so i am 100% just making my way through your aphorisint masterlist right now and valiantly resisting asking for more of like, a million different things?? but if you had any more of Theheelytrick , then that would be… absolutely lovely 👁 it gave me some real good giggles, ngl

Trying not to crack up laughing as people were giving themselves whiplashes as he walked by peacefully, Obi-Wan had to give it to Anakin. He was right that taking a day of from his wheels and walking around instead was making everyone even more confused than before even if the reason the other had suggested it was for Obi-Wan’s ankle to get a rest.

Instead of laughing as he desired, he simply gave people a peaceful smile and nod as he walked by them to the refractory to meet his former padawan and their shared padawan.

Ahsoka gave him a long look as he came towards them, looking like someone had forcibly feed her a lemon with how her lips puckered.

Anakin’s eyes however glittered in obvious joy as he beamed at him. “Obi-Wan! Right on time, we need to eat and then get going.” He stated cheerfully, pulling both of them to the queue behind a staring twi’lek.

The lady jumped a bit when Obi-Wan smiled at her and quickly gave an awkward smile back before turning back around to the front but even as she did, Obi-Wan could read her expression going, ‘what the hell, what the hell, what the HELL!?’.

After weeks and weeks of Obi-Wan gliding everyone, seeing him walk around normally for prolonged minutes was apparently disturbing them now and he wanted to so badly to crack up and fess up to what he was doing.

He was going to soon of course but… honestly, just a bit more.

Just a few more weeks of delightfully fucking around with people until he told them it was just wheels in his damn boots.

Well, not these particular ones.

Since he had karked his ankle up the day before, Anakin had carefully wrapped his ankle for him and dug out an older but low cut pair of boots that belonged to Obi-Wan, the small ankle boots not as tight with the bandage due to their wear and tear.

Thankfully, despite aching a bit as he put his weight on his ankle, it didn’t outright hurt enough for him to be limping around.

Grabbing a tray and lifting a spiced dish onto his tray quickly, Obi-Wan gave a happy noise. “Stewjoni spiced vegetable stew, the new supplies must have come in.” He beamed happily, quickly grabbing another small roll of traditional bread roll, the scored x in the top along with the telling blue tinge informing it was made with the proper grains.

Beside him, Ahsoka made a low noise of realization. “That’s right, your home planet don’t trade much with outsiders, do they?” She peered up at him.

Absently noting that she would soon be able to look him straight in the eyes with how she was growing like a weed, Obi-Wan nodded. “Stewjon is controlled space, they are isolationist by nature. Its a miracle they’re willing to trade with the Jedi temple really but that may be because we have a few members originally from Stewjon,” He stated warmly, grabbing another offering of traditional food. “A few members leave on their own but… yeah, outside of the Senator and her aide and a few scattered restaurants on Coruscant, Stewjoni don’t leave their space.” He hummed, thinking about to the one time he had visited his home planet.

He missed Ahsoka giving him a long, considering look as she swiped a meat forward plate of food. “Do Stewjon have Force organizations of their own?” She ventured, seemingly holding her breath as Anakin gave her a bemused look.

“Hmm? Oh, yes. Quite a few actually. They’re minor but powerful in their own right but some parents tend to give their children to the Jedi.” Obi-Wan answered absently, missing once more as Ahsoka gave Obi-Wan’s feet a considering look, as if she was trying to connect pieces of out information that weren’t there.

She wasn’t the only one, several Jedi whispering to each other.

Was Stewjon where Obi-Wan’s newfound powers came from?

Oh I have SERIOUSLY over-estimated my reading skills lately, haha: It’s taken me THIS long to refamiliarize myself with DistantPain! But, augh, it’s gotten EVEN BETTER!! Jango is back, and he’s in trouble with Obi! Obi-Wan is still terrifying, and I LOVE the way that Hondo and his allies respect him with well-placed fear! I can’t wait to see if they have further stories to tell! And oh do I LONG for Obi to have a heart-wrenching heart-to-heart with Ahsoka, maybe some flashbacks? Augh, so good!

“If you think you’re special child, then you’ve overestimated how my thoughts work and what kind of past I have,” Obi-Wan stated casually as he continued slowly grooming Cotton’s feathers, smirking wryly at the startled squeak behind him along with the glowering emotions of hurt anger in the Force. “I react the same to every underage padawan I see in this war. You’re not unique in that regard.” He simply continued.

As long as he didn’t look at the togruta, he didn’t have to come face to face with her youth and his own traumas.

There was a rustle behind him, a shift and then the soft steps of a predator.

Obi-Wan was very familiar with how all carnivore species moved, not that many seemed to realize that people like zabraks and togrutas moved differently compared to for example twi’leks as herbivores or even humans as omnivores.

Ahsoka Tano had her predator steps, honed as most carnivore Jedi were, especially now in these battles.

“So you don’t… don’t hate me?” She questioned uncertainly from behind.

Letting out a small hum as he tugged loose a damaged feather, gently rubbing the area with a soothing coo to Cotton as she thumped her tail on the ground, Obi-Wan shook his head. “I have no particular emotions towards you padawan Tano. If anything, they lean towards positive as you’re quite skilled already and show the ability to adapt and learn. I don’t hold the master against the padawan.” He stated a tad more dryly.

Anakin Skywalker was many things, but at least he was a good master, his training of Ahsoka Tano wasn’t in question at all. Just his personal character.

Honestly, Obi-Wan never intended for Tano to feel slighted by him and maybe he felt a tad guilty about that but he was honest when he said that she was not the padawan he reacted to this way. His ptsd from Melida/Daan had an ugly way of showing itself and there was a very good reason he did not have a padawan.

Hell, the Halls had even strictly forbidden the council to send him one, citing his ptsd, so they couldn’t pull a Skywalker on Obi-Wan at least.

Tano shuffled a bit behind him, letting out a surprised noise when Cotton turned her head and started grooming Obi-Wan’s hair.

Used to it, Obi-Wan simply allowed the dragon to tug his hair into a mess as it was moved out of his mohawk and moved to the mane around his friend’s neck instead, pulling out the grooming brush to start working the dirt out and the oil in, keeping the fur a gleaming healthy shine. “…You really don’t like Sky-Master Anakin, do you.” She stated more than asked, uncertain but clearly she had seen enough to make some guesses.

Pausing, Cotton’s beady eyes on him, Obi-Wan mulled over that before shrugging. “Its not quite that easy. I consider him a hypocrite of the worst sort, who, by the friendship to the Chancellor, is often given more leeway than many other Jedi are ever allowed. His marriage to Senator Amidala also puts the entire Order and the Senator herself in a very delicate position, for when it is found out, things will go wrong.” He pursed his lips tightly.

There was also the Tuskens.

Oh, Obi-Wan wasn’t stupid.

He wasn’t one of the temple’s shadows but he was the only one to encounter a Sith in a millennium. When he had gone down for emergency shuttle repairs on Tatooine, he hadn’t expected what he had found…

But he had recognized the Force signature, the bodies turning cold with saber marks and the coldness of the Force left behind. The flashes of rage and pain leaving behind an imprint of coldness in the desert.

If it hadn’t been for the war breaking out only days later, Obi-Wan would have made a lot more fuss of it.

A genocide of an entire tribe.

He pursed his lips at the memory before sighing and shaking his head. “He’ll get us all in trouble, sooner or later. All we can do is limit the fallout of his selfish decisions.” Obi-Wan stated a tad bitterly, rubbing Cotton’s muzzle when the dragon let out a low rumbling noise and pressed her face into his shoulder, Tano behind him shifting in nervous agitation and an undercurrent of desire to defend her Master.

In shut me down did plo still find Ashoka and has she befriend obi as well??

Humming quietly as he continued carving the wood slowly, Obi-Wan pretended not to notice the blue eyes watching him from the flower bush from the left.

They had been watching him for a while and initially, Obi-Wan had been uncertain how to deal with it, seeing as he was all alone but…

Well, after he figured out the who, he wasn’t so concerned.

After all, younglings of all races were merely curious and the Jedi Initiates were no different than those outside of the temple. Which was why Obi-Wan simply continued carving, working away on the canine taking shape.

He was actually rather impressed that she was keeping quiet still. At her age, Obi-Wan would have moved long ago but she was keeping still and quiet, simply observing him, not even moving her head or hands as far as Obi-Wan could tell.

She certainly made no sound and if it wasn’t for her lack at muffling her own Force aura, then he likely wouldn’t have noticed her at all.

Blowing on the carving to send the wood shavings away and into his lap instead, Obi-Wan eyed the figure taking shape before turning his head to glance at the bush, lips twitching as there was a little shift of leaves and flowers.

Likely he had surprised her by looking at the bush. “I don’t bite, you’re more than welcome to join me if you want.” Obi-Wan offered softly, patting the teal colored grass beside him even as he made sure to hold the carving knife securely. Yan would not be happy if Obi-Wan cut himself again by being thoughtless.

There was another shift in the bushes, some abashment joining the Force aura of the little one and then she came out, blinking at him with large blue eyes peering uncertainly at him as she patted out her Initiate shift.

A young togruta with white markings on her face, seemingly around the age of eight to ten if Obi-Wan was guessing correctly, her lekkus white and blue with a deep orange skin. If Obi-Wan was to take a guess, that meant her parents would have been from Shili and inland togrutas most likely, as the orange skin had developed to hide them in the orange grass fields of the inlands.

“Hello there little one.” He smiled gently at the togruta, wiggling his foot as he rested his carving in his lap, trying to come of as none-threatening as possible.

So far, she was the first one of the younglings to come this close to him and later on approach him when she was called out. Obi-Wan found himself curious why so many of them spied on him from time to time, everywhere from the commissary, the gardens, the meditations rooms, sparring halls and so on.

It had been a tad overwhelming, especially in the start when Obi-Wan was learning to deal with so many Force sensitive in one place once more.

Now seemed as good as any moment to maybe figure it out and sate the curiosity.

She bit her lips, showing small fangs and then she slowly made her way over. “Hello. Barris says you were a Jedi.” She stated shyly, pausing about a hand away from him.

Obi-Wan cocked his head, fingers of the hand holding the carving tapping at the wood. “I was, yes. Me and my grandmaster left many years ago but we’re back at the temple for protection.” He confirmed. ‘So that’s why they were curious…’ Obi-Wan thought with some amusement.

The rumors about them must have been spreading like fire in dry grass.

That seemed to be the right thing to say as she instantly perked up and seemed to relax at the same time, the young togruta sitting down with her lekkus twitching with excitement. “So its true that the other man you’re with left too? And that he was a master?” She gasped.

Laughing faintly, Obi-Wan nodded, going back to working on the akul carving. “Yes. His name is Yan Dooku, there’s a statue of him in the Archive among the Lost. I was just a knight,” He glanced at her once more. “I’m Obi-Wan Kenobi.” He introduced.

If he had thought her eyes had been big hearing about Yan, then it was nothing when she heard his name, blue eyes going so large that they almost eclipsed the white of her eyes. “You’re the Sith Slayer.” She gasped.

Obi-Wan winced, but she didn’t seem to notice and he forced himself to keep smiling. “That’s me. Now, how about you, who are you?” He questioned.

Pushing her chest out proudly, her lekkus practically dancing in their excitement, the youngling beamed with all her teeth on display, showing how she had been raised among humans as it bared her fangs as if a threat display. “I’m Ahsoka Tano!” She announced proudly. “I’m eight!” She held up both her hands, displaying eight fingers.

“Well meet, Ahsoka Tano.” Obi-Wan greeted, lips twitching into a genuine smile once more as he found himself meaning the greeting. ‘Well meet indeed youngling.’ He thought as she continued beaming at him.

Dangerousgalaxy is Obi-Wan okay?

Tucking the blanket around himself as he stuck his feet into his slippers, Obi-Wan glanced around his room before carefully getting up. The last few days had not been the best and while unfortunate an unfamiliar it was still uncomfortable to learn that he had contracted chlamydia from the latest stint at the Senate.

‘Thankfully it takes me off the list for a good two week as I recover and take my antibiotic.’ Obi-Wan mused tiredly and a tad guilty as he padded out into the living room, smiling slightly as he took note of Anakin making breakfast while quietly chatting with Ahsoka. “Good morning.” He called out.

Both jumped a tad before smiling in return, though Anakin flickered his eyes searchingly over Obi-Wan for a moment. “Good morning master, how are you feeling?” He questioned, flipping on the water boiler since he was right beside it.

Sitting slowly down at the kitchen table, reaching out to rub Ahsoka’s monterals affectionately, Obi-Wan let out a small hum. “Tad achy.” He confessed quietly. He had long ago learned that lying bold faced to Anakin was a bad idea when it came to any STD’s he picked up.

It generally came back to bite him as Anakin always figured it out.

Anakin frowned but nodded with understanding. “Lets eat and then you can take your medication.” He murmured, turning to turning the flatcakes he was making.

Smiling wryly, Obi-Wan nodded, despite not Anakin looking at him anymore and gave Ahsoka another head rub. Then he got up and moved to make his tea, holding the blanket closed around him to keep warm.

Antibiotic always had a tendency to leave him feeling cold, something about his particular biology the healers said.

As he prepared his tea pot and strainer then poured the water in, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but wonder what Cody was doing.

Every Jedi knew that something was up, the troopers, subtle as most of them were or at least the high ranking ones, had tells that their Jedi could tell.

Everyone, from Mace Windu, to Aayla Secura, could report that something was going on and there were a few common themes. One was that they were all reporting to Cody, two was that it involved the Jedi order and three… the Senate.

The GAR was doing something about the Senate.

Normally, the Jedi would have taken care of that, a threat to democracy and to justice but…

These were their troopers and it was the Senate.

The Senate that regularly abused them, flaunted rules that normally would have gotten them jailed but that they got away with because it was the Jedi order they were doing it towards. Had they been anyone else…

The public outrage would have been tremendous.

But all the Senate really would have to do was to flaunt the old law and go ‘well, they are in servitude to the Republic, how can we not use their services when they’re there.’

Or well, that was what many Jedi feared would happen.

If they spoke up about the treatment happening on Coruscant by Senators… would the rest of the galaxy and even the very people on Coruscant simply… not care.

Just brush it away as so many injustices that happened.

After all, the Jedi weren’t that special.

The people might just decide that as long as they couldn’t see it, it didn’t matter to them and simply keep it to malicious gossip. It was one of the worries of the Order.

Some places didn’t give them even a mediocre of respect, which made negotiations difficult but if they lost even that small silver provided by being ‘warriors’ instead of a monastic order…

“…Obi-Wan, your tea,” A soft voice interrupted his flow of thought, Obi-Wan jerking a bit too, blinking at Anakin as the other peered back at him. “Its been two and a half minute.” The blond clarified carefully, giving him a small smile.

“Oh, thank you Anakin, I was lost in thought.” Obi-Wan smiled back, lifting the strainer out of the pot and putting the lid on.

Giving him a knowing look, Anakin didn’t say anything and simply placed a bowl of bacon down closest to Ahsoka, the flatcakes placed in the middle of the table. Instantly, with a happy noise, the togruta dug into the food, wiggling eagerly.

It made bot holder Jedi smile.

At the very least Ahsoka had a good appetite and they’d best feed her as much as they could while on planet.

Setting his pot down on the table, Obi-Wan collected a banana to slice onto his flatcake, knowing he needed the nutrients.

Bacon was too greasy for him anyhow, he wasn’t a savory and sweet kind, enjoyed them separated if he was honest but at least Anakin looked to be having fun as he added jam and bacon to his own and Ahsoka…

Oh dear, maybe they should have her visit the medics.

Obi-Wan felt his brows rise as she piled a steady amount of bacon higher and higher on her flatcake before folding and wrapping it, grinning almost evilly before taking a big bite out of it, giving both Anakin and Obi-Wan a wide eyed, but happy look over it.

Snorting, Obi-Wan poured himself a cup of his tea, chuckling as Anakin crooned about not being the only one with bad eating habits and Ahsoka trying to kick him under the table.

A small smile curled Obi-Wan’s lips as he watched them. ‘…It would be nice if… every morning could be like this…’ Obi-Wan thought wistfully, bringing his cup to his lips. ‘It would be nice if… if we were safe…’ He glanced to the window of the kitchen, the Rotunda large and ominous in the distance.

Mech siblings

Standing frozen in the bedroom doorway, Obi-Wan stared at the other two
inhabitants of the quarters as they were each hiding behind a squishy
couch, giggling like younglings on a sugar rush with bowls in their

But that wasn’t what had frozen Obi-Wan, oh no he was used
to Ahsoka and Anakin acting like five year olds at times and honestly he
didn’t mind it as laughter was good for the soul and the system,
especially in this war.

No what had taken Obi-Wan totally of
guard was the sight of magnets stuck to Anakin and Ahsoka’s right mech
arms, Anakin’s leather glove on the caff table.

As he watched,
the two popped up from each their couch and threw magnets from their
bowls at the other, their demented giggling turning into delighted
squeals as they hit each other, Ahsoka managing to score what looked
like the fifth hit on Anakin’s arm and Anakin missing Ahsoka fully with
the magnet hitting somewhere behind the togruta as she ducked back down
behind the couch.

Lips twitching, Obi-Wan settled against the bedroom doorway to watch the little battle.

It was nice to see them like this.

After Ahsoka lost her arm on Onderon she had sunken into a slight depression as she wasn’t as able as she used to be.

Or so she felt.

then they had managed to come home and the council had formally
acknowledged that the loss of his arm was now the trial of flesh for
Ahsoka and Anakin had quietly taken her to the Halls where Ahsoka had
gotten the choice to be outfitted with a neural patchwork on her stump
so she could have a prosthetic as her master had.

Two days later
Anakin had personally built her an arm, making sure it functioned better
than anything they could buy, tuning it carefully and making sure the
sleek silver arm would be easy for Ahsoka to care for.

Ahsoka was
still uncertain about perhaps getting a dermal covering but for now it
was bare, showing off Anakin’s clear skill of machine and metalwork.

Ahsoka had started her recovery, learning to use her new arm and it was still ongoing but…

at them now you wouldn’t know that and Obi-Wan felt his lips twitches
turn into a soft, tender smile as the two continued to pelt each other
with magnets, all of them shaped like colorful fruits.

going down Skyguy!” Ahsoka cried out, popping out with a handful of
magnets in her flesh hand and her fangs flashing with her wide grin.

first Snips!” Anakin didn’t pop up over the back of the couch but from
the side, the magnets not coming from his hand but coming zooming like
little projectiles from the bowl directly.

Squeaking, Ahsoka held up her bowl to catch them. “Ah! Cheating! We agreed no Force use!” She yelped.

is fair in love and war!” Anakin cackled evilly before crying out in
shock when Ahsoka jumped over the couch to come for him. “Hey!”

and war!” Ahsoka cried out as her battle call before tackling her
master, the human’s bowl flying and raining down its magnets all around
the apartment as Ahsoka  turned her own bowl on Anakin and dumped the
content on him.

Most of the magnets fell off him when Anakin bucked his padawan off him but quite a few remained stuck to his arm too.

Before everything could escolate as Anakin tried to snatch magnets off the floor to throw, Obi-Wan cleared his throat.

younger Jedi froze and turned to him, turning sheepish in the face of
his amusement. “I see you two managed to entertain yourself while I
napped.” He drawled out dryly.

To that they only laughed sheepishly, apologized and then started to clean up.

Obi-Wan shook his head and straightened. “I’ll make some tea and hot
chocolate for us.” He said, hiding his joy over both of their happiness
as he instead padded to the kitchenette and ignored their wide grins and
the metal high five that had magnets falling to the floor.

Padawans at our heart

Rubbing the back of his padawan’s hand with his mech fingers as he sat
up against the cave wall, Anakin pressed the heel of his palm to her
breastbone to feel the rise and fall of her chest as she took her
labored breaths.

Every breath was a struggle, the togruta having
eaten something her body had not tolerated but there was nothing to do
for it, the two Jedi sitting in a shallow cave as the lightning storm
raged outside.

It had caught them on their return which had left
them unable to return to camp where Kix would have antihistamines or
something for Ahsoka.

So that left them in their current
situation, Ahsoka sitting between Anakin’s legs with her back to his
chest as the human steadily kept her lungs and throat from closing up
with the Force every second hour.

But healing was not a skill Anakin really had and he was trying his best just to keep his padawan alive.

we get back to camp, I’m having Kix run a full blood test on her to
check for allergies. What the kark did she eat that she reacted this
badly to?’ Anakin wondered with some desperation. Ahsoka had not been
able to answer him what it could potentially be as she had eaten several
unique things on the planet and hadn’t understood she was having an
allergic reaction to start with as togrutas bodies were hardened and it
had tried to fight the reaction.

By the time she realized what it
was, several hours had gone by and Anakin was left without anything to
aid his padawan properly with.

“I’m sorry.” Ahsoka suddenly rasped.

her, Anakin pulled her closer to his body, feeling how cold she was.
“Don’t talk Ahsoka, preserve your strength and just keep breathing,” He
murmured in return, feeling her panic rise once more as she struggled to
breath. “You need to keep breathing as calmly as you can or you’ll make
yourself worse Snips.” He murmured in a weakly scolding tone.

Ahsoka whined a bit at that but gave a weak nod and pressed back into her master with a soft, pained noise.

Slowly she went back to her half drowsing state.

up with the hand not on Ahsoka’s chest to open her airways, Anakin
tilted her chin up so she would have an easier time breathing as he
considered something, anything really, to sooth her panic that he could
still feel in a low level burning through the bond in her.

After a
few moments he started to sing just like his mother had used to do when
Anakin woke with nightmares, stroking her monteral with the leather
covered hand as Obi-Wan had used to do with him as a padawan.

going to be alright Snips, I’m right here, I’m not going to leave you
alone or leave you behind.” Anakin swore quietly as the lightning storm
raged outside, the thunder rolling over them with booms echoing in their
small cave.

He heard her swallow heavily, a wheeze escaping her
as she squeezed her hand on his thigh. “Know… got me. You… got me.” She
managed to wheeze out and beneath the panic and the fear in Ahsoka,
Anakin sensed the utter trust she had in Anakin’s ability to keep her
safe and ensure she would come out to see the light of day once more.

karking Force, please make me worthy of that trust.’ He thought shakily
as he held his padawan as tightly as he dared while once more opening
Ahsoka’s airways as her breaths started to whistle in her lungs. “I got
you, I’m here for you. I promise Ahsoka.” Anakin whispered before
pressing a kiss  to her montrale.

She squeezed his knee once more in response with a cough escaping her.

‘Get her to Kix. First thing the storm ends, get her to camp and to Kix…’

Oh man, some more Kyber tears please? I’d love some Ahsoka

Stilling when she felt the other person drop, Ahsoka shot her eyes to Rex without moving, silently asking for confirmation.

He’s asleep.” Rex signed to her, watching closely.

This was new to everyone, Obi-Wan’s new state of being meant that he expended a lot more energy, his body trying to cope with his new existence and that meant that he ate more and he slept more.

The latter everyone was pleased with, Obi-Wan had gained some sorely lacking weight in the last few weeks that had everything to do with the snacks he kept nibbling on distractedly as he was handed things and nothing to do with muscle.

It made him look healthier, a warm glow to his face that wasn’t caused by his glowing freckles.

But it also meant that Obi-Wan slept a lot more, took naps in the middle of the day, after dinner, during meditation…

Whenever his body decided, Obi-Wan slept and the healers had forbidden him from trying to keep himself awake with the Force, warning him that he needed to adjust to a new normal.

The quicker his body adjusted to his circulation and nerve system, the quicker Obi-Wan could be fitted with the prosthetic he had finally decided to get.

His stumps had already been fitted with the neuro-wave, Ahsoka knew that from Skyguy, since he had been there when the healers had attached it to the stump, but due to needing two prosthetic at once, his body would need to adjust first before they were attached.

Because of the energy expenditure, Obi-Wan ended up sleeping on people.

Like now.

Ahsoka had originally not been on the list of ‘caretakers’, most of the adults in her life not comfortable with leaving Obi-Wan fully alone and generally, either Anakin or Cody was with him. But Anakin was needed for the investigation into the Chancellor, being interrogated if she was honest by the Senate commission.

And Cody was required in the barracks with the 212th.

Ahsoka had taken the chance to volunteer, Rex giving his vod a soft word that he’d go with her.

It wasn’t that they didn’t trust her to take care of him, she was a teenager after all, a young woman she’d claim herself but…

‘Its not the duties of our children and teens to care for us,’ Anakin had stated sternly. ‘And Obi-Wan wouldn’t be comfortable asking you for a lot of things he might need. He barely asks me as it is and only reason he asks Cody is because Cody has him under a spell. We trust you Ahsoka, but Obi-Wan is stubborn.’ He had explained seriously, arms crossed over his chest.

Cody had just flushed at the ‘spell’ part, shrugging at her bemused look.

But explained like that, she couldn’t help but understand.

Master Obi-Wan was stubborn on the worst of days, he wouldn’t ask for help if he was bleeding out some days.

But thankfully, with Rex around, he seemed more willing to at least admit to needing help, despite flushing darkly each time, ears turning red as they settled on the couch, Ahsoka doing her best to distract the human.

Now however, he was asleep and Ahsoka took a deep breath, reaching out with the Force in an attempt to keep him asleep.

Carefully she shifted off the couch as he kept Obi-Wan stable with the Force, glancing to Rex for help.

The captain quickly stood from the recliner and stepped around the caff table, carefully cupping Obi-Wan’s head and upper shoulders. Slowly he tilted the redhead, lowering him towards the couch with Ahsoka letting go of her own Force hold until Obi-Wan’s head rested on the waiting pillow.

That done, Rex pulled the blanket on the back of the couch over the other human, both of them holding their breath when Obi-Wan let out a low noise and shifted.

But thankfully he didn’t open his eyes, simply breathed out heavily and came to a still, his chest rising and falling steadily.

The two watched him sleep for a long moment before Ahsoka let out a sigh, crossing her arms over her chest. “…He sleeps so much.” She whispered.

Rex glanced at her, pausing in tucking the blanket. “You know why, he needs it. Give him time.” He murmured quietly in return.

Logically she knew it as she stared where the blanket fell in, where legs had once been.

But what she logically knew and what she felt were two very different things.

Ahsoka missed sparring with her grand master.

Recovery was not a straight line and some days, Ahsoka felt like she had lost the grandmaster she had come to know.

Other days it felt like Obi-Wan hadn’t been hurt and he was his old self.

Tucking her arms around herself, Ahsoka guiltily wondered if she was good for his recovery or not.

In Knitting Love, does Obi-Wan also know how to crotchet, or know anyone who does?

Looking away from the socks he was working on, Obi-Wan cocked his brow. “Crocheting?” He blinked at Ahsoka.

Nodding happily, wiggling a bit on the seat, Ahsoka gave him a toothy smile. “Yeah, when I mentioned you liked to knit, Bariss asked if you knew how to crochet too.” She stated.

Humming, Obi-Wan shook his head. “No. Qui-Gon, my master, knew how to crochet but I never really learned. He showed me how to do it but its so long ago now…” He mused, glancing down at the socks he was knitting for Anakin.

It was coming along well, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan having been waiting for the other for the past two hours.

The council and healers had finally finished up with the drain anchor, Padme resting up in the halls and Anakin being with her and due to how antsy the other had been, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka had decided to go with him.

But they ended up sitting on some of the chair lining the hallway to give the love birds privacy, knowing how anxiety fueled and scared both of them had been over the separation, given how serious a Force drain could be.

It had seemed like a good time to get started on the socks Anakin had wanted and Ahsoka had for the better part of the two hours, just sat quietly watching or chatting with some of the apprentice healers walking by that she knew.

She was bound to get curious at some point he figured, but the question had been surprising.

Knitting the row out, Obi-Wan shifted and tucked the needles around until he could stuff the socks and needles into the yarn ball, settling it all in his lap and stretching. “Why are you asking, are you or Bariss interested in crocheting?” Obi-Wan smiled, cracking his fingers to get the stiffness out of them.

She visibly winced at the sound, glaring at the older human before shaking her head. “Not really, I was just curious since its so close to knitting. That’s all,” Ahsoka shrugged, her lekkus twitching. “Not sure about Bariss, I could ask her but since you don’t know how, it be kinda useless.” Ahsoka mused.

Chuckling faintly, Obi-Wan gave a slow nod too. “Indeed, though having a hobby is healthy Ahsoka. I’d advice looking for one if you don’t already have any. Many Jedi enjoy having a hobby that creates. Even Master Vos does.” He stated with a wink.

Pausing, squinting at Obi-Wan, Ahsoka warily glanced around. “I’m almost nervous to ask what kind.” She stated, her knee starting to bounce. One of her little tell tale nervous ticks really that Obi-Wan would have to help her suppress, it wouldn’t do for negotiations.

But her words weren’t that shocking and he chuckled. “Yes, Master Vos seems like he’d have quite the hobby but,” His smile turned mischievous, he knew Quinlan didn’t like to advertise his hobby. “To be honest, his hobby is to make sweets.” He whispered, watching Ahsoka’s blue eyes widen in shock, a squeak escaping her that had healers looking over at them.

Flushing a darker orange, Ahsoka squirmed, her leg bouncing even more furiously as she lowered her voice to a whisper. “Y-You’re joking? Quinlan Vos, rough and tumble adventuring, the rogue master that broke into a queen’s wine cellar and seduced both prince and princess before he left the planet makes sweets?” She questioned in a furious whisper, eyes wide with glee.

Grinning, Obi-Wan lifted a finger to his lips and winked. “Don’t tell anyone but indeed, he’s quite the chocolatier, makes lovely chocolate decorations and beautiful sugar confectioneries.”

Satisfied with wrecking Quinlan’s suave outside to show the hidden sweetness, pun not intended, Obi-Wan leaned back in his chair with a smirk as Ahsoka giggled furiously to herself, her hands coming up to muffle herself as Anakin finally stepped out of Padme’s hall room.

The blond human blinked at them. “…So… what did I miss now?” He questioned, brows raising as Ahsoka just broke out into slightly hysterical giggles from her delight.

Obi-Wan just smiled, shrugging innocently when Anakin looked to him.

“…Barmy, I swear I wasn’t like that as a teen.” Anakin mumbled, coming over to hoist Ahsoka to her feet, the smile on his face telling Obi-Wan that everything, just for now, was alright.

For once things were alright, if only for a little bit.

Maybe Ahsoka asks Bariss for some tips for dealing with Obi-Wan’s agoraphobic-like behaviors in Trauma Breaks All? Maybe they have Dex take-out in the 1000 fountain room?

It had been Bariss idea.

Ahsoka wasn’t sure what she’d do without her friend and all her helpful suggestions but she was totally going to use her next stipend on some millaflower tea for her.

“If Master Kenobi finds himself nervous at the thought of leaving his quarters, then make it safe for him. Take him a place in the temple first that you know won’t upset him and make it safe. He’ll only recover if he starts slowly getting help but part of getting help is also getting comfortable leaving his quarters again.”

Bariss stern voice had repeated for Ahsoka and after a day of thinking about it, Ahsoka had an idea and she had shanghaied Skyguy into it.

Anakin in turn had gone out of his way to fetch both Cody and Rex, people that were on Coruscant that weren’t busy and Obi-Wan knew and trusted with the lives of Anakin and Ahsoka, lives he put as precious even when he didn’t care for his own.

And while he fetched them, Ahsoka called Dex.

Now, Dex didn’t technically do take-out, though there were people who’d order at his diner and take the food with them in prepared boxes Dex had stashed under the diner counter.

But for Obi-Wan?

Yeah, Dex personally came to the temple with said boxes, the large diner owner slipping past the clones easily when Ahsoka called out to him, letting the troopers know that Dex was invited compared to the journalist camping on the temple doorsteps.

Dex easily handed over a large bag of takeout, one of his large hands coming up and rubbing between the tips of Ahsoka’s montrals, a worried smile under his bushy mustache as he greeted her.

On the house the besalisk had insisted, waving both of his left arms as Ahsoka fumbled for her credit chip. “Just tell Obi-Wan I said hello. And tell him I hope he enjoys the cake.” Dex boomed before hurrying back down the stairs, needing to return to his busy diner as it occurred to Ahsoka that he must either have called in a favor from someone to watch over it or actually shut down his diner for a few hours to deliver the goods personally.

Obi-Wan had good friends, friends that were worried.

Finally, things were ready.

She had picked out the Naboo garden, laid out a blanket, got the takeouts out and then sat down to wait, wiggling slightly on the blanket as she waited.

It felt like forever until she finally saw them.

Anakin in the lead, holding Obi-Wan’s hand with Rex and Cody following up the back. Obi-Wan was actually presentable, his hair had been combed back and while he wasn’t wearing the full Jedi apparel that he usually did, he was still wearing clean leggings, a sleeveless black shirt with a high neck and a sash around his waist with his belt and lightsaber hanging on.

He didn’t look too certain though, brows furrowed as he clung to Anakin’s hand, often glancing behind him at the two troopers before looking back to his former padawan, but when he saw her, his face lit up with surprise.

And when he saw the takeout containers…

His face transformed, the furrow falling away as a soft, surprised smile instead took its place as he was lead through the tallish grass until the four human males were standing at the edge of the large blue and white blanket.

“Ahsoka, what is…” Obi-Wan started, looking down at her with light bafflement and quiet delight in his eyes.

That look, even just the smallest glimmer of happiness, was enough to make Ahsoka’s work all worth it. So she beamed up at him. “I figured since we were in the temple, we could have a picnic, my clan had them all the time in the creche,” She chirped, pulling over the basket with drinks in it to pull out the thermos of tea. “I missed it.” Ahsoka shrugged, her lekkus twitching.

It wasn’t a total lie but she also knew that she was emotionally manipulating her grandmaster at the same time, pulling the childhood card as she was.

But Obi-Wan didn’t seem to realize that as his face softened even more, the man slowly settling down on the blanket, kneeling as he accepted a mug of tea from her, sniffing at the content.

Considering the first time she brewed tea for him, she managed to somehow turn it into an acidic experience, she didn’t blame him and she beamed when he took a big sip of the tea.

Anakin in the meantime flopped down on the blanket without a care, laughing as he laid on his stomach, taking up almost half the space by himself. “And you even conned Dex into giving you food. I swear Snips, you get snippier every day.” He remarked, playing along with the ‘spur of the moment’ picnic.

“So this is Dex diner food?” Cody questioned as he settled down beside Obi-Wan, settling in lotus position with Rex dropping down beside Anakin, an equally curious expression as Cody as they peered at the containers.

Obi-Wan visibly perked up at that, grabbing one of the containers while setting his mug down. “Yes, I meant to take you there but… well this is just as well, this is one of my favorite dishes actually.” Obi-Wan remarked, shifting closer to Cody while popping the lid off.

Ahsoka absently noted Rex resting a hand on Skyguy’s back but her focus was trapped on Obi-Wan, watching how content he looked to be showing Cody the food he liked, a spicy but sweet noodle dish with chicken and vegetables in it.

He was smiling and that made something inside of Ahsoka ache with joy and pride that her plan was working out.

Because Obi-Wan wasn’t looking around like a scared tooka or sitting quietly. He was engaging, smiling, eating and when one of the many temple tookas came over and Obi-Wan feed it a piece of chicken with a wide smile, Ahsoka knew it was a success.

Ahsoka was totally going to buy Bariss two bags of millaflower tea.

Can we see more Trauma breaks all? More hugs for Obi, please, because boy needs one

When Ahsoka had been assigned to Skyguy, she hadn’t known what to expect.

She had known that Yoda was honestly tricking the two Jedi, that Master Obi-Wan had been the one that expected to gain a padawan and Anakin hadn’t been prepared at all. She knew that things weren’t going to be easy.

But they had figured it out, found a rhythm and she had come to adore both of her masters.

Even if it was unofficial, everyone knew that Obi-Wan was her master almost as much as Anakin was.

And while in the start she had wondered if she’d ever get as close to her masters as Skyguy and master Obi-Wan was…

Well, she had never wished it as much as now as she watched master Obi-Wan slowly make himself a cup of tea, his entire demeanor seeming fatigued and overburdened, as if he had finally hit some invisible wall and could no longer pick himself up. ‘Or maybe… maybe its that he’s not hiding it anymore.’ Ahsoka’s mind piped up.

Both thoughts were depressing and Ahsoka wished she could do something, anything.

Anything but watching her grandmaster standing in the kitchen in his pj’s alone, his hair clearly bed ruffled and his hands shaking despite it being two pm, looking like he had just woken up and was only now getting out of bed.

She knew why of course. Anakin had spoken with her on the list of symptoms Obi-Wan had and she could recognize some of it from her classes.

He had depression at the very least and PTSD and it wouldn’t shock her if he also had anxiety and maybe even a touch of agoraphobia, seeing as Obi-Wan looked nervous anytime anyone spoke about leaving the quarters and even the temple at all.

The latter had actually been Barris who suggested, Ahsoka choosing to vent a bit to her friend on her own worries about master Obi-Wan.

And if Ahsoka was to speak bluntly, it wouldn’t shock her if he was worried about going outside of the temple, considering the war was outside of the temple. He would have to leave it to come face to face with it.

If he stayed in his quarters, then he could… well not ignore it but he wouldn’t have to be face to face with it.

Ahsoka understood that, even as it made her worried about him.

What could she do to help him though?

She wanted to help, but she was just… wait…

Blinking, a thought struck Ahsoka and before she could think too deeply about it, she crossed the floor quickly until she was beside the other, watching him pull his tea infuser out of the cup to place in the sink.

He jumped a bit when he noticed her beside him. “Ahsoka?” He murmured, a tad confused as he glanced to the couch. Obi-Wan hadn’t noticed her come over, clearly focused on his task. “Is there somethi-” Obi-Wan’s words cut off as she wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her head to his shoulder.

He was stiff in her arms, and she wondered if she had made a mistake, panic growing only to breath out when he suddenly went lax, turning slightly in her grasp to hug her in return. “Just… thought you needed a hug master Obi-Wan.” Ahsoka whispered, deciding to be honest. “You just looked like you could do with a hug.” She peered up at him, noting that she didn’t have to look up as far as she had when she first became a padawan.

To her relief, Obi-Wan’s eyes turned from confused and worn to something softer and even better, a genuine if tiny smile crossed his face. “That so… well then, thank you Ahsoka. A hug is very nice, especially from you, dearest ‘Soka.” He murmured.

Ducking her head and hiding her face against his shoulder, Ahsoka made a low, relieved noise, clinging to the human.

She didn’t think hugs could save him or heal him, but maybe they could help him?

She hoped so.

She really did want to help her grandmaster so if this was all she could do, then she’d hug him every day as long as he wanted it.

Ahsoka would help him get better if it was the last thing she did in this galaxy.