even. And General Skywalker curled against his side with his
head on Fives shoulder, his arms crossed over his chest with an
occasional mutter escaping him now and again.

He had
been hella proud to begin with when Tano had come wandering, sleepy
and clearly about to enter one of those feline fits the Jedi had. She
had eyed him and the sun he had been sitting in tending to his gun
and then shrugged, coming to sit down and use his thigh as a pillow.

Skywalker had come plopping down beside Fives about five minutes
after the commander, grunting grumpily.

since then they had both been sleeping.

Fives wouldn’t normally mind, however… he had been here for
closing in on four hours!

had been kind enough to both give him water and food, Fives free hand
being able to feed him or pet at the Jedi at times.

food and water meant that after four hours, he really needed to use
the loo.

the Jedi were sleeping on him.

It was
an unspoken rule, just like when animals fell asleep on you, you did
not wake or move the Jedi.

just wasn’t done, they were asleep on you, trusting you and you did
not wake them damn it.

that Echo was making this any easier on Fives honestly, as the other
could read him all to well and was standing there with a cup of caff,
slowly drinking, smiling at Fives before making a sssss noise with
his mouth.

you bastard…” Fives hissed quietly, twitching a bit before taking
a deep breath when the General twitched and let out a soft mutter,
Senator Amidala’s name clear to them.

both ignored that in favor of staring at each other, Fives glaring
and Echo grinning broadly as he continued sipping at his caff.

am going to slowly torture you, spoon your spine out with a rusty
spoon.” Fives threatened, keeping his voice low for the Jedi’s

If he
wasn’t going to wake them by moving, he wasn’t going to wake them
by shouting either.

was a good trooper, he cared for his Jedi and he cared for his vode
and therefore he was going to sit there and take it, even though he
was THIS close to actually pissing his own armor out.

anyone else ever done that?’ Fives couldn’t help but contemplate
with horror, wondering if he was going to be the first trooper to go
down in history as peeing their own blacks and armor out.

could happen right before, during or even after battles of course,
even Captain Rex had admitted to that and there were incidents but no
one had wet themselves due to their General yet!

the first trooper in history to go down as he wets himself with his
Jedi clinging to his sid-Oh Sithspit, they’re going to end up in
the puddle too!’ Fives realized with no small amount of horror,
staring straight forward.

that thought, the ARC trooper started praying.

AWOLJedi: Oh no, Cody! Please tell me he’ll be ok?! And the other troopers? This is a good chance for the Jedi to take care of them, to show them some love.

Waking up is a horrible, awful and stinking experience and Cody would
rather not do it even as his body brings him slowly to awareness.

of his aching, sore and stiff body with a horrible taste of something
rotten and yet metal like in his mouth.

it’s awful.

would rather go back to sleep thank you, even his dazed brain can
tell it’s really early despite the warmth around him but nope, no
mercy for his body.

his eyes open slowly, Cody stared at the ceiling before grunting
slightly, almost jerking in shock when Kix suddenly popped into view.

he managed to remain laying still so not to agitate his body despite
giving Kix a dark glare.

medic grinned down at him. “Lucky vod, was starting to get worried
about you there commander but you got of easier than the captain.”
He whispered, much to Cody’s confusion because why the kark was Kix

He got
an amused look from the medic only for Kix to slowly lever the bed up
enough for Cody to look around.

feel that his let hand was being held tightly.

quickly to his left, ignoring how it made his head spin, Cody blinked
as he watched a red head on the crisp bed Cody was laying on, Obi-Wan
resting with his cheek on the bed and his hand held around Cody’s.

mouth was slightly open and hair had fallen into his face and Cody
stared at him in bemusement before he took in the view of a blanket
wrapped around the man’s shoulders as he drew slow and steady
breaths that turned into a slight snort like snore through his nose.

looked to Kix for answers, letting out a relieved noise when the
medic held out a cup with a straw in it, sucking eagerly even as he
glanced back to Obi-Wan with his eyes.

took the message with a quiet snort. “Wouldn’t leave the medtent,
decided to finally just put a blanket on him when I found him asleep
when I came for my shift. You know how stubborn Jedi are,” He
stated dryly but still kept quiet as he pulled back. “I’m going
to go get you a round of painkillers and give you a scan, then you
can have some breakfast.” Kix stated before gently clapping Cody on
the shoulder, heading towards the office part of the tent.

Cody with a sleeping Jedi.

sleeping Jedi.

down at the other, Cody felt his lips twitch into a soft smile before
he reached out slowly with his free hand, ignoring the IV stuck in
it. Instead he focused on the texture of soft hair as he pushed the
tresses out of Obi-Wan’s face, tracing down his temple and jawline
where he cupped the bearded man’s cheek, eyes curving fondly as he
felt the rougher texture of beard against his callused palm.

didn’t have access to the oil he normally used and had run out of
what he had.

Yet he
hadn’t complained one day even as he bemoaned the lack of his
favorite soap, as if he thought he was expected to bemoan something
at least.

stayed all night…for me.’ Cody’s breath caught for a moment,
the machine monitoring him beeped and Obi-Wan shifted in response
with a soft noise, the blanket over his shoulders slipping and
falling off.

eyes opened slowly, blinking up at him tiredly as Cody kept his hand
on the others cheek. “…Hi…” He whispered, the moment feeling
too much for anything loud.

up at him, Obi-Wan watched Cody before letting out a shuddering
breath of his own, his jaw trembling in Cody’s grasp as he slowly
reached up with his own hand, covering Cody’s with his own warm
one, pressing Cody’s to his cheek, and yes, the needle hurt being
pressed like that but Cody couldn’t find it in him to care.

He had
been hurt far worse than this.

closed his eyes tightly and swallowed, the sound of his throat
working reaching Cody before he opened glistening eyes and smiled at
Cody without lifting his head. “Hi…” Obi-Wan whispered back,
the two smiling at each other in the quiet warmth of the morning
filling the medtent.


at the slammed shut door as he let his hand drop from it’s raised
position, Anakin stood awkwardly staring at the door in bewilderment
before finally turning back to Ahsoka, the young togruta shifting
awkwardly in the holo. “I… Padme has been very busy lately.”
Anakin managed to get out through his lips, feeling like he was
disgusting for some reason as he tried smiling at the young girl.

slowly, glancing the way Padme had gone despite not being able to see
anything but Anakin, Ahsoka grinned slightly up at him. “I can
imagine, so I get that she’d hurry of again, I guess. But you were
telling me about going to the temple with the twins?” She prompted.

to ignore Padme’s cold and standoffish behavior and the fact that
she had just waved him off so she could run to the bedroom and then
back out with her security detail, Anakin smiled a bit more genuinely
while nodding. “I went to our old quarters, they’re very Force
sensitive so they just… reached out and pulled on Obi-Wan’s old
signature. They liked it… and yours.” He prompted gently.

only he hadn’t put them down for a nap, he’d show them to her.

Ahsoka ran a hand over her monterals. “Maybe I’ll come visit
them, see how the twins are doing…and you.” She tacked on a bit

a bit wider at that, Anakin nodded. “Would appreciate that, R2 only
makes for so much company along with 3CPO,” He laughed, missing the
sharp look Ahsoka threw him at the comment, the way her eyes narrowed
before widening in sudden, sorrowful understanding at the comment.
But before she could ask, Anakin asked a question of his own. “Hey,
do you know where Obi-Wan and the others are?” Anakin raised
hopeful eyes at his former padawan.

Ahsoka stared at him before shifting then shaking her head with a
deep sigh. “Rex and Master Plo offered to come pick me up but they
didn’t say where they set up,” She stated quietly, staring up at
him. “Hasn’t Master Obi-Wan…” She trailed off.

the back of his neck, Anakin didn’t know what to say. “Haven’t
talked to him yet.”

could he explain that every time he called, it was intercepted in
some way or he was busy with the twins.

that the troopers didn’t trust him.

that Anakin himself was being a coward and sometimes terminated the
call when he attempted.

It was
so hard to explain.

Can you please write something fluffy where Ahsoka is sick so Anakin takes care of her? Maybe even obi wan as well? Love your stuff!!

Of all the things Anakin hadn’t expected after that stupid mission
to Tatooine with Jabba the hutt’s son, it was for both Obi-Wan and
Ahsoka to fall sick.

there were a lot of airborne diseases on Tatooine actually, caught in
the sand corns and transported around by the wind that shifted the
sand and made the dunes sing. And Obi-Wan and Ahsoka had not
experienced dune flu.

in his childhood as a slave on Tatooine, had experienced it and
developed immunization to it afterward, him breathing in the virus in
the air and in the sand as it was whipped up by wind did nothing to
him except make him slightly more temperamental and a bit feverish.

and Obi-Wan however went down hard.

had bone rattling chills, high fevers, muscle aches, fatigue,
vomiting and runny noses and both were miserable.

could only praise whoever made the troopers armor for making sure the
helmets had filters that took care of anything of it, the idea of
both the 212th and 501st coming down with it
was horrifying as there weren’t that many medics.

since there weren’t really any way to treat dune flu, only treat
the symptoms and use things like anti-nausea, painkillers and fever

Anakin was quite happy to take care of both Jedi, making sure they
took the medications the medics gave them before he settled into the
tent with the two.

that left them on the floor on two mattresses pushed together with
several blankets and pillows to provide comfort and warmth with the
two curled up into Anakin, his arms wrapped around both his master
and padawan as he gently stroked Ahsoka’s monteral and his master’s
hair, uncaring of the fevered sweat coating his glove and skin.

in a while, one or both of them would shift and cough harshly into
the provided tissues from the tissue box before making something
between a whine and a hoarse whimper from chest and throat pain from
the way their muscles were contracting.

flu was not a pleasant thing for sure and Anakin pressed his lips to
Ahsoka’s monteral with a dark frown as he felt the heat from her
skin. “You two sure you aren’t hungry yet?” He murmured
quietly, leery of any potential headaches as the wind whipped in a
quiet howl outside the tent.

he had tried to convince them to eat some vegetable broth he had made
only for Obi-Wan to outright refuse while looking green and Ahsoka to
vomit it up moments after swallowing. If it wasn’t for that, Anakin
would insist they eat but it was better not to risk it if it would
just come as fast as it came down.

wetly, Obi-Wan shook his head mutely, one of the few times Anakin had
actually seen him silent.

didn’t like it at all, he had once hoped to find Obi-Wan quiet but
now that he had him quiet, he really didn’t like it.

thanks.” Ahsoka mumbled, pressing her head into Anakin’s
shoulder, her breathing thick and raspy.

a kiss to her monteral, Anakin gave a slow nod and just pulled them
more into him, feeling them both shuffle for the warmth for a second
before settling again. “That’s alright, just tell me if you two
need anything.” He murmured tenderly before settling back against
the tent wall behind him, grateful the troopers had the foresight to
put the tent against the rock outcropping to use as an insulating

at the words, Obi-Wan let out a quiet noise, lifting his sweaty face
from Anakin’s chest to look at him with fever shiny eyes. “Wata?”
He croaked out more than he spoke but despite how mangled the word
was, Anakin still understood.

he summoned Obi-Wan’s water bottle and used the Force to hold it to
Obi-Wan’s lips, the master not even making a grimace at the display
of frivolous Force use. He just quietly drank two small sips and then
settled back into Anakin’s chest.

alright… I’m here.” Anakin whispered, holding onto two of the
most important people in his life.

The surprise baby face update was enough to have me jumping up and down in anticipation, andI hear you already wrote chapter three. If you still need a prompt to attach that chapter to, consider this it. If not, consider it a prompt for chapter four, because I desperately need to know what makes this worthy of you calling it your darkest story yet.

in all fairness, Obi-Wan would like to say that he was being cautious
as he had promised
and that he had only low level alcoholic drink
mixes that he watched closely being made
and considering he had once chugged an entire bottle of rogut and
still managed to walk in a straight line even without filtering it
out as he had been doing with the drinks from the nightclub, he
didn’t think he was in any danger.

well, a two part drug activation was hard to notice, if
the was to take a guess, the first drink had the first activation
part and the last drink he had with the second one, the Force
therefore not warning him since independently, they weren’t

had just finished his third drink and was on his way to the dance
floor again when he felt the effects, his steps stuttering as someone
slid in beside him just
as suddenly as the effects hit him,
crooned softly in worry at
the Jedi pretending to be a teen,
leading Obi-Wan away from the dance floor.

mouth felt so thick too and his vision was flickering, the
drugs in his system potent and making it hard for Obi-Wan to think.

flashing colored lights and other people really weren’t helping him
either honestly as he was half pulled and half carried away until
they were in the back alley, cold fresh air causing Obi-Wan to shiver
as he let out a confused noise.

it’s alright babycakes, you’re going to be fine.” A low, husky
voice chuckled into his ear and Obi-Wan raised his head enough to
blink dazedly at a man with the bluest eyes Obi-Wan had ever seen,
his grip on the Force slippery as he tried to reach for it to push
the man away, recognizing
that this
was their abductor.

pinch at his neck made him groan before he slumped against the other
humans chest, feeling himself being shifted and then picked up.
“Don’t normally go up to your age, to close to an adult really
for what I need, but when you shine so brightly in the Force, how can
I resist babycakes.” The man chuckled darkly,
Obi-Wan swaying in his arms with each of the man’s steps.

Obi-Wan wanted to curse out the man as his bare cheek rubbed against
the man’s shoulder, but whatever he had been given and then
injected with was working fast, Obi-Wan’s consciousness fading fast
he had the horrifying gut feeling that the troopers couldn’t see
him, that this man was familiar enough to avoid detection in the

he did dislike so proving Anakin and Commander Cody right. ‘Least I
got the tracker.’ Obi-Wan’s last fading thought was as he felt
himself being settled in the back of a waiting skycar.


in the teens sitting with their heads in their hands on the paved
curb, Anakin pressed his lips together and then looked to Rex.

captain sighed. “Two point activation drugs, the only similarity of
these kids are the drinks they’ve had and Helix has already done a
tox scan, two different drugs that when combined together wrecks
havoc in a Force sensitive system.” He explained darkly.

his face, Anakin let out a quiet growl but nodded, looking around,
the need to go find Obi-Wan itching in his veins.

with so many teens dropping around the dance floor, they had been
required to stay.

they were suppose to be lowkey but there was no way of hiding the
investigation now, whoever had taken Obi-Wan would get a warning
anyhow. ‘But it’s not like they’re getting away anyhow,’ He
assured himself, forcing himself to relax as Kix continued quietly
speaking with a purple skinned twi’lek, giving her water and
encouraging her to drink it. ‘Obi-Wan has the tracker, Ahsoka and
Commander Cody are following and will soon be back with both the perp
and Obi-Wan.’ He assured himself as he squinted around.

the hubbub happening at the Deep Liger, the other clubs were still
going strong and outside of the teens sitting on the curbs, not much
had changed despite the appearance of Jedi and GAR troopers.

A quiet voice went off behind him, Anakin turning quickly with a
brightening expression and a quip on his lips for Obi-Wan as he heard
Ahsoka behind him, the group finally having returned.

then his words died on his lips, Ahsoka standing there wide eyed and
trembling, no Obi-Wan or 212th
accompanying her.

all she had in her gloved hand that she raised to the light for him
to see, was a bloody tracker. “…We found it two alleys over,
Commander Cody and the ghost company
are investigating and Gray Hat started slicing into the security cams
around…” Ahsoka whispered, her shoulders shaking more and more.

Anakin only reached out and dragged his padawan to him, staring wide
eyed into the night.

was gone,
whoever was abducting teens, had Obi-Wan.

Someone rutined in abducting Force sensitive people had managed to get the
drop on them despite all the safeguards they had put in place, Ahsoka
was trembling like a leaf and they had no idea what could potentially
be happening to Obi-Wan at this moment.

dark and fiery lit of in Anakin’s chest as he tightened his grasp
on Ahsoka, something deep and dark that belonged to a Tatooine night.
“…E CHU TA!” He roared, scaring all the drugged up teens and
informing the entirety of 501st
and 212th
that General Kenobi was MIA.

Moddy! Can you believe how young Obi-wan looks when she shaves his beard off in that gifset? What if he had to shave off his beard of a mission and no one could believe how young he was? What if he had to pretend to be super young??

up at her too amused looking master with raised brows and twitching
lekkus, Ahsoka couldn’t quite suppress her disapproval as she
crossed her arms over her chest. “So you’re telling me that
master Obi-Wan is going to be jail bait for a mission?” She finally

there had been a string of young Force sensitive being abducted and
the council very much suspected it was another ploy by the Grievous
potentially Dooku, just as had been with the abducted initiates
earlier in the war.

council had therefore delegated the mission to Obi-Wan, the redhead
apparently choosing to go undercover as the best solution to get a
lead and
because the targets were younger people without any Force teachings, he would have to
go in without his saber and looking like a civilian.

very much disapproved of that, it felt like needless danger
considering how well known master Obi-Wan was.

that the two troopers felt like they approved any more than her.

Anakin was laughing about it!

some more in obvious amusement,
Anakin shook his head. “Pretty much or that’s the intention at
least, it’s never going to work though.” He snorted, leaning
against the durasteel wall as the troopers milled around, Captain Rex
and Cody listening with disapproval obvious on their faces.

three of them paused at Anakin’s explanation
of his amusement.

rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest, pulling his tunic
taunt. “Oh come off it, yes, Obi-Wan is a highly renowned Jedi but
this person is out after younger
Force sensitive beings. Obi-Wan is turning thirty eight this year.”
Anakin pointed out dryly, raising his brows at all three.

Ahsoka’s lips twitched a bit then she laughed and gave a small nod.
“True, no one is going to mistake him for a teen, that much is
true.” She grinned, relaxing a bit.

and Rex shoulders seemed to slump a bit, both of them sharing a
rather small, relieved smile with each other.

Anakin chirped, tilting his head to look to the door of the fresher
before focusing back on Ahsoka and the leading troopers. “Which
means that once he gets it, he will have to revise this rather stupid
idea and we can do some proper recon.” He wiggled his shoulders a
bit before pushing from the wall and stretching.

he was excited to be doing some leg work, they had been to war for so
long now that a semi normal Jedi mission sounded wonderful to him.

Ahsoka wouldn’t mind actually experiencing some low key normality
for the Jedi Order.

had become a padawan during war time after all.

the fresher door opened and Obi-Wan stepped through, all four turning
to him.

Obi-Wan, I was about to send a rescue te-AH!” Anakin choked on his
own words as
they all got a look at a clean shaved Obi-Wan Kenobi, the man
blinking back at them as he rubbed his beardless jawline, a clefted
chin appearing from under all that hair along with more freckles.

didn’t look a day over twenty and if he had claimed to be eighteen,
people would easily believe him.

he could even claim to be sixteen and just look older than he was and
still that wouldn’t be a stretch.

the jail bait mission sounded a lot easier for Obi-Wan to pull off.

man smiled, dimples of his cheeks appearing as he dropped his hands
along his sides and straightened up. “You waited for me here, you
didn’t have to do that Anakin, I would have just joined you in
command center once I finished up.” Obi-Wan chuckled warmly, eyes
creasing up in a smile.

three exchanged looks of horrified realization.

could totally pull off a jail bait mission and he could pull it of
with ease, his face the very picture of what humans called ‘baby
faced’ and Ahoska suddenly had an understanding of human males
talking about how a beard changed how a face looked.

now Anakin was clearly less amused and more shocked and worried.
“Obi-Wan, you can’t be serious about this.” The blond moved to
walk at Obi-Wan’s side, head turned to his old master as Ahsoka,
Cody and Rex followed quickly behind.

the troopers rushing past ended up pausing in shock as they got a
look at Obi-Wan, the redhead seemingly not noticing as he continued
heading for command. “Of course I am Anakin, I’m quite
experienced and I’m not about to let Ahsoka do an undercover jail
bait mission, I have a better chance,” He shot Ahsoka an apologetic
look. “That is not a devaluation of your skills Ahsoka, but of
experience you have to understand.” He murmured, a warm smile on
his young face.

agree with Skyguy, Master Obi-Wan,” Ahsoka injected now that he had
his attention. “This is a dangerous
mission, how do you know that the person kidnapping Force sensitive
isn’t going to… to…” Ahsoka wasn’t even sure what they were

one who had been abducted had been found!

eyes softened at that. “I can look after myself, I’ll also equip
myself with a tracker that I’ll allow Helix to implant under my
skin. I’m not going to go in without a security measure in place,”
He stated, raising his hands in a silencing motion when everyone
seemed to open their mouth to argue with him. “No, this is the last
I want to hear about this mission, I have seniority, now you can help
me plan or you can stay out of it, the choice is yours.” He raised
his brows, pausing outside the command door to look at all four.

four exchanged long looks. “…I don’t like this sir,” Cody
finally stated, his lips pursed tight and white. “But I’d rather
be involved than having you go out without support.” He stated.

face was the picture of satisfaction as he ‘won’ in his own eyes.

else just had a vague sense of discomfort and nausea settling in as
the young looking redhead smiled at them, his smile making him look
beautifully young much to their horror.

#wolfyrubs: Ani and Obi spend some quality mate time while Ahsoka visits with Plo.

what felt like a full five minute of knocking, the door finally
opened, Skyguy standing there with a smile and a greeting on his lips
before he turned wry. “I’m
sorry Ahsoka, I’d
love to invite you in,”
Anakin stated dryly, turning to the side so she could look into
the quarters. “But
master Kenobi has been taken hostage, he’s trapped turning the
pages of a very dry historical text
I need to save him.”
He snorted deeply, exasperatedly amused clearly even
as a fond smile hitched onto his lips

watching the redheaded human, Ahsoka felt her lips twitching into a
smile as he saw the fascinated
expression on the man’s face as he continued reading. “Oh dear,
have you tried offering a ransom?” She giggled softly as Obi-Wan
waved his hand at them without looking away.

now, Anakin shrugged. “We negotiated a deal and he’ll be free by
lunch time.” He snorted before stepping out of
the quarters past
her and settling his hand on her shoulder. “In the mean time, we
two can go
fetch some food?
It’s dusty in there and
we haven’t gotten permission to review the next security room yet.”
Anakin rolled his shoulders.

could spot a fine line of tremors in the blond human and figured it
was suppressed energy, smiling as she nodded up at him and allowed
Anakin to lead her away. “Sounds good to me Skyguy.”

had really been wanting to go visit Plo, but she could do that after
fetching food with Anakin at whatever place the other wanted.

knew the human werewolf had a lot of energy since his mutation,
though Anakin didn’t often go into details about his new life and
his new abilities.

every predatory instinct Ahsoka had told her one thing for sure…

was dangerous.

meant he was stronger than her and that didn’t shock her, he had
been strong to begin with but since the mutation, he had become even

since hooking up with Obi-Wan…

that made a difference, something about their bond or maybe the fact
that Obi-Wan feed from him mainly made Anakin even stronger.

his body is producing more
to satiate Master Obi-Wan? Or
maybe it’s a vampiric feedback loop that causes him to be
She pondered to herself before shaking it off, grinning when she felt
Skyguy rest his hand on her shoulder.

did it really matter, when Skyguy was comfortable and safe in the
temple with master Obi-Wan?


down the tray with steaming food on the pad overfilled caff table,
Anakin sighed deeply while staring down at the still reading bat
curled up on the couch, Obi-Wan looking quite comfortably snuggled up
in two blankets, wearing one of Anakin’s old tunics as his eyes
flickered quickly over the letters of the pad, clearly consumed with
the intrigue of his mystery novel.

love you, but you’re consumed by your book and clearly I need to
intervene so you can kriffing eat and feed.” Anakin stated, rubbing
his hands together while looking around.

that’s nice Anakin.” Obi-Wan murmured, scrolling down slowly
before shifting a bit to get more comfortable on the couch.

raising, Anakin smirked slightly. “If you don’t put down the pad,
the tickle wolf is going to come after you.” He warned, voice loud
and clear as he carefully pushed the caff table away from the couch
to get a bit more space, readying himself

that’s good Anakin.” Obi-Wan mumbled.

widely, Anakin
bunching his shoulders up. This
was really his own fault, Obi-Wan had given Anakin permission for
this if he got too consumed in his none vital literature.

then he pounced while simultaneously pulling the pad out of Obi-Wan’s
hand with the Force, setting it on the table among the others as he
dug his hands into Obi-Wan’s stomach, wiggling his fingers as he
pinned Obi-Wan down by sitting over his thighs.

Obi-Wan twisted and tried to escape, batting and pushing at Anakin
before changing tactics to try and catch the werewolves hands as he
screamed with laughter, eyes wide and sparkling with both shock and
delight. “ANAKIN!”

WARNED YOU!” Anakin laughed, leaning down and blowing a raspberry
on the others neck while tickling along the others side.

Obi-Wan screamed with laughter, trying to shake the other off before
just grabbing Anakin and rolling the two off the couch, both laughing
as they hit the ground in a rush of knees, elbows and blankets,
panting heavily while grinning at each other.