#TheLightInUs Is that some Cody/Obi I feel? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) «great, now he is some kind of demigod. Karking man is going to pull more heroics with no regard for himself.» Poor Cody xD

frozen at his lips, Cody stared at Rex over the rim of it before
slowly lowering the caff he had desperately needed as a boost to wake
him up before they shipped out in
a few hours.
“…I’m sorry but can you repeat that?” He questioned in

tucked behind him his back in parade rest, Rex smirked wryly.
“Commander told me that the reason General Kenobi now has wings is
that he’s apparently some kind of Force deity or demigod poodoo
That’s why he’s all different and strange and yet not all that
different because it is still him
in there but just more powerful and
he can ‘hear’ and ‘see’ more than before or that’s how she
explained it.”
The dear captain finished up.

the cup down on the counter, Cody rubbed the bridge of his nose.
“Great, so now he is some kind of demigod. Karking man is going
to pull more heroics with no regard for himself even more and give me
gray hair.” He wheezed out much to Fox, Rex and Ponds amusement.

his fingers on his vambrace, Ponds sniggered. “Look at it this way,
at least he has the power now to back up?
I mean,” Ponds eyes turned faintly admiring. “I saw that holoclip
of him turning into a karking hippogriff of all things, just racing
down the clankers as if they were nothing and throwing them all over
as if their blasters meant nothing.” He clapped his hands together
in excitement.

deeply, Cody glared at his vod over his fingers as Rex shook his
head. “I’m still envious you got to ride him you dog, outside of
commander Tano and General Skywalker he gave you the longest ride.”
He smirked smugly and Cody’s glare deepened.

this again.’ He thought bitterly.

some reason Rex seemed wholly convinced that Obi-Wan had a returning
crush on him and was seeking Cody out to spend time with him when he

in stars little names would a Jedi want a clone, they were all about
none attachment!?

to mention that Cody couldn’t really offer a lot to anyone in terms
of a relationship outside of his undying faithfulness and love.
People didn’t fall for soldiers who… who… hmm well if the holo
novels were right they did, in terms of personality there were those
who’d find Cody attractive but he was a clone, a copy despite how
much he tried to make his own features his.

once more repeating, there was the Jedi’s rule on attachment that
the Jedi council enforced and Obi-Wan was a member of that body!

A insidious whisper hummed in his mind. ‘But Skywalker is a Jedi
and we all know where he prefers to run of to in the middle of the
night when possible.’ The voice chuckled.

is a bad example of a Jedi,’ Cody thought grumpily in return.
‘Obi-Wan however is practically the poster boy for Jedi, he and
General Luminara both. There is no wa-’

A calm voice called out, causing Cody to jump and spin around to face
the door of the rec room, finding the subject of their conversation
standing there and Cody could swear the golden feather in his belt
pouch covered up in a soft cloth was suddenly warm, an impossible
thing to feel through armor and fabric but still, Cody swore it.

warmly at them with quivering wings folded against his back, Obi-Wan
tilted his head. “There you are, Killer told me I’d find you
here. I was hoping to speak to you a bit before we ship out, do you
have the time join me at the temple?” He asked hopefully, the dim
golden light of his wings reflecting on the wall closest to him.

stepping away from his brothers and his caff, Cody nodded. “Of
course sir, I’m always available.” He answered promptly and
ignored the cough covered laugh from behind from Ponds and Rex.

his back he gave both the finger in pretense of standing in parade

Obi-Wan perked. “Wonderful, I suggest bringing your helmet, our
conversation may take a while so we might as well leave for the
Negotiator together once the time comes,” He tilted his head. “That
is if it is still fine with you?” He prodded once more for

wryly, Cody crossed the floor. “Of course, my things have already
been shipped up so I only need myself and my helmet.” He chuckled

Obi-Wan stepped back and out of the doorway, nodding. “Wonderful,
then come along commander.” The two started walking, seamlessly
walking together as they went to find Cody’s bunk in the leader
rooms of the barracks, Fox sitting on his bed with a pad in his lap
though he stood quickly and saluted when he saw the Jedi with Obi-Wan
good nature bowing to the trooper in return as Jedi did.

imagine there’s a skycar waiting on us sir?” Cody asked as he dug
his helmet out of his footlocker as he ignored Fox.

was a silence and the sound of rustling feathers.

at the other, Cody raised his brows and felt his scar twinge a bit
with pain as he took in the others red ears. “…Sir?” He
prompted carefully, ignoring Fox clearly eavesdropping on them.

his throat, Obi-Wan shifted a bit. “Well, I flew over here Cody and
I figured, that is if you don’t mind, that I could just fly you
over to the temple. Both of my forms would be able to handle it  as
long as you agree…” He trailed off.

maybe, just maybe,
Rex has a point…’ Cody stared at his flustering General before
nodding slowly. “Well alright, I don’t see an issue with that…
would keep us out of the skycar queue.”
He started slowly, his heart thudding a tattoo in his chest as
Obi-Wan beamed at him.

part of him wondered… if he reached out and took the others hand
right now, would Obi-Wan hold it equally tight in return?

Cody didn’t, not this moment.

was a gossip hound and Cody wasn’t about to give him anymore

he was going to leave with his General and take a flight with him to
the Jedi temple. ‘Best wear my helmet… the wind gets cold.’ He
reminded himself as they rounded the corner only to heat with
surprise and pleasure as his and Obi-Wan’s hand bumped into each
other as they walked.

Ghost Friend! asfhsdkhsdgkl :D Obi is still dead and a ghost, correct? But it seems like Qui-Gon could touch him? Was it the kyber that made it possible? What happens next?

his elbows on his knees for some support while leaning his chin on
his palms, Mace stared at the young man in front of him before
looking at the other man holding his hand. “And you just found him
in the Sith
He questioned with mild shock though not as much as one might think.

idea of a Sith pyramid being able to bring back a spirit wasn’t as
far fetched as some Jedi might believe considering Sith wanted to
live forever, if they found a way to bring spirits back if the bodies
were destroyed… clearly
Mace Windu was at least willing to believe it.

nodded, gently tugging Obi-Wan a bit forward with the hand holding
his, the redhead still needing the physical reassurance at
times despite
spending a full day cuddling in Qui-Gon’s lap and clinging to the
man with a grip that bordered on clingy with his need.

considering how long he had gone without a single physical touch that
was to be expected, Obi-Wan’s mentality being dissociate with his
own physical
due to the abruptness of returning to it. So contact with someone was
required and Anakin certainly didn’t mind.

he was dragged in, I
couldn’t catch up to him before the pyramid just sealed itself shut
to do its thing
and I’ve been keeping a careful eye on him since
we got him out of there.
Physically he seems fine and there’s no darkness in Obi-Wan’s own
Force aura but,” He hesitated, glancing at the other man before
returning his gaze to the expectant council members, relaxing when
Obi-Wan squeezed his hand in assurance that he could tolerate
whatever Anakin said. “His
mental states is more questionable as he’s still adjusting to
having a physical body, not to mention the emotional. The medic on my
ship has already diagnosed Obi-Wan with disassociation to his own
body and PTSD from all the years as a ghost, who knows what else is
going on.”Anakin tacked on as carefully as he could, not wanting to
hurt Obi-Wan but
knowing he needed to be truthful.

former ghost needed help and the only way he was going to get that
would be by telling the truth to those who had the power to help him
in his current condition, the council and the healers of the Jedi

Obi-Wan seemed to already know that and only smiled bleakly at the
gathered council members. “I keep trying to walk through walls and
sometimes I don’t feel connected to my own body masters… I’m
not sure how helpful I could be.” Obi-Wan stated quietly, glancing
down at his feet.

the pulsing bond between them, Anakin could sense the others sadness
his own condition despite being alive, some would be jumping for joy
at that without understanding all the side effects.

mourned not being able to be useful, to be able to help.

to assure the other, Anakin didn’t get the time as Yoda tapped his
cane on his chair to get Obi-Wan’s attention, the young man looking
at the grandmaster with wide eyes as the old troll smiled gently at
him, ears quivering.

we are that back you are Obi-Wan, help you can get for this. Helpful
you can be when recovered you are… Jedi you are padawan Kenobi
however remember we do, putting you to rest. See you well we would
like.” He finished up.

forward, Qui-Gon caught their attention as he smiled warmly at
Obi-Wan. “We’re not going to throw you out into the deep end
Obi-Wan. That wouldn’t be fair for anyone and… we’ve missed
you, you know that. To have you physically as well as spiritually
back with us…” The old master trailed off then chuckled, a deep
warm sound. “I’m glad to have you back little one.” Qui-Gon
smiled softly at him, wrinkles scrunching up with mirth.

to Anakin’s delight, Obi-Wan smiled shyly back at the man and
nodded. “…What am I to do now then? Where am I to live? As a
ghost I just,” He trailed off, shifting closer to Anakin’s side.
“I just wandered around since I didn’t sleep.” Shrugging a bit
as he said it, Obi-Wan glanced around.

unsaid, ‘I just existed.’ was in there and a few of the council
members exchanged worried looks before Yoda spoke up. “Believe I
do, that friends you still have, a master who missed you.” He
croaked, his tone warm.

to Qui-Gon, half frightened and half hopeful looking, Obi-Wan
nervously licked his lips. “I don’t want to impose…”

Qui-Gon’s weathered face transformed into a soft smile. “Obi-Wan…
I’ve been waiting for the chance to cut your braid and knight you,
the Force has giving me a second chance. If you’ll have this old
broken man then I would like nothing more than to help you on the
road to knighthood.” He chuckled, standing up and holding his arms

clear invitation.

out a low noise, Obi-Wan let go of Anakin’s hand, staggering
forward a step before closing the last in three long steps and
throwing his arms around the other Jedi, hiding in Qui-Gon’s chest
with a soft sniffle that no one called him out on.

home for real Obi-Wan, you’ve been missed.’ Anakin smiled to

OldAndSweet. SO. We get to see Ben go apeshit on Count Dooky, right? RIGHT? :D

healers helped had done much for their Ben, something he proved with
his loose, flowing movements as he meet each of Dooku’s tightly
controlled makashi style thrusts with his own soresu parry.

older men, both past their primes and yet still strong, master’s
of their forms,
medical aid helping them retain that
strength and
experience and instincts making up for where for where their age had
brought weakening in reflexes and speed.

Ben, for all that he had suffered and the heat had made him old
before his time, really could still jump.

like Obi-Wan, there was no twisting into the air or bouncing in a
roll for Ben but
more simple jumps and easy twirls that allowed him to feint and use
his razor edged battle instincts against another master.

unlike Dooku, Ben fought to defend, keeping himself between the
serenno Count and the former dathomir assassin with simple ease. “My
my, I would have thought you were more of a challenge grandmaster,”
Ben practically chirped with familiar sass practically flowing from
him, lips twitching with amusement. “I seem to remember this being
a lot harder but maybe my age has teased my memories.” He dodged
beneath the red saber and almost slashed out at the Count’s chest.

held his breath, barely blocking a blast that would have taken him
out as he kept half an eye on Ben.

the front he could see Obi-Wan making his way towards the command
droids to dismantle them and deprive Dooku of support, the redhead
followed by troopers that kicked up the dust and had shields that
blocked out the worst of the blasts and kept them as safe as one
could be in a battle as all of them were experienced in the usage of
the shields.

are a thorn in my side though I see that you are quite formidable, it
would be much better for you to join me.” Dooku tried to sway Ben,
lashing out towards the other man’s knee with a kick that Ben
barely dodged.

his head, Ben smiled almost kindly at Dooku. “Grandmaster, I’ve
seen your corpse already once. I’ve seen your head roll curtsy of
your master. I would rather we did not repeat that.” He answered in

answer seemed to startle Dooku and Ben swooped in at that second
of hesitation,
using the hilt of his saber to knock into the Sith’s wrist
numb and send it flying only
for Dooku to summon his saber back to his other hand.

went right back to dueling, sweat dripping down their foreheads as
Dooku bounced back several meters and pressed on his wrist comm, cape
flaring around him. “I-I see that you are quite the formidable
master Jedi Master Ben, everything I believed Obi-Wan can become with
experience and time.” He panted out.

gave him a little salute with his saber, eyes focused on the other
man. “You’re going to run away,” He stated, his lips pursing as
Dooku smirked back. “There is little I can do to stop you, however
is always more than the darkness, more than the pain and the fear.
You know that, you were once one of us for all that you’ve done.”
stated calmly despite the annoyance in in his eyes.

cursed, yelling at Rex as he pointed out the shuttle flying low
towards them. There was instant scurrying of troopers trying to aim
the cannons at the shuttle that was weaving through the blasts.

Ben’s voice was cold and
tone snapping
Anakin’s attention back to the old man as he stood in front of
Ventress. “I will give you one warning, the only warning I will
give you. If you ever come close to my lineage, to Asajj, Anakin,
Ahsoka or Obi-Wan with the intention to harm them, I will return your
action tenfold. This is not a threat, I do not do threats,” Ben
smirked. “I do promises so for your own safety… stay away from
them.” He stated calmly.

grunted, blocking a blast aimed at his back before bouncing high into
the air, landing in the open shuttle and grasping a hold of the door

the while his eyes were locked on Ben as Ben’s eyes were locked on
him as
Dooku was taken away to safety by the stupid shuttle even as the ion
canons were being turned after the escaping Count
and Anakin just knew
that they would meet again.

if they don’t become darksider followers they’re gonna become
darkside stalkers aren’t they?’ He questioned with a deep groan
before focusing back on the remaining droids as Ben turned to
Ventress, helping her up with gentle hands.

to gentle, back to soft.

no longer addled as Ben smiled warmly at everyone once the droids
were taken care of, his eyes twinkling as he kept a hand on Ventress
shoulder. “Now, if I could be a bother, where is Kix? My knees are

gentle, soft Ben with white hair and dust on his sweaty face.

OldAndSweet. SO. We get to see Ben go apeshit on Count Dooky, right? RIGHT? :D

healers helped had done much for their Ben, something he proved with
his loose, flowing movements as he meet each of Dooku’s tightly
controlled makashi style thrusts with his own soresu parry.

older men, both past their primes and yet still strong, master’s
of their forms,
medical aid helping them retain that
strength and
experience and instincts making up for where for where their age had
brought weakening in reflexes and speed.

Ben, for all that he had suffered and the heat had made him old
before his time, really could still jump.

like Obi-Wan, there was no twisting into the air or bouncing in a
roll for Ben but
more simple jumps and easy twirls that allowed him to feint and use
his razor edged battle instincts against another master.

unlike Dooku, Ben fought to defend, keeping himself between the
serenno Count and the former dathomir assassin with simple ease. “My
my, I would have thought you were more of a challenge grandmaster,”
Ben practically chirped with familiar sass practically flowing from
him, lips twitching with amusement. “I seem to remember this being
a lot harder but maybe my age has teased my memories.” He dodged
beneath the red saber and almost slashed out at the Count’s chest.

held his breath, barely blocking a blast that would have taken him
out as he kept half an eye on Ben.

the front he could see Obi-Wan making his way towards the command
droids to dismantle them and deprive Dooku of support, the redhead
followed by troopers that kicked up the dust and had shields that
blocked out the worst of the blasts and kept them as safe as one
could be in a battle as all of them were experienced in the usage of
the shields.

are a thorn in my side though I see that you are quite formidable, it
would be much better for you to join me.” Dooku tried to sway Ben,
lashing out towards the other man’s knee with a kick that Ben
barely dodged.

his head, Ben smiled almost kindly at Dooku. “Grandmaster, I’ve
seen your corpse already once. I’ve seen your head roll curtsy of
your master. I would rather we did not repeat that.” He answered in

answer seemed to startle Dooku and Ben swooped in at that second
of hesitation,
using the hilt of his saber to knock into the Sith’s wrist
numb and send it flying only
for Dooku to summon his saber back to his other hand.

went right back to dueling, sweat dripping down their foreheads as
Dooku bounced back several meters and pressed on his wrist comm, cape
flaring around him. “I-I see that you are quite the formidable
master Jedi Master Ben, everything I believed Obi-Wan can become with
experience and time.” He panted out.

gave him a little salute with his saber, eyes focused on the other
man. “You’re going to run away,” He stated, his lips pursing as
Dooku smirked back. “There is little I can do to stop you, however
is always more than the darkness, more than the pain and the fear.
You know that, you were once one of us for all that you’ve done.”
stated calmly despite the annoyance in in his eyes.

cursed, yelling at Rex as he pointed out the shuttle flying low
towards them. There was instant scurrying of troopers trying to aim
the cannons at the shuttle that was weaving through the blasts.

Ben’s voice was cold and
tone snapping
Anakin’s attention back to the old man as he stood in front of
Ventress. “I will give you one warning, the only warning I will
give you. If you ever come close to my lineage, to Asajj, Anakin,
Ahsoka or Obi-Wan with the intention to harm them, I will return your
action tenfold. This is not a threat, I do not do threats,” Ben
smirked. “I do promises so for your own safety… stay away from
them.” He stated calmly.

grunted, blocking a blast aimed at his back before bouncing high into
the air, landing in the open shuttle and grasping a hold of the door

the while his eyes were locked on Ben as Ben’s eyes were locked on
him as
Dooku was taken away to safety by the stupid shuttle even as the ion
canons were being turned after the escaping Count
and Anakin just knew
that they would meet again.

if they don’t become darksider followers they’re gonna become
darkside stalkers aren’t they?’ He questioned with a deep groan
before focusing back on the remaining droids as Ben turned to
Ventress, helping her up with gentle hands.

to gentle, back to soft.

no longer addled as Ben smiled warmly at everyone once the droids
were taken care of, his eyes twinkling as he kept a hand on Ventress
shoulder. “Now, if I could be a bother, where is Kix? My knees are

gentle, soft Ben with white hair and dust on his sweaty face.

Can we get some more of DistaintPain? Slightly unhinged, no-holds-barred is one of my fav flavours of Kenobi. He can’t run forever–from himself or Qui-Gon. Which will he hit first? Will he shatter spectacularly? Will Qui-Gon be his usual ‘oh no i am a bad person mope mope mope’? We still don’t know what happened on Naboo. Is that a factor? «No one knew what Obi-Wan had done…» [as always, you are a gem <3 ty for writing]

morning went of pretty easily Obi-Wan would like to claim but
breakfast came and went and there was nothing to do though Obi-Wan
had fixed himself up so Zuru wouldn’t have a minor fit about
Obi-Wan’s health.

was still hunting and Zuru was for once getting to enjoy actual
quality time with vode that wasn’t rushed or subject to leaving any

was moments like this that made Obi-Wan somewhat regret he didn’t
lead more men but he was best as a single unit but maybe if he could
get another pilot?

co-pilot for Zuru would be good, another brother to spend time with.

right now Obi-Wan needed something to do and he wasn’t about to
mess with Zuru’s ship without the trooper there.

his lips, Obi-Wan marched over to Zuru’s shuttle and climbed in,
pulling out training gear as he was bored and there was no one to
stop him. Zuru sent him a slightly gimlet eye but let him drag out
the training droid casket and the folded in metal staff he used for
training purpose.

far enough away from the tents and ships to not damage anything or
accidentally get thrown into a ship or tent, Obi-Wan dropped the
casket and kicked it, staring down at the metal box while ignoring
his aching toes.


It won’t open!” He yelled in frustration.

other turned from the circle of vode he was speaking to, narrowing
his eyes. “Did you kick it?!” He called back.

his lips, refusing to say he was pouting, Obi-Wan nodded as Skywalker
was summoned out of his tent by the noise. “I kicked it!” In a
tone that implied he was not
an idiot.

you activate it first
or did you just kick it General!?” Zuru answered back with in a
tone that clearly told him that yes, Obi-Wan was
an idiot.

Obi-Wan crouched down, hiding his coloring cheeks by turning his head
down though clearly he wasn’t fooling Zuru if that little snort was
any indication as Obi-Wan pushed the buttons in the right sequence
before straightening.

then he kicked the box.

it activated, the training droid slowly lengthening and straightening
out until it was a fully humanoid sparring partner.

out his staff to full length, Obi-Wan initiated his usual setting and
was promptly backhanded.

a real fight, everything was allowed and the fucking droid knew it.

tasting blood in his mouth as
he backed up on the grass,
Obi-Wan barely brought up his staff in time to block it as
the droid had used Obi-Wan’s distraction to bring out its own
weapon, the ends sparking ominously but Obi-Wan already knew that
they were electrically charged. He had chosen this training droid for
a reason after all.

fights were always against someone suppose to be better, stronger or
have more people at their disposal. So Obi-Wan had to be faster,
cleverer and fight better.

his bloody teeth at the blank faced droid, Obi-Wan pushed back and
got into position.


his masochistic General for a moment, Zuru sighed and shook his head.
“Leave him, he’s gonna let the droid beat on him for another half
hour when he’s like this. He must have slept badly.” Zuru noted
quietly at a few half risen troopers.

sat down though, trusting Zuru’s judgment.

was General Jinn who interested Zuru however.

slightly horrified, guilty look on his face as he watched Obi-Wan,
the way his hands helplessly curled into fists and every time he
winced when Obi-Wan took a direct blow or got electrocuted. ‘He
blames himself.’

didn’t fully understand the relationship between the two but… he
knew that Jinn wasn’t totally off the mark, he was part in the
creation of the man currently beating himself bloody against the

hard to think that it used to be worse.’ Zuru reached for the
rotgut he had been offered, taking a sip.

still remembered the cold eyed man he had been introduced to at the
start of the war, the man who was more a beast that would beat
himself bloody against the cage of his own making as he did his duty
as he saw it until he saw the effect it had on Zuru.

had taken time, Zuru had made himself a place in his General heart
and that was important.

still remembered the wild eyed look in the General’s eyes when Zuru
had gone down with one shuttle, the man coming tearing into the wreck
only to pause when he found an unhurt but rattled pilot.

had been part of his own destruction though and
was part of his own craziness.

lips on the bottle, Zuru glanced towards the older Jedi. ‘…Please
help, he’s my
Jedi and
we don’t get second chances with our

Can we get some more of DistaintPain? Slightly unhinged, no-holds-barred is one of my fav flavours of Kenobi. He can’t run forever–from himself or Qui-Gon. Which will he hit first? Will he shatter spectacularly? Will Qui-Gon be his usual ‘oh no i am a bad person mope mope mope’? We still don’t know what happened on Naboo. Is that a factor? «No one knew what Obi-Wan had done…» [as always, you are a gem <3 ty for writing]

morning went of pretty easily Obi-Wan would like to claim but
breakfast came and went and there was nothing to do though Obi-Wan
had fixed himself up so Zuru wouldn’t have a minor fit about
Obi-Wan’s health.

was still hunting and Zuru was for once getting to enjoy actual
quality time with vode that wasn’t rushed or subject to leaving any

was moments like this that made Obi-Wan somewhat regret he didn’t
lead more men but he was best as a single unit but maybe if he could
get another pilot?

co-pilot for Zuru would be good, another brother to spend time with.

right now Obi-Wan needed something to do and he wasn’t about to
mess with Zuru’s ship without the trooper there.

his lips, Obi-Wan marched over to Zuru’s shuttle and climbed in,
pulling out training gear as he was bored and there was no one to
stop him. Zuru sent him a slightly gimlet eye but let him drag out
the training droid casket and the folded in metal staff he used for
training purpose.

far enough away from the tents and ships to not damage anything or
accidentally get thrown into a ship or tent, Obi-Wan dropped the
casket and kicked it, staring down at the metal box while ignoring
his aching toes.


It won’t open!” He yelled in frustration.

other turned from the circle of vode he was speaking to, narrowing
his eyes. “Did you kick it?!” He called back.

his lips, refusing to say he was pouting, Obi-Wan nodded as Skywalker
was summoned out of his tent by the noise. “I kicked it!” In a
tone that implied he was not
an idiot.

you activate it first
or did you just kick it General!?” Zuru answered back with in a
tone that clearly told him that yes, Obi-Wan was
an idiot.

Obi-Wan crouched down, hiding his coloring cheeks by turning his head
down though clearly he wasn’t fooling Zuru if that little snort was
any indication as Obi-Wan pushed the buttons in the right sequence
before straightening.

then he kicked the box.

it activated, the training droid slowly lengthening and straightening
out until it was a fully humanoid sparring partner.

out his staff to full length, Obi-Wan initiated his usual setting and
was promptly backhanded.

a real fight, everything was allowed and the fucking droid knew it.

tasting blood in his mouth as
he backed up on the grass,
Obi-Wan barely brought up his staff in time to block it as
the droid had used Obi-Wan’s distraction to bring out its own
weapon, the ends sparking ominously but Obi-Wan already knew that
they were electrically charged. He had chosen this training droid for
a reason after all.

fights were always against someone suppose to be better, stronger or
have more people at their disposal. So Obi-Wan had to be faster,
cleverer and fight better.

his bloody teeth at the blank faced droid, Obi-Wan pushed back and
got into position.


his masochistic General for a moment, Zuru sighed and shook his head.
“Leave him, he’s gonna let the droid beat on him for another half
hour when he’s like this. He must have slept badly.” Zuru noted
quietly at a few half risen troopers.

sat down though, trusting Zuru’s judgment.

was General Jinn who interested Zuru however.

slightly horrified, guilty look on his face as he watched Obi-Wan,
the way his hands helplessly curled into fists and every time he
winced when Obi-Wan took a direct blow or got electrocuted. ‘He
blames himself.’

didn’t fully understand the relationship between the two but… he
knew that Jinn wasn’t totally off the mark, he was part in the
creation of the man currently beating himself bloody against the

hard to think that it used to be worse.’ Zuru reached for the
rotgut he had been offered, taking a sip.

still remembered the cold eyed man he had been introduced to at the
start of the war, the man who was more a beast that would beat
himself bloody against the cage of his own making as he did his duty
as he saw it until he saw the effect it had on Zuru.

had taken time, Zuru had made himself a place in his General heart
and that was important.

still remembered the wild eyed look in the General’s eyes when Zuru
had gone down with one shuttle, the man coming tearing into the wreck
only to pause when he found an unhurt but rattled pilot.

had been part of his own destruction though and
was part of his own craziness.

lips on the bottle, Zuru glanced towards the older Jedi. ‘…Please
help, he’s my
Jedi and
we don’t get second chances with our

Listening Hozier’s «Work Song» reminded me of DearlyDeparted: When my time comes around / lay me gently in the cold, dark earth / no grave can hold my body down / I’ll crawl home to (him). [oh shit my qui-gon radar going off, gotta claw out my grave real quick]

thing is… Qui-Gon had intended to come to this planet at some
point, mission or not, when Anakin could do without him, when the
blond was able to be stable without him.

that Qui-Gon was seeking death but…

didn’t want to be laid to rest in the temple but where his heart
bonded was, even if Obi-Wan was somewhere lost in the dirt of the

spirit would not be held back from Obi-Wan once he was dead and he
would do anything to find the other once the mortal coil of his body
let him go.

his way through the cold to find the other and reunite with him in
the Force.

now he’s on the same planet that claimed Obi-Wan four years ago,
sitting at the bedside of his beloved with the others hand in his,
Obi-Wan wearing a sleeping mask because his eyes can’t handle the

poor Obi-Wan who had screamed as he was being cleaned, Obi-Wan who
shrunk from any touch that wasn’t his or Anakin, Obi-Wan who was
clearly over-stimulated and over-sensitive and… Force Qui-Gon
didn’t know what to do.

of the machines had to be removed from the room because the low hum
of them had Obi-Wan covering his ears, the light except for a soft
nightlight by the door was off because lights hurt Obi-Wan even with
the sleeping mask on.

window was completely sealed shut to lock out sounds and the drape
pulled and pinned to the window sill to avoid it letting in any light
from either the suns or random street signs and as far as Qui-Gon
knew, both rooms beside Obi-Wan’s were empty just in case.

the bed
and the softest medical gown provided hurt him if
Obi-Wan’s pitiful whimpers were any indication!

so over-stimulated that Qui-Gon was scared to speak for Obi-Wan to
cry out in pain.

yet when Obi-Wan let out a hitched breath of pain, Qui-Gon couldn’t
help it as he hushed the other gently and drew his overly long body
into the bed, relieved when the other didn’t recoil as he stroked
Obi-Wan’s hair and kept a hold of the others hand.

he pressed it to his chest, right above his heart. “Obi-Wan, I’m
here.” He whispered.



Force does he hurt, his entire body feels like it won’t actually
carry him if he tried to get up and light hurts and sound hurts and

smell of sterile medical environment hurts
and the bed hurts
and just…

is in hell,
this entire place could potentially be a dimensional hellscape.

it wasn’t for one thing.

thing that does not hurt at all.

only thing that does not hurt is Qui-Gon, his hand holding Obi-Wan to
provide a secure line to the world behind
the darkness the sleeping mask on his face.

Anakin but Anakin had to leave the room he was in and
can therefore
not help him.

the soft cloth of his medical gown and the sleeping mask on his face

light hurt more than the cloth on his face and Obi-Wan only clung to
Qui-Gon’s hand more, letting out a hitched breath when there was a
soft soothing ‘hush’, a
warm and familiar body laying down beside him
a gentle hand stroking through his hair, familiar fingers trying to
sooth Obi-Wan to sleep as the medics hadn’t dared to give Obi-Wan
any sedatives just yet, uncertain how he would react to it.

Obi-Wan clung to his heart bonded and tried to make sense of the
world even though it was all wrong.

he’s here, he’s… he’s back?

from where?

why did he leave in the first place, he had no desire to leave
Qui-Gon after all.

he pressed his face into Qui-Gon’s chest as the other held his hand
to the Jedi master’s chest.

Obi-Wan’s hand the thump of a heart could be felt.


and real and not hurtful and Obi-Wan huffed out a breath into what he
knew must be beige, rough spun cloth made in the temple that somehow
didn’t hurt him.

focused on that feeling, on Qui-Gon’s smell and tried to hurt less.

like to hurt less.

made it hurt less.

Listening Hozier’s «Work Song» reminded me of DearlyDeparted: When my time comes around / lay me gently in the cold, dark earth / no grave can hold my body down / I’ll crawl home to (him). [oh shit my qui-gon radar going off, gotta claw out my grave real quick]

thing is… Qui-Gon had intended to come to this planet at some
point, mission or not, when Anakin could do without him, when the
blond was able to be stable without him.

that Qui-Gon was seeking death but…

didn’t want to be laid to rest in the temple but where his heart
bonded was, even if Obi-Wan was somewhere lost in the dirt of the

spirit would not be held back from Obi-Wan once he was dead and he
would do anything to find the other once the mortal coil of his body
let him go.

his way through the cold to find the other and reunite with him in
the Force.

now he’s on the same planet that claimed Obi-Wan four years ago,
sitting at the bedside of his beloved with the others hand in his,
Obi-Wan wearing a sleeping mask because his eyes can’t handle the

poor Obi-Wan who had screamed as he was being cleaned, Obi-Wan who
shrunk from any touch that wasn’t his or Anakin, Obi-Wan who was
clearly over-stimulated and over-sensitive and… Force Qui-Gon
didn’t know what to do.

of the machines had to be removed from the room because the low hum
of them had Obi-Wan covering his ears, the light except for a soft
nightlight by the door was off because lights hurt Obi-Wan even with
the sleeping mask on.

window was completely sealed shut to lock out sounds and the drape
pulled and pinned to the window sill to avoid it letting in any light
from either the suns or random street signs and as far as Qui-Gon
knew, both rooms beside Obi-Wan’s were empty just in case.

the bed
and the softest medical gown provided hurt him if
Obi-Wan’s pitiful whimpers were any indication!

so over-stimulated that Qui-Gon was scared to speak for Obi-Wan to
cry out in pain.

yet when Obi-Wan let out a hitched breath of pain, Qui-Gon couldn’t
help it as he hushed the other gently and drew his overly long body
into the bed, relieved when the other didn’t recoil as he stroked
Obi-Wan’s hair and kept a hold of the others hand.

he pressed it to his chest, right above his heart. “Obi-Wan, I’m
here.” He whispered.



Force does he hurt, his entire body feels like it won’t actually
carry him if he tried to get up and light hurts and sound hurts and

smell of sterile medical environment hurts
and the bed hurts
and just…

is in hell,
this entire place could potentially be a dimensional hellscape.

it wasn’t for one thing.

thing that does not hurt at all.

only thing that does not hurt is Qui-Gon, his hand holding Obi-Wan to
provide a secure line to the world behind
the darkness the sleeping mask on his face.

Anakin but Anakin had to leave the room he was in and
can therefore
not help him.

the soft cloth of his medical gown and the sleeping mask on his face

light hurt more than the cloth on his face and Obi-Wan only clung to
Qui-Gon’s hand more, letting out a hitched breath when there was a
soft soothing ‘hush’, a
warm and familiar body laying down beside him
a gentle hand stroking through his hair, familiar fingers trying to
sooth Obi-Wan to sleep as the medics hadn’t dared to give Obi-Wan
any sedatives just yet, uncertain how he would react to it.

Obi-Wan clung to his heart bonded and tried to make sense of the
world even though it was all wrong.

he’s here, he’s… he’s back?

from where?

why did he leave in the first place, he had no desire to leave
Qui-Gon after all.

he pressed his face into Qui-Gon’s chest as the other held his hand
to the Jedi master’s chest.

Obi-Wan’s hand the thump of a heart could be felt.


and real and not hurtful and Obi-Wan huffed out a breath into what he
knew must be beige, rough spun cloth made in the temple that somehow
didn’t hurt him.

focused on that feeling, on Qui-Gon’s smell and tried to hurt less.

like to hurt less.

made it hurt less.