jedi are cats. how do jedi feel about water?

With a twitch of his tentacles, Master Fisto looked up in utter bemusement. “Pardon but would you please repeat that Commander Monnk?” The Jedi questioned, his head tentacles writhing slightly in what those familiar with nautolan biology knew meant a mix of amusement and surprise.

A long suffering sigh escaped the clone commander, Monnk as Fisto said, the man still standing in front of his General’s desk in parade rest. As if he wanted to be doing anything but be standing in front of one of his Generals, posing said question but dutifully, he repeated himself. “What do Jedi think about water sir?” He stated drolly.

Large eyes blinked up at Monnk, Fisto clearly amused now as he leaned back in his chair, his pad, likely paperwork for the war, abandoned.

The trooper shrugged with another loud, exasperated sigh. “I’m sorry sir, its the blog. The Jedi are cats blog,” He sighed even louder somehow, sounding as if he was done with everything and grumble when the Jedi threw his head back and laughed.

The trooper holding the camera gave a stifled giggle, the camera view shaking slightly before they managed to still and keep the focus on the Jedi.

“I see, this is in relation to how some felines react to water, hmm?” Fisto finally got out when he stopped laughing so hard his eyes teared up, the man rubbing at his green skin with a wide, sharp toothed grin.

He got a nod from the human standing at his desk.

Leaning his elbow on the desk and his head on his hand, Fisto continued smiling up at the commander. “Of course, individual Jedi have their preferences but Jedi in general delight in water. I guess in some way, we end up being like tigers, tigers enjoy water,” He pointed out before going quiet for a few seconds, his face thoughtful. “Of course, there are some Jedi that do not like water beyond drinking it. We are all individual. After all, I know that Corporal Lacy quite hates getting wet, I’ve heard her little rants.” He stated teasingly, winking lightly.

A snort escaped Commander Monnk, the man saluting. “True enough sir. Apologies for disturbing you. I’ll let you get back to work and go find General Vebb.”

Chuckling, waving of the excuse with what could only be stated as a fond smile, Fisto turned back to the pad, grimacing slightly before focusing.

At that point, one might assume the camera would stop filming, after all, there was only one question, prompted by the holoblog run by the troopers. However, the camera does not cut out.

Instead it keeps filming in the dim tent where Fisto is working.

It becomes clear why after a few moments as Fisto twitches slightly in his seat.


A jerk is the single warning anyone gets before Fisto suddenly disappeared from view, the camera blurring as it followed the shape of the Jedi bouncing out of the tent.

The public gets treated to the Jedi jumping several meters into the air, Fisto climbing the mountain they are camping near with Force assisted jumps and acrobatic leaps.

Anyone familiar with cats already know whats going on.

But to those not, a text box suddenly appeared at the bottom of the video, paired with cute emojis of both Jedi and trooper helmets, explained what was going on with the Jedi sudden rush of activity.

‘Zoomies, also known as FRAP (Frenetic Random Activity Period) attacks, are precisely that, random bursts of high activity and energy. They usually don’t last long and you will know a zoomie episode when you see one. Like felines and some canine breeds, Jedi too can have these attacks after long periods of inactivity or boredom.’

Fisto, bounced from rock to rock as a few trooper watched him, resigned amusement visible everywhere.

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