Is it possible to get a cuddle pile with Obi-Wan and the 212th???

Blinking tiredly into his own arms, Obi-Wan tried to remember just how he ended up in his current position, laying on his stomach in one of the rec rooms of the negotiator, a mattress under him cushioning any hardness or coldness from the durasteel floor.

Actually, there were several mattresses around him too, the rec room had been cleared for everything on the floor to make space for the mattresses and Obi-Wan didn’t want to know where they came from.

And on those mattresses?

Troopers, every time he lifted his head from his arms and glanced about, he saw troopers peering sleepily back at him when they felt gazes on them. Then they’d smile at him and go back to their own rest, tucked in close with others.

If Obi-Wan thought hard enough about it, he was pretty certain it was Helix that had dragged him along to the rec room and gone ‘humans thrive on touch, so get in, come on, get in General. Medic’s order.’ if he was remember right.

And he wasn’t quite sure.

But these were the facts he knew, that one, he was in a cleared out rec room with mattresses covering the floor.

Two, there were troopers all around him, cuddling up against him and on him.

And three, this was a regular occurrence for the vode, especially after hard battles.

They’d give each other a pat down, ensure they were healthy or at least healed and then curl in together for comfort and Obi-Wan apparently needed this too in the eyes of his troopers.

Which was why he was covered in troopers.

They had been hesitant when he appeared, wary about touching anything sore or bruised since Obi-Wan had a tendency to avoid the medbay for minor things since he could use the Force for it.

Not that anyone approved but it wasn’t like they could stop him and he did go to Helix for major thing, he couldn’t will away a broken rib or a lacerated back. But for bruises and soreness, Obi-Wan just needed to meditate and flush himself with the Force.

Or well, that was what he told Helix at least. There was a very good reason Obi-Wan had bacta bandages and bruise cream stationed under his bed in his quarters.

Helix didn’t believe him of course but couldn’t call him out on his bullshit either heh, the medic watching him with narrowed eyes every time Obi-Wan said he’d go into a healing trance for the bruises.

However, once everyone had become assured that they wouldn’t cause additional pain or discomfort by touching Obi-Wan, the Jedi had become fair game.

Quickly trooper settled in around him, curling up towards his sides like warm furnaces, Longshot going as far as using the back of Obi-Wan’s left thigh as a pillow, grumbling to himself when Boil and Waxer took over his stomach in turn as their own pillow.

Obi-Wan had just blinked owlishly for a bit until the sense of ease and comfort in the Force made him smile, the way the troopers comfortably settled around him as if he had always belonged right there among the vode.

And when Cody had come to join them, finally handing over command to someone else of the bridge… well Obi-Wan couldn’t help but feel like he actually did belong. ‘…It reminds me of the creche piles,’ Obi-Wan closed his eyes, letting out a soft noise as Cody’s shoulder bumped against his as the other settled down next to him. ‘No blankets, just the warmth of everyone else… comfort, closeness, together…’ His thoughts turning slow from sleep, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but smile sleepily as Cody cautiously wrapped an arm around Obi-Wan’s shoulders.

Comfort and warmth, soft breaths all around the room with the occasional snores in a dimmed room.

‘I could get used to this…’

So in Kybertears, are anyone stupid enough to try to keep any of the stones? Anyone at all?

into the room, Cody watched as Skywalker looked around wildly, his
anger very obvious as he did not
appreciate being taken away from Obi-Wan’s side despite
looking at the clearly upset crowd in the hallway and the blood on
the ground.

had he any other choice, Cody
wouldn’t have but the karking di’kut zabrak by the name Augustin
was currently being propped up by his twi’lek co-worker and
Longshot was holding back a bristling Waxer as the sunny side up
clone of all people were practically snarling in rage.

in blazes is going on here?!” Anakin snapped out, blue eyes
narrowed as he took in the situation from the beaten holo reporter to
Waxer being held back from the man.

opened his mouth, holding a hand over his eye but Waxer cut in first,
shouting so the entire assembly of clones and a few natural born
officers could hear him. “That hut’uun tried to steal the
General’s tears!” Waxer raged, though
he had finally stopped fighting Longshot.

suddenly the everything went silent as the grave and Cody had never
seen a zabrak pale before but that’s what it looked like the man
was currently doing as Skywalker grew ramrod stiff, blue eyes focused
on him.

that Cody was much better, his hands suddenly on his belt, near his
blasters as
his eyes flickered to the door just a bit further down where the
tears were put aside.
had thought the lock looked a bit odd but he hadn’t considered
anyone trying to slice their way into it but now…

the battle had died out, knowing that they wouldn’t get to leave
the planet in at least two hours, Cody had gathered together a small
team and sent them to where the General had started crying.

had them
gather each and every tear and tucked them carefully away in a box
for safe keeping and clearly the reporters had noticed that,
especially Brekka Augustin.

the potential of a theft
of those stones hadn’t been on their mind, stealing
the tears of someone felt like a violation to Cody as that was part
of someones body
even when they left it.
the troopers had handled the tears with care because they did not own
much but their bodies?

bodies were theirs even if they died in the name of the Republic,
they could still do with their bodies as they wanted, put tattoos on
them, hair styles, scars… it was all part of their
bodies and no one else as the Jedi had pointed out and often gave
them items to do what they wanted with their bodies from tattoo ink
to even the occasional hair dye though that was rare as it was a more
time consuming and continuous process.

clearly not everyone else thought of the
as sacred.

I can ex-” The zabrak tried to worm his way out of it only for
Anakin to suddenly jerk to and the zabrak went flying and
hit the wall with a loud metal thud,
pinned against the wall with
the Force as
the Jedi slowly prowled forward, eyes ferally
trained on
the man.

one moved to intercept, the holo reporters to scared and the troopers
wishing the Jedi would do a lot more than pin the man to the wall.

make this clear right now and right here, anyone comes close to those
stones, anyone walks into the room they’re
in and they deal with me,”
He smiled at the zabrak but there was too many teeth to be considered
friendly. “You’ve
already exposed my master to the galaxy, you’ve set his life in
danger far beyond what you can comprehend and if you
as much as step into the room, vow or not, I throw you out the
airlock.” Anakin growled before turning, dropping the man with the
Force as he focused on Cody. “Obi-Wan is going to wake soon, in an
hour or so Commander, if you wish to see him, come by in an hour and
a half, that be long enough for me to give him details from the
council.” He stated tightly.

Cody could do much more than nod, Skywalker was walking away, the hem
of his longish tunic thing flaring and giving him a dramatic edge.

that he needed it, as Obi-Wan said, Skywalker was an edgelord heh.

until the door closed, Cody removed his helmet and stared at the
zabrak as he was being helped up. “…Killer, escort mr Augustin to
the detainment cells. Considering this is not the first time he’s
gone into restricted areas, I do believe we can’t trust him to
listen to General Skywalker’s warning.” He stated tightly.

moved to argue only to shut up when there was a visible bristling
among the troopers and maybe he figured the better part of valor and
protection was to shut up and let himself be put into the cells.

Tula.” The twi’lek straightened a bit, a worried frown between
her brows. “You’re free to move as you please and if you wish to
visit your co-worker, simply ask.” Cody watched as she relaxed and
then nodded, a small smile on her lips.

she had thought Augustine was an idiot for this too.

hope,” He tacked on a bit louder, addressing everyone but his own
vode as they knew better and had respect for body autonomy. “That
this will serve as a lesson to everyone… though I’ll be happy to
place anyone who disagrees in front of General Skywalker and the High
Council.” He grinned and it was not a nice grin if the way some

also quickly scattered, eager to leave and Killer brought Augustin
away as Cody continued staring at the door before he made his way

and Waxer joined him, watching as Cody hooked his helmet to his belt
so he could carefully take the box down off the shelf. “…We hide
this in General Kenobi’s room, no one but he, I and General
Skywalker has access to it.” Cody murmured, receiving nods.

safe than sorry and no one was going to touch these tears that sung
so mournfully even to those who did not have the Force.

Hello i love your storys and i would ask you would you written about 501 212 and obi ani ahsoka where have rest periods and have fun with each other or have a adventure between the rest periods they need more happy time or fluff times Thank you Sorry for my english i m tired

the box of juice on Obi-Wan’s head, Anakin grinned down at his
pouting master for a moment before continuing on and handing out the
rest of the juice boxes between the rest of the troopers all around
the room.

had been Ahsoka’s idea.

had all been so tired lately and the Separatists hadn’t shown a
sign of showing up at all, to the point where even the council had
contacted them with the pondering of pulling them to another section
because the promised attack seemed like faulty information.

for now they were still stationed on the tropical moon and therefor
Ahsoka had suggested they make a pillow forth.

more like a pillow room, several tents pitched to create one large
one, borrowed large pillows from the locals all over the room with
everyone curled up. Obi-Wan had even gone so far as to use what
credits he had to buy in several crates of snacks and juice boxes to
go with the whole pillow forth theme Ahsoka had suggested.

Echo, Boil and Waxer had then further taken the idea by fetching
activities that could be done, things that had people relaxing.

a ping pong table had been brought in, several magazines of sudoku,
crosswords and quizzes
and so on.

had slowly pitched out all over, doing their own things alone or in
minor groups and Anakin was amused to note that Obi-Wan and Cody had
just commandeered a pillow each and were laying on them close
together, mixing between drowsing and sipping their juice until they
went empty which is when Obi-Wan had turned pleading eyes on Anakin,
who was already on his feet to fetch juice for himself, Ahsoka and

returning to his own pillow, Anakin flopped down and handed over the
juice boxes before grabbing the magazine to continue the line of quiz
they had been busy with. Then he gave Ahsoka an evil glare.
“Cheater.” He huffed in mock offense as he turned her answers back to what they were.

snorted juice out of his nose at that as Ahsoka stuck out her tongue.
“Told you he’d notice.” Rex coughed, wiping below his nose with
the sleeve of his black, all the troopers having abandoned their gear
or at least half of it to lay as comfortable as they could.

while sipping at the box of juice, Ahsoka smirked with her fangs on
clear display around the straw. “Was worth a shot, Skyguy can be
rather oblivious.” She teased wickedly as the wind picked up the
fruity and flowering smell of the forest around them, blowing it into
the tent along with the humidity that the tent was doing nothing to
keep out.

humidity was causing quite a few of the troopers with longer hair to
have quite the fluff going on and Anakin was looking really frizzy.

one cared.

once things were peaceful and if the price was that was some fluffy
or frizzy hair then they were more than happy to pay that price.

Anakin, he hadn’t seen the troopers this relaxed in months.

even Dogma looked relaxed for once, laying on his back on one of the
large pillows with his hands resting on his stomach as he breathed
slowly and steadily, an empty juice beside his pillow and Jesse
busily doodling the sleeping man.

hair was quite the low payment in Anakin’s opinion as he traded a
small smile with his padawan as Longshot crooned in excitement as he
won yet another round of ping pong and Hardcase and Kix quietly
argued about tattoo care.

Hello i love your storys and i would ask you would you written about 501 212 and obi ani ahsoka where have rest periods and have fun with each other or have a adventure between the rest periods they need more happy time or fluff times Thank you Sorry for my english i m tired

the box of juice on Obi-Wan’s head, Anakin grinned down at his
pouting master for a moment before continuing on and handing out the
rest of the juice boxes between the rest of the troopers all around
the room.

had been Ahsoka’s idea.

had all been so tired lately and the Separatists hadn’t shown a
sign of showing up at all, to the point where even the council had
contacted them with the pondering of pulling them to another section
because the promised attack seemed like faulty information.

for now they were still stationed on the tropical moon and therefor
Ahsoka had suggested they make a pillow forth.

more like a pillow room, several tents pitched to create one large
one, borrowed large pillows from the locals all over the room with
everyone curled up. Obi-Wan had even gone so far as to use what
credits he had to buy in several crates of snacks and juice boxes to
go with the whole pillow forth theme Ahsoka had suggested.

Echo, Boil and Waxer had then further taken the idea by fetching
activities that could be done, things that had people relaxing.

a ping pong table had been brought in, several magazines of sudoku,
crosswords and quizzes
and so on.

had slowly pitched out all over, doing their own things alone or in
minor groups and Anakin was amused to note that Obi-Wan and Cody had
just commandeered a pillow each and were laying on them close
together, mixing between drowsing and sipping their juice until they
went empty which is when Obi-Wan had turned pleading eyes on Anakin,
who was already on his feet to fetch juice for himself, Ahsoka and

returning to his own pillow, Anakin flopped down and handed over the
juice boxes before grabbing the magazine to continue the line of quiz
they had been busy with. Then he gave Ahsoka an evil glare.
“Cheater.” He huffed in mock offense as he turned her answers back to what they were.

snorted juice out of his nose at that as Ahsoka stuck out her tongue.
“Told you he’d notice.” Rex coughed, wiping below his nose with
the sleeve of his black, all the troopers having abandoned their gear
or at least half of it to lay as comfortable as they could.

while sipping at the box of juice, Ahsoka smirked with her fangs on
clear display around the straw. “Was worth a shot, Skyguy can be
rather oblivious.” She teased wickedly as the wind picked up the
fruity and flowering smell of the forest around them, blowing it into
the tent along with the humidity that the tent was doing nothing to
keep out.

humidity was causing quite a few of the troopers with longer hair to
have quite the fluff going on and Anakin was looking really frizzy.

one cared.

once things were peaceful and if the price was that was some fluffy
or frizzy hair then they were more than happy to pay that price.

Anakin, he hadn’t seen the troopers this relaxed in months.

even Dogma looked relaxed for once, laying on his back on one of the
large pillows with his hands resting on his stomach as he breathed
slowly and steadily, an empty juice beside his pillow and Jesse
busily doodling the sleeping man.

hair was quite the low payment in Anakin’s opinion as he traded a
small smile with his padawan as Longshot crooned in excitement as he
won yet another round of ping pong and Hardcase and Kix quietly
argued about tattoo care.

Jedi can feel emotions in the force, what if the 212th projected love and admiration to obi wan bc he needs it.

feeling in the Force…

could be break him.

Obi-Wan let it, it could break him.

troopers could break him.

has no idea how they figured out how to project as he stands with his
fists balled up on the holo display, staring sightless at the blue
that are is the surrounding scouted area. No he is more concerned
with the emotions
projected into the Force around him.

they have figured out to project single feelings and keeping the rest
of it is irrelevant but impressive, it is
Obi-Wan wonders about.

are they projecting these feelings into the Force, why are they
directed at Obi-Wan?

why, why?

the Force is filled with love.

is filled with worry.

care and admiration.

aimed at Obi-Wan and he can’t quite…

can’t all be for him can it?

even Anakin in his childhood had been quite that… open?

jerks to when Cody settles his hand on the Jedi’s back, amber eyes
staring at him with a small smile on his face as he slowly rubs
Obi-Wan back and that feeling intensifies as the two stares at each

harshly, Obi-Wan struggled to relax his fists. “…Why?” He

hummed quietly, the buzz of machines the only things really making
noise outside of the man as the other troopers quietly watched,
letting the commander handle the General since he was the one who
interacted the most closely with Obi-Wan.

Cody reached down and took one of Obi-Wan’s clenched hands, slowly
rubbing his thumb on the back of his hand until the muscles started
to relax. “We are far from blind General,” Cody started quietly,
settling the now open hand down to take the other and repeat his slow
rub. “We’ve served under you for quite a while now and for every
day that goes past, we see how you act.” He glanced at Obi-Wan,
catching his eyes again with a serious look.

pinged in the Force and Obi-Wan tensed, biting down on his bottom

knew what Cody wasn’t outright saying, what everyone’s emotions
were implying.

we need you to know,” Cody continued, going back to rubbing the
once more tense hand to get it to ease out from the fist. “That if
you were to pass into the Force as Jedi say, that you would be
greatly missed.” Cody paused, holding Obi-Wan’s hand before
slowly settling the hand back down on the holo display.

he reached up and slowly combed Obi-Wan’s hair back, gently styling
it back as Obi-Wan’s hair had flopped forward some time during the

fingers were gentle even as Obi-Wan jerked a bit at the touch before
slowly leaning into it, like an affection starved feline who stared
at the commander with wide eyes.

his lips into a small smile, Cody tilted his head. “Go to bed sir,
we got everything handled, we got everything under control and you
need rest.” He assured quietly, his tone confident and his voice
full of warm affection as Obi-Wan stared at him.

out a surprised breath, Obi-Wan licked his lips, feeling those warm
emotions in the Force like hands on his back, intent on supporting,
on coaxing him. How long had it been since he went to bed and slept
through the night?

was a while, a long while.

slowly, Obi-Wan was treated to Cody’s smile growing before the
commander shifted to the side and settled his hand on Obi-Wan’s
back, gently pushing him into a slow trot towards the brown tent
flaps, guiding the Jedi towards his tent.

the whole walk the Force was suffused with the warmth of the 212th
and the emotions they had for their General.

Jedi can feel emotions in the force, what if the 212th projected love and admiration to obi wan bc he needs it.

feeling in the Force…

could be break him.

Obi-Wan let it, it could break him.

troopers could break him.

has no idea how they figured out how to project as he stands with his
fists balled up on the holo display, staring sightless at the blue
that are is the surrounding scouted area. No he is more concerned
with the emotions
projected into the Force around him.

they have figured out to project single feelings and keeping the rest
of it is irrelevant but impressive, it is
Obi-Wan wonders about.

are they projecting these feelings into the Force, why are they
directed at Obi-Wan?

why, why?

the Force is filled with love.

is filled with worry.

care and admiration.

aimed at Obi-Wan and he can’t quite…

can’t all be for him can it?

even Anakin in his childhood had been quite that… open?

jerks to when Cody settles his hand on the Jedi’s back, amber eyes
staring at him with a small smile on his face as he slowly rubs
Obi-Wan back and that feeling intensifies as the two stares at each

harshly, Obi-Wan struggled to relax his fists. “…Why?” He

hummed quietly, the buzz of machines the only things really making
noise outside of the man as the other troopers quietly watched,
letting the commander handle the General since he was the one who
interacted the most closely with Obi-Wan.

Cody reached down and took one of Obi-Wan’s clenched hands, slowly
rubbing his thumb on the back of his hand until the muscles started
to relax. “We are far from blind General,” Cody started quietly,
settling the now open hand down to take the other and repeat his slow
rub. “We’ve served under you for quite a while now and for every
day that goes past, we see how you act.” He glanced at Obi-Wan,
catching his eyes again with a serious look.

pinged in the Force and Obi-Wan tensed, biting down on his bottom

knew what Cody wasn’t outright saying, what everyone’s emotions
were implying.

we need you to know,” Cody continued, going back to rubbing the
once more tense hand to get it to ease out from the fist. “That if
you were to pass into the Force as Jedi say, that you would be
greatly missed.” Cody paused, holding Obi-Wan’s hand before
slowly settling the hand back down on the holo display.

he reached up and slowly combed Obi-Wan’s hair back, gently styling
it back as Obi-Wan’s hair had flopped forward some time during the

fingers were gentle even as Obi-Wan jerked a bit at the touch before
slowly leaning into it, like an affection starved feline who stared
at the commander with wide eyes.

his lips into a small smile, Cody tilted his head. “Go to bed sir,
we got everything handled, we got everything under control and you
need rest.” He assured quietly, his tone confident and his voice
full of warm affection as Obi-Wan stared at him.

out a surprised breath, Obi-Wan licked his lips, feeling those warm
emotions in the Force like hands on his back, intent on supporting,
on coaxing him. How long had it been since he went to bed and slept
through the night?

was a while, a long while.

slowly, Obi-Wan was treated to Cody’s smile growing before the
commander shifted to the side and settled his hand on Obi-Wan’s
back, gently pushing him into a slow trot towards the brown tent
flaps, guiding the Jedi towards his tent.

the whole walk the Force was suffused with the warmth of the 212th
and the emotions they had for their General.

I was thinking how intense it must be like to be a shiny in the 212, to learn why all the men are so protective and in awe of their general. Specifically, i was thinking of that shiny on Ryloth who was in complete adoration with Obi-Wan after his general mind controlled all the gutkurrs away from the clones and saved all their lives (sniggers) I love that episode. You think you can write something in shinies pov? Sidenote (but more importantly), I love everything you freaking write! So amazing!

He hadn’t really
understood it.

The reverence of
his vode when they spoke about the General, the awe and loyalty in
their voices.

As a shiny he only
just assigned to the 212th he was of course not oblivious
to the Jedi but the way the rest of the vode, the veterans of the
troopers spoke with open reverence of the General when the man
himself wasn’t around.

And he hadn’t
really understood it.

Not at first.

Not until Ryloth.

Not until the
General is leading the feral animals, gutkurrs he learns later on,
away from everyone with his hands raised and eyes focused. The sun
shines in copper hair and determination lines every millimeter of the
mans face as he walks backwards into a ravine.

He raises his
blaster, not sure what to do until Commander Cody places his hand and
pushes the blaster down, shaking his head quickly before looking back
towards the Jedi, each and every vode focused now squarely on the

And now he sees it.

Sees what everyone
of them see as the General leads the animals into a stone corridor.
“Incredible.” He can’t help his words.

“Quiet Rookie.”
The commander returns sharply and he bites in his words, focused on
the General as he feels worry itch through him because yes, amazing
as he is, he can’t keep that going forever can he and these animals
don’t seem like they’ll stop once off their leashes the Jedi has
put them under.

“Shoot the
bridge.” The General suddenly calls out and all of them raise their
blasters, no one about to disobey and for a long seconds they hear
the noises of the animals growls on the other side of those rocks,
hears them crash into the rocks on the other side of that and he
turns to his Commander, eyes wide inside his helmet and words on his
lips to request what to do now with the Jedi on the other side.

And then he lands
by Cody’s side ever so smoothly with the commander easily handing
over the mans saber, and when had that happened?!

It looks like a
familiar action, the general just nods and even smiles a bit but he
doesn’t have time to consider it when Boil and Waxer suddenly pop
up of the sewer drain with a little tailhead girl with them.

And another side of
the General appears, the one who can speak to kids and…

Well… shiny and
rookie he may be and he has no name, just his CT’s but he may just
have fallen in love.

Which the others
are quick to pick up on even as they get off Ryloth, still teasing
Waxer and Boil for becoming big brothers.

Longshot outright
throws himself beside him and gives him a wry grin, pushing a glass
of rotgut in front of him. “Welcome to the fold I say though I warn
you, if you know what’s best for you, never go further than
admiring or Commander Cody will be quick to take offense.” He

Blinking a bit, he
looked at his older vode then smiled slightly, taking the glass among
laugh and catcalls.

Yeah, he had
noticed that too.

After all, how many
clones had hooks specially reserved for their General’s lightsaber,
even if they were commanders?

I was thinking how intense it must be like to be a shiny in the 212, to learn why all the men are so protective and in awe of their general. Specifically, i was thinking of that shiny on Ryloth who was in complete adoration with Obi-Wan after his general mind controlled all the gutkurrs away from the clones and saved all their lives (sniggers) I love that episode. You think you can write something in shinies pov? Sidenote (but more importantly), I love everything you freaking write! So amazing!

He hadn’t really
understood it.

The reverence of
his vode when they spoke about the General, the awe and loyalty in
their voices.

As a shiny he only
just assigned to the 212th he was of course not oblivious
to the Jedi but the way the rest of the vode, the veterans of the
troopers spoke with open reverence of the General when the man
himself wasn’t around.

And he hadn’t
really understood it.

Not at first.

Not until Ryloth.

Not until the
General is leading the feral animals, gutkurrs he learns later on,
away from everyone with his hands raised and eyes focused. The sun
shines in copper hair and determination lines every millimeter of the
mans face as he walks backwards into a ravine.

He raises his
blaster, not sure what to do until Commander Cody places his hand and
pushes the blaster down, shaking his head quickly before looking back
towards the Jedi, each and every vode focused now squarely on the

And now he sees it.

Sees what everyone
of them see as the General leads the animals into a stone corridor.
“Incredible.” He can’t help his words.

“Quiet Rookie.”
The commander returns sharply and he bites in his words, focused on
the General as he feels worry itch through him because yes, amazing
as he is, he can’t keep that going forever can he and these animals
don’t seem like they’ll stop once off their leashes the Jedi has
put them under.

“Shoot the
bridge.” The General suddenly calls out and all of them raise their
blasters, no one about to disobey and for a long seconds they hear
the noises of the animals growls on the other side of those rocks,
hears them crash into the rocks on the other side of that and he
turns to his Commander, eyes wide inside his helmet and words on his
lips to request what to do now with the Jedi on the other side.

And then he lands
by Cody’s side ever so smoothly with the commander easily handing
over the mans saber, and when had that happened?!

It looks like a
familiar action, the general just nods and even smiles a bit but he
doesn’t have time to consider it when Boil and Waxer suddenly pop
up of the sewer drain with a little tailhead girl with them.

And another side of
the General appears, the one who can speak to kids and…

Well… shiny and
rookie he may be and he has no name, just his CT’s but he may just
have fallen in love.

Which the others
are quick to pick up on even as they get off Ryloth, still teasing
Waxer and Boil for becoming big brothers.

Longshot outright
throws himself beside him and gives him a wry grin, pushing a glass
of rotgut in front of him. “Welcome to the fold I say though I warn
you, if you know what’s best for you, never go further than
admiring or Commander Cody will be quick to take offense.” He

Blinking a bit, he
looked at his older vode then smiled slightly, taking the glass among
laugh and catcalls.

Yeah, he had
noticed that too.

After all, how many
clones had hooks specially reserved for their General’s lightsaber,
even if they were commanders?

Going through literally all your stuff rn – loving each and every bit of it. Request tho? Any sort of 212th and Obi fluff? (Fluff, not angst, Moddy)

we there yet?”

was a chorus of groans at that and Obi-Wan chuckled tiredly into
Cody’s shoulder without raising his head from the armor pauldron.

know what General? You’re sometimes a real whiner.” Cody chuckled
softly, not half as bothered as his men as he carefully hefted
Obi-Wan a bit further up on his back. Transport had been shot down
two clicks away from their landing zone and Obi-Wan had not only
managed to crack his head on the walls of the ship but had fully
broken his right leg.

left him in a rather sore state where he was carried by his Commander
as Hotlips kept in touch with the rest of 212th
via their radio equipment, Helix often on the air to inquire both
about the state of their General and the other injured vode.

Obi-Wan’s were the worst injuries though there were a few broken
arms and one fully shattered hand among the vode.

Longshot needed to be propped up by Trapper as they walked as he had
taken a rather nasty head wound and was dizzy.

else they were making pretty good speed.

the uneven rocky and sandy terrain they were walking on with supplies
and others being supported the group was making good speed and Boil
and Waxer with a team were coming with speeders to meet them to
transport the injured to the camp and Helix and his team.

team was stretching it but him and Bandaid tended to manage quite

because of injuries and broken transport they were rather slow.

Obi-Wan had been constantly asking if they were there yet.

knew the Jedi was doing it to distract people from their pains and
aching feet but still.

was just content to be feeling the Jedi warm and alive against his
back and not too terribly injured as the broken leg could be fixed.

his thumb gently into the left knee as he walked, Cody let out a deep
hum. “You know General, when we get to camp, we’re gonna strap
you to a gurney. Just as a precaution you know.” The man teased.

a bit in delight, Obi-Wan rubbed his cheek against the commander’s
pauldron. “Oh you like looking after me anyhow. You all do, that’s
why you all put up with me.” Obi-Wan chortled quietly before
grunting in pain. “…I would take a painkiller if someone had one
though?” He said a bit louder.

was some rustling, troopers looking into their belts most likely
though Cody couldn’t turn around to look as he was busy keeping an
eye on the scout ahead that was making sure their path was safe and
where he was putting his feet.

General, no one has anything.” Trapper called back with regret.
“You in a lot of pain?” He questioned with some worry.

not too much. Just figured out some of my ribs may be busted along
with the broken leg.” Their General confessed with a shallow sigh.
“Its fine though, I’ll just be careful with them until we get
picked up and Helix can fuss over me.”

was some general chuckling among the men, Longshot laughing loudest
of all since they all knew how Helix was about injured.

But to
be fair to the medic, their General was crazy and tended to
understate his own condition.

worry your pretty head too much General, we’ll look after your
injured ass.” Longshot called to him.

after your own Longshot, I may have a concussion but your head would
have looked caved in if it
wasn’t for your helmet.” The Jedi called back and from there the
two descended into sniping good-naturedly
at each other.

another day with the 212th
when no one else were around to note their behavior.