So in Life is Music, how does Obi’s celebration night go?

Eagerly taking a giant bite out of the giant hamburger, Obi-Wan looked around the diner with wide eyes, ignoring his master’s fond eyes on him.

When Qui-Gon had taken him to the diner, Obi-Wan had thought it was a joke. A celebratory dinner at what frankly looked like a cheap diner?

But the food was great!

Dex was a greater cook than Obi-Wan had suspected, the besalisk happily whipping in with the food a growing boy like Obi-Wan needed. Qui-Gon had waved his hand and told him to order anything of the menu, and hesitantly, Obi-Wan had.

At first he had been cautious but after that first plate of coral fries…

Well, Dex was a great cook.

The burger was clearly dripping with fat but it was the good kind, combined with the toppings inside it, the meat was just juicy instead of the kind of fat that coated ones mouth and made you feel gross.

And the giant, shared vanilla blue milkshake with two large straws and whipped cream on the top was creamy and rich, settling almost too heavily in his stomach and yet Obi-Wan wanted more and he hadn’t missed Qui-Gon quietly ordering cake for two along with a pot of tea.

And the fact that Qui-Gon too had ordered a large burger helped Obi-Wan’s own guilt at ordering what he knew was a very fatty, very calorie rich burger.

Though apparently, Jedi were suppose to eat high calories but Obi-Wan didn’t think this was what the healers had in mind?

Pausing as his master snatched one of Obi-Wan’s coral fries, Obi-Wan chewed as he watched his master wiggled the fry at him. “Mmmn?” He made a questioning noise, not wanting to open his mouth since it was full.

Qui-Gon grinned at him, wiggling the fry a little bit more before reaching out and dipping it in Obi-Wan’s milkshake.

Watching with wide eyes, Obi-Wan let out a horrified noise as Qui-Gon popped the milkshake covered coral fry into his mouth and happily chewed.

Chewing hard and fast, Obi-Wan swallowed a bit before he should, his throat aching a bit but he was more interested in being able to put down his burger and point an outraged, greasy finger at his master. “No! Bad!” He rasped out when his mouth was empty.

Qui-Gon laughed, echoed by Dex as the besalisk roared in amusement. “You’re not going to be able to stop him kiddo, believe me, I’ve already told him what a horror he is.” Dex laughed as he came over with a warm cup of tea for Qui-Gon.

“Its delicious, sweet and savory and crunchy and creamy all at the same time.” Qui-Gon teased them, his eyes twinkling as Obi-Wan huffed loudly at him. He outright laughed when Obi-Wan wrapped his arms protectively around the plate of fries.

Of course, them being Force sensitive made protecting the fries even harder as Qui-Gon simply engaged in frivolous Force use.

Obi-Wan’s jaw dropped as several of his fries started dancing on the plate before floating away. “Master!” He cried out, struggling not to allow a pout to form as Qui-Gon continued stealing fries with the Force.

“Yeees padawan?” Qui-Gon teased, promptly dipping the fries in the milkshake and sending them flying at his own mouth.

Wrinkling his nose, Obi-Wan stuck out his tongue at the other. “You’re gross.” He decided, grinning when Qui-Gon just laughed, his mouth full as his large hands flew up to cover the gross sight.

His time later would be filled with music but for right now, Obi-Wan was going to enjoy his time with his master.

Because Qui-Gon was silly as all Force and Obi-Wan… rather enjoyed that, after everything with Bruck and his gang these last few weeks, Obi-Wan was enjoying the comfort his master and grandmaster provided.

And if he curiously tested a coral fry in his milkshake and found it to his liking?

Well, only he and a grinning Qui-Gon had to know that.